Model Analysis of Structures

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Advances in Civil and Structural Engineering

Volume 6 Issue 2

Model Analysis of Structures

K. Arundathi1
Assistant Professor1
Department of Civil Engineering
St. Martins Engineering College, Dhulapally, Secunderabad, 500100
Corresponding Author’s Email id: - arundathi.kalikar@gmail.com1

Model analysis of structures has long been recognized as a valuable
supplement to the usual theoretical methods of structural analysis and design.
Its importance is now further enhanced because more of the unconventional
types of structures with respect to geometrical configuration, loading pattern,
and material characteristics are being constructed. Even when theoretical
methods are possible, the design and construction of really large and
important structures often need confirmation by independent model studies.
Sometimes model analysis offers advantageous shortcuts to theoretical
methods and also helps in the investigation of structural failures. Besides,
most of the advanced theoretical methods of analysis, when first developed,
require confirmation by suitable model studies. A vast array of well-developed
instrument systems with a high degree of accuracy and reliability are also
available. Today, many branches of engineering accept model analysis as an
important and indispensable tool in education, research, development, design
and construction. The various modeling techniques used in analyzing
structural elements are explained in this paper.

Keywords: -Physical model, Analytical model, Finite element model, Lattice

Discrete Particle Model, Material model

INTRODUCTION engineers and builders dates back to

Structural models have always played a hundreds of years. However, these early
significant role in structural design and models were primarily aids for planning
research. The use of small-scale models by and constructing structures and were not
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Advances in Civil and Structural Engineering
Volume 6 Issue 2

useful for predicting deformations and structural problems and choose a suitable
strengths of a prototype. Most models modeling technique for a given problem
used to predict structural behaviour .
require measurement of strain, Physical Model:
displacement and forces. Thus the Full-scale tests of structures have been
development of modeling as a practical very valuable in helping to understand
tool has been sharply influenced by complex behaviour including yielding,
abilities in experimental stress analysis. cracking, and the ultimate mode of failure.
Because of the relatively large dimensions
A structural model is any structural of many engineering structures, full-scale
element or assembly of structural elements tests have been restricted to simple
built to a reduced scale that is to be tested members and configurations. In addition,
and for which laws of similitude must be very few laboratories have the necessary
employed to interpret results. Structural facilities for testing full-size elements.
modeling is a tool to establish three Small-scale direct models have been
mathematical models- a structural model developed as an answer to the above
consisting of three basic components: shortcomings of full-scale testing. Small-
structural members or components, joints scale models can overcome the size
(nodes, connecting edges or surfaces), and problems, allow studies of larger and more
boundary conditions (supports and complex structural configurations, and in
foundations); a material model and a load general are less time consuming and less
model. The correct choice of modeling costly to fabricate and test. The main
and analysis tools/methods depends upon advantage of a physical model over an
the importance of the structure, purpose of analytical model is that it portrays
structural analysis and required level of behaviour of a complete structure loaded
response accuracy. to the collapse stage.

Objective: Bogdan Ros CA (2008) [1] has studied the

Structural models can be broadly dynamic behaviour of concrete dams by
classified into physical models and means of the physical model method to
analytical models. The objective of this understand the failure mechanism of
study is to compare the various model structures under the action of strong
analysis methods used for solving earthquakes. Figure 1 shows the

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Advances in Civil and Structural Engineering
Volume 6 Issue 2

downstream view of the prototype. A Physical models can be used to simulate

study model is designed by a physical accurately the possible opening of joint,
modeling process using the dynamic sliding between concrete blocks and the
modeling theory. The result is an equation cracking of concrete. The design relations
system which permits the dimensioning of for both elastic and failure physical
physical model, shown in Figure 2. After models are based on dimensional analysis
the construction and instrumentation of the and similitude relations between the
scale, a structural analysis based on physical quantities involved in the
experimental means is performed. phenomenon.

Fig 1 Downstream view of prototype

Fig 2 Downstream view of model

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Advances in Civil and Structural Engineering
Volume 6 Issue 2

Rakesh Gupta et al., (2005) [8] developed

1/3-scale models of full-size (prototype)
metal-plate-connected wood truss joints
and a complete truss using similitude
theory. To verify material properties,
moduli of elasticity of prototype and 1/3-
scale model boards were compared.
Although the variation in stiffness of the
model was greater than that of the
prototype, the average properties of the
model and prototype were similar. The
resulting average design stiffness of 1/3-
scale tension splice joints was within 1%
of the prototype joint stiffness, while the Fig 3 Model Truss Connections: (a) Peak

