Nonparametric Bayesian Attributed Scattering Center Extraction For Synthetic Aperture Radar Targets
Nonparametric Bayesian Attributed Scattering Center Extraction For Synthetic Aperture Radar Targets
Nonparametric Bayesian Attributed Scattering Center Extraction For Synthetic Aperture Radar Targets
Abstract—As a good way to represent target backscatter target at high frequencies is well approximated as the sum of
measured by high-frequency synthetic aperture radar (SAR) responses from individual scattering centers on the target [1].
systems, the attributed scattering center (ASC) model is able to As a result, scattering center descriptions are extensively stud-
provide concise and physically relevant features of a complex ied and proposed as features for model-based automatic target
target and has played an important role in model-based automatic recognition (ATR) in high-frequency SAR target classification
target recognition (ATR). However, most existing ASC feature systems.
extraction methods suffer from imprecise image segmentation or In this paper, we adopt the attributed scattering center (ASC)
high computational cost, which greatly encumber their practical model as the representation of target backscatter [2], [3].
applications. To tackle this problem, we present a novel ASC This model includes both frequency and aspect dependence
feature extraction algorithm for SAR targets based on Lévy ran-
of scattering by retaining dominant terms of monostatic scat-
dom fields in a nonparametric Bayesian framework. Specifically,
Lévy random fields, yielding a natural sparse representation
tering solutions from both Physical Optics and the Geometric
of the unknown ASC model, are introduced to construct prior Theory of Diffraction [4]. It describes each scattering center
distributions, which lead to the specification of a joint prior by a set of parameters characterizing its location, amplitude,
distribution for the number of ASCs and the ASC associated shape, and orientation (pose), which provide a concise and
parameters. Meanwhile, the problem may be formulated as physically relevant description for the target. Therefore, the
a sparse representation problem, with regularization induced ASC model has been widely used to extract features for SAR
through the Lévy random field prior. We also develop a reversible ATR [5]–[8].
jump Markov chain Monte Carlo (RJ-MCMC) method to enable However, feature extraction based on the ASC model is chal-
relatively fast posterior inference. Experimental results confirm lenging due to the issues of its highly nonlinear characteristics
the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed algorithm. and high-dimensional parameter space. To the best of our knowl-
edge, there are mainly two kinds of methods for this problem.
Index Terms—Attributed scattering center (ASC), Bayesian (1) Image-domain methods transform the radar backscatter into
nonparametric modeling, Lévy process, Lévy random fields, image domain and accomplish ASC feature extraction based on
feature extraction, reversible jump Markov chain Monte Carlo
the segmentation of the obtained image [2], [4], [9]. In prac-
tice, SAR images are such highly intricacy that the segmenta-
tion is not precise enough to correctly isolate each ASC, which
I. INTRODUCTION may degenerate the final performance. (2) Frequency-domain
methods perform feature extraction directly in frequency-aspect
HE electromagnetic reflectivity of a target is closely re-
T lated to its geometry and orientation. Such reflectivity
data can be obtained via synthetic aperture radar (SAR) by
domain to avoid image segmentation. However, most exist-
ing frequency-domain methods suffer from high computational
complexity or storage requirement when it comes to the real-
illuminating the target with electromagnetic radiation and mea- world targets with a large number of ASCs [10], [11]. More-
suring the energy scattered back. The obtained data, named over, they usually need some ad-hoc stopping criteria (such as
as the radar backscatter, are a finite-extent, noisy set of in- a prescribed number of ASCs or residual energy) to control
formation about the scattering geometries of the target. It is the learning procedure, which are usually hard to define in the
interesting to extract features containing such information from real-world applications.
the radar backscatter, which may then be used to identify In this paper, the method that we discuss belongs to the sec-
the target. It is well known that the radar backscatter from a ond category. Considering the above drawbacks, it appeals that
the proposed approach should be able to provide more reliable
Manuscript received May 02, 2015; revised October 28, 2015 and April 05, parameter estimation with acceptable computational cost (both
2016; accepted April 26, 2016. Date of publication May 17, 2016; date of
current version July 25, 2016. The associate editor coordinating the review
time and memory), and at the same time, adaptively reach to
of this manuscript and approving it for publication was Dr. Fauzia Ahmad. an appropriate number of ASCs or residual energy in a fully
This research has been supported by the National Science Fund for Distin- data-driven way. An intuitive choice could be traditional sparse
guished Young Scholars (61525105), the Program for Thousand Youth Tal- reconstruction (SR) methods with lp -norm regularization [12].
