BBALLB (5 Year) Integrated Syllabus & Structure Sem 5

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B.B.A. LL.B. (INTEGRATED) 5 years
(Under Choice Based Credit Scheme Semester Degree Programme)
Semester- V
(Effect from June, 2021)

Components of Marks
Course Internal External Total
Subject Code Subject T/P Credit Duration
Type in hrs. Total Total Total
Passing Passing Passing
% % %
Compulsory UL05CBBA21 Administrative T 4 3 12/30 28/70 40/100
Courses Law including
UL05CBBA22 Labour & T 4 3 12/30 28/70 40/100
Industrial Law-I
- Industrial Laws
UL05CBBA23 Family Law – I T 4 3 12/30 28/70 40/100
(Hindu Law)
UL05CBBA24 Research T 4 3 12/30 28/70 40/100
UL05CBBA25 IT for Business T 4 3 12/30 28/70 40/100
and Management
Elective UL05EBBA21 Law and T 4 3 12/30 28/70 40/100
Courses Education
UL05EBBA22 Air and Space T 4 3 12/30 28/70 40/100
24 240/600
Vallabh Vidyanagar, Gujarat
(Reaccredited with ‘A’ Grade by NAAC (CGPA 3.25)
Syllabus with effect from the Academic Year 2021-2022


Programme: B.B.A. LL.B. (5 Year) Integrated Degree of Bachelor of Business
Administration & Law
Semester- V
Syllabus with effect from June -2021
Objectives of the course:

The main objectives of administrative law are to protect the interests of the public as it
interacts with the government and to provide a formula for preventing abuse, non use of
power by administrative authorities and thus provide a mechanism for government that is
transparent and accountable. The objective of study of this administrative law is to aware
students about various aspects of Administrative Law including quasi-legislative, quasi-
judicial and other ministerial functions of administration and control thereof with a practical

Paper Code: UL05CBBA21 Total Credit:

Title of Paper: Administrative Law including RTI Act 4

Course Content

Unit Description Weightage*


1. Evolution and Scope of Administrative Law

1.1 Definition, Nature, Scope and Development of Administrative
1.2 Reason for the growth of administrative law.
1.3 Relationship between Constitutional Law and Administrative
Law 25%
1.4 Classification of Administrative Law
1.5 Sources of administrative law
1.6 Difference between English & Indian Administrative Law
1.7 Separation of power
1.8 Droit administratif

2. Legislative Functions of Administration

2.1 Delegated legislation: Meaning, Concept, Growth and Necessity
2.2 Advantages and Disadvantages of delegated legislation
2.3 Constitutionality of Delegated Legislation
2.4 Which function can be delegated and which cannot be delegated
2.5 Condition legislation, sub delegation and administrative
Instructions 25%
2.6 Control Mechanism
2.6.1 Parliamentary Control of Delegated Legislation
2.6.2 Judicial Control of Delegated Legislation
2.6.3 Procedural Control of Delegated Legislation

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Vallabh Vidyanagar, Gujarat
(Reaccredited with ‘A’ Grade by NAAC (CGPA 3.25)
Syllabus with effect from the Academic Year 2021-2022

3. Judicial Functions of Administration

3.1 Need for Devolution of Adjudicatory Authority on Administration
3.2 Administrative tribunals and other adjudicating authorities
3.3 Tribunals- need, nature, Constitution, jurisdiction,
procedure, Powers
3.4 Rules of Natural Justice:
3.4.1 No man can be a judge in his own case, A person cannot be
condemned without being heard. 25%
3.4.2 Speaking Order (Reasoned Decisions)
3.5 Writ Jurisdiction of Supreme Court and High Court and Kinds of
3.6 Public Interest Litigation and Locus Standi
3.7 Revision and appellate Jurisdiction of Supreme Court and High

4. Administrative Discretion and Judicial Control of Administrative

Part:- A
4.1 Need and its Relationship with Rule of Law
4.2 Administrative Discretion need and Limitation
4.3 Judicial Review of Administrative Action and Grounds of Judicial
4.3.1 Abuse of Discretion
4.3.2 Failure to Exercise Discretion
4.3.3 Illegality, Irrationality, Procedure Impropriety 25%
4.4 Doctrine of Legitimate Expectations
Part:- B
4.5 Informal Methods of Settlement of Disputes and Grievance
Redressal Procedures:
4.5.1Ombudsman, Lokpal and Lokayukta
4.5.2 Vigilance Commission