ultimate load was 7% lower than the Joint; (b) Bottom Chord Truss Joint; (c) Top
Chord Web Joint
prototype. Stiffness and strength of model
heel joints were within 22% and 17 %, Magued Iskander and Jinyuan Liu (2010)
respectively, of the stiffness and strength [5] address the need for nonintrusively
of their prototypes. Finally, ten complete measuring spatial deformation pattern
model trusses were fabricated and tested; inside soils using transparent soil
their average stiffness and strength were surrogates in model tests instead of natural
780 N/mm and 17.3 kN, respectively, after soils. Transparent soil with macro-
scaling up by similitude. Modeling full- geotechnical properties similar to those of
size truss connection behavior up to the natural soils was made of either
design load, and possibly to failure, with transparent amorphous silica gels or
small-scale models and similitude theory powders and a pore fluid with a matching
may be feasible. Figure 3 shows the truss refractive index. An optical system
connections. consisting of a laser light, a line-generator
lens, a charge-coupled device camera, a
frame grabber, and a computer was
developed to optically slice a transparent
soil model. A 3D view of image slices is
shown in Figure 4. The laser speckle

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Advances in Civil and Structural Engineering
Volume 6 Issue 2

images before and after deformation were and a set of equations that establish
used to nonintrusively measure the relative relationships between the variables.
displacement field using digital image
cross-correlation. Often when engineers analyze a system to
be controlled or optimized, they use a
Analytical Model: mathematical model. In analysis, engineers
Analytical models are mathematical can build a descriptive model of the
models that have a closed form solution, system as a hypothesis of how the system
i.e. the solution to the equations used to could work, or try to estimate how an
describe changes in a system can be unforeseeable event could affect the
expressed as a mathematical analytic function. system. The analytical models discussed
An analytical model is a description of here are the boundary element method,
a system using mathematical concepts and lattice discrete particle model, finite
language. A mathematical model usually
element method and finite volume method.
describes a system by a set of variables

Fig 4 3D View of Image Slices

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Advances in Civil and Structural Engineering
Volume 6 Issue 2

Lattice Discrete Particle Model (LDPM): within the volume of interest. A

The Lattice Discrete Particle Model is a tetrahedralization of the particle centers
mesoscale model for heterogeneous generates a lattice framework where each
materials. Developed for concrete, it lattice member is associated with a
simulates material mesostructure by triangular-shaped plane of contact (facet)
modeling coarse aggregate particles and between two cells. Figure 5 shows two
their surrounding mortar as polyhedral adjacent particles along with their
cells. A tetrahedralization of the particle polyhedral cells and the associated
centers generates a lattice framework tetrahedron edge.
where each lattice member is associated
with a triangular-shaped plane of contact
(facet) between two cells. Compatibility
equations are formulated by describing the
deformation of an assemblage of particles
through rigid-body kinematics.
Equilibrium equations are obtained Fig 5 Two Adjacent Particles Along With

through the force and moment equilibrium Their Polyhedral Cells

of each cell. The material behavior is A new computational framework for the
assumed to be governed by a vectorial simulation of Fibre Reinforced Concrete
constitutive law imposed at the facets. (FRC) has been formulated. The new
formulation is based on a two-scale
Edward A. Schauffert et al., (2012) [3] analysis in which the fine-scale fiber-
have developed Lattice Discrete Particle matrix interaction problem is solved
Model which simulates the material independently and the overall response is
mesostructure by modeling coarse used in a 3D mesoscale analysis based on the
aggregate particles and their surrounding formulated LDPM. The LDPM describes
mortar as polyhedral cells. Particles with mesostructure deformation through the
assumed spherical shape and in accordance adoption of rigid-body kinematics. Based
with typical mix designs and on this assumption, and for given
granulometric distributions are introduced displacements and rotations of the particles
randomly into the volume through a associated with a given facet, the relative
procedure that avoids particle overlapping displacement at the centroid of the facet
and ensures that all particles are contained can be used to define the strain.

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Advances in Civil and Structural Engineering
Volume 6 Issue 2

Fig 6 Crack Patterns Simulated In One Specimen For (a) Free Expansion Case,
(b) 0 Mpa And 5-Mm-Restraint Case And (c) 20 Mpa Unrestrained Case

Mohammed Alnaggar et al., (2013) [6] triaxial behavior of concrete under ASR.
present the formulation of Lattice Discrete These limitations are inherently
Particle Modeling of Alkali Silica Reaction connected to modeling concrete as an
(ASR), to simulate the effect of ASR on isotropic and homogenous continuum.
concrete structures. ASR-LDPM
Figure 6 shows the random and
implements, within the mesoscale
heterogeneous nature of crack patterns in
framework of LDPM, a model describing
simulated specimens subjected to ASR.
ASR gel formation and expansion at the
The cracks shown represent cracks with
level of each individual aggregate particle.
openings larger 10 μm. Figure 6(a)
The common disadvantage of other models
shows the crack pattern distribution of
is the inability to simulate crack patterns and
one simulated specimen under
crack distribution due to ASR. This, in turn,
unrestrained free expansion. Figure 6(b)
limits the ability to predict the degradation
shows the calculated crack pattern for
effect of ASR and forces the assumption of
the case of passive restraining with 5-
phenomenological relationships between
mm restraint under no axial loading.
ASR gel expansion and concrete mechanical
Opposite situation arises if, again, the
properties. In addition, it also limits the
same specimen is subjected to axial load
ability of such models to explain complex
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Advances in Civil and Structural Engineering
Volume 6 Issue 2

