MPCL Ar 2022 SP
MPCL Ar 2022 SP
MPCL Ar 2022 SP
Cover Story
The title page of our Annual Report infrastructure. Terrain related challenges
is a pictorial depiction of the difficult together with harsh weather conditions
terrain in some of our concession areas and precarious security situation often
where different exploration projects are make our operations quite challenging
currently underway. and impact the safety of our personnel
and assets, projects’ delivery and
With the passage of time, the proven, economics.
accessible basins and plays in the
Country are reaching maturity. In search We overcome these challenges with
of new deposits of oil & gas to meet courage and sheer determination to
the insatiable demand for energy, our keep doing our part towards the socio-
exploratory efforts are now increasingly economic development of the Country.
focused on under-explored frontier We are ever-committed to open-up
regions. These remote, inhospitable these desolate and frontier regions
areas pose daunting challenges that we for hydrocarbon exploration, thereby
do not typically face at other locations bringing these areas in the mainstream.
that are accessible and closer to the
About this Report
About this Report
Contents: This Report contains the However, subsequent events and The information contained in the
relevant background information developments up to the date of forward looking statements is valid only
about MPCL, and presents a printing of the Report have been till the date of publication of this Report.
comprehensive review of the included, where relevant, to keep the
Company’s performance during the information up-to-date. There have not been any significant
FY 2021-22, and its future plans. changes to the scope, boundary and
The financial data and figures are Financial analyses and reviews are reporting basis since the last reporting
complemented by graphs, charts, and based on the financial information date of June 30, 2021.
analyses to provide data visualization contained in the approved Audited
and necessary explanations. The Financial Statements for the year External Assurances/Reviews:
write-ups capture the important ended on June 30, 2022, with relevant The Financial Statements has
aspects of the Company’s operations comparative information. The Financial been audited and the Statement
in narrative form. Statements have been prepared in of Compliance with the Listed
accordance with the accounting and Companies (Code of Corporate
The topics covered and where to find reporting standards as applicable Governance) Regulations, 2019 have
them in the Report have been provided in Pakistan. Additional data and been reviewed by the Company’s
on the next page. information have been included in line statutory auditors M/s A.F. Ferguson &
with the best corporate reports criteria Co., Chartered Accountants, and their
Scope and Boundary: The prescribed by the Joint Committee of reports are part of this Annual Report.
Report covers the period from ICAP-ICMAP and the Pakistan Stock
July 01, 2021 to June 30, 2022. Exchange.
All forward-looking statements are management’s present expectations of future events and are subject to a number of factors and uncertainties
that could cause actual results to differ materially from those described in the forward-looking statements.
Forward looking statements should not be relied upon for making investment or other decisions as the statements speak only as of the date they
were made.
Operator Production
MPCL ( 100%) Condensate
(BPD) 65
(MMSCFD) 747
04 Mari Petroleum Company Limited
Our Performance
Financial Accomplishments
Highest Ever Highest Ever Highest Ever
Net Sales Net Profit Earnings Per Share
Highest Ever
Cash Generated from
Rs 49.40 billion
16.25 SALES 5.625 PROFIT 42.5 PER SHARE
0.00 (Rupees in billion) 0.000 (Rupees in billion) 0.0 (Rupees)
Annual Report 2022 05
Operational Excellence
Highest Ever Highest Ever
Energy Produced Gas Production Oil Production
Total Recordable
Case Frequency (TRCF)
(2021: 0.18)
43.75 350
37.50 300
31.25 250 533333.333333
25.00 200 400000.000000
18.75 150 266666.666667
12.50 100
Dividend Shareholders'
Per Share Return
Rs 124 23 %
(2021: Rs 141) (2021: 29%)
Market Dividend
Capitalization Payout
Rs 232 billion
Share Price
50 %
(2021: Rs 203 billion) (2021: 60%)
Rs 1,740
(2021: Rs 1,524)
Focus on Reserves
Cash Utilized in Replacement Enhanced Reserves
Investing Activities Ratio (RRR) and Resources (2P+2C)
Focus on
Resources Additions
345 %
(2021: 100%)
Secured A Step
Five Additional Towards
Blocks Internationalization
(2021: Added Acquired an
Four Additional Offshore Block 5
Blocks) in Abu Dhabi
Rs 4.15 billion
Welfare and Education
Community Rs
Rs 3.64
Ensuring Injecting
Pakistan's Supplying gas into
Food Security gas for power distribution
More than 90% generation companies
urea production in to meet energy networks
Pakistan is based crises of for domestic/
on MPCL's Pakistan commercial
supplied gas consumers
Annual Report 2022 09
Over the last five years
Rs 366 billion to the
national exchequer
10 Mari Petroleum Company Limited
Significant Achievements
Discovery of
Hydrocarbons at
Bannu West, North
of Gas Supply
from Sachal
Gas Processing
Complex - Mari Gas
Field, Daharki
Award of Offshore
Block-5 in Abu
Dhabi to a Pakistani
Comprising MPCL,
Award of
5 New Blocks
in the Block Bid
Round 2022
Annual Report 2022 11
EWT Production
from Hilal-1
& Iqbal-1
Discoveries -
Mari Gas Field,
from Togh Bala-02,
Kohat Block
of Cross Country
Gas Export
Pipeline providing
Connectivity with
SNGPL Network
- Mari Gas Field,
12 Mari Petroleum Company Limited
Zarghun South Gas Field - Balochistan MD's Visit to Zarghun South Gas Field - Balochistan
14 Mari Petroleum Company Limited
Challenges Fuel
Our Passion
Communicating SDV Status with CCR - Zarghun South Gas Field, Balochistan
Signing Ceremony of Nareli and North Dhurnal Blocks - Ministry of Energy (Petroleum Division), Islamabad
Challenges into
Data Center - Head Office, Islamabad Senior Management Team Building Event
Annual Report 2022 17
Team Discussion on G&G - Head Office, Islamabad Team Discussion on G&G - Head Office, Islamabad
18 Mari Petroleum Company Limited
Fire Fighting Training - Head Office, Islamabad First Aid Training - Head Office, Islamabad
Mobile Dispensary at Mari Gas Field - Daharki, Sindh Noor-e-Sehar Special Education School - Daharki, Sindh
Pur-Khaloos Campaign, Street Children Having Hygiene Session - Islamabad Mari Educational and Medical Complex - Mari Gas Field, Daharki, Sindh
Making the
World a
Better Place
Company Information
Registered / Head Office External Auditors Dubai Islamic Bank
21, Mauve Area, 3rd Road, G-10/4 A.F. Ferguson & Co. Faysal Bank Limited
P.O. Box 1614, Islamabad – 44000 Chartered Accountants Habib Bank Limited
Tel: +92 51 111-410-410, A member firm of PwC network Habib Metropolitan Bank
+92 51 8092200 JS Bank Limited
Fax: +92 51 2352859 Shares Registrar Meezan Bank Limited
Email: Corplink (Pvt) Limited Muslim Commercial Bank Limited
Web: Wings Arcade, 1-K Commercial National Bank of Pakistan
Model Town, Lahore Standard Chartered Bank
Field Office Daharki Tel: +92-42-35839182, 042-35916714 United Bank Limited
Daharki, District Ghotki Email: The Bank of Punjab
Tel: +92 723 111-410-410
+92 723 660403-30 Legal Advisor Registration,
Fax: +92 723 660402 Ali Shah Associates NTN and GST Numbers
Advocates High Court Registration Number:
Karachi Liaison Office 1-Ali Plaza, 4th Floor 00012471
D-87, Block 4, Kehkashan, Clifton 1-E, Jinnah Avenue National Tax Number:
P.O. Box 3887, Karachi – 75600 Blue Area, Islamabad 1414673-8
Tel: +92 21 111-410-410 Tel: +92 51 2825632
Fax:+92 21 35870273 General Sales Tax Number:
Bankers 07-01-2710-039-73
Quetta Liaison Office Allied Bank Limited Symbol on Pakistan Stock Exchange:
26, Survey-31, Defence Officers Al Baraka Bank (Pakistan) Limited Mari
Housing Scheme, Airport Road, Quetta Askari Bank Limited
Tel: +92 81 2821052, 2864085, Bank Alfalah Limited
2839790 • Fax: +92 81 2834465 Bank Islami Pakistan Limited
Annual Report 2022 21
Ordinary Business:
1. To receive, consider and adopt the Audited Annual Financial Statements of
the Company for the year ended June 30, 2022 together with the Directors'
and Auditors' reports thereon.
who have not yet submitted their International Bank Account Number (IBAN Registrar before commencement
No.) and CNIC details to the Company, are requested to provide the same on the of book closure otherwise tax will
Dividend Mandate Form available on Company’s website at be deducted on dividend as per
The shareholders of the Company in CDC are requested to provide the same to applicable rates.
their Participants in CDC who maintain their accounts in CDC, and ensure that
their IBAN details are updated. In case of unavailability of IBAN and valid CNIC, 6. Transmission of Annual
the Company would be constrained to withhold dividend in accordance with the Audited Financial Statements,
Companies (Distribution of Dividends) Regulations, 2017. Reports and Notice of AGM.
The Company shall place the
5. Deduction of Income Tax from Dividend and Exemptions from deduction financial statements and reports
The current prescribed rates for the deduction of withholding tax under Section on the Company's website: http://
150 of the Income Tax Ordinance, 2001 from payment of dividend by the at least twenty one
companies are as under: (21) days prior to the date of the
For filers of income tax returns : 15%
For non-filers of income tax returns : 30%
The Annual Financial Statement of
the Company for the year ended
The income tax is deducted from the payment of dividend according to
June 30, 2022, are being dispatched
the Active Tax-Payers List (ATL) provided on the website of FBR. All those
to the shareholders through DVD.
shareholders who are filers of income tax returns are therefore advised to
ensure that their names are entered into ATL to enable the Company to withhold
Further, pursuant to SECP’s S.R.O.
income tax from payment of cash dividend @ 15% instead of 30%.
787(1)/2014 dated September 8,
Further, according to clarification received from Federal Board of Revenue 2014, the shareholders can also
(FBR), withholding tax will be determined separately on 'Filer/Non-Filer' status opt to obtain Annual Report along
of Principal shareholder as well as joint-holder(s) based on their shareholding with Notice of the Annual General
proportions in case of joint accounts held by the shareholders. Meeting through email. To avail this
facility, shareholders are requested
In this regard all shareholders who hold shares jointly are requested to provide to submit the duly filled request
the shareholding proportions of Principal shareholder and Joint-holders in form available on the company’s
respect of shares held by them to our Shares Registrar in writing as follows: website at the
office of Company Secretary.
Annual Audited Financial
Statements along with the reports
Principal Shareholder Joint Shareholders and Notice of AGM are being sent to
Account Total Holding Name of Shareholding Names Shareholding Signatures
members who have provided their
Number Principal Proportion of Joint Proportion email addresses. Physical copy of
Shareholder (No. of Shareholders (No. of
and CNIC No. Shares) and CNIC No. Shares) the Annual Report will be provided
to the members on demand.
8. Conversion of Physical Shares 9. Unclaimed Dividends and Share 10. Change of Address
into Book-Entry Form Certificates Members are requested to immediately
As per Section 72 of the Companies The Company has previously notify the change in their mailing address
Act, 2017, all listed companies are discharged its responsibility under to the Company’s Shares Registrar, M/s
required to replace shares issued Section 244 of the Companies Corplink (Pvt.) Limited.
by them in physical form to book- Act, 2017 whereby the Company
entry form within four years of the approached the shareholders to 11. Contact Details
promulgation of the Act. claim their unclaimed dividends and For any query/information, the
undelivered share certificates in shareholders may contact Corporate
Accordingly, all shareholders of the accordance with the law. Affairs Department, Phone: 051-111-410-
Company having physical shares are 410, Email:
requested to convert their shares Shareholders, whose dividends and pk or to the Company’s Shares Registrar,
into book-entry form at the earliest. share certificates are still unclaimed/ M/s Corplink (Pvt) Limited, Wings Arcade,
The shareholders may contact undelivered, are hereby once again 1-K Commercial, Model Town, Lahore.
the Company or Shares Registrar, advised to approach the Company Phone: 04235916714, 04235916719.
M/s Corplink (Pvt.) Limited for the to claim their outstanding dividend Email:,
conversion of physical shares into amounts and/ or undelivered share
book-entry form. certificates.
Company Profile
Market Share
Our History
Mari Gas Field was originally owned the assets, liabilities and operational in addition to the production activities.
by Pakistan Stanvac Petroleum control of the Mari Gas Field and Since then, MPCL has emerged as a
Project, a joint venture formed commenced business in its own successful E&P company with a proven
in 1954 between Government name in 1985 under the Mari Gas track record in the field of exploration
of Pakistan and Esso Eastern Wellhead Price Agreement (Mari and production.
Incorporated, having 49% and 51% GPA).
ownership interests, respectively. The Company has grown from the sale
The first gas discovery was made by In 1994, the Government divested of natural gas from an inherited field,
the Joint Venture in 1957 when the 50% of its share and the Company to the exploration, production, and
first Well in lower Kirthar ‘Zone-B’ became listed on all the stock sale of gas, oil and other petroleum
Limestone Formation was drilled. exchanges of Pakistan. products from a number of fields in all
Production from the field started in provinces of Pakistan. The name of the
1967. In 1983, Esso Eastern sold its The Company operated only as a Company was changed from "Mari Gas
entire share to the Fauji Foundation. gas production company and was Company Limited" to "Mari Petroleum
Consequently, it was decided to set engaged in developing the already Company Limited" (MPCL) in November
up a wholly owned Public Limited discovered Habib Rahi Reservoir in 2012 to reflect its diversified business
Company for the purpose of acquiring the Mari Gas Field for supply of gas operations and expanded activities.
the assets and liabilities of the to fertiliser plants. The Company
Project. pursued appraisal activities within its The Company had been outsourcing
Mari D&P Lease area by drilling step- seismic and drilling business like other
In 1984, Mari Gas Company Limited out wells to determine the extent of E&P companies. However, in 2013 the
(MGCL) was incorporated with Fauji the Habib Rahi Reservoir. Company decided to set-up a services
Foundation, Government of Pakistan division comprising of a 3D seismic data
and OGDCL as its shareholders having In 2001, the Company achieved a acquisition unit, a 2D/3D seismic data
40%, 40%, and 20% shareholding, new milestone when it was granted a processing centre and a fleet of three
respectively. The Company took over license for exploration of oil and gas on-shore drilling rigs, thus becoming a
Start of Incremental
Production from Mari Field
Conversion of Mari Field to
2012 Petroleum Policy
MGCL renamed as
Mari Petroleum
Company Limited Renewal of
Mari D&P Lease
30 Mari Petroleum Company Limited
MPCL envisions becoming an international integrated exploration and production
company by enhancing its professional capacity through highly knowledgeable
and talented workforce that builds its petroleum reserves by consistently
discovering more than what it produces within Pakistan and abroad; and
improving financial capacity and profitability through efficient operations, while
taking environmental safeguards and catering to social welfare needs of the
communities inhabiting the area of operations.
Annual Report 2022 31
To enhance exploration and production by exploiting
breakthroughs in knowledge and technological innovations,
adopting competitive industrial practices to adequately replenish
the produced reserves and optimising production for maximizing
revenues and return to the shareholders whilst maintaining the
highest standards of HSE and CSR.
32 Mari Petroleum Company Limited
Our Commitments
Aligning the
interests of our
human resource,
customers and other
stakeholders to
create significant
business value
characterised by
excellent financial
results, outstanding
and superior
Exploring and
the potential
of our human
Adopting advanced
technology, cost
operations, increasing
operating efficiency
and adherence
to the highest Providing
environmental uninterrupted
standards Maintaining petroleum
best and products
the safest supply to
operational customers
Quality Policy
In order to ensure that our products and services are management system and standards. We are devoted to
of the highest quality, we engage skilled and qualified maintain effectiveness and continual improvement of IMS by
personnel, employ state of the art technology and monitoring Company objectives, customer satisfaction and
adhere to the best industry practices. We have complying with the legal and other applicable requirements.
implemented a quality management system to Our top management is committed to provide all resources
ensure that all our operations and activities are in required to ensure compliance with its IMS Policy and to
line with the requirements of ISO 9001:2015 (Quality attain best international performance criterion.
Management System).
IMS Policy From prior year
To realise our strategic vision and to achieve The Company’s vision, mission, ownership and operating
professional excellence in petroleum sector, we structure, and principal business activities are unchanged.
are committed to meet requirements of Integrated The Company has acquired new exploration blocks
Management Systems for Quality, Environment, within the Country and abroad, which are reflected in the
Occupational Health & Safety and Information geographical locations. Further, the Company has divested
Security consistent with internationally recognized its equity interest in National Resources (Pvt) Limited.
Code of Conduct
MPCL Code of Conduct sets out the Company’s objectives and its responsibilities to various stakeholders and the
ethical standards required from its directors and employees to meet such objectives and responsibilities.
Failure to adhere to the Company’s
business practices or Code of
Conduct may result in disciplinary
action, which could include
Mr. Malik is a fellow of the Institute of Chartered Company Limited, FFC Energy Limited, Fauji Fresh Executive & Independent) - Standard Chartered Bank
Accountants in England and Wales and an alumnus n Freeze Limited, Fauji Cement Company Limited, Pakistan Limited.
of the Harvard Business School and INSEAD. Earlier, Askari Bank Limited, Fauji Akbar Portia Marine
his career with ICI Plc Group based in the UK spanned Terminal Limited, Fauji Trans Terminal Limited, Fauji Mr. Malik is a member of visiting faculty of Pakistan
over 27 years and later with AkzoNobel N.V. based in Oil Terminal & Distribution Company Limited, Daharki Institute of Corporate Governance (PICG), former
the Netherlands. He is former Chief Executive Officer Power Holdings Limited, Foundation Wind Energy-I & II member of Board of Governors of Lahore University
(CEO) of ICI Pakistan Limited and Chairman & CEO of Limited, Foundation Power Company Daharki Limited, of Management Sciences (LUMS) and Board of Indus
Lotte Pakistan Limited (formerly Pakistan PTA Limited). Fauji Kabirwala Power Company Limited, Fauji Fertilizer Valley School of Arts. As trustee of Duke of Edinburgh
During his career with ICI and AkzoNobel, he worked in Bin Qasim Limited and FFBL Power Company Limited. Trust Pakistan, he was awarded Prince of Wales Medal
Europe and America in Corporate Finance and Strategy. as a Trustee of the "Prince of Wales Pakistan Recovery
Mr. Waqar Ahmed Malik joined Fauji Foundation as the He is Chairman of Pakistan Oxygen Limited (formally for the Flood Victims in 2010".
Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer on 9th Linde Pakistan, a subsidiary of Linde AG) acquired by
April 2020. Adira Capital Holdings (Private). He is also director on He has been playing an instrumental role in
the board of Rafhan Maize Products Company Ltd and development of Pakistan’s Regulatory System as well
Presently, he is serving as Chairman on the Boards on advisory board of Jazz Pakistan (Veon). Earlier, Mr. as for the advocacy to undertake economic reforms.
of Mari Petroleum Company Limited, Fauji Fertilizer Malik served on the prestigious boards as Chairman
(Non-Executive & Independent) - Pakistan Petroleum In recognition of his meritorious services during his
Limited, Director (Non-Executive & Independent) Engro long distinguished career, the President of Pakistan
Corporation Limited, Director - State Bank of Pakistan, has conferred him with "Sitara-e-Imtiaz", which is the
President - Overseas Chamber of Commerce & third highest Presidential award for public service.
Industry (OICCI), President - Management Association
of Pakistan (MAP), Director - Pakistan Business Council
(PBC), Trustee - I-Care Foundation and Director (Non-
Dr. Nadeem Inayat joined MPCL Board on September He is also on the Boards of Fauji Fertilizer Co Ltd, academic courses on Economics, International
18, 2006. He is a Non-Executive Director, Chairman of Fauji Fertilizer Bin Qasim Ltd, Fauji Cement Company Trade and Finance at reputable institutions of higher
the Investment Committee and a Member of the Audit Ltd, Fauji Akbar Portia Marine Terminals (Pvt.) Ltd, education in Pakistan. He is also a member of Pakistan
Committee. Fauji Oil Terminal & Distribution Company Ltd, Askari Institute of Development Economics.
Cement Ltd, Daharki Power Holdings Ltd, Pakistan
Maroc Phosphor S.A., Foundation Wind Energy-I Ltd, He holds a Doctorate in Economics and has over
Foundation Wind Energy-II (Pvt.) Ltd, Fauji Fresh n 28 years of diversified experience in corporate
Freeze Ltd, Fauji Foods Ltd, Fauji Meat Ltd, FFBL Power governance, policy formulation and deployment,
Company Ltd, Askari Bank Ltd, Fauji Infraavest Foods project appraisal, implementation, monitoring &
Ltd, Foundation University and Noon Pakistan Ltd. evaluation, restructuring and collaboration with donor
Dr. Nadeem is also on the boards of different public
sector universities and has conducted various
Maj Gen Ahmad Mahmood Hayat, HI (M), (Retd) He has commanded an Armour Regiment, Independent Currently, he is also on the Boards of Fauji Fertilizer
joined MPCL Board on September 07, 2020. He is a Armoured Brigade Group, Infantry Brigade and Infantry Company Limited and Fauji Fertilizer Company Energy
Non-Executive Director, Chairman of the Technical Division. He also held various staff appointments Limited.
Committee and a Member of the HR&R and Investment including Adjutant/Instructor Pakistan Military
Committees. Academy, Brigade Major of an infantry Brigade, General
Staff Officer-2 and 1 at CGS Secretariat, General Staff
He was commissioned in the Army on 06 Sep 1984. He Officer-1 at Military Operations Directorate, Chief of
is a graduate of Command and Staff College Quetta, Staff at Corps Headquarter, Director General in Inter
Command and General Staff Course USA, and National Service Intelligence Islamabad and Director General
Defence University Islamabad, Pakistan. He holds Defence Export Promotion Organization. In recognition
Master’s Degree in War Studies from Quaid-e-Azam of his outstanding services, he was awarded Hilal-i-
University Islamabad and Fort Leavenworth USA. Imtiaz (Military).
Annual Report 2022 37
Mr. Faheem Haider is the Managing Director/CEO of GmbH, Helix RDS Limited UK, BG Group Plc UK, and the growth of Neptune’s business in Egypt, Indonesia
the MPCL since August 2020. Currently, he is the only Neptune Energy Group UK (formally known as Engie and Australia.
Executive Director on the Board of MPCL. E&P International). Other than Pakistan, he has been
based in full-time roles in the UK, Oman, Egypt and Although Mr. Haider is an upstream E&P professional,
Mr. Haider is also Chairman of the Board of Foundation France working on a variety of projects in the Middle through his most recent assignment at MPCL, board
Solar Energy Limited (FSEL) and serving as a non- East, North Africa, across Europe and the Asia Pacific. experiences and exposure to Fauji Foundation Group’s
executive director on the boards of the following other businesses have allowed him to diversify his
companies: He has a sound understanding of the E&P business skillset beyond oil and gas to other sectors e.g. mining,
from a technical, operational and commercial power, cement, fertilizer and terminals business.
• Pakistan International Oil Limited (UAE) perspective. Apart from handling the core E&P
• Fauji Akbar Portia Marine Terminal Limited operations in different parts of the world, he has Mr. Haider holds a Master’s degree in Petroleum
hands-on experience of joint venture management, Engineering & Production Management (w/distinction)
During his international career spanning over 28 years, leading growth strategies, business development, from Imperial College London, UK; a post-graduate
he has held various technical and leadership positions operational excellence, organization development, diploma from College of Petroleum Studies, Oxford, UK
with international oil and gas companies such as transformation and stakeholders’ management. and a BSc (w/honors) degree in Petroleum Engineering
Union Texas Petroleum, OMV Pakistan Exploration Before joining MPCL, Mr. Haider was working with from University of Engineering & Technology, Lahore,
Neptune Energy as Head of Strategy and Business Pakistan.
Development for North Africa and Asia Pacific, based
in London where he significantly contributed towards
Mr. Ali Raza Bhutta joined MPCL Board on December He is currently serving as Secretary for Petroleum Orakzai Agencies, development and implementation of
24, 2021. He is a Non-Executive Director and a Member Division in Ministry of Energy, Govt. of Pakistan. land records management administration systems in
of the Audit Committee. the Punjab, Secretary Local Government Department in
Mr. Ali Raza Bhutta born in 1966, is a career Civil the Punjab, Secretary Energy and Finance Departments
Servant with civil service experience spanning in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Secretary Benazir Income
over 32 years. He has an M.B.A. from Quaid-i-Azam Support Programme (Ehsaas) and Secretary to the
University, Islamabad and an M.Phil. in Economic Government of Pakistan in the Poverty Alleviation &
Development from University of Glasgow. He has had Social Protection, Power and Petroleum Divisions.
a varied experience in Energy, Finance and Public
administration. Mr. Ali Raza Bhutta is also on the boards of Pak-Arab
Refinery Limited (PARCO), Oil and Gas Development
He held various positions through his professional Company Limited (OGDCL), Pakistan Petroleum Limited
career including tribal administration in Waziristan and (PPL) and Government holding Private Limited (GHPL).
Mr. Abdul Rasheed Jokhio joined MPCL Board on He had joined erstwhile Ministry of Petroleum and He has attended a number of courses in Pakistan and
December 15, 2020 representing Government of Natural Resources (now Petroleum Division, Ministry of abroad on Drilling Economics, Contracts Negotiation,
Pakistan. He is a Non-Executive Director and a Member Energy) in 2006. Since then, he has been involved in the Upstream Regulation, Gas Pipeline & LNG Imports
of the HR&R and Technical Committees. policy and regulatory matters of mid and down-stream Projects etc.
sectors of natural gas and RLNG. He oversees matters
Mr. Abdul Rasheed Jokhio is currently serving as Director such as allocation of gas/RLNG to the Government He is a professional member of Pakistan Engineering
Gas in the Directorate General of Gas, Petroleum Division, designated buyers and third parties including power Council and also a member of the Society of Petroleum
Ministry of Energy. He holds Master’s degree in Energy, and fertilizer sectors, tariff for RLNG and natural gas Engineers.
Environmental Management and Economics from ENI for retail consumers, review and execution of Gas
Corporate University, Italy, and Bachelor of Engineering Sales Agreements and Gas Pricing Agreements,
in Petroleum & Natural Gas from Mehran University of Gas Development Schemes, Gas Development
Engineering and Technology, Jamshoro, Sindh. Infrastructure Cess and Gas Development Surcharge.
38 Mari Petroleum Company Limited
Syed Khalid Siraj Subhani joined MPCL Board on in Billingham, UK. Over the years, he worked in (Private) Limited (Board Chairman) and Engro Eximp
October 22, 2021 representing OGDCL. He is a Non- numerous senior executive positions at Engro and Agri Products (Private) Limited (Board Chairman).
Executive Director and a Member of the Technical and played instrumental role in growth and diversification
Investment Committees. of the company to make it one of the largest business He also served as Chairman of Board Technical
conglomerates of Pakistan. Committees & Board Human Resource Committees at
Mr. Subhani is a Chemical Engineer with Executive Hub Power Company and Laraib Energy Limited.
Management Program from Haas School of Business, Prior to retirement from Engro he worked as President
University of California, Berkeley and Leadership and Chief Executive Officer of Engro Corporation Few of other engagements of Mr. Subhani have been
program from MIT, Boston. A seasoned executive, his Limited, Engro Fertilizers Limited and Engro Polymer Vice President – Overseas Chamber of Commerce
career spanned over 33 years with Exxon Chemical and Chemicals Limited. Mr. Subhani also served as & Industry (OICCI), Director – Vinyl Chloride Safety
Pakistan Limited, which subsequently became Engro President and Chief Executive Officer of ThalNova Association of North America, Baton Rouge, USA,
Chemical Pakistan Limited and later Engro Corporation Power Thar Private Limited for a period of two years. Member of Business Advisory Council – Society for
Limited. This included long term assignments with Earlier Mr. Subhani also served on the board of Engro Human Resource Management (SHRM), Member
Esso Chemical Canada in Edmonton and at ICI site Corporation Limited (Director), Hub Power Company Academic Council and Faculty Selection Board –
Limited (Director), Engro Foods Limited (Director), Sindh Institute of Business Administration Sukkur, Sindh,
Engro Coal Mining Company Limited (Director), Laraib Member Standing Committee on Environment – FPCCI,
Energy Limited (Director), Engro Fertilizers Limited Member – Pakistan Japan Business Forum (PJBF)
(Board Chairman), Engro Polymer and Chemicals
Limited (Board Chairman), Engro Vopak Terminal Mr. Subhani is currently a director on the Board of
Limited (Board Chairman), Thar Power Company Fauji Fertilizer Bin Qasim Limited (FFBL) and a member
Limited (Board Chairman), Engro Powergen Qadirpur of their HR&R Committee. He was also a member of
Limited (Board Chairman), Engro Elengy Terminal FFBL’s Board Technical and Investment Committees.
