Allama Iqbal Open University, Islamabad: (Department of Secondary Teacher Education)
Allama Iqbal Open University, Islamabad: (Department of Secondary Teacher Education)
Allama Iqbal Open University, Islamabad: (Department of Secondary Teacher Education)
Assignment No. 2
(Units: 5 - 9)
RAJA HAMZA ARIF 0000128572
Question no 1:
Education in Pakistan:
6-8), 4.5 million in secondary education (grade 9-10), and 2.5 million
mandated curriculum.
Community Colleges:
across the Sindh province. IBA Community College also operates and
Skill Development:
Incubation Centers:
NIC, NIC Karachi, NIC Lahore, NIC Peshawar, and NIC Quetta. At
Vision, a national strategic plan. The top two of its 25 goals center
7,000 to 15,000.
of which PKR 74.6 billion (approx. $ 351 million) was allocated for
Under the SNC, all students, both public and private, would receive
grades 1-5.
improve their own standing while enabling the HEIs to offer their
for Pakistani researchers and scholars. Under this program, the HEC
and internationally.
Question no 2:
system of Pakistan?
ends/goals first and then decide about the means to achieve them.
The more intelligent and sensible the planning, the more rational
action is likely to be. Actions which deviate from this procedure are
schools or drop out before they reach the fifth grade. A major reason
would without doubt pave the way for enriching the national human
of the provinces. This is a big step forward for education. The 18th
idea that the provinces are not ready to take up the massive challenge
It has been argued that the contents of the curricula should remain
with the federation since the provinces could take liberties which may
the provinces and how the quality would be assured. And what if all
providing for school and college education and they do have the
from their budgets. The federation would give partial grants to the
universities only.
Islamiat and Pakistan Studies under its control. The curricula for
This right was already there, even before the 18th Amendment.
rather than weaken it. Recall that the denial of the demand to name
provinces. Why is that so? Why this reluctance on the part of the
federation? Why are there fears that the provinces may mess up the
education system?
mental development of boys and girls from one nation to another but
curriculum decisions.
approach is adopted and the teachers do not use the course of study
Question no 3:
better education.
RAJA HAMZA ARIF 0000128572
educational products.
21st-century skills.
other technology tools can not only make classes livelier but can also
the use of technology inside and outside the classroom, students can
solutions now for the future. For example, administrators could give
teachers engage with students during lessons, but students can also
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and support each other. At the same time, technology enables one on
Classes can take place entirely online via the use of a laptop or mobile
student is possible.
the lesson plan. The data generated through these online activities
engaging content can involve the use of AR, videos, or podcasts. For
of teacher time.
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education may not have been exposed to the tools as they prepared
innovation has not yet been very effective either in accelerating the
experience so far has been discouraging. The need to bridge the gap
between the world of education and the world of work is the need of
the country and steps are being taken to make education not only
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relevant to the needs of society but also to link it with the world of
Question no 4:
the whole educational institution." Exams and tests are a great way
exams. Many students get irritated when they heard the words of an
exam because their exam mentality is very poor, maybe they don't
positive manner at that time, they are able to understand the benefits
of exams.
Concept of Examination:
Significance of Examination:
1. Instills discipline:
You can say what you want about exams but they do help you
to become more disciplined. The fact that you have to prepare months
definitely set you up for the real world. Take this life skill and use it
a key trait of all success stories and this routine will guide you and
beginning of the year. Now, this takes extreme focus and dedication
hand. If you can take this as a life lesson, you will be well on your
way to glory. The top individuals all possess the trait of being calm
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during the storm and if you can acquire this trait and focus all of
In your lifetime, you will come to realize that you need certain
qualifications will only be under your name if you pass the exams.
This is a very good reason why exams are important. They are the
4. Time Management:
acquired through the practice of exams. Before the exam, you would
need this skill to learn how to manage your time revising. During the
manner so that you leave yourself enough time in the end to review
step of the way. This will instill this life skill in you which will
5. Improve Learning:
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new information. Going through exams will make your brain adapt
to being given new information and it will be able to recall facts and
that they never stop learning. If they put that much respect for this
the exam desk, and taking a seat with a booklet with blank paper
and unknown questions. The sweaty hand palms and sick feeling
that seems to have made you forget everything that you have been
revising for over the last previous few weeks (or in my case few days,
I have always been a bit last minute). In all those years of school,
college, and university I always wondered what the main purpose was
for exams was. What would this stress achieve later in our lives?
Luckily, I am able to look into all this and finally learn that the
be able to deal with the work demand. Although this idea of "ranking
for them to assess the student's potential, which becomes even more
our resources. Schools need to ensure that they are offering students
the best that they are able to and exams are a great technique to use
grades. Studies have shown that a "happier class has higher grades"
just goes to show that the stress, of pulling my hair out was all worth
old saying "school is the best days of your life" could actually be true.
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The only problem that can manifest itself between you and
you don't know whether to study for an exam or focus on this college
paper fully and just hope for the best. We have a third solution that
may be the best choice for you now. Here, you can hire professional
writers and delegate some of your assignments with just a few clicks.
1. Population Education
2. Drug Education
Answer: 1:
1. Population Education:
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place. The need and justification for population education laid down
to be used for improving the quality of life and aiding the processes
situations, the dynamic forces that have shaped them, and the effects
they will have on the present and future quality of life. Additionally,
set of facts and values that will allow him or her to evaluate the whole
a new discipline but that facts, theories, and concepts are borrowed
planning or demography.
different grade levels and target groups. Specific objectives may differ
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as follows:
cultural settings.
macro levels.
family welfare.
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Question no 5: (2):
2. Drug Education:
and concepts in the proper context, the infusion approach has been
If teachers are not aware of the infusions, they may not notice
them at all, like the snake hiding in the rocks. If they do not know
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how to handle infusion, they may try to show the snake to the pupils
but many pupils may not be able to see it, moreover, the pupils will
not know how the snake glides and how it charges, in this case, the
demands and fresh challenges. Health services are now pressing for
health education.
line, it is felt that the growing problem of drug addiction can- not be
the need for drug education was felt and in 1986 a meeting of key
textbooks was convened to discuss the matter and decide ways and
to the need and importance of health & healthy living and in this
moral, psychological, social & economic for the individual, the family,
drug addiction are reduced and this is not all. There is a need to
peer pressure, assertiveness, etc. to make sure that they are able to
about drugs & drug abuse (its causes, consequences, and the drug
that since the workload on the child was considerable and that it was
like Islam. Social Science, General Science, etc. It would be easy and
can be infused at this point which may indicate that all mind-altering
different parts of the body are being explained the effect of drug abuse
have seen that the infusion approach has some positive advantages
content related to the drug is sometimes too thinly spread so that its
and visibility.
importance. First, if the teachers are fully aware of the concepts, they
will not miss them while teaching the subject and will remember to
children at a stage when they are about to enter the high-risk age