and without restraint as shown in Figure properties of this class of bridges. The
6(c) for the 20 MPa case. FE model for the steel box girder (Figure
8), in which a fully precise and detailed
Finite Element Model: model of all the components is
Hui Zhang et al., (2010) [4] have proposed a established, is built by using shell
new type of streamlined girder (lenticular elements.
cross-section) bridge with a thin-walled
steel box girder. In order to deal with the
problem of increasing traffic congestion,
this bridge is designed with a large width-to-
span ratio, which results in significant shear
lag effects and causes non-uniform stress
distribution in the three-cell thin-walled box
girder, especially along the flanges of the
girder. The aim of this study is to investigate Fig 7 Plexi- Glass Model
the effect of shear lag in thin-walled box
girder bridges with large width to span
ratios through both experimental and
numerical studies. A large-scale Plexiglas
model as shown in Figure 7 is tested under
different loading cases.

The material parameters are obtained from

physical characteristics tests and tensile
tests. In addition, a computational model is Fig 8 Finite Element Model
presented for a comprehensive simulation of
a girder bridge including the orthotropic top, Rami A. Hawileh et al., (2013) [9] have
bottom, web plates and their ribs, which leads to numerically investigated the plate
accurate modeling of structural properties of the debonding and performance of
girder. The simulation of the computation reinforced concrete (RC) beams
results compared well with the experimental externally strengthened with bonded
results. It is illustrated that the finite element Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymers
analysis is an effective method to predict (CFRPs) plates running for a length

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Advances in Civil and Structural Engineering
Volume 6 Issue 2

covering 25% of the shear span. The results Dalalbashi A. et al., (2013) [2] presents a
are compared with plates covering 85% of numerical investigation into the
the shear span in addition to a control effectiveness of carbon fiber–reinforced
unstrengthened specimen. The aim of this polymer (CFRP) sheets in enhancing the
paper is to develop 3D finite element (FE) seismic performance of RC joints under
models that can accurately simulate the combined axial and cyclic loads. For this
response and performance of RC beams purpose, a case-study joint sub -
externally strengthened with short-length assemblage was retrofitted using three
CFRP plates. Figures 9 and 10 show a different retrofitting configurations (L-
comparison between the simulated and shaped, web bonded, and flange
experimental failure modes of the tested bonded).
beam specimens.

Fig 9 Simulated and Experimental Results of CFRP Plate De-Bonding

Fig 10 Simulated And Experimental Results Of Cover Delamination

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Advances in Civil and Structural Engineering
Volume 6 Issue 2

Following the verification of the nonlinear CONCLUSION

numerical model against the existing A detailed review of the literature shows

experimental data, the analysis outcomes that the most widespread approach for

of the retrofitted specimens were analytical modeling is the finite element

compared with those of the control method. FEM, validated by means of

specimen in terms of the tip beam load numerical/experimental comparisons, can

distribution versus tip beam displacement, be an effective tool to better understand

energy dissipation, and plastic hinge the basic damage mechanisms, and to

relocation. Compared with the results of evaluate the stress and strain state in the

the original joint, the results of the constituent materials and structural

retrofitted joints confirmed an improved elements.

load-carrying capacity for all

strengthening schemes. It can be concluded that –
 Full-scale tests of structures have

The numerical modeling performed in this been very valuable in helping to

study on the original and retrofitted joints understand complex behavior

confirmed that finite element modeling including yielding, cracking, and the

can adequately simulate the cyclic ultimate mode of failure.

behavior of RC joints, especially in terms

of load carrying capacity. Figure 11 shows  The main advantage of a physical

the finite element model of the beam model over an analytical model is that

column joint. it portrays the behaviour of a

complete structure loaded to the
collapse stage.

 Small-scale models allow studies of

larger and more complex structural
configurations, and are less time
consuming and less costly to fabricate
and test.
Fig. 11 Finite-element illustration of
retrofitted specimen

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Advances in Civil and Structural Engineering
Volume 6 Issue 2

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composite and multiphase materials. Technical University of Jassy, Vol.6,
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11 Page 1-12 © MANTECH PUBLICATIONS 2021. All Rights Reserved

Advances in Civil and Structural Engineering
Volume 6 Issue 2

VI. Mohammed Alnaggar, Gianluca

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