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Credits How the Tiers Work
Lead Designer: Luke Hart This PDF is split into different tiers of content with patrons
at higher pledge levels getting access to more content
Contributing Designers: Bryan “Tashio” Zeilstra,
every month.
GenerousHeal (Spryo), Ghalan Smokescale, and Ed Robinson
Tier 1 is for Hatchling Dragons ($5 patrons). It contains
Cartographers: Alex “The MAD Cartographer” Hitchen and
several resources chosen from two of the following
categories: adventure ideas, magic items, NPCs, encounters,
Graphic Designer: Mark MacPherson traps, creatures/monsters, random tables, puzzles,
and villains.
Editors: Ashley Jones and Danni Arriaga

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Tier 2 is for Wyrmling Dragons ($10 patrons). It contains
Artwork: Adobe Stock
several resources chosen from three of the above categories
and an entire fifth edition adventure with a map designed
Legal Stuff for VTT play.

Chaos and Control, Patron PDF Volume 3, Tier 3 is for Young Dragons ($15 patrons) and above.
Copyright © 2021, It contains several resources chosen from four of the above
categories and two entire fifth edition adventures with maps
Luke Hart, The DM Lair, LLC designed for VTT play.

Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright 2000,
Wizards of the Coast, LLC. Looking for D&D Maps?
System Reference Document 5.1 Copyright 2016, Wizards
Alex “The MAD Cartographer” Hitchen creates multiple
of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Mike Mearls, Jeremy Crawford,
D&D / TTRPG fantasy maps and assets every week for print
Chris Perkins, Rodney Thompson, Peter Lee, James Wyatt,
IR leE & VTT. If you’re looking for high-quality, premade maps
Robert J. Schwalb, Bruce R. Cordell, Chris Sims, and Steve
you can use in your games, check out his Patreon here: The
Townshend, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax
MAD Cartographer.
and Dave Arneson.

What You’ll Find Here


Welcome DM Lair patrons to The Good Stuff! It’s been

awesome creating D&D videos for you all and the wider
RPG community for several years now, and now I’m super

excited to be able to offer even more to my patrons.

This PDF resource contains a plethora of DM resources for
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you to use in your D&D games! You can either use them
as-is, tweak them for your individual games, or simply gain

inspiration from them to create your own content.

I hope you find this resource useful, and that it helps you run
even more amazing games for your players!


Contents A7. Hallway...........................................................................29
A8. Library............................................................................30
Tier 1 4 A9. Lounge............................................................................30
A10. Jakes..............................................................................30
Monsters.....................................................................................4 A11. Secret Room.................................................................30
Mist Bones...............................................................................4 Second Floor Features..........................................................30
Scarabs.....................................................................................6 A12. Hallway.........................................................................30
Velocerabbit............................................................................7 A13. Lounge Area.................................................................30
Rubble......................................................................................8 A14. Bedroom.......................................................................31
Drinks....................................................................................10 A15. Bedroom.......................................................................31
Foods......................................................................................11 A16. Bedroom.......................................................................31
Artwork ................................................................................12 A17. Master Study................................................................32

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Taverns and Inns..................................................................13 Encounter Notes...................................................................32
Nightmares............................................................................14 A18. Master Bedroom..........................................................32
Locations...............................................................................15 A19. Guard Room................................................................33

Jeweler’s Inventory...............................................................16 A20. Treasure Vault.............................................................33
Con Artist’s Inventory.........................................................16 Resolution.............................................................................33
Events on the Road..............................................................17
Cities and Towns..................................................................18 Tier 3 35

Tier 2 19 Encounters...............................................................................35

Adjusting Encounters for Higher or Lower Levels...........35
Puzzles.......................................................................................19 The Myconid’s Gold.............................................................35
Elemental Elements..............................................................19 Mad Margie’s Mound...........................................................36
Puzzle Features.....................................................................19 The Fire Fanatics..................................................................37
Solution.................................................................................19 A Feast for Six.......................................................................38
Customizing the Puzzle........................................................20
IR leE Please Save Dan....................................................................39
Dwarf King’s Folly................................................................20 Bertrude’s Bazaar of Wonders..............................................40
Puzzle Features.....................................................................20
Running This Adventure.....................................................40
Solution.................................................................................20 Game Master Notes..............................................................40
Handout 1 - Dwarf King’s Folly, page 42, version 1.........21 Storyline................................................................................40
Handout 1 - Dwarf King’s Folly, page 42, version 1.........22 Locations...............................................................................40
A Riddle-Smith’s Delight.....................................................23 NPCs......................................................................................40
Puzzle Features.....................................................................23 Pa’Kamsi Anepou .................................................................40

Solutions................................................................................23 Miscellaneous Information..................................................41

Sound of Passage...................................................................24 Random Encounters.............................................................41

Puzzle Features.....................................................................24 Adventure Hooks..................................................................41

Solution.................................................................................24 Speaking with Pa’Kamsi Anepou........................................41
Saving FACE.........................................................................25 Secret Entrance in the Tree.................................................42
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Puzzle Features.....................................................................25 The Underground Tunnels.................................................42


Solution.................................................................................25 Arriving at the Bazaar Entrance..........................................42

A Collector..............................................................................26 Bazaar Features.....................................................................43
Running This Adventure.....................................................26 B1. Bazaar Entrance..............................................................43
Game Master Notes..............................................................26 B2. Catwalk...........................................................................44

Storyline................................................................................26 B3. Bertrude’s Giant Slug.....................................................44

Locations ..............................................................................26 Bertrude’s Poisons................................................................44
NPCs......................................................................................26 B4. Niggleburt’s Forgery Express........................................45
Tolokonsky Andreevich......................................................26 Niggleburt’s Services............................................................45
Spanova Vitalievna...............................................................27 B5. Auntie Zerasha’s Fabulous Fortunes............................45
Random Encounters.............................................................27 B6. Wykoop’s Scrolls and Elixirs........................................46
Adventure Hook...................................................................27 Wykoop’s Services................................................................46
Meeting with Spanova Vitalievna......................................27 B7. Garbus’s Exotic Eats.......................................................46
Andreevich Manor...............................................................27 Menu......................................................................................46
Manor Features.....................................................................27 B8. Pissaria’s Perfect Pets.....................................................47
Developments.......................................................................28 Pets for Sale...........................................................................47
Gardens..................................................................................28 B9. Future Stall.....................................................................48
A1. Entry Hall.......................................................................28 B10. Eek’s Easy Pawn...........................................................48
A2. Art Gallery A..................................................................28 B11. Marianne’s Music.........................................................48
A3. Art Gallery B..................................................................29 B12. Wattie’s Glorious Deeds.............................................49
A4. Kitchens..........................................................................29 B13. Emergency Exit............................................................49
A5. Ballroom.........................................................................29 Resolution................................................................................50
A6. Dining Hall.....................................................................29 Bazaar Map Handout............................................................51
Tier 1
Mist Bones are purely skeletal in form, lacking any
Monsters connective tissue or flesh. Wisps of mist flow around the
bones, and a faint blue light glows within their eye sockets.
Something I usually try to do in the games I run is include
Mist Bone Knights are mist bones armed with a
variations on monsters. That is, instead of just fighting a
sword and shield.
dungeon full of centaurs, the players will also encounter
centaur druids, centaur chieftains, and other variations. This Mist Bone Captains are heavily armed and
makes things far more interesting and usually allows for armored mist bones.
more dynamic and engaging tactical combat.

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In that light, as follows are ten new monsters for game
masters to use in their games, many of them variations of a
particular monster type. Mist Bone Knight

Medium undead, lawful evil

Mist Bones —
Armor Class 12 (natural armor)
Hit Points 13 (2d8+4)
Mist Bones are the result of a wizard’s research into making Speed 30 ft.

incorporeal minions from an abundant supply of skeletons. —
The experiments were not perfect, though, and the result 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 8 (-2) 9 (-1) 5 (-3)
was skeletons able to assume incorporeal form for short —
Damage Immunities poison
periods of time. The magic used to create these has been long
Condition Immunities exhaustion, poisoned
forgotten, but large armies of mist bones were created in the Senses Darkvision 60ft, Passive Perception 9
distant past. Those that have survived the passing of years
IR leE Languages understands all languages it learned in life, but can’t
are most commonly found in ruins, long-forgotten tombs, speak
and ancient battlefields. Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)

Unnatural Undeath. Due to their nature, mist bone knights are
immune to turn undead.
Mist Bones
Medium undead, lawful evil Incorporeal Movement. Mist bone knights can move through
other creatures and objects as if through difficult terrain. It takes

Armor Class 12 (natural armor) 5 (1d10) force damage if it ends its turn inside an object.
Hit Points 13 (2d8+4)

Speed 30 ft. Actions

STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Multiattack. The mist bone knight makes two attacks with
13 (+1) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 8 (-2) 9 (-1) 5 (-3) its longsword.
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Damage Immunities poison Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one

Condition Immunities exhaustion, poisoned target. Hit: 6 (1d8+2) slashing damage.

Senses Darkvision 60ft, Passive Perception 9
Languages understands all languages it learned in life, but can’t Reactions
Mist Form. When an attack hits it, the mist bone can become

Challenge 1/4 (50 XP)

fully incorporeal, gaining resistance to all bludgeoning, slashing,
— and piercing damage until the beginning of its next turn.
Unnatural Undeath. Due to their nature, mist bones are
immune to turn undead.

Incorporeal Movement. Mist bones can move through other

creatures and objects as if through difficult terrain. It takes 5
(1d10) force damage if it ends its turn inside an object.

Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 6 (1d8+2) slashing damage.

Shortbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range 80/320 ft.,

one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage.

Mist Form. When an attack hits it, the mist bone can become
fully incorporeal, gaining resistance to all bludgeoning, slashing,
and piercing damage until the beginning of its next turn.


Mist Bone Captain
Medium undead, lawful evil

Armor Class 18 (chainmail + shield)
Hit Points 90 (12d8+36)
Speed 30 ft.

18 (+4) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 13 (+1) 10 (+0)

Damage Immunities poison

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Condition Immunities exhaustion, poisoned
Saving Throws Str +7, Wis +4
Senses Darkvision 60ft, Passive Perception 11
Languages understands all languages it learned in life, but can’t

Challenge 5 (1800 XP)

Unnatural Undeath. Due to their nature, mist bone knights are
immune to turn undead.

Incorporeal Movement. Mist bone captains can move through

other creatures and objects as if through difficult terrain. It takes
5 (1d10) force damage if it ends its turn inside an object.

Multiattack. The mist bone knight makes two attacks with
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its longsword.
Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 8 (1d8+4) slashing damage.

Mist Form. When an attack hits it, the mist bone can become
fully incorporeal, gaining resistance to all bludgeoning, slashing,

and piercing damage until the beginning of its next turn.

Parry. The mist bone captain adds 3 to its AC against one melee

attack that hits. To do so, the mist bone captain must see the
attacker and be wielding a melee weapon.
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The mist bone captain can take 2 legendary actions, choosing

from the options below. Only one legendary action can be taken
at a time and only at the end of another creature’s turn. The
mist bone captain regains spent legendary actions at the start
of its turn.

Retributive Strike. When a creature within 5 feet has damaged

the mist bone captain since its previous turn, it can make a
longsword attack against that target.

Summon Shadow (1/day). The mist bone captain attempts

to summon a shadow with a 50 percent chance of success. The
summoned shadow appears in an unoccupied space within 60
feet of its summoner and acts as an ally of its summoner. It
remains for 10 minutes, until it or its summoner dies, or until its
summoner dismisses it as an action.

Misty Step. The mist bone captain can teleport to an empty

space it can see within 30 ft.


Scarabs are massive beetles found mostly in desert areas, Scarab Beetle Warrior
though they are known to inhabit other areas containing a Medium beast, unaligned
mixture of dirt and rocks. They have oversized mandibles, —
Armor Class 16 (natural)
and while they have wings, their large size makes flight Hit Points 75 (10d8+30)
mostly impossible. Speed 30 ft, burrow 20 ft.
They create extensive tunnel networks under the ground and —
use a glue-like excretion to solidify the sand, preventing the 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 16 (+3) 6 (-3) 9 (-1) 10 (+0)
collapse of their tunnels. The entrances to their tunnels often —
Damage Resistances poison
have an excess of this secretion accumulated around them.

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Condition Immunities poisoned
At the heart of their underground tunnel complexes can be Saving Throws Con +5
found large chambers filled with eggs stacked together, often Senses Darkvision 60ft, tremorsense 30ft, Passive Perception 9
glued to the walls and ceiling. Languages -

Challenge 3 (700 XP)
Scarab Beetle Drones are large, colorful beetles, with —
patches of shimmering blue across their black carapace. Short Glide. For every 5 feet it falls downward, the scarab beetle can
expend 5 feet of movement to fly 10 feet forward. While it can
hairs cover their legs and a pair of mandibles curve forward
move, the scarab beetle is immune to damage from falling.
from their jaw. They perform the lion’s share of work
in the colony. Actions

Scarab Beetle Warriors are larger than drones, with more Multiattack. The scarab beetle warrior makes two attacks, one
patches of deeper blue and purple along their carapace. Bred bite and one claw.
to defend the hive, they have thicker carapaces and strong Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit:
mandibles than drones, and their front legs have sharpened 12 (2d8+3) piercing damage.
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ridges along them.
Scarab Moths differ from their peers in that they are
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 10 (2d6+3) slashing damage.
lightweight, have large, luminescent wings that shimmer
with blues, purples, and reds, and can fly. Their torsos are Flutter. As a bonus action, the scarab beetle warrior can use its
covered in soft fibers instead of a hard carapace. They use wings to fly up to 10 feet to an unoccupied space it can see. It
must end this flight on the ground, or it falls. This movement
these fibers to channel static built up from the constant does not provoke opportunity attacks.
flapping of their wings, blasting their foes with a powerful

electrical charge.

Scarab Beetle Moth

Medium beast, unaligned
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Armor Class 13 (natural)

Hit Points 33 (6d8+6)
Speed 30 ft, fly 40 ft.(hover)


10 (+0) 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 6 (-3) 10 (+0) 10 (+0)

Saving Throws Dex +5
Senses Darkvision 60ft, Passive Perception 10
Languages -
Challenge 1 (200 XP)

Static Buildup. The moth’s constant flapping wings build up
static on its body. A creature that touches the moth or hits
it with a melee attack while within 5 feet of it takes 4 (1d8)
lightning damage.

Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 6 (1d6+3) slashing damage.

Static Discharge. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, range 60 ft.,

one target. Hit: 10 (2d6+3) lightning damage.


Scarab Beetle Drone Velocerabbits are man-sized, carnivorous rabbits spoken of
Medium beast, unaligned often in legends but rarely seen. If found at rest or simply

Armor Class 14 (natural)
moving around they have all the aspects of a plain, white
Hit Points 75 (10d8+30) rabbit: a soft furry coat, large floppy ears, and a constantly
Speed 30 ft, burrow 20 ft. twitching nose with whiskers. When threatened, they raise
— up on their hind legs, baring their razor-sharp claws and
16 (+3) 12 (+1) 16 (+3) 6 (-3) 9 (-1) 10 (+0) fangs, and a thick mane of hair around their neck flares
straight out. This is a prelude to their vicious pounce which

Damage Resistances poison often knocks opponents to the ground as the velocerabbit’s

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Condition Immunities poisoned claws rend flesh from bone.
Saving Throws Con +5
Senses Darkvision 60ft, tremorsense 30ft, Passive Perception 9 They are usually found in caves near open fields where they
Languages - can hunt, and they chase off or kill all other predators that

Challenge 2 (450 XP)
dare roam into their territory. Their caves are strewn with

Glide. For every 5 feet it falls downward, the scarab beetle can bones from their prey, some of which are piled up into a
expend 5 feet of movement to fly 10 feet forward. While it can makeshift bed.
move, the scarab beetle is immune to damage from falling.


Multiattack. The scarab beetle drone makes two attacks, one
bite and one claw. Medium beast, unaligned

Armor Class 18 (natural)
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit:
7 (1d8+3) piercing damage. Hit Points 150 (20d8+60)
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Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Speed 50 ft.

Hit: 6 (1d6+3) slashing damage.
20 (+5) 20 (+5) 16 (+3) 6 (-3) 10 (+0) 14 (+2)
Spit Adhesive (Recharge 6). The scarab beetle drone spits —
Saving Throws Dex +9, Con+7
a glob of sticky adhesive at one creature within 10 feet. The
Senses Darkvision 60ft, Passive Perception 14
creature must succeed on a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw,
Languages -
becoming restrained on a failed save. As an action, the restrained
Challenge 10 (5,900 XP)

creature can make a DC 13 Strength check, bursting the adhesive

on a success. —

Multiattack. The velocerabbit makes three attacks, two with its

claws and one bite.

Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.

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Hit: 18 (3d8+5) slashing damage. If an attack succeeds by 5 or


more, the target starts to bleed. Until a creature takes an action

to close the wounds, the target takes 7 (2d6) damage at the end
of each of its turns. Any amount of magical healing will stop the
bleeding as well.

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit:
23 (4d8+5) slashing damage.

Pounce. The velocerabbit jumps forward up to 20 feet toward

a creature and attacks with a claw attack. If the claw attack
hits, the target must also succeed on a DC 18 Strength saving
throw or be knocked prone. If the target is knocked prone, the
velocerabbit can make one bite attack against it as a bonus action.

Dash. The velocerabbit can take the dash action as a

bonus action.

Punt. If an attack hits the velocerabbit, it leans onto its front
paws and kicks back with both rear feet. The target must
succeed on a DC 18 Strength saving throw or take 12 (2d6+5)
bludgeoning damage and be pushed back 15 feet. If the target is
pushed back, its original attack misses.