Mr. Ahmed Hayat Lak joined MPCL Board on June He holds a Master’s Degree in Law from University
26, 2014 representing OGDCL. He is a Non-Executive of Wolver Hampton and Bachelor Degree in Law
Director and a Member of the Audit and HR&R (Honours) from University of London, United Kingdom.
He previously served in Pakistan Oilfields Limited as
Head of Corporate and Legal Services Department.
He also worked in the National Accountability Bureau
as Advisor to the Chairman and as Consultant in the
Office of the Prosecutor General.
Mr. Adnan Afridi joined MPCL Board on March 21, 2019, and start-up situations. He has led a distinguished a degree in Corporate Law (JD, Magna Cum Laude in
representing shareholding interest of General Public career in financial services and capital markets 1995) from Harvard Law School.
(Minority Shareholders). He is an Independent, Non- including serving as Managing Director of the
Executive Director, Chairman of the HR&R Committee, Karachi Stock Exchange, CEO, Overseas Chamber Currently, he is on the Boards of Bank Al Habib Limited,
and a Member of the Audit, Technical and Investment of Commerce and Industry, Chairman of National Habib Sugar Mills Limited, International Industries
Committees. Clearing Corporation of Pakistan and Member of Board Limited, Dynea Pakistan Limited, Lotte Chemical
of Directors of Central Depository Company. Mr. Afridi Pakistan Limited, Bulk Transport Company PVT. LTD,
Mr. Afridi assumed the position of Managing has also served on the Board of Silk Bank Limited and The Kidney Centre Institute. He also serves as the
Director NITL on February 21, 2019. He has 24 years’ Gul Ahmed Textile Mills Limited. Chairman Board of Governors of The Kidney Centre
international experience in Change Management, Institute and is a Member of the SECP Policy Board.
business transformation, innovation and profitability Mr. Adnan Afridi has a degree in Economics (A.B,
enhancement in blue chip companies, public sector Magna Cum Laude, 1992) from Harvard University and
Annual Report 2022 39
Mr. Abid Hasan joined MPCL Board on June 24 2022, (1988-92) and Senior Financial Analyst (East Asia After retirement from the WBG, he held a number of
representing shareholding interest of General Public Region) (1975-88). positions including: Member of the Government of
(Minority Shareholders). He is an Independent, Non- Pakistan’s Economic Advisory Committee (2010-2018),
Executive Director, Chairman of the Audit Committee, During his association with the WBG, he was Member of the Boards and Chairman of the Board’s
and a Member of the HR&R Committee. responsible for relationship management with Audit Committees in Pakistan Tobacco Company
cabinet and senior policy makers, multilateral and (2007-2016), Khushali Bank (2007-2009), and Wateen
He possesses over 30 years of experience as a bilateral agencies, banks, private investors, and Telecommunications (2012-2107).
development banker and served in the World Bank media, overseeing implementation of World Bank
Group from 1975 till 2006. He served as the Operations programs for macroeconomic, sectoral reforms Currently, he is a Member of the Board of Governors
Advisor, Pakistan Program (1997-2006), Principal covering energy, banking, private, development, of two NGOs: Hunar Foundation and Chal Foundation.
Financial Sector Specialist (South Asia Region), (1992- water resources, agriculture, Infrastructure, SOEs,
97), Chief of Industry and Energy Unit, Bangladesh and social sectors.
Ms. Seema Adil joined MPCL Board on June 24, 2022, She served in Shell Pakistan for 30 years in various She is a leader focused on achieving results in highly
representing the shareholding interest of General capacities in marketing, supply, distribution, technical competitive and diverse environments that demand
Public (Minority Shareholders). She is an Independent, support, and business process re-engineering. She continuous improvement. She is skilled in building
Non-Executive Director, and a Member of the Techncial also served as a management team member and as and motivating cross-functional and cross-regional
and Investment Committees. Shell appointed Director on PAPCO Board. teams performing towards achieving corporate goals
and expectations. She is also a skilled program/project
She is a qualified Chemical Engineer and possesses Later, she served in Pakistan Refinery Limited for 3 manager.
33 years’ experience in oil & gas industry in Pakistan. years as Deputy Managing Director. As a senior
member of the refinery leadership team, She also possesses hands-on experience of
she carried direct responsibilities of corporate governance of medium to large
plant operations, oil movement, sized organizations.
commercial activities, crude
economics, pricing, HSEQ and was Ms. Seema Adil is currently a director
the Management Representative on the Board of Wyeth Pakistan limited.
ensuring ISO qualification.
Mr. Nabeel Rasheed joined Mari Petroleum in June 2021 and presently Mr. Muhammad Sajjad is a Member of the Association of Chartered Certified
occupies the positon of Chief Financial Officer. Mr. Rasheed is a Fellow Accountants (ACCA) with over 23 years of diversified experience with reputable
member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Pakistan. national and international organizations.
Mr. Rasheed has worked in Asia, Africa and Europe specializing in financial He joined MPCL in 2015 and was appointed Acting Company Secretary on
management, commercial structures and mergers & acquisitions. He had a July 2, 2022. He brings in rich experience of Petroleum, Real Estate Development,
long association with Eni and his last assignment was as Director Finance & and Hospitality industries.
Control for a SPE established to build a 3.4 MPTA FLNG.
He has attended numerous courses and trainings in Pakistan and abroad
He brings with him 15 years of post-qualification experience and holds a on Corporate Governance, Leadership and Strategy, and Enterprise Risk
Post Graduate Diploma in Oil and Gas Law along with a MBA in Oil and Gas Management.
Management from Robert Gordon University, U.K.
40 Mari Petroleum Company Limited
HR & R
Board of
Directors Director / CEO
Annual Report 2022 41
& Security
& Commercial
Director Risk
Chief Operations Management
of Staff
Chief Financial Information
Officer Technology
Reservoir Head
Development Supply Chain
& Management
Mari Services
HR Officer
Legal Officer
Internal Audit
Administrative Relationship
Functional Relationship
Mari Petroleum Company Limited
Chairman s Review
I am delighted to present this review of the financial year
2021-22 that saw Mari Petroleum Company Limited (MPCL)
further consolidating its position as a leading E&P Company
and a premier corporate entity of the Country.
Annual Report 2022 43
Mari has a vibrant Board with What distinguishes MPCL from of Pakistan and OGDCL, and 3
four permanent Committees others is the fact that while independent directors. After the
of Audit, HR&R, Technical and delivering consistent value to election of directors, the new
Investment. The Board held its stakeholders, MPCL is also Board has been constituted
seven meetings during the playing a key role in ensuring with effect from June 24, 2022.
year to review and approve the the Country’s food and energy The permanent Committees
periodic financial statements, security which is challenged by of the Board have also been
annual budget, business plan high oil & gas prices, international reconstituted, and their TORs
and other important matters. The geopolitical situation and have been updated to ensure they
Committees also held regular the onerous macroeconomic are in-line with best national and
meetings to perform their duties challenges we face as a nation. international practices.
under their respective terms of
reference as approved by the The independent evaluation I take this opportunity to express
Board. conducted by the Pakistan my gratitude to the directors
Institute of Corporate Governance who retired during the year for
The Board provided expeditious (PICG) in FY 2020-21 confirmed their services and invaluable
support and guidance to the the Board’s effectiveness contributions towards creating a
management in robust capital and compliance with the cordial board room environment.
allocation for different projects to best governance practices. On behalf on the Board, I wish
create value in short, medium and The recommendations of the them well for their future
long-term. The oversight provided evaluators were implemented to endeavors. I also welcome the
by the Board ensured optimal further improve the governance new directors and hope that
use of resources, enhanced processes and Board operations. they will provide consistent and
transparency and disclosures, For the FY 2021-22, the Board thoughtful guidance to help the
and improvement of governance has again decided to engage organization through various
around different processes. the services of PICG to conduct transitions.
the Board evaluation and
The Company’s organizational make suggestions for further We highly value our stakeholders’
transformation program is improvement. confidence in us to lead the
satisfactorily progressing. A lean Company to greater corporate
and more efficient organizational To ensure continuous professional success. I want to assure you
structure has been introduced development of the Directors, that the Board will proactively
to foster the environment for mandatory Directors Training safeguard and promote your
delegation of responsibility Program from PICG was arranged interests.
and empowerment, cultivate a for the Directors and executives
performance-driven culture and of the Company in February 2022.
empower people to take lead in Currently, 10 out of 11 directors on As always, it is an honor to serve
delivering end results. MPCL Board and several Company you all!
executives including female
The robust financial results of executives are certified from SECP
FY 2021-22 are backed by the recognized institutes.
Company’s excellent operational
performance. To further improve the Board’s
cohesiveness and efficiency, the Waqar Ahmed Malik (SI)
The first-ever hydrocarbon number of directors on the Board Chairman
discovery in Bannu West Block has been reduced from 14 to MPCL Board of Directors
located in North Waziristan is a 11. Now the Board will comprise
milestone achievement and the 4 directors representing Fauji
Company is pursuing for early Foundation, 2 directors each
monetization of the discovery. representing the Government
Mari Petroleum Company Limited
Managing Director s
I am honored to present a review of the
recently concluded financial year that
stands witness to MPCL’s continued
pursuit of business growth and value-
creation while maintaining and further
augmenting its role as one of the
Country’s top energy companies.
Annual Report 2022 45
100 300
35 90 270
80 240
70 210
60 without 180
super tax
20 50 150
40 120
30 90
20 60
10 30
0 0 0
MPCL’s operations are of immense as soon as possible. In parallel, companies. The block provided us
significance to the Country's food SNGPL is laying the export pipeline with immediate resource addition
and energy security. This single to provide connectivity with the with upside potential. Acquisition
consideration is a constant source national grid. The production of this block is an important step
of motivation for the MPCL team commencement, however, towards realizing our long-term
to demonstrate resilience in the depends on a conducive security vision of becoming an international
face of adversity and still achieve environment, timely completion of energy company.
excellent financial and operational the transmission pipeline and fast-
results. track regulatory approvals. Our total acreage now stands at over
58,000 sq. km (29 blocks in Pakistan
One of the key highlights of the Having a sizeable inventory of and 1 block in Abu Dhabi, offshore).
year is the landmark discovery prospective blocks is pivotal
made at our exploratory well Bannu for our exploratory efforts and Besides our new exploratory
West-1 in the North Waziristan organic growth. Locally, we won efforts, there is significant room for
District. This was one of the most five new exploration blocks in the maximizing production from Mari
challenging wells ever drilled last bidding round undertaken Field. Our production enhancement
by the Company in a security- by the Government. Additionally, efforts were complemented by
sensitive environment. But it we farmed-in into Margalla Block the construction of our own 20
has demonstrated our ability to and acquired additional working inch, 25-km long cross-country gas
plan and drill challenging wells, interest in Bela West Block. transmission pipeline to connect
use advanced technologies, and Exploration programs for newly Mari Gas Field with the SNGPL
successfully apply post-well acquired blocks are being carved- network. This pipeline is a strategic
stimulation treatments to maximize out to expeditiously commence achievement that will provide
the well’s flow capacity. exploration activities. flexibility and options for maximizing
gas production from the County’s
Our aim is to put this well on early Internationally, we won a largest gas field.
production in the wider national prospective offshore block in Abu
interest and we are working to Dhabi in August 2021 as part of During the year, we also completed
install early production facilities a consortium of four Pakistani Phase-1 of Sachal Gas Processing
46 Mari Petroleum Company Limited
HRL Swing Volume Project - Mari Gas Field, Daharki, Sindh Sachal Gas Processing Complex - Daharki, Sindh
Complex and achieved first gas by to prolong the life of the Field’s introducing result-oriented culture
commencing supply of 20 MMSCFD aging infrastructure is progressing and putting in-place appropriate
of gas to SNGPL. The construction well. Additionally, Mari Field systems.
and commissioning activities of revitalization studies have revealed
the Phase-II of the project along various opportunities for long-term In line with the strategic vision
with the integration of Phase-I are sustainability of Mari Field, which provided by the Board and good
progressing well to bring additional is critical for providing food and HR practices, we have already
volumes into the SNGPL network. energy security to the Country. revamped our compensation
There have been some delays policies and implemented a pay-for-
due to shipping constraints, and While focusing on the core E&P performance system to inculcate a
extremely hot weather followed by business, we did not lose sight culture of competitiveness. Need-
torrential rains, but we are making of the need for organizational based training programs within the
every effort to complete the project development. We have Country and abroad are arranged
at the earliest. implemented international best to bridge the competency gaps. We
practices in different spheres of the are also rolling out an extended
The asset integrity assessment and Company’s operations to support leadership program and dual career
maintenance campaign at Mari Field our operational achievements by ladders for technical departments
to prepare the next generation of highest-ever mark of Rs. 33.1 billion, international service providers is
organizational leaders. showing a YoY growth of 30% and an integral part of our operational
5%, respectively. The net profit would strategy. The capability of MSD has
Our average daily production during have crossed Rs. 38 billion, had the been further enhanced by adding
the financial year crossed the six- super tax not been levied by the gravity and magnetic survey unit. For
figure mark of 100,000 BOEs for the Government. The EPS reached Rs. the first time since its inception, MSD
first time ever in the Company’s 247.8 per share from Rs. 235.7 per undertook two third-party projects
history. After building the swing share in the previous year. in addition to providing unmatched
volume capability, we now have the services for our internal projects.
flexibility to divert the undrawn HRL With the addition of around 12 MSD also saved us precious FOREX of
volumes of the power customers MMBOE in net reserves and around about USD 130 million over a 3-year
towards the SNGPL network. This 67 MMBOE in new resources, we period.
not only allows us to maximize our have achieved adequate reserves
production but also ensures that replacement, which is essential It is also a matter of great satisfaction
incremental volumes eligible for for replenishing our production. that the Company adhered to
incentive price are maximized. Net Reserves & Resources of the the highest standards of HSE and
Company now stand at 642 MMBOEs maintained an enviable record of a
Increased production and better as on June 30, 2022. safer work culture. The Company
prices drove the net sales to the stood-out amongst local and
highest-ever level of Rs. 95.1 A well-equipped and capable Mari international E&P Companies with
billion and the net profit to the Services Division (MSD) at par with regards to HSE KPIs which were
Gas Pipeline Construction - Mari Gas Field, Daharki, Sindh Separation Battery of MDCPF - Mari Gas Field, Daharki, Sindh
48 Mari Petroleum Company Limited
ICCI Business Excellence Award for Top Taxpayer Company (Private Sector) - Islamabad Region (2021-22)
well within the targets and IOGP and development and succession Without their continued support,
matrices worldwide. planning. MPCL would not have been able
to operate to its fullest as it is
We also consider CSR as an I assure my worthy stakeholders now. We look forward to continue
important and intrinsic part that we will continue with the same working together with the same
of our business culture and focus and out-of-the-box strategies commitment in the best national
regularly contribute towards the to propel the Company to new interest.
improvement of the quality of heights of corporate success.
life of the people living in remote
and under-developed areas of the I want to appreciate and thank
Country. During the year, we spent our top-notch professionals and
around PKR 4 billion on our CSR committed workforce for achieving
activities. phenomenal performance over a
sustained period of time.
In the coming year, our priorities
include the completion of Sachal I am grateful to the directors, Faheem Haider
Gas Processing Complex, installation shareholders, partners, customers, Managing Director/CEO
of early production facilities at suppliers, the Petroleum Division
Bannu West-1, Mari Field plateau and other stakeholders for
extension projects, strategic their continued confidence in
exploratory wells in Bannu West, and support to the Company.
Block-28, and Margalla Block, We are indebted to our Law
and expansion of the exploration Enforcement Agencies, who,
portfolio. In addition to the despite their extensive operational
operational priorities, we will commitments, rendered whole-
continue with organizational and hearted support to MPCL and
HR transformational initiatives ensured foolproof security for us
along with the focus on training in the most challenging areas.
Annual Report 2022 49
Success Stories
June 01, 2022 will be remembered interest supreme, MPCL increased Based on the seismic data
as a momentous day in the its working interest in the Block processing and interpretation,
hydrocarbon exploration history and took over the operatorship the location of first exploratory
of the Company. On that day, from TPDL in March 2017 remaining well Bannu West-1 was marked
Mari Petroleum Company steadfast to unlock the highly on ground. The well was spud-in
Limited announced a large gas prospective area for hydrocarbon on June 06, 2021 and successfully
and condensate discovery at its exploration, which could go in long drilled down to the depth of 4,915
exploratory well Bannu West-1, in way for overcoming the energy meters. During drill stem testing
Bannu West Block, located in North crises in the country. Soon after (DST), Lockhart Limestone Formation
Waziristan district of KP Province. becoming the operator, MPCL flowed gas @ ~25 MMSCFD with
showing its commitment pursued wellhead flowing pressure (WHFP)
By way of background, Bannu fast track exploration activities in the of 4,339 Psig and around 300 barrels
West Block was granted to Tullow Block including the first on-ground per day (BPD) condensate at 32/64”
Pakistan (Developments) Limited geological field activity since the choke size, before acid job. Hangu
(TPDL) in 2005. Later on, MPCL, grant of the Block, reprocessing/ Formation also flowed gas @ 1.6
OGDCL and SEL (now ZPCL) farmed- interpretation of 425 line km vintage MMSCFD with WHFP of 297 Psig
in as joint venture partners. Despite 2D data and acquisition of new
its best efforts, TPDL was unable to 99 line km 2D data. Thereafter,
commence exploration activities the Company embarked upon 836
due to challenging security situation 3D seismic data acquisition
in the area. Keeping the national campaign, which was completed in
March 2020.
Annual Report 2022 51
at 32/64” choke size. Post acid western part of KP and opened- But this success did not come
stimulation results from Lockhart up new avenues for hydrocarbon easily. Bannu West Block is
reservoir were even more impressive exploration not only for MPCL but characterized by rough, rugged
with gas flow rates of 50 MMSCFD at also for other E&P Companies mountains and deep gorges which,
WHFP of 5,500 Psig at 40/60” choke operating in the area. The discovery coupled with constant security
size. after development will help to threat made the exploration
mitigate demand and supply gap activities a daunting task. Massive
Bannu West-1 is one of the from indigenous resources and will earthwork on hard stratum for
largest hydrocarbon discoveries add to the hydrocarbon resource preparation of the well location and
in the Country in the last many base of MPCL, JV Partners and the diversion of many seasonal water
years. It is also the first-ever gas Country. It will also help to save the channels had to be performed to
and condensate discovery in precious foreign exchange that is get the well-site ready for drilling of
North Waziristan area, which has incurred on imported petroleum well.
extended hydrocarbon plays toward products.
The story of Bannu West-1 will be Vibroseis Trucks at Bannu West Block, KP
incomplete without highlighting the
role played by two of the former
MDs of MPCL in this success. It was
Lt Gen Nadeem Ahmed (Retd) who
decided to acquire more working
interest in this strategic Block and
take-over its operatorship, while Lt Gen
Ishfaq Nadeem Ahmed (Retd) (Late)
executed and oversaw the seismic data
acquisition project in the Block.
Chairman Board and MD MPCL's meeting with the Prime Minister to discuss Bannu West-1 way forward
Celebration of Bannu West-1 Discovery at MPCL Head Office Celebration of Bannu West-1 Discovery at FF Head Office
54 Mari Petroleum Company Limited
Success Stories
National Operations Discovery of new oil and gas term sustainability. The Company
deposits is one of the primary pursues different strategies to
• Concessions and D&PLs Area:
pursuits of every E&P Company, expand exploration acreage to add
52,028 Sq. Km
and is crucial for its sustainability prospective blocks to its portfolio.
• 28 Exploration Licenses
and future growth. Success of
• 13 Development & Production Exploratory efforts, at large, depend Using its in-house capabilities,
upon availability of prospective the Company regularly carves out
International Operations acreage. MPCL is fully cognizant prospective blocks and submits
• Offshore Block-5, Abu Dhabi that having a sizeable inventory of applications over them to the
prospective blocks is imperative to DGPC for future block bidding
implement its aggressive exploration rounds. It then actively participates
program to achieve an adequate in the bidding rounds arranged
reserve replacement ratio and long by the Government from time to
strategic vs. operational, differing levels of the organization to give Assessment of the Principal Risks
tolerances for risk and levels of assurance that no significant risk facing the Company
management authority to deal with has been missed out. The Board carries out periodic
unacceptable risks. This MPCL ERM assessment of the principal risks
hierarchy is outlined in the schematic. l Risk identification encompasses faced by the Company, including
review of MPCL’s internal and those that would threaten its
This hierarchy directs the escalation external risk environment for business model, future operational
of risks between the different levels changes that can affect MPCL’s and financial performance, and
of the organization and facilitates risk defined Strategic and other solvency and/or liquidity issues. The
reporting requirements. Business objectives. Furthermore, Board also reviews the risk mitigation
review takes both forward-looking strategies proposed/adopted by the
Risk Management Framework in view (to try to identify what could Management, provides guidance and
MPCL comprises of an inclusive happen) as well as a historic view accords approval where required. ERM
process with the philosophy that (to look backwards as a means of Department reviews and prepares
respective domain heads are identifying what could happen and update of Enterprise Risk Profile of
primarily responsible for all the how likely it is). the Company consisting of various
risks in their domain. Key aspects of strategic, compliance, operational and
the risk management framework/ l Risk assessment and analysis financial risks on quarterly basis. The
methodology can be summarized as involves the consideration of update is also presented to the Board/
below: causes of risk events and their Board Committee on a periodic basis
uncertainties, their positive or as and when required. The ERM
l The Company’s risk management and negative impacts, and the department also prepares periodic
strategy is to create a positive likelihood that those impacts can compliance status update of the Risk
risk culture throughout the occur. Consideration is also given Appetite and Tolerance Statement for
organization and to integrate to identify the control measures the Board/ Board Committee.
risk management into activities that act to prevent risks and
at all levels of organization from control measures that act to Key Risks Faced by MPCL
strategic planning to business unit mitigate the impacts. A brief account of key risks faced by
processes. the Company along with an assessment
l Risk treatment comprises of of its likelihood & magnitude and an
l The approach employed in MPCL measures and strategies that overview of mitigation strategy is
for risk management ensures that can include actions aimed at presented below:
risks are identified in both a ‘top- terminating (avoiding), optimizing
down’ and a ‘bottom-up’ manner (mitigating), transferring or
from the various management retaining risk (tolerating).
l HSE related evaluation of C. Regulatory & Compliance Risks Likelihood & Magnitude:
contractors during award of new External Regulatory and Compliance related
contracts l Current economic situation/strict risks are extraneous in nature and
foreign exchange regulations have the ability to significantly
l Development of pipeline inhibiting Company's ability impact the Company’s business
infrastructure for sale of excess/ to capitalize on profitable model. Likelihood and magnitude of
underutilized production volumes opportunities outside Pakistan each risk is closely monitored due
to swing customers to its potential high impact on the
l Adverse impact on long- Company. These are periodically
l Information Security Management term strategies and business reported to the Board for effective
System 27001:2013 certification performance due to unfavorable/ planning.
and its strict compliance. unanticipated changes in
government regulations (fiscal/ Mitigation Strategies:
l Proactive identification of regulatory/tax). l The Company keeps a close
COVID-19 related disruptions watch on changes in regulations
in company’s processes/ l Delays in requisite approvals from and promptly adjusts its business
supply chain and development the Government in allocation strategy and operations to
D. Financial Risks
l Risk of unfavorable fluctuations in
reference crude prices compared
to planning assumptions.
Mitigation Strategies:
l Actions aimed at improving the
financial resilience , flexibility (in
terms of investment decisions)
and efficiency (capital discipline
and action on structural costs) of
the company to deal with lower Zarghun South Gas Field - Balochistan
Annual Report 2022 63
than expected oil price scenario shallow offshore potential for term allows MPCL to enjoy a greater
or low oil price over an extended opportunities having associated degree of operational freedom
period of time scenario. risk which is within the appetite of and flexibility in the pursuit of its
the Company. This can potentially diversification plan. The Company
l Active scanning of diversification expand the prospect inventory can readily raise sufficient debt
opportunities in related business of the Company greatly and can capital when needed at the most
for portfolio optimization in order contribute towards its growth in the competitive terms.
to hedge low oil price shock risk longer term.
l Incremental pricing incentive for
l Active follow-ups at appropriate l Capacity enhancement of Mari HRL & Goru B Gas presents the
levels are kept to ensure timely Services Division through initiatives company with an opportunity
payments of government related like acquisition of drilling rigs, mud wherein profits can be maximized
dues and company’s receivables. logging unit, directional drilling if the production volumes are
etc. shall allow the Company an enhanced, with no damage to the
Key Opportunities for MPCL opportunity to explore security reservoir.
MPCL is currently pursuing sensitive but high potential areas
opportunities to create value in in the wider national interest. With Creating Value from Opportunities:
the short, medium and long term enhanced capacity and proven The Company has processes in
through identification of potential record of accomplishment, MSD place to actively seek and evaluate
areas of investment associated with would be able to offer its services potential investment and diversification
its strategic objectives, policies and to other E&P companies operating opportunities. The Company’s strategic
targeted growth. in the country. business plans are accordingly
reviewed under guidance of the Board
l Offshore exploration in Pakistan l With a significant reserve base to ensure that identified opportunities
is a relatively lesser-explored along with a strong equity and cash come to fruition and adequately
front. MPCL is actively evaluating position for both medium and long contribute towards value creation and
achievement of the Company’s vision.
Major Plans and Decisions Currently, seismic data acquisition contribute significantly towards the
is in progress in Block-28 and GDP. The energy industry has seen a
A. Corporate Restructuring Taung. The Company plans to drill significant shift in its demand-supply
The Company is performing 9 exploration / appraisal wells in trend due to increase in the adoption
exponentially well in all spheres operated blocks in the coming of renewable energy sources and the
of its operations. With a robust year. growing trend towards alternative
balance sheet and strong energy sources as significant
operational cash flows, there The Company is continuously contributor for fulfilling consumers
are no plans for organizational evaluating acquisition of energy requirements. Though such
restructuring. additional exploration acreage shifts may cast an unfavorable
through active participation in the spotlight upon oil and gas companies
B. Business Expansion – block bidding rounds as well as but since Pakistan is an energy
Core Operations: through farm-in opportunities deficient country and renewable
The Company has been energy sources are not able to
substantially enhancing its C. Discontinuation of Operations support base load energy supply,
exploration and development The Company has no plans to therefore inclusion of alternative
portfolio and spent Rs. 51 billion discontinue any of its major energy sources in consumers’ energy
on exploration and prospecting operations. basket may not have any significant
new hydrocarbon resources impact in the coming decade.
during FY 2021-22. Significant Changes in
Objectives and Strategies from Demand for oil and gas in Pakistan
To achieve optimal production the Previous Year generally follows a seasonal trend
from HRL reservoir, two The Company’s main areas of i.e. demand for natural gas increases
compression batteries and a focus are the same as those in the in winter mainly due to space and
dehydration unit were procured, previous year, however, the targets water heating requirements and
installed and commissioned are revised in line with the strategic demand for oil increases in summers
on fast-track basis at CMF-II to priorities set by the management for due to increased requirement of fuel
inject up to 50 MMSCFD gas into the FY 2022-23. for power generation. Therefore,
SNGPL system. An agreement the Year-to-Year demand-supply gap
was put in place to supply gas Effect of Seasonality remains almost constant throughout
to SNGPL through PFL’s pipeline on Business in Terms of the year. Seasonality has limited
under Third Party Access Production and Sales impact on the operations of MPCL as
Arrangement. This arrangement Today, oil and gas companies form a most of its customers are fertilizer
has offered a flexibility to ensure vital part of the global economy and companies having stable gas demand
continued gas production when
any of MPCL’s existing customers
are unable to off take allocated
gas volumes.
