Dolor y Cáncer. Hui, Bruera.2014

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VOLUME 32 䡠 NUMBER 16 䡠 JUNE 1 2014


A Personalized Approach to Assessing and Managing Pain

in Patients With Cancer
David Hui and Eduardo Bruera
All authors: The University of Texas MD
Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX. A B S T R A C T

Published online ahead of print at Pain is one of the most common and distressing symptoms in patients with cancer. In this review, on May 5, 2014.
we discuss an evidence-based approach to personalized pain assessment and management.
Supported in part by Grants No. Recent insights into the pain expression pathway have led to a paradigm shift in pain manage-
ment, allowing clinicians to deliver personalized treatments tailored to the individual’s needs.
RO1CA1222292-01, and
RO1CA124481-01 from the National
Personalized pain management begins with systematic screening, followed by comprehensive
Institutes of Health (E.B.). pain assessment. Impeccable characterization of pain informs its etiology and the mechanism to
guide treatment choices. Identification of modulators of pain expression such as psychological
Authors’ disclosures of potential con-
flicts of interest and author contribu-
distress, alcoholism, substance use, and delirium allow clinicians to further tailor treatment
tions are found at the end of this recommendations. Documentation of a personalized pain goal provides an individualized response
article. criterion. A multidimensional treatment plan is then formulated targeting the pain mechanism,
Corresponding author: Eduardo Bruera, etiologic factors, and modulators. Finally, longitudinal monitoring customized to the individual’s
MD, Department of Palliative Care & needs allows clinicians to improve adherence and, ultimately, to optimize pain control over time.
Rehabilitation Medicine, Unit 1414, The
University of Texas MD Anderson J Clin Oncol 32:1640-1646. © 2014 by American Society of Clinical Oncology
Cancer Center, 1515 Holcombe Blvd,
Houston, TX 77030; e-mail: can provide important diagnostic clues to the mech-
© 2014 by American Society of Clinical anism of pain and inform personalized management.
Oncology Pain is one of the most common and distressing Pain intensity as reported by the patient is the
0732-183X/14/3216w-1640w/$20.00 symptoms in patients with cancer, affecting 49% to gold standard for pain assessment.7 The three most
DOI: 10.1200/JCO.2013.52.2508 57% of patients with curable cancer and 56% to 75% commonly used scales are the numeric rating scale
of patients with advanced disease.1-3 Poorly con- (0 to 10 [0, no pain; 10, worst possible pain]), the
trolled pain can significantly impair function, appe- visual analog scale (0 to 100 mm; [0, no pain; 100,
tite, sleep, mood, and quality of life. Importantly, worst possible pain]), and the categorical scale
approximately 90% of patients can achieve good (none, mild, moderate, severe).7 In general, a nu-
pain control by following pain treatment guide- meric score of 1 to 3, 4 to 6, and 7 to 10 corresponds
lines.4,5 However, pain management remains sub- to mild, moderate, and severe pain, respectively. It is
optimal in the busy oncology setting, which important to pay attention to the time frame be-
represents many missed opportunities to improve cause the answer may vary, depending on whether
patients’ quality of life.6 the pain is “now,” “average over the last 24 hours,”
Impeccable management of pain begins with or “maximum in the past week.” Pain intensity as-
appropriate assessment, which includes documen- sessment should be administered during routine
tation of pain characteristics, determination of pain screening and longitudinal monitoring.
mechanism, identification of modulating factors, Other assessment tools may be useful for spe-
clarification of a personalized pain goal, and regular cial circumstances, such as in the pediatric and
reassessments over time. In this article, we discuss an
dementia settings.8-11 Multidimensional pain as-
evidence-based approach to personalized pain as-
sessment tools such as the McGill Pain Question-
sessment and management.
naire and Brief Pain Inventory are more suitable
for use in the research setting than in the clinical
PAIN CHARACTERISTICS setting because of the time requirement and com-
plexity of interpretation.
Comprehensive pain assessment involves a careful Table 1 shows how pain characteristics can
inquiry of pain characteristics. In addition to pain provide important diagnostic clues to the underly-
intensity, location, medical treatments, number of ing etiology of the pain. For instance, a patient with
episodes, onset, position, quality, radiation, severity, neuropathic pain may describe it as burning and
and triggers (a useful mnemonic is LMNOPQRST) radiating to the extremities. Temporal onset may