Rubble are sentient stone creatures born from the remnants Rubble Guardian
of demolished buildings—such as churches, wizards’ towers, Medium construct, any alignment
and laboratories—that hold residual magic. When such —
Armor Class 18 (natural armor and shield)
rubble is left to accumulate over time there is a chance that Hit Points 75 (10d8+30)
a rubble raiser will form. Rubble raisers are then able to Speed 30 ft, burrow 20 ft.
animate additional rubbles from the ruins. The nature of —
the rubble raiser is influenced by the nature of the building 18 (+4) 10 (+0) 16 (+3) 4 (-5) 10 (+0) 10 (+0)
destroyed. For instance, a church dedicated to a good god

Damage Vulnerabilities bludgeoning, piercing, slashing damage
may form a rubble raiser intent on defending those around

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from adamantine weapons
the area. Whereas an evil wizard’s tower might create one
Damage Resistance poison, necrotic, radiant, psychic
bent on destruction. Condition Immunities poisoned, exhaustion
Rubble Guardians come in many shapes and forms with Saving Throws Con +5, Str +6

Senses passive Perception 10
the core of their bodies having been animated from a central Languages -
piece of stone with limbs attached using metal or other Challenge 4 (1000 XP)
construction materials. They form weapons from building
materials. For example, a fence spike might be a spear and a —
door a shield. Multiattack. The rubble guardian makes two melee attacks,

Rubble Rollers are crude balls of rubble formed when there though only one of them can be a shield bash.
is little material to work from or a rubble raiser is in a rush. Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Rubble rollers simply roll about trying to crush anything Hit: 17 (3d8+4) bludgeoning damage.
in their paths. They are also used to break down existing
structures to create more rubble. Spear. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
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Rubble Raisers are usually humanoid in form with
Hit: 17 (3d8+4) piercing damage.
their heads shaped from a malleable material, creating a Shield Bash. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 11 (2d6+4) bludgeoning damage. If the attack hits,
recognizable face. the target must succeed on a DC 15 Strength saving throw or be
knocked prone.

Rubble Roller

Medium construct, any alignment


Armor Class 16 (natural)

Hit Points 60 (8d8+24)
Speed 30 ft.

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16 (+3) 12 (+1) 16 (+3) 4 (-5) 10 (+0) 10 (+0)

Damage Vulnerabilities bludgeoning, piercing, slashing damage
from adamantine weapons
Damage Resistance poison, necrotic, radiant, psychic
Condition Immunities poisoned, exhaustion

Saving Throws Con +5, Str +6

Senses passive Perception 10
Languages ---
Challenge 3 (700 XP)

Roll. The rubble roller rolls up to 30 feet straight in a straight
line, making a crush attack against any target in the way. If a
crush attack hits against a creature, it must also succeed on a
DC 14 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone, taking an
additional 9 (2d8) bludgeoning damage as the roller rolls over it.
If the target makes its save, the roller comes to a halt.

Crush. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.

Hit: 8 (1d8+4) bludgeoning damage.


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Rubble Raiser
Medium construct, any alignment

Armor Class 16 (natural)
Hit Points 75 (10d8+30)

Speed 30 ft.


16 (+3) 10 (+0) 16 (+3) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 10 (+0)

Damage Resistances poison, necrotic, radiant, psychic
Damage Immunities bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from
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nonmagical weapons that aren’t adamantine

Condition Immunities poisoned, exhaustion

Saving Throws Con +6, Int +6

Senses passive Perception 10
Languages -
Challenge 5 (1800 XP)

Innate Spellcasting (2/day). The rubble raiser can innately
cast shatter (spell save DC 14) as a 5th-level slot, requiring no
material components. Its innate spellcasting ability is Intelligence.

Multiattack. The rubble raiser makes two staff attacks.

Staff. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.

Hit: 12 (2d8+3) bludgeoning damage.

Raise Rubble (Recharge 6). The rubble raiser targets a

nearby pile of rubble, creating from it either a rubble roller or
rubble guardian.

Rubble Repair (3/day). When an attack reduces a rubble it can
see within 30 feet to zero hit points, the rubble raiser may use its
reaction to repair that rubble for 13 (3d6+3) hit points.


Random Tables
Random tables seem to be as much a core element of RPGs
as swords and dragons and making foolish decisions that
one soon regrets. As follows are several tables game masters
can use in their games as they see fit. For each table, we’ve
included a suggested use as well.

Suggested Use. The next time the characters stop at a

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tavern, have the barkeep or server present them with
some of these options instead of the generic ale, mead, or
wine. Or you might include a few bottles of one of these

drinks as part of the loot a group might find in a dungeon
they’re exploring.
d10 Item w/ Description Cost per Glass
1 Honest Apple 2 sp
An alcoholic drink of light brown coloration, tasting like regular apple cider. After drinking it, the target behaves

as though under the influence of a zone of truth spell.
2 Honey Blast 5 cp
Honey mead mixed with spicy pepper. Drinkers only notice the heat of the pepper as the taste of the honey mead
dissipates from their tongues. Then, they feel the burning!
3 Violet Dream 5 gp
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This thick, almost syrup-like, sweet alcoholic drink is served in a small, twisted glass and has a violet color. It will
put the drinker to sleep almost immediately after imbibing it, gifting it with the most pleasant dreams the target
has had in recent memory. Upon waking, the target gains 10 temporary hit points and loses a level of exhaustion,
if it has any.
4 Fruity Horror 1 sp
This drink tastes like strawberries and peaches, very sweet and light. Although it has a very faint rotten fruit
aftertaste, it is usually not enough to discourage further drinks. Every once in a while, bubbles rise up from the
liquid, taking the form of eyeballs and skulls.

5 Wet Howler 5 cp
This drink, while alcoholic, tastes of saltwater, fish, and something else drinkers usually can’t put their finger on.

After draining a glass, drinkers can hear echoing in their ears a piercing howl over the crashing of sea waves.
6 Naga’s Bite 2 cp
This drink is served in a long, slender tube, suspiciously looking like a snake’s shed skin. It’s mostly clear, though
with a slight yellow tinge. It’s a relatively cheap drink item on the menu and is the topic of courage tests among
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the younger folk.


7 Dark Beer Snowball 6 cp

Frozen and shaved dark dwarven beer. This “drink” is served to you in the form of a snowball, set on a small
silver platter.
8 Green Dragon’s Venom 1 sp

This drink comes in a small shot glass and is almost transparent except for a tiny wisp of emerald green floating
within the liquid. Barkeeps advise their customers to swirl the shot until the green wisp— highly diluted green
dragon venom—dissolves properly. The venom is not enough to be deadly, but together with the alcohol is
enough to get drinkers drunk with just a single shot.
9 Dead Man’s Last 6 cp
A single shot of a clear, cheap liquor. Almost tasteless, it burns quite heavily as it goes down. This hallmark drink
of The Hanged Man tavern was formerly served as a last drink to people soon to be hanged. Nowadays, town
guards and adventurers drink one of these before heading out on dangerous assignments. Upon return from
such assignments, it’s tradition to give survivors a complimentary drink of Man’s Lucky Homecoming.
10 Man’s Lucky Homecoming 1 sp
The counterpart to Dead Man’s Last is a strong, rich-flavored, somewhat sweet drink. Made from more expensive
alcohol than the Dead Man’s Last, this drink is given to town guards and living adventurers after returning from
particularly dangerous and deadly assignments.


Suggested Use. Similar to how you might use the Drinks
table, use these specific foods to spice up your group’s next
visit to a tavern.

d10 Item w/ Description Cost

1 Cheesy Pigeon Roast. This is a rather simple, yet delicious dish, served as the specialty dish of a small mountain range inn. It 1 sp
consists of slowly roasted wild pigeon with a cheese sauce, topped off with more melted cheese, and is typically served with

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potatoes and seasonal greens.
2 Pudding Bread. This dish does look rather simple on the outset, with it being just a pudding. Yet the procedure to make it 6 cp
look and smell like a loaf of bread fresh from the oven is a closely guarded secret. Breaking the bread’s crust with a spoon
reveals the sight and smell of rich, sweet pudding.

3 Liquid Sunrise. This is a soup consisting of mainly potatoes and mushrooms. What gives this soup its unique texture and color 5 cp
is the use of freshly harvested sweet tomatoes and sunflower seeds.
4 Golden Season Salad. This salad changes on the menu like the seasons in a year. Once the season starts to change around 1 sp
the inn, the cook will change up the salad to match. One thing stays the same during the year, however: the buttermilk and
honey dressing.

5 Wolf Biscuits. These biscuits are somewhat hardy, crunchy, and dry in texture, though immensely popular as a snack after a 5 cp
meal. Baked with hazelnuts and lemon zest and shaped into the form of a wolf, it’s a custom to bake these cookies for a loved
one going out to travel.
6 Fowl ‘n Fish Pies. This dish is popular with travelers due to its simple yet fresh ingredients. It’s a basic pie stuffed with wild- 1 sp
caught fowl and the catch of the day—sometimes even crab or lobster—giving it that extra surprise flavor.
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Onion Bread with Garlic Butter. This is a simple yet delicious black bread containing both caramelized sweet onions and red
onions. Shortly before baking, the loaf is brushed with melted garlic butter.
4 cp
8 Grilled and Smoked Golden Deer. This is not the meat of an actual golden deer, even if such a thing exists. However, the way 1 gp
the venison is slowly grilled over charcoal and smoked for several hours while being basted in a sauce made from choice elven
wine vintages gives this meat a flavor worthy of royalty. There are not many dishes on this continent you pay for with gold
coins, but this is one of them.
9 Pancakes o’ Roc. This stack of pancakes has a much heavier texture than a regular pancake and tastes much more savory. 8 cp
The pancakes themselves are also quite large and thick and topped off with syrup and butter, often with a generous dusting of

powdered sugar. The cook claims to bake it with the eggs from a roc, but no one can either confirm or deny his boasting.
10 Wyvern Fruit Salad. An ordinary fruit salad, the wyvern in the name was originally only to amuse and entertain the town’s 5 cp

kids when they came in to dine with their parents. Though the salad doesn’t contain any actual wyvern parts (yet), the name
stuck as a joke around the community. Some even jokingly claim to find wyverns’ stingers in their servings, giving it an extra
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Suggested Use. Instead of the standard “golden bracelet” or
“diamond ring” that adventures typically find as loot in the
dungeon, have them find something more interesting from
this table. Or a few pieces of artwork might be on display in a
merchant’s shop or noble’s villa.

d10 Item w/ Description Value

1 Nymph Silk Painting. This painting was made by stretching silk onto a frame and using special colors to paint over it. 250 gp
The painting depicts a nymph in a swamp inside a dark forest.

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2 Bronze Castle Replica. This is a bronze replica of a castle, measuring some three-foot-wide and four-foot deep. At 750 gp
the base of the castle is a small pond with a tiny swan right in the middle of it. Examining the swan closely reveals a
mechanism that can be activated by tilting its head. Doing so reveals a secret compartment in the central keep of the

3 Tiger-Eye Wolf Statue. This is a plain wooden statue in the form of a wolf. The wood clearly looks very old and yet 25 gp
the quality is surprisingly good. Closer inspection reveals the eyes are made from small tiger eye gemstones and the
teeth from ivory.
4 Jewelry-Covered Book. The cover of this book is bedecked with gold filigrees and jewels. The pages inside appear to 250 gp
be empty, but perhaps there is more to them?

5 Raven and Dove Mosaic. This beautiful mosaic is made from a wide variety of thin, colored glass and held together by 25 gp
a delicate lead frame. The mosaic depicts a black raven and a white dove in a yin-and-yang formation with a grey stone
between them and colorful rays expanding outward.
6 Elven Stone Platter. This stone platter is about five feet in diameter and hewn from pristine white marble. Cracks 250 gp
and chips show its age, and it’s adorned with row upon rows of a strange, ancient writing which can be discerned as a

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long-lost elven dialect.
Mother-of-Pearl Tea Set. This tea set contains twenty-four individual pieces, all carved from mother-of-pearl. The set 250 gp
is about two hundred years old and belonging to a culture of seafaring folk long lost to time.
8 Pixie Paperweight. This tiny stone paperweight is in the form of a pixie with a terrified expression on its face. The 25 gp
paperweight is so lifelike, one might wonder if it is in fact a petrified pixie.
9 Ebony and Ivory Chess Set. The pieces of this chess set are made of ebony and ivory and resemble important figures 250 gp
from two opposing royal families that wiped each other out over a hundred years ago.

10 Snake Wooden Carving. This wooden carving depicts a large snake in vivid detail. The exotic serpent it represents is 25 gp
not native to this part of the world, or perhaps even this plane of existence.
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Taverns and Inns
Suggested Use. The next time your group heads to a tavern
or inn, use one of these to make that trip more memorable
and interesting for them. Why stick with a bland and
nameless tavern when you don’t have to?

d10 Item w/ Description Cost of Lodging Per

1 The Drunken Dragon. This is a small yet well-known inn, sitting just at the edge of the northern district of 5 sp
town. Nestled between two larger buildings, it’s likely to go unnoticed except for its bright red paint which

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makes it stand out strongly against the otherwise drab neighborhood. Rumor has it that the barkeep was
an adventurer who once brewed a mead so strong it caused a dragon to pass out cold, allowing the party to
swoop in and make off with much of its treasure before it could awaken.

2 The Hanged Man. This is a small, somewhat shabby dark tavern at the edge of town. The most prominent N/A
feature of the tavern is the gallows rising up behind it. These gallows have not known a neck for years, yet
the tavern’s patrons claim to hear death wails when the night is dark and stormy.
3 The Smiling Siren. This pub sits near the shore of a small fishing town, and the sign hanging outside above N/A
the door shows a rather grotesque siren. Inside the pub reeks of saltwater and fish, and the patrons are a
rowdy lot, though amicable enough. This good nature melts away, however, if anyone is foolish enough to

insult the food, drink, or staff of the establishment. Many a traveler has found themselves in a brawl with the
pub’s loyal patrons after having done so.
4 Knight’s Rest. This establishment, which serves as both an inn and a tavern, changed its name only recently 8 sp
when it was discovered that it was built on top of a long-buried crypt of a beloved knight from the annals of
history. The owner of the establishment would have gladly relocated in honor of the knight; however, the city
administration, after fielding petitions from the common folk, decided to allow the inn to stay in honor of
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the fallen hero, so long as its name was changed.
5 The Unknown Prince. This is a small pub located on the border of the wealthy and poor districts of town. N/A
The Unknown Prince gets its name from the fact that it’s common for both the common folk and nobility
to mingle there together. The nobility comes here to relax and unwind after a day spent dealing with the
troubles of high society. Commoners frequent the pub because they can, for a brief moment, feel on
equal footing with the nobility, sharing a drink and a laugh with someone, who might just be their prince in

6 Spider’s Web. Owned and run by a woman only known as “The Spider,” this pub is located in the seedier, N/A
shadier part of town, and serves as a gathering hub for all sorts of unsavory folk, including assassins, spies,
saboteurs, and the like. The Spider has many of them in her employ, spinning her webs and expanding her

network more with each passing day. The Spider often knows a secret or two about a traveler that one
wouldn’t expect her to know.
7 The Honest Devil. The Honest Devil is a high-class tavern and inn located in the noble district of the city. 2 gp
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Rumor has it that the tavern owner, Tam Dandolil, once made a deal with a Devil, promising his immortal soul
in exchange to be able to forget his old sorrows. If asked about the deal, Tam often just chuckles and admits

that he did indeed accept an honest deal from the devil.

8 Lamia’s Lament. Located in one of the few “free cities”—a city where both humans and monstrous races 8 sp
can mingle and live together without fear of prejudice and hostility—lies this quaint little tavern. The tavern
owner is a lamia who insists on treating all patrons with top-notch service. Why the owner dubbed half of the

tavern’s name “lament” is unclear, though hushed whispers tell a tale of a lost lover.
9 ‘Nother Sunrise. This inn was founded by a band of three retired adventurers in the town where they first 5 sp
met before setting out on their travels. They will tell anyone who asks about how one day they simply got
weary of fighting and stumbling from one near-death experience to another. So, they decided to settle down
and start up an inn to “ensure we’d see another sunrise.”
10 The White Stag. The White Stag is a high-class inn and tavern. The owner is a gruff but honest man who 2 gp
enjoys telling tales of his younger years. When excited, he tends to slip into a dialect nobody seems to
understand. On one such occasion, his gesturing towards the wall-mounted head of a white stag seemed to
indicate he’d hunted it down and named the tavern after it.


Suggested Use. Okay, so the group took a long rest in the
dungeon again, and maybe you don’t want to throw another
random encounter at them. That’s fine, but don’t let them get
away with it unscathed. At least give them some nightmares!
These might also simply serve as something interesting and
unique that happens during downtime.

d10 Item w/ Description

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1 Graveyard. You find yourself in a graveyard, and suddenly you hear groaning all around you. Then you come face-to-face with
zombies. As you struggle to fight them off, you start to recognize faces: people from your hometown, friends and family, and even
your traveling companions. Eventually, you come face-to-face with yourself, only you are a rotten, shambling husk of your former

2 Mirror. You find yourself in a dark void. You want to cry out, but no voice leaves your throat. You cannot move. You blink, and a
mirror appears in front of you. You peer inside, and it shows your worst fear coming to reality. What is it?
3 Feast. You find yourself sitting at a magnificently decked out dinner table. In front of you are rows and rows of dishes and drinks,
smelling divine. Yet, upon your first bite, the food turns to ash in your mouth. Looking about you again, you see the food begin to
spoil before, decaying and crumbling away. Your drink becomes foul water and poison, but you are compelled to drink. As the liquid

runs down your throat, burning all the way, you wake up with a scream.
4 Killing Vampires. You find yourself in the middle of a killing spree again. All of your fellow comrades scream at you in horror and
beg you to spare them. Once the last of them lies dead, you proceed to impale each with a stake through their hearts. Then you see
yourself, as though disembodied, a small, manic smile on your face and one last stake in your hand. Finally, you hear yourself say
“Only one left,” as you bring the stake to bear against your own chest.
5 Maze. You find yourself wandering an unending maze, and after hours or days of wandering, you lose track of time. You pass the
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same skeleton at least five times and know you are hopelessly lost. On the sixth passing, you realize with horror that the skeleton is
wearing your own clothing and armor.
6 Dead Monarch. You come face-to-face with an old, shattered throne of stone on top of which sits the skeletal remains of your
nation’s deceased monarch. The skeleton starts raving and ranting about how he had it all before death took him and all was lost.
Then he goes silent for a moment before a hollow cackling follows. He speaks a final message before he crumbles to dust: “I thought I
had it all. I didn’t. Beware my path...”
7 Shackles. You find yourself in a dimly lit stone room shackled to a wall. The floor is covered in bones and blood, and across from you

is a table covered with instruments of torture. You hear something approaching down the hallway, but it never arrives. The footfalls
echo for hours on end, pit-pat, pit-pat, but nothing ever arrives. Finally, you call out in exasperation, begging for whatever it is to
either get on with it or go away.

