Applied Human Anatomy PDF
Applied Human Anatomy PDF
Applied Human Anatomy PDF
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Applied Human Anatomy
Michael F. Nolan
John P. McNamara
We wish to thank Ryan Anderson for the book cover photos, and VTCSOM Class of 2026 students Sydney
Dinn, Maedot Haymete, Lucy Honeycutt, Katherine Lee, Thisha Thiagarajan and Jessica Urbanczyk for per-
mission to use their photos for the book cover.
First published in 2022 by the Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine in association with Virginia Tech
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this
license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, PO Box 1866,
Mountain View, CA, 94042, USA. Note to users: This work may contain components (e.g., photographs, illus-
trations, or quotations) not covered by the license. Every effort has been made to identify these components
but ultimately it is your responsibility to independently evaluate the copyright status of any work or component
part of a work you use, in light of your intended use. Brand names, trademarks, and service marks in this book
are legally protected and should not be used without prior authorization by their owners. Their inclusion in this
book is for analytical, illustrative and pedagogical purposes only.
Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Names: Nolan, Michael F., author | McNamara, John P., author.
Title: Applied Human Anatomy / Michael F. Nolan and John P. McNamara.
Description: Roanoke, VA : Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine in association with Virginia Tech Pub-
lishing, 2022. | Summary: “These practical exercises help students acquire a fundamental understanding of
anatomical structure and relationships as encountered in living persons.” – Preface.
Identifiers: ISBN: 978-1-957213-41-5 (PDF) | ISBN: 978-1-957213-95-8 (pbk) |
Subjects: HUMAN ANATOMY / Laboratory manuals. | HUMAN ANATOMY / Problems and Exercises.
Table of Contents
Preface vii
Introduction 1
The ability to relieve discomfort and effectively treat injury, disease and disability requires
a clear understanding of the structural and functional bases of a variety of abnormal condi-
tions. Such knowledge of abnormal structure and function is most effectively acquired and
easily accessed when it is built upon a firm understanding of normal structure and function.
Thus, one of the first goals of students of the health care professions is to acquire an ade-
quate working knowledge of normal structure and function, including variations and ranges
in structure and function that are commonly understood to represent the normal condition.
The structure of the human body is usually considered in courses in gross anatomy. These
courses typically consist of lectures by the faculty, readings in assigned textbooks and
the study of photographs and illustrations in human anatomy atlases. Depending on the
resources of the educational program, students may also have access to skeletal material,
anatomical models, video tape presentations of cadaver prosections and other specialized
learning aids. Other computer-aided-instruction programs have been developed that com-
bine a number of self-directed learning and assessment strategies.
Some gross anatomy courses offer the opportunity to dissect and study human cadaveric
material, thereby providing students with a somewhat more realistic, three-dimensional per-
spective of individual tissues and organs and their anatomical relationship to one another.
The use of cadavers and cadaveric material is considered by many to be essential for stu-
dents requiring a thorough and complete knowledge of human structure.
However, as student’s progress through the curriculum and move into the more clinical or
practice oriented phases, many discover that the anatomical knowledge they actually need
is somewhat different from the kind they possess. What many encounter is difficulty in apply-
ing in the clinical setting, the facts and principles previously learned in the classroom and
dissection laboratory. This difficulty often becomes evident in clinical skills courses in which
students work with and learn from living persons, many of whom are patients. Student dif-
ficulty in making this transition points to a need which can be effectively addressed within
the context of most human anatomy courses. Namely, the need to acquire a fundamental
understanding of anatomical structure and relationships as encountered in living persons.
The practical exercises in this manual are intended to help meet that need.
The exercises in this manual are intended to bridge the gap between non-living and living
anatomy by helping students acquire a practical understanding of certain aspects of human
gross anatomy as can be appreciated in living human subjects. This manual is intended as
a companion text comprised of self-assessment questions and application exercises to be
used in conjunction with traditional materials in courses in human gross anatomy whether or
not such courses also provide opportunities to dissect and study cadaveric material. Individ-
ual exercises have been developed with an eye toward preparing students for subsequent
course work that may be dependent on a firm understanding of human gross anatomy. The
fill-in-the-blank questions are intended for use as a self-assessment tool and to provide
feedback with regard to a student’s progress in learning the material.
An important goal in preparing this manual was to better integrate material that is more often
than not treated separately in contemporary health care curricula. It is hoped that through
this integration students will develop a deeper and more lasting knowledge and understand-
ing of human anatomy as they are likely to need it in the evaluation and management of
How to Use the Manual
The exercises described in this manual are group activities, intended and designed for small
numbers of students working together. Each work group should ideally consist of four to six
students, preferably mixed with regard to body size, shape, age, gender and race. The intent
of building diversity within the work group is to permit students to gain familiarity with as
wide a variety of human anatomy as class enrollment will permit. Students should dress in
comfortable clothing that does not prohibit visualization or palpation of important anatomical
landmarks and structures.
Each student in the work group should take a turn as the subject for each exercise per-
formed by each of the other members of the group. Clearly, the greatest benefit is achieved
when each student performs each exercise on all other members of the group. In this way
variations in anatomical structure that exist within the group can be identified, compared
and discussed in relation to a student’s developing concept of normal human anatomy. The
short, written questions that accompany many of the exercises can be answered as one
progresses through the manual as a way of self-assessment and as a prompt for thought
and discussion about the anatomy being studied. Alternatively, they can be answered before
performing the exercises as a way of preparing for subsequent group work. Where there
is one line following a question, only one answer is sought. Where more than one line is
provided, an equivalent number of answers is sought.
Many of the exercises described in this manual involve palpation and learning through the
sense of touch. This approach to learning human anatomy, though overlooked in most tra-
ditional anatomy courses, is emphasized here in recognition of the fact that physicians and
other health care workers regularly use their hands as well as their eyes and ears to obtain
information about their patients. It is therefore important for students to become familiar with
human structure as it appears to the hands and fingertips. Not coincidentally, many of the
exercises and tasks outlined in this manual are similar or identical to those actually used
in the evaluation and treatment of patients. Please view these learning activities as serious
and necessary parts of your educational and professional development, and treat your work
group partners with the respect and sensitivity you would wish them to extend to you.
1 Back and Spine
1. Describe and identify by palpation in a living subject the major curvatures of the
vertebral column.
2. Describe and identify by palpation in a living subject the major bony landmarks of
the back.
4. Describe and demonstrate using a living subject the movements both permitted
and restricted at each of the four regions of the vertebral column.
3. lamina to lamina
The muscles of the back can be conveniently divided into two groups; the superficially
located erector spinae and the more deeply located transversospinal group.
11. What muscles comprise the erector spinae?
a. __________________________________________________________
b. __________________________________________________________
c. __________________________________________________________
a. __________________________________________________________
b. __________________________________________________________
c. __________________________________________________________
13. What are the most superficial back muscles in the region of the cervical
a. __________________________________________________________
b. __________________________________________________________
14. The suboccipital muscles play a role in both stabilizing and moving the head on
the spine. What are the major suboccipital muscles?
a. __________________________________________________________
b. __________________________________________________________
c. __________________________________________________________
d. __________________________________________________________
15. The greatest range of cervical motion in the transverse (axial) plane occurs
between what two vertebrae?
16. What is the name of the central, fluid-like component of the intervertebral
17. What is the name of the peripheral, fibrous component of the intervertebral
20. What segmental nerve emerges from within the suboccipital triangle?
a. __________________________________________________________
b. __________________________________________________________
c. __________________________________________________________
a. __________________________________________________________
b. __________________________________________________________
c. __________________________________________________________
Application Exercises
With the subject standing comfortably and the back and shoulders exposed:
1. Inspect the midline of the back from the skull to the sacrum.
a. Is the vertebral column straight or are there curvatures in either the frontal
(coronal) or sagittal plane?
1) ________________________________________________________
2) ________________________________________________________
1) ________________________________________________________
2) ________________________________________________________
2. Palpate the external occipital protuberance and slide your fingers inferiorly in
the midline until you feel a prominent bony prominence.
d. Were you able to feel the vertebral column in the region between the
external occipital protuberance and palpable bony feature?
e. What is the name of the structure you palpated as you slid your
fingers inferiorly in the midline of the neck?
3. Palpate the posterior cervical muscles bilaterally and compare the size and
contour of the muscles on each side of the neck.
4. Palpate the spinous process of C7 (vertebra prominens) and slide your fingers
inferiorly in the midline until you feel the sacrum.
a. Were you able to feel all the thoracic and lumbar spinous processes
throughout the length of the vertebral column?
5. Palpate the thoracic and lumbar paraspinal muscles bilaterally and compare
the size and contour of the muscles on each side.
a. Are both at the same horizontal level with respect to the ground?
7. While standing behind the subject, place your hands on the subject’s
shoulders (right hand on right shoulder and left hand on left shoulder).
a. Are the shoulders level (at the same level relative to the floor)?
8. With the subject standing comfortably, instruct the subject to bend forward at
the waist in attempt to touch the floor.
a. Is the subject able to touch the floor with both hands (or finger
If not, how far from the floor are the tips of the fingers:
b. Are the angles of the ribs level with the floor or is one side higher
than the other?
9. With the subject standing comfortably, instruct the subject to bend backward
at the waist as far as possible. (NOTE: Stand behind the subject to prevent a
a. Was the subject able to bend backward and without leaning to one
b. Did the subject report any pain or discomfort with this movement?
10. With the subject standing comfortably, instruct the subject to bend laterally at
the waist to the right as far as comfortable then to the left.
a. Was the subject able to bend the same amount in both directions?
11. With the subject standing comfortably, instruct the subject to rotate the trunk,
first to the right then to the left.
If not, approximate (or measure in degrees) the amount of rotation
achieved in each direction.
3. lamina to lamina
The muscles of the back can be conveniently divided into two groups; the superficially
located erector spinae and the more deeply located transversospinal group.
a. __________________________________________________________
b. __________________________________________________________
c. __________________________________________________________
a. __________________________________________________________
b. __________________________________________________________
c. __________________________________________________________
9. What are the most superficial back muscles in the region of the cervical
a. __________________________________________________________
b. __________________________________________________________
10. The suboccipital muscles play a role in both stabilizing and moving the head on
the spine. What are the major suboccipital muscles?
a. __________________________________________________________
b. __________________________________________________________
c. __________________________________________________________
d. __________________________________________________________
2 Shoulder Girdle and Upper Limb
1. Describe and identify by palpation in a living subject the major soft tissue and bony
landmarks of the upper limb.
2. List the action and innervation of the major muscle groups of the upper
3. List the major muscles responsible for movements permitted at each joint of the
upper limb.
4. Identify the major ligaments of the upper limb and describe the movements limited
or restricted by each.
5. Describe and identify by palpation in a living subject the major arterial pulses in the
upper limb.
6. Identify and outline on a living subject, the area of skin innervated by each of the
pre-plexus roots of the brachial plexus.
7. Identify and outline on a living subject, the area of skin innervated by each of the
post plexus peripheral nerves of the brachial plexus.
8. Describe the movements that would be affected as a result of lesions affecting the
pre-plexus roots of the brachial plexus.
