Allama Iqbal Open University, Islamabad: (Department of Secondary Teacher Education)

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RAJA HAMZA ARIF 0000128572


(Department of Secondary Teacher Education)


Student ID: 0000128572

Course code: 6506

Subject: Education in Pakistan.

Semester: Autumn, 2022.

Programmed: M. A. Education (T.EDU).

Assignment No. 2

(Units: 5 - 9)
RAJA HAMZA ARIF 0000128572

Question no 1:

Highlight the role of various institutions in the uplift of

educational standards in Pakistan.


Education in Pakistan:

Pakistan is the fifth largest population in the world with a total

of approximately 221 million people, whereas 37 percent of the

population lives in urban areas, and about 55 percent of the

population is under 24 years of age. The Government of Pakistan is

working across various initiatives to provide quality education to all

its citizens. English has traditionally been the primary language of

instruction in private schools. Despite the government's attempts to

raise it, the literacy rate in Pakistan has remained steady at

approximately 60 percent since 2014-15, with a 78 percent literacy

rate in urban areas and 59 percent in rural areas.

The government's 2021-22 Pakistan Economic Survey

estimates that from 2020-21 there were 14.4 million students

enrolled in pre-primary education, 25.7 million in primary education

(grades 1-5), approximately 8.3 million in middle education (grades

6-8), 4.5 million in secondary education (grade 9-10), and 2.5 million

in higher-secondary education (grade 11-12). The survey further

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indicates there were approximately 500,000 students enrolled in

technical & vocational education, approximately 760,000 in degree-

awarding colleges, and 1.96 million students in universities in 2020-


Pakistan has about 183,900 functional primary schools, 48,300

middle schools, 32,000 secondary schools, 6,000 higher/

secondary/intermediate colleges, and 3,800 technical & Vocational

institutes in the country. Pakistan has over 200 universities and

3,000 degree colleges across the country.

Secondary/Higher Secondary Education System:

Pakistan's national education system comprises twelve years of

education spread across four levels: primary (grades 1-5), middle

school (grades 6-8), matriculation (grades 9 and 10), and

intermediate (grades 11 and 12). Many of the private schools offer

the Cambridge education system in conjunction with the nationally

mandated curriculum.

Community Colleges:

The concept of community colleges in Pakistan was initiated by

IBA University Sukkur, with political support from the provincial

Government of Sindh to establish the country's first community

college, in 2010. IBA Community College has since grown to

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comprise a network of five separate community colleges spread

across the Sindh province. IBA Community College also operates and

oversees four public schools, three education management

organization (EMO) schools, and one vocational training center in the


The Punjab Higher Education Commission launched a similar

concept of community colleges and, in collaboration with the federal

Higher Education Department, introduced an associate degree

program which, essentially, consisted of the provincial government

converting about 800 existing colleges into Associate Degree schools.

However, only five of these recently converted institutes offer their

students associate degrees. The Punjab government indicates it

expects the remaining colleges will be prepared and able to offer

associate degrees within the year and so.

Degree Awarding Institutions/Universities in Pakistan:

Pakistan has 218 universities in both the public and private

sectors accredited by the Higher Education Commission (HEC) of

Pakistan. Almost all major disciplines are taught in these


Technical & Vocational Education and Training (TVET):

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Pakistan’s National Vocational and Technical Training

Commission (NAVTTC) is responsible for developing related policies,

strategies, and regulations for the country’s Technical & Vocational

Education and Training (TVET) system. Entities similar to the

NAVTTC operate at the provincial level: Punjab Vocational Training

Council (PVTC), Punjab Technical Education & Vocational Training

Authority (PTEVTA); Sindh Technical Education & Vocational

Training Authority (STEVTA), Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Technical

Education and Vocational Training Authority (KPTEVTA) and;

Baluchistan Technical and Vocational Training Authority (BTEVTA).

Each of these bodies offers courses covering various subjects and,

additionally, several private organizations provide TVET-based


Skill Development:

The Government of Pakistan established the Skill Development

Council Islamabad, Skill Development Council Lahore, Skill

Development Council Karachi, and Skill Development Council

Peshawar. These councils function under National Training Board

on public-private partnerships. Their partnered training institutes

offer regular training programs as well as corporate training

programs in different domains.

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Incubation Centers:

The concept of incubation centers is relatively new in Pakistan,

with the first National Incubation Center (NIC) launched in 2016.

There are now five government-initiated national incubation centers:

NIC, NIC Karachi, NIC Lahore, NIC Peshawar, and NIC Quetta. At

the provincial government level, Punjab has Plan 9, and Durshal is

an initiative by the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa government.