8 Forgotten Existence. You stand before your loved ones, friends, and family. However, none of them seem to recognize you. They
treat you as a stranger, fearful that you’ll harm them, even as you try to convince them of who you are.
9 Unseen Attacker. You find yourself standing alone in an area you are familiar with, though you can’t quite put your finger on where
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it actually is. Suddenly, something hits you in the back. You try to spin around, but you move unnaturally slow. It hits you again, from

another direction this time. Again, you try to move, to follow, but with the same limited success. This continues for some time until
you finally awaken. Slowly you realize that something is touching your back.
10 Puppet Strings. You watch yourself being controlled like a puppet on strings by the deity you follow or other entity you’ve sworn
yourself to. You find yourself on a murderous rampage through your hometown while your family trails you, begging you to stop.

Finally, with all slaughtered but them, you turn to face your loved ones.


Suggested Use. As the characters are traveling, they might
stumble upon one of these locations. If the group decides
to investigate and poke around, consider rewarding them
with an interesting trinket, a piece of lore, or even a
minor magic item.

d10 Item w/ Description

1 Marble Pillars. Six large marble pillars rise from the ground, set in a circle atop a platform made from an unknown stone. Each pillar
rises over a hundred feet into the air. Engraved on the pillars are depictions of Fire, Earth, Water, Wind, Light, and Darkness. Upon

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closer inspection, one can find cracks running along each of those pillars, a testament to the effect of time and the elements upon
2 Druidic Circle. Deep within the forest, through thick, unforgiving underbrush, is a circle of rocks and boulders, crumbling with age

and overgrown with moss. In the formation’s center rises a single pillar of stone, and around the stone, scattered on the ground, are
animal bones, charred logs, and withered, dried-up plants. These are the remains of druidic rituals frequently performed at the site.
3 Ruined Watchtower. In the distance lies a crumbling tower. When approached, it becomes apparent that a tragedy took place here.
The skeletal remains of guards lie strewn about, and the stone stones of the tower itself are scorched black from fire. Massive claw
marks of the dragon that devastated the tower and its guardians cover the parts of the structure that still stand.
4 Abandoned Roadside Inn. This inn lies abandoned at the side of the road, catching the eyes of travelers from far away. Hanging

outside the inn is a battered sign, though the name is all but worn away and illegible. A small building, once a stable but long since
collapsed, lies nearby. A light seems to flicker from within the inn, but it disappears if anyone investigates further.
5 Silent Waterfall. Despite crashing down into a pool of water from a cliffside almost one hundred feet tall, this waterfall does not
make any sound. Researchers and historians alike have tried to determine the cause of this silent waterfall to no avail. It is not a
magical phenomenon and yet there is no natural explanation for it.
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Emerald Pond. Located in the middle of the desert, the Emerald Pond is the source of many rumors and legends. Some say it only
appears for travelers close to death from dehydration. Others say it grants eternal youth, but can only be found by the elderly on
their death beds. And yet others say that if you catch a fish from within the pond, you will be granted a single, perfect wish. To date,
no one has ever found this pond, or, at least, if they have, they haven’t told anyone.
7 Infernal Archway. Standing in the middle of an empty field stands an archway with a hellish aura flowing from within. Rising fifty feet
into the air, this archway is hewn from black shimmering rock and inlaid with strange metallic runes. The runes are written in Infernal
and are the command phrases used to activate the gateway.

8 Sky Whale Skeleton. Lying across the plain are the gigantic skeletal remains of what seems to be a whale, with the largest rib bone
rising almost ten times the height of a human. The bones are bleached and withered, indicating their age. The most curious thing
about this skeleton is what appears to be the skeletal remains of wings sprouting from its back. The skeleton is the ancient remains of

a long-extinct sky whale.

9 Abandoned Shrine. Located along the road stands a small decrepit, overgrown shrine. Closer inspection reveals that the shrine was
dedicated to an unknown deity of hunting who has since fallen out of favor and ceased to be a recognized member of the current
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10 Glass and Metal Tower. This strange structure—made from only glass and metal—stands in the middle of nowhere, leaning just a

little to the side. There appear to be several floors within, but there is no door. The tower gives off the feeling of being ripped from a
different place and a different time.


Jeweler’s Inventory Con Artist’s Inventory
Suggested Use. Going jewelry shopping? Use any of these Suggested Use. Thieves abound in both towns and cities,
items of jewelry to stock the display case. You might also but so do con artists and scammers. Some such con artists
include these items as loot on a fallen foe or in a trapped look to sell items purportedly of great value, though actually
chest or coffer. quite worthless, to the unwary or naïve. Use this table to
determine what such criminals carry and try to pawn off on
the unsuspecting.
d10 Item w/ Description Cost
1 Gilded Elven Brooch. A small golden brooch 50 gp
d10 Item w/ Description
engraved with leaves and set with an emerald.
1 Potion Pouch. This small worn leather pouch contains

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2 Wyvern Amulet. This silver amulet, roughly 10 gp
six glass vials, each holding colored, scented water that
the size of a coin, hangs from a sturdy black
appears to be magical potions. A DC 15 Intelligence
leather band and depicts a wyvern in flight and
(Investigation) check reveals the ruse.
ready strike with its tail.

2 Glass Gems. A small assortment of cut and colored
3 Silver Dress Clasp. This is a simple silver 25 gp
glass meant to pass as precious gemstones.
clasp, used to hold closed gowns, robes, or
cloaks, is lined with small transparent glass 3 Crystal Orb. This crystal orb supposedly grants
beads of different colors: red, blue, green, and clairvoyance, but of course, it doesn’t. It can, however—
yellow. and unbeknownst to the con artist—allow a spellcaster
to cast scrying by spending a fifth-level spell slot.

4 Set of Brass Toe Rings. A set of two small 10 gp
toe rings made from brass and bearing runes 4 Bag of Beans. This is just a regular bag of dried beans,
and symbols of unknown origin. though the con artist is attempting to sell them as a
magical bag of beans.
5 Golden Locket. This rather heavy golden 250 gp
locket is impossible to open due to an 5 Bag of Glass Pearls. This small pouch is filled with a
enchantment placed upon it. It is unclear if hundred fragile glass pearls. The con artist is passing
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its weight is because it’s made of pure gold,
or if the locket contains something dense and
them off as pearls holding spells that are released when
the pearl is crushed.
heavy locked within. 6 False Spell Scroll. This scroll is just a regular scroll with
6 Bronze Anklet with Horse Shoe Pendant. 25 gp what appears to be arcane runes written on it. Once
According to the jeweler, the wearer of this someone tries to decipher them, however, it becomes
anklet will be “visited by luck,” but the jeweler apparent the scroll is a hoax.
refused to elaborate further. 7 Old Music Box. This is an old, somewhat rusty music
7 Golden Pearl Earrings. The pearls in this set 250 gp box. The scammer will tell the buyer that, once it’s

of delicate earrings are surrounded by ripples played, the music springing forth will be able to put any
of gold that resemble the waves of the ocean. single creature to sleep, though just once. He advises

An enchantment on the earrings allows the buyers, of course, not to try it immediately, since the
wearer to speak Aquan. effect would be lost. Once it is activated, the music
playing from it is horrible, loud, and screeching.
8 Silver Ring. This fine silver ring has a small 100 gp
ruby set in it that glimmers like fire when 8 Rusted Key. This key is spotted with flecks of rust
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in sunlight. The arcane rune for fire runs all over, though the original gray metal can be seen

repeatedly along the band, though the ring shining through at several places still. It’s being sold as a
itself appears to have no magical properties. universal skeleton key, yet of course, it’s useless.
9 Golden Rose Necklace. This necklace is 250 gp 9 Perfume in A Flask. This small vial is filled with a liquid
made from golden links that resemble thorny, that, at first, smells like lovely perfume. However, the

interwoven vines with delicate roses sprouting fragrance quickly wears off when worn to be replaced
along its length. A minor enchantment lies by a foul-smelling odor.
on the necklace so that the wearer is never 10 Darkvision Glasses. These cheaply made glasses have
pricked by the small thorns. black frames with small moon symbols carved over
10 Platinum Diadem. This gaudy diadem 2500 gp them. The con artist claims they grand darkvision when
appears to be more decoration than actual worn in the darkness, but they don’t do anything of the
jewelry, owing to its weight. It is set with an sort.
assortment of sapphires and diamonds, all
bearing an exotic cut.


Events on the Road
Suggested Use. Use these events and encounters as your
group is traveling. You may need to tweak some of them to
be appropriate for the party’s level, of course.

d10 Item w/ Description

1 Roadside Robbery. As the party travels along the
road, they come across a small group of travelers (1d4
commoners) being attacked by a trio of bandits.
2 Dark Alley Murder. As the party is in town, walking the

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streets, they notice a struggle in a dark alley. Two figures
are in the midst of a fight that ends suddenly when one
has its slot slit open. The remaining figure then dashes

3 Forest Attack. During a trek through a forest, the
party suddenly hears growling and screams ahead. If
they investigate, they come upon a clearing where two
children are being attacked by a pack of wolves. The
children are up in a tree, and the wolves howl and growl

below them. The corpses of their parents lie nearby.
4 Lost Boy. The party finds a small boy, no older than
five, wandering all alone through the area, appearing to
be lost. The boy doesn’t speak in any tongue the party
knows and seems very skittish around them.
5 Delicious Rivalry. Two bakeries in town cannot agree
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on who is the better baker. The group comes upon them
arguing in the street outside their shop, and the bakers
stop them, asking them to be judges in a bake-off they
are planning to have.
6 Secret Admirer? While staying in town, one member
of the adventuring party notices they’re being followed.
This is someone who has become infatuated with them.

7 Wounded Bugbear. The party encounters a wounded

bugbear lying on the side of the road, looking at them
in silence. He isn’t hostile, and if the party chooses to

treat his wounds, he tells them he’s been kicked from his
tribe for differing viewpoints. He thought they should be
civilized and friendly towards the nearby town, whereas
his former companions simply wanted to raid them.
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8 Buried Man. Deep in the forest, the party comes


across a man’s head sticking out of the ground with

the rest of the body buried. The man is long dead, and
if they examine the corpse there are obvious signs of
malnourishment and dehydration.

9 Sudden Thunderstorm. While traveling, the party is

suddenly hit by heavy rainfall, thunder, and lighting,
even though there were no signs of an impending storm
just moments before. If the party continues walking,
after about ten minutes, the storm disappears just as
suddenly as it arrived.
10 Slave Market. The adventuring party comes across an
underground slave market. All sorts of creatures are for
sale, from humans to monsters. One particularly young
merfolk being offered for sale discreetly tries to get the
party’s attention.


Cities and Towns
Suggested Use. Use these if the party traveling and you need
a quick town for them to come upon, or perhaps to build out
a local area.

d10 Item w/ Description

1 Southsnow. This small town, barely more than a village, sits at the foot of a mountain. Though snow is rare in this region, the
townsfolk oddly see snowfall at least twice a year, which has given the settlement its name.
2 Crystalbarrow. This town is a bit larger than the surrounding settlements due to several crystal mines in the area that attract
prospectors and laborers looking for work. The leaders of this town have secretly made an arrangement with a dragon that protects

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their livelihood and prevents competition from nearby towns. In exchange for half the crystals the people of Crystalbarrow mine,
the dragon enforces a strict ban on crystal mining in the other towns.
3 Wheatkeep. This large village is close to the kingdom’s capital. The name comes from a former king, who when stricken by a bout

of lunacy, decided that he would store all the nation’s wheat in this village. Or at least that’s how the saying goes.
4 Clarspell. This large city thrives on trade of all sorts. The city was originally established on a plot of land that had the ability to
cancel out any magical effects, rendering it “clear of spells.” Even though the city has since expanded beyond the original plot of
land with this magical property, the city’s name has not changed.
5 Fandranore. Fandranore is a small outpost erected by high elves from the nearby forest. The outpost was created to promote

trade, as well as to keep an eye on other settlements in the area, should they become hostile to the elves.
6 Holyhead. This is a small rather insignificant fishing hamlet nestled at the edge of the sea. Roughly fifty years ago, one of the
fishermen pulled up the broken pieces of a long-lost statue of a holy cleric in her net. This in turn gave the small settlement some
recognition from a nearby monastery. The fisherman, now an old drunkard, will retell this story for a drink or two.
7 Thar Modan. One of the few “free cities” on the continent, this city is known for its large port, supporting all manner of trade.
From pirates over traders to reckless adventurers, the city of Thar Modan has seen it all.
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8 Greenflower. At the edge of a forest on the Western Continent, the small village of Greenflower is seldom concerned with the
goings-on outside its borders. The only thing they have to worry about is the occasional pack of wolves or upset grizzly. Certain
varieties of flowers grow exceedingly well on the soil here, giving the village its name.
9 Perthlochry. If you hear of Perthlochry, you also hear of their mineral springs and hot springs in the same breath. One can often
hear the hushed conversations of other travelers, talking about planning to go there or planning to go back at a certain point, just to
enjoy the springs. Some older folks may jokingly mention the existence of a Fountain of Youth there, but nobody really believes that.
10 Zamkaros. High up in the mountains in the north, the settlement of Zamkaros lies nestled between high cliffs. The settlement is

nothing more than a gathering of a few small huts inhabited by a tribe of giantkin, humans holding a drop of giant blood in their
veins. They remain friendly to outsiders but are prone to aggression at the first sign of hostility towards them.
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Tier 2

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As follows are a handful of puzzles you may use in your south are rocky, with streams of lava rolling down

games. Keep in mind that puzzles often take time to solve from the center mountain’s caldera. To the east, the
and that puzzles don’t always appeal to all player types. Thus, mountaintops are covered with fog, the clouds above
our recommendation is to use puzzles judiciously in your wisping into open skies. And the wall to the north
games, perhaps only including one puzzle per adventure— depicts coastal mountains with a pair of streams
unless your players all love them, of course! flowing together to form a serene river.
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Elemental Elements
Difficulty: easy The four gemstones must be set into the four recesses
surrounding the bowl. The green stone, representing earth,
This puzzle features different gems that must be placed in
goes into the western recess. The red stone, representing
correct slots. A mural on the wall gives clues to which slots
fire, goes into the southern one. The white stone,
the gems must be placed in.

representing air, goes into the eastern recess, and the blue
This square room is painted ceiling to floor on all sides stone, representing water, goes into the northern one.

with a mountainous landscape. The mural changes as it

wraps around the walls, the terrain shifting but always When all four stones are placed where they belong, the
depicting mountains of some sort. There is a volcano, inside of the bowl shimmers as if there were water inside for
a mountain covered with streams and waterfalls, a a moment, creating a small portal into an extradimensional
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mountain cloaked in clouds, and another mountain space within the plinth. If a character reaches through the

covered with foliage. Rising from the floor in the center rift, they will be able to retrieve the items secreted within.
of the room is a stone plinth with a brass bowl inset The items should be treasure, a map, a key, or some other
into its center. item appropriate to the adventure and the characters’ level.

Hint Checks
Puzzle Features If the players are having difficulty solving the puzzle, their
A brass bowl sits inset into the stone plinth in the center of characters can make checks to receive hints:
the room. There are eight recesses set into the stone around Intelligence (Nature) DC 15. The colors of the stones
the bowl, one aligning with each of the walls and one toward are associated with the four primal elements: earth, water,
each corner. Within the bowl are four opaque gemstones, fire, and air.
one banded red (red jasper), one light blue (blue agate), one
dark green (aventurine), and one white (moonstone). The Wisdom (Perception) DC 10. The gemstones are slightly
stones each appear to be worth 10 gp but disappear and smaller and similarly shaped to the shallow recesses that
reappear in the bowl if taken out of the room. surround the bowl.
The other element of the puzzle is the mural on the
walls. If the characters take a closer look at the walls, read
the following:
The mountainous landscape changes from wall to
wall. The mountains on the western wall are smooth
and rolling, covered in foliage and trees. Those to the


Customizing the Puzzle Hint Checks
For flavor, consider making the mountain ranges look If the players are having difficulty solving the puzzle, their
like different regions within the game world that can be characters can make checks to receive hints:
identified by the characters with the Nature or History skill.
Intelligence (Investigation) DC 15. The number inscribed
in the wood was probably put there to make sure that
Raising the Difficulty
someone remembered that specific number.
You can make this puzzle more difficult by adding four
Intelligence (Calligrapher’s Supplies or Forgery Kit
gemstones that represent the para-elements, magma (earth
Tool Proficiency) DC 10. Both copies of “Dwarf King’s
and fire), smoke (fire and air), ice (air and water), and mud
Folly” were hand scribed by the same person at the same
(water and earth). These gems should reflect their element,
time. Any mistakes are probably deliberate.

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such as a red stone mottled with black and amber for magma,
smoky gray for smoke, clear with crack-like flaws for ice, and Intelligence (History) DC 15. The dwarf king Darigan is
brown for mud, each of which would go into the appropriate famous for being one of the few dwarven kings who ruled in
corner recess, increasing the number of elements that need peace for his entire reign. His kingdom never fought a war or

to be resolved. engaged in a hard conflict. There is something wrong with
the entire account on page 42.
Dwarf King’s Folly Wisdom (Perception) DC 10 (examining the bookshelf).
The floor is scuffed to one side of the bookshelf, implying
Difficulty: medium

that the bookshelf may slide to one side.
This puzzle features two copies of a book with one page Wisdom (Perception) DC 10 (examining the books).
whose text is different in either book. Extra words in one of Two of the volumes have less dust on them than the others,
the copies reveal how the puzzle is solved. two separate copies of a book called “Dwarf King’s Folly.”
An ornate bookshelf stands against the wall, dusty
IR leE
books hiding behind draping cobwebs on its ancient Customizing the Puzzle
shelves. The bookshelf is split in two halves by a
If you don’t use the handouts provided for this puzzle,
wooden divider running up its center. Where the consider changing the name of the king or the story in the
divider meets the top of the bookshelf, a copper book to reflect something in the history of the campaign
emblem resembling a bearded dwarf, a crown world. The copper emblem on the bookshelf can be made to
upon its head, hangs like a silent guardian over the resemble a famous dwarven hero or changed to a race more
antique tomes.

appropriate to the builders of the dungeon in which the

bookshelf resides.