Anatomy Review Questions
a. _______________________________________________________________
b. _______________________________________________________________
4. What ligament of the shoulder region does NOT cross a movable joint?
5. What ligament helps to secure the head of the radius against the radial notch of
the ulna?
8. What anatomical landmark marks the point where the subclavian becomes the
axillary artery?
9. What anatomical landmark marks the point where the axillary artery becomes the
brachial artery?
10. What landmarks are used to divide the axillary artery into three (3) parts?
12. What artery lies along the medial (vertebral) border of the scapula?
13. What two arteries enter the hand by passing deep to the flexor retinaculum?
a. __________________________________________________________
b. __________________________________________________________
14. Name the bones that form the proximal row of carpal bones.
a. __________________________________________________________
b. __________________________________________________________
c. __________________________________________________________
d. __________________________________________________________
15. Name the bones that form the distal row of carpal bones.
a. __________________________________________________________
b. __________________________________________________________
c. __________________________________________________________
d. __________________________________________________________
17. What anatomical feature marks the lateral wall of the axilla?
18. Which spinal nerve roots contribute to the formation of the brachial plexus?
______________________________ to _______________________________
20. Which division of the brachial plexus gives rise to the posterior cord?
21. Which trunk of the brachial plexus gives rise to the suprascapular nerve?
22. Which cord gives rise to the nerve that innervates the latissimus dorsi
23. Which cord gives rise to the nerve that innervates the teres major muscle?
24. Which cord gives rise to the nerve that innervates the subscapularis muscle?
25. Which cord gives rise to the nerve that innervates the pectoralis minor muscle?
26. What are the two terminal branches of the posterior cord?
a. __________________________________________________________
b. __________________________________________________________
32. What is the average carrying angle in:
Women __________________________________________________________
Men __________________________________________________________
33. The median nerve crosses the cubital fossa and enters the forearm by passing
between the two heads of what muscle?
34. The ulnar nerve passes posterior to the medial epicondyle and enters the forearm
by passing between the two heads of what muscle?
35. The radial nerve passes into the cubital fossa anterior to the lateral epicondyle,
passing between what two muscles?
a. __________________________________________________________
b. __________________________________________________________
36. Axillary lymph nodes are distributed in several different “groups.” Name five of
these clusters of axillary lymph nodes.
a. __________________________________________________________
b. __________________________________________________________
c. __________________________________________________________
d. __________________________________________________________
e. __________________________________________________________
37. What tendons form the borders of the “anatomical snuff box”?
38. The pulse of what artery can be palpated in the “anatomical snuff box”?
Application Exercises
With the subject seated comfortably and the back, shoulders and upper limbs exposed:
a. Are the right and left sides visually symmetrical with regard to muscle
contour and bulk?
2. Inspect and palpate the clavicle from the sternoclavicular joint to the
acromioclavicular joint.
b. What kind of movement is permitted at the acromioclavicular
3. Inspect the deltoid muscle and palpate the anterior and posterior margins of
this muscle.
a. Are the right and left sides visually symmetrical with regard to muscle
contour and bulk?
4. Palpate the spine of the scapula from its medial to lateral extent.
a. What is the name of the bony prominence at the lateral end of the spine of
the scapula?
c. What muscle originates in the space superior to the spine of the
5. Palpate the vertebral border, lateral border and inferior angle of the
b. What two muscles form the posterior axillary fold?
7. Inspect and palpate the muscles of the anterior compartment of the arm.
a. What two muscles form the bulk of the anterior compartment of the
b. Are the right and left sides visually symmetrical with regard to muscle
contour and bulk?
8. Inspect and palpate the muscles of the posterior compartment of the arm.
a. What muscle forms the bulk of the posterior compartment of the arm?
b. Are the right and left sides visually symmetrical with regard to muscle
contour and bulk?
10. Inspect and palpate the medial supracondylar ridge and medial epicondyle of
the humerus.
a. What are the three major actions of the muscles that originate from the
medial supracondylar ridge and medial epicondyle?
1) _________________________________________________
2) _________________________________________________
3) _________________________________________________
11. Inspect and palpate the lateral supracondylar ridge and lateral epicondyle of
the humerus.
a. What are the three major actions of the muscles that originate from the
lateral supracondylar ridge and lateral epicondyle?
1) __________________________________________________
2) __________________________________________________
3) __________________________________________________
12. Inspect and palpate the medial and lateral margins of the cubital
1) What peripheral nerve provides motor innervation to that muscle?
e. The median nerve enters the forearm from the cubital fossa by passing
between the two heads of origin of what muscle?
f. The ulnar nerve enters the forearm from behind the medial epicondyle of
the humerus by passing between the two heads of origin of what
13. Inspect and palpate the muscles of the posterior compartment of the
a. Are the right and left sides visually symmetrical with regard to muscle
bulk and contour?
If not, describe the differences.
14. Inspect and palpate the muscles of the anterior compartment of the
a. Are the right and left sides visually symmetrical with regard to muscle
bulk and contour?
1) _________________________________________________
2) _________________________________________________
15. Palpate each of the following:
b. Pisiform bone
16. At the level of the proximal wrist crease, identify and palpate the tendons
of the
b. Palmaris longus
d. What artery lies on the radial side of the tendon of the flexor carpi
e. What artery lies on the radial side of the tendon of the flexor carpi
f. What nerve lies on the radial side of the tendon of the palmaris
17. Identify and inspect the transverse and longitudinal flexion creases of the
a. Are the right and left sides visually symmetrical with regard to muscle
bulk and contour?
1) __________________________________________________
2) __________________________________________________
3) __________________________________________________
1) __________________________________________________
2) __________________________________________________
3) __________________________________________________
e. What peripheral nerve provides motor innervation to these
19. Identify and palpate the medial and lateral margins of the anatomical snuff
a. What muscle forms the medial (ulnar) border of the anatomical snuff
b. What two muscles form the lateral (radial) border of the anatomical snuff
1) __________________________________________________
2) __________________________________________________
20. Inspect and palpate the bellies of the dorsal interossei between adjacent
metacarpal bones.
a. Are the right and left sides visually symmetrical with regard to muscle
c. What nerve innervates the dorsal interossei?
B. Movement
Instruct the subject to perform each of the following movements and to maintain the new
position while you attempt to move the body part to the starting position. Examine the
strength of both the right and left sides. Note the full range of motion permitted at each joint
and the strength needed by the subject to resist your efforts to reposition the body part. In
the spaces provided, list the main muscles responsible for each movement and indicate the
peripheral nerve that innervates each muscle. With the subject in the sitting position ask the
subject to:
a. ___________________ ___________________
b. ___________________ ___________________
a. ___________________ ___________________
b. ___________________ ___________________
c. ___________________ ___________________
a. ___________________ ___________________
a. ___________________ ___________________
b. ___________________ ___________________
a. ___________________ ___________________
b. ___________________ ___________________
c. ___________________ ___________________
d. ___________________ ___________________
a. ___________________ ___________________
b. ___________________ ___________________
a. ___________________ ___________________
b. ___________________ ___________________
a. ___________________ ___________________
b. ___________________ ___________________
a. ___________________ ___________________
a. ___________________ ___________________
b. ___________________ ___________________
a. ___________________ ___________________
b. ___________________ ___________________
a. ___________________ ___________________
b. ___________________ ___________________
c. ___________________ ___________________
a. ___________________ ___________________
b. ___________________ ___________________
a. ___________________ ___________________
b. ___________________ ___________________
c. ___________________ ___________________
a. ___________________ ___________________
b. ___________________ ___________________
a. ___________________ ___________________
b. ___________________ ___________________
a. ___________________ ___________________
a. ___________________ ___________________
b. ___________________ ___________________
a. ___________________ ___________________
b. ___________________ ___________________
c. ___________________ ___________________
a. ___________________ ___________________
b. ___________________ ___________________
a. ___________________ ___________________
a. ___________________ ___________________
a. ___________________ ___________________
a. ___________________ ___________________
a. ___________________ ___________________
a. ___________________ ___________________
a. ___________________ ___________________
1. With the aid of an elastic tourniquet wrapped around the arm near the axilla,
identify the following superficial veins throughout their course:
2. Locate and palpate the following arterial pulses:
D. Nerves
1. On the right upper limb of a subject, outline the area of skin innervated by nerve
fibers comprising each of the following spinal dorsal roots:
a. C5
b. C6
c. C7
d. C8
e. T1
a. C5
b. C6
c. C7
d. C8
e. T1
3. On the left upper limb of the same subject, outline the area of skin innervated by
nerve fibers comprising each of the following peripheral nerves:
4. On the left upper limb identify and mark the autonomous zone for each of the
following peripheral nerves:
a. Axillary nerve
d. Median nerve
e. Ulnar nerve
5. The brachial plexus passes from the root of the neck into the axilla by coursing
over the top of the first rib between two muscles. These two muscles are:
a. _____________________________________________________
b. _____________________________________________________
3 Hip Girdle and Lower Limb
1. Describe and identify by palpation in a living subject the major soft tissue and bony
landmarks of the lower limb.
2. List the action and innervation of the major muscle groups of the lower
3. List the major muscles responsible for movements permitted at each joint of the
lower limb.
4. Identify the major ligaments of the lower limb and describe the movements limited
or restricted by each.
5. Describe and identify by palpation in a living subject the major arterial pulses in the
lower limb.
6. Identify and outline on a living subject, the area of skin innervated by each of the
pre-plexus roots of the lumbosacral plexus.
7. Identify and outline on a living subject, the area of skin innervated by each of the
post-plexus peripheral nerves of the lumbosacral plexus.
8. Describe the movements that would be affected as a result of lesions affecting the
pre-plexus roots of the lumbosacral plexus.
9. Describe the movements that would be affected as a result of lesions affecting the
post-plexus peripheral nerves of the lumbosacral plexus.
Anatomy Review Questions
a. __________________________________________________________
b. __________________________________________________________
2. What three bones form the hip bone (os coxae or innominate bone)?
a. __________________________________________________________
b. __________________________________________________________
c. __________________________________________________________
3. What are the three ligaments that form the capsule of the hip joint?
a. __________________________________________________________
b. __________________________________________________________
c. __________________________________________________________
7. Describe the attachments and course of the anterior cruciate ligament.
9. What ligament located on the medial side of the ankle resists pronation of the
10. What vein receives venous blood from the great saphenous vein?
11. What vein receives venous blood from the small saphenous vein?
12. What vein receives venous blood from the femoral vein?
a. _________________________________________________________
b. _________________________________________________________
15. What structure marks the point where the external iliac artery becomes the
femoral artery?
