Notes Atomic Mod 1-3
Notes Atomic Mod 1-3
Notes Atomic Mod 1-3
3 Structure of Materials
Atomic Arrangements: (Short-Range
The applications shown below, and Order - 1 to 10 Å ). Ions in silica (SiO2)
the accompanying figures (Figures 1.1 glass exhibit only a short-range order in
through 1.6) illustrate how important the which Si+4 and O2- ions are arranged in a
different levels of structure are to particular way (each Si+4 is bonded with 4
materials behavior. The applications O2- ions in a tetrahedral coordination, with
illustrated are broken out by their levels each O2- ion being shared by two
of structure and their length scales (the tetrahedra). This order, however, is not
approximate characteristic length that is maintained over long distances, thus
important for a given application). making silica glass amorphous.
Amorphous glasses based on silica and
certain other oxides form the basis for the
Levels of Structure: entire fiber-optic communications
Atomic Structure - (~ 10-10 m or 1 Å ) - industry.
Example is Diamond. Diamond is based
on carbon-carbon (C- C) covalent bonds.
Materials with this type of bonding are
expected to be relatively hard. Thin films
of diamond are used for providing a wear-
resistant edge in cutting tools.
Figure 1.3 Optical fibers based on a form
of silica that is amorphous.
The shorthand notation frequently The unfilled 3d level (there are five d
used to denote the electronic structure of orbitals, so in shorthand d1, d2, . . ., d10
an atom combines the numerical value of are possible) causes the magnetic
the principal quantum number, the behavior of iron.
lowercase letter notation for the
azimuthal quantum number, and a
superscript showing the number of Note that not all elements follow the
electrons in each type of orbital. The Aufbau principle. A few, such as copper,
shorthand notation for neon, which has are exceptions. According to the Aufbau
an atomic number of ten, is 1s2 2s2 Principle, copper should have the
2p6 electronic structure 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6
3d9 4s2, but copper has the electronic
1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 3d10 4s1
Generally, electrons will occupy
each orbital of a given energy level singly
before the orbitals are doubly occupied.
For example, nitrogen has the electronic
structure 1s2 2s2 2p3
Each of the three p orbitals in the L shell
contains one electron rather than one Figure 1.8 - Electronegativity values for
orbital containing two electrons, one some elements with low
containing one electron, and one electronegativity (i.e., < 2.0) are
containing zero electrons. sometimes described as electropositive.
Composite Materials The main idea in As we move down the column, the
developing composites is to blend the bandgap decreases (the bandgaps of Si
properties of different materials. These and Ge are 1.11 and 0.67 eV,
are formed from two or more materials, respectively). Moving farther down, one
producing properties not found in any form of tin is a semiconductor. Another
single material. Concrete, plywood, and form of tin is metallic. If we look at Group
fiberglass are examples of composite 1A, we see that lithium is highly
materials. Fiberglass is made by electropositive (i.e., an element whose
dispersing glass fibers in a polymer atoms want to participate in chemical
matrix. The glass fibers make the polymer interactions by donating electrons and
stiffer, without significantly increasing its are therefore highly reactive). Likewise, if
density. With composites, we can produce we move down Column 1A, we can see
lightweight, strong, ductile, temperature- that the chemical reactivity of elements
resistant materials or we can produce decreases. Thus, the periodic table gives
hard, yet shock-resistant, cutting tools us useful information about formulas,
that would otherwise shatter. Advanced atomic numbers, and atomic masses of
aircraft and aerospace vehicles rely elements. It also helps us in predicting or
heavily on composites such as carbon rationalizing trends in properties of
fiber-reinforced polymers. Sports elements and compounds.
equipment such as bicycles, golf clubs,
tennis rackets, and the like also make use
of different kinds of composite materials 1.6.2 Atomic Properties and
that are light and stiff.
Periodic Table Trends
Periodic trends are specific patterns that
1.6.1 Periodic Properties are present in the periodic table that
illustrate different aspects of a certain
The periodic table contains a element, including its size and its
wealth of useful information (e.g., atomic electronic properties. Major periodic
mass, atomic number of different trends include electronegativity,
elements, etc.). It also points to trends in ionization energy, electron affinity,
atomic size, melting points, and chemical atomic radius, melting point, and metallic
reactivity. For example, carbon (in its character. Periodic trends, arising from
diamond form) has the highest melting the arrangement of the periodic table,
point (3550°C). Melting points of the provide chemists with an invaluable tool
elements below carbon decrease (i.e., to quickly predict an element's
silicon (Si) (1410°C), germanium (Ge) properties. These trends exist because of
(937°C), tin (Sn) (232°C), and lead (Pb) the similar atomic structure of the
(327°C). Note that the melting elements within their respective group
temperature of Pb is higher than that of families or periods, and because of the
Sn. The periodic table indicates trends periodic nature of the elements.
and not exact variations in properties.