4.6 Liability of government in Tort and Contract:

4.6.1 Liability of Government in Tort,
4.6.2 Liability of Government in Contract,
4.6.3 The doctrine of crown privilege
4.6.4 The right to know: RTI act

Basic Text & Reference Books:-

1.Administrative Law - M.P. Jain & S.N. Jain

2.Lectures on Administrative - C.K. Takwani
3.Administrative Law - C.K. Thakkar
4.Administrative Law - Garner
5.Administrative Law - Kagzi
6.Administrative Law - I.P. Massey
7.Administrative Law- Basu

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Vallabh Vidyanagar, Gujarat
(Reaccredited with ‘A’ Grade by NAAC (CGPA 3.25)
Syllabus with effect from the Academic Year 2021-2022


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Vallabh Vidyanagar, Gujarat
(Reaccredited with ‘A’ Grade by NAAC (CGPA 3.25)
Syllabus with effect from the Academic Year 2021-2022


Programme: B.B.A. LL.B. (5 Year) Integrated Degree of Bachelor of Business
Administration & Law
Semester- V
Syllabus with effect from June -2021

Objectives of the course:

The main objectives of Labour & Industrial Law are to provide students knowledge of labour
laws, especially the nature and scope of labour law, the rationale of labour laws in
organizations, occupational hazards and risk, and managing employee relations at work. The
objective of study of this Labour & Industrial Law is to examine the theoretical aspects,
problems and issues in arbitration and bargaining and models of bargaining and arbitration.

Paper Code: UL05CBBA22 Total

Title of Paper: Labour & Industrial Law-I - Industrial Laws Credit: 4

Course Content

Unit Description Weightage*


1. The Industrial Disputes Act,1947 25%

1.1 Preliminary
1.2 Authorities under the Act
1.2.1 Works Committee
1.2.2 Conciliation Machinery
1.2.3 Court of Enquiry
1.2.4 Voluntary Arbitration
1.2.5 Adjudication: Labour Court, Tribunal and National
1.3 Notice of Change
1.4 Grievence Redressal Machinary
1.5 Refrence of Disputes to Boards, Courts or Tribunals
1.6 Procedures, Powers and Duties of Authorities

2. The Industrial Disputes Act,1947 25%

2.1 Strikes and Lock-outs
2.1.1 Gherao
2.1.2 Bandh and Lock-out
2.1.3 Types of Strike
2.1.4 Rights to Strike and Lock-out
2.1.5 General Prohibition of strikes and lock-outs
2.1.6 Prohibition of Strikes and Lock-outs in Public Utility
2.1.7 Illegal Strikes and Lock-outs

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Vallabh Vidyanagar, Gujarat
(Reaccredited with ‘A’ Grade by NAAC (CGPA 3.25)
Syllabus with effect from the Academic Year 2021-2022

2.1.8 Justification of Strikes and Lock-outs

2.1.9 Penalties for Illegal strikes and Lock-outs
2.1.10 Wages for Strikes and Lock-outs

2.2 Lay-off and retrenchment

2.2.1 Retrenchment
2.2.2 Transfer and Closure: Definition of Lay-off and
Retrenchment Compensation
2.2.3 Compensation to Workmen in Case of Transfer of
Undertaking Closure
2.2.4 Closure: Prevention and Regulation
2.2.5 Conditions: Precedent for Retrenchment
2.2.6 Special Provisions Relating to Lay-off, Retrenchment
and Closure in Certain Establishments
2.2.7 Procedure for Retrenchment and Re-employment of
Retrenched Workmen and Penalty
2.3 Unfair Labour Practices
2.4 Penalties and miscellaneous

3. The Trade Unions Act, 1926

3.1 Preliminary 25%
3.1.1 Definition of Trade Union and Trade Dispute
3.2 Registration of Trade Unions
3.3 Rights and Liabilities of Registered Trade Unions
3.4 Recognition of Trade Union
3.5 Regulations
3.6 Penalties and procedures
3.7 Collective Bargaining and trade disputes