16. At what point does the femoral artery become the popliteal artery?
17. What are the two terminal branches of the popliteal artery?
a. __________________________________________________________
b. __________________________________________________________
18. What artery passes into the foot as the dorsal pedis artery?
19. What spinal nerve roots contribute to the formation of the lumbar plexus?
___________________ to ___________________
20. What are the two (2) major nerves of the lower limb derived from the lumbar
a. __________________________________________________________
b. __________________________________________________________
21. What spinal nerve roots contribute to the formation of the sacral plexus?
___________________ to ___________________
22. What are the two (2) major nerves of the lower limb derived from the sacral
a. __________________________________________________________
b. __________________________________________________________
24. What nerve innervates the muscles of the anterior compartment of the
25. What nerve innervates the muscles of the lateral compartment of the leg?
26. What nerve passes deep to the extensor retinaculum to innervate muscles of the
27. What nerve passes posterior to the medial malleolus to innervate muscles of the
29. What is the nerve that emerges from the adductor hiatus?
30. What are the structures that mark the borders of the femoral triangle?
a. __________________________________________________________
b. __________________________________________________________
c. __________________________________________________________
31. Define the angle of inclination.
34. Which way does the tibia rotate on the femur during the last 150 of knee
35. Indicate whether the line of gravity falls anterior or posterior to each of the
following joints.
36. In full knee extension, is the medial collateral ligament of the knee tight or
37. In full knee extension, is the lateral collateral ligament of the knee tight or
Application Exercises
With the subject resting comfortably in the supine position, perform the following:
2. Identify the location of the inguinal ligament by placing the tip of your long
finger on the pubic tubercle and the tip of your thumb on the anterior superior
iliac spine (Note: use your right hand when identifying the subject’s right
inguinal ligament and left hand when identifying the left inguinal
a. What artery courses deep to the inguinal ligament midway between the
anterior superior iliac spine and the pubic tubercle?
c. What structure lies lateral to the artery passing deep to the inguinal
1) ___________________________________________________
2) ___________________________________________________
3. Inspect and palpate the quadriceps femoris muscle. Pay particular attention to
the distally located oblique fibers of the vastus medialis (VMO).
a. Are the right and left sides visually symmetrical with regard to muscle
contour and bulk?
b. Which of the four heads of this muscle does NOT originate from the
4. Instruct the subject to contract the quadriceps (forcefully extend the knee)
while you palpate the distal part of the vastus medialis.
b. What effect does the action of this part of the quadriceps have on the
a. What nerve lies along the posterior surface of the fibular head?
7. Inspect and palpate the tibial tubercle and anterior tibial crest.
a. What are the two (2) major actions of the muscles in the anterior
compartment of the leg?
1) ___________________________________________________
2) ___________________________________________________
a. What two muscles have tendons that lie posterior to the lateral
1) ___________________________________________________
2) ___________________________________________________
10. Inspect the toes.
With the subject lying comfortably in the supine position, slide one foot toward the buttock
until the knee is flexed 90º. Keep the foot flat on the examination table.
11. Grasp the leg with both hands just below the knee and gently pull the tibia
away from the buttock while keeping the foot immobile.
12. Grasp the leg with both hands just below the knee and gently push the tibia
toward the buttock while keeping the foot immobile.
c. What is the femoral attachment of this ligament?
With the subject lying comfortably in the prone position, perform the following:
1) ______________________________________________
2) ______________________________________________
3) ______________________________________________
4) ______________________________________________
15. The region of the “buttock” is commonly subdivided into four (4) regions:
superolateral, inferolateral, superomedial and inferomedial. Intramuscular
injections are administered in one of these regions. Indicate the region used
for intramuscular injections and provide a brief explanation for why this region
is preferred.
a. Region _______________________________________
b. Explanation _______________________________________
a. Are the right and left sides visually symmetrical with regard to bulk and
1) Which peripheral nerves provide motor innervation to this
a) _________________________________________
b) _________________________________________
1) _______________________________________________
2) _______________________________________________
18. Inspect and palpate the posterior leg (crural) muscles.
a. Are the right and left sides visually symmetrical with regard to bulk and
b. What are the major actions of the muscles of the posterior compartment of
the leg?
1) ______________________________________________
2) ______________________________________________
c. What three muscles have tendons that lie posterior to the medial
1) ______________________________________________
2) ______________________________________________
3) ______________________________________________
With the subject standing with the feet approximately 6–8 inches apart and the toes parallel
and directed forward:
a. Are the right and left arches symmetrical with regard to the height of the
b. What muscle of the leg helps support the medial longitudinal arch of the
B. Movements
Instruct the subject to perform each of the following movements and to maintain the new
position while you attempt to move the body part to the starting position. Examine movement
and strength on both the right and left side. Note the full range of motion permitted at each
joint and the strength needed by the subject to resist your efforts to reposition the body part.
In the spaces provided, list the main muscles responsible for each movement and indicate
the peripheral nerve that innervates each muscle.
With the subject in the sitting position instruct the subject to:
a. ___________________ ___________________
b. ___________________ ___________________
c. ___________________ ___________________
a. ___________________ ___________________
a. ___________________ ___________________
b. ___________________ ___________________
c. ___________________ ___________________
a. ___________________ ___________________
b. ___________________ ___________________
c. ___________________ ___________________
a. ___________________ ___________________
b. ___________________ ___________________
With the subject lying in the prone position instruct the subject to:
a. ___________________ ___________________
a. ___________________ ___________________
b. ___________________ ___________________
c. ___________________ ___________________
With the subject lying in the supine position, instruct the subject to:
a. ___________________ ___________________
b. ___________________ ___________________
c. ___________________ ___________________
a. ___________________ ___________________
b. ___________________ ___________________
c. popliteal vein
d. femoral vein
b. popliteal artery
D. Nerves
1. On the right lower limb of a subject, outline the area of skin innervated by
sensory nerve fibers comprising each of the following spinal dorsal roots:
a. L2
b. L3
c. L4
d. L5
e. S1
f. S2
2. On the right lower limb identify and mark the autonomous zone for each of the
following spinal dorsal roots:
a. L2
b. L3
c. L4
d. L5
e. S1
3. On the left lower limb of the same subject, outline the area of skin innervated by
sensory nerve fibers comprising each of the following peripheral nerves:
b. obturator nerve
c. saphenous nerve
e. sural nerve
4. On the left lower limb identify and mark the autonomous zone for each of the
following peripheral nerves:
b. obturator nerve
c. saphenous nerve
e. sural nerve
4 Thorax
1. Describe and identify by palpation in a living subject the major bony and soft tissue
landmarks of the thorax.
2. Describe and mark on a living subject the several “vertical lines” used to subdivide
the thorax into definable regions.
a. __________________________________________________________
b. __________________________________________________________
c. __________________________________________________________
2. What are the three structures that form the borders of the superior thoracic
3. What are the four structures that form the borders of the inferior thoracic
4. In the mid-axillary line, what is the fiber direction of the external intercostal
5. In the mid-axillary line, what is the fiber direction of the internal intercostal
8. The external and internal intercostal muscles do fill the entire intercostal space
from the vertebral column to the sternum—each forms an attachment by way of an
intercostal membrane (i.e., external intercostal membrane and internal intercostal
membrane). Which of these membranes is located in the:
10. What is the order (from superior to inferior) the three intercostal neurovascular
a. superior _____________________________________________
b. middle _____________________________________________
c. inferior _____________________________________________
13. What is the origin of the internal thoracic artery on the right side?
14. What is the origin of the internal thoracic artery of the left side?
15. What are the two terminal branches of the internal thoracic artery?
a. __________________________________________________________
b. __________________________________________________________
16. Into what vein do the internal thoracic veins drain into?
18. What vessel does the hemiazygos vein drain into?
19. What vessel does the accessory hemiazygos vein drain into?
20. In the region of the superior thoracic aperture (thoracic inlet), what muscle
separates the subclavian artery from the subclavian vein?
Application Exercises
3. Palpate the sternomanubrial joint (sternal angle or angle of Louis).
b. Which ribs attach to the sternum by way of their own individual costal
cartilage (i.e., vertebrosternal ribs)?
5. Palpate the inferior margin of the costal cartilages starting at the xiphoid
process and moving laterally.
With the subject comfortably facing away from you
6. Inspect the vertebral column with respect to its position in the sagittal
7. Inspect the vertebral column with respect to its position in the coronal
b. If you see a curvature, is the convexity directed toward the right or left
d. If you see a curvature, is the convexity directed toward the right or left
e. What term is used to refer to curvature of the spine in the coronal
10. With the subject sitting upright and the hands resting lightly on the thighs,
palpate the vertebral border of the scapula from the superior angle to the
inferior angle.
B. Landmarks
a. midsternal line
b. midclavicular line
d. midaxillary line
f. midscapular line
g. midspinal line
2. Indicate the fiber direction of the external intercostal muscle in the 5th intercostal
space on the right side in the anterior axillary line.
3. Indicate the fiber direction of the internal intercostal muscle in the 5th intercostal
space on the left side in the anterior axillary line.
4. What spinal (segmental) nerve provides sensory innervation to the skin of the
nipple and areola?
5 Lungs and Pleura
1. Describe and identify by palpation in a living subject the location of the pleural
reflections on both sides.
2. Describe and identify by palpation in a living subject the location of the lung
margins on both sides.
3. Describe and identify by palpation in a living subject the location of the fissures of
each lung on both sides.
4. Describe and identify by palpation in a living subject the location of the landmarks
on the anterior and posterior that mark the level of the tracheal bifurcation.
a. __________________________________________________________
b. __________________________________________________________
a. __________________________________________________________
b. __________________________________________________________
c. __________________________________________________________
d. __________________________________________________________
3. Name the bronchopulmonary segments of each lung
a. Right lung
b. Left lung
5. Which lung is marked by a groove for the azygos vein?
6. The bifurcation of the trachea lies at a level marked by a horizontal line that
passes through the
a. ______________________________________ anteriorly
b. ______________________________________ posteriorly
7. Because of its more vertical orientation and slightly greater diameter, an object
aspirated into the trachea is more likely to pass into which main stem
10. Name the vertebra that marks the level of the following openings in the
respiratory diaphragm.
11. List the structures that pass through the vena caval foramen.
12. List the structures that pass through the esophageal hiatus.
a. _______________________________________________________
b. _______________________________________________________
13. List the structures that pass through the aortic hiatus.
a. _______________________________________________________
b. _______________________________________________________
c. _______________________________________________________
15. What spinal segments give rise to the nerve indicated in the above
Application Exercises
With the subject sitting comfortably with the hands resting lightly on the thighs:
b. What is the normal respiration rate?
2. Place the palm and fingers of one hand over the subject’s xiphoid process
and the other hand over the spinous processes of the T8-T10 vertebrae. Note
the extent of chest expansion in the anterior-posterior direction during quiet
breathing. Ask the subject to inhale deeply and exhale fully several times
slowly and again note the extent of chest expansion in the anterior-posterior
3. Place your hands over the 8th-10th ribs bilaterally in the midaxillary line. Note
the extent of chest expansion in the transverse direction during quiet breath-
ing. Ask the subject to inhale deeply and exhale fully several times slowly and
again note the extent of chest expansion in the transverse direction.
B. Landmarks
1. Identify and mark the pleural reflections on the right and left sides of the
3. Which costal cartilage marks the point where the pleural reflection moves
laterally beneath the body of the sternum on the right side?
4. Which costal cartilage marks the point where the pleural reflection moves
laterally beneath the body of the sternum on the left side?
5. Identify and mark the boundaries of the lungs on the right and left
a. midclavicular line______________________________________
7. Which costal cartilage marks the point where the medial edge of the right lung
moves laterally beneath the body of the sternum?
