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Mar. Sci. Tech. Bull. (2023) 12(4): 445-458 dergipark.org.

e–ISSN: 2147–9666 www.masteb.com
info@masteb.com DOI: 10.33714/masteb.1333432



The importance of CATZOC in passage planning and prioritization of

strategies for safe navigation

Ozan Hikmet Arıcan1 • Osman Arslan2 • Ali Umut Ünal3 *

Kocaeli University, Maritime Faculty, Department of Maritime Transportation Management Engineering, Karamürsel, Kocaeli, Türkiye
Kocaeli University, Maritime Faculty, Department of Marine Engineering, Karamürsel, Kocaeli, Türkiye
Kocaeli University, Karamursel Vocational High School, Department of Motor Vehicles and Transportation Technologies, Karamürsel, Kocaeli,


Article History: Maritime transport has a significant share in world trade. The unsafe operation of ships
Received: 28.07.2023 causes loss of life, loss of cargo, and marine environmental pollution. Commercial ships
Received in revised form: 04.10.2023 are equipped with advanced types of equipment. The nautical charts as aids to navigation
Accepted: 05.10.2023 are used on commercial ships to navigate safely between ports. The officer of the watch can
Available online: 12.10.2023
see the risks in the navigation area by checking these charts. The risks indicated on the
Keywords: chart should be taken into account during the navigation of ships, and if the correct
Maritime transportation and management
calculations are not made, serious accidents may occur. These calculations are based on
Maritime management
Navigation safety both sufficient maritime experience and knowledge. This research studied the category
ECDIS zone of confidence (CATZOC) areas in ECDIS on ships, the limitations of the system, and
CATZOC their solutions. Recommendations received from experts for the solutions to the identified
Fuzzy AHP
problems were determined and explained according to the priorities with the Fuzzy
Analytical Hierarchy Process (FAHP) method.

Please cite this paper as follows:

Arıcan, O. H., Arslan, O., & Ünal, A. U. (2023). The importance of CATZOC in passage planning and prioritization of strategies
for safe navigation. Marine Science and Technology Bulletin, 12(4), 445-458. https://doi.org/10.33714/masteb.1333432

Introduction Each device has a system designed to assist the master and
officers of the watch during navigation. Ships are equipped with
In international trade, there are different forms of cargoes
navigational equipment according to the rules regulated by the
such as solids, liquids, live animals, ro-ro, containers and
International Maritime Organization (IMO).
liquefied gas. Although the ship types are different, they all have
Ships can navigate in narrow channels and shallow waters
a common purpose in navigation, which is navigational safety.
and it is of great importance for the officers that the navigation

* Corresponding author
E-mail address: umut.unal@kocaeli.edu.tr (A. U. Ünal)
Arıcan et al. (2023) Marine Science and Technology Bulletin 12(4): 445-458