01 02 03
year around and only small volume Hydrocarbon Reserves: The especially in security-sensitive areas
of the gas is being supplied to Company has substantial and geographically challenging
power sector and national grid hydrocarbon reserves to meet its terrains. The Company further
which is more prone to seasonal long-term supply commitments. augmented these capabilities by
trends. As of June 30, 2022, the Company acquiring two more land drilling rigs
had reserves of 570.8 MMBOE. The and a mud logging unit during the
The Company is continuously Company has the second highest FY2022.
evaluating acquisition of additional reserves base in the Country.
exploration acreage through Active Concerted efforts are being made Reputational Resources: MPCL
participation in the block bidding to maintain reserves replacement is one of the premier corporate
rounds as well as through farm-in ratio at 100% to ensure the long- entities in the Country. The
opportunities term viability of the Company. Company’s corporate image and
market reputation, reliability, and
Company’s Most Financial Resources: The relationship with its customers,
Significant Resources Company had Rs. 130.9 billion in suppliers, JV partners and local
The Company’s most significant shareholders’ funds at its disposal communities etc. are quite valuable
resources include the following: as of June 30, 2022. A strong for its corporate success.
balance sheet allows the Company
Human Capital: The Company has a greater flexibility to pursue Resource Allocation
a dynamic and diverse workforce expansion and diversification At MPCL, strategic planning and
contributing to the exceptional opportunities. budgeting are interlinked and
performance and growth of integrated for optimum allocation
the Company. The Company’s E&P Allied Capabilities: In-house of resources. The allocation of
workforce is gradually expanding seismic data acquisition, processing resources for various activities is
in line with its growing operations. and drilling capabilities at par with driven by the priority set in the
Further details on the Company’s international standards provide the Strategic Business Plan of the
human resources can be found in Company with greater flexibility Company. Accordingly, the Company
the HR section of this Report. and assurance of required services has allocated the maximum amount
68 Mari Petroleum Company Limited
of revenues and profitability. Other was 51.63 BCF as compared to operations. The Company is
performance parameters also 42.50 BCF produced in the last evaluating and conducting due
followed a progressive trajectory. year. diligence of various projects and
MPCL also boosted its production plans to invest in those projects
during the year which contributed Expansion of Exploration subject to their economic feasibility
in bridging the energy demand Acreage: MPCL was provisionally and requisite government
and supply gap of the country. awarded five new exploration approvals.
blocks in Pakistan by the
A. Core Activities Directorate General of Petroleum C. Financial
Seismic Activities : The Concessions (DGPC) in the Block Gross Sales reached the highest
Company carried out seismic data Bidding Round held in March2022. ever level of Rs 108.97 billion from
acquisition activities in several MPCL will be the operator in Rs 82.69 billion last year. Similarly,
blocks. Mega seismic campaigns Dadhar and Mach Blocks with Net Sales reached unprecedented
were completed by MSU crews, working interests of 40% with level of Rs 95.13 billion from Rs.
in highly challenging and security PPL and UEP having 30% working 73.02 billion during last year. The
sensitive areas. Based on interest each. MPCL will hold 50% impact of increase in Net Sales
processing, interpretation and working interest with PPL in Sui was reflected in Net Profit which
integration of acquired seismic North and Kalat West blocks in jumped by 5% to reach Rs 33.06
and G&G data, a number of high Balochistan as non-operator, while billion compared with Rs 31.44
potential exploration wells are it holds 50% working interest billion of the last year.
planned to be drilled during the with UEP in Meeranpur Block in
FY 2022-23. Punjab. Earnings Per Share also increased
to Rs 247.84 from Rs 235.71. After
Drilling Campaign: The Company B. Diversification payment of final dividend, total
drilled 9 exploratory wells during The Company is constantly dividend to the shareholders will
the FY 2021-22. In addition, evaluating potential means / amount to 1240% (Rs 124 per
exploratory well Sundha Thal diversification opportunities in share) for the year. The Company
(Kalchas Block) is in progress and near-core (within energy value maintained its distinction of
is expected to be completed in chain) and non-core sectors to being the most cost effective E&P
FY2023. Whereas 4 wells were mitigate crude oil price risks Company in the Country with
drilled in company’s non-operated and to add value to the core operating expenses around 16%
blocks by JV partners.
Production of Hydrocarbons:
The Company produced a total
of 36.9 MMBOE, as compared to
35.87 MMBOE produced during
last year. The Company was
able to maintain incremental
production from HRL Reservoir as
per plan and the total
incremental production of gas Session on Procurement
Annual Report 2022 71
Fuel Gas Package - Sujawal Field, Sindh Celebrating Successful Completion of Seismic Project in Taung Block, Sindh
of the gross sales. The Company against the target of 0.32, whereas
reduced overall administrative costs Total Recordable Case Frequency
by 26% against the target of 10%. (TRCF) was 0.12 against the target
Similarly the Company was able of 0.43. Process Safety Event Rate
to ensure that at least 90% of the Tier 1 was 0.00 against the target of
cash calls from JV partners were 0.24. Process Safety Event Rate Tier
collected. 2 target was 0.48 and the Company
managed to achieve 0.09.
D. Internal Processes
The Company continuously CSR: The Company contributed Rs
improved its internal business 4.15 billion for social welfare and
processes and successfully community development during the
implemented: year, as compared to Rs 0.52 billion
contributed in the previous year.
l Business Intelligence (BI)
Dashboards: To help management Contribution to the Government
make well informed decisions in a Exchequer: The Company The actual performance of the
complex business environment. contributed around 78 billion rupees Company and status of projects
to the Government exchequer in as explained in the section titled
l Process Automation: In order to the form of royalty, taxes, levies and “Analysis of the Company’s Current
improve Company’s operational duties. Performance vis-à-vis the Targets”
efficiency, implemented e-forms indicate that the Company’s
and process automation systems Analysis of Prior Period priorities were in line with the
at departmental level. Forward-Looking Disclosures forward looking statements and its
In the previous year, it was informed performance was on target in all
l Annual Procurement Plan: For that the going forward, the areas.
visibility of the Company’s future Company will continue aggressive
procurement requirements and exploratory efforts in existing Status of the projects in
their proper planning, the company blocks, maintain uninterrupted progress and were disclosed in
successfully implemented APP supply of hydrocarbons to its the forward-Looking Statement
(Annual Procurement Plan). downstream customers, while at in the previous year.
the same time explore farm-in The status of the projects has been
E. Stakeholders and selected farm-out options, disclosed in detail in the Managing
HSE: The Lost Time Injury Frequency acquisition of international blocks, Director’s outlook and Director’s
(LTIF) was 0.12 during FY 2021-22 and selected diversification projects. Report.
72 Mari Petroleum Company Limited
The Company is steadily expanding potential to significantly Enhance the
its operations and building its human, Company’s reserves-base with expected
technical, financial and social capitals production commencement in 2024-
to fuel and sustain its future growth 25. Furthermore, MSU seismic data
trajectory. The company intends to acquisition capacity has been enhanced
enhance its production from the Mari with the addition of third seismic crew.
D&P lease and increase its existing MSD has enhanced its resource capacity
exploration acreage by acquiring both by adding two rigs (Rig 4 and Rig 5) each
local as well as international blocks having 2000 HP to its portfolio.
through participation in bidding as well
as M&A efforts. The Company is pursuing the signing
of PCAs/ELs over Dadhar, Mach,
Mari Field has been the mainstay of the Meeranpur, Sui North and Kalat West
Company’s production and revenues Blocks, which it won in the block bidding
since inception and is expected round held in 2022. The company is
to remain so in the coming years. also expediting its exploratory efforts in
Therefore, a significant portion of Sharan and Nareli Blocks that were won
the Company’s efforts and resources in the bidding round held in 2021.
including drilling of wells and measures
to achieve optimal production will be MPCL along with consortium of Pakistani
expanded in Mari Field. The Company companies, OGDCL, GHPL and PPL has
will carry out exploration activities been awarded Offshore Block 5 in Abu
in current and prospective blocks on Dhabi’s second competitive exploration
priority with an aim to discover more block bid round.
hydrocarbon resources, which can
be immediately brought on stream The consortium incorporated a Company
by utilizing existing infrastructure. named Pakistan International Oil Limited
Infrastructure-led investments in the (PIOL), in Abu Dhabi Global Market, in
exploration and development projects in which each consortium member has
Mari Field will hopefully add significant 25% shareholding.
value to the Company for passing-on to
its stakeholders. Offshore Block-5 is located 100
kilometers north east of Abu Dhabi
MPCL is also constantly looking for city. The award of offshore Block-5 in
potential means to mitigate the pricing Abu Dhabi will augment the Company’s
risks generally faced by the E&P sector reserve- led growth strategy and will
as a whole and realizes the importance also serve as stepping stone for the
of diversifying to manage potential Company’s internationalization efforts.
risks in the rapidly changing market
dynamics. MPCL has successfully The Company is continuously scanning
drilled its first exploratory well (BW-1) for opportunities in core and non-core
in Bannu West Block with significant sectors and a number of projects are
resource of hydrocarbon in the area. at different stages of evaluation. The
The Company is also vigorously Company is conducting due diligence
completing its pre-spud activities in and feasibility studies of various projects
Block-28 in Balochistan for start drilling and plans to invest in them, subject to
its first exploration well in February their economic feasibility and requisite
next year. These two blocks have the approvals.
Annual Report 2022 73
74 Mari Petroleum Company Limited
Source of Information and There is no imminent competition drilling capabilities at par with
Assumptions used for from any of the other exploration international standards.
Projections/Forecasts in and production companies operating
Forward-Looking Statements in Pakistan especially when the 4. Ability and track record of
The information and assumptions gas utility companies are faced operating in security-sensitive
used for projections and forecasts with widening gas demand supply areas where other service
are sourced from PPIS reports, imbalance consequently resorting providers and E&P companies are
Economic Survey of Pakistan and to heavy reliance on import of RLNG, reluctant to venture.
several international oil & gas which is priced under a ring-fenced
industry-specific sources such as full cost recovery mechanism. 5. Ability to operate on thin margins
IEA publications and websites. Gas pricing for indigenous supply being low cost operations.
The data from external sources is for fertilizer sector is subsidized
combined with in-house exploration, which effectively eliminates any 6. Strong balance sheet and cash flow
production and financial data. competition with RLNG. generation ability.
After extensive examination and
deliberations by the area experts, The situation is unlikely to change in Business Model
the Company’s business plan is the foreseeable future as indigenous Business model is a system of
developed to set the objectives gas production is on the decline and transforming inputs, through its
and targets for the coming there is a widening gap between business activities, into outputs
year, providing a foundation for demand and supply. The remote and outcomes that aim to fulfil the
developing an effective strategy for possibility that could arise for the organization’s strategic purposes and
growth. Company could be its inability to sell create value over the short, medium
gas, if the Government pushes for and long term.
Competitive Landscape and preferential use of RLNG leading to
Market Positioning pipeline capacity issues. The Company provides raw material to
MPCL manages and operates the the fertilizer sector and plays significant
largest recoverable gas reservoir How the organization is currently role in ensuring food security of the
of the country at Mari Gas Field, equipped in responding to country. The Company also provides
Daharki in Sindh. MPCL is the second the critical challenges and gas to domestic and power generation
largest gas producer in the Country uncertainties that are likely to consumers.
with a market share of around arise
22% and cumulative hydrocarbons MPCL has the requisite expertise MPCL’s Business Model objectives are
production of over 100,000 BOE per and is well equipped to deal with the aligned with its operational priorities.
day. critical challenges and uncertainties Its gives in-depth strategic roadmap
that it is currently facing. At the same that will calculate internal and external
MPCL is uniquely positioned in time, the Company is enhancing market dynamics of MPCL and evaluate
the petroleum exploration and its human, technical, financial and strategic opportunities based on but
production business in Pakistan knowledge resources to deal with not limited to the below given main
having the largest dedicated uncertainties and risks of the future. areas;
customer base comprising mainly The expertise and strengths of MPCL
of fertilizer manufacturers where are enumerated below: l Strengthening the E&P core – Local
natural gas is primarily used as feed expansion of drilling blocks onshore
stock. The chemical composition of 1. A pool of highly qualified and
and offshore.
the gas produced from Mari Field experienced professionals
is ideal for urea manufacturing and who are strategically focused l Production enhancement from
does not require any processing and dedicated to achieving existing reservoirs.
for utilization in the fertilizer excellence in each sphere of the
Company's operations. l Explore adjacent industries – Setting
sector. More than 90% of the
up renewable projects.
urea production in the Country is
2. Operatorship of Mari Field which
based on natural gas supplied by Cost cutting and budgetary control
contains the Country’s largest l
MPCL. The composition of the gas measures especially in finding,
gas reservoir (in terms of current
produced by MPCL, and the cost at development and operating costs
which it is produced, gives MPCL an
advantage over other gas producers/ 3. In-house seismic data l Optimize field productions especially
sources. acquisition, processing and from Mari D&PL area so as to generate
Annual Report 2022 75
Production Optimisation
Stakeholders • Existing Fields
• New Producing Assets
Financial &
Operational Growth
More Funds
Early Revenues
Revenue Maximisation
additional revenues to fund wells, hydrocarbon reserves all sections of the Mari Services
exploration activities enhancement, production of Division.
hydrocarbons and acquisition
l International growth – Acquire of exploration acreages. 4. Internal Processes:
international drilling blocks Core business also includes This area mainly emphasize on
focusing on short cycle, low cost replacement of depleting re-structuring of internal business
assets. reserves by making new processes by adopting the latest
discoveries and Reserve technology and techniques. The
l Keep pursuing exploration-led Replacement Ratio growth. ultimate objective is to improve
growth strategy to achieve 100% Company’s operational efficiency.
reserves replacement ratio. 2. Diversification:
This area mainly covers the 5. Stakeholders:
To ensure a balanced growth of the diversification business of This area cover the expectations of
Company, the following strategic the Company as the oil & Company’s stakeholders e.g joint
areas shall be the focused while gas business dynamics are venture partners, shareholders,
developing the business model: constantly changing. The customers, employees and
Company is evaluating different specially the local communities in
a. Core Business/E&P
opportunities in entire energy different areas of the Company’s
b. Diversification value chain. operations.
c. Financials
d. Internal Processes 3. Financial: The business model is reviewed
e. Stakeholders The focus in this area include and monitored on quarterly basis
increasing return to the against targets vs achievements.
1. Core Business/E&P: shareholders, enhancing net The Company’s short, medium and
This area covers the Core profit by increasing sales, long term business strategy has
business of E&P e.g 2D/3D receivable recoveries, budgetary already been provided in Strategic
seismic data acquisition, control measures and achieving Business Plan and Resource
it’s processing, drilling of financial self-sufficiency for Allocation section.
76 Mari Petroleum Company Limited
of the devised processes and The issues of ethics and Anonymous complaints have been
reporting requirements. To this transparency are dealt with in line allowed and rewards have been
end, MPCL puts great stress with our Code of Conduct, which introduced for the whistleblowers.
on initiatives and measures all the employees have to commit
focusing on positive changes in to. An effective Whistleblowing The initiatives taken by the
the organizational behavior that Policy is also in place to provide a company in promoting and
contribute towards a progressive platform to all stakeholders of the enabling innovation.
risk culture. Company to voice their concerns
where they genuinely believe that MPCL introduced 1st ever
Dealing with the issues of ethics the Company’s business is not engineered Road Hazard
and integrity: We maintain the being carried out in an appropriate Management System (RHMS) with
highest ethical, moral and legal manner or any suspicious or the support of ADCR in the E&P
standards in all our dealings undesired event/activity is being sector of Pakistan.
without compromise. Integrity is carried out in violation of the
the foundation of who we are and applicable laws or Code of Conduct l MPCL developed fit-for-purpose
what we stand for. There is no gap of the Company or which may have Well Delivery Process & Well
between what we say and what an adverse impact on the business Engineering Management
we do and there is a conformity or goodwill of the Company or the System (WEMS) to Plan, Execute
between our thoughts and actions. society at large. and Evaluate well construction
business cycle aligned with
Similarly, ethics and transparency The Policy has recently been international standards.
guide our daily activities. We believe revised to introduce important
in doing what is right, whether changes to encourage l Several technologies were
or not that is required under the whistleblowing. Now the introduced in drilling operations
law. We maintain honest and open complaints and concerns are e.g. managed pressure drilling,
communication with our internal directly dealt with by the Chairman oil based mud, sidewall coring,
and external stakeholders about Audit Committee instead of through bit logging etc. to deliver
our actions and operations. any executive of the Company. the well objectives.
l Large reserves base with strong financial
l Low operating cost among peer
l Gas player operating Pakistan’s biggest
gas field
l Ability to operate in security sensitive
l Reputed mgt. practices/goodwill among
local/international circles
l Efficient & highly resilient Services
l Experienced & highly qualified work-force
with positive work attitude
l Strategic position as backbone of national
food security
l Diversified shareholding
l Over dependency on Mari field for
production and revenues
l Dependence on the local geology with
limited prospectivity for organic growth
l Fast depleting reserves
l M & A opportunities in the oil and gas
value chain
l Investment opportunities in near core
and related business
l Opportunity to leverage position in the
associated gas value chain
l E&P growth potential available in existing
D&PL areas
l Substantial demand for oil and gas in the
l Low oil and gas prices: Geopolitics and
other factors negatively impacting oil and
gas prices
l Foreign exchange restrictions on
investment in international projects.
l Economic slowdown.
80 Mari Petroleum Company Limited
Company’s strategic objective of required to ensure compliance encourage investment in the E&P
reserves replacement, production with applicable E&P, environmental, Sector. These changes will be
enhancement, expansion of corporate, commercial, and taxation implemented after approval by
exploration acreage and capacity laws as well as directions of various the relevant forums. Apart from
enhancement of MSU. To achieve regulatory bodies. In addition to the E&P Industry specific policies,
early monetization of HRL gas, federal laws, MPCL has to comply the imposition of super tax has
two compression batteries and with the applicable provincial laws, impacted the Company’s bottom-
dehydration unit were procured while its international operations in line, while lack of a clear and
and installed on fast-track basis the UAE are subject to the relevant effective strategy on part of the
at CMF-II and commissioned in corporate and other laws of the Government to deal with the rising
mid-June 2021 to inject up to 50 UAE. circular debt may impact the
MMSCFD gas into SNGPL system. Company’s liquidity and availability
An agreement was put in place to The legal and regulatory of funds for future exploration and
supply gas to SNGPL through PFL’s environment can have significant development projects.
pipeline under Third Party Access influence on MPCL business model
Arrangement. This arrangement and its operations. A change in
has offered a flexibility to ensure the applicable laws can create
continued gas production when uncertainty, change the basis of
any of MPCL’s existing customers investment decisions, and even
are unable to off take allocated gas invalidate what initially were very
volumes. sound business decisions.
Annual Report 2022 83
level to ensure true implementation
0.8 1.0
of HSE systems all across the
organization must have high visibility; 0.7
which was witnessed during the FY 0.8
2021-22. MPCL’s HSE objective of
“no harm to people, environment,
asset and reputation” was achieved
through Implementation of robust
HSE Management system; which is a 0.4
vital and one of MPCL’s core values
towards continuous improvement
of our HSE goals, objectives and
0.0 0.0
This is a remarkable achievement by
MPCL’s permanent and contractual
staff at all locations while working
in extreme working conditions,
especially the Projects, Seismic & on Management of Change (MOC) that includes 10 basic process
Drilling crew who are experiencing process, Pre-Startup Safety Reviews safety management guides that
and managing severely harsh terrain (PSSR), Hazard Operability (HAZOP) must be followed by all concerned
coupled with continuous extreme and other process safety related operations, projects and drilling
environmental conditions. studies at appropriate phases of the teams.
projects and operations.
combined (employees and The reporting culture of Process MPCL believes in keeping
contractual workforce) 0.12 Total Safety Incidents also improved, Contractors and MPCL Safe-
Recordable Case Frequency (TRCF) with special focus on leading Partnering for Win-Win.
against set target 0.43, 0.12 Lost indicators. The Incident Investigation
Time Injury Frequency (LTIF) against approach is further enhanced Being a responsible E&P business
set target 0.32, 0.00 Process Safety by employing the Tripod Beta organization, MPCL is committed
Event Rate (Tier I) against set target methodology, ensuring that to creating a strategic contractor
0.24 & 0.09 Process Safety Event latent failures are identified and safety management program for
Rate (Tier II) against set target 0.48. processes are improved as part of all contractors and subcontractors
the management system. Process working for MPCL. Contractor
MPCL’s last five year performance Safety Event Rates were calculated engagement and management
of Total recordable Incident / Case and accordingly risk mitigation are critical to achieving high
frequency is elaborated in the graph measures were taken with high technical, commercial, and safety
below: focus on system development for performance. At MPCL, contractors
assuring asset integrity. In addition, make up to 75 to 80% of the
PROCESS SAFETY MANAGEMENT high potential process events workforce; some contractors are
In the Fiscal Year 2021–22, enhanced were kept under high focus and long-term, working alongside
focus was given to process safety accordingly lesson learnt were permanent staff, while others are
management for strengthening Safe shared to avoid repeatability of the short-term, brought in for a specific
Operations strategy. This includes undesired events. project for a few weeks or months.
developing hazard mitigation plans
to bring risk to ALARP levels. Other Further, Process Safety To overcome the integration
key activities include increased focus Fundamentals were launched challenges of two organizations
86 Mari Petroleum Company Limited
Ten Process
Safety Fundamentals
normal operations and maintenance works
HSE Activities focusing emergency preparedness, care for people and environmental protection
with different workplace for the contractors and MPCL. unrest etc., at all MPCL locations for
cultures, mindset, work planning This will ultimately benefit the HSE ensuring the preparedness level of
and methodology, differences management at National level. our teams.
in language, and managing
Framework has been developed. Our structured crisis and emergency MPCL is ISO 14001:2015
HSE contractor management management plan, that includes (Environmental Management System)
is mastered through various a detailed and structured way certified and is an environment-
dedicated and strategic programs. to tackle unplanned events, is friendly Oil & Gas Company in
MPCL organized and conducted revamped in the FY 2021-22. The Pakistan that complies with maximum
multiple HSE workshops, seminars, plan covers a detailed role based environmental standards. Our IMS
Lifesaving rules campaigns, kick- plan for rapid response teams, Audit against the EMS Standard
off meetings, pre-mobilization Emergency Response Teams, Incident resulted in zero non-compliance
workshops, hazard-hunting surveys, Management Teams, Emergency & observations. Emission control
Control of Work (COW) workshops, Management Teams and Crisis measures, preferably using
Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPs) Management Team. The plan enables environment-friendly equipment and
Workshops, road safety workshops, us to deploy a quick and effective solar powered systems, are the basic
Walk around audits, hazard hunting response, preventing a crisis that and important measures that have
surveys, reward and recognition could adversely affect the image and been practiced since long.
programs, and service quality reputation of the Company. This plan
meetings. caters to activities including Offices, On the environmental front for
field operations, drilling, seismic calculation of Green House Gases
On HSE front, capacity building activities and all projects. Number of (GHG) emissions, MPCL continued the
of local contractors and sub- Management drills were conducted emissions monitoring project, which
contractors, while enhancing their for multiple scenarios that mainly is the baseline for gauging margins of
working standards to international covered fire, oil spill, gas release, improvement for Carbon footprints
level, to achieve a mutual benefit natural disasters, earthquakes, civil reduction.
88 Mari Petroleum Company Limited
At present MPCL network Further, external bodies reviewed We achieved the following
comprises many sites, including HSEQ procedures to ensure World’s objectives through trainings:
settled, unsettled, rigs, and seismic best safety practices and accurate l Understanding HSE requirements
operations, which are operating implementation at all MPCL sites. for the E&P life cycle.
in all provinces of Pakistan, which
are mostly in remote areas with OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH l Understanding HSE roles &
barren lands. Management of all MANAGEMENT responsibilities.
the locations has put a lot of effort For organizations that are serious l Enhanced performance for high
into improving environmental about improving employee health level of performance.
sustainability and contributing to and safety, reducing workplace
l Continuous improvement of
climate change through plantation, occupational health hazards/
our system with value added
and avoiding loss of vegetation risks, and creating better, healthier
during operational activities at its and safer working conditions;
best. Currently, despite the huge complying with safety standards l Clarity on Incident Reporting
pressure on land resources, large is the only way forward. During requirements.
areas of land are in a degraded COVID-19 situation when various
state, where plantation can be an activities were jeopardized due to Further, 42,780 Training man-hours
effective way to bring degraded land constraints in mobility, lock down were recorded for 1,960 HSEQ
back into productive use. etc. MPCL employees showed trainings, and 578 HSEQ Crisis &
true reflection of dedication and Emergency Drills were organized
Surveillance audits by Governmental commitment to the required for employees at all locations in FY
bodies; that includes, CIM, protocols and came out of the 2021-22.
provincial EPA’s, Wild Life etc. on situation at our locations. Safe
environmental front have shown distancing, mask compliance, HSEQ trainings mainly covered
good results with no major area of medical screenings, vaccination Life-Saving Rules, Permit to work
improvement in this regard. campaigns were one of the key system, Fire Fighting, HSE Risk
initiatives that were taken to Identification, Assessment &
MANAGEMENT SYSTEM ensure health of our employees. Control, Incident Investigation
(INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS) & Reporting, Behavior-Based
To achieve excellence in MPCL developed a special Safety, Safe food handling,
HSEQ performance, in 2007, procedure for business continuity General HSE awareness, HSE
ISO certification of the HSEQ during the pandemic disease. Laws & Regulations, IEE / EIA
Management System was MPCL ensured that all employees awareness, Defensive driving,
introduced as one of the core are vaccinated and awareness Stress Management, Chemical
management systems of MPCL. were given time and again with handling, Job Safety Analysis,
Since then, MPCL has maintained its proper isolation rooms well Waste Management, Crisis &
ISO standards implementation with designed and maintained for Emergency Management, Pre-
ZERO significant Non-Compliance abatement of COVID spread. Startup Safety Reviews & Process
during the surveillance audits by the Ultimately MPCL ensured zero Safety Management.
external body. downtime due to COVID.
ISO Standards after IMS certification: TRAININGS Our Safety Performance with a
l ISO 9001: 2015 We believe that through effective TRCF of 0.12 is reflective of the
(Quality Management System) teamwork, HSE requirements following initiatives that were
can be easily implemented, taken during our operational
l ISO 14001: 2015 (Environmental
through which we can reduce HSE activities:
Management System)
incidents and bring Risks to ALARP l HSE climate survey
l ISO 45001: 2018 (Occupational (as low as reasonably practicable).
Health & Safety Management l Behavior based safety leadership
HSE trainings imparted by the HSE
System) programs
department enabled employees at
l ISO 27001: 2013 (Information all locations to work safely without l Treatment of oil based mud
Security Management System) any major incident. (OBM) though bio-remediation
Annual Report 2022 89
l Implementation of Life Saving l Carrying out Pandemic COVID-19, happen. More generally speaking,
Rules Malaria & dengue prevention the majority (67%) of survey
campaign at all locations respondents said safety culture
l Implementation of New HSE policy
l Performing Project & Task Risk is equally important to business
l Implementation of Operational strategy or operations. They also
Assessments at desired phases
Integrity Management Standards agreed that top cultural priorities
l Road Safety Management
l Monitoring and controlling Air should include health, safety
emissions & other Environmental l Development of Pre-startup Safety & environment as integrated
regulations Review Program business part.
l Annual Medical Check-ups of all
INSTILLING HSE CULTURE: Healthy participation from
Leaders see organizational culture MPCL employees and their
l Adopting a Risk-based approach as a powerful ally for sustainable constructive feedback, with high
l Fire & gas Management at all Sites business growth, according to value adding comments towards
recent global surveys of more than healthy cultural establishment
l Conducting HAZOP at Operational
40 countries, strong cultures drive / improvement was observed.
better business outcomes. In fact, The result clearly established
l Carrying out Health Risk the majority (69%) of senior leaders that MPCL is at in the phase of
Assessments credit much of their success to transformation from Calculative to
l Performing HSEQ Audits & a healthy culture. During recent PROACTIVE, which indicates that
Inspections years that necessitated major “Safety leadership and values are
changes for companies around driving continual improvement.
l Ensuring Incident Investigation & the world, more than two-thirds
Reporting of respondents believe that their To summarize following are the
l Carrying out Noise & Ambient Air culture helps change initiatives major areas of strengths and
Monitoring accordingly improvement areas
were also highlighted to the
management, out of 12 areas
which were analyzed, by majority
of MPCL people:
Increasing Generative
"HSE" is how we do
Accountability Proactive
Safety leadership and
values drive continual
We have systems in
place to manage all
Safety is important,
but we activate only
after incidents
Who cares as long
as we are not
Leadership Off-Site
as on June 30, 2022
Training on Fundamentals of Reservoir Engineering, Islamabad
Management 691
Non-Management 772
with the best industry practices Trainee Program. We have wide
Trainees 96
and implemented a holistic and variety of on the job learning and
Total 1,559 standardized total reward strategy mentoring opportunities available
Average No. of Employees 1,414 successfully. This total reward for management trainees to build
Male Employees 1,485 framework includes market driven on their strength and improve their
Female Employees 74 remuneration benefits along with professional skills.
comprehensive health and terminal
Our Talent Acquisition team benefits. Employees grading TALENT IDENTIFICATION
engaged candidates in a variety structure has been restructured and AND SUCCESSION
of ways that included strong transformed. This transformation Over the years, MPCL has created
foot prints in social media helped us to inculcate a performance a dynamic environment and
particularly on LinkedIn, strong driven culture, keeping pay for organizational climate that enables
industry – academia linkages, performance as one of the core its people to apply their knowledge,
active participation in career fairs, deliverables. skills and creative energies to support
apprenticeship programs and its vision. MPCL always focuses
employee referrals. INVESTING IN FUTURE TALENT on developing its key talent with
MPCL offered program at entry leadership skills which help them
TOTAL REWARDS level with the aim to ensure future to focus on their roles as managers
TRANSFORMATION employees can have the start of and leaders and the transition from
To retain our workforce, we career which they envisioned. Our self-management to management of
provide our employees with Management Trainee Program individuals and managers.
competitive total reward structure SEED (Skills Enhancement &
benchmarked internationally and Employee Development) attracted We introduced specifically designed
tailored to address the needs a number of young graduates this talent management tools to identify
of our diverse workforce and year and after rigorous and holistic talent at all levels of our company
their families. We reviewed our assessments, successful graduates who have the potential to become
total reward framework in line made into the two year Management future leaders or key players within
Annual Report 2022 93
the organization. We ensure that we have bespoke development programs in WORKPLACE INCLUSIVENESS:
place to prepare these hi-potential individuals for more complex future roles. We are strong advocate and
practitioner of workplace
Our talent identification and development approach aims to ensure inclusiveness. We realize that diverse
sustainable business operations through the development of strong internal workforce with different ideas,
talent pipelines for our critical leadership positions. interests, background and experiences
will benefit us in achieving our short
CAPABILITY DEVELOPMENT and long term goals. We strive to
Our skilled and developed workforce is a key to our growth and success. provide a working environment where
We are committed to provide our employees with continual learning and all our employees’ contribution are
development opportunities encompasses technical, professional and heard and appreciated – regardless of
leadership trainings. We ensure that we provide employees with trainings to age, gender, ethnic origin, religion and
master their current jobs, broaden their skills, and advance in their career. different abilities.