8. Which costal cartilage marks the point where the medial edge of the left lung
moves laterally beneath the body of the sternum?
9. Identify and mark the location of the oblique fissure of the right and left
11. Identify and mark the location of the horizontal fissure of the right lung.
6 Heart
1. Describe and mark in a living subject the location of the borders of the heart of the
anterior chest wall.
2. Describe and mark in a living subject the location on the anterior chest wall of
each of the cardiac valves.
3. Describe and mark in a living subject the location on the anterior chest wall of the
best location for auscultating each of the cardiac valves.
4. Indicate the cardiac valves responsible for the S1 and S2 heart sounds.
1. The superior border of the middle mediastinum is marked by a line that extends
from the:
a. ___________________________________ anteriorly
b. ___________________________________ posteriorly
2. The inferior border of the middle mediastinum is marked by a line that extends
from the:
a. ___________________________________ anteriorly
b. ___________________________________ posteriorly
a. ______________________________________________________
b. ______________________________________________________
4. What are the two layers of the serous pericardium?
a. __________________________________________________________
b. __________________________________________________________
6. What are the two layers that enclose the pericardial cavity?
a. __________________________________________________________
b. __________________________________________________________
7. Through what cardiac valve does blood flow through to pass from the:
a. __________________________________________________________
b. __________________________________________________________
9. In the fetus, in which direction does blood flow through the ductus
10. Into which chamber of the heart does the coronary sinus drain?
11. In which chamber of the heart are pectinate muscles located?
12. In which two (2) chambers of the heart are papillary muscles located?
a. _________________________________________________________
b. _________________________________________________________
14. What are the two (2) major named branches of the left coronary artery?
a. _________________________________________________________
b. _________________________________________________________
15. What are the two major named branches of the right coronary artery?
a. _________________________________________________________
b. _________________________________________________________
16. What are the five main veins that drain into the coronary sinus?
a. _________________________________________________________
b. _________________________________________________________
c. _________________________________________________________
d. _________________________________________________________
e. _________________________________________________________
17. What coronary veins do NOT drain into the coronary sinus?
18. What is the location of the parasympathetic nerve cell bodies that innervate the
19. What is the location of the sympathetic nerve cell bodies that innervate the
20. What are the three vessels (in order) that arise from the arch of the aorta?
a. ______________________________________________________
b. ______________________________________________________
c. ______________________________________________________
21. Which pulmonary vein passes under the arch of the aorta?
Application Exercises
A. Landmarks
1. Identify and mark the borders of the heart on the anterior thorax
a. superior border – draw a line from the inferior margin of the 2nd costal
cartilage on the left to the inferior margin of the 2nd costal cartilage on the
right. The line should extend from the left sternal border to the right sternal
b. right border – draw a line from the 2nd costal cartilage on the right to the
6th costal cartilage on the right. The line should have a slight convexity
toward the right as it courses inferiorly, approximately 1 cm lateral to the
lateral sternal border.
c. inferior border – draw a line from the 6th costal cartilage on the right side
beginning at the lateral sternal border to the 5th intercostal space on the
left side in the midclavicular line.
d. left border – draw a line from the 5th intercostal space on the left side
in the midclavicular line to the 2nd costal cartilage on the left along the
lateral sternal border.
2. Identify and mark the anatomical location of the valves of the heart.
b. aortic valve – lies in the midsternal line at the level of the 3rd intercostal
c. mitral valve – lies posterior to the 4th sternochondral junction on the left
d. tricuspid valve – lies in the midsternal line at the level of the 5th
sternochondral junction
3. Identify and mark on the anterior chest wall, sites for auscultating each of the
cardiac valves
a. aortic valve – 2nd intercostal space on the right side along the lateral
sternal border
b. pulmonary valve – 2nd intercostal space on the left side along the lateral
sternal border
c. tricuspid valve – 5th intercostal space on the left side along the lateral
sternal border
d. mitral valve – 5th intercostal space on the left side on or near the
midclavicular line
With the subject lying comfortably in the supine position with the head and upper thorax
slightly elevated
2. While standing on the subject’s right side, use your right hand to palpate the
point of maximum impulse (PMI)
C. Auscultation
The cardiac cycle consists of two phases: systole and diastole. During systole the left and
right ventricles contract, ejecting blood into the aorta and pulmonary artery, respectively.
The onset of systole is marked by closure of the mitral and tricuspid valves (atrioventricular
valves). Closure of these valves prevents reflux into the atria and gives rise to the 1st heart
sound (S1). The end of systole (or beginning of diastole) is marked by closure of the aortic
and pulmonary valves (semilunar valves). Closure of these valves prevents reflux into the
left and right ventricles respectively and gives rise to the second heart sound (S2).
With the subject lying comfortably in the supine position with the head and upper thorax
slightly elevated
7 Abdomen
2. Describe and mark in a living subject the lines used to divide the abdomen into
four (4) quadrants.
3. List the organs and other important anatomical structures commonly located in
each of the four quadrants.
4. Describe and mark in a living subject the lines used to divide the abdomen into
nine (9) regions.
5. List the organs and other important anatomical structures commonly located in
each of the nine regions.
1. Below the level of the umbilicus, what are the two layers of superficial
a. __________________________________________________________
b. __________________________________________________________
2. What is the name of the layer of fascia that lies deep to the transversus
abdominus muscle?
3. The neurovascular structures of the abdominal wall lie between which two muscle
layers of the abdominal wall?
a. __________________________________________________________
b. __________________________________________________________
4. Above the level of the arcuate line, what structures form the:
5. Below the level of the arcuate line, what structures form the:
The lower part of the anterior abdominal wall receives arterial blood supply from both the
distal part of the external iliac artery and the proximal part of the femoral artery.
6. What are the two branches of the external iliac artery that supply the anterior
abdominal wall?
a. __________________________________________________________
b. __________________________________________________________
7. What are the two branches of the femoral artery that supply the anterior abdominal
a. __________________________________________________________
b. __________________________________________________________
8. What structure gives rise to the:
10. What structure splits to form the superficial (external) inguinal ring?
12. What structure (layer) of the abdominal wall gives rise to the:
13. What part of the stomach lies between the body of the stomach and the distal
14. What part of the stomach lies between the body of the stomach and the
15. What are the three major branches of the celiac trunk?
a. __________________________________________________________
b. __________________________________________________________
c. __________________________________________________________
16. What two arteries anastomose on the lesser curvature of the stomach?
a. __________________________________________________________
b. __________________________________________________________
17. What two arteries anastomose on the greater curvature of the stomach?
a. __________________________________________________________
b. __________________________________________________________
a. __________________________________________________________
b. __________________________________________________________
21. Into what vein does the inferior mesenteric vein drain?
22. What are the four parts of the duodenum? (List in order from proximal to
a. __________________________________________________________
b. __________________________________________________________
c. __________________________________________________________
d. __________________________________________________________
23. What two structures commonly merge and drain into the duodenum by way of the
major duodenal papilla?
a. __________________________________________________________
b. __________________________________________________________
24. Into what part of the duodenum does the major duodenal papilla drain?
27. Which of the four parts of the duodenum is supported by the suspensory ligament
of the duodenum (ligament of Treitz)?
28. The superior mesenteric artery passes superficial to which part of the duodenum
in order to supply the structures of the foregut?
29. What part of the large intestine (colon) serves as the attachment for the
30. Which three parts of the colon are typically supplied by branches of the superior
mesenteric artery?
a. __________________________________________________________
b. __________________________________________________________
c. __________________________________________________________
31. Which two parts of the colon are typically supplied by branches of the inferior
mesenteric artery?
a. __________________________________________________________
b. __________________________________________________________
a. __________________________________________________________
b. __________________________________________________________
a. __________________________________________________________
b. __________________________________________________________
c. __________________________________________________________
34. Indicate the vertebral level of each of the following:
38. What vascular structure does the thoracic duct drain into?
Application Exercises
A. Inspection
1. Inspect the anterior abdominal wall
3. Inspect the skin overlying the rectus abdominis muscle. Ask the subject to
cross the arms over the chest and attempt to lift the shoulders off the
b. Are the tendinous intersections above or below the umbilicus?
2. Palpate the inferior margin of the costal cartilages of ribs 6-10. Begin medially at
the xiphoid process and move laterally along the costochondral margin until you
feel the anterior end of the 11th rib. Mark this border of the anterior abdominal
wall on both sides with a line extending from the xiphoid process to the inferior
margin of the 11th rib in the midaxillary line.
3. Palpate the iliac crests on both sides. Begin laterally in the midaxillary line and
move anteriorly until you reach the anterior superior iliac spine (ASIS). Mark this
border of the ilium with a line extending from the iliac crest in the midaxillary
line to the anterior superior iliac spine on both sides.
4. Palpate the inguinal ligament from its superolateral attachment on the anterior
superior iliac spine to its inferomedial attachment on the pubic tubercle. Mark
this inferior border of the anterior abdominal wall with a line extending from the
anterior superior iliac spine (ASIS) to the pubic tubercle.
a. Describe the location on the anterior abdominal wall where you would
palpate the free margin of the liver.
The anterior abdominal wall can be divided into four regions or nine regions by a series
of vertical and horizontal lines that intersect identifiable anatomical landmarks. Anatomical
landmarks associated with both systems will be identified below.
6. Mark a vertical line from the xiphoid process to the pubic symphysis that passes
through the umbilicus.
7. Mark a horizontal line that passes through the umbilicus (transumbilical line).
These two lines define four quadrants identified as the right upper quadrant
(RUQ), left upper quadrant (LUQ), right lower quadrant (RLQ) and left lower
quadrant (LLQ).
___________________ __________________
___________________ __________________
___________________ __________________
___________________ __________________
b. LUQ: _____________________ ____________________
___________________ __________________
___________________ __________________
___________________ __________________
___________________ __________________
___________________ __________________
___________________ __________________
___________________ __________________
___________________ __________________
___________________ __________________
___________________ __________________
___________________ __________________
The Nine Region System
9. Mark vertical lines on both sides of the abdomen from the costal cartilage to the
inguinal ligament in the midclavicular line.
10. Mark a horizontal line that passes between the lowest extent of the costal
cartilages on each side (subcostal line).
b. Name the three regions of the anterior abdominal wall that lie above the
subcostal line.
1) __________________________________________________________
2) __________________________________________________________
3) __________________________________________________________
11. Mark a horizontal line that passes between the iliac tubercles (transtubercular
b. Name the three regions of the anterior abdominal wall that lie above the
transtubercular line and below the subcostal line.
1) __________________________________________________________
2) __________________________________________________________
3) __________________________________________________________
c. Name the three regions of the anterior abdominal wall that lie below the
transtubercular line.
1) __________________________________________________________
2) __________________________________________________________
3) __________________________________________________________
12. Mark a line from the umbilicus to the right anterior superior iliac spine (ASIS).
McBurney’s point lies on this line, two thirds the distance from the umbilicus to the
13. What spinal (segmental) nerve provides sensory innervation to the skin of the
14. On the right side of the anterior abdominal wall indicate the fiber direction of the
external oblique muscle.
15. On the left side of the anterior abdominal wall indicate the fiber direction of the
internal oblique muscle.