charts used are reliable. Although the depths of the berths of the watchkeeping officers need to be careful and prepared for these
ports are shown on the navigation charts, in practice, shallow risks for the ship’s safe navigation.
areas may occur due to natural sea movements and port Today, electronic charts that replace nautical charts, along
operations. For this reason, ship manoeuvres in port areas with navigation sensors and other navigation aid devices, have
should be applied carefully. become an important area of use based on the creation of an
As the size of the ships increases, the draft of the ships also integrated bridge system that will significantly increase
increases. When the ship is underway, speed increases the draft navigational safety (Admiralty, 2021). These technological
of the ship. This is called the dwarfing effect and has a greater developments are supported by international standards (Er,
effect in shallow water and fresh water, causing the draft of 2007).
ships to increase further (Chénier et al., 2019). Besides The reliability of the chart-based systems used on ships is
unpredictable fluctuations, the rapid increase in ship sizes in vital for the safety of navigation. The Electronic Chart Display
recent years and the collaborations established by global line and Information System (ECDIS) is sophisticated navigational
operators force container ports to increase their physical equipment developed to “assist the seafarer in route planning
capacities (Efecan & Temiz, 2023). This is a risk because the and tracking and, if necessary, display additional navigation-
greater the draft of the ship, the more likely it is to run aground related information” as specified in the performance standards
at shallower depths. To mitigate these risks, nautical charts (IMO, 2006). The history of ECDIS dates back to the 1990s
should be trusted and interpreted well. It is possible to check when several companies offered electronic chart systems for use
the depth controls with echo sounder in the areas where the on ships. Recognizing the need to prepare performance
ships are moving. The echo sounder device measures the depth standards for ECDIS, IMO adopted the ECDIS Performance
instantaneously by means of sound echoes with the help of standards resolution (IMO, 1995).
sensors located at the bow and stern of the ship. However, it This decision sets out the minimum requirements that must
does not help to get information before reaching a dangerous be met for the use of ECDIS as bridge equipment on
point; it only provides control (Talwani et al., 1966). conventional ships. With the adoption of the amendments to
Due to their nature, the seas contain many risks, such as SOLAS in 2000, it was accepted that ECDIS complies with the
shallows, reefs, shipwrecks, corals, offshore platforms, fish provisions of the SOLAS Convention (IMO, 2000). Later in
farms, and navigational aid buoys. The master can see these 2009, IMO established the implementation timeline as shown
risks on the bridge during look-out or on the charts. It is in Table 1. Today, the implementation of ECDIS on ships has
dangerous to approach or watch such risks. For safe navigation, expired, making it mandatory for ships to be equipped with
the information on the charts constitutes an order of ECDIS equipment.
importance according to the type of voyage. For example, route ECDIS is an integrated information system that displays a wide
planning and considering currents are more important in open variety of navigation information using spreadsheets. Designed
sea navigation, while in narrow and shallow waters, effects such with the ship operator in mind, ECDIS is a vital resource for
as dangerous areas, buoy locations, shoreline information, and efficient route planning and monitoring (Matek, 2019).
tides are more critical (Başaraner et al., 2011). Master and

Table 1. ECDIS implementation timeline (Weintrit, 2015)

Ship Types 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
New construction passenger ships >500 GT - + + + + + + +
New construction tankers >3000 GT - + + + + + + +
New construction cargo ships >10000 GT - + + + + + +
Except passenger ships>500 GT - + + + + +
Except tankers>3000 GT - + + + +
Except cargo ships>50000 GT - + + +
Except cargo ships>20000 GT - + +
Except cargo ships>10000 GT - +