We encourage our employees to contribute their best and to avail the
opportunities for development and growth. We continued to explore and As part of our inclusive program we
offer different training delivery methods for maximum flexibility, including revised leave policy with extension in
virtual, self-paced, and hybrid formats. existing maternity and paternity leave
days. We at MPCL understand that
Summary of number of employees who participated in learning &
increasing women participation is a
development in 2021-22 is shown below.
key to enhance inclusivity and we take
Training Status 2021-22 (Technical & Non-Technical) pride in inducting female engineers in
S.No. Training Sessions Participants our Management Trainee Program. Our
1 Technical 39 317 female engineers constitute 25% of
total MTOs inducted.
2 Non-Technical 30 420
3 HSE 44 1,171 Another step towards addressing the
Total 113 1,908 minimal representation of women in
the Oil & Gas industry and to mark the
EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENT constructively deal with physical International Women’s Day students
AND WELLBEING: well-being issues that may arise. from leading schools and daughters
We strive to inculcate a culture of our employees had a session with
of collaboration, trust, creativity We continued to have employee our Managing Director, top executives
and high performance. Our culture engagement workshops where we and MPCL’s extraordinary women. The
and people are our key enablers seek feedback from employees. session which centered on enhancing
in envisioning our future. We are We are aware that employee awareness about STEM careers
mindful of employee physical, feedback will play a critical role in (Science, Technology, Engineering and
social, emotional and psychological our quest of creating an excellent Mathematics), their importance in
wellbeing and conducted various employee experience and promoting innovation in the world and
sessions on these topics. We have continuing to attract and retain to learn more about the oil and gas
platforms which help employees talent. industry.
94 Mari Petroleum Company Limited
Sponsor General
Shareholders Public
Total dividend approved / recommended by the Board for the FY 2022 is Rs. 16.5 billion.
*Based on closing share price of Rs. 1739.74 on June 30, 2022.
National Economy
(Rupees in billion)
l Ensuring Country’s food security: More than 90% urea production based
on MPCL supplied gas. 500
projects while accelerating the positive impact, MPCL focuses of the society in every possible way,
energy transition to achieve on collaborating with Federal, thus projecting the benevolence and
Net Zero. Provincial, District and Local philanthropy MPCL extends to the
Government thus supporting the society it serves, whether it is its
Approach most deserving communities obligation or not.
MPCL’s Sustainability & create across Pakistan.
an enabling environment for our a) Advanced Level in ISO
business to sustain and develop. c) Private Sector 26000 (Social Responsibility
To achieve the scale and sustained To ensure quality and Guidelines)
impact, cross sector partnerships sustainability of our social MPCL was placed at “Advanced”
& building collaborations is our investment programs, MPCL Level of performance against
strategy and thus the partners is partner with multiple local, global guidelines of ISO
are among the most valued regional and global organizations, 26000:2010 (Social Responsibility
stakeholders in the value chain such partnerships create positive Guidelines), in 2017. MPCL is
to achieve sustainability through impact for all the stakeholders in the only Oil & Gas Company in
strategic CSR initiatives. our value chain. Pakistan to be formally assessed
for ISO 26000, and the only
a) NGOs/INGOs Engagement with Local Company to have achieved
MPCL's partnerships with Non- Communities the Advanced Level rating.
Governmental Organizations Following DGPC Guidelines on The Company achieved the
go beyond philanthropy while Utilization of Social Welfare highest rating of “Role Model” in
generating shared value. Such Obligations, MPCL engages with Accountability, Ethical Behavior,
partnerships also stimulate local communities and relevant Respect for Stakeholders Interests,
innovative ways of working stakeholders on regular basis Respect for the Rule of Law,
and mobilize expertise and through public hearings, consultation Respect for International Norms of
resources to create shared session and outreach programs. Behavior and Respect for Human
accountability. Rights.
Adoption & Compliance
b) Government to Social Guidelines b) Aligned with UN Sustainable
To achieve the goal of inclusive MPCL’s CSR functions as per the Development Goals (SDGs)
development and to create existing guidelines issued by United Nations 17 SDG’s set the
regulatory authority of Ministry of holistic approach to address
Petroleum. However, CSR initiatives world’s most pressing social,
go far beyond the obligations as economic and environmental
these programs serve all segments challenges. At MPCL, all our
activities, businesses and social
investments are aligned with
the global compact principals,
ISO 26000 and thus with the UN
SDGs 2030. Through our wide
ranging social investment and CSR
programs, we are committed to
contribute directly towards 7 SDGs
while 6 SDGs are overreaching.
virtue of MPCL’s business, multiple Empowerment Initiative in l Water Supply Scheme Sabir Jan
social investment & CSR programs; Collaboration with AKHUWAT Kot, North Waziristan District
l Noor-e-Sehar Special Education
l SARBULAND – An Economic Noor-e-Sehar Special Education School, Daharki, Sindh
98 Mari Petroleum Company Limited
Deputy Commissioner Ghotki. This 220,000 meals in Islamabad. to the children of underprivileged
amount is being utilized to carry out MMD was also mobilized to neighboring communities. SOS
projects for community welfare, as provide meals and humanitarian Village, House of Blessings, Noreen
approved by the respective Social relief to the people affected by Zindagi Trust, Pehli Kiran School
Welfare Committees, headed by a natural disasters like flooding #3 and several other orphanages
nominated political representative. in Sector E-11 Islamabad on 28 have been visited for distribution
July 2021 and more recently on purpose. MPCL shared Eid with
Moreover, around Rs 800 million has 8 January 2022 to the tourists orphan children as under:-
been spent on various voluntary CSR stranded in Murree due to
initiatives during the year. unanticipated heavy snowfall. l Shoes distribution at Pehli
In collaboration with CDRS and Kiran School, Islamabad.
Significant CSR Projects Raza Welfare Foundation, MPCL l Iftar Party and gift hamper
distributed 1800 dry ration bags distribution at Dur-e-Yateem
1. Mari Mobile to the deserving community Welfare Trust, Bacho ka Ghar
Dastarkhawan (MMD) during the month of Ramadan. and Noreen Zindagi Welfare
MMD has been providing Trust. Chaand Raat celebration
free meals to underserved Purkhuloos Campaign including activities like Henna
community for over one year, A campaign was designed to give application for girls and
whereby it has distributed over special treat and hygiene sessions haircut/grooming for boys.
100 Mari Petroleum Company Limited
l Grand Iftar party of 1000 the noble cause of inclusive unserved and underserved.
beneficiaries at PIMS Hospital education. This is a state-of- With this, MPCL not only
and Jaffar Chowk Mehrabad. the-art facility that will cater resolves the issue of poor
to all types of disabilities, communities who are either
2. Sarbuland – MPCL Initiative while preparing them for deprived of this basic facility
for Economic Empowerment mainstreaming and becoming or have to face long hours
(Collaboration with Akhuwat self-sustainable. With a Vision of load shedding. In the first
for Microfinance Lending) “Leaving No One Behind”, it is phase, company is focusing
In collaboration with Akhuwat our earnest desire and effort to on the public places where
MPCL initiated a project provide an environment, which people come for multiple
“Sarbuland” for Economic is the best in Pakistan, so as to purposes. Over 100 projects
Empowerment. The pilot project harness the abilities of disabled of solarisation have been
“Sarbuland” has disbursed children and to provide them initiated in the operational
Microloans among deserving with opportunities for becoming area of Daharki, which will
beneficiaries for economically useful and esteemed members be soon followed by the
viable entrepreneurial/small of our society. The school similar interventions in North
scale ventures, as verified by currently has an enrollment Waziristan.
Akhuwat assessment team. of over 200 students with
Fifty micro-loans have been diverse disabilities and it has CSR Awards and Recognition
distributed to entrepreneurs it has implemented modern MPCL’s CSR innovative initiatives
and small business owners, out rehabilitation techniques to and best practices were duly
of which 17 are women. provide premium services to the recognized at the 14th National
students. Forum for Environment & Health
3. Noor-e-Sehar Special CSR Awards 2022, held at Serena
Education School – A Success 4. Roshan Ehd: Hotel Islamabad in February 2022.
Story The concept of Roshan Ehd The Company won the following
The establishment of “Noor- begun with the idea to lighten awards at the ceremony:
e-Sehar Special Education up the country by providing
1- Best CSR practices and
School” at Mari Field Daharki clean affordable and reliable
Sustainability Initiative
is a practical manifestation energy resources (solarisation)
of MPCL’s commitment to specially to the ones who are 2- Outstanding Contribution for
National Game
4- Inclusive Education End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and
promote sustainable agriculture.
MPCL Contributions for
Sustainable Development Goal 3
Miscellaneous Social Initiatives
– Good Health and Well Being
1- 3-Day Free Eye Camp at Mari
Field Daharki. With the aim to ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for
all of all ages.
2- MPCL IBA Sukkur Scholarship
Program. Sustainable Development Goal 4
– Quality Education
3- Renovation of Levies
Infrastructure, Kohlu. To ensure inclusive and equitable quality education for lifelong
learning opportunities for all.
4- Donation to Armed Forces
Institute of Cardiology for Sustainable Development Goal 6
purchase of expensive heart – Clean Water and Sanitation
implants. To ensure availability and sustainable management of water and
5- Donation to government schools sanitation for all.
for uplifting of infrastructure. Sustainable Development Goal 7
6- Mari hockey team’s participation – Affordable and Clean Energy
in “All Pakistan Commissioner
To ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern
Gujranwala Gold Cup” and energy for all.
winning gold medal.
Sustainable Development Goal 8
7- Selection and participation of six – Decent Work and Economic Growth
MPCL hockey players in National
training camp for preparation of Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth,
full and productive employment and decent work for all.
“Asia Cup” played in May 2022.
8- Conducted Light & Sound Show Sustainable Development Goal 13
– Climate Action
at Pakistan Monument on 14
August 2021 to commemorate To take urgent actions to combat climate
Independence Day of Pakistan. change impacts.
Flood Relief
MPCL Flood Relief
Since mid-June 2022, Pakistan
has witnessed extreme monsoon
rains that have led to the Country’s
worst flooding in a decade.
According to National Disaster
Management Authority, the floods
have affected more than 33 million
people, destroyed or damaged
more than 1 million houses, and
killed at least 1,100 people. The
affected population is in dire need
of humanitarian assistance to
avoid malnutrition and waterborne
Information Technology
Information that yield better geological The availability of accurate and
insights. These systems help good quality data is the life blood
Technology & Digital improve discoveries’ success rates of Exploration and Production
thus making the Company well (E&P) companies. Effective E&P
Transformation at distinguished, in the E&P sector. data management plays a crucial
MPCL role in analysis of large volumes of
data, correct selection of drilling
Mari Seismic Data Processing targets and efficient management
MPCL’s commitment to Center (MSPC) plays a vital role by of oil and gas producing reservoirs.
leveraging latest technologies providing high quality and state of Implementation of state of the art
for improving transparency, the art 2D and 3D data processing integrated E&P data management
reporting and governance facility, which helps the Company system has led MPCL to the
in making more cognizant introduction and adoption of
Mari Petroleum has been a leader in decisions on the technical front. industry’s best practices regarding
adopting technological innovations It’s scalable infrastructure greatly standardized data management
as a frontrunner in sustainability helps in the application of latest related workflows.
and operational excellence. The geophysical technology across the
Company strongly believes in full spectrum of seismic imaging To support high performance
heightened collaboration between its and reservoir characterization. systems and fulfill infrastructure
technical and other functional areas In view of growing expansion requirements of G&G software/
which help steer the selection and in MPCL’s exploration activities applications, Virtual Desktop
implementation of its information which demand a steady increase in Infrastructure (VDI) System
systems. The latter provides greater MSPC’s computation capabilities, was indigenously designed and
integration amongst cross-functional the system has been upgraded implemented by MPCL’s in-house
teams to induce effective planning, from 96 cores to 1024 cores for IT team. This not only helped
coordination and decision making time, depth and parallel processing in saving the potential capital
during various E&P related activities. simultaneously. Advanced investment required for acquisition
processing modules coupled with of high end workstations hardware,
Our exploration and reservoir increase in computational power but also enhanced MPCL’s
departments use industry leading will enable MSPC to provide depth centralized processing capability
G&G interpretation and reservoir and time processing services with for high performance demanding
modeling software suites developed improved quality and in reduced technical software applications,
by renowned companies like time, as well as acquire the in addition to making MPCL a
Schlumberger and Halliburton. capability of handling multiple 2D’s pioneer in implementation of VDI
Integrated workflows provide and 3D’s time and depth projects infrastructure within the local
geophysicists and geologists with simultaneously. E&P Industry. During COVID-19
critical collaborative capabilities
Annual Report 2022 107
outbreak, the VDI System enabled automated and brought together conducting feasibility analysis for
the users to securely connect to its key workflows using latest incorporation of newer and better
MPCL’s network and complete their ERP solutions. A dedicated team modules within its ERP toolkit. The
tasks seamlessly, while working has been assigned the mandate adoption of latest ERP features and
from home, thus helping them meet for maintaining and expanding functionality is undertaken by the
deadlines without any productivity the ERP deployments across Company after thorough testing,
& efficiency loss. the Company. Keeping in view skills development, user training and
the overarching nature of ERP through a comprehensive change
In pursuance of gaining process solutions, MPCL places serious management process to mitigate the
efficiency & paperless office consideration in identification risks generally associated with ERP
operations, digital transformation and management of risks projects.
is part of Company’s IT Strategy. In associated with its ERP projects.
this regard, SAP modules including To avoid innate risks of excessive
Master Data Governance (MDG), customization, the Company Policy for Safety of
Health, Safety, Environment and tries to achieve balance between
Quality Management Systems, customization of its existing Records
Cross Application Timesheets systems to facilitate seamless
(CATS), Plant Maintenance at Rig integration of the ERP solution, Value creation through data
4, MSUs (Alpha, Beta, Charlie) thus leveraging the benefits of tried governance
and SGPC (GTH), Ariba-Sourcing and tested business processes
and Success Factors are being from the industry. Keeping in MPCL adopts industry leading
implemented. During COVID-19 view the significance of senior software systems to ensure secure
breakout, the Company automated management’s support towards the and fast transmission of financial
a number of manual processes, success of an ERP project, MPCL data for recording and reporting of
such as SAP System integration follows a systematic approach financial transactions. The Company
with banks for online payments/ towards building use cases and has implemented Microsoft
transfers instead of cheque
issuance, invoice verification
and payment approval, online
minutesheets, and transformed
various paper based approvals to
online workflows. The Company
has also initiated a project for
Enterprise Data Management
and Analytics for helping the
management in making data
driven decisions. In this regard,
various business intelligence
(BI) dashboards are developed
for MPCL’s senior management
and operational staff, to facilitate
insightful decision making.
Resource Planning
To streamline its core business
processes and operations with
a view to optimize performance
and productivity, the Company has
108 Mari Petroleum Company Limited
Information Technology
are the core pillars upholding 2020-21. Having identified the need
MPCL’s strategic pursuits vis-a-vis and usefulness of cybersecurity
cybersecurity. audits of Company’s operational
assets like SCADA systems
characterized by an immaculate
Risk Based configuration of IT and OT solutions,
Approach the Senior Management has issued
the mandate of conducting in-
Overseeing risks and IT house cybersecurity audits of such
governance for prompt installations, at least once a year.
resolution of security matters During FY 2021-22, the in-house
cybersecurity audit was conducted
Following a proactive risk based at the SCADA installation at Sujawal
approach, MPCL identifies and Field.
records risks to its information
assets, in departmental risk registers
which are regularly updated and
Security assessment and security testing
subjected to review and audit during Assessment tools which are widely adopted and
internal management reviews as endorsed by various Fortune 500
well as third party external audits. Evaluating and securing companies.
technology, environment and
Within the rapidly evolving cyber
threats landscape, the Company’s
IT team regularly undertakes MPCL has devised comprehensive Training and
operational and technical measures
like penetration testing, security
management system procedures
to incorporate provisions for
hardening and capacity development third party independent security
Staying abreast with latest
to reduce technology related risks assessments of is technology
concepts and technologies
in a timely manner. The findings and environment. As part of MPCL’s
results of management reviews and compliance management program, MPCL is fully cognizant of its
compliance audits, both internal surveillance audits are conducted responsibilities towards imparting
as well as external, are presented every year and recertification knowledge about latest risks
to MPCL’s Senior Management for audits are conducted after every and cybersecurity trends to its
timely rectification of cybersecurity three years by the international employees, realizing the role
risks and futuristic planning assessment and certification of human beings in upholding
for preparedness and prompt company named SGS. The Company the efficacy of a cybersecurity
incident response. As mandated by also regularly engages with program. In-house awareness
Company’s internal audit charter, leading cybersecurity companies sessions covering various aspects
the results may also be presented and third party solution providers of cybersecurity, are regularly
to the Board’s Audit Committee for penetration testing, security conducted for all employees.
during quarterly committee meetings assessment and hardening of its Latest cybersecurity news and
and exclusive committee meetings, information systems, and plans to international developments are
which helps the Company in swiftly continue expanding its professional closely monitored for staying
addressing high priority risks and associations in future as well. Since abreast with global trends.
adopting better and innovative FY 2020-21, the Company has Employees are also exposed to test
approaches to risk management. adopted an ongoing methodology scenarios, without being aware of
for regular penetration testing of the activity, in order to assess their
In view of its fast growing operations, its information assets by cyclically understanding and commitment
MPCL further extended the scope testing client and server computing to Company’s cybersecurity
of its risk management activities machines and communication related guidelines. The results of all
through conducting the first in-house and storage devices using its activities pertinent to training and
cybersecurity audit of its SCADA in-house resources and globally awareness, are regularly reviewed
installation at MDCPF during FY renowned specialized vulnerability by the senior management.
110 Mari Petroleum Company Limited
Awards and During the year, the Company won a number of awards from
various independent bodies not only for its financial and operational
Recognitions performance and reporting but also for its management, HSE, and
CSR practices. Major awards won by the Company included:
MPCL won 1st Prize for the “Best MPCL Annual Report 2020 won
Management Practices” in Oil 1st Position in Fuel & Energy
& Gas Sector, at 36th Corporate MPCL won “All Pakistan Category Best Corporate and
Excellence Awards Ceremony Commissioner Gujranwala Gold Sustainability Report Awards
arranged by the Management Cup Hockey Tournament- 2022” arranged by ICAP and ICMAP
Association of Pakistan (MAP) on organized by Pakistan Hockey and announced in the Business
Oct 28, 2021 Federation on February 19, 2022 Recorder on August 27, 2021
MPCL won “All Pakistan Commissioner Gujranwala MPCL ranked 7th Top Company among the top 25
Gold Cup Hockey Tournament- 2022” organized by companies on Pakistan Stock Exchange for the Year
Pakistan Hockey Federation on February 19, 2022 2020 announced by the PSX on March 28, 2022
112 Mari Petroleum Company Limited
Quaid-e-Azam DayDec-2021
Corporate Governance
Roles of the Chairman applicable laws, rules and regulations. At Operations of the Board
and the MD/CEO the start of the term of newly appointed The Board is responsible for setting
The Chairman of the Board and directors, the Chairman informs them strategic objectives, overseeing the
the Managing Director/CEO of the about their roles, responsibilities, duties effective management and control of
Company have well defined, separate and powers to help them effectively the Company, and identifying significant
but complimentary roles in line with discharge their duties and responsibilities. business risks and ensuring that
the Companies Act 2017, and the policies and mechanisms are in place to
Listed Companies (Code of Corporate Managing Director/CEO adequately manage those risks.
Governance) Regulations, 2019. The Managing Director is responsible
for providing effective leadership The Board has delegated certain
Chairman MPCL Board to the management team and responsibilities to its Committees for
The Chairman is responsible for employees. He oversees the day-to- review of relevant matters and making
providing effective leadership to the day operations and management of recommendations to the Board. All
Board, particularly during the Board the Company’s business and affairs Committees operate in accordance with
and the shareholders’ meetings. He by ensuring that the executive team their TORs approved by the Board. The
sets the agenda of the Board meetings implements the policies and strategies permanent Committees of the Board are
and ensures that reasonable time approved by the Board. He keeps the Audit Committee, Human Resource
is available for discussion on each the Board updated on significant and & Remuneration Committee, Technical
agenda item. sensitive issues that might affect the Committee, and Investment Committee.
Company’s operations, reputation, or
He ensures a conducive environment financial standing. He ensures that Any agenda or matter that requires
for overall effectiveness of the Board, operational plans and control systems Board’s approval is first presented to
and facilitates and encourages the are in place, and regularly monitors the relevant Committee which, after
contribution of executive, non-executive, actual performance against plans thorough deliberations, presents its
and independent directors in carrying and takes remedial actions, where recommendations to the Board for final
out the Board’s business in line with the necessary. decision.
Annual Report 2022 115
The Board has delegated the day to f. Strategy and direction, financial controls, legal and regulatory compliance,
day management of the affairs of risk management, related party transactions, company’s significant
the Company to the management policies, changes to the company’s capital structure, diversification
through the MD/CEO, subject to the projects, acquisition and relinquishment of working interests, major capital
agreed authority limits as provided expenditures, annual performance incentives for the employees
in the Articles of Association of the
g. Major transactions which exceed MD’s authority or which are outside the
Company, the Managing Director’s
ordinary course of business
General Power of Attorney, and the
Limits of Authority Manual, which is h. Delegation of authority to the Management
revised from time to time. [*final dividend and appointment of statutory auditors is subject to approval
by the shareholders]
However, the following matters of
Chairman’s Significant Commitments
strategic, sensitive or extraordinary
Mr. Waqar Ahmed Malik, Chairman MPCL Board of Directors is the Managing
nature are reserved for the Board to
Director of Fauji Foundation. In addition, he is the Chairman of the Boards of all
ensure the highest level of oversight
Fauji Foundation Associated and Subsidiary Companies. A list of these companies
and control in line with good
is included in the Chairman’s Profile in this Annual Report as well as on MPCL
governance practices or as required
under the relevant corporate laws or
where these exceed the thresholds
Mr. Waqar Ahmed Malik was appointed as Chairman of the Board in April 2020
set in the authority delegated to the
(re-appointed in July 2022) and since then there has been no change in his
significant commitments.
Matters Reserved for the Board
Attendance at Board Meetings
a. All matters listed in Section
Seven Board meetings were held during the financial year 2021-22. The
183 of the Companies Act
attendance of directors in the meetings was as under:
2017, Clause 10 of the Listed
Companies (Code of Corporate Meetings
Sr# Name
Governance) 2019, and any other
provisions of the applicable laws, 1 Mr. Waqar Ahmed Malik 06
rules and regulations. 2 Mr. Faheem Haider 07
Corporate Governance
Other Directorships of the executive directors, including A detailed SOP is in place for security
Executive Director three independent directors who clearance and provision of security to
MD MPCL is the only executive represent the shareholding interest the foreigners coming into Pakistan
director on MPCL Board. He is the of minority shareholders. to work with the Company. Security
Chairman of the board of Foundation Section of MPCL’s Administration
Solar Energy Limited and a non- In compliance with the regulatory Department undertakes coordination
executive director on the boards of requirements, a female director with Ministry of Interior for all
Pakistan International Oil Limited and was elected on the Board in the security related matters. Supporting
Fauji Akbar Portia Marine Terminal elections held on June 22, 2022. documentation is provided by the
Limited. Corporate Affairs Department.
Directors’ Orientation and
External Search Consultancy and Trainings MD/CEO Performance Review
its Connection with the Company As on June 30, 2022, ten (10) A Performance Scorecard is in place to
The services of M/s Ward Howell were directors on MPCL Board were objectively measure the performance
used by the Fauji Foundation for head certified under SECP approved of the Managing Director and top tiers
hunting for the position of MD/CEO Directors’ Training Program (DTP). of the Management on key operational
MPCL back in 2020. M/s Ward Howell In line with the good governance and strategic parameters, and their
has no connection with MPCL. No practices, DTPs were arranged from variable pay is linked with the score
external search consultancy was used the Pakistan Institute of Corporate achieved on the Scorecard. For the
for the selection and appointment Governance for uncertified directors FY 2021-22, actual performance as
of the Chairman or any of the Non- and all of the Directors became per the Scorecard was presented to
Executive Directors on MPCL Board. certified during the year. The the Board on a quarterly basis, while
number of certified directors was performance for the whole year was
Policy for Retention of Fee by an 91% as on June 30, 2022 due to presented to the Board through the
Executive Director joining of new members after the HR&R Committee in the Board meeting
As per the Directors’ Remuneration election of directors just before held on August 04, 2022.
Policy of the Company, the executive the close of the financial year.
director is not entitled to any fee for The directors training program for In addition, MD/CEO’s report on
attending the board, committee or one newly elected director will be the Company’s operations, major
general meetings of the Company. arranged in due course. achievements, and the progress on
However, he can retain the fee outstanding issues is presented to the
received from any other company In addition to the trainings within Board of Directors as a regular agenda
where he serves as non-executive the Country, the Directors are item in each meeting for review,
director. also sent on trainings at reputable discussion and decisions, all of which
institutions abroad to acquaint are duly recorded in the minutes.
Board’s Policy on Diversity them with the latest developments
MPCL has a diverse and balanced and trends in the areas of Committees of the Board of
Board that provides a mix of governance, management and Directors
professional expertise in leadership, leadership. The Board of Directors oversees the
finance, economics, engineering, operations and affairs of the Company
legal, corporate law, oil & gas From time to time, orientation in an efficient and effective manner.
exploration and production disciplines. sessions are carried out to apprise For the sake of smooth functioning, the
The collective experience of the the Board Members about the latest Board has constituted four Committees
Board members adequately covers changes in corporate regulatory and to ensure speedy management
all aspects of MPCL’s business governance regime in the Country. decisions relating to their respective
undertakings. domains.