ents by Chinese Central Government, the National Natural Science Founda- However, the size of the parameterized dictionary leads to
tion of China (61372132, 61271291), the National Defense Pre-research Fund tremendous computational issues due to the high-dimensionality
(9140A07010115DZ01015, 9140A07010115DZ01019), and the Program for
New Century Excellent Talents in University (NCET13-0945). (Corresponding
of the ASC model, and the regularization parameter compromis-
author: Bo Chen.) ing data fitting and sparsity needs to be tuned. Another choice
The authors are with the National Laboratory of Radar Signal Processing, lies in the Bayesian framework, where the specification of the
Xidian University, Xi’an, Shaanxi, China, 710071, and the Collaborative Inno- parameter priors is crucial.
vation Center of Information Sensing and Understanding at Xidian University, Lévy process is a stochastic process with great flexibility
Xi’an, Shaanxi, China, 710071 (e-mail:; bchen@mail. in modeling jumps, extremes and other anomalous behavior;;
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
of phenomena [13]. Thus, it has been successfully applied in
at different fields, such as statistics, finance and physics. More
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TSP.2016.2569463 generally, the authors in [14] exploited the corresponding
1053-587X © 2016 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
Lévy random fields, linear mappings from functions to random random fields, which will be adopted to induce prior distribu-
variables, and employed them to induce prior distributions for tions for our problem.
nonparametric function estimation. Motivated by their work, We start with the definition of a Gamma process:
we present a nonparametric Bayesian ASC feature extraction Definition 1: A Gamma process denotes a stochastic process
algorithm in this paper. In light of the specific parameterization Xt , t ≥ 0 with the properties:
form and underlying physical explanation of the ASC model 1) X0 = 0 almost surely;
in the real-world SAR imagery, we extend Gamma random 2) Xt has independent increments on disjoint intervals;
fields (one special class of Lévy random fields) to the complex 3) for any 0 ≤ s < t, Xt − Xs ∼ Ga (γ (t − s) , η).
domain to model the hierarchical priors for the ASC model, where Ga (·, ·) denotes the Gamma distribution, γ ( · )
including the number of ASCs, the backscattered coefficients, is the mean measure, and η is the scale parameter. If a
and the ASC associated parameters. After the derivation of Lebesgue measure is used for γ, a Gamma process Xt can be
the joint posterior distribution, we develop a reversible jump represented as
Markov chain Monte Carlo (RJ-MCMC) method [15] to enable
relatively fast posterior inference. Xt = uN (du, ds) (3)
Compared with previous methods, our algorithm has five ad- R + ×[0,t]
vantages: 1. it does not require SAR image segmentation; 2.
the computational cost is much lower compared to most exist- with E [N (du, ds)] = ν (du) ds = γu−1 e−u η duds.
ing frequency-domain methods; 3. it provides an automatic and Similarly, we can construct a Gamma random field
adaptive learning scheme for the appropriate number of ASCs
in a fully data-driven way; 4. it has the potential to provide Γ [ψ] = uψ (t) N (du, dt) (4)
more reliable parameter estimation; 5. the framework can be R + ×T
easily extended to deal with more complicated feature extrac-
tion problem where bistatic, 3-dimensional, or fully polarimetric where E [N (du, dt)] = γu−1 e−u η dudt.
ASC models are utilized [16]–[21]. For a generating function ψ (t; s, ϕ) with (s, ϕ) defined on
An outline of this paper is as follows. In Section II, we briefly S × Φ, if we set a real function f (t) by
introduce the theoretical background on Lévy random fields
and the ASC model. Section III introduces related work. In f (t) = Γ [ψ] = uψ (t; s, ϕ) N (du, ds, dϕ) (5)
Section IV, we describe the proposed nonparametric Bayesian R + ×S ×Φ
ASC feature extraction algorithm by firstly providing the where N (du, ds, dϕ) defines a Poisson random field
adopted prior distributions, then the joint posterior distri- on R+ × S × Φ, with the corresponding mean measure
bution, and finally the corresponding RJ-MCMC method. E [N (du, ds, dϕ)] = γu−1 e−η u dudsπ (dϕ), where π (dϕ) de-
Section V demonstrates the effectiveness and efficiency of our fines a finite measure on Φ. The discrete nature of a Poisson
algorithm through experimental results on synthetic backscatter random field allows the following representation of (5):
data, XPATCH backscatter prediction data, and measured SAR
data. Section VI provides the conclusion.