Puzzle Features
Raising the Difficulty
The dwarf’s head emblem on the top center of the bookshelf
can be rotated clockwise (and only clockwise), making a You can make this puzzle more challenging by supplying
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clicking sound like the combination lock on an old safe. your players with the handouts provided and making them
find the five extra words themselves. You could also raise the

Close examination of the bookshelf will reveal that someone

carved the number 42 into the wood beneath the copper difficulty slightly by giving them the five words out of order,
knob. On the shelves are a variety of stale old histories, so they must either puzzle out the order themselves or think
but one of the books, a tome titled “Dwarf King’s Folly” to ask the order in which they appear.

has two copies on the shelves. The two copies of the book
are identical, except for page 42, which recounts the tale of
a great battle fought by the forces of dwarf king Darigan
against the Stone-Teeth orc tribe. One copy has five extra
words that are not in the other. If read in order from top to
bottom, the words read: “turn twice and say please.”

If a character fully rotates the dwarf’s head knob twice and
says the word “please,” in any language, the bookshelf will
slide to one side, revealing a secret passage or chamber
behind it. Where it leads or what’s inside is up to the
game master.


Handout 1 - Dwarf King’s Folly, page 42, version 1

“Turn back, ye dogs!” Darigan, the Iron King, exclaimed in fury. Raising his
hammer into the air, he led his guard forward, intercepting the advancing orcs
at the Bridge of Korgan. Two dozen orcs for every dwarf fought on the field that

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day, and the blood of their kind stained the stone darker than that of any of
Darigan’s kin.

The champion of the tribe, eldest son of their wretched chieftain, faced the
youngest of Darigan’s sons. He outweighed the young dwarf by a dozen stone,
and Brogan had already taken two arrows, but the stalwart prince struck the

orc twice with his ax, cleaving its head from its shoulders!
Gorlock, the first shaman of the tribe, draped in filth and rot, tore the heads
from two brave young whelps, Darus and Kron, sons of Alric. The wretched
IR leE
thing bathed its face in their blood, then raised a painted staff to call upon its
profane god. And Alric answered his pleas with a hammer blow that crushed its
vile skull. If the so-called god took notice of its servant’s call, it surely turned its
head in fear of a father’s rage on that dark day.

Even the chieftain of the Stone-Teeth, the dreaded Argash, saw no help from

the vile Lord of Slaughter. He called out in broken dwarfish, trying to shake
the king by cursing the name of his late wife, the great queen Bruuda. “What
HE m

did you say?” he retorted angrily, turning on the orc who’d felled his brother.

Darigan’s ax swept in a wide arc, removing the beast’s head before it could even
hear his words.

With that act, the battle was nearly over, and with it, peace would again be
restored. It was Durga, the shieldmaiden, who brought the war to an end. With
a smile on her blood-soaked face, she retorted, “please watch yer step,” and
kicked the chieftain’s last son hard in his chest, sending it falling from the side of
Korgan’s bridge and into the dark abyss below.
The remaining orcs were routed, their line of chiefs broken. But the king’s guard
gave no quarter for a new regime. To the last, the Stone-Tooth tribe was hunted
down, and their foul green heads hanged above the gates of the


Handout 1 - Dwarf King’s Folly, page 42, version 2

“Back, ye dogs!” Darigan, the Iron King, exclaimed in fury. Raising his
hammer into the air, he led his guard forward, intercepting the advancing orcs
at the Bridge of Korgan. Two dozen orcs for every dwarf fought on the field

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that day, and the blood of their kind stained the stone darker than that of any
of Darigan’s kin.

The champion of the tribe, eldest son of their wretched chieftain, faced the
youngest of Darigan’s sons. He outweighed the young dwarf by a dozen stone,
and Brogan had already taken two arrows, but the stalwart prince struck the

orc with his axe, cleaving its head from its shoulders!
Gorlock, the first shaman of the tribe, draped in filth and rot, tore the heads
from two brave young whelps, Darus and Kron, sons of Alric. The wretched
IR leE
thing bathed its face in their blood, then raised a painted staff to call upon its
profane god. Alric answered his pleas with a hammer blow that crushed its vile
skull. If the so-called god took notice of its servant’s call, it surely turned its
head in fear of a father’s rage on that dark day.

Even the chieftain of the Stone-Teeth, the dreaded Argash, saw no help from

the vile Lord of Slaughter. He called out in broken dwarfish, trying to shake
the king by cursing the name of his late wife, the great queen Bruuda. “What
did you...?” he retorted angrily, turning on the orc who’d felled his brother.
HE m M

Darigan’s axe swept in a wide arc, removing the beast’s head before it could
even hear his words.

With that act, the battle was nearly over, and with it, peace would again be
restored. It was Durga, the shieldmaiden, who brought the war to an end. With
a smile on her blood-soaked face, she retorted, “watch yer step,” and kicked the
chieftain’s last son hard in his chest, sending it falling from the side of Korgan’s
bridge and into the dark abyss below.
The remaining orcs were routed, their line of chiefs broken. But the king’s guard
gave no quarter for a new regime. To the last, the Stone-Tooth tribe was hunted
down, and their foul green heads hanged above the gates of the


A Riddle-Smith’s Delight Hint Checks
If the players are having difficulty solving the puzzle, their
The room features a hollow statue in the form of a sphinx characters can make checks to receive hints:
that delivers a riddle to the characters who must answer it
correctly to solve the puzzle. Intelligence (Investigation) DC 10. The character realizes
that the riddle mentions the servants but not where they
When the characters enter, read the following: are and that each servant saw the same number of knights
The only visible object in this unlit room is a button on in the garden.
a marble pedestal. You can barely read the sentence
Intelligence (Investigation) DC 15. The character receives
carved into the marble which says, “Test your mind to
another reading of the riddle as they muse over the details.
see the unseen.”

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Customizing the Puzzle
For characters with darkvision, add the
following information: The riddle causes confusion around the number of people in
the garden, the number of people heading to the garden, and

In addition to the marble pedestal and writing, you see those that are not in the garden by using clever wordplay.
a stone figure on the other end of the room. Beside You can make it more vague or add additional loops into
it are a pair of bronze braziers. Also, to your eyes, the the riddle, such as more people seeing the knights or more
sentence carved into the marble reads, “Test your mind knights being seen entering or leaving the garden.
to see the unseen. Once the riddle is spoken and your

decision made, speak thine answer.” By altering the kind of creatures mentioned in the riddle,
you can place the riddle into different settings. For example,
Once the button is pressed, the braziers magically light, you can replace the human royalty with an orc war chief and
illuminating the room. Then read the following: turn it into a riddle regarding a battle and the number of
combatants in it.
The room lights up, revealing the full form of the stone
IR leE
statue—a sphinx—on the back end of the room. The Raising the Difficulty
statue’s mouth moves as it speaks, and its voice is
gravely and rough. “To proceed, the riddle you must You can make the riddle deadlier by having the statue react
answer aloud. It will be stated but once.” There is a for every false answer, casting a spell at the party in response.
brief pause before the statue continues with the riddle.
“One ruler saw six servants while going towards the
garden. Every servant saw two knights guarding the

garden. Every knight held a chest full of gold, brimming

with gems and coins. How many people were in the

garden?” The statue then stops moving altogether,

becoming inanimate once more.
HE m

Puzzle Features

Difficulty: Medium
The puzzle primarily works with a button and auditory

stimuli. A magical ward is within the hollowed-out sphinx,

accepting the answer to the riddle when spoken. The statue
protects the ward within it against damage, and the puzzle is
only solved when the riddle is answered correctly.

The puzzle tricks the listener into guessing the answer
incorrectly. The ruler saw six servants while on the way to
the garden. The servants were present on the way to the
garden, but not actually in the garden. There are only two
knights in the garden, guarding it, and thus each servant saw
two knights.
This means there are actually only three people in the
garden, the ruler and the two knights.


Sound of Passage Customizing the Puzzle
The puzzle could be converted into a combination puzzle
Difficulty: Medium so that the mouthpieces must be blown in a specific order
This puzzle consists of a horn with multiple mouthpieces to solve the puzzle. You could also add more fey figures and
that must each be blown a specific number of times to mouthpieces, or change the way in which the horn must
solve the puzzle. be blown to open the portal. You could also replace the fey
with other creatures to make the puzzle more thematically
This room houses a massive horn, with three
appropriate to your dungeon, and the gateway could be
mouthpieces that are used to blow into it. The horn is
linked to another plane instead of just the next room.
adorned with three miniature items, one above each
mouthpiece: a blue horned helmet, an orange axe, and
Raising the Difficulty

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a green tree. Opposite the horn is a doorframe with
three gems set in it, one blue, one orange, and one To make the puzzle dangerous, you can add defenders that
green. On the walls of the room are painted three fey are summoned when the horn is blown incorrectly. These
rulers, one wearing a blue horned helmet with one gem could be conjured creatures of an appropriate challenge

in the middle, one holding an orange axe with three rating for the party.
gems on the head, and one holding a green sapling with
two gems in its branches.

If a character blows a mouthpiece the wrong number of

times, read the following:
The door frame pulses with magical energy for a
moment as an arcane gateway begins to form, but then
it disperses with the sound of glass breaking.
IR leE
Once the players have blown the horn correctly, read
the following:
“An arcane gateway forms within the door frame,
swirling with colors and remaining stable. Soothing
music comes from the other side.”

Puzzle Features

The horn is the primary tool for solving the puzzle. The
paintings of fey rulers on the wall serve as clues to how the
horn should be blown to solve the puzzle.
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Each mouthpiece on the horn must be blown a specific
number of times to solve the puzzle. The miniature items

above the mouthpieces correspond to the items the fey

rulers are carrying, and the number of gems in those items
indicates the number of times a mouthpiece must be blown.
Thus, the blue horned helmet mouthpiece must be blown
once; the orange axe mouthpiece must be blown thrice; the
green sapling mouthpiece must be blown twice.

Hint Checks
If the players are having difficulty solving the puzzle, their
characters can make checks to receive hints:
Intelligence (Nature) DC 10. The fey have a way of using
tricks to confuse or prank onlookers. A clue to the puzzle
likely lies in the paintings of the fey.
Wisdom (Perception) DC 10. The character notices that the
items featured in the paintings are also featured on the horn’s


Saving FACE Customizing the Puzzle
Consider making the hobgoblin chieftain a famous hobgoblin
Difficulty: hard* warlord from the campaign setting. Change the name
This puzzle features a secret alcove that can only be “Hogrimm” to sound more like a name in the goblin language
opened by playing specific notes in a certain key on a of the campaign world if a style of name has been established.
musical instrument. Replace the broken lute with a musical instrument unique to
the campaign world or setting style, such as a mandola for a
*Part of the difficulty of this puzzle is recognizing that it is, Greek-themed campaign.
in fact, a puzzle at all. It presents itself as a description of a
piece of art, but a character that takes the time to examine Raising the Difficulty
the painting in more detail will likely discover that it is more

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than it seems. You can increase the difficulty of this puzzle by requiring that
the tune be played on a specific instrument that can be found
The large, wood-framed painting hanging on the wall
somewhere else in the dungeon.
depicts a despondent hobgoblin dragging a broken lute

towards a throne-room door as a hobgoblin chieftain
and shaman look down on him in disgust. The shaman
points angrily towards the door as the chieftain holds
a set of open shackles in one hand and a ring of keys
in the other. A brass plate on the bottom of the frame

reads: “Hogrimm Loses Face.”

Puzzle Features
The painting seems firmly affixed to the wall, requiring a DC
IR leE
20 Strength check to cause it to shift even a little. A closer
examination of the painting reveals that the only key that can
be seen in detail on the chieftain’s ring is decorated with an
oddly familiar glyph, which is actually a stylized capital letter
G. The signature on the painting reads “T. Cleff.”


Standing in front of the painting and singing or playing the

notes F, A, C, and E in the key of G causes the painting to

slide aside, revealing a secret chamber behind it. Performing

the passcode can be accomplished with a DC 10 ability check
using either Charisma (Performance) or Dexterity (Musical
HE m

Instrument tool proficiency). What secret or treasure the


alcove holds is up to the individual game master.

Hint Checks
If the players are having difficulty solving the puzzle, their

characters can make checks to receive hints:

Intelligence (Investigation) DC 15. Careful examination of
the painting reveals that the glyph in the key hanging from
the hobgoblin chieftain’s belt is actually a stylized letter G.
Intelligence (Goblin Language Proficiency) DC 10.
“Hogrimm” is the goblin word for music.
Wisdom (Insight) DC 15. Noises louder than a whisper
made near the painting cause the canvas to visibly vibrate.
Wisdom (Perception) DC 10. The wall to the left of the
painting is scuffed near the top and bottom of the frame,
implying that the painting has been slid across the wall
in the past.


A Collector Spanova is now plotting her next strike at Tolokonsky: the
theft of his prized sword collection. Thus, she is seeking a
group of adventurers who can carry out the heist.
Running This Adventure
The details needed for running this adventure are included
below. However, the game master is encouraged to Andreevich Manor. The two-story manor in Sea Ward
customize it slightly for their group and ongoing campaign. of an eccentric, foreign, art-collector named Tolokonsky
Consider questions such as the following: Andreevich.
• Where will this adventure take place in your world? The Sloshing Boot Tavern. This is a renowned, somewhat
• Should you change the names of any locations to make seedy tavern in the city. The building is literally shaped like a

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them better fit your campaign setting? boot, and it’s run by a slimy barkeep named Ricardo.
• Should you increase or decrease the loot it contains,
including adding or removing magic items?

• Should you adjust any of the encounters to better fit the
power-level of your players and their characters?
Tolokonsky Andreevich
Game Master Notes Human male, Assassin
Description. Tolokonsky is in his late thirties with short,

Level. This adventure is designed for a group of four to six brown hair and a charming, chiseled face. He has always had
level-five characters. his way with the ladies, thinking it a fun game to lead them
Creatures. This adventure features the following creatures: on and watch them fall for him. He stands tall among most
animated armor, assassin, flying sword, gargoyle, ghost, hill others, always grinning and beaming with charisma.
IR leE
giant, rug of smothering, veteran.
Resting. It’s expected that the party may need to take a
Occupation. Tolokonsky spent his younger years moving
up the ranks in an assassin guild to the south but is now
couple short rests over the course of the adventure, but retired, having amassed a tidy fortune from that dangerous
no long rests. line of work. He is an eccentric man and loves to collect art,
swords, and other rarities. He now spends the majority of his
Loot. This adventure contains treasure from 1 roll on the time in his manor reading and admiring his treasures. When
challenge 0-4 treasure horde table in the game master’s he is not at his manor, he is out scouting for more additions

core rule book. to his collection of both valuables and women’s hearts.

Storyline Secret. Tolokonsky is short-tempered and while he


enjoys women falling for him, he bores of them easily.

For years Spanova Vitalievna and Tolokonsky Andreevich Unfortunately for some who get too attached and just won’t
were lovers, living quite happily together. However, leave, Tolokonsky doesn’t have the patience for them. In
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Tolokonsky always seemed to have wandering eyes, and one such a situation, he strangled an ex-lover, Servyetta, to

day Spanova discovered that he had been having an affair death. Her spirit is stuck in the room where she once resided
with another woman: Servyetta Aleksandrovna. in the manor, and he finds enjoyment in knowing that she
cannot move on.
Enraged, Spanova left Tolokonsky, but her bitterness and

spite only grew. Unable to get over the betrayal, she has been
seeking ways to exact her revenge over the years since their
split. However, Spanova doesn’t desire his death; instead, she
wants to strike at his heart, harming those dear to him, or
striping him of anything in this world that brings him joy.
As a result, the last several years have marked a series of
acts designed to do just that. However, unbeknownst to her,
Tolokonsky enjoys the attention, and views it as a game
to be won. For instance, in the most recent of these acts,
she arranged for his manor in the country to be seized and
destroyed by outlaws. Tolokonsky responded by capturing
the outlaws with his own band of mercenaries, retrieving
most of his valuables, buying a new manor in the city, and
paying several wizards quite handsomely to decorate it with
wards and magical defenses.


Spanova Vitalievna Meeting with Spanova Vitalievna
Human Female, Commoner
Spanova can be found from midday to midnight at the
Description. Spanova is an attractive woman with curly Sloshing Boot Tavern, waiting to speak with adventuring
blond hair and bright green eyes. She is in her mid-thirties, groups responding to her job offer. The barkeep and
but her face is still youthful and her figure quite fit. She is waitstaff know who she is and will point her out to folks
usually the center of jealousy for many women. inquiring after her.
Occupation. Spanova is a simple merchant who has no Roleplaying Spanova Vitalievna. Use the following
public record of being anything less than trustful— perhaps information to roleplay the meeting with Spanova.
her looks helps with this. She spends the majority of her time
• Spanova says that a former lover of hers, Tolokonsky
fixated on seeking revenge on her former lover Tolokonsky,

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Andreevich, unfairly obtained her prized sword collection
though she is very careful to not let this ruin her reputation
from her, and now she’d like it back. (This is not true; the
or the way the public views her.
swords belong to Tolokonsky and Spanova wants to steal
Secret. Recently, Spanova has been using her womanly wiles them as part of their ongoing feud. Characters who make

to seduce a high-ranking city official. Her goal is both to a DC 15 Wisdom [Insight] check can decern that she’s
use the man for the betterment of her business and to cause lying.)
Tolokonsky legal and administrative headaches. Spanova • Spanova will offer 500 gp for the retrieval of a sword
usually has several irons in the fire when it comes to seeking collection from Andreevich Manor in the city, and she can
her revenge. give them directions for where to find it.

