Waves and Significant Wave Height
Waves and Significant Wave Height
Waves and Significant Wave Height
Wave Variables
For waves, these variables have the same basic meaning. However, it is helpful
to word the definitions in a more specific way that applies directly to waves:
The wavelength (λ) is the distance between adjacent identical parts of a wave,
parallel to the direction of propagation.
The wave velocity (vw) is the speed at which the disturbance moves.
Its wavelength is the distance from crest to crest or from trough to trough.
The wavelength can also be thought of as the distance a wave has travelled after
one complete cycle—or one period.
The time for one complete up-and-down motion is the simple water wave’s
period T.
In the figure, the wave itself moves to the right with a wave velocity vw.
Its amplitude X is the distance between the resting position and the maximum
displacement—either the crest or the trough—of the wave.
It is important to note that this movement of the wave is actually
the disturbance moving to the right, not the water itself; otherwise, the bird
would move to the right. Instead, the seagull bobs up and down in place as
waves pass underneath, traveling a total distance of 2X in one cycle. However,
as mentioned in the text feature on surfing, actual ocean waves are more
complex than this simplified example.
Figure 13.7 The wave has a wavelength λ, which is the distance between
adjacent identical parts of the wave. The up-and-down disturbance of the
surface propagates parallel to the surface at a speed vw.
The Relationship between Wave Frequency, Period, Wavelength, and
Since wave frequency (f) is the number of waves per second, and
the Wave period (T) is essentially the number of seconds per wave,
f=1/T or T = 1/f
just as in the case of harmonic motion of an object.
We can see from this relationship that a higher frequency means a shorter
Recall that the unit for frequency is hertz (Hz), and that 1 Hz is one cycle—or
one wave—per second.
The speed of propagation (vw) is the distance the wave travels in a given
time, which is one wavelength in a time of one period.
Figure 13.8 Because they travel at the same speed in a given medium, low-
frequency sounds must have a greater wavelength than high-frequency
sounds. Here, the lower-frequency sounds are emitted by the large speaker,
called a woofer, while the higher-frequency sounds are emitted by the small
speaker, called a tweeter.
As an example,
These two types of waves propagate at different speeds, and the speed at which
they travel depends on the rigidity of the medium through which they are
Both components of earthquakes travel more slowly in less rigid materials, such
as sediments.
The P-wave gets progressively farther ahead of the S-wave as they travel
through Earth’s crust.
For that reason, the time difference between the P- and S-waves is used to
determine the distance to their source, the epicenter of the earthquake.
We know from seismic waves produced by earthquakes that parts of the interior
of Earth are liquid. Shear or transverse waves cannot travel through a liquid and
are not transmitted through Earth’s core.
All waves carry energy, and the energy of earthquake waves is easy to observe
based on the amount of damage left behind after the ground has stopped
Earthquakes can shake whole cities to the ground, performing the work of
thousands of wrecking balls.
Wave Formation: Waves are formed by wind blowing along the water's
surface. Wave height is dependent on a) wind speed; b) fetch length; and c)
duration of time the wind blows consistently over the fetch. (Figure 2.)
Wind 'fetch' is the distance the wind blows over water with similar speed and
Higher wind speeds blowing for long periods of time over longer stretches of
water result in the highest waves.
Waves that are the direct result of the local wind are called wind waves.
Wind waves are short, choppy, and tend to break (white cap) when winds reach
about 12 knots.
These are the most common waves on lakes, ponds and in the confined, narrow
stretches of southeast Alaska's inner channels.
Wave pattern considerations become more complex in the Open Ocean and
Gulf of Alaska.
Waves are still formed by the local wind, but, once formed, ocean waves can
continue to travel along great circle routes for thousands of miles.
Waves that travel outside of their generation area and are no longer the result of
the local wind are called "swell."
The inner channels are dominated by wind waves, and, except for near
entrances to the open ocean, experience fewer swell. The open Gulf contains a
broader range of wave heights.
Figure 3. Wave height is the distance measured from the trough to the crest of
the wave. Wave length is the distance between successive crests (or troughs).
Graphic courtesy of Tammy Pelletier, WA State Dept of Ecology
Wave Dimensions:
• height,
• length, and
• period (or frequency).
Wind waves tend to have smaller heights and have shorter periods than
Wave steepness is the slope determined by the ratio between wave height
and wave length.
When wind wave heights and periods are close to the same value (e.g., six
foot seas every six seconds), wave steepness is severe and pitch poling
becomes a real possibility for smaller vessels, as does capsizing in beam
The farther waves move away from their source region, the more their wave
length and period gradually increase. Therefore, waves with long periods,
greater than 10 or 12 seconds, are arriving from a distant source and
are considered swell.
The spectrum is literally made up of waves on top of waves (on top of waves!).
The wave height value in a forecast, and reported by ships and buoys, is called
the significant wave height.
Significant wave height (Hs) is defined as the average height of the highest
one-third waves in a wave spectrum. This happens to correlate very well with
the wave height a skilled observer perceives in a wave spectrum.
Figure 4. The statistical distribution of wave heights showing various
(from Bretschneider, 1964)
If a person could filter out and plot on a graph all of the waves that make up a
spectrum, the distribution of waves with different heights would result in a "bell
curve" graph similar to the one in the figure above.
Each dot represents the number of waves (N) in the spectrum with a height of
The graph shows there are a relatively low number of small waves (left side of
graph) and a low number of very large waves (right side of graph).
The greatest number of waves (N) in this spectrum falls in the mid range of
heights (centered under Hm).
The mean wave height H is approximately equal to 2/3rds (0.64) the value
of Hs and
Quiz Time! Let's take a minute and put all these wave heights that we have
learned about into perspective by practicing how to derive pertinent wave
characteristics. If you read a marine weather forecast predicting "SEAS 10 FT,"
what is really being conveyed in that forecast?
Hs = 10 ft
H (most probable) = 6 ft
Mariners should know the physical limits of their vessels-both wind speed
limits and wave height limits. The marine weather forecasts provide both wind
velocity (speed and direction) information and wave height information. Wave
height values, both predicted and observed, are defined as the significant wave
height, denoted as Hs. Hs is not a single value by any means but rather a value
which represents a range of heights occurring in a wave spectrum from
approximately 60% of Hs to 200% of Hs! This range is somewhat less in
narrower inland channels, where the contribution of ocean swell is less.
Mariners can reduce their risk of encountering bigger than expected waves by
understanding the range of wave heights in a spectrum defined by a particular
significant wave height. The wave that crashed into the 4th deck of the
Matanuska ferry some years ago, while crossing Queen Charlotte Sound, was
within the range of Hmax for a spectrum of waves whose mean height is 15 feet.
Mariners must not focus on a single significant wave height value in a forecast
or observation but recognize the concept of the wave spectrum.