C. Auscultation
With the subject lying comfortably in the supine position, perform the following:
c. What is borborygmy?
2. Place your stethoscope on the abdomen in the places where you would best
hear bruits of the following vessels and describe that location.
a. aorta
b. renal artery
8 Head and Face
1. Describe the anatomical features of the face commonly inspected when evaluating
the face.
2. Describe the major movements of the face used when testing the motor function of
the facial nerve. Indicate the muscles producing each movement.
3. Describe and identify by palpation in a living subject the area of skin innervated by
each major branch of the trigeminal nerve.
a. __________________________________________________________
b. __________________________________________________________
a. __________________________________________________________
b. __________________________________________________________
3. What two bones contribute to the zygomatic arch?
a. __________________________________________________________
b. __________________________________________________________
a. __________________________________________________________
b. __________________________________________________________
c. __________________________________________________________
d. __________________________________________________________
6. What structure divides the intracranial compartment into right and left
a. __________________________________________________________
b. __________________________________________________________
c. __________________________________________________________
d. __________________________________________________________
e. __________________________________________________________
9. What branch of the external carotid artery:
10. What artery anastomoses from the front with the intraorbital branches of the
ophthalmic artery?
c. lies along the petrous ridge?
12. Which two dural venous sinuses drain directly into the jugular vein?
a. __________________________________________________________
b. __________________________________________________________
13. What artery enters the cranial cavity by passing through the foramen
14. What artery enters the cranial cavity by passing through the foramen
15. What two arteries are connected by way of the anterior communication
a. __________________________________________________________
b. __________________________________________________________
16. What two arteries are connected by way of the posterior communication
a. __________________________________________________________
b. ___________________________________________________________
17. What are the five major intracranial branches of the internal carotid artery?
a. __________________________________________________________
b. __________________________________________________________
c. __________________________________________________________
d. __________________________________________________________
e. __________________________________________________________
a. __________________________________________________________
b. __________________________________________________________
c. __________________________________________________________
d. __________________________________________________________
21. What cranial nerve provides parasympathetic innervation to the parotid
24. What cranial nerve provides motor innervation to the muscles of facial
26. What cranial nerve provides sensory innervation to the face?
a. What branch of this nerve innervates the skin over the eyebrow?
1) Which opening in the middle cranial fossa contains the axons of this nerve
b. What branch of this nerve innervates the skin over the maxilla?
1) Which opening in the middle cranial fossa contains the axons of this nerve
c. What branch of this nerve innervates the skin over the mental
1) Which opening in the middle cranial fossa contains the axons of this nerve
28. What striated (skeletal) muscle is innervated by the glossopharyngeal
a. __________________________________________________________
b. __________________________________________________________
a. __________________________________________________________
b. __________________________________________________________
33. What is the effect of the vagus nerve on gastric and intestinal motility?
34. What special sensory functions are mediated by the vagus nerve?
a. __________________________________________________________
b. __________________________________________________________
35. What two foramina transmit the axons of the spinal accessory nerve?
a. ___________________________________________________________
b. ___________________________________________________________
36. What muscles are innervated by the spinal accessory nerve?
a. ___________________________________________________
b. ___________________________________________________
39. What cranial nerve exits the skull via the stylomastoid foramen?
40. Through what foramen does the facial nerve enter the skull (exit the posterior
cranial fossa)?
41. Through what foramen does the facial nerve exit the skull?
42. What are the five terminal branches of the facial nerve that emerge from the
substance of the parotid gland?
a. __________________________________________________________
b. __________________________________________________________
c. __________________________________________________________
d. __________________________________________________________
e. __________________________________________________________
43. What two nerves form the nerve of the pterygoid canal (Vidian nerve)?
a. ___________________________________________________________
b. ___________________________________________________________
45. What cranial nerve gives rise to the greater superficial petrosal nerve?
Application Exercises
b. Is the head held steady or do you see movement?
a. glabella
b. nasion
c. zygomatic arch
f. mastoid process
5. Inspect the eyebrows.
If not:
If so, on which side or both?
f. Do you see more sclera below the iris on one side or the other?
2) What cranial nerve innervates this muscle?
8. Inspect the conjunctiva of the upper and lower eyelids. Describe its
If not, describe the difference.
B. Movement
a. What muscle is used to raise the eyebrows?
3. Ask the subject to “Smile to a friend” or “Show me your teeth.”
5. Place your fingers immediately anterior to the tragus on both sides and palpate the
movement of the condyle of the mandible as the subject opens and closes
the mouth.
6. Ask the subject to alternately clench the teeth and relax the bite while you palpate
the temporalis and then masseter muscles.
1) ___________________________________________________________
2) ___________________________________________________________
C. Vasculature
2. Palpate pulsations of the superficial temporal artery in the temporal fossa between
the top of the ear and the lateral margin of the eyebrow.
3. Palpate pulsations of the facial artery over the body of the mandible between the
angle and the mental tubercle.
9 Neck
2. Identify and mark in a living subject the borders and margins of the anterior and
posterior triangles of the neck, including the smaller triangles within each.
3. Identify and describe the anatomical structures commonly located within each of
the triangles of the neck.
a. __________________________________________________________
b. __________________________________________________________
c. __________________________________________________________
d. __________________________________________________________
2. What two muscles are ensheathed by the investing layers of the deep cervical
a. __________________________________________________________
b. __________________________________________________________
3. What four structures are enclosed within the pretracheal layer of deep cervical
a. __________________________________________________________
b. __________________________________________________________
c. __________________________________________________________
d. __________________________________________________________
4. What are the three main structures enclosed within the carotid sheath?
a. __________________________________________________________
b. __________________________________________________________
c. __________________________________________________________
a. ___________________________________________________________
b. ___________________________________________________________
c. ___________________________________________________________
a. __________________________________________________________
b. __________________________________________________________
c. __________________________________________________________
a. _________________________________________________________
b. _________________________________________________________
c. _________________________________________________________
8. What are the boundaries of the submental triangle?
a. __________________________________________________________
b. __________________________________________________________
c. __________________________________________________________
a. __________________________________________________________
b. __________________________________________________________
c. __________________________________________________________
10. What are the boundaries of the posterior triangle of the neck?
a. __________________________________________________________
b. __________________________________________________________
c. __________________________________________________________
a. __________________________________________________________
b. __________________________________________________________
c. __________________________________________________________
d. __________________________________________________________
a. __________________________________________________________
b. __________________________________________________________
c. __________________________________________________________
d. __________________________________________________________
13. What muscle abducts the vocal folds?
a. __________________________________________________________
b. __________________________________________________________
17. What laryngeal muscle lies on the external surface of the larynx?
19. What nerve provides sensory innervation to the mucosal lining the internal surface
of the larynx?
20. The roots of the brachial plexus course through the root of the neck by passing
between which two of the scalene muscles?
a. __________________________________________________________
b. __________________________________________________________
21. The subclavian artery courses through the root of the neck by passing
22. The subclavian vein courses through the root of the neck by passing
23. What is the anatomical landmark that marks the point where the subclavian artery
becomes the axillary artery?
a. __________________________________________________________
b. __________________________________________________________
c. __________________________________________________________
d. __________________________________________________________
a. __________________________________________________________
b. __________________________________________________________
28. What veins merge to form the external jugular vein?
a. __________________________________________________________
b. __________________________________________________________
a. __________________________________________________________
b. __________________________________________________________
32. At what vertebral level does the common carotid artery bifurcate to form the
internal and external carotid arteries?
33. Sympathetic chain ganglia from what segmental levels fuse to form the superior
cervical ganglion?
34. Sympathetic chain ganglia from what segmental levels fuse to form the middle
cervical ganglion?
35. Sympathetic chain ganglia from what segmental levels fuse to form the inferior
cervical ganglion?
Application Exercises
1. Inspect neck from the mastoid process and body of the mandible above to the
clavicle and suprasternal notch below.
If not, describe.
If so, describe.
2. Palpate the anterior edge of the sternocleidomastoid muscle from its superior
attachment on the mastoid process to its inferior attachment on the clavicle
and manubrium. Identify the anterior triangle of the neck.
1) _______________________________________________
2) _______________________________________________
3) _______________________________________________
With the subject seated comfortably facing away from you:
3. Palpate the angle of the mandible. Move your fingers anteriorly along
the inferior margin of the body of the mandible toward the mental
4. Slide your fingers inferiorly from the body of the mandible and gently palpate
the body and greater horns of the hyoid bone.
5. Slide your fingers inferiorly in the anterior midline below the hyoid bone and
gently palpate the thyroid notch, laryngeal prominence and intervening
thyrohyoid membrane.
7. Slide your fingers inferiorly in the anterior midline below the thyroid cartilage
and gently palpate the cricoid cartilage and intervening cricothyroid
8. Slide your fingers inferiorly in the anterior midline below the cricoid cartilage
and gently palpate the trachea in the space above the suprasternal (jugular)
notch. Can you feel the isthmus of the thyroid gland where it lies over the 2–4
tracheal rings? If not, ask the subject to swallow, causing the trachea and
overlying thyroid isthmus to move upward beneath your fingertips.
1) ____________________________________________________
2) ____________________________________________________
3) ____________________________________________________
4) ____________________________________________________
10. Palpate the external occipital protuberance. Then slide your fingers inferiorly
along the ligamentum nuchae toward vertebra prominens.
11. Palpate the anterior border of the trapezius and the posterior border of the
sternocleidomastoid from their superior attachments on the skull to their inferior
attachments on the clavicle.
a. List and mark the three boundaries of the posterior triangle of the
1) ___________________________________________________
2) ___________________________________________________
3) ___________________________________________________
b. Mark the course of the spinal accessory nerve as it courses toward the
trapezius across the floor of the posterior triangle.
c. What four muscles form the floor of the posterior triangle of the
1) ___________________________________________________
2) ___________________________________________________
3) ___________________________________________________
4) ___________________________________________________
12. Palpate the neck along the posterior margin of the sternocleidomastoid muscle
from clavicle to the occipital bone.
If so, are they tender to palpation?
B. Vasculature
1. Palpate pulsations of the common carotid artery in the space between the thyroid
cartilage and the sternocleidomastoid muscle.
2. Palpate pulsations of the internal carotid artery immediately deep to the angle of
the mandible.
a. What nerve lies within the carotid sheath along with the carotid artery?
3. Palpate pulsations of the common carotid in the space between the cricoid
cartilage and the sternocleidomastoid muscle.
a. What bony structure lies immediately posterior to the common carotid artery
at this level?
10 Mouth and Pharynx
1. Identify and describe by inspection in a living subject the major structures and
anatomical landmarks of the oral cavity and oropharynx.
2. Indicate the nervous innervation of the various structures and regions of the oral
cavity and oropharynx.
3. Describe the sensory and motor innervation of the tongue and the tonsillar
1. What are the two main muscles used to close the mouth?
a. __________________________________________________________
b. __________________________________________________________
a. What nerve provides motor innervation to this muscle?
7. What nerve provides sensory innervation to the mucosal lining of the tonsillar
a. __________________________________________________________
b. __________________________________________________________
9. What nerve provides motor innervation to the superior, middle and inferior
pharyngeal constrictor muscles?