4. 4.1 The Maternity Benefit Act, 1961 25%

4.2 The Payment of Gratuity Act

Basic Text & Reference Books:-

1. Labour and Industrial Law - S.N. Mishra

2. Labour and Industrial Law - S.K. Puri
3. The Industrial Disputes Act - S.K. Shrivastava
4. A Study of Industrial Law - G.M. Kothari
5. The Industrial Disputes Act - Patel’s
6. Bombay Industrial Relation Act - K.L. Sothi
7. Law Relating to Trade Union and Labour Practice - K.D. Srivastava
8. Commentary on the Bombay Industrial Relation Act - Gupta and Dighe

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Vallabh Vidyanagar, Gujarat
(Reaccredited with ‘A’ Grade by NAAC (CGPA 3.25)
Syllabus with effect from the Academic Year 2021-2022


Programme: B.B.A. LL.B. (5 Year) Integrated Degree of Bachelor of Business
Administration & Law
Semester- V
Syllabus with effect from June -2021

Objectives of the course:

To create awareness and educate the students about rights and duties of members of family
towards each other, with special reference to spousal relationship. To give overview to the
students and enhance their understanding on the current laws on marriage, divorce,
maintenance, adoption and guardianship. To give practical exposure to students by field visit
of Family Courts, Mediation and Conciliation Centres etc.

Paper Code: UL05CBBA23 Total Credit: 4

Title of Paper: Family Law - 1

Course Content

Unit Description

Unit 1 1.1 Introduction to Personal Laws 25%

1.2 Application of Hindu Law: Who are Hindus
1.3 Sources of Hindu Law
1.3.1 Ancient Sources – Shrutis & Smritis, Commentaries &
Digest, Custom
1.3.2 Modern Sources – Judicial Decisions , Legislations,
Equity, Justice and Good Conscience
1.4 Schools of Hindu Law
1.5 Uniform Civil Code
1.5.1 Religious pluralism and its implications.
1.5.2 Connotations of the directive contained in Article 44 of
the Constitution.

Unit 2 2.1 Marriage, Divorce and Maintenance: 25%

2.1.1 Nature , Definition and Forms of Marriage
2.1.2 Conditions for Marriage & Registration of Marriage
2.1.3 Degree of Prohibited relationship and Sapinda
2.1.4 Grounds of Void & Voidable Marriage
2.2 Judicial Separation & Restitution of Conjugal Rights
2.2.1 Dissolution of Marriage under Hindu Law
2.2.2 Nullity of Marriage
2.2.3 Grounds of Divorce & Wife’s Special Grounds for
2.2.4 Divorce by Mutual Consent

Page 1 of 2
Vallabh Vidyanagar, Gujarat
(Reaccredited with ‘A’ Grade by NAAC (CGPA 3.25)
Syllabus with effect from the Academic Year 2021-2022

Unit 3 3.1 Maintenance and Adoption 25%

3.1.1 Maintenance under Hindu Law
3.1.2 Provisions under the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955
3.1.3 Provisions under the Hindu Adoption & Maintenance
Act, 1956
3.1.4 Provisions under the Cr.P.C, 1973
3.2 The Hindu Adoptions and Maintenance Act, 1956:
(Section 1 to 17)
3.2.1 Who may adopt, who may give in adoption and who can
be adopted
3.2.2 Ceremonies of Adoption & Effects of Adoption
3.2.3 Relationship of Adopted Child & Proof of Adoption

Unit 4 4.1 The Hindu Minority and Guardianship Act, 1956 (Section 25%
1 to 13)
4.1.1 Guardianship of person– Natural, Testamentary and
Guardian appointed by court
4.1.2 Guardianship of minors property
4.1.3 Defacto Guardian
4.2 Law relating to Property:
4.2.1 Joint Family, Liability of debts, Women’s Property,
4.2.2 Succession under the Mitakshara and Dayabhaga
4.2.3 Succession (The Hindu Succession Act, 1956- Sections
1 to 30), Gifts, Wills, Impartible Estates