Security Clearance of Foreign
The Board follows the diversity Directors Audit Committee:
parameters set in the Listed MPCL has never had a foreign Role
Companies (Code of Corporate director on its Board. In case a The primary role of the Audit
Governance) Regulations, 2019. foreign director is elected on MPCL Committee is to provide oversight of
Board in future, security clearance the financial reporting process, the
Currently the Board comprises will be obtained from the Ministry audit process, the system of internal
of one executive and ten non- of Interior through the SECP. controls, compliance with applicable
Annual Report 2022 117
laws, rules and regulations, and c. Review of Company’s annual k. Ascertaining that the internal
enterprise risk management of the budget, forecasts and any budget control system including
Company. re-appropriations. financial and operational
d. Review of preliminary controls, accounting system for
Composition announcements of results prior timely and appropriate recording
The Committee shall comprise of to external communication and of purchases and sales, receipts
five members. All members of the publication; and payments, assets and
Committee shall be non-executive liabilities and reporting structure
e. Facilitating the external audit and
directors, at least one of whom are adequate and effective;
discussion with external auditors
shall be an independent director. l. Review of the Company’s
of major observations arising
The Chairman of the Committee statement on internal control
from interim and final audits
shall be an independent director. systems prior to endorsement
and any matter that the auditors
may wish to highlight (in the by the Board of Directors and
Terms of Reference internal audit reports;
absence of management, where
a. Determination of appropriate necessary); m. Review significant legal,
measures to safeguard the regulatory and tax matters
f. Review of management letter
company’s assets; having a material impact on the
issued by external auditors and
b. Review of annual and interim management’s response thereto; Company
financial statements of the n. Instituting special projects,
g. Ensuring coordination between
Company, prior to their approval value for money studies or
the internal and external auditors
by the Board of Directors, other investigations on any
of the Company;
focusing on: matter specified by the Board
h. Review of the scope and extent
l major judgmental areas; of Directors, in consultation
of internal audit, audit plan,
significant adjustments with the CEO and to consider
l reporting framework, audit
resulting from the audit; remittance of any matter to the
reports significant findings,
external auditors or to any other
l going-concern assumption; and procedures and ensuring
external body;
that the internal audit function
l any changes in accounting
has adequate resources and is o. Determination of compliance
policies and practices;
appropriately placed within the with relevant statutory
l compliance with applicable Company; requirements;
accounting standards; p. Monitoring compliance with
i. Review training and development
l compliance with corporate needs and succession planning of the Corporate Governance
governance regulations the internal audit function Regulations promulgated by
and other statutory and SECP and identification of
j. Consideration of major findings
regulatory requirements significant violations thereof;
of internal investigations of
l all related party activities characterized by fraud, q. Recommending the hiring or
transactions corruption and abuse of power removal of the Chief Internal
l material off-balance sheet and management’s response Auditor and his performance
items thereto; appraisal on annual basis.
118 Mari Petroleum Company Limited
Corporate Governance
r. Review whistleblowing policy ii. Delineate Company’s overall are undertaken by the
and mechanism for staff risk appetite and tolerance Management.
and management and other level in relation to risks.
x. Evaluate special cases
stakeholders to report to audit
iii. Ensure that Company’s overall where a risk (or risks) fall
committee in confidence,
risk exposure is maintained at outside published guidelines
concerns, if any, about actual
prudent levels and consistent and thresholds and make
or potential improprieties in
with the Company’s strategy. recommendations on
financial and other matters and
appropriate action to the
recommend instituting remedial iv. Evaluate annually the
and mitigating measures;Monitor adequacy of the risk
the Company’s placement of management function,
Attendance in the Audit
funds and related policy matters including the background and
Committee Meetings
on quarterly basis. experience of key senior risk
Twelve meetings of the Audit
officers, staffing adequacy,
s. Recommend to the Board of Committee were held during the
and the independence
Directors the appointment of financial year 2021-22. The attendance
and authority of the risk
external auditors, their removal, of the directors in the meetings was as
management function.
audit fees, the provision of under:
any service permissible to be v. Review periodic reports
related to management’s Meetings
rendered to the company by the Director
external auditors in addition to assessment of the Company’s
audit of its financial statements, risk management performance, Ms. Ayla Majid 1, 2 12
measures for redressal and and any other tools or reports Syed Bakhtiyar Kazmi 2
rectification of non-compliances used by management to Mr. Abdul Rasheed Jokhio 12
with the Regulations. The assess and discuss the
Mr. Ahmed Hayat Lak 12
board of directors shall give categories of risk faced by
due consideration to the the Company, the exposures Mr. Adnan Afridi 12
recommendations of the audit in each category, significant 1. Ms. Ayla Majid is an independent, non-
executive director
committee and where it acts concentrations within
those risk categories, the 2. Ms. Ayla Majid and Syed Bakhtiyar Kazmi
otherwise it shall record the
both qualify as financially literate
reasons thereof; metrics used to monitor the
*Committee was reconstituted
exposures, and management’s w.e.f. July 02, 2022
t. Consideration of any other
views on the acceptable and
issue or matter of significant
appropriate levels of those risk HR and Remuneration Committee:
importance or matters as may
exposures. Role
be assigned by the Board of
Directors; vi. Review the Company’s ERM The major role of the Committee
Strategy and ERM Policy is to review HR related matters
u. Approval of resolutions for of the Company and present its
to ensure their suitability,
transfer of shares and issuance recommendation to the Board for
including adherence to
of duplicate share certificates of consideration and approval.
relevant legislation and
the Company, as per provisions
of the Companies Act, 2017
(resolutions to be signed by any vii. Ensure that the risk
The Committee shall comprise of
two members). management function has
five members. All members of the
adequate resources and has
v. The responsibilities of the Committee shall be non-executive
a well-defined Annual Risk
Committee with regard to Directors. The Chairman of the
Management Plan.
Enterprise Risk Management, Board shall not be a member of the
inter alia, include the following: viii. Review key projects of Committee. The Chairman of the
strategic nature from risk Committee shall be an independent
i. Ensure that the Company
perspective. director.
implements sound
fundamental principles that ix. Review Audit or other findings
facilitate the identification, relating to management Terms of Reference
measurement, monitoring of the Company’s risks Terms of reference of the HR&R
and control of risks. and that follow-up actions Committee are as follows:
Annual Report 2022 119
Corporate Governance
The Audit Committee reports were reputation, professional excellence the Company’s Internal Audit
presented in the Board meetings on and competitive fee. Department:
quarterly basis.
Presence of Chairman Audit a. Control Environment: The
Committee in AGM control environment sets
Director Designation
The Chairman Audit Committee the tone and influences the
Ms. Ayla Majid 1, 2 Chairman is present in each AGM to answer control consciousness of the
Syed Bakhtiyar Kazmi 2 Member the questions pertaining to the personnel. It is the foundation
Committee’s activities during the of all other components of
Mr. Abdul Rasheed Jokhio Member
year and other important matters the internal control, providing
Mr. Ahmed Hayat Lak Member discipline and structure.
which fall within the scope of the
Mr. Adnan Afridi Member Committee’s mandate.
1. Ms. Ayla Majid is an independent, non- b. Risk Assessment: The
executive director Internal Control Framework and Management of the Company
2. Ms. Ayla Majid and Syed Bakhtiyar Kazmi
Role of Internal Audit is responsible for ensuring
both qualify as financially literate.
adequate risk identification
In Compliance with the requirements
and analysis of the relevant
Audit Committee Views on of Listed Companies (Code of
risks to achieve Internal
Financial Statements Corporate Governance) Regulations,
Control Framework objectives.
The financial statements of the 2019, the Board of Directors has set
Company for FY 2021-22 were up an Internal Audit function, which is
headed by the Chief Internal Auditor, c. Control Activities: These are
presented to the Audit Committee
who directly reports to the Audit the policies and procedures
in its meeting held on July 29, 2022.
Committee of the Board. that help ensure that the
The Audit Committee reported to
Management directives are
the Board that the statements were
The Internal Audit function is carried out effectively.
fair, balanced and understandable.
The statements provided the an independent assurance and
consulting activity and is designed d. Information and
shareholders and other readers with
detailed information which they to add value and improve MPCL’s Communication: Pertinent
operations. It helps the Company information must be
can use to assess the Company’s
accomplish its objectives by identified, captured and
performance and financial position.
bringing a systematic and communicated in a structured
disciplined approach to evaluate form and time-frame that
Audit Committee on
and improve the effectiveness of enables people to carry out
Appointment of External
risk management, control, and their assigned responsibilities.
governance processes. The main
Every year, the Audit Committee
objectives of MPCL’s Internal Control e. Monitoring: Internal Control
makes its recommendations to the
Framework include: Systems need to be monitored
Board regarding the appointment
by Internal Audit Department.
of statutory auditors and their fee. a. Effectiveness and efficiency of
This process assesses the
The recommendations are based the Company’s operations;
quality of Internal Control
on performance of the Auditor, b. reliability of the internal and Framework in place.
satisfactory rating under QCR external reporting;
program of ICAP, their eligibility to
c. compliance with the applicable In addition, Internal Audit also
be re-appointed (including length of
laws, rules, regulations, policies undertakes special tasks as
their term with the Company) and fee
and procedures; and and when directed by the Audit
quoted for their services.
d. safeguarding of the Company’s Committee of the Board. Internal
The Audit Committee in its meeting assets. Audit plays a central role in
held on July 29, 2022, recommended highlighting weaknesses in the
M/s A.F. Ferguson & Co., for To achieve Internal Control existing system and processes and
reappointment as statutory auditors Framework objectives, following identifying required controls needed
of the Company for FY 2022-23, Internal Control components to strengthen the overall control
based on their performance, market are assessed and evaluated by system.
122 Mari Petroleum Company Limited
Corporate Governance
Corporate Briefing Session, June 24, 2022 - MPCL Head Office, Islamabad
Access of Head of Internal Audit of the Participation and l Minority investors can also lodge
to Audit Committee Shareholders Agreement, their complaints and submit
Head of the Internal Audit has applicable corporate laws, their queries directly to the
direct and unrestricted access to rules, regulations, and Shares Department using the
the Chairman and other Members notifications, notably the conventional mail, fax, email or
of the Audit Committee to discuss Companies Act 2017, the Listed phone.
any matter related to the internal Companies (Code of Corporate l Material Information pertaining
audit function. The Audit Committee Governance) Regulations 2019, to the Company’s operations is
met the Chief Internal Auditor the PSX Rulebook, and the circulated to the Shareholders
and the staff of the Internal Audit Memorandum and Articles of through the PSX, as and when need
Department, without the presence of Association of the Company. arises.
the CFO, in its meeting held on June l Annual and Quarterly
06, 2022. Accounts of the Company Engagement with other
are placed on the Company’s Stakeholders
Engagement with Key Website while Annual Audited Customers: MPCL customers
Stakeholders to understand Accounts are also circulated are mostly corporate entities in
their Needs, Interests and to the Shareholders in CD and dedicated sectors of fertilizer,
Trends physical form (upon request). power and gas distribution with
Major stakeholders of the Company l Besides their right to appoint long term allocations. MPCL
include Shareholders (Institutional directors to oversee affairs of interactions with these customers
and Minority), Customers, Suppliers, the Company, the Shareholders are B2B in nature. The Company
Joint Venture Partners, Regulators, are invited to all the maintains constant contact with all
Banks and other Lenders, shareholders meetings (AGMs, of its customers through periodic
Media, Employees, Social Sector EOGMs) and are encouraged meetings, official correspondences,
Organizations, and Communities in to present their viewpoint on and personal visits.
MPCL Concession areas. important matters.
During FY 2021-22, MPCL arranged
Relationships with different l There is an Investor Relations a workshop with its fertilizer
stakeholders are extremely Section on the Company’s customers to brief them about
important for the Company as website which contains current and projected production
these relationships can impact important Investor specific profile of Mari Gas Field and the
MPCL’s operations, revenues and information as well as an Company’s ongoing as well as
corporate image. MPCL maintains Online Complaint Form for planned initiatives to enhance the
cordial relationships with all of its investors. production plateau and delivery
stakeholders. l The Board has approved an pressures.
Investor Relations & Grievance
Engagement with Shareholders Policy which contains the Suppliers/Vendors/Service
l Relationships with the mechanism for handling Providers: MPCL segments
shareholders are managed shareholders’ complaints and its suppliers, and employs an
in line with the provisions queries. appropriate interaction model for
Annual Report 2022 123
Corporate Governance
Conflict of Interest Interested directors and executives Last Annual General Meeting
The matter of Conflict of Interest are required to disclose their (AGM)
relating to Board members is dealt interest and withdraw themselves The 37th AGM of the Company was
with in accordance with the provisions from the discussion or decision on held on October 26, 2021, at 10:00
of the Companies Act, 2017 and the any transaction in which they are a.m., at the Registered Office of the
Articles of Association of the Company. interested. Company situated at 21-Mauve Area,
Any person intending to become a 3rd Road, Sector G-10/4, Islamabad.
Director of the Company has to submit Similarly, MPCL directors and
a declaration that he/she is aware of executives are required to disclose Agenda, Decisions and
the powers and duties of a Director buying and selling of the Company
as envisaged in the Companies Act, shares, within the prescribed time-
Agenda Item-1: To receive,
2017 and has read the Articles of frame.
consider and adopt the Audited
Association of the Company.
Accounts of the Company for the
Share Price Sensitivity
year ended June 30, 2021 together
Further, MPCL has a Code of Conduct Analysis
with the Directors' and Auditors'
which covers this area. It is overriding Investor Relations Section on
reports thereon.
intention of the Company that all the Company’s website contains
business transitions conducted important information such as
Decision and Implementation:
by it are on an arm’s length basis. Share Price (along with market
A detailed presentation on the
Adequate internal controls have capitalization and graphical
Company’s operations during
been implemented to ensure that representation of share price
the FY 2020-21 and the future
transactions with related parties movement over the period),
plans was made by the Managing
are appropriately identified in the Financial Highlights and Indicators,
Director. After Q&A session, the
information system and disclosed in Pattern of Shareholders, EPS, P/E
audited accounts, the directors’
the financial statements. Ratio and Breakup Value etc.
and the auditors’ reports were
duly approved and adopted by the
Transactions and balances with All the material information that
the related parties are reviewed might affect the share price of
and approved by the Board on the the Company is communicated to
recommendations of the Audit the PSX and the SECP in a timely Thereafter, the audited accounts,
Committee. manner. the directors’ and the auditors’
Annual Report 2022 125
reports were filed with the applicable rates and deposited in shareholders request. Personal
Registrar of Companies and the Government Treasury. phone calls are also made to some
circulated to the SECP and the of the shareholders to inform them
PSX. Agenda Item-3: To appoint about the AGM and invite them to
auditors for the year 2021-22 and attend in person or through proxy.
Agenda Item-2: To approve, as fix their remuneration. Dedicated parking and security
recommended by the Board of arrangements are made for the
Directors, the payment of final Decision and Implementation: shareholders on the day of the
dividend @ Rs. 75/- per share (750 M/s A.F. Ferguson & Co., Chartered AGM.
%) for the financial year ended Accountants, were appointed as
June 30, 2021. This was in addition auditors to hold office until the Compliance with the Best
to the interim dividends @ Rs. 66/- conclusion of the next Annual Practices of Code of Corporate
per share (660%) already paid. General Meeting of the Company Governance
for the year ending June 30, 2022, The Company ensures full
Decision and Implementation: at the fee and other terms and compliance with the Listed
The payment of the final conditions agreed by the Board of Companies (Code of Corporate
dividend as recommended by Directors. Governance) Regulations, 2019.
the Board was approved by the Every year, the Statement of
shareholders. It was also approved Facilitation to Minority Compliance prepared by the Board
that the dividend on the 5% bonus Shareholders to Attend AGMs of Directors is reviewed and verified
shares that were sub-judice Both the companies and the by the statutory auditors of the
before the Sindh High Court be shareholders have to play a role Company.
withheld by the Company till the to make AGMs effective and
final decision of the Court in the meaningful. MPCL follows the The Statement for the year 2021-
matter. legal requirements in letter and 22 (included in the Annual Report)
spirit to encourage participation details the manner in which
Accordingly, dividend was of the minority shareholders in the Company has applied the
electronically transferred in the the AGMs. Going beyond the legal requirements of the Regulations.
designated bank accounts of the requirements, the Company even The Statement also confirms that all
eligible shareholders on November delivers Annual Reports through the material principles enshrined in the
04, 2021. Tax was deducted at the Company’s dispatch riders at the Regulations were complied with.
126 Mari Petroleum Company Limited
Corporate Governance
Corporate Governance
Performance Indicators
2021-22 2020-21 2019-20 2018-19 2017-18 2016-17
Net profit to net sales % 34.75 43.06 42.09 40.92 37.75 32.35
EBITDA margin to net sales % 56.34 67.76 63.87 64.83 60.03 49.65
Operating leverage Times 0.58 7.81 0.50 1.46 1.63 2.43
Return on equity / shareholders' funds % 26.84 30.14 38.68 46.87 46.78 42.99
Return on capital employed % 26.76 30.14 38.68 46.87 44.06 39.15
Equity / Shareholders' funds Rs in billion 130.86 115.53 93.15 63.61 40.19 25.54
Current ratio Times 2.26 3.61 3.71 2.98 2.77 1.92
Quick / acid test ratio Times 2.13 3.36 3.15 2.60 2.56 1.75
Cash to current liabilities Times 1.09 2.05 2.22 1.45 1.51 0.72
Cash flow from operations to net sales Times 0.52 0.41 0.44 0.34 0.49 0.25
Cash flow from operations to capital expenditures Times 1.25 1.14 2.50 2.05 3.21 1.66
Cash flow coverage ratio Times 68.22 - - - - 1.71
Debtor turnover Times 3.61 3.22 3.65 4.37 5.44 5.78
No. of days in receivables Days 101 113 100 83 67 63
Total assets turnover Times 0.57 0.53 0.66 0.79 0.77 0.68
Fixed assets turnover Times 1.24 1.44 1.91 1.88 1.51 1.13
Earnings per share (EPS) - basic and diluted Rupees 247.84 235.71 227.23 182.36 115.25 68.49
Price earnings Times 7.02 6.47 5.44 5.53 13.07 23.01
Price to book ratio Times 1.77 1.76 1.77 1.92 4.13 6.80
Dividend yield % 7.13* 9.25 0.49 0.59 0.40 0.33
Dividend payout % 50.03* 59.82 2.68 3.29 5.21 7.59
Dividend cover Times 2.00* 1.67 37.25 30.39 19.21 13.17
Dividend per share Rupees 124.00* 141.00 6.10 6.00 6.00 5.20
Stock dividend per share % - - 10 10 - -
Market value per share
Year end Rupees 1,739.74 1,524.39 1,236.65 1,009.33 1,506.18 1,575.64
highest during the year Rupees 1,800.13 1,692.16 1,454.50 1,589.95 1,809.41 1,750.00
lowest during the year Rupees 1,480.55 1,222.65 829.95 936.70 1,398.38 905.10
Breakup value per share / Net assets per share Rupees 980.93 866.05 698.26 524.48 364.55 231.63
Market capitalization - year end price Rupees in billion 232.09 203.36 164.97 122.41 166.06 173.71
Debt to equity (as per book value) % 0.55 : 99.45 00:100 00:100 00:100 00:100 14.04:85.96
Debt to equity (as per market value) % 0.31 : 99.69 00:100 00:100 00:100 00:100 2.35:97.65
Financial leverage Times 0.01 - - - - 0.20
Interest cover Times 1,193.96 - - - 764.79 57.42
Weighted average cost of debt % 9.41 - - - 6.09 6.00
Production per employee MBOE 26.10 28.25 27.39 27.75 29.59 29.09
Net sales per employee Rs in million 67.28 57.49 59.04 49.06 35.41 25.42
Employee turnover ratio % 6.01 7.95 5.66 5.94 6.61 3.87
Maintenance & repairs expense as
%age of operating & administrative expenses % 7.00 7.16 5.58 5.35 7.73 9.69
Debt under interest arrangements to
market capitalization % 0.32 - - - - 2.95
Bank deposits & investments placed under
interest arrangements to market capitalization % 17.76 21.58 26.09 12.75 6.70 3.48
Revenue from bank deposits & investments placed
under interest arrangements to total revenue % 1.96 4.04 3.91 1.76 1.32 0.66
Net liquid assets per share to market value per share % 18.46 27.54 32.37 26.52 9.77 4.15
Note: Breakup value with revaluation reserves does not apply as MPCL has no revaluation reserves. Furthermore, carrying value of investment in related party
- associate approximate its fair value.
Customer satisfaction index is not applicable as oil and gas industry in Pakistan is highly regulated.
Previous years figures have been restated, wherever necessary for the purpose of comparison
* This includes final dividend of 620% for the year ended June 30, 2022 proposed by the Board of Directors for approval of members in the Annual General
Meeting to be held on September 28, 2022.
Annual Report 2022 131
Quarterly Analysis
Total for
the year
ended June
30, 2022
(Rupees in million) 9,098.80 7,471.14 10,889.35 5,603.72 33,063.01
without super tax: 10,811.64 without super tax: 38,270.93
Energy Produced
(MMBOE) 9.27 9.06 9.23 9.35 36.91
Gas Produced
(MMSCF) 70,406 68,789 70,985 72,993 283,173
Crude Oil Produced
153,856 108,740 90,223 105,690 458,509
Net sales increased on quarterly basis due to increase in applicable oil and gas prices in the second half of the year. Q2
profit was decreased mainly due to 3D seismic cost incurred by an associated company, which has been charged to profit
in line with Company's accounting policy. Q4 profit would have been higher if there was no imposition of the new fiscal
regime that was enacted towards the end of the year. Lower production in Q2 is due to lower off-takes by customers owing
to their less requirements.
super tax
21.79% l First Quarter 23.77% 27.52% l First Quarter 25.13% l First Quarter
22.80% l Second Quarter 19.52% 22.60% l Second Quarter 24.55% l Second Quarter
26.49% l Third Quarter 28.45% 32.93% l Third Quarter 25.01% l Third Quarter
28.92% l Fourth Quarter 28.26% 16.95% l Fourth Quarter 25.31% l Fourth Quarter
132 Mari Petroleum Company Limited
Summary of the
Statement of Cash Flows
Cash flows from operating activities 49,400.04 29,973.02 31,465.74 20,226.68 20,105.93 7,116.88
Cash flows from investing activities (41,012.15) (22,864.80) (7,818.32) (8,051.54) (5,543.56) (4,081.59)
Cash flows from financing activities (17,145.99) (9,001.47) (796.14) (754.96) (5,903.21) 3,262.94
(Decrease) / Increase in cash and
cash equivalents (8,758.10) (1,893.25) 22,851.28 11,420.18 8,659.16 6,298.23
Cash and cash equivalents at
beginning of year 48,605.38 50,334.40 27,335.82 15,706.26 6,927.79 626.15
Effect of exchange rate changes 1,643.84 164.23 147.31 209.37 119.31 3.41
Cash and cash equivalents at
end of year 41,491.13 48,605.38 50,334.40 27,335.82 15,706.26 6,927.79
Cash Flows from Cash Flows from Cash Flows from Cash and
Operating Activities Investing Activities Financing Activities Cash Equivalents
(Rupees in billion) (Rupees in billion) (Rupees in billion) (Rupees in billion)
50 50 20 60
40 50
30 40
20 30
10 20
20 0 0 10
Net cash inflows from Investing activities mainly Cash outflows from financing Cash and cash equivalents
operating activities comprise of exploration activities increased in recent increased more than 2.5
represent cash received and development activities, years mainly due to higher times from Rs 15.71 billion in
from customers netted off capital expenditures and dividend payout. 2017-18 to Rs 41.49 billion in
with payments to suppliers, investments. Cash outflows 2021-22.
employees and Government have increased over the
for levies and taxes. The years due to accelerated
increase over the years is in exploration and development
line with the activities of the activities of the Company.
Annual Report 2022 133
Return on Equity
DuPont Analysis
Total Assets
Profit Margin Turnover
34.75% 0.57
Return on Equity
Total Assets
Profit Margin Turnover
43.06% 0.53
Return on Equity
Major reason for decline in return on equity from 30.14% to 26.84% is lower profit margin due to
imposition of the new fiscal regime, enacted towards the end of the year.
134 Mari Petroleum Company Limited
Horizontal Analysis
Statement of Financial Position
2022 22 vs 21 2021 21 vs 20
%age %age
Current assets
Stores and spares 3,424,159 19.44 2,866,855 (4.44)
Trade debts 32,359,298 15.38 28,046,706 20.02
Short term loans and advances 7,792,601 42.44 5,470,861 (22.46)
Short term prepayments 135,672 (6.38) 144,920 7.42
Other receivables 676,270 261.04 187,311 282.83
Current portion of long term investments 41,068 3.00 39,831 100.00
Short term investments 4,995,065 (87.75) 40,782,256 21.25
Interest accrued 29,853 (70.34) 100,635 175.95
Income tax paid in advance - - - -
Cash and bank balances 36,496,060 366.52 7,823,125 (53.16)
85,950,046 0.57 85,462,500 1.77
Assets classified as held for sale 64,790 100.00 - -
185,140,025 23.11 150,386,133 19.22
Annual Report 2022 135
(Rupees in thousand)
2020 20 vs 19 2019 19 vs 18 2018 18 vs 17 2017 17 vs 16
%age %age %age %age
- - - - - - 4,172,727 317.27
10,342,139 2.83 10,057,962 26.48 7,952,336 6.26 7,483,812 13.79
10,342,139 2.83 10,057,962 26.48 7,952,336 (31.78) 11,656,539 53.85
Horizontal Analysis
Statement of Profit or Loss
2022 22 vs 21 2021 21 vs 20
%age %age
(Rupees in thousand)
2020 20 vs 19 2019 19 vs 18 2018 18 vs 17 2017 17 vs 16
%age %age %age %age
Vertical Analysis
Statement of Financial Position
2022 % 2021 %
age age
(Rupees in thousand)
2020 % 2019 % 2018 % 2017 %
age age age age
- - - - - - 4,172,727 8.91
10,342,139 8.20 10,057,962 10.87 7,952,336 13.59 7,483,812 15.98
10,342,139 8.20 10,057,962 10.87 7,952,336 13.59 11,656,539 24.89
Vertical Analysis
Statement of Profit or Loss
2022 % 2021 %
age age
(Rupees in thousand)
2020 % 2019 % 2018 % 2017 %
age age age age
Horizontal Analysis
Statement of Financial Position
Share Capital and Non Current Liabilities Current Liabilities
Reserves (Rupees in billion) (Rupees in billion)
(Rupees in billion)
2017 25.54
Share Capital and Reserves Non Current Liabilities Current Liabilities
Over the years, unappropriated Deferred liabilities registered an Current liabilities increased by 60%
profit has consistently increased increase of 108% from 2016-17 in 2021-22 in comparison to 2020-
primarily on account of profit predominantly due to increase in 21, principally due to increase in
retention. Resultantly, shareholders’ provision for decommissioning provision of income tax and trade
equity rose to Rs 130.86 billion at cost over the years. During the and other payables.
the close of 2021-22 registering an year, the Company obtained long
increase of 412% in comparison to term financing under 'Temporary Current Assets
2016-17. Economic Relief Facility' (TERF) (Rupees in billion)
announced by the State Bank of 83.98
Pakistan (SBP).
(Rupees in billion)
2017 18.54
Current Assets
(Rupees in billion)
Net sales increased by more than 3 Exploration and prospecting end of the year. In the like-for-like
times from Rs 28.24 billion in 2016- expenses have increased comparison with the last year, the
17 to Rs 95.13 billion in 2021-22 significantly in the recent years profit was higher by 22%, however,
primarily due to enhancement of reflecting Company's aggressive due to the imposition of the new
production and better selling prices exploration efforts in terms of fiscal regime, the actual increase is
prevailed over the years. Further, seismic acquisition and drilling of 5%, which is still the highest ever
finance income has increased by exploratory wells. for the Company.
more than 19 times in comparison
to 2016-17 due to higher average The Company has reported the
bank/investment balances, interest highest ever profit despite the
rates and exchange gain on adverse change in the fiscal regime
account of rupee devaluation. that was enacted towards the
144 Mari Petroleum Company Limited
Vertical Analysis
Statement of Financial Position
Composition of Composition of Assets
Equity and Liabilities (Percentage)
l Current Liabilities l Non Current Liabilities l Share Capital and Reserves l Non Current Assets l Current Assets
Share Capital and Reserves to 30% in 2021-22 primarily on Non Current Assets
Unappropriated profit as a account of increase in 'trade and ‘Property, plant and equipment’,
percentage of equity has increased other payables' and 'provision for ‘development and production
from five years’ average of 72% to income tax'. assets’ and ‘exploration and
87% at the close of 2021-22 owing to evaluation assets’ cumulatively are
profit retention in the business. Current Liabilities 94% as a percentage of non-current
‘Trade and other payables’ assets and remained in line with
Non Current Liabilities and ‘Provision for income tax’ the prior years as the Company
Non current liabilities as a cumulatively as a percentage of continued to invest in oil and gas
percentage of total liabilities current liabilities remain in line with assets.
decreased from 55% in 2016-17 prior years.