10. What nerve provides motor innervation to the intrinsic muscles of the
11. What nerve provides motor innervation to MOST of the extrinsic muscles of the
12. Which of the extrinsic muscles of the tongue is NOT innervated like the
13. What nerve innervates mechanical and thermal receptors on the anterior 2/3 of the
14. What nerve innervates mechanical and thermal receptors on the posterior 1/3 of
the tongue?
15. What nerve innervates taste buds on the anterior 2/3 of the tongue?
16. What nerve innervates taste buds on the posterior 1/3 of the tongue?
17. What cranial nerve provides motor innervation to the submandibular salivary
18. What cranial nerve provides motor innervation to the parotid salivary
19. What nerve provides sensory innervation to the gingiva of the maxillary
20. What nerve provides sensory innervation to the gingiva of the mandibular
21. What nerve provides sensory innervation to the mucosa overlying the hard
22. What nerve provides sensory innervation to the mucosa overlying the soft
Application Exercises
1. Instruct the subject to open and close the mouth while you palpate the
temporomandibular joints bilaterally.
2. Instruct the subject to clench the teeth together while you palpate the mandible
immediately anterior and superior to the angle.
3. Instruct the subject to open the mouth widely. With the aid of a pen light inspect
the position of the uvula.
5. Inspect the tongue in the relaxed state lying on the floor of the mouth.
a. Are the two sides visually symmetrical with regard to muscle bulk?
If not, describe the differences.
B. Movements
1. With the tongue lying relaxed in the floor of the mouth, instruct the subject to say
d. What cranial nerve provides general sensory (cutaneous) innervation to
the anterior part of the tongue?
e. What cranial nerve provides special sensory (taste) innervation to the anterior
part of the tongue?
11 Orbit and Eye
1. Describe the normal relationship between the eye and the eyelids.
3. Describe and demonstrate in a living subject a method for evaluating the function
of ocular motor function.
4. Describe the effect on the position of the resting eye resulting from destructive
lesions affecting each of the extraocular nerves.
6. Describe and demonstrate in a living subject a method for evaluating the pupillary
light reflex and the accommodation reflex.
7. Describe the bony structure of the orbit and identify the contents.
1. What are the three openings located in the posterior part of the orbit?
a. __________________________________________________________
b. __________________________________________________________
c. __________________________________________________________
2. What are the two main structures that pass through the optic canal?
a. __________________________________________________________
b. __________________________________________________________
3. What are the main structures that pass through the superior and inferior orbital
a. _____________________________________________ nerve
b. _____________________________________________ nerve
c. _____________________________________________ nerve
d. _____________________________________________ nerve
e. _____________________________________________ nerve
f. _____________________________________________ nerve
g. _____________________________________________ vein
h. _____________________________________________ vein
4. What are the main structures that pass through the common tendinous
a. _____________________________________________ nerve
b. _____________________________________________ nerve
c. _____________________________________________ nerve
d. _____________________________________________ nerve
5. What is the name of the thin membrane that lines the surface of the cornea and
deep surface of the upper and lower eye lids (palpebrae)?
6. What two muscles play a role in the elevation of the upper eyelid?
a. __________________________________________________________
b. __________________________________________________________
7. What are the two main types of glands in the upper eyelid?
a. __________________________________________________________
b. __________________________________________________________
10. What cranial nerve provides motor innervation to the lacrimal gland?
11. Which extraocular muscle does NOT originate from the common tendinous
12. What nerve provides motor innervation to the levator palpebrae superioris
13. Where are the nerve cell bodies that provide motor innervation to Mueller’s
1. What are the three layers of the eye? (List layers from superficial to deep.)
a. __________________________________________________________
b. __________________________________________________________
c. __________________________________________________________
3. What structure separates the anterior chamber from the posterior chamber of the
6. What two muscles are located in the iris AND what division of the autonomic
nervous system provides motor innervation to each?
a. __________________________ _____________________________
b. __________________________ _____________________________
8. What is the effect of contraction of the ciliary muscle?
9. Where are the nerve cell bodies that provide motor innervation to the ciliary
____________________________ ____________________________
10. Where are the cell bodies that provide motor innervation to the pupillary
____________________________ ____________________________
11. Where are the cell bodies that provide motor innervation to the pupillary
____________________________ ____________________________
13. Through what opening does aqueous humor normally pass to exit the
15. What is the optic disc?
19. What retinal structure is associated with the “blind spot” in the visual field?
a. __________________________________________________________
b. __________________________________________________________
22. What vessel is the origin of the central artery of the retina?
23. The superior and inferior ophthalmic veins receive venous blood from intra-orbital
structures. Blood in these vessels can drain out of the orbit by passing posteriorly,
anteriorly or inferiorly, depending on intravenous pressure. What are the three (3)
vascular structures that receive venous blood from the ophthalmic veins?
a. _______________________________ posteriorly
b. _______________________________ inferiorly
c. _______________________________ anteriorly
24. What are the three branches of the ophthalmic nerve in the orbit?
a. __________________________________________________________
b. __________________________________________________________
c. __________________________________________________________
Application Exercises
A. Inspection
Instruct the subject to look straight ahead and focus on some non-moving object at a
distance of 20 feet or more.
2. Inspect the iris in both eyes.
5. Using a pen light in a room in which the lights have been dimmed, quickly
illuminate the RIGHT eye, taking care to avoid illuminating the left eye.
6. Now, quickly illuminate the LEFT eye, taking care to avoid illuminating the right
a. Are the visual axes of both eyes parallel?
b. What term is used to refer to misalignment of the visual axes of the two
B. Movements
1. Indicate the primary and secondary actions of each of the extraocular muscles
(assume the eye to be in the position of primary gaze and that the muscle in
question is the only muscle acting on the globe)
Muscle Nerve
3. In the position of primary gaze in the normal situation, the eyes are directed
straight ahead and the visual axes of the two eyes are parallel. Keep in mind that
in this position all six, extraocular muscles in each eye are tonically active and that
the position of the eye in the orbit reflects the combined, balanced actions of all six
extraocular muscles contracting simultaneously. Any loss in the contractile force
(weakness or paralysis) of a single extraocular muscle will result in movement of
the eye about one or more axes produced by the relatively unopposed action of
the remaining muscles. Indicate the effects on the eye resulting from paralysis of
each of the extraocular muscles.
5. Ocular malalignment (strabismus) can occur as a result of damage to the ocular
motor nerves. Indicate the effects on the eye resulting from damage to each
ocular motor nerve.
a. Will the pupil on the affected side be larger or smaller than the pupil on the
uninvolved side?
8. Which cranial nerve passes through the cavernous sinus, and as a result, can be
damaged by intracavernous carotid artery aneurysms?
9. Which cranial nerve emerges from the dorsal surface of the brainstem?
12 Ear
4. Identify the muscles that attach to the ossicles of the ear and indicate the nervous
innervations of each.
a. __________________________________________________________
b. __________________________________________________________
Malleus _____________________________
Incus _____________________________
Stapes _____________________________
3. Which of the ossicles is attached to the internal surface of the tympanic mem-
4. Which of the ossicles is attached to the oval window?
10. What vestibular system receptor structure is responsive to linear acceleration and
deceleration of the head?
11. What fluid substance is found in the scala tympani?
16. Where are the cell bodies of the afferent nerve fibers of the cochlear
17. Where are the cell bodies of the afferent nerve fibers of the vestibular
Application Exercises
A. Inspection
1. Inspect the auricles, identifying the helix, antihelix, tragus, antitragus and
a. What direction does the “cone of light” extend from the umbo?
1) __________________________________________________________
2) __________________________________________________________
13 Answer Key
Spine and Back
23. a. latissimus dorsi
b. external oblique
c. iliac crest
Application Exercises
1. anterior longitudinal ligament
2. posterior longitudinal ligament
3. ligamentum flavum
4. intertransverse ligament
5. interspinous ligament
6. supraspinous
7. a. iliocostalis
b. longissimus
c. spinalis
8. a. semispinalis
b. multifidus
c. rotatores
9. a. splenius capitis
b. splenius cervicis
10. a. obliquus capitis superior
b. obliquus capitis inferior
c. rectus capitis posterior major
d. rectus capitis posterior minor
18. C5 – T1
19. a. C5 and C6
b. C7
c. C8 and T1
20. posterior divisions
21. superior
22. posterior
23. posterior
24. posterior
25. medial
26. a. radial
b. axillary
27. axillary
28. radial
29. ulnar
30. median
31. ulnar
32. Women – 15 (>15)
Men – 12 (10 – 15)
33. pronator teres
34. flexor carpi ulnaris
35. a. brachialis
b. brachioradialis
36. a. apical
b. humeral
c. central
d. pectoral
e. subscapular
37. a. extensor pollicis longus
b. abductor pollicis longus and extensor pollicis brevis
38. radial
Application Exercises
A 1. a.
2. a. gliding
b. gliding
3. a.
4. a. acromion process
b. T3
c. supraspinatus
d. infraspinatus
5. a. 5 CM
b. 2nd rib
c. 7th rib
6. a. pectoralis major
1) medial pectoral nerve
2) lateral pectoral nerve
b. latissimus dorsi and teres major
1) thoracodorsal and lower subscapular nerves
7. a. 1) biceps brachii and brachialis
2) brachialis
3) musculocutaneous nerve
8. a. triceps brachii
1) radial nerve
9. a. triceps brachii
b. ulnar nerve
10. a. 1) forearm pronation
2) wrist flexion
3) finger flexion
11. a. 1) forearm supination
2) wrist extension
3) finger extension
12. a. pronator teres
1) median nerve
b. brachioradialis
1) radial nerve
c. brachial artery
d. median cubital vein
e. pronator teres
f. flexorcarpiulnaris
13. a.
c. radial nerve
14. a.
c. 1) median nerve
2) ulnar nerve
15. a.
d. 1) extensor pollicis longus
16. a.
d. radial artery
e. ulnar artery
f. median nerve
18. a.
b. 1) abductor pollicis brevis
2) flexor pollicis brevis
3) opponens pollicis
c. median nerve
d. 1) abductor digiti minimi
2) flexor digiti minimi
3) opponens digiti minimi
e. ulnar nerve
19. a. extensor pollicis longus
b. 1) abductor pollicis longus
2) extensor pollicis brevis
c. radial artery
20. a.
b. finger abduction
c. ulnar nerve
d. finger adduction
e. ulnar nerve
B 1. a. trapezius spinal accessory
b. levator scapulae dorsal scapular
2. a. rhomboid major dorsal scapular
b. rhomboid minor spinal accessory
c. trapezius dorsal scapular
3. a. deltoid (ant) axillary
4. a. deltoid axillary
b. supraspinatus suprascapular
5. a. teres major lower subscapular
b. teres minor axillary
c. pectoralis major pectoral (med. and lat.)
d. latissimus dorsi thoracodorsal
6. a. deltoid (post) axillary
b. latissimus dorsi thoracodorsal
7. a. biceps brachii musculocutaneous
b. brachialis musculocutaneous
8. a. brachioradialis radial
b. brachialis musculocutaneous
9. a triceps brachii radial
10. a. pronator teres median
b. pronator quadratus median
11. a. supinator radial
b. biceps brachii musculocutaneous
12. a. extensor carpi radialis longus radial
b. extensor carpi radialis brevis radial
c. extensor carpi ulnaris radial
13. a. flexor carpi radialis median
b. flexor carpi ulnaris ulnar
14. a. extensor carpi radialis longus radial
b. extensor carpi radialis brevis radial
c. flexor carpi radialis median
15. a. extensor carpi ulnaris radial
b. flexor carpi ulnaris ulnar
16. a. abductor pollicis longus radial
b. abductor pollicis brevis median
17. a. adductor pollicis ulnar
18. a. flexor pollicis longus median
b. flexor pollicis brevis median
19. a. extensor pollicis longus radial
b. extensor pollicis brevis radial
c. abductor pollicis longus radial
20. a. opponens pollicis median
b. opponens digiti minimi ulnar
21. a. lumbricales median/ulnar
22. a. extensor digitorum communis radial
23. a. dorsal interossei ulnar
24. a. palmar interossei ulnar
25. a. flexor digitorum superficialis median
26. a. flexor digitorum profundus median/ulnar
27. a. extensor digitorum communis radial
C 1.