Arıcan et al. (2023) Marine Science and Technology Bulletin 12(4): 445-458

The CATZOC used in ECDIS is an essential instrument for Acomi (2020) emphasised the effect of data accuracy on
safe navigation. Over a long period, these depths have been navigational safety. For this purpose, a model ship was
calculated with different methods and charted. In the early considered in the Dover Strait bridge simulation scenario,
days, measurements were made with wire cables and beam echo assuming good weather conditions with no waves or currents.
methods. Then, the wire drawing method was adopted, in The Safety Contour was defined using a mathematical formula
which a wire is dragged by two or more ships with weights involving under keel clearance, heeling effect and tidal levels.
submerged to a constant depth (Helmsman, 2010). Depth was The Safety Contour was then analysed taking into account the
determined by stretching the wire with any obstacle in the accuracy of the chart data. The results of this analysis contribute
covered area. Techniques applied today use sonar multiple to a better understanding and increased awareness of CATZOC
beam waves to record depths. The collected information is effects in determining safe waters for navigation.
processed with data that affects the measurement, such as tides, Kastrisios et al. (2020) provided information on CATZOC,
so the depths are as accurate as possible. This method will horizontal and vertical uncertainty of depth information, as
provide more accurate depth measurements (Saltaş, 2020). well as seafloor coverage and feature detection. The current
Category Zone of Confidence (CATZOC) values are applied to symbology creates visual clutter in high quality bathymetry
geographic areas to indicate whether the information meets a fields. Furthermore, horizontal and vertical uncertainties
minimum set of criteria for location, depth accuracy, and cannot be adequately assessed by the user. This paper presents
seabed coverage. The Zone of Confidence (ZOC) value depends a research programme to develop a method to demonstrate
on the data’s positional and depth measurement accuracy bathymetric data quality and to integrate digitised uncertainties
(Admiralty, 2021). into ECDIS.
In the application of CATZOC, some deficiencies may Chénier et al. (2020) attempted to collect the data needed by
occur. If the calculations are not performed accurately, this the Canadian Hydrographic Service (CHS) to produce wide-
situation may lead to the grounding of the vessel. area navigational products for the Canadian coastline, the
longest in the world. CHS products cover all Canadian waters,
Literature Review
but there are gaps in the data. To prioritise these gaps, the CHS
Kusworo et al. (2019) used cross strips as independent data has developed a geographic information systems (GIS) tool
to test the quality of bathymetry data compared to overlay strips called the CHS Priority Planning Tool (CPPT). The derived
from Multibeam Echosounder (MBES) in the Bawean Island output of the CPPT helps prioritise areas that pose the highest
cases. The tests were carried out by 3 methods: 1. testing the risk to navigation.
crossing strip and the main strip overlapping the crossing strip, Karström Hettman (2022) worked on extending CATZOC
2. testing the 25 crossing points between the main strip and the classifications in Swedish territorial waters by creating a model
crossing strip, and 3. testing the overlap strip between the main that can predict how fast the bathymetry will change at different
strip along the crossing strip. The data obtained from the locations from the SMA in Norrköping. Models and maps were
quality test were re-tested using statistical analysis methods to prepared in ArcMap GIS to predict bathymetric changes of the
determine the extent to which the data can represent the data seabed in the Baltic Sea. Factors in the models include seabed
quality of the study area. As a result, it was found that testing type, seabed slope and shipping corridors. The models and
the data of the cross lanes was more effective as the main lanes maps can be used to see which areas should be changed from
were not affected by the features. A1 classification to a lower classification or the area should be
Chénier et al. (2019) proposed a confidence level approach re-measured. This study opens a new way to assess changes in
where a minimum number of SDB techniques is required, the bathymetry of Swedish territorial waters without the need
which must be agreed upon at a defined level to allow SDB to re-measure surfaces and will help to know which areas to
estimates to be maintained due to the difficulty of validating prioritise for re-measurement.
Satellite Derived Bathymetry (SDB) data. The approach has Radić et al. (2023) analysed the bathymetric data collection
been applied to a Canadian Arctic region combining four method. The collected depth data were compared with official
techniques. Based on International Hydrographic Organisation data displayed on electronic navigational charts (ENC) in the
(IHO) guidelines, results are described, with each approach United States. Four sea areas were selected where 104 depths
meeting the requirements of the Category of Confidence Zones were compared at the same positions and also categorized
(CATZOC) level C. according to the criterion of navigational importance, namely
Arıcan et al. (2023) Marine Science and Technology Bulletin 12(4): 445-458