The Higher Education Commission (HEC) mandated all Higher

Education Institutes (HEI) establish Offices of Research, Innovation,

and Commercialization (ORICs), which led to the establishment of

Business Incubation Centers (BICs). Pakistan's HEC supports and

encourages HEIs to establish Business Incubation Centers (BICs) to

strengthen the link between academia and industry.

Government Initiatives and Policies:

Education has been one of the government’s top priorities in

Pakistan. In 2014, the government launched the Pakistan 2025

Vision, a national strategic plan. The top two of its 25 goals center

on the education sector and, by 2025, seek to:

• Increase primary school enrollment and graduation rates to

100 percent, and a 90 percent literacy rate.

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• Increase higher education enrollment from 7 percent to 12

percent and increase the number of Ph.D. scholars from

7,000 to 15,000.

To support these goals, the government allocated approximately

one percent of the total federal budget to education-related efforts

which, in FY 2022-23 totaled PKR 90.5 billion (approx. $427 million)

of which PKR 74.6 billion (approx. $ 351 million) was allocated for

Tertiary Education Affairs and Services. The Higher Education

Commission received PKR 44.174 billion.

Over the last year, Pakistan introduced the Single National

Curriculum (SNC) for grades 1-5, which has yet to be implemented.

Under the SNC, all students, both public and private, would receive

equal educational opportunities. The SNC is derived from the "One

Nation, One Curriculum" concept. The SNC also seeks to address

the needs of minorities by allowing them to study their own religion,

i.e., Christianity, Hinduism, Sikhism, Baha'i, and Kalasha faiths for

grades 1-5.

However, its implementation requires a broad-based integrated

consultation exercise among different education sectors. The Higher

Education Commission (HEC) of Pakistan introduced a policy in 2020

based on initiatives from the Pakistani Higher Education Institutes

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(HEIs), for Pakistani schools to establish international campuses to

improve their own standing while enabling the HEIs to offer their

education programs to international market.

The HEC's Travel Grant Program offers funding opportunities

for Pakistani researchers and scholars. Under this program, the HEC

will directly reimburse schools that accept participants that are

accepted in their study or research programs, both within Pakistan

and internationally.

To remedy the traditional lack of attention given to the

Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) sector, the

Ministry of Federal Education & Professional Training introduced a

national "Skills for All" strategy in 2021, designed to address the

needs of unskilled and economically challenged segments of the

population and enable them to participate in the economy.

There has been a marked increase in the number of Pakistani

students pursuing education abroad. Pakistan introduced a policy

"Pakistani HEIs Offering Degree Programs in Collaboration with

Foreign Universities", in January 2020. The policy is designed to

promote cross-border education opportunities and to increase

collaboration between Pakistani and international schools. The

program comprises various elements and opportunities for

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participants and partner institutions, including the award of a

singular degree by a foreign partner university to participants

completing studies in their home country.

The HEC introduced a Faculty Exchange Program in 2019, to

enhance teaching and research collaboration between Pakistani

institutions and faculty members with international partner


Question no 2:

Elaborate on the process of curriculum development in Pakistan

after the 18th amendment, how will it influence the educational

system of Pakistan?


Planning the Curriculum:

For all rational actions, we must carefully determine the

ends/goals first and then decide about the means to achieve them.

The more intelligent and sensible the planning, the more rational

action is likely to be. Actions which deviate from this procedure are

correspondingly less rational. Curriculum development is a rational

and responsible process. It must be planned carefully and cautiously.

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18th Amendment and Education:

The 18th Amendment to the constitution of Pakistan is an

important step forward for the parliamentary system in the country.

It promises more autonomy to the provinces a popular demand put

forward by a number of political parties. Apart from the political

restructuring it mandates, the amendment also holds some major

implications for the country's system of education.

Through it a new article, 25A, has been inserted into the

constitution that reads, “Right to education, the state shall provide

free and compulsory education to all children of the age of five to 16

years in such manner as may be determined by law.” This is an

important undertaking by the state since education, in contemporary

times, is considered an important tool for enhancing one's chances

for socioeconomic development.

In Pakistan, a large number of students do not have access to

schools or drop out before they reach the fifth grade. A major reason

behind the high dropout rate is poverty, and as a result, a large

number of children remain illiterate and cannot become part of the

literate human resource group which is vital for the development of

a country. Effective implementation of this article of the constitution

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would without doubt pave the way for enriching the national human


Another major implication of the 18th Amendment for

education is that the curriculum, syllabus, planning, policy, centers

of excellence, and standards of education will fall under the purview

of the provinces. This is a big step forward for education. The 18th

Amendment, passed unanimously by parliament, was the result of a

rare consensus between all the major political parties.