Current Assets
Trade debts as a percentage of
current assets increased in 2021-
Statement of Profit or Loss 22 vis-à-vis 2020-21 due to circular
debt issue prevailing in Oil & Gas
Composition of
Sector. ‘Short term investments’
Profit or Loss
(Percentage) and ‘cash and bank balances’
cumulatively constitute 48% of
current assets at the close of 2021-
22 and remains almost in line with
five years’ average of 51%.
l Royalty, Other Charges & Provision for Income Tax l Operating and Administrative Expenses
l Other Expenditure Net of Other Income and Finance Income l Profit
Performance Indicators
Methods and Assumptions Used in Compiling the Indicators
A performance indicator is a performance indicators with peers The performance indicators
measurable value that shows in order to take decisions. presented by the Company are
how a company is performing in chosen with consideration for the
terms of profitability, operational Because these indicators are based Company's dynamics, operations
efficiency, liquidity and solvency. on historical data, trend analysis and financial structure, among
It is a tool for management and should be used in conjunction with other things.
other stakeholders to review the other information rather than as a
Company's performance over sole tool in making future strategic
time, as well as to compare its decisions.
l Net Profit to Net Sales l EBITDA Margin to Net Sales l Current Ratio l Quick / Acid Test Ratio
l Return on Equity / Shareholders’ Funds l Return on Capital employed l Cash to Current Liabilities l Cash Flow from Operations to Net Sales
Performance Indicators
Debtor, Total Assets and Fixed Assets Turnover
(Times) Number of Days
6 in Receivables
2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
l Debtor Turnover l Total Assets Turnover l Fixed Assets Turnover
Activity / Turnover Ratios resolution of the circular debt issue, which would
Debtor turnover and days in receivables registered eventually further improve debtor turnover and days
improvement from 2020-21 evidencing management’s in receivables. Further, fixed assets turnover has
efforts to recover outstanding receivables. The decreased due to major capital projects under progress
management is constantly in contact with concerned at the end of the year that will give return in future
consumers and government officials to ensure quick years.
the year, led to a rise in the price years; including the horizontal and
to earnings ratio of 7.02 times. vertical analysis of the statement
of financial position, statement
Revenues including Government levies and taxes 137,223.91 110.95 111,183.76 109.36
Less: Expenses netted off with other and finance income (13,539.04) (10.95) (9,512.30) (9.36)
Employees as remuneration and benefits 8,270.10 6.69 6,631.65 6.52
Government as levies
Direct 20,777.55 16.80 13,551.43 13.33
Indirect 56,843.42 55.91 49,516.30 48.70
77,620.98 62.76 63,067.73 62.03
Previous years figures have been restated, wherever necessary for the purpose of comparison
* This includes final dividend of 620% for the year ended June 30, 2022 proposed by the Board of Directors for approval of
members in the Annual General Meeting to be held on September 28, 2022.
2021-22 2020-21
2021-22 2020-21 2019-20 2018-19 2017-18 2016-17 2015-16 2014-15 2013-14 2012-13
Net sales (Rs in million) 95,134.48 73,018.27 72,026.37 59,457.12 40,722.70 28,242.92 21,761.18 19,351.97 14,894.23 11,798.01
Profit before taxation (Rs in million) 52,116.31 43,931.36 41,279.45 34,708.33 20,291.54 11,149.46 6,561.45 6,551.87 4,377.64 3,488.49
Profit for the year (Rs in million) 33,063.01 31,444.91 30,312.87 24,327.09 15,374.34 9,136.19 6,051.46 5,650.31 3,943.30 2,421.08
Earnings per share (Rs) 247.84 235.71 227.23 182.36 115.25 68.49 45.36 42.36 29.56 18.15
Dividend per share (Rs) 124.00 * 141.00 6.10 6.00 6.00 5.20 5.10 5.22 3.78 3.71
Share price - at year end (Rs) 1,739.74 1,524.39 1,236.65 1,009.33 1,506.18 1,575.64 908.22 468.60 373.43 136.57
Contribution to
national exchequer (Rs in million) 77,620.98 63,067.73 78,287.21 77,045.51 70,409.10 74,298.34 77,328.34 73,242.31 58,599.39 55,511.89
Balance reserves
and Resources (MMBOE) 642 612 568 573 601 612 363 388 415 439
Energy produced (MMBOE) 36.91 35.87 33.41 33.64 34.02 32.32 30.48 29.21 27.88 26.71
Energy produced (BOE per day) 101,109 98,281 91,283 92,159 93,216 88,537 83,279 80,014 76,384 73,168
Gas Production (BSCF) 283.2 269.3 249.6 257.1 257.2 243.8 232.0 224.7 217.3 211.2
Oil production (Barrels) 458,509 457,205 383,548 405,055 543,820 554,081 472,413 414,433 175,312 192,259
LPG production (Metric ton) 32 54 22 20 - 20 25 362 263 477
* This includes final dividend of 620% for the year ended June 30, 2022 proposed by the Board of Directors for approval of members in the Annual General Meeting
to be held on September 28, 2022.
Annual Report 2022 149
Pattern of Shareholding
as at June 30, 2022
No. of Total
Shareholders Shareholding shares held
933 1 to 100 32,243
533 101 to 500 141,407
310 501 to 1,000 235,891
605 1,001 to 5,000 1,304,713
111 5,001 to 10,000 807,898
45 10,001 to 15,000 551,130
34 15,001 to 20,000 593,725
24 20,001 to 25,000 537,489
14 25,001 to 30,000 395,510
12 30,001 to 35,000 388,150
9 35,001 to 40,000 338,625
11 40,001 to 45,000 468,024
12 45,001 to 50,000 576,305
6 50,001 to 55,000 320,598
3 55,001 to 60,000 168,716
6 60,001 to 65,000 376,076
4 70,001 to 75,000 288,586
4 75,001 to 80,000 308,999
4 80,001 to 85,000 335,833
1 85,001 to 90,000 86,301
2 95,001 to 100,000 188,833
1 110,001 to 115,000 112,593
3 115,001 to 120,000 352,849
1 120,001 to 125,000 122,190
3 125,001 to 130,000 384,177
1 135,001 to 140,000 138,077
1 140,001 to 145,000 141,926
1 145,001 to 150,000 146,181
1 170,001 to 175,000 174,119
1 185,001 to 190,000 188,168
1 205,001 to 210,000 207,160
1 215,001 to 220,000 219,645
2 245,001 to 250,000 497,120
1 250,001 to 255,000 253,271
1 265,001 to 270,000 269,165
1 285,001 to 290,000 287,982
2 315,001 to 320,000 637,192
1 320,001 to 325,000 322,692
2 325,001 to 330,000 655,259
1 330,001 to 335,000 332,719
1 375,001 to 380,000 375,133
1 415,001 to 420,000 415,355
1 460,001 to 465,000 463,766
1 520,001 to 525,000 521,016
1 575,001 to 580,000 579,232
1 620,001 to 625,000 621,980
1 640,001 to 645,000 644,844
1 735,001 to 740,000 736,120
1 955,001 to 960,000 958,060
1 1,530,001 to 1,535,000 1,533,945
1 1,875,001 to 1,880,000 1,877,208
1 2,135,001 to 2,140,000 2,135,832
1 2,210,001 to 2,215,000 2,214,858
1 2,535,001 to 2,540,000 2,536,423
1 24,525,001 to 24,530,000 24,526,716
1 26,455,001 to 26,460,000 26,458,162
1 52,915,001 to 52,920,000 52,916,313
2,726 133,402,500
150 Mari Petroleum Company Limited
Categories of Shareholders
Shares Pending Total
Categories of Shareholders Numbers Held Shares * Shares %Age
Mutual Funds
Trustee HBL Energy Fund 1 29,439 - 29,439 0.02
Trustee ABL Islamic Pension Fund Equity Sub Fund 1 6,261 - 6,261 0.00
Trustee ABL Pension Fund Equity Sub Fund 1 5,407 - 5,407 0.00
Trustee ABL Stock Fund 1 219,645 - 219,645 0.16
Trustee AKD Index Tracker Fund 1 6,898 52 6,950 0.01
Trustee Al Ameen Islamic Dedicated Equity Fund 1 1,290 - 1,290 0.00
Trustee Al Habib Asset Allocation Fund 1 1,800 - 1,800 0.00
Trustee Al Habib Islamic Stock Fund 1 9,000 - 9,000 0.01
Trustee Al Habib Stock Fund 1 4,300 - 4,300 0.00
Trustee Al Meezan Mutual Fund 1 329,484 1,694 331,178 0.25
Trustee Al-Ameen Islamic Asset Allocation Fund 1 75,382 - 75,382 0.06
Trustee Al-Ameen Islamic Energy Fund 1 60,301 - 60,301 0.05
Trustee Al-Ameen Shariah Stock Fund 1 644,844 - 644,844 0.48
Trustee Alfalah GHP Alpha Fund 1 21,992 - 21,992 0.02
Trustee Alfalah GHP Islamic Dedicated Equity Fund 1 9,294 - 9,294 0.01
Trustee Alfalah GHP Islamic Stock Fund 1 72,767 - 72,767 0.05
Trustee Alfalah GHP Stock Fund 1 45,279 - 45,279 0.03
Trustee Alfalah GHP Value Fund 1 9,415 65 9,480 0.01
Trustee Alhamra Islamic Stock Fund 1 129,000 - 129,000 0.10
Trustee Allied Finergy Fund 1 20,014 - 20,014 0.02
Trustee APF-Equity Sub Fund 1 18,087 - 18,087 0.01
Trustee APIF Equity Sub Fund 1 29,835 - 29,835 0.02
Trustee Atlas Islamic Dedicated Stock Fund 1 24,308 - 24,308 0.02
Trustee Atlas Islamic Stock Fund 1 207,160 121 207,281 0.16
Trustee Atlas Stock Market Fund 1 325,775 182 325,957 0.24
Trustee AWT Islamic Stock Fund 1 3,012 - 3,012 0.00
Trustee AWT Stock Fund 1 430 - 430 0.00
Trustee Faysal Islamic Dedicated Equity Fund 1 62,107 - 62,107 0.05
Trustee Faysal Islamic Stock Fund 1 17,690 - 17,690 0.01
Trustee First Capital Mutual Fund 1 12 93 105 0.00
Trustee HBL Equity Fund 1 3,500 - 3,500 0.00
Trustee HBL Growth Fund 1 18,353 - 18,353 0.01
Trustee HBL Investment Fund 1 13,966 - 13,966 0.01
Trustee HBL IPF Equity Sub Fund 1 4,546 169 4,715 0.00
Trustee HBL Islamic Asset Allocation Fund 1 2,835 - 2,835 0.00
Trustee HBL Islamic Equity Fund 1 3,771 - 3,771 0.00
Trustee HBL Multi Asset Fund 1 755 - 755 0.00
Trustee HBL PF Equity Sub Fund 1 1,834 - 1,834 0.00
Trustee JS Islamic Fund 1 13,275 - 13,275 0.01
Trustee JS Islamic Pension Savings Fund-Equity Account 1 4,075 - 4,075 0.00
Trustee JS Large Cap. Fund 1 9,860 - 9,860 0.01
Trustee JS Pension Savings Fund Equity Account 1 5,139 - 5,139 0.00
Trustee KSE Meezan Index Fund 1 86,301 398 86,699 0.06
Trustee Lakson Equity Fund 1 57,280 1,222 58,502 0.04
Trustee Lakson Islamic Tactical Fund 1 8,826 - 8,826 0.01
Trustee Lakson Tactical Fund 1 7,856 - 7,856 0.01
Trustee MCB Pakistan Asset Allocation Fund 1 43,255 - 43,255 0.03
Annual Report 2022 151
Categories of Shareholders
Shares Pending Total
Categories of Shareholders Numbers Held Shares * Shares %Age
B.R.R. Guardian Modaraba. 1 9,771 - 9,771 0.01
Pension Funds
Abbott Laboratories (Pakistan) Limited Staff Pension Fund 1 13,904 - 13,904 0.01
Trustee AGIPF Equity Sub-Fund 1 2,979 - 2,979 0.00
Trustee AGPF Equity Sub-Fund 1 1,381 - 1,381 0.00
Trustee NAFA Islamic Pension Fund Equity Account 1 64,898 - 64,898 0.05
Trustee NAFA Pension Fund Equity Sub-Fund Account 1 29,671 - 29,671 0.02
Trustee Pakistan Pension Fund - Equity Sub Fund 1 41,860 - 41,860 0.03
Trustee Alhamra Islamic Pension Fund - Equity Sub Fund 1 31,468 - 31,468 0.02
Engro Corp Ltd Mpt Employees Def Contr Pension Fund 1 2,473 - 2,473 0.00
HPSL Pension Fund 1 4,600 - 4,600 0.00
Indus Motor Company Limited Employees Pension Fund 1 5,100 - 5,100 0.00
Pakistan Petroleum Executive Staff Pension Fund (DC Shariah) 1 13,640 - 13,640 0.01
Pakistan Petroleum Executive Staff Pension Fund-DC Shariah 1 7,975 - 7,975 0.01
Pakistan Refinery Limited Workmen Pension Fund 1 870 - 870 0.00
Pakistan Refinery Ltd Management Staff Pension Fund 1 6,860 - 6,860 0.01
Pfizer Pakistan DC Pension Fund 1 4,526 - 4,526 0.00
Trustee National Bank of Pakistan Employees Pension Fund 1 463,766 - 463,766 0.35
Trustee Pak Tobacco Co Ltd Staff Def Contri Pen Fd 1 6,872 - 6,872 0.01
Trustee Pak Tobacco Co Ltd Staff Pension Fund 1 47,354 - 47,354 0.04
Trustee Pak. Petroleum Exec. Staff Pen. Fund DC Conventional 1 7,933 - 7,933 0.01
Trustee Pakistan Petroleum Executive Staff Pension Fund 1 93,566 - 93,566 0.07
Trustee Pakistan Petroleum Non Executive Staff Pension Fund 1 36,930 - 36,930 0.03
Trustee-ANPL Management Staff Pension Fund 1 1,573 - 1,573 0.00
Trustee-Millat Tractors Ltd. Employees Pension Fund 1 3,160 - 3,160 0.00
Annual Report 2022 153
Trustees Nestle Pakistan Limited Employees Pension Fund 1 16,693 - 16,693 0.01
Trustees of Cresent Steel & Allied Products Ltd-Pension Fund 1 326 - 326 0.00
Trustee-Shell Pakistan DC Pension Fund 1 10,597 - 10,597 0.01
Trustee-Shell Pakistan Management Staff Pension Fund 1 9,463 - 9,463 0.01
Trustee-Shell Pakistan Staff Pension Fund 1 263 - 263 0.00
Trustees-ICI Pakistan Mngt Staff Pen.f 1 10,938 - 10,938 0.01
Unilever Pakistan DC Pension Fund (Sub Fund A) 1 9,789 - 9,789 0.01
Unilever Pakistan DC Pension Fund (Sub Fund B) 1 4,843 - 4,843 0.00
Unilever Pension Plan 1 553 - 553 0.00
Wyeth Pakistan DC Pension Fund 1 714 - 714 0.00
Trustee-The Kot Addu Power Co. Ltd. Employees Pension Fund 1 8,460 - 8,460 0.01
- Government of Pakistan 1 24,526,716 - 24,526,716 18.39
- Federal Board of Revenue 1 54,797 - 54,797 0.04
- Joint Stock Companies 66 1,033,499 - 1,033,499 0.77
- Executives 4 3,991 - 3,991 0.00
- Foreign Companies 18 401,984 - 401,984 0.30
- Others 117 2,714,763 - 2,714,763 2.04
2,726 132,666,380 736,120 133,402,500 100
During the financial year the trading in shares of the company by the Directors, CEO, CFO, Company Secretary, Executives and their spouses and minor
children is as follows:
Name Dates Purchase Sale "Rate Rs. Per Share**
Mr. Faiz Chapra 6-Jul-21 980 1,517.95
Ms. Adeela Waqar 02-Jul-21 20 1,536.01
Ms. Adeela Waqar 04-Nov-21 8 83 1,685.52
Mr. Abid Hasan 09-Jun-22 10 1,668.00
Ms. Seema Adil 07-Jun-22 500 1,664.93
Mr. Abid Hasan 19-Aug-22 490 1,699.05
* Pending shares represent bonus shares withheld by the Company and have not been issued due to pending resolution of issue relating to
deduction of withholding income tax on issuance of bonus shares.
** Average rates
154 Mari Petroleum Company Limited
The Board of Directors of Mari Petroleum Company Limited (MPCL) is pleased to
present the Directors’ Report and Audited Financial Statements of the Company
for the year ended June 30, 2022, together with the Auditors’ Report thereon.
Online Participants
MPCL Board of Director's Meeting-Head Office, Islamabad
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY value to the shareholders. Some of 101,109 BOE. This year is the first-
FY 2021 was the most successful the key highlights of the FY 2022 ever during which the Company
year ever for MPCL in terms are presented below, followed by managed to achieve six digit daily
of its operational and financial detailed sections on focus areas: average net production rate.
performance. Doing better than FY
2021 was on the cards for FY 2022 Health Safety and Environment: Financial Performance:
but never a given due to the nature The Company has HSE at the core of The Company achieved the highest-
of the E&P industry where external its values, and remains committed ever net sales of PKR 95.1 billion,
factors could have a significant to comply with all applicable HSE resulting in the highest-ever profit
bearing on the performance even standards. HSE performance during before tax of PKR 52.1 billion. The
with the delivery of the business the year remained consistent and net profit would have been PKR
plan in its entirety. sustainable; the Company achieved 38.27 billion if the super tax was not
all of its HSE related targets despite levied by the government. Even after
With our continued focus on working in challenging operational accounting for the impact of super
the core business and with the areas and spending about 17 million tax, the net profit was still the highest
blessings of Almighty Allah, FY recorded man-hours. ever, standing at PKR 33.1 billion.
2022 has proved to be another
historic year for the Company. Our Hydrocarbon Production: Contribution to
focus has been on the longer-term The Company achieved the highest- National Exchequer:
sustainability of the Company ever annual net production of With an overall contribution of
while also delivering immediate 36.91 MMBOE at a daily average of around PKR 78 billion, the Company
Annual Report 2022 155
remained one of the largest successful geological plays SGPC Phase-I was also
contributors to the government further towards the west of the commissioned during the year. The
exchequer in the form of taxes, Country. Phase-II to process 200 MMSCFD of
duties and levies. Goru-B gas is currently in advanced
Reserves and Resources: stages of construction and first gas
Forex Savings: The Company added 12 MMBOE is expected to be achieved during
The Company’s share of the into its 2P reserves and also Q2 of FY 2023.
hydrocarbon production resulted in achieved a remarkable increase
foreign exchange savings of around in its contingent resources Phase-III of the SGPC project
USD 3 billion for the year; assuming by adding 55 MMBOE of new (also known as HRL swing volume
crude oil price of US$ 80 per barrel. resources. The overall (2P + 2C) project) which was commissioned
reserves and resources of the with the installation of 2
Exploration Success: Company stood at 642 MMBOE compressors during FY 2021, has
The Company made a landmark on June 30, 2022. now been completed as the 3rd
gas discovery in Bannu West Block, remaining compressor has been
located in North Waziristan, KP. It is Key Development Projects: commissioned and overall export
the first-ever major discovery made The Company commissioned its capacity has been enhanced up
by the Company outside the Mari own new 20-inch, 25-km cross- to 60 MMSCFD. This project has
Field and the largest discovery in country pipeline, establishing Mari provided the Company greater
Pakistan in more than a decade. Field’s connectivity with SNGPL flexibility to divert undrawn HRL
The discovery has extended the network. volumes of power and fertilizer
156 Mari Petroleum Company Limited
Directors' Report
customers into the SNGPL network, value chain besides pursuing Corporate Social Responsibility
if required. opportunities for investments in (CSR):
oil and gas exploration. Earning the trust of all
Portfolio Expansion: stakeholders, especially the
The Company’s international The Company is also considering communities living in the areas
footprint was established with of leveraging its core of operations of the Company,
the formal award of Offshore competencies towards clean is of the utmost importance to
Block-5 in Abu Dhabi by the UAE energy. the Company. The Company has
Government to the consortium historically supported various
of 4 leading Pakistani E&P Revamping of Mari Services social causes and followed that
Companies. This block is located in Division (MSD): proud legacy during the year.
a highly prospective basin and the MSD remains a key pillar of the
consortium plans to drill the first Company’s business. Its capability The highlight of the year was
well during 2023. of performing seismic and drilling a deposit of over PKR 3 billion
operations in remote and security (under production bonus and
Additionally, the Company was sensitive areas has enabled the social welfare obligations) for
awarded 5 new blocks in the 2022 Company to not only complete community development projects
competitive bidding round run by seismic projects in strategic in District Ghotki, Sindh.
the Government of Pakistan. blocks but also to deliver Bannu
West well successfully. Another A large number of projects are
Diversification Efforts: achievement for MSD during the under execution which shall
During the year, the Board approved year was to secure the first-ever bring meaningful change for the
the divestment of the Company’s 3rd party businesses in its history, communities upon completion.
entire 20% equity interest in worth around USD 15 million. The Company also spent PKR
National Resources (Private) 800 million over and above its
Limited, for which approvals are in MSD has saved the Country obligations on high-impact social
process. precious forex of around USD welfare projects.
35 million this year, creating job
The Company is exploring various opportunities for the locals, and Organization and Culture:
investment avenues in core and building its credibility as a key The Company continued its focus
near-core sectors in the energy market player. on enhancing its organizational
Annual Report 2022 157
performance by bringing
process improvements,
performance based reward
structure, inducting new talent,
introduction of international
best practices and use of new
technology to manage its
business more in-line with the
international E&P industry.
Directors' Report
Based on IMS/ISMS audits, MPCL
achieved re-certification on the
following ISO standards:
The hydrocarbon production for the year is summarized below:
Mari Field 272,459 747 256,903 704 6%
Other Fields 10,714 29 12,354 34 (13%)
283,173 776 269,257 738 5%
Crude oil (barrels)
Mari Field 23,682 65 17,700 49 34%
Other Fields 434,827 1,191 439,505 1,204 (1%)
458,509 1,256 457,205 1,253 0.3%
production 36.91 101,109 35.87 98,281 3%
in equivalent million million
During the year, the production commenced from Hilal and Iqbal discoveries
with supply of gas to Pak Arab Fertilizers Limited.
160 Mari Petroleum Company Limited
Directors' Report
Trade Debts
The Company’s trade debts include
overdue receivables from power
generation and gas distribution
companies mainly on account
of prevailing inter-corporate
circular debt. In order to expedite
the recovery, the Company is
relentlessly following-up with
Fire Suppression System
the customers and the federal
Production Operations at Other Fields government for early settlement of
Commercial production commenced from the development well Togh the outstanding dues.
Bala in OGDCL operated Kohat Block, with the injection of gas into SNGPL
Various available production enhancement techniques are being
Discoveries during the year
contemplated and applied in other fields to cater for natural depletion and
Bannu West: The exploratory
to address technical issues, which arise from time to time.
well Bannu West-1 was spud-in
on June 06, 2021 and successfully
drilled down to the depth of 4,915
Year ended June 30 meters, with Company’s own rig.
Description 2022 2021 Post-acid job test rates were in the
order of 50 MMSCFD of gas and
Net Sales 95,134 73,018 30%
300 barrels per day of condensate
Profit Before Tax 52,116 43,931 19% from the Lockhart formation. Hangu
Income Tax (13,845) (12,486) 11% Formation also flowed gas at the
Profit After Tax 38,271 31,445 22% rate of 1.6 MMSCFD.
Reserves Replacement
To ensure continuity of the
Company in the long-term, the
Company’s efforts are directed
towards reserves replacement
in addition to managing and
enhancing current production.
Directors' Report
Directors' Report
Pipeline Pigging
Annual Report 2022 165
Directors' Report
financial assistance to a number of enterprise-wide risk management Due to its strategic position in the
charities for social causes. methodology, in line with ISO national economy, the oil and gas
31000:2018, to ensure a proactive, remains a highly regulated sector,
INTERNAL CONTROL SYSTEM adequate and integrated approach making it vulnerable to changes
The Board has set up an effective to risk management. in government regulations and
Internal Audit function, headed by policies. There were no significant
Chief Internal Audit and staffed A dedicated ERM department changes during the year with
with qualified professionals, which centrally coordinates risk respect to petroleum related
functionally reports to the Board’s management activities, ensures policies and regulations and thus
Audit Committee. smooth and streamlined adoption stability prevailed in this area.
of ERM practices across the
Detailed Management System organisation, and provides risk- INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS
Procedures are in place to ensure related advice, guidance and The Company is committed to
effective and efficient operations. support to the departments. provide a healthy work environment
All major policies are approved by to all its employees. It maintains
the Board and reviewed periodically. Principal Risks and Uncertainties cordial relations with the Collective
The SAP ERP solution has in-built The Company’s internal risks are Bargaining Agent that represents
authorization and other controls, mostly within the tolerable limits its unionized staff, and endeavors
which augment the overall control as these have been adequately to protect the workers’ interests,
environment. A Whistleblowing mitigated through effective controls. improve their economic condition
Policy is in place to address any On the other hand, the external and resolve their issues.
malpractices at workplace. risks, being uncontrollable in nature,
form a significant portion of the The Company has revamped its
Based on the work performed by Company’s emerging risk inventory. graduate trainee program SEED
the internal and external auditors, (Skill Enhancement & Employee
and the reviews conducted by the Major risks and uncertainties Development), and inducted young
relevant Board Committees, the in recent times have emanated graduates from top universities
Board is of the opinion that the primarily from the challenging across Pakistan to hone their
Company’s internal controls are security situation, Country’s macro- professional skills. To make the
sound in design and were effectively economic troubles, and lingering program more inclusive, 24% female
implemented and monitored during effects of COVID-19 on the supply engineers were inducted in the
the FY 2022. chain. Adequate controls are SEED program 2022.
employed to mitigate the identified
In order to enable the Board in the principal risks is actively The IT governance is an integral
discharging its responsibilities monitored and reported in line with part of the Company’s overall
relating to the governance of risks, the approved risk management governance framework and
the Company has adopted an framework. demonstrates its ability to create
value using IT infrastructure. The strategies. DRP is periodically tested and improved to help enhance
Company keeps cyber security the efficacy of recovery procedures and ensure improvement of the
and various elements of its IT infrastructure readiness to minimize system down-time in disaster
infrastructure aligned with each situations.
The focus of the Company is on
Board structure
implementation of automated
MPCL has a highly effective Board, having an appropriate mix of core
systems and digital transformation
competencies and diversity of backgrounds, skills, knowledge and
initiatives. This approach provides
experience. The Board comprises seven elected directors and four nominee
greater integration amongst cross-
directors (two each representing Government of Pakistan and OGDCL).
functional teams to induce effective
Current composition of the Board is as follows:
planning, coordination and decision-
making during various E&P-related S.
activities. No Director Category
Directors' Report
The names of the persons who, at any time during the financial year,
were directors of the company
Audit Committee:
Audit Committee of the Board currently comprises of the following
Director Designation
Director Designation
Technical Committee:
Technical Committee of the Board currently comprises of the following
Director Designation
Directors' Report
During the year, the Company paid
final cash dividend of Rs 75 per
share (750%) for the year ended
June 30, 2021, and also paid an
interim cash dividend of Rs 62 per
share (620%) for the year ended
June 30, 2022.
d) Appropriate accounting policies have been consistently applied in The Company will remain focused
preparation of financial statements, except for changes as detailed on HRL plateau extension and
in financial statements, and accounting estimates are based on enhancement of production from
reasonable and prudent judgment. deeper reservoirs of Mari Field. The
Company also plans to carry out
e) International Financial Reporting Standards, as applicable in Pakistan,
exploration activities in existing and
have been followed in preparation of the financial statements.
prospective blocks to supplement
f) Directors are responsible and have adequately ensured that the system production from Mari Field by
of internal controls including financial controls is sound in design and discovering more hydrocarbon
has been effectively implemented and monitored. resources. Infrastructure-led
investments in the exploration and
g) There has been no material departure from the best practices of development projects in other fields
corporate governance, as detailed in the Listed Companies (Code of will also add significant value to the
Corporate Governance) Regulations, 2019. Company.
h) Key operating and financial data of the last ten years is annexed.
All efforts are underway to expedite
i) Value of investments including bank deposits and accrued income of early gas production from Bannu
various funds as at June 30, 2021, based on their respective audited West discovery and safe completion
accounts, is as under: of Sachal Gas Processing Complex.
Contributory provident fund Rs 1,336 million
In total, nine exploratory, three
Management staff gratuity fund Rs 3,115 million
appraisal, four development and
Non-management staff gratuity fund Rs 1,077 million
three work-over wells are planned
j) Information regarding outstanding taxes and levies is disclosed in the in FY 2023 in various operated and
notes to the financial statements. non-operated blocks.
Annual Report 2022 171
The present auditors, M/s A.F.
