Assignment 5
Assignment 5
Assignment 5
1 Brownie points for those who convolved traditionally, and compare the performance between the two
approaches in the report3.
ID2090: Introduction to Scientific Computing Jan-May 24
./ functions.txt
Sample Input:
$ head functions.txt
\frac{\sqrt{2} e^{- 0.5 \left(\frac{x}{2} - \frac{1}{2}\right)^{2}}}{8 \sqrt{\pi}}
\frac{\sqrt{2} e^{- 0.5 \left(\frac{x}{2} - \frac{5}{2}\right)^{2}}}{8 \sqrt{\pi}}
Sample Output:
\frac{0.0625 e^{- 0.0625 \left(x - 6\right)^{2}}}{\sqrt{\pi}}
∂ (ρ⃗v )
+ ∇ · (ρ⃗v⃗v ) = ρ⃗g − ∇P + µ∇2⃗v (2)
However, governing equations are often coupled and contain partial differential terms, which cannot be
solved as it is without simplifying the problem with certain logical assumptions. Some of them are as
• Incompressible flow (ρ is constant)
• Fully Developed Flow (z-velocity not dependent on z)
• θ−symmetric flow (θ components and their changes can be neglected)
• Impenetrable wall (Zero radial velocity at a radius equal to pipe radius
• Continuous and Smooth (Differentiable) flow profile.
The approach that is typically used to solve these types of coupled equations is:
• Simplify the continuity equation 1 and get a boundary condition for the pipe wall,
• Simplify z-component of the Navier-Stokes equation 2,
ID2090: Introduction to Scientific Computing Jan-May 24
Sample Input:
$ head press.txt
Sample Output:3