After becoming a part of the constitution, however, some strong

voices of dissent were raised by different quarters, including the

Ministry of Education. A campaign has been initiated to spread the

idea that the provinces are not ready to take up the massive challenge

of dealing with the provision of education. This claim is made on the

assumption that the provinces do not have the capacity or the

financial resources to cope with the huge challenge in front of them.

It has been argued that the contents of the curricula should remain

with the federation since the provinces could take liberties which may

result in putting the unity and ideology of the country at risk.

Critics have asked how standards would be maintained across

the provinces and how the quality would be assured. And what if all

the provinces introduced regional languages in schools? Would this

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weaken the federation? Looking at the above points, one can

understand the federation's concern regarding the future of

education once it becomes a provincial responsibility. However, this

concern seems to emanate primarily from a lack of trust in the

capacity and ability of the provinces.

It is interesting to note, though, that the provinces are already

providing for school and college education and they do have the

capacity (in terms of intellectual resources) to handle the job. As far

as funds are concerned, the provinces have been funding education

from their budgets. The federation would give partial grants to the

universities only.

The provinces should have the autonomy to design the curricula

according to contextual needs and learners' requirements. If the

federation is very concerned about the curriculum issue, it can keep

Islamiat and Pakistan Studies under its control. The curricula for

other subjects should be designed by the provinces concerned.

Education standards can be monitored through provincial quality

assurance departments and the interprovincial coordination

committee. Similarly, the provinces may introduce regional

languages as a subject in their respective provinces as Khyber

Pakhtunkhwa is attempting to do.

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This right was already there, even before the 18th Amendment.

The diversity of languages is more likely to strengthen the federation,

rather than weaken it. Recall that the denial of the demand to name

Bangla as a national language in addition to Urdu played a major

part in the separation of East Pakistan.

A cursory glance at the points above tells us that all the

problems can be resolved without much ado. It seems, however, that

concerns about the incapability of provinces to deal with educational

responsibilities emerge from a trust deficit where the center, in its

self-righteous manner, doubts the competence and integrity of the

provinces. Why is that so? Why this reluctance on the part of the

federation? Why are there fears that the provinces may mess up the

education system?

To understand this, we need to realize that education has a

strong link with power. Education, as political theorist Gramsci

suggested, can play an important part in controlling minds.

Historically education has been used to take and maintain control of

marginalized countries and groups, so if education becomes a

provincial matter, certain powerful groups and organizations see it

as a shift in power that is not in their favor. The outcome is a lot of

hue and cry, and the offering of lame excuses.

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What is required at this point is a positive attitude by the

federation, and trust in the competence, integrity, and patriotism of

the provinces. As has been suggested, there are two kinds of

federations in the world: hold together and come together. We need

to make a move from holding the provinces together to persuading

them to come together. The 18th Amendment provides an excellent

opportunity for such a paradigm shift.

Forces Influencing Curriculum Planning:

It seems necessary to discover the nature of forces, which

influence curriculum planning. There is a number of such forces that

affect the curriculum.

1. Historical Precedent and Tradition:

Curriculum improvement is usually a change in accepted

practice or it may be called developments worked out within the

framework of the existing structure. The existing programs in use

may be useful until plans are deliberately framed to change existing

conditions and respect tradition but not reverse it.

2. Cultural Patterns and Social Aims:

There is no doubt that the cultural patterns and value systems

of society are influential in shaping the curriculum. There is not

much difference in the nature of learning and the psychological and

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mental development of boys and girls from one nation to another but

the social settings, in which education takes place, vary markedly.

3. Education Philosophy, Research, and Experimentation:

Philosophical decisions affect curriculum decisions because

they represent a choice of values. The purposes, goals, and methods

of education are based upon a philosophy of education and they play

a major role in planning learning experiences and other important

curriculum decisions.

These days a research point of view is given consideration in the

formulation of philosophical concepts and in making decisions for

planning an instructional program for children. The extensive

research done in the field of child development and the learning

process has provided educators with a base for curriculum

improvement. Similarly, further research will continue influencing

curriculum planning. In the same way, experimentation and trying

out promising practices are essential aspects of curriculum

development. Certainly, progress comes through a tryout, new ideas,

and new practices.

4. Textbooks as Curriculum Determinants:

In some elementary schools the textbooks for the academic

areas of instruction to a large extent, determine the scope and

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sequence of the curriculum and the nature of learning experiences.

It is mostly true in the case of Pakistan where a single textbook

approach is adopted and the teachers do not use the course of study

planned for their guidance.