category confidence zones (CATZOC). Official depth data in Stono Inlet that are useful only for visual bathymetric
from hydrographic surveys and depth data collected from assessments.
public sources for the same positions were compared and Carreras Ruiz (2023) examined and analysed the principles
correlated, and it was concluded that CSB data, despite its of transition planning throughout onboard training. The
limitations, is a very valuable addition to the existing official voyage from Sakai (Japan) to Point Fortin (Trinidad and
data. Tobago) is detailed and followed step by step to encourage deck
Gülher & Alganci (2023) aimed to produce the first optical officer candidates to acquire these competencies. The study also
image-based SDB map of the shallow coast of Horseshoe Island contributes to the assessment of the ship’s performance in
and to perform a comprehensive and comparative evaluation safety issues and its economic and environmental costs.
with Landsat 8 and Sentinel 2 satellite imagery. The research When the previous researches are examined, it is seen that
considers the performance of empirical SDB models (classical, the subject research has not been conducted before. The subject
ML-based and DL-based) and the effects of atmospheric research both contributes to the literature and as new research,
correction methods ACOLITE, iCOR and ATCOR. These it will be an example for other researches in the future.
models are followed by DL-based ANN and CNN models.
Material and Method
However, the nonlinearity of the reflectance-depth relation is
significantly reduced by the ML-based models. Furthermore,
Landsat 8 performed better in the 10-20 m depth ranges and the
entire (0-20 m) range, while Sentinel 2 performed slightly better Category Zone of Confidence
up to 10 m depth ranges. Finally, ACOLITE, iCOR and ATCOR
Table 2 shows the types of CATZOC symbols. By gaining a
provided reliable and consistent results for SDB, with
deeper understanding of the accuracy limitations of the data
ACOLITE providing the highest automation.
within the system, ships can manage risk levels while navigating
Dias et al. (2023) aimed to minimize human effort by
a specific area. Based on errors in measurements in position and
automating the detection of discrepancies between nautical
depth, accuracy data is divided into 6 ZOC.
charts and survey data. A GIS location model was developed
The Zones of Confidence (ZOC) chart shows position
based on specific rules derived from three analysis criteria:
accuracy, depth measurement sensitivity, and seabed for each
depth fields, minimum soundings and bathymetric models. The
of these values to help manage risk levels while navigating.
model produces six outputs, two for each criterion, to support
ECDIS displays these CATZOC values in Electronic
the final human decision. The model has been tested in various
Nautical Charts (ENC) using a triangle-shaped symbol pattern.
hydrographic surveys, such as open waters and harbour
The number of stars inside these symbols indicates the
surveys, and successfully validated by comparing the results
CATZOC value. For example, six stars indicate the highest data
with existing manual processes and other existing methods,
quality (A1) and two stars the lowest level (D). For CATZOC,
such as the Sea Chart Adequacy Tools (CA Tools). Potential
unevaluated areas are shown as a symbol (U) (Teledynecaris,
advantages over other methods are also evaluated and
2016). The maximum possible errors in each confidence zone
discussed, confirming the usefulness of this new approach for
depth and the positions marked in the charts are given. If for a
the adequacy and completeness assessment of nautical charts.
graph or ENC, CATZOC is 4 stars (ZOC B), this means that the
Horn (2023), used SDB for recursive mapping of Stono Inlet
location of the depths and dangers marked in the ENC can have
at large spatial and large temporal (2001-2022) scales. SDB
a margin of error of about 50 meters (Matek, 2019). Depths may
methods summarized in the IHO-IOC GEBCO Cook Book:
have an error of up to 1 meter + 2%. If anywhere the graph
LANDSAT 8 Satellite Derived Bathymetry is used to derive
shows depth of 20 meters, the error here could be 1.4 meters.
bathymetric surfaces using the algorithm of Stumpf et al.
CATZOC is not a guide recently released with ECDIS. In
(2003). Extinction depths are estimated to be between 5 and 10
fact, it was used in nautical charts before. Nautical charts
feet in the Inlet. NOAA vDatum, ArcGIS Pro, Fledermaus, and
contain source diagram. For example, the source diagram of the
ArcGIS Online (AGOL) were used for analysis and
chart on the British Admiralty is shown in Figure 1.
visualization. The results show that the high-resolution, high-
As can be seen, the depths in the “c and d” areas are circled
quality WorldView 02/03 imagery data used for the 2016 to
with a red line in Fig. 1. Depths in this area can have significant
2022 analysis years are necessary to obtain bathymetric surfaces
errors. The master and watchkeeping officers should be careful

Arıcan et al. (2023) Marine Science and Technology Bulletin 12(4): 445-458

of these errors. Depth and position categories on charts are opportunity to quickly analyse the system from the screen shot
shown in the information part of the chart, as in Figure 2. in Figure 4.
It is necessary to consider the risk levels of this error For the correct use of the CATZOC system, it is necessary
percentage, which should be considered. Nautical charts do not to take precautions against possible errors everywhere. If
include error rates for these depth measurements. The master entering a dangerous area while navigating, a safe distance must
and watch keeping officers should decide on the information in be maintained, taking into account the CATZOC category in
the diagram given in Figure 3. that area. ZOC, passage planning, safety depth setting and UKC
The ECDIS user can visually transfer the CATZOC settings under ship depth need to be safely calculated. Maximum draft
to the screen from the device’s settings menu. The user has the is the sum of the actual draft and the ship’s squad at maximum

Table 2. CATZOC table (Mavraeidopoulos et al., 2017)

CATZOC ECDIS Symbols Position Accuracy (meter) Depth Accuracy
A1 (6-star notation) 5m 0.5 m + depth %1
A2 (5-star notation) 20 m 1.0 m + depth %2
B (4-star notation) 50 m 1.0 m + depth %2
C (3-star notation) 500 m 2.0 m + depth %5
D (2-star notation) 500 m over 2.0 m over + depth %5
U (U letter notation) Not evaluated Not evaluated

Figure 1. Depth and position categories indicated on the British admiralty nautical chart (Jassal, 2017)

Figure 2. Depth and position categories indicated on the chart (Azuike et al., 2012)

Arıcan et al. (2023) Marine Science and Technology Bulletin 12(4): 445-458

Figure 3. Nautical chart CATZOC information display (Azuike et al., 2012)

Figure 4. CATZOC display on ECDIS screen (Transas, 2020)