We can discern trends in other properties
from the periodic table. Diamond is a Atomic Radius Trends
The size of atoms is important when
trying to explain the behavior of atoms or
Electronegativity Trends
compounds. One of the ways we can
express the size of atoms is with the Electronegativity can be understood as a
atomic radius. This data helps us chemical property describing an atom's
understand why some molecules fit ability to attract and bind with electrons.
together and why other molecules have Electronegativity measures an atom's
parts that get too crowded under certain tendency to attract and form bonds with
conditions. The atomic radius is one-half electrons. This property exists due to the
the distance between the nuclei of two electronic configuration of atoms. Most
atoms. Atomic size gradually decreases atoms follow the octet rule (having the
from left to right across a period of valence, or outer, shell comprise of 8
elements. This is because, within a period electrons). Because elements on the left
or family of elements, all electrons are side of the periodic table have less than a
added to the same shell. However, at the half-full valence shell, the energy required
same time, protons are being added to the to gain electrons is significantly higher
nucleus, making it more positively compared with the energy required to
charged. The effect of increasing proton lose electrons. As a result, the elements
number is greater than that of the on the left side of the periodic table
increasing electron number; therefore, generally lose electrons when forming
there is a greater nuclear attraction. This bonds. Conversely, elements on the right
means that the nucleus attracts the side of the periodic table are more
electrons more strongly, pulling the energy-efficient in gaining electrons to
atom's shell closer to the nucleus. The create a complete valence shell of 8
valence electrons are held closer towards electrons. The nature of electronegativity
the nucleus of the atom. As a result, the is effectively described thus: the more
atomic radius decreases. inclined an atom is to gain electrons, the
more likely that atom will pull electrons
toward itself.
Down a group, atomic radius increases.
The valence electrons occupy higher
levels due to the increasing quantum From left to right across a period of
number (n). As a result, the valence elements, electronegativity increases. If
electrons are further away from the the valence shell of an atom is less than
nucleus as ‘n’ increases. Electron half full, it requires less energy to lose an
shielding prevents these outer electrons electron than to gain one. Conversely, if
from being attracted to the nucleus; thus, the valence shell is more than half full, it
they are loosely held, and the resulting is easier to pull an electron into the
atomic radius is large. valence shell than to donate one.
From top to bottom down a group,
electronegativity decreases. This is
Atomic radius decreases from left to right
because atomic number increases down a
within a period. This is caused by the
group, and thus there is an increased
increase in the number of protons and
distance between the valence electrons
electrons across a period. One proton has
and nucleus, or a greater atomic radius.
a greater effect than one electron; thus,
electrons are pulled towards the nucleus,
resulting in a smaller radius. Ionization Energy Trends
Atomic radius increases from top to Ionization energy is the energy required
bottom within a group. This is caused by to remove an electron from a neutral
electron shielding or principal quantum atom in its gaseous phase. Conceptually,
number, n. ionization energy is the opposite of
electronegativity. The lower this energy occurs when an electron is added to a
is, the more readily the atom becomes a neutral gas atom. The more negative the
cation. Therefore, the higher this energy electron affinity value, the higher an
is, the more unlikely it is the atom atom's affinity for electrons.
becomes a cation. Generally, elements on
Electron affinity increases from left to
the right side of the periodic table have a
right within a period. This is caused by
higher ionization energy because their
the decrease in atomic radius.
valence shell is nearly filled. Elements on
the left side of the periodic table have low Electron affinity decreases from top to
ionization energies because of their bottom within a group. This is caused by
willingness to lose electrons and become the increase in atomic radius.
cations. Thus, ionization energy increases
from left to right on the periodic table.
1.7 Atomic Bonding
Another factor that affects ionization There are four important mechanisms by
energy is electron shielding. Electron which atoms are bonded in engineered
shielding describes the ability of an materials.
atom's inner electrons to shield its
positively charged nucleus from its These are:
valence electrons. When moving to the metallic bonds.
right of a period, the number of electrons covalent bonds.
increases and the strength of shielding ionic bonds; and
increases. As a result, it is easier for van der Waals bonds.
valence shell electrons to ionize, and thus
the ionization energy decreases down a The first three types of bonds are
group. Electron shielding is also known as relatively strong and are known as
screening. primary bonds (relatively strong bonds
between adjacent atoms resulting from
the transfer or sharing of outer orbital
The ionization energy of the elements electrons). The van der Waals bonds are
within a period generally increases from secondary bonds and originate from a
left to right. This is due to valence shell different mechanism and are relatively
stability. weaker.