5. Administrative Structure and Organization:

The nature of school organization and the type of administrative

structure, in which the program is carried out, markedly influence

the curriculum as a whole. The centralized administrative structure

in Pakistan has strong effects on curriculum construction and

implementation. Certain other agencies and special interest pressure

groups also influence curriculum planning.

Question no 3:

Discuss the scope and significance of technology for the

improvement of the economic conditions of the country through

better education.
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Technology can be regarded as the primary source of economic

development and the various technological changes contribute

significantly to the development of underdeveloped countries.

Technological advancement and economic growth are truly related to

each other. The level of technology is also an important determinant

of economic growth. The rapid rate of growth can be achieved through

a high level of technology. Schumpeter observed that innovation or

technological progress is the only determinant of economic progress.

But if the level of technology becomes constant the process of growth

stops. Thus, it is technological progress that keeps the economy

moving. Inventions and innovations have been largely responsible for

rapid economic growth in developed countries.

Meaning and scope of Economics of Education:

The economics of education is a field, a subject area that is

about understanding how and why individuals make decisions

regarding investing in education; another area that is taken under

consideration is the consequence of education on long-term societal

and financial outcomes, the activities of those institutions that

generate education, and how best to devise and execute public

policies affecting the level and allotment of education resources. The

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indispensable tools of economics provide a structure to evaluate

education policies including early childhood interventions, school

finance, and college selection and financial assistance.

This field begins by considering individual decisions to

empowerment in schooling and then towards the assessment of

elementary and secondary education. The initial stages of education

such as early childhood and postsecondary education are also taken

into consideration. The scope and meaning of the economics of

education also comprise discussions of education markets in other

countries and knowledge and information of current policies and

involvements and their possible effects. In educational institutions,

the economics of education is even considered to be a field of study

and, there is a prominence on exploratory pragmatic tests of the

economic theory and measuring the outcomes of policy initiatives on

educational products.

Significance of Technology in Education:

Many of today's high-demand jobs were created in the last

decade, according to the International Society for Technology in

Education (ISTE). As advances in technology drive globalization and

digital transformation, teachers can help students acquire the

necessary skills to succeed in their careers of the future.

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The effective use of digital learning tools in classrooms can increase

student engagement, help teachers improve their lesson plans, and

facilitate personalized learning. It also helps students build essential

21st-century skills.

Virtual classrooms, video, augmented reality (AR), robots, and

other technology tools can not only make classes livelier but can also

create more inclusive learning environments that foster collaboration

and inquisitiveness and enable teachers to collect data on student

performance. Still, it’s important to note that technology is a tool

used in education and not an end in itself. The promise of educational

technology lies in what educators do with it and how it is used to best

support their students’ needs.

The Benefits of Technology in Education:

Teachers want to improve student performance, and technology

can help them accomplish this aim. To mitigate the challenges,

administrators should help teachers gain the competencies needed

to enhance learning for students through technology. Additionally,

technology in the classroom should make teachers’ jobs easier

without adding extra time to their day. Technology provides students

with easy-to-access information, accelerated learning, and fun

opportunities to practice what they learn.

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It enables students to explore new subjects and deepen their

understanding of difficult concepts, particularly in STEM. Through

the use of technology inside and outside the classroom, students can

gain 21st-century technical skills necessary for future occupations.

Still, children learn more effectively with direction. The World

Economic Forum reports that while technology can help young

students learn and acquire knowledge through play, for example,

evidence suggests that learning is more effective through guidance

from an adult, such as a teacher.

Leaders and administrators should take stock of where their

faculties are in terms of their understanding of online spaces. From

lessons learned during this disruptive time, they can implement

solutions now for the future. For example, administrators could give

teachers a week or two to think carefully about how to teach courses

not previously online. In addition to an exploration of solutions,

flexibility during these trying times is of paramount importance.

Below are examples of how important technology is in education and

the benefits it offers to students and teachers.

1. Increased Collaboration and Communication:

Educational technology can foster collaboration. Not only can

teachers engage with students during lessons, but students can also
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communicate with each other. Through online lessons and learning

games, students get to work together to solve problems. In

collaborative activities, students can share their thoughts and ideas

and support each other. At the same time, technology enables one on

one interaction with teachers. Students can ask classroom-related

questions and seek additional help on the difficult-to-understand

subject matter. At home, students can upload their homework, and

teachers can access and view completed assignments using their


2. Personalized Learning Opportunities:

Technology allows 24/7 access to educational resources.

Classes can take place entirely online via the use of a laptop or mobile

device. Hybrid versions of learning combine the use of technology

from anywhere with regular in-person classroom sessions. In both

scenarios, the use of technology to tailor learning plans for each

student is possible.