UKC means underwater opening and expresses the depth of The under-keel allowance necessary for a safe bottom
water below the ship’s keel line. Wind, tides, waves, seabed clearance varies with the specific local conditions and the size
movement, and even continental movements can change the and handling characteristics of the ship and consists for
water depth, especially in coastal areas. On top of that, the squat practical purposes of two main elements:
effect of the ship also reduces the UKC. In this case, the water 1) A minimum Under-Keel Clearance (UKC) which
depth you read on the chart and the actual water depth will not should be maintained between the ship and the sea, river
be the same (Zadeh, 1965). UKC is calculated before entering or canal bottom, and
narrow waterways, shores, and ports to eliminate the risk of 2) An allowance for other variable factors that may be
stranding. present as follows: The effects of squat, State of sea and
The importance of the UKC in the voyage plan can be swell, Past weather impact on water depths, Tidal and
explained as follows. current conditions, particularly the range and stand of
The Master shall ensure that there is an adequate under-keel tide, Variation in water level due to barometric pressure
allowance at all stages of the voyage and at all times while or tidal surges, Changes in water density, Stability of the
transiting in port or while at anchorage or at berth. The sea bed (sand wave phenomena), Accuracy of
estimation of the smallest bottom clearances the vessel may soundings, tidal information and predictions, Accuracy
encounter during the voyage and during port operations, which of ship’s draught observations or calculations, including
will permit the Master to identify possible manoeuvring provision for hogging or sagging.
constraints and decide on proper risk reduction measures, is Vessel’s size and handling characteristics, and increase of
therefore an essential part of passage planning that should draught due to trim or heel, which is particularly important
never be neglected. where vessels have a large beam, Reduced depths over pipelines
or other known/charted obstructions.

Arıcan et al. (2023) Marine Science and Technology Bulletin 12(4): 445-458

The Equation (1) shows how to calculate the safety degree 2023). When the problems in daily life are evaluated, it can be
concept used in the calculations said that there are many situations that do not show certainty
and this situation arises from the fuzzy, uncertain and non-
𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷 𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜 𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆 = 𝑀𝑀𝑀𝑀𝑀𝑀 𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷 + 𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑅 𝑈𝑈𝑈𝑈𝑈𝑈 (1) linearity of the real world (Sanca et al., 2022). According to this
theory, the value obtained from the judgments of the people
First of all, the uncertainties in the depth errors given in the
participating in the evaluation is a fuzzy number defined as the
graphics should be eliminated. Calculations are made
membership function (Başlıgil, 2005).
according to the information in Table 4 regarding depth
In fuzzy set logic, the degree of belonging to the cluster
accuracy. While navigating the ship’s route passes through
varies between 0 and 1, and 1 definitely belongs to the cluster,
ZOC A1, and if the depth is assumed to be 15.7 meters, the
while 0 means that it does not belong to the cluster. Cluster
minimum depth should be close to the passage route and
belonging degrees can be defined with functions such as
necessary corrections should be made in these areas.
trapezoid, triangle, gaussian curve (Özdağoğlu, 2008).
One of the components of the required UKC is the ZOC
It would be more appropriate for decision makers to give
clearance. The CATZOC application for ZOC, A1 is expressed
their opinions about the study in verbal expressions instead of
in Table 4 by the Equation (2):
a definite number. These verbal assessments are triangular
fuzzy numbers that indicate the range of verdict (Soltani &
𝑍𝑍𝑍𝑍𝑍𝑍 (𝐴𝐴1) = 0.5 + 0.01 × 𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷 (2)
Morandi, 2008) Triangular fuzzy numbers are represented by
𝑍𝑍𝑍𝑍𝑍𝑍 𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝 (𝐴𝐴1) = 0.5 + 0.01 𝑥𝑥 15.7 = 0.657 ≈ 0.7𝑚𝑚 triple values such as (l, m, u). With l < m < u, the fuzzy number
is in the interval [l, u] and the maximum value that can take is
On the other hand, when calculations related to position
accuracy are made according to the Deep Accuracy in Table 3,
In this study, Saaty’s (1988) five-point scale is transformed
it is interpreted as follows.
into triangular fuzzy numbers scale, as the following 3 shows.
If the depth position accuracy for ZOC A1, A2 and B is
relatively high (position error less than 50 m for ZOC B), this Table 3. Fuzzification of Saaty’s scale (Soltani & Morandi,
value is 500 m and greater for ZOC C and D. In this case, not 2008)
only the ZOC permission for the UKC needs to be accessed, but Saaty Scale Definition Fuzzy Triangular
also the depth locations when plotting the fields in the table. Scale
1 Equally important (1, 1, 1)
Transas type 5000 series bridge simulation program was
used. Opinions about the problem that emerged as a result of 3 Weakly important (2, 3, 4)
the CATZOC implementation were received from the experts 5 Fairly important (4, 5, 6)
who worked on ships. The opinions received from the experts 7 Strongly important (6, 7, 8)
were prioritized by weighting them with the Fuzzy Analytical 9 Absolutely important (9, 9, 9)
Hierarchy Process (FAHP). With the results obtained,
alternative solutions were presented for the CATZOC
implementation problem. Numerous the multi-criteria decision making (MCDM)
approaches have been applied to tackle complex decision-
making problems in many fields. AHP is sensitive to inputs and
results can be unreliable if input data is biased (Singh et al.,
Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (FAHP)
2023). The FAHP method was used to determine the criterion
Fuzzy logic was emerged by the scientist Zadeh based on the weights. It was preferred to be implemented as it significantly
concept of fuzzy set. Zadeh’s (1965) fuzzy set theory is a reduces the subjectivity of the decision maker (Pavlov et al.,
mathematical theory created to eliminate uncertainty in human 2023). In addition, there are many qualitative criteria
cognitive processes (Zadeh, 1965). Fuzzy logic, with people’s supporting the application of this method. In this study,
most developed sense organs interprets the information Chang’s extended analysis method was used to determine the
obtained from the beginning of people’s lives with the weights of the most ideal reactions related to CATZOC
perspective and understanding style that they have developed implementation.
under the influence of their environment (Yılmaz & Şahin,