f (t) = ui ψ (t; si , ϕi ) . (6)
We model the radar backscatter as a realization of a Lévy Therefore, the Gamma random field Γ [ψ] governs the joint
random field with generating functions introduced by the ASC probability distribution of (J, {ui } , {si } , {ϕi }). In Bayesian
model. framework, Γ [ψ] serves as a natural prior distribution for the
function f (t).
A. Lévy Random Fields We can see from (3) that, for any ε > 0, a Gamma process
defined on [0, T ] with T > 0 can be viewed as jumps of size
According to the Lévy Khinchine theorem, any Lévy process u≥
can be decomposed into the sum of a Brownian motion with a ∞ε arriving as a Poisson process with rate T ν ([ε, ∞)) =
T ε γu−1 e−η u du. Notice that ν ([0, ∞)) = ∞, which means
drift and a pure jump process [22]. Here, we consider a special there are infinitely many jumps and the corresponding number
pure jump Lévy process, namely the increasing Lévy process of components J in (6) is infinite. Such infinite components
Xt , which has the following explanation: provide an exhaustive description for f (t), but they also result
in high computational cost. In fact, it is unnecessary because of
Xt = uN (du, ds) (1) the widely existing noise. Note that since ν ([ε, ∞)) < ∞ for
R + ×[0,t]
any ε > 0, we can approximate the Gamma random measure
where N (du, ds) denotes a Poisson random field on R+ 2
with ν (du) by νε (du):
mean measure E [N (du, ds)] = ν (du, ds), and ν (du, ds) is the νε (du) = γu−1 e−η u 1{u ≥ε} du. (7)
Lévy measure. More generally, for a Borel measurable generat-
ing function ψ (t) , t ∈ T , we can construct a stochastic integral Let Δε denote the sum of jumps of sizes smaller than ε in a
with respect to a random measure X (dt) as follows: Gamma process, we have
X [ψ] = ψ (t) X (dt) = uψ (t) N (du, dt) (2) E [Δε ] = uγu−1 e−u η du ≤ γε
T R + ×T 0
where X [ψ] is called a Lévy random field (see [14] for a more γε2
detailed presentation). V [Δε ] = u2 γu−1 e−u η du ≤ (8)
0 2
In the following, we consider a particular type of Lévy process
and Lévy random fields, i.e., the Gamma process and Gamma where V [·] denotes the variance.
where E (f, φ; Θ) denotes the radar backscatter, f the fre- aspect dependence κ is close to zero in practice. Hence, its
quency, φ the aspect angle, Θ the set of all parameters, J the influence can be approximately neglected.
number of ASCs, ϑi the parameter set of the ith ASC, n (f, φ) 2) In practical SAR systems, the relative bandwidth, namely
the complex white Gaussian noise, and Ei (f, φ; ϑi ) the re- the bandwidth to center frequency ratio, is often small,
sponse of the ith ASC, i.e., and the absolute value of the frequency dependence α of
α i canonical scattering geometries is less than one. Therefore,
f 4π f α makes little difference in the radar backscatter.
Ei (f, φ; ϑi ) = Ai j e−j c (x i cos φ+y i sin φ) Based on the above assumptions, αi and κi are set to zero to
simplify the ASC model as
· sinc Li sin φ − φ̄i e−2π f κ i sin φ
E (f, φ; Θ) = Ai k (f, φ; wi ) + n (f, φ)
(10) i=1
where ϑi = Ai , αi , xi , yi , Li , φ̄i , κi , sinc [·] = sin [·] / [·] , 4πf
fc is the radar center frequency, c the propagation velocity, k (f, φ; wi ) = exp −j (xi cos φ + yi sin φ)
Ai the backscattered coefficient, αi the frequency dependence,
xi and yi the range and cross-range locations, respectively. The 2πf
remaining three parameters Li , φ̄i , and κi determine the aspect · sinc Li sin φ − φ̄i (11)
dependence of the scattering. For localized ASCs like trihedral,
top hat, sphere, and corner diffraction, Li = φ̄i = 0 and κi char- where wi = xi , yi , Li , φ̄i .