Teachers can create lessons based on student interests and

strengths. An added benefit is that students can learn at their own

pace. When they need to review class material to get a better

understanding of essential concepts, students can review videos in

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the lesson plan. The data generated through these online activities

enable teachers to see which students struggled with certain subjects

and offer additional assistance and support.

3. Curiosity Driven by Engaging Content:

Through engaging and educational content, teachers can spark

inquisitiveness in children and boost their curiosity, which research

says has ties to academic success. Curiosity helps students get a

better understanding of math and reading concepts. Creating

engaging content can involve the use of AR, videos, or podcasts. For

example, when submitting assignments, students can include videos

or interact with students from across the globe.

4. Improved Teacher Productivity and Efficiency:

Teachers can leverage technology to achieve new levels of

productivity, implement useful digital tools to expand learning

opportunities for students, and increase student support and

engagement. It also enables teachers to improve their instruction

methods and personalize learning. Schools can benefit from

technology by reducing the costs of physical instructional materials,

enhancing educational program efficiency, and making the best use

of teacher time.
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5. Become a Leader in Enriching Classrooms through


Educators unfamiliar with some of the technology used in

education may not have been exposed to the tools as they prepared

for their careers or as part of their professional development.

Teachers looking to make the transition and acquire the skills to

incorporate technology in education can take advantage of learning

opportunities to advance their competencies.

For individuals looking to help transform the education system

through technology, American University’s School of Education

Online offers a Master of Arts in Teaching and a Master of Arts in

Education Policy and Leadership to prepare educators with essential

tools to become leaders. Courses such as Education Program and

Policy Implementation and Teaching Science in Elementary School

equip graduate students with critical competencies to incorporate

technology into educational settings effectively.

The Relevance of Education to Economic Needs:

There is currently a great deal of interest in the problem of the

relevance of the curriculum to economic needs. Diversification of the

curriculum ensuring interlinkages between education and

productive work through the incorporation of practical subjects and

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work experience as well as its vocational are among the well-known

reforms commonly recommended to meet this particular challenge.

In spite of the continuing interest of planners, policymakers, and

administrators in linking education and work, this particular

innovation has not yet been very effective either in accelerating the

growth of the national economy or in mitigating the security of

unemployment among school leavers. Where a reasonable level of

success has been achieved in linking education with work.

The experiments have involved vocational programs based on

real or expected job opportunities likely to be available to school

leavers. Many programs of work-oriented education in the past have

come to grief because there were no bridges between the vocational

and general institutions (or streams) to permit the movement of the

pupil from one to the other.

However, the educational planners or administrators could not

ignore the problem of the relevance of education to economic needs

particularly to employment opportunities merely because the

experience so far has been discouraging. The need to bridge the gap

between the world of education and the world of work is the need of

the country and steps are being taken to make education not only
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relevant to the needs of society but also to link it with the world of

work. This will solve the problem of the educated unemployed.

Question no 4:

Explain the concept and significance of the examination. Which

examination types do you think are more suitable at the

secondary level and why?



Exams have an important role in the process of learning and in

the whole educational institution." Exams and tests are a great way

to assess what the students have learned with regard to particular

subjects. Strengths and weaknesses can also be accessed through

exams. Many students get irritated when they heard the words of an

exam because their exam mentality is very poor, maybe they don't

know about the importance of exams. Generally, students give oral

and written exams in their schools/colleges. They have a wrong belief

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like an exam is not necessary but if they try to think in a detailed

positive manner at that time, they are able to understand the benefits

of exams.

Concept of Examination:

The examination is a measuring instrument intended to verify

both a candidate's value and the value of the teaching he has

received. It is an indicator of the training given and received. It is to

measure what has been accomplished during the period of study to

weigh each candidate's sum of knowledge and appraise his ability. It

looks like a target, incentive, motive, or stimulant. "It provides

motives for the teacher and a spur for the pupils.

Examination conditions and orientates the entire teaching

process". The aim of our examination system is to judge the

achievement of students in different areas such as personality

development, creative thinking, and love for Islamic values

examinations are the only tools for measuring these aspects.

Examinations are frequently employed in order to keep the students

constantly stimulated to a high level of achievement. The

examination system may be internal or external. The success of

which depends on the reliability and validity of the system.

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Page and Thomas (1978) explain the concept of examination as

"(1) Assessment of ability, achievement or present performance in a

subject (2) instrument of assessment can be log essay or mixed form

of assessment may be used for qualifying for entrance to professions

and higher education."