Basic Text & Reference Books:-

1. Hindu Law – Mulla

2. Family Law - Paras diwan
3. Modern Hindu law - Paras diwan
4. Hindu Law - Basant K. Sharma
5. Hindu Law - Dr.Tahir Mehmood
6. Hindu Law & Usage - Myneni
7. Introduction of modern Hindu Law – Derrett
8. Hindu Law - Agrawal R.D
9. Modern Hindu Law - Dr. U.P.D.Kesari


Page 2 of 2
VallabhVidyanagar, Gujarat
(Reaccredited with ‘A’ Grade by NAAC (CGPA 3.25)
Syllabus with effect from the Academic Year 2021-2022
Programme: B.B.A. LL.B. (5 Year) Integrated Degree of Bachelor of Business
Administration & Law
Semester- V
Syllabus with effect from June -2021

Objectives of the course:

The main objective of the subject is to develop a research orientation among the students and to
acquaint them with fundamentals of research methods, to introduce to students the basic concepts
used in research and to scientific social research methods and their approach.

Paper Code: UL05CBBA24 Total

Title of Paper: Research Methodology Credit: 4

Course Content

Unit Description Weightage*


1. Introduction to Research: 25%

1.2 An introduction meaning of research,
1.3 Objectives of research
1.4 Significance of research,
1.5 Characteristics of Good Research
1.6 Types of research.
1.7 Steps in the Research Process

2. Research Design: 25%

2.1 Meaning of research design,
2.2 Need for research design,
2.3 Features of research design,
2.4 Different types of research design.
Methods of Data Collection :
2.5 Primary data,
2.6 Data collection through questionnaires,
2.7 Schedules and other methods of data collection
2.8 primary data Vs secondary data
VallabhVidyanagar, Gujarat
(Reaccredited with ‘A’ Grade by NAAC (CGPA 3.25)
Syllabus with effect from the Academic Year 2021-2022

3. Sample Selection:
3.1 Introduction,
3.2 Importance and Advantages of Sampling,
3.3 Census vs. Sample,
3.4 Characteristics of Good Sample,
3.5 Sampling Techniques,
3.6 Criteria for Selection of a Sampling Technique

4. Interpretation and report writing 25%

4.1 Meaning of interpretation,
4.2 Techniques of interpretation,
4.3 Precautions in interpretation,
4.4 Significance of report writing,
4.5 Different steps of report writing.
4.6 Guidelines for Writing Research Reports

Basic Text & Reference Books:-

1. Research Methodology by C.R. Kothari

2. Research Methodology by Naresh K. Malhotra
Vallabh Vidyanagar, Gujarat
(Reaccredited with ‘A’ Grade by NAAC (CGPA 3.25)
Syllabus with effect from the Academic Year 2021-2022


Programme: B.B.A. LL.B. (5 Year) Integrated Degree of Bachelor of Business
Administration & Law
Semester- V
Syllabus with effect from June -2021

Objectives of the course:

To develop students’ understanding of using data and information based decision making
rather than instincts in general business processes.
To prepare students to adopt and practice information systems based decision making in
business organizations and how it can enhance e- commerce systems.
To enable students understanding the role of cyber security in business and in general, in
order to be prepared for the new challenges the country will be facing.

Paper Code: UL05CBBA25 Total

Title of Paper: IT for Business and Management Credit: 4

Course Content

Unit Description Weightage*


1. 1.1 Management Information System

1.1.1 Meaning – Characteristics-Dimensions of information systems

1.1.2 Constraints & Limitations of MIS
1.1.3 Strategic Business Objectives
1.1.4 Impact of MIS on Business 25%
1.1.5 Porter’s Five Forces Model
1.1.6 MIS Strategy for Competitive force

2. 2.1 E-Commerce & M-Commerce

2.1.1 Role – Meaning – Features of E-commerce
2.1.2 Business and Revenue Models of E-commerce
2.1.3 M-commerce Service & Applications 25%
2.1.4 Digital goods & Digital Payment System
2.1.5 Social Network Marketing and Wisdom of Crowds

3. 3.1 Technology &Securing Information Systems

3.1.1 Internet and Domain Name System
3.1.2 Software: Types- System and Application Software
3.1.3 Vulnerability of information systems
3.1.4MaliciousSoftware: Viruses, Worms, Trojan Horses and