acterizes the small aspect dependence. For distributed ASCs, It seems a little brutal to neglect the influence of α, since it
such as dihedral, cylinder, edge broadside, and edge diffraction, provides important information on scattering geometries. But
κi = 0, Li models the length of the ASC, and φ̄i its orientation on the other hand, a simplified ASC model gives us a clear
angle. understanding of the dominate terms in the ASC model.
The frequency dependence α and the length L distinguish
among several scattering geometries. L determines whether the
ASC is localized or distributed; while α is relevant with the D. A General Perspective: General Harmonic Wavelets
curvature of the scattering primitive [23], [24]. Several canonical
scattering geometries distinguishable by α and L are presented Given the simplified ASC model in (11), we make some
in Table I. variable substitutions as follows:
2f cos φ xi − sin φ̄i
C. ASC Model Analysis Y =− , rci = , Li = Li .
c sin φ yi cos φ̄i
The ASC model in (10) is concise in the electromagnetic scat- (12)
tering background. However, because of the high-dimensional Then, the simplified ASC model can be rewritten as
parameter space, feature extraction based on such a concise
model is still extremely difficult. Therefore, some approxima- J
tions are carried out in most existing methods to simplify the E Y ;Θ = Ai K Y ; Wi + n Y
ASC feature extraction problem. By considering actual SAR
system configurations, the following simplifications are usually
made [25]. ej 2π Y T (r c i + L i /2 ) − ej 2π Y T (r c i −L i /2 )
1) Usually, the imaging time is short, leading to a small span K Y ; Wi = (13)
of the aspect angle. Moreover, the value of the localized j2π Y T Li
where Wi = rci , Li and the basic functions K Y ; Wi be- then, another one is extracted and added to the parameter set, and
the present parameter set is updated using a RELAX strategy;
long to 2-dimensional General Harmonic Wavelets [26]. This subsequently, the previous step is performed iteratively until
perspective indicates that distributed ASCs are manifested as some stopping criterion (i.e., a desired number of ASCs or a
lines in the parameter space whereas localized ASCs are ex- prescribed residual energy) is satisfied. Three steps are used
pressed as points, which agree with the physical explanation of to extract one ASC from the radar backscatter. Firstly, a set
the ASC model. of dictionary atoms, D(L , φ̄ ) = [d1 , . . . , dN 1 ], are constructed
with the ith atom expressed as
In general, the ASC feature extraction problem can be seen di = vec sinc Li sin φ − φ̄i (14)
as a specific issue in the dictionary learning field [27]. But, c
unlike the traditional dictionary learning methods where general
forms of dictionary atoms are used [28]–[32], the ASC-based where vec ( · ) denotes the vectorization
of a matrix. The corre-
dictionary learning benefits from a short and physically relevant sponding parameters Lp , φ̄p are obtained by
parameter description of the atoms, which greatly reduces the
dictionary search space and leads to more accurate or task- Lp , φ̄p = arg max DH ( L , φ̄ )
S (15)
friendly representations. Some methods for the ASC feature L , φ̄
extraction problem are briefly reviewed below. where S = vec (E (f, φ; Θ)) and | · | denotes the modulus op-
eration; secondly, the location parameters (xp , yp ) are got by
A. Image-Domain Methods finding the peak position of the inverse Fourier transform (IFT)
In literature [2], Gerry proposed an image-domain method of dHp S; finally, the backscattered coefficient Ap is acquired
which was developed by transforming the ASC model into im- through the least-squares estimation.