Arıcan et al. (2023) Marine Science and Technology Bulletin 12(4): 445-458

Results Option 1:
Some shipping companies require the water depth below
Category A 38,000 dead weight tonnage (DWT) liquid the ship to be ten percent higher than the maximum draft of the
petroleum gas (LPG) tanker in loaded condition was chosen for ship (Equation 6). Detailed information is given in Table 4.
ECDIS simulation practice. The maximum draught of the ship
Table 4. Final draught calculation according to option 1
was 9.43 meters. Elbe Channel in Germany was selected as the
Item Values
navigation area, which is presented in Figure 8. The channel’s
Draught 9.43 m
lowest chart depth on the route was 12.6 meters. As can be seen
Squat (15 knt) 1.66 m
in Figure 7, the ZOC category of the navigation area was
Company Requirement (%10 of ship draught) 0.09 m
category B. Final Draught 12.09 m
Step 1: Based on Table 3, the depth accuracy for this
scenario was calculated as approximately 1.3 meters by Option 2:
Equation (3). ZOC category of the navigation area was category B. It
This result means that the actual depth for ZOC (B) area can means there may be an error of up to 1 meter + 2% in depth,
be between 11.3 meters and 13.9 meters within a 50 meters according to Table 3.
diameter area. First, Equation (7) is used to find the Maximum Sufficient
Step 2: Safety parameters were entered into ECDIS, as can Water Depth in ZOC B. The calculation results according to
be seen in Figure 8. Equation (7) showed that the ship could pass through this area.
Step 3: The squat value was calculated by using Equation However, it would be correct to check it according to the
(4). CATZOC calculation. The calculation details are explained in
Step 4: The vessel information was entered into Ship Table 5 and Table 6.
Manager Stability 2020 software. When the tidal height was
It can be thought that the value found as a result of the
taken as 0.6 meters, the minimum available depth was
calculation in Table 7 may be inaccurate up to 1.3m,
calculated as 12.6 meters. The results indicated that the ship was
considering the Depth Accuracy for ZOC (B) found in the 1st
expected to squat 1.66 meters at 15 knots. The planned route
that the ship was expected to follow is given in Figure 9.
When the calculation results of Option 1 and Option 2 were
Step 5: It was tried to explain in this scenario
compared, it can be seen that the difference is 0.19 m. Such a
implementation whether it is possible for the ship to pass
difference increases the grounding risk of the ship. It will cause
through this route line safely.
an officer of the navigation to reach an erroneous result of up
Discussion to 1.3 meters when applying the formula in option one. In this
situation, the safe navigation of the ship cannot be mentioned.
Two approaches can be followed in calculating the UKC
In the case of the implementation of the two options, a
used in the voyage plan. The first one is CATZOC calculation
difference of 0.19 meters puts ships navigating in shallow
on ECDIS, and the second option is to use a simple UKC
waters at risk.
calculation formula according to shipping company
Since the ship is not safe to pass through this route line,
solution methods will be presented with expert opinions.

𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷ℎ 𝐴𝐴𝐴𝐴𝐴𝐴𝐴𝐴𝐴𝐴𝐴𝐴𝐴𝐴𝐴𝐴 𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓 𝑍𝑍𝑍𝑍𝑍𝑍 (𝐵𝐵) = ±[1.0 + (0.02 × 12.6)] = 1.252 ≈ 1.3 𝑚𝑚 (3)

𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆 𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖 𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚 = 𝐾𝐾 𝑥𝑥 𝐵𝐵𝐵𝐵𝐵𝐵𝐵𝐵𝐵𝐵 𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶 𝑥𝑥 (𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆 𝑡𝑡ℎ𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟ℎ 𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤)2 𝑥𝑥 0.01 (4)
𝑆𝑆ℎ𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎 𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤 𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑ℎ
where; 𝐾𝐾 = (5)
𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆 𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑 𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜 𝑡𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑒 𝑠𝑠ℎ𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖



Arıcan et al. (2023) Marine Science and Technology Bulletin 12(4): 445-458

Figure 7. Navigation area of case analysis (Transas, 2020)

Figure 8. Safety parameters entered into ECDIS

Figure 9. Scenario application area ECDIS screenshot (Transas, 2020)

Table 5. Calculation steps for depth

Depth on the Chart A Meter

Tidal Height at Ship’s Crossing Time (Always Positive Effect) B meter

Sea Condition / Swell / Wind (Always Negative Effect) C meter

Chart Information Accuracy / CATZOC Value, If Any D meter

Maximum Sufficient Water Depth E meter

Arıcan et al. (2023) Marine Science and Technology Bulletin 12(4): 445-458

Table 6. Letters and distances Table 7. Expert specifications

Letter Values Experts Ship Type Experience (Years)
A 12,6 m Expert 1 Chemical Tanker 12
B 0,6 m Expert 2 LPG Tanker 13
C N/A Expert 3 Chemical Tanker 14
D -1,3 m Expert 4 Dry Cargo Ship 11
E 11,9 m Expert 5 Container Ship 10
Expert 6 Chemical Tanker 12
Determination of Alternative Decisions
Expert 7 Ro-Ro Ship 15
Alternative options may need to be applied by ships related
Expert 8 Bulk Carrier 12
to the deficiency resulting from the implementation of
Expert 9 Dry Cargo Ship 12
CATZOC. Expert opinion was used to determine the
alternatives. The number of experts consulted was ten. All the Expert 10 Oil Tankers 13
experts held Ocean Going Master certificates and served at sea
Pairwise comparison matrix established according to expert
for at least ten years. The ship type information that the experts
opinion. The data obtained from the experts were converted
worked on is given in Table 7.
into fuzzy triangular numbers in Table 3. Then a single
The problem that occurred in the CATZOC
comparison matrix, which is given in Table 9, was created by
implementation was shared with the experts in detail. Open-
taking the arithmetic means of the answers. The normalized
ended questions were asked to determine alternative options to
weights of the criteria were calculated and presented in the
follow to ensure navigational safety. The experts advised five
same table.
options which are presented in Table 8.

Table 8. Definition of criteria

C1: After detecting the risky part of the depth, it minimizes the squat by taking the
Reducing Speed speed on the ship to the lowest value when approaching that area.

C2: Adjusting the maximum draft of the ship at the port of departure before reaching
Draft Adjustment the danger zone.

C3: It is to communicate with the relevant port authority before the ship enters the port
Information Exchange with Port Authority limits, to obtain information about that region and to confirm that it is accessible.

If a risk analysis is made with the charterer and shipowner officials and a result that
will pose a danger to the ship, it is decided not to enter the port of the ship. If this
Not Entering the Zone
is done before the affreightment, it will not cause economic damage.

C5: It includes receiving tide information from pilotage services located in this area and
Tide Height Confirm confirming whether there is sufficient depth underwater.