• If asked what the sword collection looks like, she claims,
Random Encounters “Oh, you’ll know them when you see them.”
• Spanova knows that the manor is surrounded by a high
Use these random encounters as needed in the adventure, wall but knows nothing of its defenses. (This is true.)
such as when the group takes too many short rests or
IR leE • She tells them not to harm Tolokonsky or take anything
takes an unnecessary long rest. These encounters can also else of value from the manor. If they only take the swords,
Tolokonsky will understand that it’s simply part of an
be used to restock the area if the group leaves and then
comes back later. ongoing feud the two have. However, if they harm him or
take other items of value, Tolokonsky will surely look for
• 2d6 flying books (use the flying sword stat block) revenge on the characters.
• 1d4+2 gargoyles • Once the group has the swords, they should contact her
• 1d6+2 animated armors at the Sloshing Boot Tavern and they can arrange for

• 1d4+1 veterans delivery and payment.

• 1d6 thugs and two veterans
• 2d6 thugs

Andreevich Manor
Adventure Hook When the characters arrive at Andreevich Manor, read
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the following:

Here are some adventure hooks you might use to introduce

this adventure to your players’ characters. Also, feel free to Arriving at the manor, you find yourselves standing
create a customized adventure hook that better fits into your before a tall stone wall lined with small fairy-like
ongoing campaign. statues. The wall appears to surround the entire manor

and what must be a courtyard beyond the wall. A pair

• The characters find a posting on a job board that reads: of large doors banded with steel stand in the wall.
Seeking help to recover stolen goods. Job pays 500 gp. Only
veteran adventuring parties need apply. See Spanova Vitalievna
at the Sloshing Boot Tavern for details. Manor Features
• Spanova has hired a hawker who approaches adventuring
Outer Wall. A fifteen-foot-tall stone wall surrounds the
parties as they walk the streets, presenting them with basic
manor. Small, fairy-like statues crouch along the top of the
information about the job (per the job board message
wall every five feet. The statues have glyphs of warding on
above) and tells them to see Spanova at the Sloshing Boot
them that trigger when any creature larger than tiny comes
Tavern for more information.
within five feet of them.
• Spanova herself approaches the group and bids them dine
with her at the Sloshing Boot Tavern. She says she has a Exterior Doors. All exterior doors are made of heavy oak
very lucrative job and proposal for them. banded with steel and are locked. The locks can be picked
with a successful DC 13 Dexterity (Thieves’ Tools) check.
The doors can be broken down with three successful DC 12
Strength (Athletics) checks, with each check representing a
few minutes of battering against the door. Any use of force
to open a door triggers a glyph of warding placed on it.


Exterior Windows. All exterior windows are made of Gardens
translucent stained glass that cannot be seen through.
Furthermore, sturdy bars cover the window frame, requiring Beyond the stone wall, the sight of a lush lawn full
three successful DC 14 Strength (Athletics) checks to bend of shrubs and the welcoming scent of fresh petals
them. The window bars all also have glyphs of warding beckons you closer. Vibrant flower patches are
placed on them that trigger when any creature larger than meticulously scattered about, full and blooming
tiny touches them, or if they are bent or damaged in any way. proudly. Statues depicting man-sized pixies crouch
along the edge of the manor’s roof in various places.
Glyphs of Warding. The exploding runes of a glyph
Colorful windows, each displaying intricate images and
deals 4d8 thunder damage to all creatures within a ten-foot
designs and covered with sturdy bars, are spaced about
radius and emit a loud boom that alerts Tolokonsky in the
the exterior of the building. The front door to the
manor and a city watch patrol only a few minutes away.

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manor is made of sturdy wood banded with steel.
The patrol consists of seven guards and one veteran, and
they investigate the disturbance to the best of their ability,
detaining and arresting any trespassers. Statues. Four of the pixie statues that line the roof are

gargoyles that animate and swoop down to attack anyone
Lighting. At night, the manor is dark unless otherwise who sets off a glyph of warding on the windows, doors, or
noted. During the day, most of the light is provided by outer wall. They only attack if a glyph of warding is set off;
the windows. otherwise, they do nothing.
Floors. The floors are made of polished hardwood covered Secret Door. Spotting the secret door on the northern wall

with valuable area rugs. of the building leading to area A11 requires a successful DC
Walls. The exterior walls are made of stone, but the interior 15 Wisdom (Perception) check. Characters who inspect
walls are made of wood and plaster. the wall nearby and succeed on a DC 12 Intelligence
(Investigation) check discover that a brick on the wall can be
Ceilings. The ceilings are ten feet high unless depressed to open the door.
otherwise noted.
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Doors, Internal. The internal doors are made of wood. A1. Entry Hall
Developments This area is spacious and open with beautiful, ornate
rugs lying in various places about the hardwood
If the group enters the compound at night, it improves their
flooring. Directly in front of you is a wide wooden
chances of success, and Tolokonsky will be either sleeping in
staircase leading to a higher floor that is flanked by
his bed or in his study reading. During the day, Tolokonsky

three suits of sparkling, polished armor wielding

will be moving about the manor with a chance of stumbling
silver swords on either side. To the west and east, the
across the group or evidence of their passing through (dead

room opens up to two smaller areas, and hallways

bodies, destruction, things looted, etc.). If the party makes
in the northwest and northeast corners lead further
too much noise or sets off a glyph of warding, Tolokonsky
into the manor.
will be alerted to their presence.
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If Tolokonsky is alerted to the presence of intruders, he will Suits of armor. All six of the suits are animated armors

stealthily try to find them, seeking to not be seen. He will that attack anyone who takes any of the art objects in areas
then wait until they are engaged in combat with his manor A2 or A3 or who tries to go up the stairs to the second floor
defenses and then strike at them. Otherwise, he waits until a without speaking the passphrase “my sword is silver.”

good opportunity to strike, especially if the group splits up.

If no good opportunities to strike are presenting themselves, A2. Art Gallery A
Tolokonsky will leave the manor, gather two veteran
mercenaries from nearby, and return to attack the characters Hanging from the walls and displayed on pedestals
(see A17 for encounter notes). Considering his seedy are a fine collection of paintings, statuettes, and other
background, he prefers not to involve the city watch. objects of valuable art. Each piece looks to be very well
taken care of, and they surround another large rug.
Light leaking into the room through the stained-glass
windows illuminates the area in a colorful glow.

Artwork. Here there are the following pieces of art, each

worth 25 gp: three small statues of fey creatures, two ornate
vases, three small paintings, a porcelain dragon claw, and a
silver goblet with intricate vine detailing. Also, there are two
paintings here worth 100 gp each.


A3. Art Gallery B Tolokonsky uses this ballroom and the dining hall (area
A6) to host elaborate balls and parties with members of
Hanging from the walls and displayed on pedestals high society.
are a fine collection of paintings, statuettes, and other
Instruments. A well-kept violin worth 60 gp, a mandolin
objects of valuable art. Each piece looks to be very well
worth 40 gp, and a beautiful grand piano worth 400 gp sit
taken care of, and they surround another large rug.
atop the dais. The piano has vine engravings that cover the
Light leaking into the room through the stained-glass
feet and trail up the legs. The instruments appear to be kept
windows illuminates the area in a colorful glow.
in perfect condition and play wonderfully.

Artwork. Here there are the following pieces of art, each

worth 25 gp: a small but beautiful crystal bottle, a half-
A6. Dining Hall

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finished painting, a bust of a beautiful woman, a small Large, fluted columns leading across the room support
bear statue made of amber, a silver mirror, and three ivory the thirty-foot-high ceiling, and several long, engraved
elephants each larger than the last. There is also a large statue tables lined with well-cushioned chairs are placed

of a female pixie and two paintings, each worth 100 gp. around the room. On the eastern wall, golden and red
banners with geometric patterns hang between the
A4. Kitchens tall, elaborate stained-glass windows that allow colorful
beams of light to fill the room. Cabinets rest against
Counters and shelves covered in various cooking both the northern and southern walls here.
ingredients and tools stand about the tiled floor.

Tables and ovens fill the remainder of the room,
Cabinets. These cabinets are beautifully crafted and contain
resting underneath kitchen implements that dangle
silver cutlery and finely made china plates. The entire
from the walls and ceiling. Barrels and another shelf
collection is worth a total of 350 gp, though the china is
full of extra supplies rest in the southwest corner, and
easily broken if not carefully transported.
a bed fills the majority of the southeast corner. Two
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doors lead back out of the room in the northwest and
A7. Hallway
northeast corners.
On both ends of this hallway, there is a set of doors,
The cook—an obese brute named Ugaba (use hill giant stat one made of plain wood and the other made of sturdier
block) who is as dumb as a brick but an incredibly skilled wood banded with steel. Two doors rest on opposite
cook—is either busy here preparing a meal or sleeping in the ends of the northern wall here, and a sconce hangs at

corner, depending on the time of day. the midpoint of the wall. At either end of this hallway,
Roleplaying Ugaba. Use these notes when two more hallways lead to the front of the manor.

roleplaying Ugaba.
• The cook is peaceful and just wants to cook (and eat). Banded Doors. The doors leading back outside the manor
• Ugaba surrenders before fighting but will defend himself are locked. The locks can be picked with a successful DC 13
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with large pots and pans that are at hand if he is attacked. Dexterity (Thieves’ Tools) check. The doors can be broken

• If coerced or threatened, he will tell the party all about the down with three successful DC 12 Strength (Athletics)
first floor, but he has never been allowed up to the second checks, with each check representing a few minutes of
floor. He doesn’t know about the manor’s defenses or battering against the door. Any use of force to open a door
secret passages. triggers a glyph of warding placed on it.

Secret Door. Spotting the secret door leading to area A11

requires a successful DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check.
A5. Ballroom Characters who inspect the wall nearby and succeed on a DC
12 Intelligence (Investigation) check discover that the sconce
This door opens up to a room completely unlike any
on the wall can be twisted to open the door.
other that you’ve seen in the manor. Large, fluted
columns leading across the room support the thirty-
foot-high ceiling, and the floor is made of polished
marble. Golden and red banners with geometric
patterns hang between the tall, elaborate stained-glass
windows that allow colorful beams of light to fill the
room. A dais sits in front of these banners, housing
several instruments. Beautiful, purple rugs line both the
northern and southern walls.


A8. Library A11. Secret Room
Bookcases filled with hundreds of books stand against This secret room is mostly identical on the first and second
the walls and well-cushioned sitting chairs seated floors of the manor. Secret doors from the garden and area
around small tables are set about the room. Colorful A7 provide access to the room on the first floor, and the
light fills this room through the stained-glass windows. secret door from area A18 provides access to the room on the
second floor. A narrow circular staircase connects the room
Books. A successful DC 15 wisdom (Perception) check on the first floor to the room on the second floor.
reveals five books that appear to have less dust than the
others. These five books have titles related to fighting Second Floor Features
techniques and the art of the blade on their spines. Anyone

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disturbing any of the books without speaking the passphrase Doors. The locks can be picked with a successful DC 12
“words cut deeper than swords” causes five books on the Dexterity (Thieves’ Tools) check. The doors can be broken
shelves to magically animate and attack the party (use the down with a successful DC 12 Strength (Athletics) checks.

flying sword stat block for the flying books).
Shelves. Characters who spend at least five minutes A12. Hallway
searching the shelves and succeed on a DC 12 Wisdom
(Perception) check uncover two spell scrolls: unseen servant This open room has a large area rug set in the
and fog cloud. center of it, just at the top of the stairs. A door lies

in the western, northern, and eastern walls, and a
wall wrapping around the opening of the staircase
A9. Lounge forms two separate halls leading south on either side
Well-cushioned sitting chairs seated around small of the stairs.
tables are set about the room. A thin haze of smoke fills
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the air, and smoking bongs and small pouches sit atop
the tables. Colorful light fills this room through the
Rug. The large rug at the top of the stairs is a rug of
smothering. It attacks anyone who steps on it that doesn’t
stained-glass windows. speak the passphrase “dark as the night.”
Secret Door. Spotting the secret door requires a successful
Pouches. The pouches contain 4d6 doses of wierdust. DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check. A successful DC 12
Wierdust is an illicit drug used by the wealthy and nobility. Intelligence (Investigation) check reveals that depressing
It is highly addictive, and puts the user in a relaxed, euphoric a floor tile in the corner opens the door. If characters

state for 1d4 hours. While in this state, a creature has suspect that based on the architecture of the building there
disadvantage on attack rolls, ability checks, and saving must be a secret door and room in the northwest corner

throws, though they feel extreme pleasure and contentment. of the manor, they automatically find the secret door and
Chairs. Thoroughly searching the lounge and succeeding the tile mechanism after a few minutes of searching and
on a DC 13 Wisdom (Perception) check reveals a key stuffed inspecting the area.
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down in the cushion of one chair. This key unlocks any of


the bedroom doors on the second floor. A13. Lounge Area

A couple of cushioned chairs seated around a small
A10. Jakes table and a rug sit in front of two stained-glass windows

This small, dark room that serves as the bathroom isn’t that allow colored light to flood into the area. A door
nearly as fresh smelling as the rest of the manor, nor can be seen on both the western and eastern walls.
as sweet-scented as the flowers that surround it. A
wooden bench with a hole carved into it rests against Table. With a successful DC 12 Wisdom (Perception) check,
the far wall. a player can discover a small key wedged into a slot between
the cushion and the wood of one of the chairs. This key
There are four bathrooms in the manor. Two on the first opens the chest found in room A15.
floor, and two on the second with the one adjacent to area
A18 being Tolokonsky’s private bathroom.
Tolokonshy’s Private Bathroom. This room is not quite
pleasant-smelling, but it doesn’t smell terrible either. An
obvious effort to keep the area as clean as possible has been
made, and not even dust lies on the floor.


A14. Bedroom • Even if the possession attempt fails, she will continue to
attack the characters as long as they stay in the room.
This room is well-appointed but appears to be unused. • If Servyetta’s ghost is slain, it reforms after twenty-four
A large, blue bed with nightstands and area rugs on hours, continuing her imprisonment.
either side of it rests against the center of the western
wall. Beside the door sits a trunk that is latched closed. Trunk. This trunk is locked and contains 1d6 gems worth
A dresser is placed against the northern wall, and a 10 gp each, an ornate dagger, and 1d4 potions of healing
large wardrobe stands opposite of it on the southern with cobwebs strung between them. The lock can either be
wall. A light coat of dust shimmers around the room opened using the hidden key from area A13 or by succeeding
against the colorful rays flooding in from the stained- on a DC 15 Dexterity (Thieves’ Tools) check.
glass windows.
Dresser. This dresser contains a few of Servyetta’s old

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clothing, now covered in dust. Nothing of significant value
Trunk. This trunk contains nothing but a few worn can be found here.
common books under a layer of dust.
Wardrobe. This wardrobe contains an old dress that is now

Dresser. This dresser is completely empty aside from a few covered in a thick layer of dust and has been chewed away
dust-covered cobwebs inside some of the drawers. at in places. Spiderwebs string from the sides of the inner
Wardrobe. This wardrobe is home to a few small spiders compartment to the dress.
that have created an intricate web inside. They aren’t
bothered by the party’s presence. One spider is in the process A16. Bedroom

of wrapping a struggling bug up into a ball of webs.
This room is well-appointed but appears to be unused.
It is very open with two rugs placed in the center of
A15. Bedroom it. A large, teal bed with two nightstands at its sides
This room is well-appointed but appears to be unused.
IR leE rests in the southwest corner between two stained-
It is very open with two rugs placed in the center of glass windows that light up the room. A dresser is
placed against the southern wall, and a large wardrobe
the area. A large, green bed with two nightstands
at its sides rests in the southwest corner between sits against the western wall just below the door.
two stained-glass windows that light up the room. A An open chest sits against the northern wall, across
dresser is placed against the southern wall, and a large from the door.
wardrobe stands opposite of it on the northern wall.
A closed chest sits against the western wall, directly Trunk. This trunk contains a few old, rusty spoons and a

across from the door. single ragged right shoe.


Dresser. This dresser is completely empty.

The ghost of Servyetta Aleksandrovna, the lover that
Tolokonsky left Spanova for, resides here. Tolokonsky Wardrobe. This wardrobe contains a single ragged left
strangled her in a fit of passion, and her spirit has been shoe that is filled with a dense spider web on the inside. An
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unable to depart the room ever since, being bound to the angry spider crawls out of the shoe and scurries away if it

bedroom and unable to leave it. Tolokonsky knows about is disturbed.

her presence there and doesn’t enter the room, knowingly
allowing her to suffer.

Roleplaying Servyetta. Use these notes when

roleplaying Servyetta.
• Servyetta is desperate to be released from her undeath and
imprisonment in the room which she believes that justice
visited on Tolokonsky will do.
• She will beg the heroes to slay Tolokonsky so that she can
be at peace.
• If the characters agree to help her, she will tell them there
are several useful items in the locked trunk in the room,
though she doesn’t know where the key is. Servyetta
has no use for the items, obviously, and hopes they will
increase the group’s chances of defeating Tolokonsky.
• If the characters refuse to help her, she will fly into a rage
and try to possess one of them. If successful, she is able to
leave the room while possessing a character and will seek
Tolokonsky out, hoping to murder him and free her spirit.


A17. Master Study Encounter Notes
• Tolokonsky uses the assassin stat block with the
A cushioned chair sits behind a large desk in the following changes:
southern portion of the room. Two other chairs are • He has legendary resistance (3/day).
placed just on the other side of the desk, and a larger • As a bonus action, he can use the dash, disengage, and
chair rests in the northeastern corner of the room. hide actions.
A bookcase stuffed full of books is placed against the • The two veterans will engage the characters in melee,
northern wall just to the side of another door. Two locking them down, while Tolokonsky dashes into melee,
large stained-glass windows fill the room with light. attacking with his shortsword twice (likely gaining sneak
attack damage), and then using a bonus action to disengage
Unless he has been alerted by the sounds of battle in his out of melee range.