1640 © 2014 by American Society of Clinical Oncology

Personalized Pain Assessment

Table 1. Pain Types and Characteristics

Pain Type Quality of Pain Other Features
Somatic nociceptive pain
Bone metastases Achy, stabbing, throbbing, squeezing, tender, and/or deep Site specific
Wound Bone metastases may worsen with movement
Visceral nociceptive pain
Liver metastases Sharp, stabbing, squeezing, crampy, and/or gnawing Vague and difficult to locate
Bowel obstruction Referred pain
Coronary ischemia
Urinary retention
Neuropathic pain
Spinal cord compression Burning, shooting, tingling sensation, numbness, scalding; Radiation along nerve distribution
Radiculopathy may be associated with allodynia and/or hyperalgesia
Peripheral neuropathy
Post-mastectomy/thoracotomy pain
Phantom limb pain

help distinguish treatment-related causes from other etiologies. The

etiology of acute or chronic pain needs to be investigated thoroughly,
because it may be a sign of disease progression. For instance, new onset
back pain in a patient with progressive metastatic disease may be the Another important principle in pain assessment involves understand-
first sign of impending spinal cord compression. Back pain that wors- ing the pain expression pathway. Figure 1 shows how pain generated
ens with recumbency, coughing, or bowel movement may further as a result of tissue injury is transmitted via afferent pathways, per-
increase the index of suspicion.12 ceived in the somatosensory cortex, and subsequently expressed by the
Cancer pain may be persistent, episodic, or both. It is important patient. Clinically, pain expression is the only outcome that can be
to assess how many breakthrough pain episodes are present, if any, assessed. One implication of this pathway is that tumor progression
and what the triggers are. A breakthrough pain episode associated with and tissue damage do not universally translate into physical pain. For
movement is called incident pain and can be associated with signifi- some patients, pain expression may be much lower than expected on
cant functional limitation.13 It is also a marker of pain that is more the basis of radiologic findings. For others, emotional distress related
difficult to control.14 A good understanding of previous pain relief to worsening cancer may contribute more to the pain expression than
regimens and the level of adherence can help clinicians tailor their the tumor mass.
treatment recommendations and the level of patient educa- Insights into the pain expression pathway informs a paradigm
tion needed. shift in how clinicians personalize pain assessment and management.
We now understand that symptom expression can be modulated by
multiple factors, including mood state, chemical coping, and cogni-
PAIN MECHANISM tion. Proper assessment of these modulating factors is essential for
appropriate pain management. For instance, a patient with cancer
Successful management of pain involves identification of the likely who has a 9/10 abdominal pain may have visceral pain secondary to
source(s). The etiology for pain can be classified into three major progressive liver metastases. In another patient with cancer who has
sources in patients with cancer: cancer related (93%), therapy related 9/10 abdominal pain, the increased pain expression may be related
(21%), and unrelated to cancer or its treatments (2%).15 Progressive more to delirium secondary to opioid toxicity and hyperalgesia (Fig
cancer may result in tissue damage and/or nerve injury through vari- 2). Appropriate pain management in the first patient would involve
ous mechanisms such as compression, infiltration, obstruction, and increasing the opioid dose. In contrast, it would be prudent to rotate
fracture. Cancer treatments such as surgery (eg, postmastectomy and opioid and manage the delirium rather than further escalating the
post-thoracotomy pain), systemic therapy (eg, oxaliplatin-induced opioid dose in the second patient, which could paradoxically result in
peripheral neuropathy, enterocolitis), and radiation (eg, mucositis, worsening pain expression.
dermatitis) may also contribute to increased nociception. Finally, pa- Dame Cicely Saunders coined the term “total pain” in the 1960s
tients with cancer may experience various acute and chronic pain to describe the complex interplay between physical, emotional, and
syndromes related to etiologies other than cancer, such as sprains, existential suffering.16 Mood disorders are common in patients with
osteoarthritis, and fibromyalgia. Proper identification of the etiology cancer and include adjustment disorders, depression, and anxiety.17
of pain can inform pain management. For instance, bone pain second- Indeed, psychological factors are important modulators of pain ex-
ary to progressive cancer may be treated with opioids, steroids, and pression. Poorly controlled pain could contribute to anxiety and de-
antineoplastic therapies; bone pain related to spondylosis can usually pression; in turn, anxiety and depression may exacerbate pain
be managed with acetaminophen alone. expression. In patients with advanced cancer, physical pain expression © 2014 by American Society of Clinical Oncology 1641

