RTO Office
RTO Office
RTO Office
5. Optional/Blood Unknown
Group-RH Factor
*The holder of the licence has passed the preliminary test referred to in rule 11(1) of
the CMV Rules ,1989.
*The holder of the licence is exempted from the medical test under rule 6 and from
the Preliminary test under rule11(2)of the Central Motor Vehicle Rules,1989
Licensing Authority
The attention of the holder of this licence is drawn to rule 3 of CMV Rules, 1989 which
prohibits him from driving any motor vehicle unless he has besides him a person duly
licenced to drive the vehicle and in every case , the vehicle carries "L" plates both in
front and in the rear of the vehicle.
a. This is a computer generated Document. No signature is required.
b. This Learners Licence is issued based on the Information and declaration
submitted by the applicant with regards to his/her physical fitness to drive a Motor
Vehicle and liable for cancelation if found incorrect/ unfit to drive.