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manor and gone elsewhere, Tolokonsky (assassin) is • At the end of the day, Tolokonsky values his life greatly
currently reading at his desk here. and will flee if reduced to half his health. He knows that
Bookcase. Books about famous art collectors and historic he can always get revenge and recover any stolen property

discoveries make up the majority of this book collection. The later. But dead he can’t.
books here, while well taken care of, are well worn from
being read over and over again. GM Note. If he escapes, he will ruthlessly hunt down those
who robbed him, using his vast wealth to hire mercenaries
Desk. In one of the drawers of the desk, a slip of parchment along with other methods. The game master can then create
reads: “my sword is silver”, “words cut deeper than swords”,

future adventures based on this.
“dark as the night”, and “under table, left side”. This is an old
note Tolokonsky made to remind him of the passphrases for Loot. Tolokonsky carries a large iron key that opens area
the traps in his manor and of the location of the hidden key A20, three potions of healing, a potion of climbing, a potion
in area A13. of invisibility, and a silver shortsword.
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Roleplaying Tolokonsky. Use the following information
to roleplay Tolokonsky:
A18. Master Bedroom
• When he notices the party, Tolokonsky is not immediately Against the northern wall, a massive bed with a blue
hostile but will demand that they leave his manor at once. canopied ceiling rests between two beautiful stained-
He is startled more than anything. glass windows. Nightstands sit in front of both of the
• If it doesn’t look like the party is leaving, he puts on a windows, and a large area rug lies across the center
charming and friendly personality. He will try to get the of the floor. A large, cushioned chair with a matching

party to leave in various ways, trying to get a feel for what footstool rests against the eastern wall, and a dresser
they want and why they’re there, fearing the worst: they and a large wardrobe stand on opposite sides of the

want his art. southern wall. A wooden door lies in the southern part
• If the party tells him about why they are there, he denies of the western wall, and a sconce is mounted on the
Spanova’s claims about stealing her swords and insists that northern end.
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she is just an ex-lover who is attempting to steal from him


by manipulating the party. He even goes so far as to assure Dresser. The bottom drawer contains pouches with a total
them that he will help them pay for mercenaries to “take of 300 gp in them.
care of” Spanova as revenge for sending them on what he
calls a wild goose hunt. Of course, this is only a tactic he is Wardrobe. This wardrobe is filled with fanciful clothing
and nice shoes. A small mirror rests here as well.

attempting to use against the party to get the party to trust

him and leave. He has no intention of harming Spanova. Secret Door. Spotting the secret door requires a successful
• After a while of attempting to persuade the party to leave DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check. A successful DC 12
by any means necessary, he begins to lose his temper and Intelligence (Investigation) check reveals that a sconce on the
seeks a way to slip away. He plans to quickly gather a wall can be twisted to open the door.
couple mercenaries from someone who owes him a favor
and return to murder the characters.
• If the party attacks him or refuses to leave, Tolokonsky
will drink the potion of invisibility he carries, and then
retreat from his mansion as quickly as possible. He goes
to a nearby shady contact, gathers up two veteran
mercenaries, and then returns to attack the characters if
they are still in his mansion. Leaving and returning with
the mercenaries takes Tolokonsky about twenty minutes.


A19. Guard Room Resolution
If the characters depress the tile in area A12 to open the When the characters deliver the sword collection to
secret door, read the following: Spanova, she pays them the 500 gp as promised.
You step onto a tile in the flooring, your foot sinks If the characters took anything else of value from the manor,
slightly, and a section of the north wall slowly swings Tolokonsky or his surviving family (if he was murdered by
open. The room revealed before you contains nothing the group) quickly put out the word that he was robbed.
but a half-empty shelf and a long bench. Against the Honest merchants about the city will have nothing to do
western wall stands a door banded with iron. with buying anything stolen from him. Even black-market
dealers recognize the wares and refuse to buy them—there’s
Two invisible helmed horrors stand guard in two corners too much risk involved as they know Tolokonsky and his

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of this room. They attack anyone except Tolokonsky goons will come looking for the items. So, the party will
who touches the iron door. When they attack their find themselves in the possession of goods that have little
invisibility ends. practical value and represent great risk to them if they are

caught with them.
Door. The door here is locked and can be opened with the
large key Tolokonsky keeps on his person at all times. The Furthermore, Tolokonsky or his surviving family will begin
doors can be broken down with three successful DC 12 hunting down the characters for revenge. If Tolokonsky was
Strength (Athletics) checks, with each check representing a murdered by the group, his family will certainly send thugs
few minutes of battering against the door. and assassins after the group to even things up. The game

master will need to flesh that adventure out.
A20. Treasure Vault
A circle of twelve beautiful swords is magically
suspended in the air above a decorative area rug.
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A large painting hangs on the wall in an ornate
frame, and two pedestals in the northwestern and
southwestern corners hold up a golden music box
and a golden cup set with emeralds. The room itself is
immaculately clean.

The interior of this room exists on a demi-plane that can

only be entered by passing through the iron door. Breaking

through the walls or entering through the exterior windows

will only lead the heroes to an empty room.
Loot. The room contains a handmade golden gnomish music
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box that plays an elvish song (worth 1000 gp), a beautiful


golden cup set with emeralds (worth 1000 gp), a painting of

an ancient god (worth 1000 gp), and a set of twelve gilded
greatswords set with gems and clearly made by master
craftsmen (worth 500 gp each).


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Tier 3
backing down with a successful DC 14 Strength or Charisma
Encounters (Intimidation) check.
If the characters cannot convince the myconids to leave them
The below three encounters can be included in your game
be, the creatures attack, believing that to leave the characters
wherever desired or needed, such as when a random
alive would spell doom for their weakened colony.
encounter is needed or simply to break up the monotony of a
long, uneventful journey. Feel free to customize details of the Loot. The vein of gold that runs through the floor of the
encounters as desired to better fit your group and campaign. northeast section of the chamber can be mined to obtain 4d6
nuggets of gold worth 10 gp each. Mining all the nuggets and

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Adjusting Encounters for Higher or exhausting the vein of gold takes 1d4+1 days and requires the
use of mining equipment, such as pickaxes.
Lower Levels
Secret. A group of four sahuagin swimming in the stream

These encounters were designed for specific levels of recently discovered the myconid grove and were planning
characters. However, you can easily adjust the encounters to attack the peaceful creatures just as the characters arrived.
for characters of slightly lower or higher levels by adding Now the sahuagin are hiding patiently in the water, waiting
or removing creatures from the encounter. To adjust for the characters to leave so they can attack the myconids
and mine the gold. If the characters instead battle the

encounters for groups of drastically higher or lower levels,
you could swap out the creatures for new ones, keeping the myconids and defeat them, the sahuagin will spring from the
other elements of the encounter mostly the same. water to attack the characters, hoping to slay them so there is
no competition for the gold.
The Myconid’s Gold A character who examines the stream and succeeds on a DC
IR leE
Level. This encounter is designed for four to six level-
13 Wisdom (Perception) check notices the dark forms of the
sahuagin lurking in the water.
three characters.
Creatures. Myconid Adult, Myconid Sovereign.
Location. An underground cave with a stream running
through it. Fauna and mushrooms grow about the

chamber, and a waterfall plummets into the stream from

above. The floor of the northeast section of the chamber

sparkles with gold.

Description. This underground chamber is home to a small
colony of myconids. Dwelling peacefully here among the
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fauna, mushrooms, and refreshing stream are five myconid


sprouts, three myconid adults, and one myconid sovereign.

The myconids desire no conflict, but once before travelers
have discovered their grove and were welcomed peacefully
by the myconids. However, that group later returned with a

larger force to attack them, seeking to mine the vein of gold

in the northeast section of the chamber. This assault wiped
out over half their number, and the colony is still recovering
from the tragedy. Thus, the myconids have become warry of
any strangers.
When the characters arrive in the chamber through a tunnel
in the southern wall and are noticed by the myconids, the
adults and sovereign will immediately move to confront
them. The myconid sovereign will spray a type of spores
that allows rudimentary telepathic communication over the
characters and demand to know why they have come.
If the characters can convince the myconids they intend
the creatures no harm and will leave and not return, the
myconids will hesitantly allow them to do so. This requires
a successful DC 14 Charisma (Persuasion or Deception)
check. A character might also intimidate the myconids into


Mad Margie’s Mound presence, two vine blights that are concealed in that area
attack, likely surprising the characters from their concealed
Level. This encounter is designed for four to six level- positions. On the second round of combat, Margie, riding
five characters. the shambling mound and spouting shrieking, insane curses
at the intruders, arrives from the south to join the battle.
Creatures. Druid, Shambling Mound, Vine Blight.
If her plant creations are destroyed or she is reduced to half
Location. A large, three-chamber cave complex with hit points, Margie attempts to flee, screeching warnings
twisting, thorny vines growing from the walls and about defiling nature and that the “Sun, Wind, Rain, and
covering the floor. Moon” shall have their vengeance someday.
Description. An insane halfling druid named Margie Loot. The far western chamber of the complex contains a
lives here among her twisted and evil plant creations, two

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few items of value that Margie has collected: seven small
vine blights, and a shambling mound. She believes that tiger eye gems worth 10 gp each and four spell scrolls
humanoids are a pox upon the world—expecting herself, of (druidcraft, mending, resistance, and speak with animals).
course—with their tendencies to be ever-expanding their

cities and encroaching upon the wilderness. Thus, she has Secret. This chamber is coterminous with the Fey Plane
taken it upon herself to rid the world of as many of them whose influence not only causes the vines here to grow but
as possible. also corrupts sentient beings who stay in the area for too
long. Years ago, Margie was a peaceful, completely sane
A tunnel in the southeast opens into Margie’s cave complex. druid who sought this chamber out for the solitude it offered.
When the characters enter, if they are not careful to avoid

However, over the months, she was slowly driven mad by
touching any of the vines that choke the floors and walls, the magical influence of the Fey Plane in this area. If Margie
Margie becomes aware of the intruders, as she possesses a is removed from the chamber, she will slowly revert to her
degree of awareness via the vines’ tactical senses. Characters normal self over the next few days. However, the memories
can move through the area without touching the vines with a of the atrocities and murders she committed while in the
successful DC 13 Dexterity saving throw. The save should be
IR leE chamber will forever haunt her.
repeated for every fifteen feet they move.
Once the intruders are about halfway through the large
northern chamber of the complex, if Margie is aware of their
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The Fire Fanatics chuckling madly. The salamander demands in rough
Common for the characters to bow in worship and present a
Level. This encounter is designed for four to six level- suitable offering—or face annihilation.
eight characters. If the characters present an offering worth at least 500 gp
Creatures. Azer, Salamander. or magical in nature (excluding potions and spell scrolls),
the salamander accepts the gift, and the disappointed azer
Location. A large chamber with pathways that cross a pool grudgingly allow the characters to leave unharmed. If the
of bubbling magma. characters refuse to worship the salamander or present
Description. This chamber is the home of a salamander an offering, or speak disrespectfully to the creature, the
who dwells in the magma and has assembled a cult following salamander roars in outrage and attacks, along with its
of four azer worshippers. The azer have decorated the three fanatical azer followers.

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entrances to the chamber with ceremonial decorations Loot. The ruby on the altar is worth 1000 gp, and the azer
crafted from the scorched bones and skulls of creatures they carry a total of eight bloodstone gems worth 50 gp each.
have ambushed in the chamber over the years. In the center

of the chamber, they have erected a bronze altar dedicated Secret. The azer revere the salamander as their god figure,
to the salamander. Atop the altar gleams a ruby as large as a and if it is slain in combat, the fanatical azer will view the
person’s fist. character that landed the killing blow as their next potential
god figure. However, the character must prove their
The azer are aware of the characters’ approach and are worth and power by diving into the magma and emerging
hoping to trap them in an ambush as they attempt to steal

unharmed. If the character is able to accomplish the feat
the ruby, as so many other fools have done over the years. either through trickery or magical protection, the azer will
Regardless of which tunnel the characters enter the chamber, pledge their loyalty to the character and revere them as their
two azer will take up positions behind them to prevent a god figure. However, the azer are bloodthirsty creatures,
retreat, and the remaining two hide just out of sight in the and their loyalty is fickle if the character doesn’t let them
other two tunnels.
IR leE appease their base urges for mayhem and slaughter with
When a character approaches the altar and ruby, or sufficient frequency.
otherwise attempts to steal it, the salamander bursts from the
magma to challenge them, and the azer reveal their positions,
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A Feast for Six Loot. In the gullet of the purple worm are two bodies of
partially digested dark elves the creature recently ate and
Level. This encounter is designed for four to six level- undigested treasure from previous meals. Searching the
ten characters. corpses and digging about in the gullet for a bit uncovers the
following treasure: 1700 cp, 150 sp, 90 sp, two shortswords,
Creatures. Grick, Grick Alpha. two chain shirts, and a common magic item of the game
Location. A large chamber containing the partially buried master’s choice.
corpse of a purple worm. Secret. The pack of gricks was raised and trained by a group
Description. A pack gricks ambushed and defeated a purple of dark elves living nearby. The purple worm intruded on
worm here, and now four gricks and two grick alphas their domain, attacked and ate two of them, and then left
remain, feasting on its corpse. The four gricks are all hiding to consume its meal. The dark elves then sent their grick

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among the stalactites on the ceiling some twenty feet above hunting pack after the purple worm to slay it. A group
the ground, while the two grick alphas are inside the corpse of five drow and two drow elite warriors are on route
of the purple worm, enjoying their meal. now to confirm the kill. If the characters tarry too long

in the chamber or decide to rest there, the dark elves will
There are two entrances to the chamber, one in the southeast discover them.
corner and the other in the northwest corner. Characters
might enter by either one, but the way forward requires
crossing the chamber. Characters whose passive perception
is 17 or higher notice the shadowy forms of the gricks hiding

among the stalactites above.
Desiring not only to protect their purple worm meal but also
perhaps to add to the menu, the predatorial gricks hiding
on the ceiling will attack when the characters reach the
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midpoint of the chamber or move to investigate the purple
worm’s corpse. On the second round of combat, the grick
alphas emerge from the corpse and join the battle.
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Please Save Dan will attempt to charm the two characters who appear the
strongest melee combatants and bid them attack their
Level. This encounter is designed for four to six level- comrades. The glabrezus will each use power word stun on
twelve characters. two characters who appear to be spellcasters and rush in to
attack them.
Creatures. Glabrezu, Succubus.
GM Note. This is a deadly encounter, and if the tactics
Location. A large underground chamber dominated by a describe above are successful, the characters could quickly
pool of lava with a stone portal rising from it. find themselves in a death spiral. If combat isn’t your players’
Description. Two tunnels to the west and east lead to this strong suit and their characters are weak for their level,
large chamber, and a walkway on the northern edge of the consider only having one glabrezu in the encounter. That
lava pool connects the two entrances. A doorway sculpted reduces the challenge to medium and makes the encounter

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from stone and covered in demonic motifs and statuettes better suited for weaker groups.
rises from the pool of lava. Inside the doorway glows a Loot. The fiends have assembled quite the tidy little treasure
red portal leading to another plane, and a land bridge of horde from ambushing adventurers passing through the

crumbled stone leads from the walkway to the portal. chamber. On the other side of the portal—which leads to the
A man and a woman in tattered clothing are huddled in the Abyss—is a large iron-bound chest containing the following
middle of the walkway, clutching each other and sobbing. treasure: 2000 cp, 1100 sp, 1700 gp, 140 pp, decorative
If approached, they identify themselves as Claude and leather bracers studded with garnet gemstones (worth 750
Yolanda D’Vantree, claiming they’ve been wandering lost in gp), and a rare magic item of the game master’s choice.

the underground for days. They were passing through this Secret. If this portal to the Abyss is left open, more fiends
chamber when a field emerged from the portal and snatched might find their way through to cause trouble in the future,
their young son Dan away. The couple are terrified and beg leading to further adventures the game master might create.
the character to rescue him.
IR leE The stone doorway can be broken apart with three
The couple are actually two succubi leading the characters successful DC 15 Strength (Athletics) checks, with each
into a trap. Two glabrezu await on the other side of the check representing about ten minutes of hammering away
portal, out of sight, and ready to rush into the chamber at the stone with tools such as pickaxes and hammers. After
and attack. A character who succeeds on a DC 19 Wisdom each check, there is a 25% chance that the noise attracts the
(Insight) check suspects the couple are lying and not who attention of a small group of demons on the other side of the
they claim to be. portal—two balguras and six dretches—that charge the portal
When the characters approach the portal or the fiends are and attack the characters.

found out, the succubi and glabrezus attack. The succubi

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Bertrude’s Bazaar of The location of the market is a closely guarded secret,
and very few know where to find the hidden entrances.

Wonders Several tunnels linking from within and near the city lead
to various points in and around the Bazaar. The ones that
connect to tunnels closest to the market can be found in
Running This Adventure hidden trapdoors in the storage rooms of merchants up
above, a hollowed-out tree that rests east of the city, and
The details needed for running this adventure are included inside an abandoned mine shaft just to the south of the city.
below. However, the game master is encouraged to The manholes that lead to the sewers below the city also
customize it slightly for their group and ongoing campaign. eventually link up to the market, though they are less direct,
Consider questions such as the following: and customers might get lost or waylaid by underground

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denizens on route to the market.
• Where will this adventure take place in your world?
• Should you change the names of any locations to make Recently, a merchant by the name of Pa’Kamsi Anepou
them better fit your campaign setting? has been down on his luck and owes a good amount of

• Should you increase or decrease the loot it contains, gold to some debtors. In order to pay off his debt and end
including adding or removing magic items? the constant harassment he receives from the debtors, he
• Should you adjust any of the encounters to better fit the reluctantly sold one of his prized possessions, a golden
power-level of your players and their characters? statuette of a cobra, at Eek’s Easy Pawn in the Bazaar. With
his debt paid off and some fresh income he has managed to

make, he now wants the statuette back. Unfortunately for
Game Master Notes Pa’Kamsi, the vendor he sold it to has inflated the price so
high that he can no longer afford it. Desperate, Pa’Kamsi
Level. This adventure is designed for a group of four to six is now looking for an adventuring party that will help
level-three characters. “retrieve” the statuette.
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Creatures. This adventure features the following creatures:
bugbear chief, choker, darkmantle, deep gnome, gargoyle, Locations
goblin, goblin boss, gnoll hunter, green hag, harpy,
hobgoblin, knight, mage, minotaur, wereboar, winter Underground Tunnels. This is a series of natural-
wolf, and wolf. occurring tunnels that run under the city. They connect
the city above to Bertrude’s Bazaar of Wonders, and to any
Resting. It’s expected that the party may need to take a
number of other unground chambers and locales.
couple short rests over the course of the adventure, but

no long rests. Bertrude’s Bazaar of Wonders. This is an underground

market run by a bugbear named Bertrude that is open to all.