Hui and Bruera

Cancer Patient 1 Patient 2

Cancer treatments Noncancer

45-year-old man with stage IV 45-year-old man with stage IV

pancreatic cancer and 9 of 10 pancreatic cancer and 9 of 10
abdominal pain score abdominal pain score

Tumor compression ++++ Tumor compression ++

Tissue damage
Delirium - Delirium +++
Nerve injury Chemical coping - Chemical coping -
Cytokine release Tolerance - Tolerance +
Psychological distress + Psychological distress +

Fig 2. Personalized management based on pain modulators. Two patients with the
same level of pain expression may have different modulators. In patient 1, increased
nociception as a result of tumor compression is the dominant factor contributing to pain,
Pain generation and an increase in the dose of analgesia may help alleviate the pain. This is in contrast to
patient 2, in whom delirium and hyperalgesia from opioid-induced neurotoxicity is
contributing to an increased pain expression. For this patient, prompt opioid rotation,
rather than increasing the dose of opioid, would be the most appropriate management.
This example highlights the importance of recognizing pain modulators and targeting
treatment recommendations based on these predictors.
Pain perception

CAGE positivity was associated with prolonged opioid use (9 v 3
Spiritual distress months; hazard ratio, 2.5).24
Chemical coping
Pain expression Interestingly, nicotine use was also associated with increased pain
expression and CAGE positivity.25 Smokers were also more likely to
Cognitive impairment
use opioids, require higher opioid doses, and have more difficulty
stopping opioid therapy compared with nonsmokers.26-28 Indeed,
Fig 1. The pain expression pathway. Progressive cancer, cancer treatments, and patients with a history of addiction required higher doses of opioids
nonmalignant pathologies can all contribute to tissue injury and inflammation, leading to and longer duration to achieve pain control.14 These individuals need
generation of pain signals peripherally. These signals are then transmitted through
afferent pathways and perceived in the somatosensory cortex. The level of pain
to be monitored closely with short intervals between appointments.
perceived is further filtered before it is expressed. Multiple modulators may increase or The goal of therapy should be to optimize functional status rather than
decrease the level of pain expression, including depression, anxiety, spiritual distress, to focus on pain relief.
chemical coping, and cognitive impairment. Importantly, we cannot reliably measure pain
generation and perception. Pain expression can only be assessed in clinical practice with Delirium is a complex neuropsychiatric syndrome character-
the use of patient-reported outcomes. ized by global cognitive dysfunction and is particularly common in
patients with cancer in the last weeks of life.29 Medications such as
opioids and benzodiazepines often contribute to delirium.30 As a
is consistently higher among those with anxiety.18 Furthermore, pa- result of disinhibition, patients with delirium may develop emo-
tients with advanced cancer who have spiritual distress reported tional lability and increased symptom expression.31 As indicated
higher levels of physical pain.19 earlier, for patients with delirium and severe pain, the appropriate
Somatization is a term used to describe the production of recur- management is to treat the delirium with opioid rotation instead of
rent and multiple medical symptoms with no discernible organic escalating the opioid dose, which could potentially contribute to
cause.20 In a large cross-sectional survey of 2,180 noncancer patients, worsening delirium.
those with chronic low back pain were more likely to have somatiza- Given the high prevalence of many of these modulators, routine
tion (14.9% v 8.3%), depression (13.7% v 8.5%), and anxiety (9.5% v screening for psychological distress (eg, numeric rating scales for anx-
6.2%) than patients without low back pain.21 The term chemical iety, depression, spiritual distress), alcoholism (eg, CAGE questions),
coping has been used to describe the use of opioids to cope with and delirium (eg, Memorial Delirium Assessment Scale) should be
emotional distress and is characterized by an inappropriate and/or part of a comprehensive pain assessment. The Data Supplement in-
excessive use of opioids. cludes a sample of the pain assessment forms routinely used in our
In addition to psychological distress, a history of alcoholism may Supportive Care Clinic.
also contribute to an increased pain expression and a higher propen- Our increased understanding of the molecular aberrations impli-
sity to opioid use. At our Supportive Care Clinic, we routinely use the cated in the pathogenesis of cancer has allowed us to develop highly
CAGE (Cut down, Annoyed, Guilt, Eye opener) questionnaire for specific therapies targeting these mutations, resulting in more effective
alcoholism screening.22 In a consecutive cohort of 665 patients with treatments with lower toxicities. Similarly, personalized pain manage-
advanced cancer, 100 (17%) of 665 were found to be CAGE positive. ment is formulated on the basis of appropriate identification of symp-
Patients with a positive CAGE had higher expression of pain (6 v 4; tom modulators, previous pain treatments, and also a personalized
P ⬍ .005) and were more likely to require opioids (47% v 29%) pain goal (Fig 3). Patients with psychological distress would benefit
compared with patients with a negative CAGE.23 Furthermore, from counseling, which could result in significant pain improvement
among patients with head and neck cancer who completed radiation, and lower doses of opioids.32 Successful reversal of delirium may

