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All content following this page was uploaded by Peter Landweber on 11 September 2013.
generator in each positive even degree. The following year Atiyah [6]
provided the natural relativization of bordism, defining the bordism
groups of a space X by considering bordism classes of maps into X. A
homology theory and its dual cohomology theory were born.
These theories were integrated into the arsenal of working topol-
ogists, to borrow Saunders Mac Lane’s phrase, and soon in the book
Differentiable Periodic Maps (1964) Pierre Conner and Ed Floyd [13]
were using them to solve problems in group actions. This work focused
attention on the bordism of classifying spaces, corresponding to clas-
sifying bordism classes of free actions, and in particular they showed
that for p odd the map
Conner and Floyd earlier on) had focused attention on the structure
of annihilator ideals of nonzero elements, especially spherical classes.
Sphericity has strong implications on the behavior of operations: all
the Landweber-Novikov operations vanish—the class is “primitive.”
Landweber published a sequence of three papers developing his pro-
gram. He wanted to use methods from commutative algebra, and in
place of the standard Noetherian condition he used the condition of
coherence. This had been introduced into Topology by Novikov [52]
(without identifying it by name) and Larry Smith [56], and was ad-
vertised by Adams in his Seattle lectures [2]. Recall that an R-module
is coherent if it is finitely generated and every finitely generated sub-
module is finitely presented. A ring is coherent if it is coherent as a
module over itself, and over a coherent ring the conditions of finitely
presented and coherent coincide. Novikov and Smith proved that the
complex bordism of any finite complex is coherent, so the category of
comodules over MU∗ MU which are coherent as MU∗ -modules is a good
first approximation to the category of finite complexes. In particular,
coherent MU∗ -modules have finite projective dimension.
In the first of these papers [26] Landweber showed that if the an-
nihilator ideal of an element in such a comodule is prime then it is
invariant, i.e. a sub-comodule of MU∗ . This prompted a study of the
invariant prime ideals in MU∗ , and Landweber made explicit Morava’s
observation [47] that Lazard’s classification [43] of formal groups over
separably closed fields by their height leads to a determination of these
ideals. The ring MU∗ admits generators xi ∈ π2i MU with the property
that the Hurewicz image in H2i MU is divisible by p whenever i + 1 is
a power of the prime p. The ideal
[p](x) = xp .
The fact that once you choose a characteristic the invariant primes are
linearly ordered has played an absolutely fundamental role in all the
subsequent work in this area. See [20] for a slick proof using BP .
Returning to [26], the invariance of prime annihilator ideals was
proven using standard primary decomposition together with the fol-
lowing structural result: any coherent comodule has a finite comodule
filtration whose quotients are cyclic as MU∗ -modules. This result was
strengthened in the second paper [27], in which Landweber showed
that maximal elements in the partially ordered set of proper annihila-
tor ideals are annihilators of primitive elements. This allowed him to
refine the filtration theorem to its final form, the Landweber Filtration
Theorem: any coherent comodule has a finite comodule filtration whose
associated quotients are suspensions of the comodules MU∗ /I(p, n) for
0 ≤ n < ∞.
In the third paper [30] in this series, Landweber put the filtra-
tion theorem to work in Topology. His primary goal was to com-
plete the original task of understanding the projective dimension of
the bordism module of a finite complex. By this time definitive re-
sults had been obtained by Dave Johnson and Steve Wilson [19], us-
ing BP in place of MU. They used the new Sullivan-Baas theory of
manifolds with singularities [58, 8] to construct certain BP -module
theories BP hni. The classes xpi −1 ∈ MU∗ project to polynomial
generators of BP∗ which I will write vi , and in terms of these gen-
erators the coefficient ring of BP hni is the BP∗ -module BP hni∗ =
BP∗ /(vn+1 , vn+2 . . .) = Z(p) [v1 , . . . , vn ]. Johnson and Wilson showed
that hom dimBP∗ BP∗ (X) ≤ n+ 1 if and only if BP∗ (X) → BP hni∗ (X)
is surjective. They also made the intriguing observation that after local-
ization BP hni∗ (X) is determined algebraically from BP∗ (X) (Remark
vn−1 BP hni∗ ⊗BP∗ BP∗ (X) −→ vn−1 BP hni∗(X).
While their results were for the most part stable, their proofs used the
unstable splitting of Wilson’s thesis, and one of Landweber’s objectives
was to use stable operations instead. (For more information the reader
may consult Wilson’s Primer and Sampler, [62].)
Landweber succeeded in this goal. As a technical step he made the
following observation. Given any MU∗ -module M one can form the
(1) X 7→ M ⊗M U∗ MU∗ (X).