5. a. anterior scalene
b. middle scalene
b. obturator nerve
21. L4 – S2 (S3)
22. a. common fibular (common peroneal) nerve
b. tibial nerve
23. posterior tibial nerve
24. deep fibular (anterior tibial) nerve
25. Superficial fibular (superficial peroneal) nerve
26. deep fibular nerve
27. posterior tibial nerve
28. femoral nerve
29. saphenous nerve
30. a. inguinal lig
b. adductor longus
c. Sartorius
31. 126 degrees (range 115 – 140)
32. angle subtended by trans plane of fem condyles and axis of head/neck of femur
a. 7 degrees – males and 12 degrees – females
33. angle subtended by line of gravity and line between ASIS and center of patella
a. appox. 8 degrees
b. females
34. externally (laterally)
35. a. posterior
b. anterior
c. anterior
36. tight
37. tight
38. plantar calcaneonavicular lig
Application Exercises
A 1.
2. a. femoral artery
b. femoral vein
c. femoral nerve
d. 1) sartorius
2) adductor longus
3. a.
b. rectus femoris
c. anterior inferior iliac spine
4. a.
b. prevents lateral displacement of the patella during knee extension
5. a. apex of patella
b. tibial tubercle
6. a. common fibular (peroneal) nerve
b. soleus
7. a. 1) ankle dorsiflexion
2) toe extension
b. deep peroneal nerve
c. anterior tibial artery
8. a. 1) peroneus longus
2) peroneus brevis
9. a. plantar calcaneonavicular ligament
10. a.
11. a. anterior cruciate ligament
b. anterior part of intercondylar eminence
c. posteromedial surface of lateral femoral condyle
12. a. posterior cruciate ligament
b. posterior part of intercondylar fossa
c. anterolateral surface of medial femoral condyle
13. a. L4
14. a. sacrotuberous ligament
b. 1) semitendinosus
2) semimembranosus
3) biceps femoris (long head)
4) adductor magnus
15. a. superolateral (“upper outer quadrant”)
b. to avoid injury to the sciatic nerve
16. a.
b. knee flexion
17. a. biceps femoris
1) a tibial nerve (long head)
b common peroneal nerve (short head)
b. 1) semitendinosus
2) semimembranosus
3) tibial nerve
c. gastrocnemius
1) tibial nerve
d. popliteal artery
e. tibial nerve
f. popliteus
18. a.
b. 1) plantar flexion
2) toe flexion
c. 1) tibialis posterior
2) flexor digitorum longus
3) flexor hallucis longus
19. a.
b. tibialis posterior
B 1. a. psoas major lumbar nerves
b. iliacus femoral
c. rectus femoris femoral
2. a. quadriceps femoris femoral
3. a. tibialis anterior deep peroneal
4. a. gastrocnemius tibial
b. soleus tibial
c. tibialis posterior tibial
5. a. extensor hallucis longus deep peroneal
b. extensor digitorum longus deep peroneal
c. extensor digitorum brevis deep peroneal
6. a. flexor hallucis longus tibial
b. flexor digitorum longus tibial
7. a. gluteus maximus inferior gluteal
8. a. biceps femoris tibial/common peroneal
b. semitendinosus tibial
c. semimembranosus tibial
9. a. adductor magnus obturator/tibial
b. adductor longus obturator
c. adductor brevis obturator
10. a. gluteus medius superior gluteal
b. gluteus minimus superior gluteal
C 1.
D 1.
b. body
c. xiphoid process
2. a. 1st thoracic vertebra
b. 1st rib
c. manubrium (sternal notch)
3. a. 12th thoracic vertebra
b. 12th and 11th ribs
c. costal cartilages
d. xiphoid process
4. anterior-inferior or superior-posterior
5. posterior-inferior or superior-anterior
6. a. 1st rib
b. 1st rib
c. 2nd rib
7. a. elevates the upper ribs
b. depresses the lower ribs
8. a. external intercostal membrane
b. internal intercostal membrane
9. on the inferior margin of the rib above
10. a. vein
b. artery
c. nerve
11. internal thoracic artery
12. internal thoracic vein
13. subclavian artery (1st part)
14. subclavian artery (1st part)
15. a. superior epigastric artery
b. musculophrenic artery
16. brachiocephalic veins
17. superior vena cava
18. azygos vein or left renal vein
19. azygos vein
20. anterior scalene
Application Exercises
A1. a.
2. a. T2
3. a. T4
b. 2nd rib
4. a. T9
b. ribs 1-7
c. ribs 8-10
5. a. ribs 11 and 12
6. a. posteriorly
b. kyphosis
7. a.
e. scoliosis
10. a. rib 2
b. rib 7
B 1.
2. anteriorly and inferiorly
3. posteriorly and inferiorly
4. T4
1) anterior
1) superior (lingual)
1) inferior (lingual)
2) superior
2) anterior basal
2) lateral basal
2) posterior basal
2) medial basal
4. left lung
5. right lung
6. a. sternal angle
b. T4 – T5 intervertebral disc
7. right
8. a. trapezius
b. rhomboid major (or medial border of inferior angle of the scapula)
c. latissimus dorsi
9. 6th
10. a. T8
b. T10
c. T12
11. inferior vena cava
12. a. esophagus
b. anterior and posterior vagal trunks
13. a. aorta
b. azygos vein
c. thoracic duct
14. phrenic nerve
15. C3, C4, C5
Application Exercises
A 1. a. expiration
b. 12-18
B 1.
2. a. 8th rib
b. 10th rib
c. 12th rib
3. 6th costal cartilage
4. 4th costal cartilage
6. a. 6th rib
b. 8th rib
c. 10th rib
7. 6th costal cartilage
8. 4th costal cartilage
10. a. T3
b. 5th
c. 6th
12. a. 5th rib
b. 4th
1. a. sternal angle
b. T4 – T5 intervertebral disc
2. a. xiphisternal joint
b. T9 vertebra
3. a. fibrous layer
b. serous layer
4. a. parietal layer
b. visceral layer
5. visceral pericardium
6. a. parietal layer of serous pericardium
b. visceral layer of serous pericardium
7. a. pulmonary valve
b. aortic valve
c. mitral valve
d. tricuspid valve
8. a. right atrium
b. left atrium
9. from pulmonary artery to aorta
10. right atrium
11. right atrium
12. a. right ventricle
b. left ventricle
13. chordae tendinae
14. a. anterior interventricular
b. circumflex
15. a. right marginal
b. posterior interventricular
16. a. great cardiac vein
b. middle cardiac vein
c. small cardiac vein
d. left posterior interventricular vein
e. left marginal vein
17. anterior cardiac veins
18. a. dorsal motor nucleus of X
1) acetylcholine
b. cardiac plexus
1) acetyl choline
19. a. intermediolateral nucleus
1) acetylcholine
b. superior, middle and inferior cervical ganglia
1) norepinephrine
20. a. brachiocephalic trunk
b. left common carotid artery
c. left subclavian vein
21. right pulmonary vein
Application Exercises
A 1. a.
2. a.
3. a.
B 1. a.
2. a.
C 1. a. S2
b. S1
c. S2
d. S1
2. systole
b. left gastric artery
17. a. right gastroepiploic (gastro-omental) artery
b. left gastroepiploic (gasttro-omental) artery
18. splenic artery
19. proper hepatic artery
20. a. superior mesenteric vein
b. splenic vein
21. splenic vein
22. a. superior
b. descending
c. inferior (horizontal)
d. ascending
23. a. bile duct
b. pancreatic duct
24. descending
25. sphincter of the major duodenal papilla
26. dilated duct receiving bile and pancreatic duct – drains into descending duodenum
27. ascending
28. inferior (horizontal)
29. cecum
30. a. cecum
b. ascending
c. transverse (proximal half)
31. a. descending
b. sigmoid
32. a. cystic duct
b. common hepatic duct
33. a. hepatic artery
b. portal vein
c. bile duct
34. a. L4
b. L1
c. L5
d. L3
e. L2
f. L2
35. right
36. left
37. cisterna chili
38. junction left internal jugular and left subclavian (“venous angle”)
39. ½ the distance from the ASIS to the umbilicus
Application Exercises
A 1. a.
2. a.
3. a.