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Vallabh Vidyanagar, Gujarat
(Reaccredited with ‘A’ Grade by NAAC (CGPA 3.25)
Syllabus with effect from the Academic Year 2021-2022

3.1.5 Hackers and Computer Crime, Global Threats and Internet 25%
3.1.6 Electronic Evidence and Computer Forensics
3.1.7 Important Tools for Safeguarding Information Resources

4. 4.1 Key System Applications for Digital Age

4.1.1 Customer Relationship Management 25%
4.1.2 Supply Chain Management
4.1.3 Enterprise Resource Planning
4.1.4 Decision Making

Basic Text & Reference Books:-

1. Loudon and Loudon, Management Information System, Prentice Hall/Pearson

Education, Latest Edition
2. N.S.Kumar, E-Commerce, Allahabad Law Agency
3. Stephen Haag, Amy Philips, Business Driven Technology, Latest Edition – Tata-
McGraw Hill.
4. Management Information Systems for the Information Age_Stephen Haag, Maeve
Cummings, Amy Philips– Latest Edition – Tata-McGraw Hill.


Page 2 of 2
Vallabh Vidyanagar, Gujarat
(Reaccredited with ‘A’ Grade by NAAC (CGPA 3.25)
Syllabus with effect from the Academic Year 2021-2022
Programme: B.B.A. LL.B. (5 Year) Integrated Degree of Bachelor of Business
Administrative & Law
Semester- V
Syllabus with effect from June -2021

Objectives of the course:

The main objectives of the subject are to give understanding of the basic concepts of Law and
Education as per the Social change in the society and in the nation. The other objective is to
acquaint the students to fundamentals of Legal Education & Clinical legal education, To train
man or the legal profession, and to provide a centre where scholars might contribute to an
understanding of law and government and participate creatively in their growth and
Paper Code: UL05EBBA21 Total Credit: 4

Title of Paper: LAW & EDUCATION

Course Content

Unit Description

Unit 1 Introduction to Law 25%

1.1 Definition of Law
1.2 Functions of Law
1.3 Law, Justice and Morality
1.4 Classification of Laws
1.5 Substantive Law and Procedural Law
1.5.1 1.Public and Private Law
1.5.2 2.Substantive and Procedural Law
1.5.3 3.Municipal and International Law
1.5.4 4.Civil Law And Criminal Law

Unit 2 2.1 Fundamentals of Legal Education 25%

2.1.1 Basic concept of Legal Education
2.1.2 Purpose and objective of Legal Education in India
2.1.3 Importance of legal education in India and International Level
2.1.4 Status of Legal Education and Law Teachers
2.1.5 Role of Government, UGC and Bar Council of India in
improving the status of Legal education
2.1.6 Implication of Introduction of one year programme.
Vallabh Vidyanagar, Gujarat
(Reaccredited with ‘A’ Grade by NAAC (CGPA 3.25)
Syllabus with effect from the Academic Year 2021-2022

Unit 3 3.1 Clinical Legal Education:Nature & Concept 25%

3.1.1 Introduction,meaning,concept
3.1.2 History of Clinical Legal education
3.1.3 Traditional Schooling and Clinical Legal Education
3.1.4 Forms of Clinical Education
3.1.5 Clinical law course: Moot Court, Pre-trail Preparation and Participation in trial
proceedings Drafting, Pleading, and conveyancing Professional ethics, Accountancy for lawyers and bar-bench
relations Public Interest Lawyering, Legal Aid and Para legal Services

Unit 4 4.1 Legislation Framework:- 25%

4.1.1 Constitutional Provisions
4.1.2 National Education Policies
4.1.3 Right to Education Act,2009
4.1.4 Government’s Scheme on Education
4.1.5 Various commission on Education
4.1.6 Judicial attitudes towards the Education

Basic Text & Reference Books:-

1. P.L. Mehta, Sushma Gupta Legal Education and Profession inIndia(2000)

2. Legal Education in India:-Challenges & Perspectives-Prof.G.Manoher Rao &
Prof.K.Shrinivas Rao
3. Legal Education In India-Dr.G.P.Tripathi
4. Education Laws-1996 to 2002-J.S.Chawla
5. Legal Education & Research Methodology-Dr.Mona Purohit
6. Legal Education & Research Methodology-B.K.Das