Significance of Examination:

1. Instills discipline:

You can say what you want about exams but they do help you

to become more disciplined. The fact that you have to prepare months

in advance to conquer examinations in the summer can most

definitely set you up for the real world. Take this life skill and use it

to become successful in the career path of your choice. Discipline is

a key trait of all success stories and this routine will guide you and

be your knight in shining armor if you want to make it to the top.

2. Gives you the ability to stay focused under pressure:

During the exam, you are put under extreme duress to

remember pieces of information that you may have learned at the

beginning of the year. Now, this takes extreme focus and dedication

to remember that far back and to also apply it to the question at

hand. If you can take this as a life lesson, you will be well on your

way to glory. The top individuals all possess the trait of being calm
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during the storm and if you can acquire this trait and focus all of

your energy on remaining calm, even in the worst of situations, there

is no limit as to what you can do.

3. Qualifications you need in life are only acquired through


In your lifetime, you will come to realize that you need certain

qualifications to pass a certain stage in the job process. These

qualifications will only be under your name if you pass the exams.

This is a very good reason why exams are important. They are the

pathway to a job and without qualifications; your career path

becomes very limited.

4. Time Management:

Time management is a key skill in life and this skill is definitely

acquired through the practice of exams. Before the exam, you would

need this skill to learn how to manage your time revising. During the

exam, you need to learn how to answer each question in a timely

manner so that you leave yourself enough time in the end to review

your work. In the exam process, time management is integrated every

step of the way. This will instill this life skill in you which will

dramatically help you to meet deadlines in your dedicated career.

5. Improve Learning:
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The exam process improves learning and your ability to take on

new information. Going through exams will make your brain adapt

to being given new information and it will be able to recall facts and

figures more efficiently because it is so used to doing so. Being a good

learner is most definitely a good trait to have. Some legends claim

that they never stop learning. If they put that much respect for this

trait, then you should.

We all remember the exam period in school. The daunting

experience of entering the examination hall, finding your name on

the exam desk, and taking a seat with a booklet with blank paper

and unknown questions. The sweaty hand palms and sick feeling

that seems to have made you forget everything that you have been

revising for over the last previous few weeks (or in my case few days,

I have always been a bit last minute). In all those years of school,

college, and university I always wondered what the main purpose was

for exams was. What would this stress achieve later in our lives?

Luckily, I am able to look into all this and finally learn that the

stressful weeks truly are beneficial.

Examination in Secondary Level:

School becomes more demanding as you get older. As you grow

as a person, you also do as a student and the school curriculum

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becomes more demanding. Exams allow secondary education

establishments to assess whether the students applying are going to

be able to deal with the work demand. Although this idea of "ranking

students' capability based on grades" seems harsh, it is an easier way

for them to assess the student's potential, which becomes even more

important with regard to secondary education establishments.

The exam process is beneficial to the school in regards to

assessing where faculties and particular classes need more focus on

our resources. Schools need to ensure that they are offering students

the best that they are able to and exams are a great technique to use

to monitor the progress and effectiveness of that particular class.

School administrators can see where improvement may be needed

within the school, college, or university based on the student's

grades. Studies have shown that a "happier class has higher grades"

so a pattern of similar average results may indicate the motivation

that a particular class may have or not.

After reading about all the benefits and advantages gained, it

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Question no.5: Write a comprehensive note on the following


1. Population Education

2. Drug Education

Answer: 1:

1. Population Education:
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This is an age of awareness, awakening, and looking for the best

and most appropriate future possibilities. If an individual or a group

of individuals is fully aware of the problem and realizes the existing

and prospective implications, the possibilities of coping with the

situation increase manifold. The awareness and wakening about

population issues do not just happen automatically or informally.

Deliberate efforts, serious steps, and planned efforts have to be made

to sensitize the people regarding the grave population situation.

What is Population Education?

Population education is a response of the educational

community to the population situation at a given point in time and

place. The need and justification for population education laid down

in UNESCO Source Book on Population Education are as this:

'The consequences of population development for the socio-

economic and natural environment and vice versa are of such

significance that the new generations of young people need to be

aware of them'. Clearly, thus, if education is a potent agent of change

to be used for improving the quality of life and aiding the processes

of development, population, and environmental studies should be the

major elements of the educational process.

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Population education is basically an educational process

whereby individuals learn the causes and consequences of

population phenomenon for themselves, their communities, and the

environment. Through population education, it is possible to provide

basic information and create awareness of possible and effective

means by which the society as a whole and individuals, in particular,

can respond to population implications and eventually make rational

and informed decisions in order to enhance the quality of life.