1642 © 2014 by American Society of Clinical Oncology JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY

Personalized Pain Assessment

1. Routine pain screening 6. Regular reassessment

From 0 to 10, what is your Duration of follow-up is individualized on basis of
level of pain over the last complexity, generally 1-4 weeks
24 hours? Personalized pain goal achieved?
Medication side effects, adherence, and aberrant behaviors

2. Assess pain characteristics

Medical treatments 5. Formulate personalized pain treatment plan
Number of episodes Analgesia: on basis of pain mechanism, individual Fig 3. Personalized pain assessment and
Onset preference, past treatment history management. Personalized pain manage-
Position Psychological distress: counseling ment involves systematic screening, de-
Quality Spiritual distress: pastoral care tailing of pain characteristics, identification
Radiation Chemical coping: education, focus on function, of potential modulators, documentation of
Severity close monitoring a personalized pain goal, formulation of a
Triggers Cognitive impairment: treat underlying cause (eg, opioid multidimensional treatment plan, and lon-
Identification of pain rotation), neuroleptics gitudinal monitoring.

3. Assess pain modulators 4. Assess personalized pain goal

Psychological distress From 0 to 10, at what level do you feel comfortable?
Spiritual distress
Chemical coping
Cognitive impairment

improve pain expression.31 Because multiple modulators may be pres- for poor pain control. Several pain classification systems have incor-
ent, interprofessional intervention is essential. porated these modulators, along with other predictive factors, to help
clinicians identify patients with pain syndromes that are difficult to
PERSONALIZED PAIN GOAL control. The first such predictive tool was the Edmonton Staging
System (ESS), which includes seven risk factors for poor pain control
In the era of personalized medicine, pain management may be tailored (Table 2).34 On the basis of the total score at presentation, patients
to the individual need by use of a personalized pain goal (PPG). PPG were divided into three risk groups: stage I, good risk; stage II, inter-
can be obtained by asking a patient to identify the maximal intensity of mediate risk; and stage III, poor risk. In the initial study, 18 (82%) of 22
pain from 0 to 10 (0, no pain; 10, worst pain) that would still be with stage I, four (50%) of eight with stage II, and two (10%) of 22 with
considered comfortable. stage III were able to achieve good pain control. This model was
In a study of 465 patients with advanced cancer seen at our subsequently validated in a multicenter cohort of 276 patients and was
Supportive Care Clinic for consultation, the median PPG was 3 (in- found to have a sensitivity of 93% and specificity of 46% for predicting
terquartile range, 2 to 3).33 Interestingly, only 2% of patients reported pain control by 21 days. Thus, the ESS was highly accurate in identi-
a PPG of 0, suggesting that a vast majority of patients were realistic in fying patients who were able to achieve good pain control, but it has a
