Application Form For Individual Category 2023 R1
Application Form For Individual Category 2023 R1
Application Form For Individual Category 2023 R1
1. ACADEMIC QUALIFICATIONS must be followed by the name of the University / Institution and the year of
passing. Copy of the Engineering Degree Certificates should be enclosed along with the
2. EXPERIENCE UNDER EMPLOYMENT should state reverse in chronological order exact positions held
with the duration of each position. (Please attach CV)
3. EXPERIENCE AS CONSULTANT must specify the duration and the precise field in which the consultancy
services were offered.
4. MAJOR PROJECTS HANDLED should include few important projects handled, types of project, services
provided, approximate cost of the project and the year of completion.
5. SUPPORTERS: The application should be supported by two CEAI Members having voting rights or
Fellows of the Institution of Engineers (India) (FIE).
6. Separate sheet may be attached under items where space is found in sufficient.
I ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
(Please type or write in block letters) (Surname) (Other names in full)
…………………………………………………………Mob. …………………………Email:.…………………………………………
desire to be admitted to the Consulting Engineers Association of India as an Individual Member in category:
Member- Individual / Young Professional/ Affiliate/ Student (Strike those not relevant)
in accordance with its Memorandum & Articles of Association as these now stand or as may hereafter be legally altered.
I was born at ………………………………… on the …………… of the month of …………………. in the year…………….
(Please attach documentary proof)
I am of …………………………………………………………….. nationality.
(a) I shall conform to the Code of Ethics of the Consulting Engineers Association of India.
(b) I shall, as long as I remain a Member, abide by the Rules of the Association as they now exist or as they may hereafter be
(c) I will forthwith cease to be a Member on receipt of a notice from the Honorary Secretary that, in accordance with the Rules
of the Association, my name has been removed from the Register of Members and that I will not, in that event bring any
action against the Association.
We undertake to pay the Membership Subscription upon confirmation of our admission. We have paid
the processing fee.
[Please transfer Rs 500/- as a processing fee. (online/ UPI transfer details should be sent to]
1. ACADEMIC QUALIFICATIONS (Photocopies of degree certificates to be enclosed)
Please √ mark in Annexure 1 only those fields in which you have expert knowledge and experience.
Please √ mark in Annexure 2 only those services for which expert knowledge and experience is with you.
9. REFERENCES: Please give references of two CEAI members OR two Fellows of Institution
of Engineers (India) who have knowledge about you.