Table 9. Pairwise comparison matrix of criteria

C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 Normalized W.
(1,1,1) (2,3,4) (3,4,5) (4,5,6) (2,3,4) 0.457
(1/4,1/3,1/2) (1,1,1) (2,3,4) (4,5,6) (1/4,1/5,1/6) 0.162
(1/5,1/4,1/3) (1/4,1/3,1/2) (1,1,1) (1/4,1/3,1/2) (2,3,4) 0.103
(1/6,1/5,1/4) (1/6,1/5,1/4) (2,3,4) (1,1,1) (1/6,1/5,1/4) 0.078
(1/4,1/3,1/2) (6,5,4) (1/4,1/3,1/) (4,5,6) (1,1,1) 0.201

Arıcan et al. (2023) Marine Science and Technology Bulletin 12(4): 445-458

Table 10. Sorting the criteria by weight

Criteria Criterion Weights Ranking
Reducing speed (C1) 0.45 1
Draft adjustment (C2) 0.16 3
Information exchange with port authority (C3) 0.10 4
Not entering the zone (C4) 0.07 5
Tide height confirmation (C5) 0.20 2

conditions. In addition, serious changes may have occurred in

the existing depths with the recent natural events.
Navigation planning of merchant ships is very important The application of CATZOC becomes mandatory when
and should be done carefully and in accordance with the rules calculating UKC in shallow waters or when approaching a
for the safety and security of the ship and personnel. In the distress signal shown on ECDIS. For the navigational safety and
navigation planning of the ship, the safety issues of the ship security of the ship, the master and other officers of the watch
should be followed regularly by the master and watch officers are required to activate the CATZOC application. If the depths
and should be at the top in terms of priority. After the and position distances during the navigation of the ship are not
completion of the ship’s departure from the port, before the calculated correctly, dangers such as grounding of the ship in
departure operation, the responsible officer of the watch on the navigation area and damage to the ship’s hull may occur.
watch should make the necessary navigation plan and obtain After determining the arrival route of the ship for navigation,
the approval of the master. Maritime publications and the existing charts should be examined one by one, and if it is
navigational technical equipment and auxiliary equipment on necessary to pass through risky areas according to the
board should support the correct use of the data used at each CATZOC category table, the affiliated marine management
stage of the navigation plan. company should be informed. The marine management
According to today’s maritime conditions, navigation plans, company may be requested to make a risk analysis of the ship
which were previously made on nautical charts, are now related to the subject passage or information may be requested
prepared on technologically advanced electronic nautical from the port state authorities about the reliability of the chart
charts. With this development, route changes can be followed depths of the subject area. In this study, the opinions of the ship
instantly and mistakes made can be seen more quickly. The masters were taken on the measures related to the solution
drawing of the routes of the navigation plans, the navigation alternatives to be considered. The most important solution
course points of the ship and all other necessary information alternative obtained from the opinions of the masters was
are prepared on digital nautical charts. Depending on how the determined that the ship should continue its voyage at
data in the nautical charts are measured and when they are minimum speed.
measured, various errors may occur. The older the data in the The second critical solution option is determined that the
nautical charts, the greater the existing error rate. The accuracy conditions and times of the tide height in the sea in the area
level is divided into six categories known as “CATZOC”. For where navigation is carried out and the hazardous area is
each CATZOC, the maximum error value is given for the located should be confirmed from the units providing
depths and location shown in Table 2. navigation pilotage services in that region. In this way, support
As seen above, the greatest risk occurs in shallow waters. should be received in a region that is unknown to the ship’s
The grounding of ships occurs not only on sandy bottoms but crew and the safety and security of the ship should be ensured
also on rocky bottoms and the structure of the ship is seriously by acting according to the data and recommendations obtained.
damaged on rocky bottoms compared to sandy bottoms. In The solution options obtained in this study are presented as
addition, depending on whether the ship is loaded or unloaded, suggestions. Compliance or non-compliance with these
the changes in the draft should be treated very carefully, suggestions is left to the preferences of other watchkeeping
especially where the A1, A2 and B symbols are located. Depths officers, especially the master of the ship. It is also important
of shallow waters can change with tides depending on natural that the calculations carried out in the study are tried to be
made accurately and completely and that the alternative
Arıcan et al. (2023) Marine Science and Technology Bulletin 12(4): 445-458

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