Population Education Programmes provide opportunities for

learners to acquire the knowledge, abilities, attitudes, and values

necessary for the understanding and evaluation of population

situations, the dynamic forces that have shaped them, and the effects

they will have on the present and future quality of life. Additionally,

learners should be able to make informed and responsible decisions,

based on their own assessments, and to participate in collective

decisions which will help to promote social and economic


Population education requires the most objective possible

teaching-learning situation in which the teacher 'offers the learner a

set of facts and values that will allow him or her to evaluate the whole

range of options with respect to a given problem. Population

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education emerged from a growing awareness of the importance of

population phenomena in the world such as slow and rapid

population growth rates, migration, and urbanization. Essentially it

is an educational response to demographic problems.

For example, a rapidly growing population may outstrip certain

resources or make it difficult to meet basic needs such as jobs,

education, and health care, resulting in a threat to the quality of life

of people. A declining population or an aging population may be seen

in some cases as a threat to a country’s economy or vitality. Migration

from rural to urban areas may deplete rural areas of human

resources while placing a strain on urban social services.

It is said, that population education is not an attempt to develop

a new discipline but that facts, theories, and concepts are borrowed

from a broad spectrum of academic disciplines and professional fields

in order to assist individuals and societies to understand fully

population interactions and the effects of population factors on the

quality of these individuals and their collective lives.

Population education embraces the field of population studies

which comprises the body of knowledge, concepts, and theories that

describe and attempt to explain the dynamics of human populations

and their relationships with the social, cultural, economic, political,

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and biological environments. It involves looking into a wide range of

population issues and is, therefore, much broader than family

planning or demography.

Problems & Issues in Population Education:

There is not sufficient material developed on population

education. The problem stems from the fact that population

phenomena affect so many aspects of life at so many different levels

of political relations, resources, the environment, health, social

services, education; employment, and human rights that national,

regions, and individuals have differing viewpoints about population

questions. These range along a continuum from those who see

population growth as a crisis as the primary cause of all other social

problems, to those who seek to encourage population growth to help

solve social problems.

Objectives Population Education:

General objectives, however, include: decreasing population

growth, imparting family life education, population distribution, and

quality of life. In view of different socio-cultural backgrounds and

population politics of countries, population education programs

emphasize different objectives. Specific objectives are different for

different grade levels and target groups. Specific objectives may differ
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but the general objectives of population education programs may be

as follows:

• To develop awareness and understanding of population-related

problems in the local, provincial/state, national and world


• To highlight and explain the demographic concepts and theories

relating to population education.

• To disseminate the phenomena of population, and change and

identify its determinants

• To understand the concept of quality of life in different socio-

cultural settings.

• To comprehend the interrelationship between population

change and different aspects of quality of life at micro and

macro levels.

• To understand the relationship between resources and

population and the concept of consumption and depletion of


• To understand the reproductive system of the human race and

family welfare.

• To appreciate, develop and review the population policies and

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• To develop rational attitudes values and skills for taking

responsible decisions and actions regarding population-related

issues and improvement of the quality of life.

Question no 5: (2):

2. Drug Education:


Emerging and current issues are being addressed in the School

curriculum. Drugs are one of the important emerging issues. The

purpose of drug education is to use it as a prevention strategy for

school children. For purposes of ensuring that the workload of the

children is not increased and to place the drug-related information

and concepts in the proper context, the infusion approach has been


While this approach is perhaps best suited to the Pakistani

situation, there is a need to train teachers first to inform them of

drug-related infusions and secondly to give them the skills and

competencies to handle the infusion approach in the classroom


If teachers are not aware of the infusions, they may not notice

them at all, like the snake hiding in the rocks. If they do not know
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how to handle infusion, they may try to show the snake to the pupils

but many pupils may not be able to see it, moreover, the pupils will

not know how the snake glides and how it charges, in this case, the

poisonous snake is drugs.

The curriculum of drug education approaches the subject from

the viewpoint of health and healthy living as a development objective.

Drug education focuses on imparting factual knowledge on drugs,

and their effects, physical, psychological, social, and economic on the

individual, family, and society. It also uses religion to warn students

against drug abuse.

The Need & Content:

There is a consistently growing awareness on the part of

policymakers' planners and decision-makers that there is an

educational dimension to solving problems of present living.

Consequently, in addition to transmitting concepts, knowledge, and

skills of traditional subjects such as Physics, Chemistry, and

Geography. History etc., the school is being confronted with new

demands and fresh challenges. Health services are now pressing for

health education.

The fast-growing population which is increasing the pressure

on national resources and various services is posing problems that

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may reach a stage of irreversibility. All these and many more

problems stand in need of educational interventions. Along the same

line, it is felt that the growing problem of drug addiction can- not be

solved with law enforcement alone. It necessitates demand reduction

strategies which would involve preventive education. Consequently,

the need for drug education was felt and in 1986 a meeting of key

educators, mainly those responsible for School Curricula and

textbooks was convened to discuss the matter and decide ways and

means of introducing drug education in the school curriculum.