age domain. By taking the advantage that ASCs approximately The computational cost of this method increases rapidly with
decouple in image domain, this method splits the complicated the number of ASCs and the knowledge about the stopping cri-
extraction problem into smaller ones to lower computational teria is not always obtainable in practice. Improper criteria will
cost. However, to complete the transformation, a number of re- lead to undesired results like missing ASCs or extra fake ASCs
strictive assumptions (such as a small relative bandwidth etc.) modeling noise energy. Moreover, considering the problem of
must be made, which are not always practical in real applica- grid mismatch (GM) [33],the corresponding precision is limited
tions. To tackle this issue, Koets et al. proposed another image- since parameters Lp , φ̄p are got by a parameterized dictionary
domain method [4], which consists of three steps: firstly, the and (xp , yp ) are extracted based on IFT through the iterations.
radar backscatter in frequency-aspect domain is transformed Some other frequency-domain methods take advantage of
into image domain; then, a segmentation process based on a wa- the SR techniques, such as those of [12], [34]–[37]. Most of
tershed algorithm is employed to isolate regions of high energy; these SR methods are based on a sensing matrix, which is a
finally, each isolated region is transformed into frequency-aspect parameterized dictionary under the circumstance of the ASC
domain, where an approximate maximum likelihood (ML) tech- feature extraction problem. To get precise parameter estimates,
nique is applied to get the corresponding ASC parameters. the grid of the parameterization should be as fine as possible.
We refer to this method as SEG-ML for convenience in the However, the smaller the grid spacing, the more coherent the
following. sensing matrix becomes. Such a highly coherent sensing matrix
Although SEG-ML inherits the advantage of the decoupling may violate the incoherence or Restricted Isometry Property
property in image domain, it depends too much on the SAR (RIP) conditions that are required for many SR methods to have
image segmentation process like the other image-domain meth- good performance [37]. To handle highly coherent sensing ma-
ods [2], [9]. Usually, traditional SAR image segmentation tech- trices, Fannjiang et al. proposed an algorithm called BLOOMP
niques are not precise enough to meet the requirement of the [37], which is based on Orthogonal Matching Pursuit (OMP)
ASC feature extraction problem. Specifically, SAR images usu- [34], [35] and is embedded with two techniques, band exclusion
ally have strong fluctuation characteristics caused by the speckle (BE) and local optimization (LO). BE prevents highly coherent
noise and adjacent electromagnetic coupling. Thus, when a seg- atoms of the sensing matrix from being utilized simultaneously,
mentation process is carried out on SAR images, it is highly while LO helps to find a better solution within coherence bands
possible that a distributed ASC will be segmented into several locally.
disconnected regions. Worse still, when the orientation angle Since BLOOMP is based on a parameterized dictionary from
of a distributed ASC exceeds the span of the aspect angle, the a discretization procedure of the physically continuous param-
corresponding image appears to be two separated points [9], eter space, it also suffers from the GM problem like most SR
and the fusion of such two points in practical SAR images is methods. What is more, because of the high-dimensionality of
not easy. the ASC model, a huge dictionary occupying large memory is
necessary for BLOOMP to get precise parameter estimates.
B. Frequency-Domain Methods
To avoid the deficiency of SAR image segmentation, IV. NONPARAMETRIC BAYESIAN ASC EXTRACTION
frequency-domain methods perform feature extraction directly Existing frequency-domain methods accomplish the ASC
in frequency-aspect domain. In this case, the responses of ASCs feature extraction through parameterized dictionaries or sens-
do not decouple with each other, so all parameters must be ing matrices. It means that, to get precise parameter estimation,
estimated simultaneously. the dictionary has to be large enough to cover the support of
Literature [25] proposed a frequency-domain method based the corresponding parameters, which leads to a heavy memory
on the simplified ASC model in (11). In this method, only one burden. Inspired by [14], we alternatively solve this problem by
ASC is firstly assumed and estimated from radar backscatter; developing a nonparametric Bayesian ASC feature extraction
algorithm. Our algorithm is based on stochastic expansions of which gives the following prior distributions.
continuous dictionaries [38] with Lévy random fields adopted
to induce prior distributions. J ∼ p (J|γ) = P o J|νε+ , νε+ = γ |Ω| E1 (ε)
u−1 e−u η
u ∼ p (u|η) = 1{u η > ε}
A. Prior Distributions E1 (ε)
In our model, unknown parameters are modeled by random s ∼ p (s) = 1/|Ω|, ϕ ∼ p (ϕ) (22)
variables with priors based mainly on Gamma random fields.