Vallabh Vidyanagar, Gujarat
(Reaccredited with ‘A’ Grade by NAAC (CGPA 3.25)
Syllabus with effect from the Academic Year 2021-2022


Programme: B.B.A. LL.B. (5 Year) Integrated Degree of Bachelor of Business
Administrative & Law
Semester- V
Syllabus with effect from June -2021

Objectives of the course:

To look into the legal regime governing outer space, the moon and other celestial bodies, and
its implications on the recent scientific and technological developments. the developments of
space law at national level by analyzing the laws passed by some of the space-faring nations.
Sky's upper horizons have always fascinated and perturbed humans. The human race,
however, did not have the knowledge or resources to reach and control any of these 'realms'
during much of its history. For this reason, air and space laws did not form during much of
human history. We have entered a new age of air and space exploration as a result of the
scientific developments of the last century. Clearly, a conflict over the use of these
"Resources" has erupted, requiring new legislative mechanisms and regulations.

The Air and Space Law has developed complementary branches due to this. Thus, these
disciplines of International Law are of recent origin. In addition, the course examines the
legal frameworks governing various aspects of air and space activities. he dynamic in the
nature of the subject has at one level contributed to its continuous evolution, resulting in new
developments such as Enactment of International Conventions, Technological Developments
in Aviation Industry, Aviation Security and Product Liability, Freedoms of the Air, Open Sky
Agreements, Territorial Sovereignty, Jurisdiction, Property Rights, Commercialization and
Militarisation of the Outer Space

Paper Code: UL05EBBA22

Credit: 4
Title of Paper: Air & Space Law

Course Content

Unit Description

1. 1.1 A. Introduction 25%

1.1.1 Definition of Air Law.
1.1.2 Various theories regarding Air Space
1.1.3 Aerial Navigation (Paris Convention, 1919; Havana Convention, 1944,
Chicago convention 1944 )

1.2 B. Regulation
1.2.1 Freedom of the air, membership and organs of ICAO
1.2.2 Legislative, Administrative and Judicial functions

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Vallabh Vidyanagar, Gujarat
(Reaccredited with ‘A’ Grade by NAAC (CGPA 3.25)
Syllabus with effect from the Academic Year 2021-2022

2. Safety and Security Liability in civil aviation 25%

2.1 Aircraft- hijacking
2.1.1 development of law to hijacking
2.1.2 Provision: Hague Convention 1970,Montreal Convention, 1971
2.1.3 Hijacking Of Indian and I.C.A.O - Jurisdiction case (India V.
Pakistan )
2.1.4 Principle of Universal Jurisdiction in respect of the crime of the

3. A. Rights and Privileges of Air Passengers and Air Cargo 25%

3.1 Consumer protection in civil aviation; liability for death, injury & delay;
B. Settlement of aviation and related disputes
3.2 General principles; role of ICAO and ICJ, Arbitration.

4. 4.1A. Space Law: Outer Space 25%

4.1.1 Definition, nature, scope and development; sources, India and
Space law, contribution to development of space law.
4.1.2 UN and Outer Space: Space Technology; Establishment of
COPOUS, International Co-operation for Peaceful Use;
Development by General Assembly Resolutions, UN Space
Treaties, strengths and needs.
4.2 B. Development of Space Law by Treaties
4.2.1 The Space Treaty, 1967
4.2.2 The Rescue Agreement, 1968
4.2.3 The Moon Treaty, 1979

Basic Text & Reference Books:-

1. Lord McNair, The Law of the Air, 3rd ed. (London: Steven & Sons, 1964)
2. Peter Martin, Air Law, Vol 1, 4th ed. (London: Butterworths, 1977)
3. P.P.C. Haanappel, The Law and Policy of Air Space and Outer Space, (The Hague: Kluwer
Law International, 2003)
4 H. Ph. Diederiks – Verschoor, An Introduction to Air Law, 8th ed. (The Netherlands:
Kluwer Law International, 2006)

1. Journal of Air Law and Commerce
2. Air Law Review


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