Besides the already overloaded curriculum which includes most

traditional subjects (Languages, Pakistan Studies, Religion,

Mathematics, Science, etc.) there were competing demands of

population education, environmental education, and health

education for inclusion in the core curriculum. Drug education, in

view of the serious problems with drug abuse, is another addition to

the growing pressure of new demands on an already overloaded


The awareness of the need for an educational intervention is

further sharpened by a wide variety of experiences in which

educational interventions (formal, non-formal, and informal) have

contributed to the reduction in the demand for drags.

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Purpose & Objectives:

The major purpose of drug education is to sensitize the learner

to the need and importance of health & healthy living and in this

context demonstrate the harmful effects of drug abuse-physical,

moral, psychological, social & economic for the individual, the family,

and society at large. The obvious underlying assumption is that

equipped with this knowledge the chances of an individual falling into

drug addiction are reduced and this is not all. There is a need to

develop people skills social skills, decision-making skills, resisting

peer pressure, assertiveness, etc. to make sure that they are able to

cope with high-risk situations as well.

So, drug education basically covers knowledge and information

about drugs & drug abuse (its causes, consequences, and the drug

abuse situation in the country) and b) the development of skills and

competencies to cope with high-risk situations and lead a healthy


Infusion Approach and What Is It?

So, after considerable deliberation and debate it was decided

that since the workload on the child was considerable and that it was

not feasible to further increase it, the infusion approach to drug

education would be used as a starting point. This would ensure that

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the workload on the student and teacher would not increase


Also, science-related concepts were already included in subjects

like Islam. Social Science, General Science, etc. It would be easy and

perhaps more effective in terms of learning. Moreover, this would not

increase the volume of school textbooks. An added advantage of this

approach is that when a drug-related concept is infused into a related

learning experience, the concept is reinforced because it appears in

its proper context.

For example, the school curriculum in the context of prayer

includes verses from the Holy Quran forbidding believers from

praying when they are under intoxication. A drug-related message

can be infused at this point which may indicate that all mind-altering

drugs are forbidden because they deprive a person of the

consciousness of his faith, duties, and obligations to his Creator.

Similarly, in the context of physiology where functions of the

different parts of the body are being explained the effect of drug abuse

can be mentioned, indicating how their normal and efficient

functioning is disturbed and sometimes totally disrupted resulting in

serious illness or even death. While teaching this unit in the

classroom situation the teacher can explain in detail the various

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effects of drugs on the human mind and body, encourage a group

discussion on the subject and conclude by synthesizing the various

points of view articulated in the discussion.

It will be seen that in this approach a drug-related concept

appears in its proper context which facilitates the internalization of

the concept and understanding of its various implications. So, you

have seen that the infusion approach has some positive advantages

which include (a) reduction of the additional workload of students

and (b) the facilitation of conceptualization because the concept is

placed in its proper context and understanding the relationship of

this concept with other concepts.

There are some disadvantages too. These include, first, the

content related to the drug is sometimes too thinly spread so that its

impact gets easily diffused. Second, the infusion can be so

imperceptible that it may escape the notice of the teachers as well as

the learner. This is why, in certain countries when a problem is of

importance, its inclusion in the school curriculum is given the form

of a separate subunit or even a separate subject to give it prominence

and visibility.

Importance of Teacher Training & Methods:

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It is in this context that a brief mention of the problem of teacher

training and the question of methods merits special mention. Teacher

Training is of special significance in this context and has twofold

importance. First, if the teachers are fully aware of the concepts, they

will not miss them while teaching the subject and will remember to

identify them for special treatment.

Second, the teachers have to be fully equipped with effective

methods of treating drug-related concepts in the classroom and there

are a few which deserve a special mention of the inquiry approach.

Role-playing, simulation, discussion/debate in the context of drug


Overview of Objectives & Purpose of Drug Education:

In the Pakistani context, a panel of experts has considered in

detail the broad objectives of Drug Education and has decided to

infuse drug-related information and concepts from class VI to class

X which is considered a critical age group from the point of view of

preventive education. The intention is to inform and caution school

children at a stage when they are about to enter the high-risk age


The broad strategy is that drug education would be broadly

imparted in the context of good health, good habits, and healthy

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living. The major areas identified for coverage in the curriculum

include the following:

• Good health and healthy living.

• Knowledge of Drugs and their Harmful effects.

• The overall situation of Drug Abuse in the country.

• The socio-economic effects of drugs on the individual and


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