regard to what can be achieved with contemporary pain therapies. high false-positive rate for poor pain control.35
Importantly, PPG remained stable over time.33 Further refinements were made to improve the definitional clar-
PPG provides a cutoff to define a personalized response to pain ity, usability, and accuracy of the ESS, leading to the revised Edmonton
management, in which pain score at or below PPG is defined as a Staging System (rESS), which was later renamed the Edmonton Clas-
response. On the basis of this criterion, 63%, 44%, and 27% of our sification System for Cancer Pain (ECSCP).36 In a validation study of
patients with mild, moderate, and severe pain achieved a personalized 746 patients, the five items in rESS were associated with longer time to
response in their follow-up visit.33 This is in contrast to the traditional pain control, greater number of modalities to achieve stable pain
criteria for defining pain response (ie, reduction in pain by ⱖ 2 of 10 control, and higher morphine equivalent daily dose.37 The inter-rater
points or ⱖ 30% decrease from baseline), in which 33%, 40%, and reliability ranged from 0.67 to 0.95. In a secondary analysis, moderate
60% of patients with mild, moderate, and severe pain had a clinical to severe pain expression (ⱖ 4 of 10) at baseline was also found to be
pain response. By using the PPG criteria as a gold standard, clinical
significantly associated with duration to achieve stable pain control
pain response criteria had a sensitivity of 52% and specificity of 98%
(P ⬍ .001), higher final opioid doses (P ⬍ .001), and more adjuvant
for mild pain and a sensitivity of 98% and specificity of 54% for severe
modalities (P ⫽ .015).14
pain.33 Further studies are needed to determine whether achievement
Huang et al38 have also developed a Cancer Pain Prognostic Scale
of PPG is associated with improved quality of life and to identify
(CPPS) to predict the likelihood of pain relief in 14 days for patients
predictors of PPG intensity and PPG response.
with moderate to severe pain. Multivariable logistic regression identi-
fied four variables associated with pain control, including pain sever-
PREDICTIVE FACTORS FOR CANCER PAIN CONTROL ity, Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy-General (FACT-G)
emotional well-being, initial morphine equivalent daily dose, and
Psychological distress, CAGE positivity, and cognitive impairment are mixed pain syndrome. CPPS was predictive of pain control at weeks 1
not only modulators of pain expression but are also predictive markers and 2 but not by week 3. © 2014 by American Society of Clinical Oncology 1643

Table 2. Predictive Factors for Cancer Pain
Predictive Model Variable Stage Scoring and Interpretation
Edmonton Staging System A. Mechanism of pain (visceral, bone/soft tissue, neuropathic Stage I: Good prognosis
pain, mixed, unknown) A1 (visceral) or A2 (bone or soft tissue)
B. Pain characteristics (nonincidental pain, incidental pain) B1 (nonincidental)
C. Previous narcotic exposure (MEDD ⬍ 60 mg per day, C1 (morphine ⬍ 60 mg per day) or C2
60-300 mg per day, ⬎ 300 mg per day) (60-300 mg morphine per day)
D. Cognitive function (normal, impaired) D1 (normal cognition)