Specifically, the joint prior of the number of ASCs and their com- where P o ( · ) denotes the Poisson distribution, νε+ the Pois-
plex backscattered coefficients is derived by extending Gamma son rate, |Ω|
∞ the volume of the space to which s belongs, and
random fields to the complex domain; other variables are given E1 (ε) = ε t−1 e−t dt the exponential integral function. Note
priors designed by the radar operator and these priors are chosen that we have assumed a (noninformative) uniform distribution
as a compromise: physical meaning and calculation feasibility. to describe the range and cross-range locations of the ASCs. ε
1) Priors Based on Gamma Random Fields: Because the is a user-defined parameter. It is introduced to truncate Gamma
backscattered coefficients {Ai } are complex numbers with non- random measure and enable the construction of practical nu-
negative magnitudes and Gamma random fields naturally model merical methods to approximate Gamma random fields within
non-negative jumps in the parameter space, we prefer to adopt specified error bounds, as mentioned in Section II.A. In fact,
Gamma random fields to induce prior distributions for the com- the random measure in (21) may be seen as inducing a sparsity
plex ASC model. As the foregoing background theory is in the penalty to the function F (f, φ; Θ) in (20), similar (or stronger
real domain, we make some substitutions in the following. actually) to the l1 -norm regularization [39]. Parameter γ > 0
First of all, we modify the ASC model as controls νε+ , namely the expected number of ASCs. Because
the mean and variance of the Poisson distribution are equal,
E (f, φ; Θ) = F (f, φ; Θ) + n (f, φ) (16) the distribution for the number of ASCs J is too concentrated
about the mean apriori [40], [41]. To ameliorate this issue, an
where the unknown mean function F (f, φ; Θ) can be additional layer is introduced by placing a conjugate Gamma
written as prior Ga (γ|aγ , bγ ) on γ, leading to the over-dispersed negative
J binomial prior N B (J|r, q) for J, i.e.,
F (f, φ; Θ) = ui ψ (f, φ; si , ϕi ) (17) r+J −1
i=1 J ∼ N B (J|r, q) = q r (1 − q)J (23)
where ui = |Ai | is the backscattered intensity of the ith ASC, where r = aγ and q = bγ / (bγ + |Ω|E1 (ε)). Given a user-
si = {xi , yi } denotes its location, and defined ε, parameter η > 0 governs the scale of the backscat-
α i tered intensity u, and hence the range of radar backscatter. Here,
f 4π f
for a better adaptability to different radar backscatter ranges, we
ψ (f, φ; si , ϕi ) = ej ς i e−j c (x i cos φ+y i sin φ)
fc employ an additional inverse Gamma prior on this parameter,
i.e., η ∼ IG (η|aη , bη ).
2πf −2π f κ sin φ Parameters γ and η, as well as the truncation constant ε,
· sinc Li sin φ − φ̄i e i
c determine the expected squared truncation error (ESTE), i.e.,
(18) EST E
with ϕi = ςi , αi , Li , φ̄i , κi and ςi = ∠Ai + αi π2 . Then, with
substitutions =E uψ (f, φ; s, ϕ) N (du, ds, dϕ)
R + ×S ×Φ
Re (F (f, φ; Θ)) 2
F (f, φ; Θ) =
Im (F (f, φ; Θ)) − uψ (f, φ; s, ϕ) Nε (du, ds, dϕ)
R + ×S ×Φ F
Re (ψ (f, φ; si , ϕi ))
ψ (f, φ; si , ϕi ) = , (19)
Im (ψ (f, φ; si , ϕi )) = |u|2 ψ2F γu−1 e−η u 1{η u ≤ε} dudsπ (dϕ)
R + ×S ×Φ
Equation (17) can be equivalently transformed into the real
domain as = ψ2F γη −2 1 − (1 + ε) e−ε . (24)
J where · 2F denotes the Frobenius norm and ψ(f, φ;
F (f, φ; Θ) = ui ψ (f, φ; si , ϕi ) . (20) s, ϕ) 2F is simplified as ψ 2F .
i=1 Therefore, the hyperparameters ε, aγ , bγ , aη , bη jointly con-
trol ESTE and the prior distributions for J and {ui }.