If M is flat over MU∗ then of course you get a homology theory, rep-
resented by a spectrum. The fact is, though, that one need test the
x, which must thus contain In and hence vn−1 . A further result from
this paper is that for finitely generated BP -comodules M the follow-
ing conditions are equivalent: M is coherent; M has finite projective
dimension; and vn |M is monic for some n. Landweber subsequently
used this observation to show [35] for example that finite projective
dimensionality of BP -homology is preserved by attaching of cells.
The second paper is a scholarly completion of the project, begun
by Rochlin’s theorem, of determining the image of the signature on
various standard bordism groups.
In the early 1980’s, influenced by the work [60] of Clarence Wilker-
son, Landweber became interested in the more classical question of the
structure of a commutative algebra endowed with an unstable action
of the Steenrod algebra. This led to a fruitful collaboration with Bob
Stong, represented for example by [40]. They were led to a conjecture
about the depth of the ring of invariants of a subgroup of GL(n, Fp )
acting on the polynomial algebra S = Fp [t1 , . . . tn ], |ti | = 2. The ring
of invariants contains the “Dickson invariants” S GL(n,Fp ) , which is itself
known to be a polynomial algebra Fp [c1 , . . . cn ], with |ci | = 2(pn −pn−i ).
The Landweber-Stong conjecture is that the depth of S G is the largest
r for which c1 , . . . , cr forms a regular sequence in S G . This conjecture
generated a substantial body of research, culminating in its proof by
Dorra Bourguiba and Said Zarati [11]. A long survey [57] by Larry
Smith takes this development as its centerpiece.
A new impetus was provided in the early 1980’s by the work of
Ed Witten. Landweber himself has given a beautiful account of this
development in [37]. Witten asked if certain equivariant characteris-
tic classes were invariant under a circle action. Landweber’s student
Lucilia Borsari verified this conjecture for semifree actions in her 1985
thesis [10]. In [42] Landweber and Stong produced several other “rigid
characteristic classes.” These results served as the starting point for
Serge Ochanine’s introduction [53] of an “elliptic genus,” and his proof
that any rigid genus is elliptic. Witten [63] immediately gave an inter-
pretation of this genus (and others) as equivariant indices on the space
of free loops, and proposed a physics proof that conversely any elliptic
genus is rigid. This was subsequently realized as a mathematical the-
orem by Cliff Taubes and then, sequentially, by Bott and Taubes, by
Kefeng Liu, and by Ioanid Rosu.
During this period, when e-mail was still uncommon and the web
nonexistent, Landweber acted as a distribution center for preprints
connected with elliptic genera. This preliminary work made all the
participants at the Princeton conference of September 15–17, 1986, be
[1] J. F. Adams, On the structure and applications of the Steenrod algebra, Comm.
Math. Helv. 32 (1958) 180–214.
[2] J. F. Adams, Lectures on generalized cohomology, in Category Theory, Ho-
mology Theory and their Applications III: Battelle Institute Conference 1968,
Springer Lect. Notes in Math. 99 (1969) 1–138.
[53] S. Ochanine, Sur les genres multiplicatifs définis par des intégrales elliptiques,
Topology 26 (1987) 143–151.
[54] D. G. Quillen, On the formal group laws of unoriented and complex cobordism
theories, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 75 (1969) 1293–1298.
[55] G. Segal, Elliptic cohomology (after Landweber-Stong, Ochanine, Witten, and
others), Exposé 695 in Séminaire Bourbaki Vol. 1987-88, Astérisque 161-162
(1989) 187–201.
[56] L. Smith, On the finite generation of Ω∗ U (X), J. Math. Mech. 18 (1968/1969)
[57] L. Smith, Polynomial invariants of finite groups: A survey of recent develop-
ments, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 34 (1997) 211–250.
[58] D. Sullivan, Singularities in spaces, in Proceedings of Liverpool Singularities
Symposium, II (1969/1970), Springer Lecture Notes in Math. 209 (1971) 196–
[59] R. Thom, Quelques propriétés globales des variétés differentiables, Comm.
Math. Helv. 28 (1954) 17–86.
[60] C. W. Wilkerson, A primer on the Dickson invariants, in Proceedings of the
Northwestern Homotopy Theory Conference, 1982, Contemp. Math. 19 (1983)
[61] W. S. Wilson, The Ω-spectrum for Brown-Peterson cohomology. II, Amer. J.
Math. 97 (1975) 101–123.
[62] W. S. Wilson, Brown-Peterson Homology: An Introduction and Sampler,
CBMS Regional Conference in Mathematics, AMS, 1982.
[63] E. Witten, Elliptic genera and quantum field theory, Commun. Math. Physics
109 (1987) 525–536.