Ferguson & Co., Chartered
Accountants, will retire at the
conclusion of the upcoming AGM
and have offered themselves for
re-appointment as external auditors Faheem Haider Waqar Ahmed Malik (SI)
of the Company. Managing Director/CEO Chairman
100% MPCL 100% MPCL 100% MPCL 95% MPCL 98.19% l MPCL
2.50% l GHPL 1.81% l KPOGCL
2.50% l KPOGCL
40% MPCL 40% MPCL 95% MPCL 65% MPCL 60% MPCL
30% l PPL 30% l PPL 05% l OGDCL 35% l PPL 40% l MOL
30% l UEP 30% l UEP
60% MPCL 60% MPCL 60% MPCL 55% MPCL 60% MPCL
40% l PPL EUROPE 40% l PPL EUROPE 40% l POL 35% l OGDCL 40% l OGDCL
10% l ZPCPL
Annual Report 2022 173
MPCL's Non-Operated Blocks
and D&P Leases
Operator: PPL (D&P Lease) (D&P Lease) Operator: PPL Operator: OGDCL Operator: OGDCL
32% MPCL 50% OGDCL 35% MPCL 30% MPCL 33.33% MPCL
63% l PPL 33.33% l MPCL 65% l PPL 30% l OPL 16.67% l SEL
2.5% l GHPL 16.67% l SEL 40% l OGDCL 50% l OGDCL
2.5% l SEHCL
Operator: PPL Operator: PPL Operator: OGDCL
50% MPCL
39% MPCL 32% MPCL 40% MPCL 50% l OGDCL
58.5% l PPL 63% l PPL 60% l OGDCL
2.5% l GHPL 2.5% l GHPL
2.5% l SEHCL
Operator: POL Operator: PPL Operator: MOL Operator: PPL
Geographical Presence
MPCL Concessions and Working Interest
OPERATOR: MPCL Karakoram Pass
MPCL 60%
UEP 30%
MPCL 100% F
I MPCL 40%
POL 40% C
MPCL 50%
PPL 58.5%
MPCL 39%
GHPL 2.5% B
MPCL 30% PPL 50% MPCL 50%
OPL 30% MPCL 50%
Astola Island OPERATOR: PPL MPCL 100% OGDCL 05%
MPCL 100%
MPCL 35%
Churna Island
A R A B I A N S E A PPL 65% MPCL 35%
MPCL 32.0% PPL: 65%
GHPL 2.5% MPCL 35% MPCL 35%
MPCL 32.0%
MPCL 100%
GHPL 2.5%
SEHCL 2.5%
PPL 25%
MPCL 25%
GHPL 25% Won in bid round 2022
l OPERATOR E.L’s = 02
l NON - OPERATED E.L’s = 03
Annual Report 2022 175
176 Mari Petroleum Company Limited
Statement of Compliance
with Listed Companies (Code of Corporate Governance) Regulations, 2019
The Company has complied with the requirements of the Regulations in the following manner:-
3. The directors have confirmed that none of them is serving as a director on more than seven listed companies,
including MPCL;
4. The Company has prepared a code of conduct and has ensured that appropriate steps have been taken to
disseminate it throughout the Company along with its supporting policies and procedures;
5. The Board has developed a Vision / Mission Statement, overall corporate strategy and significant policies
of the Company. The Board has ensured that complete record of particulars of the significant policies along
with their date of approval or updating is maintained by the Company;
6. All the powers of the Board have been duly exercised and decisions on relevant matters have been taken
by the Board! shareholders as empowered by the relevant provisions of the Act and the Regulations;
7. The meetings of the Board were presided over by the Chairman and, in his absence, by a director elected
by the Board for this purpose. The Board has complied with the requirements of the Act and the Regulations
with respect to frequency, recording and circulating minutes of meetings of the Board;
8. The Board has a formal policy and transparent procedures for determining the remuneration of directors in
accordance with the Act and the Regulations;
Annual Report 2022 177
9. The following Directors were certified under SECP approved Directors' Training Program as at June 30, 2022:
S# Directors
The directors training program for one newly elected director will be arranged in due course.
A Directors' Training Program from SECP approved institution was arranged during the year, which was
attended by the following:
- Mr. Haroon-ur- Rafique - Non-Executive Director
- Mr. Nabeel Rasheed - Chief Financial Officer
- Ms. Fauzia Ahmad - Chief Human Resource Officer
10. The Board has approved appointment of chief financial officer, company secretary and head of internal
audit, including their remuneration and terms and conditions of employment and complied with relevant
requirements of the Regulations;
11. Chief Financial Officer and the Chief Executive Officer duly endorsed the financial statements before
approval of the Board;
12. The Board has formed the following committees comprising of the members as given below:
a) Audit Committee
Director Designation
c) Investment Committee
Director Designation
d) Technical Committee
Director Designation
13. The terms of reference of the aforesaid committees have been formed, documented and advised to the
committees for compliance;
14. The frequency of meetings (quarterly / half / yearly) of the committees was as given below:
15. The Board has set up an effective internal audit function staffed with personnel who are considered
suitably qualified and experienced for the purpose and are conversant with the policies and procedures of
the Company;
16. The statutory auditors of the Company have confirmed that they have been given a satisfactory rating
under the Quality Control Review program of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Pakistan and
registered with Audit Oversight Board of Pakistan, that they and all their partners are in compliance with
International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) guidelines on code of ethics as adopted by the Institute of
Chartered Accountants of Pakistan and that they and the partners of the firm involved in the audit are not a
close relative (spouse, parent, dependent and non-dependent children) of the chief executive officer, chief
financial officer, head of internal audit, company secretary or director of the Company;
Annual Report 2022 179
17. The statutory auditors or the persons associated with them have not been appointed to provide other
services except in accordance with the Act, the Regulations or any other regulatory requirement and the
Auditors have confirmed that they have observed IFAC guidelines in this regard;
18. We confirm that all requirements of Regulations 3, 6, 7, 8, 27, 32, 33 and 36 of the Regulations have been
complied with.
19. Explanations pertaining to the regulations other than 3, 6, 7, 8, 27, 32, 33 and 36 are below:
ii. Constitution of Risk The functions of the risk management committee are 30
Management Committee currently performed by the Audit Committee and are
included in its ToRs. Hence a separate risk management
committee is currently not needed.
2022 2021
Note (Rupees in thousand)
Trade and other payables 8 23,299,450 17,256,803
Current maturity of long term financing 27,981 -
Unclaimed dividend 9 265,992 118,875
Provision for income tax 14,419,416 6,305,167
38,012,839 23,680,845
185,140,025 150,386,133
2022 2021
Note (Rupees in thousand)
Stores and spares 18 3,424,159 2,866,855
Trade debts 19 32,359,298 28,046,706
Short term loans and advances 20 7,792,601 5,470,861
Short term prepayments 135,672 144,920
Other receivables 676,270 187,311
Current portion of long term investments 41,068 39,831
Short term investments 21 4,995,065 40,782,256
Interest accrued 29,853 100,635
Cash and bank balances 22 36,496,060 7,823,125
85,950,046 85,462,500
Assets classified as held for sale 14 64,790 -
185,140,025 150,386,133
2022 2021
Note (Rupees in thousand)
2022 2021
Note (Rupees in thousand)
Other Reserves
Undistributed Capital Foreign
percentage redemption Self currency
Share return reserve insurance translation Unappropriated
capital reserve fund reserve reserve profit Total
(Rupees in thousand)
2022 2021
Note (Rupees in thousand)
Block/Fields Location
Bannu West block, Kohat block and Wali West block Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK)
Karak block, Peshawar East block and Zindan block KPK and Punjab
The Company's largest field is Mari Field which is located at Daharki, District Ghotki, Sindh.
1.3.1 Previously, gas price mechanism for Mari field was governed by Mari Gas Wellhead Price Agreement ("the
Agreement") dated December 22, 1985 between the President of Islamic Republic of Pakistan and the
Company. Effective July 1, 2014, the Agreement was replaced with revised Mari Wellhead Gas Price Agreement
dated July 29, 2015 ("Revised Agreement 2015") in line with the Economic Coordination Committee (ECC)
decision, whereby the wellhead gas pricing formula was replaced with a crude oil price linked formula, which
provides a discounted wellhead gas price. The Revised Agreement 2015 provided dividend distribution to be
continued for ten years upto June 30, 2024 in line with the previous cost plus formula, according to which the
shareholders were entitled to a minimum return of 30% per annum, net of all taxes, on shareholders' funds,
to be escalated in the event of increase in the Company's gas or equivalent oil production beyond the level
of 425 MMSCFD at the rate of 1%, net of all taxes, on shareholder's funds for each additional 20 MMSCFD of
gas or equivalent oil produced, prorated for part thereof on an annual basis, subject to a maximum of 45% per
1.3.2 Effective July 1, 2020, dividend distribution cap has been removed vide ECC decision in the meeting held on
February 3, 2021, which has also been ratified by the Federal Cabinet on February 9, 2021. Accordingly, the
Company is allowed to distribute dividend in accordance with provisions of the Companies Act 2017 and rules
made thereunder, without any lower or upper limit as mentioned in para 1.3.1. Subsequently, an Amendment
Agreement to Revised Agreement 2015 has been executed between the Government of Pakistan and the
Company on April 17, 2021, giving effect to the ECC decision.
International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), issued by the International Accounting Standards Board
(IASB) as notified under the Companies Act, 2017 and provisions of and directives issued under the Companies
Act, 2017. Where the provisions of and directives issued under the Companies Act, 2017 differ from IFRS, the
provisions of and directives issued under the Companies Act, 2017 have been followed.
The estimates and underlying assumptions are reviewed on an ongoing basis. Revisions to accounting
estimates are recognized in the period in which estimates are revised if the revision affects only that period,
or in the period of revision and future periods if the revision affects both current and future periods.
In the process of applying the Company's accounting policies, the management has made the following
estimates, assumptions and judgements which are significant to these financial statements:
h) Measurement of the expected credit loss allowance - note 3.16 and note 33
The measurement of the Expected Credit Loss (“ECL”) allowance for financial assets measured at amortised
cost is an area that requires the use of complex models and significant assumptions about future economic
conditions and credit behavior (e.g. the likelihood of counter parties defaulting and the resulting losses).
Elements of the ECL models that are considered accounting judgments and estimates include various formulas
and choice of inputs, macroeconomic scenarios and economic inputs alongwith their effect on Probability of
Default (PDs), Exposure At Default (EADs) and Loss Given Default (LGDs).
As referred in note 2.6 to these financial statements, the Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan
(SECP) has deferred applicability of ECL model in respect of financial assets due from the Government of
Pakistan (GoP) till June 30, 2022. Accordingly, the Company reviews the recoverability of its financial assets
Annual Report 2022 197
that are due directly / ultimately from GoP to assess whether there is any objective evidence of impairment
as per requirements of IAS 39 ‘Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement’ at each reporting date.
2.5 Standards, amendments to published standards and interpretations that are not yet effective and
have not been early adopted by the Company
The following standards, amendments and interpretations are only effective for accounting periods, beginning
on or after the date mentioned against each of them.
- Amendments to IAS 1 and IFRS Practice Statement 2 Disclosure of Accounting Policies (effective for
annual reporting periods beginning on or after January 1, 2023). The amendments aim to help entities
provide accounting policy disclosures that are more useful by replacing the requirement for entities to
disclose their ‘significant’ accounting policies with a requirement to disclose their ‘material’ accounting
policies and adding guidance on how entities apply the concept of materiality in making decisions about
accounting policy disclosures.
- Amendments to IAS 8 ‘Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates and Errors’- Definition
of Accounting Estimates (effective for annual reporting periods beginning on or after January 1, 2023).
The amendments introduce a new definition for accounting estimates clarifying that they are monetary
amounts in the financial statements that are subject to measurement uncertainty. The amendments
also clarify the relationship between accounting policies and accounting estimates by specifying that a
company develops an accounting estimate to achieve the objective set out by an accounting policy. The
amendments will apply prospectively to changes in accounting estimates and changes in accounting
policies occurring on or after the beginning of the first annual reporting period in which the company
applies the amendments.
- Amendments to IAS 12 ‘Income Taxes’- Deferred Tax related to Assets and Liabilities arising from a Single
Transaction (effective for annual reporting periods beginning on or after January 1, 2023 with earlier
application permitted). The amendments narrow the scope of the initial recognition exemption (IRE) so
198 Mari Petroleum Company Limited
that it does not apply to transactions that give rise to equal and offsetting temporary differences. As a
result, companies will need to recognise a deferred tax asset and a deferred tax liability for temporary
differences arising on initial recognition of a lease and a decommissioning provision. For leases and
decommissioning liabilities, the associated deferred tax asset and liabilities will need to be recognised
from the beginning of the earliest comparative period presented, with any cumulative effect recognised
as an adjustment to retained earnings or other components of equity at that date.
- Amendment to IAS 16 ‘Property, plant and equipment’ (effective for annual reporting periods beginning
on or after January 1, 2022). The amendments clarify the prohibition on an entity from deducting from
the cost of an item of property, plant and equipment any proceeds from selling items produced while
bringing that asset to the location and condition necessary for it to be capable of operating in the manner
intended by management. Instead, an entity recognizes the proceeds from selling such items, and the
cost of producing those items, in statement of profit or loss.
- Amendment to IAS 37 ‘Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets’ - Onerous Contracts:
Cost of Fulfilling a Contract (effective for annual reporting periods beginning on or after January 1, 2022).
The amendments specify the costs a company should include as the cost of fulfilling a contract when
assessing whether a contract is onerous.
- On May 14, 2020, the IASB issued 'Annual Improvements to IFRS Standards 2018-2020' (Amendments to
IAS 41, IFRS 1, IFRS 9, and IFRS 16)'. The amendments are effective for annual periods beginning on or
after January 1, 2022.
- Amendment to IFRS 3 ‘Business Combinations’ (effective for annual reporting periods beginning on or
after January 1, 2022). The amendment updates a reference in IFRS 3 to the Conceptual Framework for
Financial Reporting without changing the accounting requirements.
The above standards, amendments to approved accounting standards and interpretations are not likely
to have any material impact on the Company's financial statements.
Other than the aforesaid standards, interpretations and amendments, IASB has also issued the following
standards and interpretation, which have not been notified locally or deferred by the SECP as at June 30,
Consequently, the Company has not recorded impact of application of ECL model on the financial assets due
directly/ultimately from the GoP in these financial statements.
(non-SOEs) where GoP holds significant investments. To administer the Scheme, the GoP transferred 12% of
its investment to BESOS Trust Fund (the Trust) created for the purpose by each of such entities.
Keeping in view the difficulties that may be faced by the entities covered under the Scheme, SECP on receiving
representation from some of the entities covered under the scheme and after having consulted the Institute
of Chartered Accountants of Pakistan vide their letter number CAIDTS/PS& TAC/2011-2036 dated February 2,
2011 granted exemption to such entities from the application of IFRS 2 (Share based payment) to the Scheme
vide SRO 587 (I)/2011 dated June 7, 2011.
The Supreme Court of Pakistan (SCP), vide its detailed judgment dated December 22, 2021, has declared the
BESOS Scheme ultra vires. Accordingly, the appropriate measures in collaboration with relevant stakeholders
are being taken by the Company to implement the decision of the SCP.
The principal accounting policies applied in the preparation of these financial statements are set out below.
These policies have been consistently applied to all the years presented in these financial statements except
for reporting of the Company's operations as one reportable segment. Further, the Company has adopted the
accounting policy for government grant as disclosed in note 3.22 to these financial statements.
Provision for current income tax is based on taxable income at the applicable tax rates after taking into
account tax credits and tax rebates, if any.
The Company accounts for deferred tax using the 'liability method' in respect of all temporary differences
between carrying amounts of assets and liabilities in the financial statements and the corresponding tax
bases. Deferred tax liabilities are recognized for all taxable temporary differences and deferred tax assets
are recognized to the extent, it is probable that taxable profits will be available against which deductible
temporary differences, unused tax losses and unused tax credits can be utilized.
Deferred tax assets are reviewed at each reporting date and are reduced to the extent that it is no longer
probable that the related tax benefit will be realized. Deferred tax has been calculated at the estimated
effective tax rate of 36% after taking into account the availability of depletion allowance and royalty. The tax
rate is reviewed periodically and significant adjustments are incorporated, where required.
Deferred tax assets and liabilities are offset if there is a legally enforceable right to offset current tax liabilities
and assets and they relate to income taxes levied by the same tax authority.
3.2 Provisions
Provisions are recognized when the Company has a present legal or constructive obligation as a result of past
events, it is probable that an outflow of resources embodying economic benefits will be required to settle the
obligation and a reliable estimate can be made of the amount of obligation. Provisions are reviewed at each
reporting date and significant adjustments are made to reflect the current best estimate.
200 Mari Petroleum Company Limited
Liabilities for decommissioning cost are recognized when the Company has an obligation for site restoration
and a reliable estimate of that liability can be made. The amount recognized is the estimated cost of
decommissioning based on current requirements, technology and price levels and is discounted to its present
value over the useful economic life of the reserves. The associated decommissioning cost asset is capitalized
to the cost of property, plant and equipment, development and production assets and exploration and
evaluation assets, as the case may be. The recognized amount of decommissioning cost asset is subsequently
amortized/depreciated as part of the capital cost of the development and production assets and property,
plant and equipment.
While the provision is based on the best estimates, there is uncertainty regarding both the amount and
timing of incurring these costs. Any change in the present value of the estimated expenditure is dealt with
prospectively and reflected as an adjustment to the provision and a corresponding adjustment to property,
plant and equipment, development and production assets and exploration and evaluation assets, as the
case may be. The unwinding of discount on decommissioning provision is recognized as finance cost in the
statement of profit or loss.
The decommissioning cost has been discounted at a real discount rate of 1.30% (2021: 1.30%) per annum.
a) The Company makes contributions to funded plans and records liability for funded and unfunded
plans on the basis of actuarial valuations, carried out annually by independent actuaries using the
"Projected Unit Credit Method" and the latest valuation was carried out as at June 30, 2022. The
results of the valuation are summarized in note 32 to these financial statements.
The Company’s net obligation in respect of defined benefit plans is calculated separately for each
plan by estimating the present value of the future benefit that employees have earned in return for
their service in the current and prior periods. Past service cost and curtailments are recognized in
statement of profit or loss, in the period in which change takes place.
Remeasurement gains and losses arising from experience adjustments and changes in actuarial
assumptions are charged or credited in other comprehensive income in the year in which they arise.
b) The Company has the policy to provide for compensated absences of its employees in accordance
with respective entitlement on cessation of service; related expected cost thereof has been
recognized in the statement of profit or loss.
ii) Defined contribution provident fund, for which Rs 196,106 thousand (2021: Rs 101,521 thousand) are
charged to statement of profit or loss for the year. The contributions to the fund are made by the Company
at the rate of 10% of the basic salary.
and equipment comprises acquisition and other directly attributable costs to bring the asset to the location
and condition necessary for it to be capable of operating in the manner intended by the management and
decommissioning cost as referred in note 3.3 to these financial statements. The cost of self constructed
assets also includes the cost of materials, direct labour and any other costs directly attributable to bringing
the assets to working condition for their intended use.
Depreciation on property, plant and equipment is charged to statement of profit or loss using the straight line
method at rates specified in note 11 to these financial statements except for decommissioning cost which
is charged on unit of production basis, so as to write off the cost of property, plant and equipment over their
estimated useful lives.
Depreciation on additions to property, plant and equipment is charged from the month in which an asset is
available for use while no depreciation is charged for the month in which the asset is derecognized.
Subsequent costs are included in the assets' carrying amounts when it is probable that future economic
benefits associated with the item will flow to the Company and the cost of the item can be measured reliably.
Carrying amount of parts so replaced, if any, is derecognized. All other repairs and maintenance are charged
to statement of profit or loss as and when incurred. Gains and losses on disposals are credited or charged to
statement of profit or loss in the year of disposal.
Capital work in progress is stated at cost less impairment loss, if any, and transferred to respective item of
property, plant and equipment when available for intended use.
The carrying amounts of the Company's assets are reviewed at each reporting date to determine whether
there is any indication of impairment loss. If any such indication exists, the recoverable amount of such assets
is estimated and impairment losses are recognized in the statement of profit or loss. Where an impairment
loss subsequently reverses, the carrying amount of the asset is increased to the revised recoverable amount
but limited to the extent of the carrying amount that would have been determined (net of depreciation)
had no impairment loss been recognized for the asset in prior years. A reversal of the impairment loss is
recognized as income in the statement of profit or loss.
Major costs capitalized include material, chemical, fuel, well services, rig costs, cost of recognizing provisions
for future site restoration and decommissioning and any other cost directly attributable to a particular well.
All other exploration costs including cost of technical studies, seismic acquisition and processing, geological
and geophysical activities are charged against income as exploration and prospecting expenditure. Costs
202 Mari Petroleum Company Limited
incurred prior to having obtained the legal rights to explore an area are charged directly to the statement of
profit or loss as and when incurred.
Tangible assets used in E&E activities including the Company’s vehicles, drilling rigs and other property, plant
and equipment used by the Company’s exploration function are classified as property, plant and equipment.
However, to the extent that such a tangible asset is consumed in developing an E&E asset, the amount
reflecting that consumption is recorded as part of the cost of the E&E asset. Such costs include directly
attributable overheads, together with the cost of other materials consumed during the exploration and
evaluation phases.
E&E assets relating to each exploration license/field are carried forward, until the existence or otherwise of
commercial reserves have been determined subject to certain limitations including review for indications of
impairment. If commercial reserves have been discovered, the carrying value after any impairment loss of
the relevant E&E assets is then reclassified as development and production assets. Otherwise, the capitalized
costs are written off as dry hole costs. E&E assets are not amortized.
E&E assets are assessed for impairment when facts and circumstances indicate that carrying amounts may
exceed the recoverable amounts of these assets. Such indicators include, the point at which a determination
is made as to whether or not commercial reserves exist, the period for which the Company has right to
explore has either expired or will expire in the near future and is not expected to be renewed, substantive
expenditure on further exploration and evaluation activities is not planned or budgeted and any other event,
that may give rise to indication that such assets are impaired.
Where an impairment loss subsequently reverses, the carrying amount of the E&E assets is increased due
to the revised recoverable amount but limited to the extent of the carrying amount that would have been
determined had no impairment loss being recognized for the E&E assets in prior years. A reversal of the
impairment loss is recognized as income in the statement of profit or loss.
Changes in the estimates of commercial reserves are dealt with prospectively. Acquisition cost of leases,
where commercial reserves have been discovered, are capitalized and amortized on unit of production basis.
Impairment test of development and production assets is also performed whenever events and circumstances
arising during the development and production phase indicate that carrying amounts of the development and
production assets may exceed their recoverable amount. Such circumstances depend on the interaction
of a number of variables, such as the recoverable quantities of hydrocarbons, the production profile of the
hydrocarbons, the cost of the development of the infrastructure necessary to recover the hydrocarbons,
the production costs, the contractual duration of the production concession and the net selling price of the
hydrocarbons produced.
Annual Report 2022 203
The carrying amounts are compared against expected recoverable amounts of the oil and gas assets,
generally by reference to the present value of the future net cash flows expected to be derived from such
assets. The cash generating unit applied for impairment test purpose is generally field by field basis, except
that a number of fields may be grouped as a single cash generating unit where the cash flows of each field
are inter-dependent.
Where an impairment loss subsequently reverses, the carrying amount is increased due to the revised
recoverable amount but limited to the extent of the carrying amount that would have been determined had
no impairment loss being recognized in prior years. A reversal of the impairment loss is recognized as income
in the statement of profit or loss.
Under this method, investment in associates is carried in the statement of financial position at cost as
adjusted for post acquisition changes (net of tax) in the Company’s share of net assets of the associate, less
any impairment in the value of investment. Dividend distribution by the associate is adjusted against the
carrying amount of investment. Unrealized gains on transactions between the Company and its associate
are eliminated to the extent of Company's interest in the associate. Losses of an associate in excess of the
Company’s interest in that associate (which includes any long term interest that, in substance, form part of
the Company’s net investment in the associate) are recognized only to the extent that the Company has
incurred legal or constructive obligation or made payment on behalf of the associate. The Company’s share
of post-acquisition profit or loss is included in statement of profit or loss, its share of post-acquisition other
comprehensive income or loss is included in statement of comprehensive income and its share of post-
acquisition movements in reserves is recognised in reserves.
When stores and spares meet the definition of property, plant and equipment, they are classified as stores
and spares held for capital expenditure under property, plant and equipment.
Foreign operation
The transactions of foreign operation are translated at the rate of exchange prevailing on the date of
transaction. All monetary and non-monetary assets and liabilities of foreign operation are translated into
Rupees at exchange rate prevailing at the date of statement of financial position and the resulting currency
translation differences are recognized in other comprehensive income and accumulated as a separate
reserve in equity until the disposal of the foreign operation, upon which these are reclassified from equity to
statement of profit or loss when gain or loss on disposal is recognised.
When, or as, a performance obligation is satisfied, the Company recognizes as revenue the amount of the
transaction price that is allocated to that performance obligation. The transaction price is the amount of
consideration to which the Company expects to be entitled. Effect of adjustment, if any, arising from revision
in sale price is reflected as and when the prices are finalized with the customers and/or approved by the
Amounts billed or received prior to being earned, are deferred and recognized as deferred income. The
Company recognizes revenue on take or pay arrangements with the customers only to the extent that it is
highly probable that a significant reversal in the amount recognized will not occur when the uncertainty, if any,
associated with the revenue is subsequently resolved. The Company considers such uncertainty as resolved
when such revenue is received by the Company and customer cannot adjust the unused paid volumes in the
Mark up, interest and other charges on borrowings are charged to profit or loss in the period in which they
are incurred. Borrowing costs which are directly attributable to the acquisition, construction or production
of a qualifying asset are capitalised as part of the cost of that asset. The Company suspends capitalization of
borrowing costs during extended period when active development of a qualifying asset is suspended.
3.14 Borrowings
Borrowings are recognized initially at fair value, net of transaction costs incurred. Borrowings are subsequently
carried at amortized cost using the effective interest method.
Preference shares, which are mandatorily redeemable by the Company are classified as liabilities. The profit
on these preference shares is recognized in the statement of profit or loss as finance cost.
Annual Report 2022 205
The Company has recognized its share of assets, liabilities, revenues and expenses jointly held or incurred
under the joint operations on the basis of latest available audited financial statements of the joint operations
and where applicable, the cost statements received from the operator of the joint venture, for the intervening
period up to the statement of financial position date. Unrealized gains on transactions between the Company
and its joint operations are eliminated to the extent of Company's interest in the joint operations.
a) Financial assets
Financial assets are recognized initially at fair value, normally being the transaction price. In the case of
financial assets not classified at fair value through profit or loss, directly attributable transaction costs are
also included. The subsequent measurement of financial assets depends on their classification, as set out
below. The Company derecognizes financial assets when the contractual rights to the cash flows expire.
The Company classifies its financial assets as measured at amortized cost, fair value through other
comprehensive income or fair value through profit or loss. The classification depends on the business model
for managing the financial assets and the contractual cash flow characteristics of the financial asset. The
Company determines the classification of financial asset at initial recognition.
(ii) Financial assets measured at fair value through other comprehensive income
Financial assets are classified as measured at fair value through other comprehensive income when they
are held in a business model the objective of which is both to collect contractual cash flows and sell the
financial assets, and the contractual cash flows represent solely payments of principal and interest. Such
assets are carried on the statement of financial position at fair value with gains or losses recognized in
the other comprehensive income.
b) Financial liabilities
The measurement of financial liabilities depends on their classification, as follows:
After initial recognition, other financial liabilities are subsequently measured at amortized cost using the
effective interest method.
A financial asset or group of financial assets classified as measured at amortized cost is considered to
be credit-impaired if there is reasonable and supportable evidence that one or more events that have a
detrimental impact on the estimated future cash flows of the financial asset (or group of financial assets) have
occurred. Financial assets are written off where the Company has no reasonable expectation of recovering
amounts due.
Annual Report 2022 207
3.19 Leases
The right-of-use asset is subsequently depreciated using the straight-line method from the commencement
date to the earlier of the end of the useful life of the right-of-use asset or the end of the lease term. The
estimated useful lives of right-of-use assets are determined on the same basis as those of property, plant
and equipment. In addition, the right-of-use asset is periodically reduced by impairment losses, if any, and
adjusted for certain remeasurements of the lease liability.
Where the Company determines that the lease term of identified lease contracts are short term in nature i.e.
with a lease term of twelve months or less at the commencement date, right of use assets is not recognized
and payments made in respect of these leases are expensed in the statement of profit or loss.
Lease liability
The lease liability is initially measured at the present value of the lease payments that are not paid at the
commencement date, discounted using the interest rate implicit in the lease or if that rate cannot be readily
determined, the Company’s incremental borrowing rate. Generally, the Company uses its incremental
borrowing rate as the discount rate.
Lease payments in the measurement of the lease liability comprise the following:
b. variable lease payments that depend on an index or a rate, initially measured using the index or rate as
at the commencement date;
d. the exercise price under a purchase option that the Company is reasonably certain to exercise, lease
payments in an optional renewal period if the Company is reasonably certain to exercise an extension
option, and penalties for early termination of a lease unless the Company is reasonably certain not to
terminate early.