Bravais Lattices
Classification of Materials
Materials science and engineering titanium, copper, and nickel. An alloy is a
(MSE) is an interdisciplinary field of metal that contains additions of one or
science and engineering more metals or non-metals. In general,
those studies and manipulates the metals have good electrical and thermal
composition and structure of materials conductivity. Metals and alloys have
across length scales to control materials relatively high strength, high stiffness,
properties through synthesis and ductility or formability, and shock
processing. resistance. They are particularly useful
for structural or load-bearing
The term composition means the
applications. Although pure metals are
chemical make-up of a material. The
occasionally used, alloys provide
term structure means a description of
improvement in a particular desirable
the arrangement of atoms, as seen at
property or permit better combinations
different levels of detail. The structure at
of properties.
a microscopic level is known as the
microstructure. Many properties of
materials depend strongly on the
Metals and alloys have good
structure, even if the composition of the
strength, good ductility, and good
material remains the same. Therefore, the
formability. Metals have good electrical
structure-property or microstructure
and thermal conductivity. Metals and
property relationships in materials are
alloys play an indispensable role in many
extremely important.
applications such as automotive,
In materials science, the emphasis is buildings, bridges, aerospace, and the like.
on the underlying relationships between
the synthesis and processing, structure,
and properties of materials. Our
knowledge of atomic structure provides
Ceramics and Glasses
us understanding on how this affects the Ceramics can be defined as inorganic
properties, behavior, and resulting crystalline materials. Beach sand and
applications of engineering materials. In rocks are examples of naturally occurring
materials engineering, the focus is on how ceramics.
to translate or transform materials into
useful devices or structures. Advanced ceramics are used in
substrates that house computer chips,
Materials are classified as metals and
sensors and actuators, capacitors,
alloys, ceramics, glasses and glass-
ceramics, composites, polymers, and wireless communications, spark plugs,
semiconductors. (Figure 3.1) inductors, and electrical insulation. Some
ceramics are used as barrier coatings to
protect metallic substrates in turbine
engines. In general, due to the presence of
porosity (small holes), ceramics do not
conduct heat well; they must be heated to
very high temperatures before melting.
Ceramics are strong and hard, but also
very brittle. Modern ceramics form the
underpinnings of many microelectronic
Figure 3.1 Classification of Materials. and photonic technologies.
Materials in each of these groups possess
different structures and properties.
Glasses and Glass-Ceramics
Glass is an amorphous material,
Metals and Alloys often, but not always, derived from a
molten liquid. The fiber optics industry is
Metals and alloys include steels,
aluminum, magnesium, zinc, cast iron, founded on optical fibers based on high
purity silica glass. Glasses are also used in different materials. These are formed
houses, cars, computer and television from two or more materials, producing
screens, and hundreds of other properties not found in any single
applications. Glasses can be thermally material. Concrete, plywood, and
treated (tempered) to make them fiberglass are examples of composite
stronger. Glass-ceramics are formed by materials. Fiberglass is made by
annealing glasses to nucleate small dispersing glass fibers in a polymer
crystals that improve resistance to matrix.
fracture and thermal shock.
The glass fibers make the polymer
stiffer, without significantly increasing its
density. With composites, we can
Polymers and Semi- produce lightweight, strong, ductile,
Conductors temperature-resistant materials or we
can produce hard, yet shock-resistant,
Polymers are typically organic cutting tools that would otherwise
materials. They are produced using a shatter. Advanced aircraft and aerospace
process known as polymerization. vehicles rely heavily on composites such
Polymeric materials include rubber as carbon fiber-reinforced polymers as
(elastomers) and many types of shown in Figure 3.1. Sports equipment
adhesives. Polymers typically are good such as bicycles, golf clubs, tennis rackets,
electrical and thermal insulators although and the like also make use of different
there are exceptions such as the kinds of composite materials that are light
semiconducting polymers. Many and stiff.
polymers have very good resistance to
corrosive chemicals.
Polymers have thousands of
applications ranging from bulletproof
vests, compact disks (CDs), ropes, and
liquid crystal displays (LCDs) to clothes
and coffee cups. Thermoplastic polymers,
in which the long molecular chains are Figure 3.2 An image of carbon fiber-
not rigidly connected, have good ductility reinforced polymers
and formability; thermosetting polymers
are stronger but more brittle because the
molecular chains are tightly linked
Because energy takes many forms,
Semiconductors only some of which can be seen or felt, it
Silicon, germanium, and gallium is defined by its effect on matter. For
arsenide-based semiconductors such as example, microwave ovens produce
those used in computers and electronics energy to cook food, but we cannot see
are part of a broader class of materials that energy. In contrast, we can see the
known as electronic materials. The energy produced by a light bulb when we
electrical conductivity of semiconducting switch on a lamp. In this section, we
materials is between that of ceramic describe the forms of energy and discuss
insulators and metallic conductors. the relationship between energy, heat,
and work.
