BLC Brgy. Resolution
BLC Brgy. Resolution
BLC Brgy. Resolution
HON. _________________ Punong Barangay
HON. _________________ Sangguniang Barangay Member
HON. _________________ SK Chair(woman/man) and so on..
WHEREAS, the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD), with its
ultimate goal of reducing poverty incidence and improving the quality of life of
underprivileged Filipinos, continue to develop programs that are responsive to the
needs of the poor, disadvantaged and marginalized sectors, which includes the
Sustainable Livelihood Program (SLP).
WHEREAS, the barangay Livelihood Committee (BLC) shall chaired by the Punong
Barangay with all the members of the Sangguniang Barangay.
WHEREAS, the BLC, with the Punong Barangay as its Chairperson, shall perform
the following duties and responsibilities but not limited as to:
1. Conduct regular monitoring and assessment of all livelihood projects
implemented by all government and non-government agencies and other
funding sectors within the barangay;
2. Update the barangay council on the status of each associations / individually
implemented projects of the participants; and
3. Provide feedback report to the MLGU Livelihood Focal the status of the
association/individual livelihood projects as to organization, operation,
marketing and financial aspects based on monitoring conducted and
suggestion, recommendation, issues and concerns that needs the MLGU
intervention and proper action.
WHEREAS, the BLC Chair shall ensure the submission of report needed to the
Municipal Local Government Unit (MLGU) in all phases of implementation of the
livelihood process.
Prepared by:
Brgy. Secretary
Attested by:
Punong Barangay
Concurred by:
Sangguniang Barangay
Note: Affix the Official Seal of the Barangay and the Municipality on the upper side.