208 Mari Petroleum Company Limited
The lease liability is measured at amortised cost using the effective interest method. It is remeasured when
there is a change in future lease payments arising from a change in an index or rate, if there is a change in
the Company’s estimate of the amount expected to be payable under a residual value guarantee, or if the
Company changes its assessment of whether it will exercise a purchase, extension or termination option.
When the lease liability is remeasured in this way, a corresponding adjustment is made to the carrying
amount of the right-of-use asset, or is recorded in profit or loss if the carrying amount of the right-of-use asset
has been reduced to zero.
A contingent asset is disclosed, which is a possible asset that arises from past events and whose existence
will be confirmed only by the occurrence or non-occurrence of one or more uncertain future events not
wholly within the control of the entity.
2022 2021
Note (Rupees in thousand)
Authorized capital
1,309,000,100 (2021: 250,000,000)
ordinary shares of Rs 10 each 13,090,000 2,500,000
1,334,025 1,334,025
4.1 This represents shares allotted to the Government of Pakistan (GoP) and Fauji Foundation in consideration
for transfer of assets and liabilities of Pak Stanvec Petroleum Project.
4.2 736,120 bonus shares have not been issued as at June 30, 2022 due to pending resolution of issue
relating to deduction of withholding income tax on issuance of bonus shares (2021: 736,120 bonus
2022 2021
* Shareholding includes 444,675 and 222,338 bonus shares (2021: 444,675 and 222,338 bonus shares) of Fauji
Foundation and OGDCL respectively, which have not been issued as at year end due to pending resolution of
issue as referred to in note 4.2 to these financial statements.
** It excludes shares transferred to BESOS Trust Fund in prior years as referred to in note 2.7 to these financial
210 Mari Petroleum Company Limited
2022 2021
Category (Number of shares)
133,402,500 133,402,500
There are no foreign shareholders including natural persons who hold more than 5% of the shareholding.
4.5 Rights and privileges in the Participation and Shareholders Agreement (PSA)
A Participation and Shareholders Agreement (PSA) was signed among sponsor shareholders i.e. Fauji
Foundation, the GoP and OGDCL on June 3, 1985 which contained the rights and privileges of the parties.
PSA was later amended through a Supplemental PSA dated July 25, 1992.
Board Selection
The membership of the Board of Directors of the Company shall reflect as closely as possible the
proportion in which shares of the Company are held by the sponsor shareholders and others.
Management Right
The management of the affairs and the business of the Company shall vest in and be conducted by Fauji
Foundation through a Managing Director exclusively nominated by Fauji Foundation.
2022 2021
Note (Rupees in thousand)
15,711,988 15,190,001
5.1 This reserve was created for redemption of redeemable preference shares in the form of cash to the
preference shareholders.
5.2 The Company has set aside a specific capital reserve for self insurance of assets which have not been
insured, for uninsured risks and for deductibles against insurance claims.
5.3 This reserve represents accumulated balance of effect of translation of a foreign operation into Rupees
as per the Company's accounting policy.
Annual Report 2022 211
Under 'Temporary Economic Relief Facility' (TERF) announced by the State Bank of Pakistan (SBP), the
Company has secured financing of Rs 1 billion for installation of stand-alone processing facilities at Mari
field for low BTU gas from Tipu, Goru-B and HRL Reservoirs ('Sachal Gas Processing Complex', formerly
known as GTH project) for enhancement of production from Mari Field. TERF is obtained through a
commercial bank with quarterly repayments. Tenor of the facility is 10 years including two years of grace
period for principal repayments. Security under TERF facility is first pari passu hypothecation charge over
all present & future fixed assets of the Company (excluding land and building) with 25% margin.
Long term financing has been recognised at amortized cost, which is calculated using effective interest
rates on various drawdown dates ranging from 7.90% to 10.43% per annum. The differential mark-up
has been recognised as 'deferred government grant' and has been deducted from the carrying value of
related asset.
2022 2021
Note (Rupees in thousand)
724,126 -
Borrowing costs capitalized in property, plant and equipment 43,650 -
Borrowing costs paid (15,669) -
752,107 -
Less: Current maturity of long term financing (27,981) -
Provision for decommissioning cost 7.1 14,525,961 10,149,673
Provision for employee benefits - unfunded 7.2 1,018,332 1,022,050
15,544,293 11,171,723
14,525,961 10,149,673
14,525,961 10,149,673
It is expected that cash outflows resulting from decommissioning will occur between 2023 to 2050.
212 Mari Petroleum Company Limited
2022 2021
Note (Rupees in thousand)
1,018,332 1,022,050
23,299,450 17,256,803
8.1 These represent GDS and GIDC received from customers upto June 30, 2022, that will be deposited with the
GoP in July 2022 as per their respective rules and regulations. Furthermore, GDS and GIDC and their related
sales tax recoverable from customers as of June 30, 2022 and payable to the GoP when collected from
customers amounting to Rs 156,570,018 thousand (2021: Rs 160,260,783 thousand) are not reflected in these
financial statements in accordance with the Company's accounting policy.
On August 13, 2020, the Supreme Court of Pakistan has decided the matter of GIDC, which has restrained the
charging of GIDC from August 1, 2020 onwards and ordered gas consumers to pay GIDC arrears due upto July
31, 2020 in installments. The fertilizer companies have obtained stay orders against recovery from the Sindh
High Court, where the matter is subjudice.
8.2 5,335,946 (2021: 5,335,946) preference shares have not been issued as at June 30, 2022 due to pending
resolution of issue relating to deduction of withholding income tax on issuance of bonus shares. Further,
5,442,384 (2021: 5,442,384) preference shares have not been claimed/redeemed by certain minority
shareholders as at June 30, 2022.
Annual Report 2022 213
2022 2021
(Rupees in thousand)
265,992 118,875
9.1 This includes dividend amounting to Rs 171,029 thousand (2021: Rs 70,181 thousand) due to pending
resolution of issue as referred to in note 4.2 to these financial statements.
a) There are no legal cases and claims, which warrant disclosure in these financial statements.
b) The Company has given corporate guarantees to the GoP under various Petroleum Concession Agreements
(PCAs) for the performance of obligations.
c) As part of the arrangement, as disclosed in note 14.2 of these financial statements, each of the consortium
companies has also provided, joint and several, parent company guarantees to ADNOC and Supreme Council
for Financial and Economic Affairs Abu Dhabi, UAE, to guarantee the obligations of Pakistan International Oil
Limited (PIOL), a related party.
2022 2021
(Rupees in thousand)
10.2 Commitments
c) The Company has entered into a Shareholders Agreement with the consortium partners as referred to in note
14.2 to these financial statements, under which the Company has committed to invest upto US$ 100 million
in PIOL during the next five years, out of which US$ 25 million have been invested upto June 30, 2022. The
remaining amount of US$ 75 million (Rs 15,423 million) will be invested in subsequent years.
Cost–Mari field
and Joint Operations’ Stores and
Buildings on Buildings on Drilling rig, Equipment Computers production facilities spares held for Capital
Freehold Leasehold freehold leasehold Roads and tools and and general and allied Gathering Furniture Vehicles - Vehicles - including gathering capital work in
DESCRIPTION land land land land bridges equipment plant equipment lines and fixtures heavy light lines (note 3.5) expenditure progress Total
(Rupees in thousand)
As at July 1, 2020
Cost 700,467 102,224 1,711,516 832,227 210,235 3,784,814 13,823,390 622,336 4,250,946 230,602 1,356,973 935,425 551,037 2,909,563 3,787,885 35,809,640
Accumulated depreciation - (20,412) (668,062) (271,898) (169,086) (2,317,158) (5,383,649) (516,748) (2,484,331) (96,088) (898,771) (539,191) (236,694) - - (13,602,088)
Net book value 700,467 81,812 1,043,454 560,329 41,149 1,467,656 8,439,741 105,588 1,766,615 134,514 458,202 396,234 314,343 2,909,563 3,787,885 22,207,552
capital work in progress - - 212,993 17,135 14,732 672,220 1,112,151 74,884 1,697,332 17,346 320,196 176,872 10,385 - 15,671,535 19,997,781
Additions - net of transfers - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2,581,672 - 2,581,672
Revision due to change in estimates of
provision for decommissioning cost - - - - - - - - - - - - (12,722) - - (12,722)
Cost (450,290) - - - - (4,935) (839) (10,822) - (202) - (6,351) - - - (473,439)
For the year ended June 30, 2022
As at July 1, 2021
Cost 250,177 102,224 1,924,509 849,362 224,967 4,452,099 14,934,702 686,398 5,948,278 247,746 1,677,169 1,105,946 548,700 5,491,235 15,143,559 53,587,071
Accumulated depreciation - (21,899) (750,373) (310,698) (179,981) (2,504,968) (6,668,393) (554,147) (2,762,205) (115,342) (1,111,316) (655,820) (279,393) - - (15,914,535)
Net book value 250,177 80,325 1,174,136 538,664 44,986 1,947,131 8,266,309 132,251 3,186,073 132,404 565,853 450,126 269,307 5,491,235 15,143,559 37,672,536
2022 2021
Note (Rupees in thousand)
11.2 It includes assets having net book value amounting to Rs 1,561,391 thousand (2021: Rs 1,332,725 thousand),
being Company's share in joint operations operated by OGDCL and PPL (assets not in the possession of the
11.4 The aggregate net book value of assets disposed off during the year is not more than Rs 5,000 thousand.
11.5 Particulars of the Company's significant immovable fixed assets (i.e. land and buildings) as at June 30, 2022
are as follows:
Description Location Area of Land
Wells, production / processing facilities, residential area, field office and warehouse Sindh 2,799.24 acres
Land and head office building Islamabad 0.96 acres
Wells, production / processing facilities, field office and warehouse Balochistan 80.97 acres
Wells, production / processing facilities and guest house KPK 56.64 acres
Wells, production / processing facilities and field office Punjab 23.37 acres
Wells, production / processing facilities and field office Punjab/KPK 68.88 acres
216 Mari Petroleum Company Limited
Development Decommissioning
expenditure cost Total
(Rupees in thousand)
As at July 1, 2020
Cost 20,265,891 1,930,057 22,195,948
Accumulated amortization (9,059,624) (1,369,976) (10,429,600)
As at July 1, 2021
Cost 26,507,028 2,394,741 28,901,769
Accumulated amortization (10,881,499) (1,542,035) (12,423,534)
Accumulated impairment losses (200,000) - (200,000)
2022 2021
(Rupees in thousand)
Exploration and
evaluation Decommissioning
expenditure cost Total
(Rupees in thousand)
As at July 1, 2020
Cost 6,893,001 552,299 7,445,300
Accumulated impairment losses (1,457,852) (71,917) (1,529,769)
Net book value 5,435,149 480,382 5,915,531
As at July 1, 2021
Cost 8,483,292 432,674 8,915,966
Accumulated impairment losses (1,457,852) (71,917) (1,529,769)
Net book value 7,025,440 360,757 7,386,197
2022 2021
(Rupees in thousand)
2022 2021
Note (Rupees in thousand)
14.2 During the year, the Company has made investment in Pakistan International Oil Limited (PIOL), a company
engaged in the business of extraction of oil and natural gas and registered as a limited liability company in the
Emirates of Abu Dhabi and incorporated in Abu Dhabi Global Market on July 15, 2021, with 25% shareholding
by each consortium partners namely MPCL, OGDCL, PPL and GHPL. The concession agreement between
PIOL and Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC) was signed on August 31, 2021 and following the award
of Offshore Block-05 in Abu Dhabi on August 31, 2021, the Company has subscribed to 2.5 million ordinary
shares of PIOL by paying US$ 25,000 thousand (Rs 4,180,000 thousand).
Share of loss of PIOL is based on the audited financial statements for the period from inception to December
31, 2021, adjusted for transactions and events upto June 30, 2022 based on management accounts.
Annual Report 2022 219
2022 2021
(Rupees in thousand)
14.3 Total share of loss of associates for the year amount to Rs 2,613,070 thousand (2021: Rs 47,982 thousand).
This mainly represents 3D seismic cost amounting to Rs 2,375,606 thousand (2021: Nil) incurred by PIOL that
is charged to statement of profit or loss as per the Company's accounting policy.
14.4 The Board of Directors in its meeting held on April 14, 2022 has approved the divestment of entire 20%
shareholding in an associated company, National Resources (Pvt) Limited, comprising of 20.9 million shares
on book value basis effective from February 28, 2022 subject to execution of share purchase agreement and
obtaining of requisite approvals. The share purchase agreement has been signed by all shareholders and is
submitted for requisite approval.
2022 2021
(Rupees in thousand)
At amortised cost
Term Finance Certificates 1,041,068 1,039,831
Less: Current portion classified under current assets (41,068) (39,831)
1,000,000 1,000,000
This represents investment in TFCs having maturity of three years and are rated AAA by PACRA. TFCs are
secured by 105% lien over GoP securities and have earned profit at 9.03% per annum.
220 Mari Petroleum Company Limited
2022 2021
(Rupees in thousand)
Considered good
Loans and advances to employees 74,932 63,879
Less: Current portion classified under current assets (30,963) (29,826)
43,969 34,053
15.1 Loans and advances to employees are for house rent advance, purchase of vehicle, emergency and purchase
of household appliances as per Company's Human Resource policy. These are recoverable in 12 to 60 equal
monthly instalments. Interest free loans to employees have not been discounted as the effect is immaterial.
2022 2021
Number Rupees Number Rupees
of employees in thousand of employees in thousand
2022 2021
(Rupees in thousand)
17.2 The deferred tax asset has been recognised taking into account the availability of future taxable profits and it
is probable that the Company will be able to earn these profits.
2022 2021
(Rupees in thousand)
1,658,921 1,262,434
32,359,298 28,046,706
19.1 As detailed in note 8.1 to these financial statements, GDS and GIDC amounts and their related sales tax billed
to customers but not received are not included in these financial statements.
19.2 The maximum aggregate amount due from associated companies at the end of any month during the year
was Rs 1,815,520 thousand (2021: Rs 1,538,318 thousand).
222 Mari Petroleum Company Limited
2022 2021
Note (Rupees in thousand)
19.4 'Past due but not impaired' trade debts include amounts receivable directly/ultimately from the GoP
amounting to Rs 20,519,884 thousand (2021: Rs 8,469,842 thousand). Due to exemption provided by SECP
from application of ECL model on financial assets receivable from the GoP upto June 30, 2022, the Company
has not recorded the impact of application of ECL model on trade debts due directly/ultimately from GoP for
impairment assessment.
2022 2021
Note (Rupees in thousand)
Considered good
Current portion of long term loans and advances 15 30,963 29,826
Advances to employees against expenses 151,531 105,185
Advances to suppliers and contractors 1,363,169 2,639,687
Receivables from joint operating partners 5,671,110 1,815,367
Management Gratuity Fund 575,828 880,796
7,792,601 5,470,861
At amortised cost
Local currency term deposits with banks 21.1 - 36,044,931
At fair value through profit or loss
Mutual funds 21.2 4,995,065 4,737,325
4,995,065 40,782,256
21.1 These had a maximum maturity period of 6 months, carrying profit ranging from 7.00% to 8.15% per annum.
21.2 Fair value has been determined using quoted repurchase prices, being net asset value of units as of June 30,
Annual Report 2022 223
2022 2021
Note (Rupees in thousand)
22.1 These include US$ 43,797 thousand (2021: US$ 28,651 thousand) having mark-up of 0.50% (2021: 0.50%) per
annum. The mark-up for local currency accounts ranges from 2.47% to 13.00% (2021: 3.25% to 7.70%) per
2022 2021
(Rupees in thousand)
24.1 These include operating lease rentals amounting to Rs 161,472 thousand (2021: Rs 131,116 thousand) in
respect of leased vehicles provided to eligible employees as per Company's policy.
24.2 These include expense amounting to Rs 359,389 thousand (2021: Rs 223,362 thousand) relating to short-term
2022 2021
(Rupees in thousand)
2022 2021
Effect of:
- depletion allowance and royalty payments (21.6) (19.7)
- amounts not admissible for tax purposes 2.4 -
- change in tax rate (0.5) -
Others (1.9) -
Effective tax rate 36.7 28.4
29.2 The management has assessed that tax provision carried in the Company’s financial statements is sufficient.
Income tax liability as per financial statements for the last three tax years is adequate considering latest tax
assessments for the said years.
2022 2021
There is no dilutive effect on the basic earnings per ordinary share of the Company.
2022 2021
(Rupees in thousand)
The results of the actuarial valuations carried out as at June 30, 2022 and June 30, 2021 are as follows:
2022 2021
Non- Non-
Management Management Management Management
Gratuity Gratuity Gratuity Gratuity
(Rupees in thousand)
2022 2021
Non- Non-
Management Management Management Management
Gratuity Gratuity Gratuity Gratuity
(Rupees in thousand)
2022 2021
Post Post Post Post
Retirement Retirement Retirement Retirement
Leaves Medical Leaves Medical
(Rupees in thousand)
32.3 The principal actuarial assumptions used in the actuarial valuations are as follows:
2022 2021
(Per annum)
Management Management
Gratuity Gratuity
(Rupees in thousand)
Discount rate:
2022 2021
(Rupees in thousand)
Financial assets
Financial liabilities
The credit quality of Company's financial assets have been assessed below by reference to external credit
ratings of counterparties determined by the Pakistan Credit Rating Agency Limited (PACRA), VIS Credit Rating
Company Limited (VIS) and Moody's. The counterparties for which external credit ratings were not available
have been assessed by reference to internal credit ratings determined based on their historical information
for any defaults in meeting obligations.
230 Mari Petroleum Company Limited
2022 2021
Rating (Rupees in thousand)
Trade debts
Counterparties with external credit rating A1+ 4,434,088 8,074,750
A1 3,952,035 7,548,813
A2 8,012,487 2,496,182
Counterparties without external credit rating
Customers with no default in the past 15,960,688 9,926,961
32,359,298 28,046,706
Other receivables
Counterparties without external credit rating
Counterparties with no default in the past 676,270 187,311
Interest accrued
Counterparties with external credit rating A1+ 29,853 100,057
A1 - 578
29,853 100,635
a) Credit risk
Credit risk is the risk of financial loss to the Company on a financial asset if counterparty fails to meet its
contractual obligations and principally arises from trade debts, investments and bank balances. To manage
credit risk, the Company maintains procedures covering the function for credit approvals, granting and
renewal of counterparty limits and monitoring of exposures against these limits. As part of these processes,
the financial viability of all counterparties is regularly monitored and assessed.
Financial assets are considered to be credit-impaired when there is reasonable and supportable evidence that
one or more events that have a detrimental impact on the estimated future cash flows of the financial asset
have occurred. This includes observable data concerning significant financial difficulty of the counterparty;
a breach of contract; it becoming probable that the counterparty will enter bankruptcy or other financial re-
organization because of financial difficulties. Where the Company has no reasonable expectation of recovering
a financial asset in its entirety or a portion thereof for example where all legal avenues for collection of
amounts due have been exhausted, the financial asset (or relevant portion) is impaired.
The Company has not recorded impact of application of ECL model on the financial assets due directly/
ultimately from the GoP in these financial statements. For other financial assets, the management believes
that the impact of ECL is not material as outstanding balances are receivable from counter parties who have
high credit ratings with no history of default.
The carrying amount of financial assets represents the maximum credit exposure. The Company conducts
transactions with the following major types of counterparties:
Trade debts are essentially due from fertilizer companies, power generation companies, gas distribution
companies and refineries and the Company does not expect these companies to fail to meet their obligations.
Payment terms are agreed with customers which vary from 7 to 45 days.
An impairment analysis is performed at each reporting date in accordance with impairment requirements of
IFRS 9 read with S.R.O. 1177 (I)/2021 dated September 13, 2021 issued by SECP, which has exempted financial
assets due from the GoP from application of IFRS 9 till June 30, 2022. While evaluating the concentration of
risk with respect to trade debts, the Company takes into account that the oil and gas industry in Pakistan is
highly regulated, supported by the GOP and there is no history of default by any of the customers in the past.
The Company considers current and forward looking information on macro economic factors affecting the
ability of the customers to settle the receivables and applies the IFRS 9 simplified approach, read with S.R.O.
1177 (I)/2021 dated September 13, 2021 issued by SECP, to measure the expected credit losses which uses a
lifetime expected loss allowance for trade debts.
The relationship with the joint operating partners is governed under Petroleum Concession Agreements
(PCAs) signed by the Government of Pakistan, the Company and its respective joint operating partners with
the prior approval of the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Resources, the Government of Pakistan. Various
avenues are available for the recovery of dues from joint operating partners including engaging the regulator,
right to forfeit working interest, assignment of invoices etc. Based on above and considering there is no
history of default by any counter party, management considers the risk of default as very low. In respect of
deposits, the management does not expect any counterparty to fail to meet its obligations and accordingly,
credit risk is considered very low.
b) Liquidity risk
Liquidity risk is the risk that an entity will encounter difficulty in meeting obligations associated with financial
The Company's approach to managing liquidity risk is to ensure, as far as possible, that it will have sufficient
liquidity to meet its liability when due under both normal and stress conditions, without incurring unacceptable
losses or risking damage to the Company's reputation. The Company maintains sufficient cash and cash
equivalents and the Company's financial assets are in excess of financial liabilities by Rs 62,638,574 thousand
(2021: Rs 68,906,107 thousand).
c) Market risk
Market risk is the risk that changes in market prices will affect the Company’s profit or the value of its
holdings of financial instruments. The objective of market risk management is to manage and control market
risk exposures within acceptable parameters, while optimizing the return on financial instruments.
i) Currency risk
Currency risk is the risk that changes in foreign exchange rates will affect the Company’s profit or the value
of its holdings of financial instruments. The objective of currency risk management is to manage and control
currency risk exposures within acceptable parameters, while optimizing the return on financial instruments.
US$ +10% 466,864 466,864
US$ +10% 64,726 64,726
At the reporting date, the interest rate profile of the Company’s interest-bearing financial instruments was:
2022 2021
(Rupees in thousand)
Financial assets
Long term investments 1,000,000 1,000,000
Current portion of long term investments 41,068 39,831
Interest accrued 29,853 100,635
Short term investments 4,995,065 40,782,256
Bank balances 35,305,266 7,790,641
41,371,252 49,713,363
Financial liabilities
Long term financing 724,126 -
Current maturity of long term financing 27,981 -
752,107 -
The effective interest rates for the financial assets are mentioned in respective notes to the financial
The Company does not have any material financial assets and liabilities whose fair value or future cash flows
will fluctuate because of changes in market prices (other than those arising from interest rate risk or currency
In order to achieve the above objectives, the Company may issue new shares through right issue or raise
financing from financial institutions.
Level 2: inputs other than quoted prices included within Level 1 that are observable for the asset or liability,
either directly (i.e. as prices) or indirectly (i.e. derived from prices)
Level 3: inputs for the asset or liability that are not based on observable market data (unobservable inputs).
* The Company has applied for the relinquishment of these blocks and GoP's approval is awaited.
236 Mari Petroleum Company Limited
Long term investments including Placed under interest arrangement 1,041,068
current portion - TFCs Placed under Shariah permissible arrangement -
Long term financing including current portion Obtained under interest arrangement 752,107
Obtained under Shariah permissible arrangement -
Interest income on long term investments - TFCs Placed under interest arrangement 91,537
Placed under Shariah permissible arrangement -
Interest income on short term investments Placed under interest arrangement 877,925
Placed under Shariah permissible arrangement 218,148
Borrowing costs paid on long term financing Obtained under interest arrangement 15,669
Obtained under Shariah permissible arrangement -
Annual Report 2022 237
2022 2021
Chief Chief
Executive Executives Executive Executives
(Rupees in thousand)
The above were also provided with medical facilities and post retirement leave benefits. The Chief executive
and certain executives were provided with free use of Company maintained cars, residential telephones and
use of club facilities. Executives based at plant site, Daharki, are also provided with children schooling and
subsidized club facilities.
Non-executive directors were paid aggregate fee and reimbursable expenses of perquisite nature of
Rs 68,434 thousand (2021: Rs 61,167 thousand). As at June 30, 2022, total directors were 11 (2021: 14).
2022 2021
The related parties of the Company comprise of entities having significant influence over the Company,
associates, employees' retirement funds and key management personnel. Key management personnel are
those persons having authority and responsibility for planning, directing and controlling the activities of the
Company. The Company considers its MD/CEO and Directors to be key management personnel. Associated
companies have been identified in accordance with the requirements of the Companies Act, 2017.
Transactions and balances with related parties and associated companies, other than below, have been
disclosed in relevant notes to these financial statements.
Related parties
Entities with significant influence
over the Company
Fauji Foundation * Dividend paid 7,249,537 3,598,310
Cost recharge expense 249,736 248,941
Corporate Social Responsibility 409,620 153,270
Oil and Gas Development Company
Limited (OGDCL)* Dividend paid 3,624,768 1,799,155
Associated companies
Askari Bank Limited Interest income 575,698 473,603
Fauji Fertilizer Company Limited Gas sale 22,225,373 18,384,834
Foundation Power Company
Daharki Limited Gas sale 3,439,580 2,367,587
Fauji Cement Company Limited Crude sale 94,521 73,448
Fauji Fertilizer Bin Qasim Limited Crude sale 3,338 -
Foundation Gas LPG sale 5,001 4,550
Annual Report 2022 239
Related parties
Entities with significant influence
over the Company
Fauji Foundation * Cost recharge payable 60,524 61,858
Oil and Gas Development Company Payable to joint operating partner 1,950,509 388,709
Limited (OGDCL)* Receivable from joint operating partner 1,608,409 642,982
Associated companies
Askari Bank Limited Bank balances / instruments 24,289,285 5,316,603
Short term investments - 5,000,000
Interest accrued 16,474 28,122
i) Net sales increased on account of increased production and higher prices prevailed during the year.
ii) Fixed assets representing property, plant & equipment and exploration, development & production
assets have increased by more than 50% over the year, reflecting the enhancement of asset base of
the Company.
The Board of Directors in its meeting held on August 04, 2022 has proposed final cash dividend for the year
ended June 30, 2022 @ Rs 62 per share, for approval of the shareholders in the Annual General Meeting.
240 Mari Petroleum Company Limited
The management believes that there is no significant financial impact of COVID-19 on the carrying amounts
of assets and liabilities or items of income or expenses, as disclosed in these financial statements. The
management has evaluated and concluded that there are no material implications of COVID-19 that require
specific disclosures in these financial statements.
41.2 Revenue from major customers constitutes 94% of the total revenue during the year ended June 30, 2022
(2021: 95%).
Due to the nature of operations of the Company, installed capacity of above products is not relevant.
41.4 All investments out of Provident Fund and Gratuity Funds have been made in accordance with the provisions
of section 218 of the Companies Act, 2017 and the conditions specified for this purpose.
41.5 These financial statements have been authorized for issue by the Board of Directors of the Company on
August 04, 2022.
3D Seismic
Exploration method of sending energy waves or sound waves into the earth and recording the wave reflections to
indicate the type, size, shape, and depth of subsurface rock formations. 3-D seismic provides three dimensional
Annual Report 2022 251
252 Mari Petroleum Company Limited
Annual Report 2022 253
254 Mari Petroleum Company Limited
Annual Report 2022 255
256 Mari Petroleum Company Limited
Annual Report 2022 257
0.35 0.09
258 Mari Petroleum Company Limited
Annual Report 2022 259
260 Mari Petroleum Company Limited
۔$"# &'
Annual Report 2022 261
Tel:051-111-410-410, Fax:051-2352859
262 Mari Petroleum Company Limited
Mari Petroleum Company Limited and holder of Ordinary Shares as per the
to attend and vote for me / us, and on my / our behalf at the 38th Annual General Meeting of the Company to be held on Wednesday,
September 28, 2022 at 21-Mauve Area, 3rd Road, Sector G-10/4, Islamabad and at any adjournment thereof.
Signed under my / our hand(s) this day of 2022. Please affix ap-
propriate Revenue
Signature of Member
1. Signature: 2. Signature:
Name: Name:
Address: Address:
Passport No. Passport No.
1. A Member entitled to attend and vote at the above meeting may appoint a person/representative as Proxy to attend and vote
on his behalf at the Meeting. The instrument of Proxy in order must be received at the Registered Office of the Company at
21-Mauve Area. 3rd Road, Sector G-10/4, Islamabad not less than 48 hours before the time of holding of the meeting.
2. The Company shareholders in Central Depository Company of Pakistan are requested to attach an attested photocopy of their
National Identity Card or Passport with this Proxy Form before submission to the Company.
3. In case of corporate entity, the Board of Directors resolution/power of attorney with specimen signature shall be submitted
with this Proxy Form before submission to the Company.
Signature of member(s)
264 Mari Petroleum Company Limited