© 2014 by American Society of Clinical Oncology

E. Psychological distress (no major distress, major distress) E1 (no somatization)
F. Tolerance (increase of ⬍ 5% of initial dose per day, F1 (no tolerance), and
increase of 5% or greater of initial dose per day) G1 (no alcohol or drugs)
G. Past history (no alcoholism or drug addiction, positive Stage II: Intermediate prognosis (any patient
history of alcoholism or drug addiction) who is not stage I or III)
A4 (mixed, if not stage III) or A5 (unknown)
C3 (⬎ 300 mg morphine per day, if not stage III)
D2 (cognitive failure, if not stage III)
Stage III: Poor prognosis
A3 (neuropathic, any B-C-D-E-F-G)
B2 (incidental, any A-C-D-E-F-G)
E2 (somatization, any A-B-C-D-F-G)
F2 (tolerance, any A-B-C-D-E-F)
G2 (alcohol or drugs, any A-B-C-D-E-F)
Edmonton Staging System or A. Mechanism of pain (no pain syndrome, nociceptive, Presence of neuropathic pain, incidental pain,
Hui and Bruera

Edmonton Classification System neuropathic, insufficient information) psychological distress, addiction or cognitive
for Cancer Pain14,36,37 B. Incidental pain (presence, absence, insufficient impairment indicates that pain may be more
information) difficult to control
C. Psychological distress (presence, absence, insufficient
D. Addiction (presence, absence, insufficient information)
E. Cognition (no impairment, partial impairment, total
impairment, insufficient information)
Cancer Pain Prognostic Scale38 A. Worst pain severity (BPI) 3 ⫹ worst pain severity (BPI) ⫹ 4 ⫻ (FACT-G
B. FACT-G emotional well-being ⱖ 17 emotional well-being ⱖ 17) 关␮␫␯␷␴兴 4 ⫻ (daily opioid
C. Initial MEDD (ⱕ 60 mg per day; ⬎ 60 mg per day) dose of ⬎ 60 mg morphine orally) 关␮␫␯␷␴兴 4 ⫻
D. Mixed pain (present, absent) (presence of mixed pain)
Score range, 0-17; higher score represents
higher possibility of pain relief
Low score (1-6)
Intermittent scores (7-12)
Higher score (13-17)

Abbreviations: BPI, Brief Pain Inventory; FACT-G, Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy-General; MEDD, morphine equivalent daily dose.