From (13), it is apparent that the dominant terms in (18) can
2) Priors for Other Parameters: Since the practical
be viewed as 2-dimensional General Harmonic Wavelets, which
backscattered coefficients in SAR images have uniform phases,
have been proven to belong to bounded measurable generating
we place a uniform distribution on ςi , i.e.,
functions in [14]. Therefore, the Gamma random field Γ [ψ] can
be adopted to induce priors. i.i.d.
ςi ∼ p (ς) = U[0,2π ] . (25)
The corresponding Gamma random measure is expressed as
In Table I, it is apparent that the frequency dependence α of
νε (du, ds, dϕ) = γu−1 e−η u 1{η u > ε} dudsπ (dϕ) , (21) canonical scattering geometries has only five possible values.
∝ e σn F
2πf J
(10π) J! σn2
· sinc Li sin φ − φ̄i e−2π f κ i sin φ ,
c ! "
(31) · |Ai |−1 e−|A i |η 1{|A i |η > ε} p (Li ) p φ̄i p (κi )
and j α i is blended into Ai since it only affects the uniform
distributed phases. · Ga (γ|aγ , bγ ) IG (η|aη , bη ) . (35)
However, this distribution is hard to normalize and sample. current residual can be represented by
Thus we make some approximations to simplify the normaliza-
4π f ∗ ∗
tion and sampling. Based on the Bayes’ theorem, we separate Er (f, φ|Θ) = A∗ e−j c (x cos φ+y sin φ)
qB (A∗ , ω ∗ |Er ) as
2πf ∗ ∗
· sinc L sin φ − φ̄ + n (f, φ)
qB (A∗ , ω ∗ |Er ) = q (α∗ ) q (κ∗ ) q (x∗ , y ∗ |Er ) c
·q L∗ , φ̄∗ |x∗ , y ∗ , Er + Ai e−j
4π f
c (x i cos φ+y i sin φ)
·q A∗ |x∗ , y ∗ , L∗ , φ̄∗ , Er (41) i=1
· sinc Li sin φ − φ̄i . (45)
where parameters α∗ and κ∗ are sampled from their priors. The c
rest parts are designed as below.
a) q (x∗ , y ∗ |Er ): It is unrealistic to get a precise Given x∗ and y ∗ , we eliminate their influence by
q (x∗ , y ∗ |Er ) because it needs to integrate over all the other
parameters. However, the traditional SAR imaging based on 4πf ∗
Er (f, φ|Θ) = Er (f, φ|Θ) ◦ exp j (x cos φ + y ∗ sin φ)
the PS model gives us some implications. Here, we use the PS c
model to get a rough yet sufficient approximation as
2πf ∗
= A∗ sinc L sin φ − φ̄∗
q (x∗ , y ∗ |Er ) ∝ e−E r −A
∗ 2
exp (−j 4 πc f (x ∗ cos φ+y ∗ sin φ) )
. F
((x i −x ∗ ) c o s φ + (y i −y ∗ ) sin φ )
4π f
(42) + Ai e−j c
i= 1
For a clear deduction, let Er = vec(Er ) and B =
vec(exp(−j 4πc f (x∗ cos φ + y ∗ sin φ))). Then, with least- 2πf
· sinc Li sin φ − φ̄i + n (f, φ) (46)
squares estimation of the coefficient A∗ , we have c
α x y L φ̄ κ A
Fig. 4. Results at different SNR. (a) Average RSE. (b) Correct rate of α by
Fig. 2. Conventional Fourier image of synthetic backscatter data. our algorithm at different SNR. Note that correct rate is defined as the average
proportion of the correctly extracted parameter.
ε aη bη aγ bγ ρ aL bL
0.05 10 6 0.8 3.6 0.5 5 7.3
Fig. 5. Backhoe data. (a) Data set. (b) Corresponding Fourier image.
α x y L φ̄ κ
Fig. 6. XPATCH backhoe results. (a) RSE against iteration number. (b) Pos- TABLE VIII
terior histogram for J (bars) and the prior distribution (solid line). FINAL PARAMETER ESTIMATES FOR THE EXSERTED BARREL
α x y L φ̃ κ
Fig. 7. Backhoe data results. (a) CAD model. (b) Iconic representation by our
algorithm. (c) Iconic representation by SEG-ML. (d) Iconic representation by
α x y L φ̄ κ
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