Loot. This adventure contains treasure from 1 roll on the

The monstrous vendors at the market sell wares ranging
challenge 0-4 treasure horde table in the game master’s core
from exotic meats to rare potions and more. Bertrude
rule book. There are also lots more treasure to be found at
employs several hobgoblins and gnolls to keep the peace,
the various venders in the market (should the characters go
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and absolutely no aggression is tolerated. It’s bad for

on a stealing spree, for instance), though it’s not intended for

business, you see.

all that treasure to fall into the characters’ hands. If it does,
the game master will need to come up with creative ways to
make things right in the multiverse again. NPCs

Taking on the World. It’s worth noting that there are lots
of creatures in this adventure, and they are packed into a Pa’Kamsi Anepou
small, relatively open area. If the characters get themselves Human male, merchant
into a position where they are taking on all the creatures
at once, it could be overwhelmingly deadly. However, Description. Pa’Kamsi is an outgoing man with long
players should recognize this and either use clever tactics or chestnut hair that drapes over his pale skin. He stands tall
diplomacy and negotiation to accomplish their objectives. amongst others despite his thin frame and can usually be
seen happily engaging in casual conversations with anyone
he sees. Recently, though, his face has become worn and his
Storyline eyes tired. All of the hassle of having to deal with debtors and
adventuring groups running off with his gold with nothing
Deep beneath the city through winding tunnels and hidden
in return has been taking a toll on his spirits.
passageways thrives a lively market known as Bertrude’s
Bazaar of Wonders. Vendors of all shapes, sizes, races, and Occupation. Pa’Kamsi is the owner of Runes and Relics, a
motives bustle about, attempting to sell their various goods. rare collectibles and magic shop in the city above the Bazaar.
From exotic meats and animals to rare potions and trinkets, While his shop is always stocked full of the most unique
any number of magnificent items can be bought, traded, and items many in the city have ever seen, he is known to raise
sold within the Bazaar. the prices a bit too high for the common customer. This


has caused his shop to suffer and pushed him to make some • The guards alternate shifts every five hours, never leaving
shady business deals in a desperate attempt to dig himself out a post unmanned. If they spot someone attempting to
of the hole he created. enter, they will draw their weapons and tell them to come
back in the morning.
Secret. Recently, Pa’Kamsi made a few deals with other
• Bertrude stays in her home within the Bazaar. If a fight
merchants that he could not hold up his end on. In order to
with the guards breaks out, she does not join in unless
repay his debt, he traveled down to the Bazaar—which he
absolutely necessary. Her guards should be able to handle
visits to stock his own shop on occasion—and sold a beloved
statuette of his. With his debt repaid, he longs for his
statuette back but can no longer afford it. He knows hiring
an adventuring party to steal the statue back could result in Random Encounters
them getting in trouble or even killed, but this is a risk he is

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willing to take. Use these random encounters as needed in the adventure,
such as when the group takes too many short rests or
Bertrude Avashar takes an unnecessary long rest. These encounters can also

Female bugbear chief be used to restock the area if the group leaves and then
comes back later.
Description. Bertrude stands about seven feet tall and has
thick golden-brown fur that covers the entirety of her body • 2 gargoyles
aside from her chest. She is actually very attractive—for a • 4 hobgoblins
• 2 chokers

bugbear—and she uses this to make deals with vendors that
tend to lean in her favor. She has piercing yellow eyes that • 4 darkmantles
stare straight through the lies of anyone who attempts to • 4 gnoll hunters
deceive her, and she wears a bright ruby necklace around her
neck at all times. Adventure Hooks
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Occupation. She is the proud owner of Bertrude’s Bazaar
of Wonders, and she takes her line of work very seriously. Here are some adventure hooks you might use to introduce
Anyone who threatens her business is faced with severe this adventure to your players’ characters. Also, feel free to
consequences and should be incredibly careful not to cross create a customized adventure hook that better fits into your
her again. While she enjoys the vast range of vendors and ongoing campaign.
customers that frequent the Bazaar, she is aware that many • While in a tavern, the party meets a drunk Pa’Kamsi who
would-be thieves eye the exotic wares there with greed-filled is overjoyed to see them. Whether prompted or not, he

eyes. To combat this, she has employed several hobgoblins angrily tells the party that a vendor in some place called
and gnolls to keep the peace, and absolutely no aggression is the Bazaar tricked him and stole his statue. He insists

tolerated. Should anyone, vendor or otherwise, attempt to that the party must help him, and that he will pay them
ignore this simple rule, they are no longer welcome in the in return. He instructs them to meet him at his shop the
Bazaar, as Bertrude is not willing to risk what she has created following morning to talk about the issue and reward in
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for anything. more detail.


Secret. The magical necklace she wears around her neck • Papers are posted all around the city on every window and
makes her appear far more beautiful than she really is. In tree. They read:
her natural form, she is quite hideous, even for a bugbear.
Knowing looks mean a lot when charisma puts the food Adventuring party needed to recover stolen statue.

on the table, she purchased this necklace from a traveling Gold reward upon delivery of statue. See Pa’Kamsi at
merchant years ago. With this item, she began to build her Runes and Relics for details.
bazaar. She does not react kindly to anyone attempting to
steal, damage, or even touch the necklace. She is willing
to die fighting for it, believing that without it she will lose Speaking with Pa’Kamsi Anepou
Pa’Kamsi can be found from sunup to sundown at his shop,
Runes and Relics. He has a bell that rings when the door
Miscellaneous Information is opened, and immediately runs to see who is coming in,
hoping to greet someone willing to help him.
The Bazaar at night. Use the following information if the
party decides to visit the Bazaar at night: Roleplaying Pa’Kamsi Anepou. Use the following
information to roleplay the meeting with Pa’Kamsi.
• All of the vendors have packed their items securely
away—many of them use portable holes and other magical • Pa’Kamsi explains to the characters the details of how
means to store their wares overnight to make theft nearly he’s currently down on his luck and has lots of bills to
impossible—and have returned to their homes. pay. Most of his businesses are not doing well, and debt
collectors are harassing him constantly.


• Recently, he pawned a family heirloom of a golden Guards. Characters with a passive perception of 14 or
statuette of a striking cobra to a goblin named Eek at an above spot the shadowy forms of two hobgoblins watching
underground bazaar. He sold the statuette for a mere 15 gp them closely from within the limbs of the tree. As long
to the goblin. as the characters speak the password “nying,” the guards
• He has now amassed the money to buy it back, but when do not bother them. If the characters spot the guards and
he tried to do so, the goblin demanded 2000 gp. The then speak the password, the hobgoblins nod, and gesture
statuette is only actually worth about 25 gp, but the goblin for them to proceed. If the characters do not speak the
refuses to lower the price or give it back. password, the hobgoblins will attack from the tree with their
• If confronted about declaring that the statue was stolen ranged weapons. They have explicit instructions not to let
when it was in fact sold, Pa’Kamsi has a short outburst anyone survive who tries to enter the tree without speaking
about how the price is ridiculous and should be a crime. He the password.

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then calms himself down, apologizes, and continues with
the conversation. The Underground Tunnels
• He wants the characters to get the statuette back. He
doesn’t care how they get it back, so long as they do it. The Once in the tunnels, discrete markings on the walls point

statuette is a family heirloom that has been passed down the way to the Bazaar for any who know what to look for.
for generations in his family. It takes about an hour of travel to arrive at the Bazaar. If the
• Pa’Kamsi is willing to pay 200 gp for retrieving the party attempts to travel to the Bazaar using the sewers, they
statuette and a few magical trinkets that he has no use for: enter the tunnels about two hours away from the Bazaar.
a potion of fire breath, a spell scroll (level 2 spell of the

game master’s choice), and a common magic item of the Lighting. The lighting in the tunnels is dark unless
game master’s choice. otherwise noted.
• He is not willing to give the characters an advance under Floors. The floors are made of rough stone and dirt.
any circumstances. He’s already been taken advantage of
once by another adventuring party who took the gold and Walls. The walls are made of stone.
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never came back.
• He can tell the characters a little bit about the Bazaar and
Ceilings. The ceilings are eight feet high and made of
stone and dirt.
about a secret entrance to the tunnels near the Bazaar in
the base of a hollowed-out tree that lies just south of the
city. He lets the party know that in order to get past the
Arriving at the Bazaar Entrance
two hobgoblin guards posted at the tree, they’ll need to
Following the markings—no matter which secret entrance
speak the password “nying” which means “gift” in Goblin
was used—leads the characters to a large cavern.

before they enter the tree.

• He will tell them that once they are in the tunnels there You find yourselves in a large, open cavern. At the

are discrete markings on the walls that point the way to northern side is a fifteen-foot-wide tunnel that leads
the Bazaar. onward. Four red-skinned humanoids in armor and two
• He can tell them of the Bazaar’s defenses (the hobgoblins hunched creatures covered in fur stand in front of the
tunnel’s entrance, watching you.
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and gnoll sentries on the catwalk), but he knows nothing

about the Emergency Exit. He doesn’t know every detail

because he tried to keep the cowl of his cloak up high to Four hobgoblins and two gnoll hunters are standing guard
hide his identity when doing business there. here to the entrance to the Bazaar. The rabid gnolls mostly
let the hobgoblins do all the talking.

Secret Entrance in the Tree Roleplaying the Hobgoblins. Use the following
information to roleplay the hobgoblins:
A very large tree stands just south of the city in the middle • One will demand in Common that each member of the
of an open field. A character who investigates the tree and party pay the 1 sp fee to continue further into the tunnel.
succeeds on a DC 10 Wisdom (Perception) check notices a They will not negotiate and cannot be persuaded to let
large slab of bark that can be removed to open an entrance the characters just move past—they deal with that kind of
into the underground tunnels. nonsense all the time.
When the slab of bark is removed, read the following: • If the characters refuse to pay, the hobgoblins will simply
not let them pass. They do not wish to fight but will if
There is a hollowed-out space inside the tree with a attacked or the characters try to push their way past them
large hole in the ground that tunnels straight down into without paying.
the earth. A ladder descends into the darkness. • After being paid the entrance fee, the hobgoblin who
requested the payment pulls out a torn piece of parchment
Hole and Ladder. While it is a tight squeeze during the paper and begins to read a short list of rules. When he
initial portion of the tunnel, the hole is wide enough for a finishes, he hands the parchment to whichever party
medium-sized humanoid to climb down. The ladder leads member is closest and all the guards stand aside, letting the
down to tunnels near the Bazaar. party pass.


Parchment. This is a list of the rules that are to be followed B1. Bazaar Entrance
while in the Bazaar. The words are poorly scribbled onto the
parchment with some sort of ink. The list reads: When the characters enter the Bazaar, read the following:
1. No fiting Above the entrance you just entered hangs a large
2. Dont b a steeler banner depicting three gold coins on a field of red,
3. No braking stuf and before you lies a massive open chamber with
many different levels created by the natural stone
4. U buy it U keep it formations. High above the ground level, wooden
5. Keep yore mouth shut pathways and bridges link across from one end of the
area to the other, and various vendors with their own
Tunnel. This tunnel leads to area B1 of Bertrude’s unique stands are scattered around the many different

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Bazaar of Wonders. areas of the chamber.

Bazaar Features A dead giant slug with a shell adorned with ropes and

tarps fills a large portion of the center of the ground
Lighting. Torches placed about the chamber shed dim light floor. The sound of beautiful music and singing echo
throughout it. through the Bazaar, as does the garble of voices from
Architecture. The bazaar lies in a large underground the many vendors and customers that fill the area.
chamber whose floors, walls, and ceiling are all natural stone

formations. The ceiling is some forty feet above the bottom Across from the tunnel entrance is a signpost that
floor and ten feet above the wooden bridge. holds a large map of the bazaar, showing all the services
the market has to offer. A torn piece of parchment
Vendors and Guards. paper is pinned to one section of the map and has
• There are several stalls offering a variety of services, “Open Lot” written across it. A very short, green-scaled
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and the sign in area B1 lists them off for customers. All
vendors speak Common and Undercommon by necessity.
humanoid is standing near the entrance welcoming
customers and pointing them in the direction of some
• The vendors don’t keep a lot of money on themselves; just of the vendors.
enough to make change if needed.
• There is a guard patrol of four hobgoblins and two Zrik, a well-mannered kobold stands at the entrance, his
wolves that wander the various areas of the Bazaar. They job to greet any incoming guests and answer any questions
are always on the move and keep an eye on the customers. they may have. He can point customers in the direction

They are quick to engage any rule breakers and react of the services they’re looking for. Zrik speaks Common,
quickly to any alarm sounded by the four gnoll hunters Undercommon, and Draconic.

on the catwalk.
• In the event of any combat in the Bazaar, the guards Banner. The banner hanging above the entrance is the
will always swarm to confront transgressors. However, heraldry Bertrude uses for her bazaar.
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the various merchants at the stalls will either hide in Music. This is from the harpy Marianne in area B11 as she
their stalls or flee through the entrance (area B1) or the plays her lute and sings to her heart’s content.

emergency exit (area B13).

• Merchants do not get involved in fights; that’s what the Open Lot. This parchment refers to area B9 which is
guards are for. currently available for rent. Prospective vendors are
instructed to speak with Bertrude in area B3.

• If combat breaks out, most customers will flee through

area B1, the way they came in, as they want nothing to do
with any fight.


B2. Catwalk Bertrude’s Poisons

This catwalk is accessible from areas B5 and B7 which are Potion Name Description Price
higher than the other areas. Jade Frog Once the poison has entered a 300
victim’s system either by ingesting gp
Raised high into the air, a long bridge leads all the way it or being attack by a weapon that
from the southern end of the room to the northern is coated in the poison, the target
end. Two wooden walkways give access to this bridge, begins suffering from itching, and
one on the northeastern end of the chamber, and weeping lesions start to form upon
the other on the southeastern end. Four more of the their flesh. The affected target
must succeed a DC 14 Constitution
hunched creatures that guarded the tunnel to the saving throw, taking 14 (4d6) poison
Bazaar are walking along the length of the bridge,

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damage on a failed save, or half as
keeping an eye on the areas below with bows in hand. much damage on a successful one.
Ghost This poison elicits violent muscle 400
These four gnoll hunter guards remain somewhat spread Blossom contractions, often causing broken gp

out so they can keep an eye on most areas of the bazaar at all Extract bones and shattered teeth. The
affected target must make a DC 12
times. If they notice any infractions of the rules, they sound Constitution saving throw, taking 19
the alarm and point out the criminals to the hobgoblin patrol (3d12) poison damage on a failed
on the ground floor. If warranted, they begin firing their save, or half as much damage on a
longbows at transgressors. The hobgoblin and wolf patrol successful one.

on the ground then reacts to the alarm and hauls it over to Dust of the This toxin immediately beings 400
where things are going down. Desert Winds leaching all the moisture from gp
a victim’s body after it has been
ingested or inflicted by a wound. The
B3. Bertrude’s Giant Slug affected target must succeed a DC
IR leE 16 Constitution saving throw, taking
Bertrude, the bugbear owner of the bazaar, has constructed 7 (2d6) poison damage on a failed
her home in the shell of a giant dead slug. Outside the shell, save, or half as much damage on a
she has set up her own covered stall where she sells a variety successful one. If this damage kills
the creature, it is little more than a
of venoms and poisons. desiccated husk.
This is a massive slug that appears to no longer be Tears of the This oily poison dissolves organic 500
living. A makeshift door has been carved into the side Infernal material upon contact and is meant gp
of the shell, and a stall covered by a large tarp sits just to be applied to a blade or other

outside of it. Boxes are strapped all across the shell weapon. On a hit, a creature begins
to take 7 (2d6) acid damage at the
of the slug, and even more rest in piles underneath

beginning of each of its turns for the

the tarp. Various liquids in bottles of different colors, next five rounds. At the end of each
shapes, and sizes line a table under the tarp. of its turns, the creature may make a
DC 14 Dexterity saving throw to end
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the effect.
Bertrude. Bertrude is a bugbear chief and is always

accompanied by her winter wolf companion.

If the characters go inside Bertrude’s home, read
Bottles. Liquids of different colors fill oddly shaped bottles
the following:
that sit atop a wooden table. These are venoms, poisons,

and the like that Bertrude currently has for sale. She has in The inside of the shell is a small room that contains a
inventory only 1d4 of each type of potion, and restocking her bed, a chest, and a dresser. Everything is well kept and
inventory usually takes a few weeks. tidy, and a small lamp set atop the dresser sheds warm
bright light throughout the shell.

Bed. A successful DC 12 Wisdom (Perception) check reveals

a locked iron strongbox hidden under the bed. It can be
unlocked either using the hidden key found in the chest or by
succeeding a DC 13 Dexterity (Thieves’ Tools) check.
Chest. This chest is mostly empty aside from a few books
and empty bottles that resemble the ones Bertrude displays
outside. A successful DC 14 Wisdom (Perception) check
reveals a tiny hole in the back right corner of the chest’s
inner lining. Pulling this back reveals a small iron key that
unlocks the strongbox hidden beneath Bertrude’s bed.


