Registration Slip: Pakistan Navy
Registration Slip: Pakistan Navy
Registration Slip: Pakistan Navy
Registration Slip
Pakistan Navy
Sailors Batch B-24
1. Please bring your original CNIC Card/ Smart ID (Juvenile) Card/ Form (B), educational documents and
domicile while coming for the test along with this registration slip.
2. Cash of Rs. 100/- and 2 x Passport size photograph.
3. Candidate having different CNIC No on CNIC Card/ Smart ID (Juvenile) Card and registration slip are
declared ineligible and not allowed to take entrance test.
4. This is provisional registration slip. Authority may declare the candidate ineligible as proven upon
original documents.
5. Mobile Phone/Digital Diaries/ Calculators and other helping material are not allowed.
6. Recruitment/ Selection in Pakistan Navy are purely made on merit. If you have been persuaded for bribe,
please report the incident immediately otherwise if found involved in any fraudulent activity/ entry,
you will be blacklisted for induction in PN.
ٓاپ سے گزارش ہے کہ سیلر جاب کارڈ میں دیا گیا انفارمیشن فارم پر کر کے ہمراہ الئیں اور سینٹر میں جمع کروائیں:نوٹ