Energy can be defined as the
Composite Materials capacity to supply heat or do work. One
type of work (w) is the process of causing
The main idea in developing
matter to move against an opposing force.
composites is to blend the properties of
Like matter, energy comes in different
types. One scheme classifies energy into
two types: potential energy, the energy an
object has because of its relative position,
composition, or condition, and kinetic
energy, the energy that an object
possesses because of its motion. A
battery has potential energy because the Figure 4.1 (a) The molecules in a
chemicals within it can produce sample of hot water move more rapidly
electricity that can do work. than (b) those in a sample of cold water.
Energy can be converted from one Click on this interactive simulation (Links
form into another, but all of the energy to an external site.) to view the effects of
temperature on molecular motion.
present before a change occurs always
exists in some form after the change is
completed. This observation is expressed Heat
in the law of conservation of energy:
during a chemical or physical change, Heat (q) is the transfer of thermal
energy can be neither created nor energy between two bodies at different
temperatures. Heat flow (a redundant
destroyed, although it can be changed in
term, but one commonly used) increases
form. (This is also one version of the first
the thermal energy of one body and
law of thermodynamics) decreases the thermal energy of the
Suppose we initially have a high
Thermal Energy, temperature (and high thermal energy)
Temperature, Heat substance (H) and a low temperature
(and low thermal energy) substance (L).
Thermal energy is kinetic energy The atoms and molecules in H have a
associated with the random motion of higher average KE than those in L. If we
atoms and molecules. Temperature is a place substance H in contact with
quantitative measure of “hot” or “cold.” substance L, the thermal energy will flow
When the atoms and molecules in an spontaneously from substance H to
object are moving or vibrating quickly, substance L. The temperature of
they have a higher average kinetic energy substance H will decrease, as will the
(KE), and we say that the object is “hot.” average KE of its molecules; the
When the atoms and molecules are temperature of substance L will increase,
moving slowly, they have lower average along with the average KE of its
KE, and we say that the object is “cold” molecules. Heat flow will continue until
(Figure 4.1). If no chemical reaction or the two substances are at the same
phase change (such as melting or temperature (Figure 4.2 ).
vaporizing) occurs, increasing the amount
of thermal energy in a sample of matter
will cause its temperature to increase.
And, if no chemical reaction or phase
change (such as condensation or freezing)
occurs, decreasing the amount of thermal Figure 4.2 (a) Substances H and L are
energy in a sample of matter will cause its initially at different temperatures, and
temperature to decrease. their atoms have different average kinetic
energies. (b) When they contact each
other, collisions between the molecules
result in the transfer of kinetic (thermal)
energy from the hotter to the cooler
matter. (c) The two objects reach
“thermal equilibrium” when both
substances are at the same temperature
and their molecules have the same Heat capacity is determined by both
average kinetic energy. the type and amount of substance that
absorbs or releases heat. It is therefore an
extensive property—its value is
Energy Units proportional to the amount of the
Matter undergoing chemical
reactions and physical changes can The specific heat capacity (c) of a
release or absorb heat. A change that substance, commonly called its “specific
releases heat is called an exothermic heat,” is the quantity of heat required to
process. A reaction or change that raise the temperature of 1 gram of a
absorbs heat is an endothermic process. substance by 1 degree Celsius (or 1
Historically, energy was measured
in units of calories (cal). A calorie is the c= q / mΔT
amount of energy required to raise one
gram of water by 1 degree centigrade.
Specific heat capacity depends only
However, this quantity depends on the
on the kind of substance absorbing or
atmospheric pressure and the starting
releasing heat. It is an intensive property
temperature of the water. The ease of
—the type, but not the amount, of the
measurement of energy changes in
substance is all that matters.
calories has meant that the calorie is still
frequently used. The Calorie (with a The molar heat capacity, also an
capital C), or large calorie, commonly intensive property, is the heat capacity
used in quantifying food energy content, per mole of a particular substance and
is a kilocalorie. has units of J/mol °C.
Commercial Voltaic
One of the main uses of galvanic
cells is the generation of portable
electrical energy. These cells are also
popularly known as batteries. The term
battery is generally used for two or more
Galvanic cells connected in series. Thus,
a battery is an arrangement of
electrochemical cells used as an energy
source. The basis of an electrochemical
cell is an oxidation – reduction reaction.
Types of commercial cells: There are
mainly two types of commercial cells,