Personalized Pain Assessment

One of the key challenges to the use of these tools is the need for Monitoring of opioid-related adverse effects such as constipa-
skilled assessments. For instance, in a recent international study of tion, nausea and vomiting, and drowsiness is important. Opioid-
eight countries, the frequency of addictive behavior ranged between induced neurotoxicities, including myoclonus, hallucination, and
0% and 50%, with an average of 4.5% overall.39 This wide variation delirium, may develop with high doses of opioids.45 Proactive man-
suggests heterogeneity in assessments and potential under-reporting agement may improve adherence. In addition to adverse effects, the
in some centers.23,40,41 clinician should assess any barriers to use of pain medications such as
One practical application of these pain prediction tools is that fear of opioid addiction and financial factors.
they may help oncologists and primary care clinicians identify patients Clinicians should be aware of risk factors for opioid misuse and
with more difficult-to-control pain syndromes; such individuals may aberrant behaviors suggestive of opioid abuse. The key risk factors for
benefit from earlier referral to palliative care and/or pain specialists. opioid misuse are younger age (ie, 45 years or younger), a personal
Further research is needed to improve the accuracy of these predictive history of substance abuse, mental illness, legal problems, and a family
tools and to examine whether the use of these tools has a positive history of substance abuse.46 Aberrant behaviors concerning potential
impact on pain management. opioid misuse include, but are not limited to, frequent unsanctioned
dose escalations, insistence on specific opioids, concurrent alcoholism
and illicit drug use, recurrent loss of prescriptions, lack of follow-up,
LONGITUDINAL ASSESSMENTS injection of oral formulations, obtaining forged prescriptions, and
selling drugs obtained with a prescription.47 Detailed documentation,
close monitoring, and referral to a pain specialist are recommended.
In addition to a comprehensive assessment at initial presentation, In a study of patients with head and neck cancer, 63% were taking
successful pain assessment requires longitudinal follow-up, dose titra- opioids at 3 months after completion of their radiation, and 33% were
tion, and proactive management of adverse effects. The duration be- still taking opioids at 6 months.24 CAGE positivity was a risk factor for
tween follow-up visits should be customized on the basis of the prolonged opioid use.24
patients’ level of pain expression, pain modulators, and any associated In conclusion, personalized cancer pain management begins with
symptoms and comorbidities and may vary from every few days for systematic screening, followed by comprehensive pain assessment (Fig 3).
patients requiring intensive monitoring to every few months for pa- Careful characterization of pain informs its etiology and mechanism to
tients with good symptom control and low care needs. The average guide treatment choices. Identification of modulators such as depression,
frequency for follow-up is every 3 to 4 weeks at our Supportive Care anxiety, CAGE positivity, and delirium allow clinicians to further target
Clinic. Patients on strong opioids should be seen at least every 4 weeks treatments. Documentation of a personalized pain goal provides an indi-
for close monitoring and prescription renewal. vidualized response criterion. Finally, longitudinal monitoring tailored to
Among 1,612 patients seen at our Supportive Care Clinic for a the individual’s needs allows us to improve adherence and symptom
follow-up visit within 30 days of consultation, those who initially control. Systematic reviews to further evaluate how different components
presented with no pain experienced an average increase of pain inten- of cancer pain assessment can improve clinical outcomes would be useful.
sity by 2.2 points at follow-up, and those with mild pain initially had an For instance, the role of electronic diaries for pain assessment and pain
average increase of pain intensity by 0.9 points. In contrast, patients clinical pathways need to be evaluated in detail.48,49 Insights into the
who initially presented with moderate pain experienced an average mechanism of pain and the pain expression pathway will allow us to
decrease of pain intensity by 0.4 points, and those with severe pain had further refine our treatment options.
an average decrease of pain intensity by 2.5 points.42 The change in
pain intensity is likely related to a combination of changing disease
course, cancer treatments, pain treatments, and other comorbidities. AUTHORS’ DISCLOSURES OF POTENTIAL CONFLICTS
Thus, clinicians should exercise constant vigilance, not only for pa-
tients with moderate to severe pain but also for those who had limited
Although all authors completed the disclosure declaration, the following
pain expression initially because they are at risk of developing pain author(s) and/or an author’s immediate family member(s) indicated a
over the course of their disease. financial or other interest that is relevant to the subject matter under
In addition to assessing pain intensity, it is prudent to assess any consideration in this article. Certain relationships marked with a “U” are
associated symptoms such as insomnia, fatigue, anxiety, and depres- those for which no compensation was received; those relationships marked
sion at follow-up visits. Symptom assessment batteries such as the with a “C” were compensated. For a detailed description of the disclosure
Edmonton Symptom Assessment System (ESAS) provides compre- categories, or for more information about ASCO’s conflict of interest policy,
please refer to the Author Disclosure Declaration and the Disclosures of
hensive and rapid assessment of multiple concerns.43 Potential Conflicts of Interest section in Information for Contributors.
For patients who were prescribed opioids, it is important to Employment or Leadership Position: None Consultant or Advisory
inquire about the pattern of medication use, such as how many break- Role: None Stock Ownership: None Honoraria: None Research
through doses were used per day on average and whether the patients Funding: David Hui, Depomed Expert Testimony: None Patents: None
were taking long-acting medications as prescribed. The rate of adher- Other Remuneration: None
ence to opioid therapy was more than 90% among patients seen at our
Supportive Care Clinic,44 which can be attributed to our emphasis on AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS
patient education, close monitoring, interdisciplinary management,
and a phone support program. Opioid deviation (ie, ⬍ 70% or Conception and design: All authors
⬎ 130% of prescribed dose) was more frequently observed in males Manuscript writing: All authors
and nonwhites.44 Final approval of manuscript: All authors © 2014 by American Society of Clinical Oncology 1645

Hui and Bruera

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