Dresser. Clothes worn by Bertrude fill the entirety of this The woman is Auntie Zerasha, a green hag that provides
dresser. Nothing of much value can be found here. fortune telling services. Zerasha uses her illusory appearance
ability to appear as a wrinkly-faced old lady with a misshapen
Strongbox. The strongbox is covered in ornate engravings
and twisted back who uses a can to amble about.
and contains 800 cp, 400 sp, and 40 gp. The box itself (with
the key) is worth 25 gp. Crystal Ball. This non-magical crystal ball is sometimes
used by Zerasha when telling fortunes and is worth 25 gp.
B4. Niggleburt’s Forgery Express
Auntie Zerasha’s Service
This small shop consists of a table with a tarp over Auntie Zerasha uses a form of hag magic to provide the
it and a back wall behind the table that displays a services listed below. There is a 50% chance of receiving a
wide range of papers. The papers show language

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true answer, a 40% chance of receiving a false answer, and
translations, forgeries, organized documents, and so a 10% chance of receiving an answer that is both false and
on. A short, grey-skinned creature with pointed ears wildly misleading.
is shuffling papers on the table, placing them in neat

piles beneath a large blue crystal. A large male orc Service Description Price
accompanied by three smaller male orcs is looking Tea Leaf Zerasha will drop a pinch of tea leaves 20 gp
intently at the papers on the back wall. Reading into the bottom of a cup, pour water
over it, and let it sit. After a few minutes,
An academic deep gnome named Niggleburt wearing flowing she will instruct the paying customer to

drink the tea and then ask a question
robes offers a number of documentation services at this stall. which Zerasha answers.
The larger orc is an orc war chief who is here on official
Bibliomancy Zerasha pulls an old tome from the 20 gp
business. He is mostly looking into the forgery service that shelf and asks the character what it is
Niggleburt provides, as his biggest love in life aside from war that they wish to know. She closes her
is gold. The three smaller orcs are his guards. eyes, opens the book, chants for several
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Papers. These are examples of Niggleburt’s work and not
moments, and then places her hand
randomly on one of the pages. Whatever
actually usable documents. paragraph her finger lands on, she reads
aloud and interprets it in a way that
Crystal. This crystal is used as a paperweight by Niggleburt relates to the character’s question.
and is worth 25 gp.
Bone Zerasha will ask the paying characters 40 gp
Loot. On his waist, Niggleburt carries three small pouches Oracles what it is they wish to know. Then,
containing a total of 30 cp, 40 sp, and 20 gp. The group of taking a large bone and a sharp chisel,

she will carve symbols and figures into

orcs carry a total of 600 cp and 710 sp. the bone that represent parts of the

question. She then places the bone near

Niggleburt’s Services a small fire behind the table and waits
for it to crack. She shows the character
Niggleburt offers a money-back guarantee on any forgeries the cracked bone and gives a general
that authorities reveal as false, and for a small insurance
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answer to their question. This reading is

fee of 50 gp, he guarantees he’ll bail the characters from jail far more accurate than others.

if they are arrested while plying his forgeries. He has no Alomancy Zerasha will ask the paying character 40 gp
intention of ever keeping those promises, but he’s content to what it is they seek to know. She will
collect the insurance fee. then grab a small handful of salt crystals
and toss it into the air in front of her.

Service Price Based on the way the salt falls, she will
give the character an answer to their
Transcribing 5 sp per page question.
Foreign Language Translation 5 gp per page Tarot Zerasha offers three tarot spreads: 50 gp
Forgeries 250 gp Reading wishing, love, and fortune. These are
all fairly simple readings, but they’re
accurate and tell the character three
things of importance that will be
B5. Auntie Zerasha’s Fabulous relevant in the near future.
Fortunes A Bridge Through this service, Zerasha acts as 150 gp
Between an intermediary between a character
A scraggly old woman with deep wrinkles set into her and someone who has recently passed
away. As long as the character has
face hobbles back and forth behind the table at the a piece of the deceased, even a bit
front of this vendor’s shop. Glass jars filled with salt, of hair or a finger, Zerasha is able to
small bones, and other curiosities rest on a shelf to the mimic the effect of the speak with dead
side of the table. Atop the shelf sits a shining crystal spell, allowing the character to ask five
ball that swirls blue within itself. questions of the deceased.


B6. Wykoop’s Scrolls and Elixirs Elves. This couple is going on their first date, and
what’s more exciting than a market full of monsters and
A male gnome wearing robes that are a bit too big for questionably legal trinkets? They carry a total of 50 cp and 80
him and hair sticking out at all angles is fidgeting with sp, and the female has a crystal rose worth 25 gp at her side.
his hands and watching anxiously as customers pass by.
A shelf that holds many glass bottles of varying sizes Menu
sits behind him.
Food or Description Price
This is Wykoop Scuttlebug, a surface gnome mage who sells
potions and scrolls at his stall. He’s a nervous wreck and
Ooze A nasty smelling drink composed of half 1 gp
Booze gray ooze and half cheap beer. Wilma
stutters with every word. Wykoop has an imp familiar that boasts that if anyone can drink a full cup

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is invisible at all times and keeps a close eye on customers. of this without retching, the tab for their
The imp telepathically informs the gnome if anyone steals whole party is on the house!
anything or is up to no good. Butter These aren’t really rat toes; they’re the 5 sp

Bathed roots of a fruity plant that curl when
Wykoop’s Services Rat Toes fried. It’s smothered in a thick, buttery
The gnome only has the below scrolls and potions in stock Deep-fried This meal is made from the shredded 1 gp
as demand is always quite high. However, given a little time, Cockatrice meat of a cockatrice wing rolled into a
he can usually obtain a particular scroll or potion for an Wings ball, battered, and deep-fried. It has a

additional 10% fee. Which potions and scrolls Wykoop can crunchy texture and a light flavor similar
obtain is up to the game master’s discretion. to chicken.
Dragon’s An extremely hot pepper stuffed with a 1 gp
Scrolls Price Breath mixture of meats. The outside pepper
layer is crunchy, but the meats inside are
Faerie fire 75 gp
IR leE full of flavor and swimming in a tangy
Disguise Self 75 gp sauce.
Unseen Servant 150 gp
Spider A stout ale, mixed with a small amount of
Alarm 150 gp Fang Ale Giant Spider venom for “not just a kick,
but eight kicks per sip!”
Locate object 400 gp
Spider Climb 400 gp
Ogre’s A large drinking horn filled with a 5 sp
Blood strange liquid that looks suspiciously
close to blood. However, upon drinking,

characters will realize the drink is

Potions Price actually quite sweet, tasting very similar
to a strawberry juice.

Potion of Poison 200 gp

Hag’s This drink comes from a large stew pot, 8 sp
Potion of Animal Friendship 400 gp Mystery filled with a strange, steaming liquid.
Brew Though there is no fire below the pot,
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the liquid inside seems to boil. If this

B7. Garbus’s Exotic Eats drink is purchased, Garbus scoops some

out with a ladle, and the liquid congeals

into a jiggly gelatin. It has practically no
Two obese humans, one male and one female, run
flavor except for a faint hint of pepper.
this eatery. The female is sitting just behind the front
Fiery Love This is supposedly a small, lightly 250 gp

table barking orders to three gobbles who scurry

seasoned, whole dragon’s heart. Many
about, waiting on customers. The male behind her in a cultures believe eating the heart of
small cave outfitted as a kitchen and mumbling to two such a powerful beast will bestow unto
goblins that aid him. A grey-skinned dwarf and a pair whoever consumes it the strength of the
of elves sit at a table in front of the stall, and a third creature itself. This, of course, is a myth.
table is empty.

A wereboar couple, Garbus and Wilma Vobor, run this small

eatery. Each appears as an obese human covered with rough,
bristly hair. Wilma attends customers at the front counter
and bullies the three goblins on the waitstaff while Garbus is
cooking back in the cave with his two goblin assistants.
Dwarf. This is a duergar named Ador, chowing down on a
large hunk of fried meat. He keeps to himself and has a small
package to his side. This package is a recently bought dagger
from Eek’s Easy Pawn and is worth 25 gp. He also carries a
pouch containing 70 cp and 20 sp.


B8. Pissaria’s Perfect Pets
Item Description Price
This stall has a small shelf holding a box and feeding
supplies surrounded by many cages holding exotic and Bear Cub A small bear cub sits in the corner, its jaw 50 gp
muzzled firmly. The cub seems frightened
monstrous animals. A large sign that says “DO NOT
by the events around it. If a character
TOUCH!” hangs above the front of the shop. Some of shows the cub kindness by petting or
the more docile looking creatures are simply tied or talking sweetly, it will try to cling to them as
chained to stakes in the ground. A female minotaur is it would its mother.
tending to the animals here. Magical A large, pitch-black wolf sits with burning 50 gp
Wolf red eyes. It looks as though someone
(of attempted to put a muzzle on the beast, but
The minotaur is Pissaria, the owner of this shop. She has a

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sorts) failed to finish, as the blood-stained muzzle
variety of monstrous “pets” for sale that she tends to almost sits loosely around the wolf’s neck. The wolf
constantly, making sure one isn’t eating another. She is seems magical in nature, but Pissaria isn’t
bubbly and very charismatic, casually upselling her animals sure what magic it has. It is a danger to her

while having conversations with people. She wears a small staff, so she is selling it cheap to not deal
shiny whistle around her neck, and a coin pouch hanging at with it anymore. If the characters buy and
befriend the wolf, they will learn it’s actually
her side holds 40 cp, 70 sp, and 6 gp.
a hellhound that struggles to produce
Whistle. This whistle is made of silver and has rabbits flames properly and only has 1d4 fire
breaths per day. As such, it isn’t constantly
engraved along its sides. When used, one beast targeted by

trying to roast everyone around it.
the user must make a DC 14 Wisdom saving throw or be
charmed by the whistle’s user for the next hour. The whistle Water In a large tub of water, stands water full of 450
Weird small glowing metallic flakes. Something gp
can be used three times per day. swims around in the tub, invisible to the
Box. This box is unlocked and contains 100 cp, and 50 sp. eye, save for the flakes being stirred about
by the motion inside. On the tub is a large
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Pets for Sale
label reading “Water Weird.”
An orange octopus floats in a clear 50 gp
The following “pets” are for sale. Though Pissaria has been container of water. Pissaria claims the
successful in getting them to behave for her, there are no ink from this particular octopus is a key
guarantees they will for the characters. ingredient to a new variation of the Water
Breathing Potion that lasts for ten hours.
This is a lie Wykoop (area B6) told her to
get a better deal on his imp, but Pissaria

believes it. The octopus is completely


Baby This tiny blue dragon is about the size of a 500

Dragon large grapefruit. It tries to roar at anyone gp
who comes near, but it comes out as a small
squeak due to its small size. If irritated, it
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shoots out its lightning breath, and gives


a light zap for 1 lightning damage. This

dragon’s growth is stunted, and it will
only grow to be three feet tall with limited
Baby This is a three-foot-long snake with three 400

Hydra heads and two sets of small stubs along gp

its body. Pissaria says this is a baby hydra
whose legs will grow as it ages. This is not
true, though Pissaria believes it to be. The
“baby hydra” is just a wildly deformed
snake, and the stubs along its body are just
growths that should probably be checked
by a vet.


B9. Future Stall Items for Pawn
While his prices are obviously far higher than the items are
This area doesn’t contain a stall, but materials for building worth, Eek is willing to haggle.
one are piled up nearby: poles, canvass, etc. A small sign in
the ground tells potential vendors to speak to Bertrude. Item Description Asking Actual
Name Price Value
B10. Eek’s Easy Pawn Painting Medium-sized oil painting of 50 gp 10 gp
a peaceful pond, with colorful
A fat goblin with a deep crease between his brows foliage and flowers around the
sits atop a stool behind the front table. Two scrawny, edges. In the pond, several small
fish can be seen.
malnourished goblins stand behind him, shaking

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slightly. Items currently for pawn are displayed on Spiked Bright yellow leather boots, 200 gp 10 gp
Boots with the toes covered in sharp
shelves running along the back wall, and a metal
spines pointing outwards. The
cage bolted into the stone wall covers the shelves to boots deal an extra 1d4 piercing

protect the items on it. Two large doors on the front damage when used to kick
of the cage allow access, but they are secured by a someone.
heavy padlock. One of the most prominent pieces Golden This golden statuette resembles 250 gp 25 gp
being displayed on the shelf is a shiny golden statue Statue a coiled cobra with defined
that resembles a coiled cobra. A massive, two-headed scales, bearing its fangs.
humanoid is standing to the side of the stall, viewing Helm Battle-worn silver helmet with 500 gp 50 gp

the items for sale. miniature wings on the sides of
the helm. Eek claims this helm
will make you fly if you attune to
The fat goblin is Eek the Grand, the goblin boss that runs a it for a month. This, of course,
pawn shop. He mistreats his goblin helpers if they are too is a lie.
IR leE
slow to respond to him or help customers, slapping them
harshly on the back of their heads. He keeps the key to the
A small skinning knife, its blade is
made of the claw of an unknown
500 gp 10 gp
cage on a necklace tucked under his shirt. beast. Its handle seems carved
out of bone, possibly from the
An ettin is currently surveying Eek’s wares. He is interested same creature as the blade.
in purchasing the winged helm, as he’s always wished he Cigar A box full of rare cigars of 700 gp 25 gp
could fly, but he only has on him 50 cp and 90 sp. Box various exotic flavors. Eek claims
they’re made from extinct plants
Padlock. This lock can be unlocked with a successful DC 16

that no longer grow, but this is

Dexterity (Thieves’ Tools) check, or by using the key that a lie.
Eek keeps hidden around his neck.

Flesh A heavy book with a cover 800 gp 400 gp

Tome seemingly made of leather, but
Cobra Statue. This is the statuette that Pa’Kamsi wants
upon inspection turns out to
back. Characters can appraise the statuette as only being be cured human flesh. Inside
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worth around 25 gp. is detailed information on


Strongbox. Eek keeps a strongbox under the counter
containing 400 cp, 230 sp, and 4 gp.
Roleplaying Eek the Grand. Use the following information B11. Marianne’s Music

when roleplaying Eek.

A homely, winged woman is sitting atop a stool with
• Eek is willing to sell the statuette to the characters for only
her legs crossed, strumming a lute and singing an
250 gp, though the price could be haggled down to 150 gp
alluring song. Her voice echoes throughout the cavern
with a successful DC 15 Charisma (Persuasion) check.
that houses the Bazaar, filling it with a calm sense
• Eek was demanding 2000 gp from Pa’Kamsi only because
of joy. She has several musical instruments hung up
he understood that it had sentimental value to him.
about her stall.
• If Eek senses that the characters really really want the
statuette (or that Pa’Kamsi sent them), he’ll boost the price
up to 1000 gp or more. This is a harpy named Marianne who sells musical
instruments and gives music lessons. She has a light voice
that almost sings as she talks, and she always wears a smile.
She especially loves children and small animals of any kind.
She wears a ring worth 25 gp that has silver musical notes
engraved on it.
Ring. Though non-magical, Marianne believes it greatly
enhances her musical abilities.


Marianne’s Wares B12. Wattie’s Glorious Deeds
Item Name Description Price At this stall, a tall, scaled woman holding up a large egg
Brute Flute Flute made out of the finger bone of 10 gp is loudly promoting her wares. Odd items displayed as
a large ogre. While it does sound nice trophies can be seen all about the stall.
when played, the ogre stench is quite
This female lizardfolk knight named Wattie the Persistent
Siren’s Cords A very large “flute,” if it could be called 50 gp
such, is a metal tube containing the
sells trophies from this stall for those who would rather buy
severed throat of a siren. When played, their trophies than hazard their lives doing the actual deeds.
the air in the flute replicates the siren’s
Wattie’s name is not for nothing. She is extremely persistent
in trying to sell her trophies to customers, even constantly

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Houndrums A small arrangement with five hellhound 100
lowering the prices. She refuses to give up and will even offer
skulls affixed to a beam in a straight gp
row, ranging from smallest to largest. to pay the characters to take one of the trophies if need be.
The skulls each sit with their mouths

When she finally makes a sale, even if she paid the characters
wide open, the teeth on full display and
intimidating. Each skull has a large metal to take the trophy, she is supremely satisfied and happy.
plate on the forehead, where one can There is nothing wrong with the trophies, either. Her alien
hit with drumsticks without cracking lizardfolk mind just doesn’t work the way most humanoids’
the bone. The sound travels through the minds do! To her, making a “sale” and earning a customer is
skull and out the open mouths, giving the goal; she cares little for the money earned or lost.

each note a terrible growling rumble.
Werebowl A medium-sized bowl with a brass 50 gp Wattie’s Trophies
and silver brim and a large tooth in
the center of the bowl. Characters Wattie has the following trophies from exotic monstrous
can prick their finger on the tooth, creatures for sale.
IR leE cover the rim of the bowl in their
blood, and then rub the coated rim to
create notes reminiscent of a beautiful
Item Name Price
howling sound. The tooth belonged to Kraken’s Tooth 50 gp
a werewolf long since slain. Supposedly, A Giant’s Toe 50 gp
the tooth no longer spreads the
The Petrified Head of a Goblin 50 gp
werewolf infection to others, too.
A Bundle of Cockatrice Feathers 100 gp
Wilver A set of clicking spoons made of the 100

Spoons scales of a silver dragon. These spoons gp Basilisk’s Eye 100 gp

are believed to have been a gift from Baby Dragon Scales 150 gp
a silver dragon to a bard who had

A Red Dragon’s Horn 200 gp

befriended it.
The Long Tongue of a Medusa 200 gp
Spinlophone A section of dragon wyrmling spine held 250
in a straight line by metal bars. Two gp A Bag of Dried and Preserved Hag Fingers 300 gp
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wooden batons can be used to strike the A Golden Egg (Wattie claims it will hatch a giant 400 gp
spines, each making their own distinct

goose, but it’s actually just an infertile dragon egg.)

Dryad Viol This viol looks normal at first glance. 75 gp
However, when looking at the back
of the viol, the pained face of a dryad B13. Emergency Exit

trapped within is very visible. The

dryad is trapped within the wood of the In various places throughout this tunnel, there are signs
instrument and accounts for its smooth, facing away from the Bazaar that warns trespassers to
haunting melody. go away. The sign also says those looking to buy from
Songbird This is a taxidermied parrot that when 150 the Bazaar should use the front entrance. Two large
placed on the shoulder of someone gp stone statues stand about halfway down the tunnel.
singing synchronizes and sings along
with the singer. It can also do an echo
effect, backup singing, or imitate This tunnel serves as an emergency exit for the vendors
instrument sounds. and Bertrude. The statues in the tunnel are two gargoyles
Unicorn A miniature piano with the hammers 350 standing guard. They do not bother anyone attempting to
Piano made of unicorn bone and cords of gp leave the Bazaar, but they attack any non-vendors attempting
woven unicorn mane. to use this route to enter.


If the characters steal anything from the Bazaar and manage
to escape, they will not be welcomed back and guards at the
entrances will attack them on sight.
If the characters return the statuette to Pa’Kamsi, he gives
them the promised reward of 200 gp, a potion of fire breath,
a spell scroll (level 2 spell of the game master’s choice), and
a common magic item of the game master’s choice. The
party also now has a permanent 25% discount on all items
purchased at his store.

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Bazaar Map Handout

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