b. above
5. a. approximately 3 cm below the right costal margin in the midaxillary
7. a. L4
8. a. 1) liver (right lobe)
2) gall bladder
3) duodenum (parts 1 and 3)
4) pancreas (head)
5) right kidney
6) hepatic flexure
7) right adrenal gland
8) superior part of ascending colon
9) transverse colon – right half
10) pylorus
b. 1) stomach
2) spleen
3) liver (left lobe)
4) pancreas (body and tail)
5) left kidney
6) left adrenal gland
7) splenic flexure
8) descending colon (upper part)
9) jejunum
c. 1) appendix
2) cecum
3) ileum (most)
4) right ovary
5) right ureter
6) ascending colon (inferior part)
7) right uterine tube
8) urinary bladder (enlarged)
9) right spermatic cord
10) uterus (enlarged)
d. 1) left ovary
2) left ureter
3) descending colon (inferior part)
4) sigmoid colon
5) left uterine tube
6) left spermatic cord
7) uterus (enlarged)
8) urinary bladder (enlarged)
10. a. L3
b. 1) right hypochondriac
2) epigastric
3) left hypochondriac
11. a. L5
b. 1) right lumbar
2) umbilical
3) left lumbar
c. 1) right inguinal (iliac)
2) hypogastric (pubic)
3) left inguinal (iliac)
13. T10
14. anteriorly and inferiorly
15. posteriorly and inferiorly
C 1. a. yes
c. long, prolonged “gurgles” of hyperperistalsis “stomach growling”
2. a. midline just below the xiphoid process
b. along the semilunar line at the level of the 10 costal cartilage
1. a. occipital
b. parietal
2. a. frontal
b. parietal
3. a. zygomatic bone
b. temporal bone
4. a. frontal
b. parietal
c. temporal
d. sphenoid
5. approximately 18 months
6. falx cerebri
7. tentorium cerebelli
8. a. skin
b. dense connective tissue
c. epicranial aponeurosis
d. loose connective tissue
e. periosteum (pericranuim)
9. a. facial artery
b. lingual artery
c. superficial temporal artery
d. superior thyroid artery
e. maxillary artery
10. facial artery
11. a. superior sagittal sinus
b. inferior sagittal sinus
c. superior petrosal sinus
d. cavernous sinus
12. a. inferior petrosal sinus
b. sigmoid sinus
13. vertebral artery
14. middle meningeal artery
15. a. right anterior cerebral artery
b. left anterior cerebral artery
16. a. middle cerebral artery
b. posterior cerebral artery
17. a. ophthalmic artery
b. anterior choroidal artery
c. posterior communicating artery
d. middle cerebral artery
e. anterior cerebral artery
18. facial nerve
19. a. temporalis
b. masseter
c. lateral pterygoid
d. medial pterygoid
20. a. ophthalmic nerve
b. maxillary nerve
c. mandibular nerve
21. glossopharyngeal nerve
a. otic ganglion
22. facial nerve
a. submandibular ganglion
23. facial nerve
a. pterygopalatine ganglion
24. facial nerve
25. trigeminal nerve
26. trigeminal nerve
a. ophthalmic nerve
1) superior orbital fissure
b. maxillary nerve
1) foramen rotundum
c. mandibular nerve
1) foramen ovale
27. jugular foramen
28. stylopharyngeus
29. a. taste from posterior 1/3 of tongue
b. arterial pressure measured at the carotid sinus
30. jugular foramen
31. a. laryngeal muscles
b. upper third of the pharyngeal constrictors
32. slowing of heart rate
33. increased motility
34. a. blood gas monitoring at carotid body
b. taste perception from the epiglottis
35. a. foramen magnum
b. jugular foramen
36. a sternocleidomastoid
b. trapezius
37. hypoglossal canal
38. genioglossus
39. facial nerve
40. internal auditory (acoustic) meatus
41. stylomastoid foramen
42. a. temporal
b. zygomatic
c. buccal
d. marginal mandibular
e. cervical
43. a. greater superficial petrosal nerve
b. deep petrosal nerve
44. facial nerve (nervus intermedius)
45. facial nerve (nervus intermedius)
46. glossopharyngeal nerve
Application Exercises
A 1. a.
2. a. confluence of sinuses
3. a.
4. a.
5. a.
6. a.
b. levator palpebrae superioris
1) oculomotor nerve
g. 1) orbicularis oculi
2) facial nerve
7. a.
8. a.
9. a.
10. a.
11. a.
12. a.
13. a.
B 1. a. frontalis
b. facial
2. a. orbicularis oculi
b. facial
d. supraduction of the eye in conjunction with forceful eye closure
3. a. risorius
b. facial nerve
4. a. orbicularis oris
b. facial nerve
6. a masseter
b.. temporalis
c. trigeminal nerve
C 1. a. external carotid artery
3. a. external carotid artery
1. a. investing fascia
b. pretracheal fascia
c. prevertebral fascia
d. carotid sheath
2. a. sternocleidomastoid
b. trapezius
3. a. infrahyoid muscles
b. thyroid gland
c. trachea
d. esophagus
4. a. carotid arteries
b. internal jugular vein
c. vagus nerve
5. a. midline of neck
b. anterior border of sternocleidomastoid
c. inferior border of mandible
6. a. anterior border of sternocleidomastoid
b. posterior belly of digastric
c. superior belly of omohyoid
7. a. posterior belly of digastric
b. anterior belly of digastric
c. inferior border of mandible
8. a. anterior belly of digastric
b. hyoid bone
c. midline beneath mandible
9. a. superior belly of omohyoid
b. anterior border of sternocleidomastoid
c. sternohyoid
10. a. anterior border of trapezius
b. posterior border of sternocleidomastoid
c. superior border of clavicle
11. a. sternohyoid
b. thyrohyoid
c. sternothyroid
d. omohyoid
12. a. digastric
b. stylohyoid
c. mylohyoid
d. geniohyoid
13. posterior cricoarytenoid
14. internal laryngeal nerve (branch of superior laryngeal)
15. a. lateral cricoarytenoid
b. transverse arytenoid
16. internal laryngeal nerve
17. cricothyroid
18. external laryngeal nerve
19. internal laryngeal nerve
20. a. anterior scalene
b. middle scalene
21. posterior
22. anterior
23. lateral border of first rib
24. a. vertebral artery
b. thyrocervical trunk (artery)
c. internal thoracic artery
d. costocervical trunk (artery)
25. external carotid artery
26. common carotid artery
27. a. superficial temporal vein
b. maxillary vein
28. a. retromandibular vein
b. posterior auricular vein
29. a. internal jugular vein
b. subclavian vein
30. C3, C4, C5
31. C1, C2, C3
32. C4
33. C1 - C4
34. C5 and C6
35. C7, C8, (T1)
Application Exercises
A 1. a.
2. a. 1) midline of neck
2) anterior border of sternocleidomastoid
3) inferior border of mandible
4. a. C3
5. a. C5
6. a. up
7. a. C6
8. a. 1) sternothyroid
2) thyrohyoid
3) sternohyoid
4) omohyoid
9. a.
10. a. C7
11. a. 1) anterior border of trapezius
2) posterior border of sternocleidomastoid
3) superior border of clavicle
c. 1) splenius capitis
2) levator scapulae
3) posterior scalene
4) middle scalene
d. rotation to the contralateral side
12. a.
B 1. a. C4
2. a. vagus nerve
b. internal jugular vein
3. a. carotid tubercle
1. a. masseter
b. temporalis
2. mylohyoid
3. palatoglossus
a. vagus nerve
4. palatopharyngeus
a. vagus nerve
5. palatoglossus
6. palatopharyngeus
7. glossopharyngeal nerve
8. a. levator veli palatine
b. tensor veli palatine
9. vagus nerve
10. hypoglossal nerve
11. hypoglossal nerve
12. palatoglossus
a. vagus nerve
13. trigeminal nerve
14. glossopharyngeal nerve
15. glossopharyngeal nerve
16. glossopharyngeal nerve
17. facial nerve
18. glossopharyngeal nerve
19. maxillary nerve (trigeminal V2)
20. mandibular nerve (trigeminal V3)
21. greater palatine nerve
22. lesser palatine nerve
Application Exercises
A 1. a.
2. a. masseter
b. trigeminal
3. a.
4. a.
b. glossopharyngeal
5. a.
B 1. a.
b. levator veli palatini
c. vagus
2. a.
b. genioglossus
c. hypoglossal
d. trigeminal
e. facial
1. a. optic canal
b. superior orbital fissure
c. inferior orbital fissure
2. a. optic nerve
b. ophthalmic artery
3. a. frontal nerve
b. lacrimal nerve
c. nasociliary nerve
d. oculomotor nerve
e. trochlear nerve
f. abducens nerve
g. superior ophthalmic vein
h. inferior ophthalmic vein
4. a. oculomotor nerve (superior branch)
b. oculomotor nerve (inferior branch)
c. nasociliary nerve
d. abducens nerve
5. conjunctiva
6. a. levator palpebrae superioris
b. superior tarsal muscle (Mueller’s muscle)
7. a. tarsal glands
b. ciliary glands
8. anterior in the supero-lateral margin
9. below the inferior nasal concha
10. facial nerve
11. inferior oblique
12. oculomotor
13. superior cervical ganglion
1. a. sclera (fibrous)
b. choroid (vascular)
c. retina (neural)
2. long ciliary > nasociliary > trigeminal
3. iris
4. aqueous humor
5. aqueous humor
6. a. pupillary constrictor parasympathetic
b. pupillary dilator sympathetic
7. suspensory ligament of the lens (zonular fibers of Zinn)
8. accommodation of the lens
9. Edinger-Westphal nucleus ciliary ganglion
10. Edinger-Westphal nucleus ciliary ganglion
11. intermediolateral nucleus superior cervical ganglion
12. ciliary body
13. canal of Schlemm (scleral venous sinus)
14. lateral margin of the anterior chamber
15. point of exit of retinal ganglion cell axons from the retina
16. center of the optic disc
17. retinal region of high visual acuity
18. center of macula lutea – area of highest visual acuity
19. optic disc
20. a. rods
b. cones
21. cone
22. ophthalmic artery
23. a. cavernous sinus (posteriorly)
b. pterygoid sinus (inferiorly)
c. angular vein (anteriorly)
24. a. frontal nerve
b. nasociliary nerve
c. lacrimal nerve
Application Exercises
A 1. a. white
2. a.
4. a. anisocoria
5. a. pupillary constriction
b. pupillary constriction
c. direct light reflex
d. indirect (consensual) light reflex
6. a. pupillary constriction
b. pupillary constriction
7. a.
b. heterotropia (tropia) or strabismus
d. nystagmus
B 1. a. abduction
b. adduction
c. supraduction intorsion adduction
d. subduction extorsion adduction
e. intorsion subduction abduction
f. extorsion supraduction abduction
2. a. abducens
b. oculomotor
c. oculomotor
d. oculomotor
e. trochlear
f. oculomotor
3. a. adducted
b. abducted
c. subducted extorted abducted
d. supraducted intorted abducted
e. extorted supraducted adducted
f. intorted subducted adducted
4. a. lateral rectus
b. superior rectus
c. inferior rectus
d. medial rectus
e. inferior oblique
f. superior oblique
5. a. adducted
b. extorted supraducted adducted
c. subducted abducted intorted
6. oculomotor
a. larger
7. oculomotor
8. abducens
9. trochlear
Application Exercises
A1. a.
3. a. anteriorly and inferiorly
b. 1) trigeminal
2) vagus
About the Authors
Michael F. Nolan is professor of Basic Science Education at the Virginia Tech Carilion
School of Medicine in Roanoke. He received his Physical Therapy training at Marquette
University and his PhD in Human Anatomy from the Medical College of Wisconsin. Nolan
spent the first 34 years of his career teaching gross anatomy and neuroanatomy to medical
students and resident physicians at the University of South Florida. He has received more
than 20 awards for excellence in teaching including the Master Teacher Award in 2014 from
the International Association of Medical Science Educators and the John M. Thompson Out-
standing Teacher Award in Neurosurgery in 2006. He has published over 40 peer-reviewed
articles and book chapters as well as four textbooks in human gross anatomy and neuro-
John P. McNamara is the Director of Anatomy and Assistant Professor of Basic Science
Education at the Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine in Roanoke. His doctoral training
is in chiropractic from Life University (Marietta, GA) with undergraduate (Lock Haven Univer-
sity of Pennsylvania) and graduate (Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania) degrees. He
is also ABD from Virginia Tech in Educational Leadership and Policy Studies. For nearly the
past 30 years, McNamara has maintained a private practice in Salem, VA, and taught full-
time anatomy and physiology, gross anatomy, neuroanatomy, and pathophysiology at the
College of Health Sciences (Jefferson College) in Roanoke. From 2013 to 2017 he taught
the gross anatomy course for the Doctor of Physical Therapy program at Radford University
in Roanoke. He is licensed to practice as a Doctor of Chiropractic in both Virginia and Penn-
sylvania, and he is certified as an Emergency Medical Technician in Virginia.