Simon Whittaker (Unfair Terms)
Simon Whittaker (Unfair Terms)
Simon Whittaker (Unfair Terms)
Published Advance Access March 25, 2019
Keywords: unfair contract terms, commercial contracts, French law, English law,
unfair competition, competition law, Groceries Code of Practice, good faith
1. Introduction
It is widely recognised that there is an important relationship between contract
law in the traditional sense of the law governing the relative rights and duties of
parties arising from the conclusion, performance or non-performance of a
contract and the wider regulation of the environment (and typically the markets)
in which contracts are made and performed.1 An obvious example is found in
the case of consumer contracts, where legislative protections attract enforcement
* Professor of European Comparative Law, University of Oxford and Fellow of St John’s College, Oxford.
Email: The author is grateful to participants at the Comparative Law Section of
the SLS Annual Conference 2016 for their comments on an earlier draft of this paper as well as to the
anonymous reviewers.
Hugh Collins, Regulating Contracts (OUP 1999).
ß The Author(s) 2019. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved.
For permissions, please e-mail:
SUMMER 2019 Unfair Terms in Commercial Contracts and the Two Laws of Competition 405
trader-to-trader practices since, as Lord Devlin put it, for the common lawyer,
‘free dealing was fair dealing’.20 There is therefore no general domestic English
law of unfair competition, even though there are torts (such as passing off, or
those that sanction the infringement of intellectual property) which govern
way, the principle of good faith can be seen as a counter-principle to the classic
principles of freedom of contract and the binding force of contracts.39
Moreover, there can be a close relationship between good faith and the broader
French doctrinal theory of the abuse of rights. So, while French courts did not
1993,48 while legislation governing unfair competition law was codified in the
Commercial Code.49
Secondly, after the Second World War, many goods and services were subject
to direct price controls imposed by administrative decree,50 despite the
Jean Calais-Auloy and Henri Temple, Droit de la consommation (8th edn, Dalloz 2010) 36–7.
Below, section 3.
John Sheahan, ‘Problems and Possibilities of Industrial Price Control: Postwar French Experience’ (1961)
51 American Economic Review 345, noting that the legislation dated from the pre-war socialist government of
Jean Carbonnier, Droit civil, 4. Les obligations (14th edn, PUF 1990) 45–7, seeing the value of the
‘autonomy of the will’ as a principle even in an age of the ‘socialisation’ of droit civil.
Notably, décret no 53-704 du 9 aout^ 1953 relatif au maintien ou au rétablissement de la libre concurrence
industrielle et commerciale.
Ordonnance no 86-1243 du 1er décembre 1986 relative à la liberté des prix et de la concurrence (1986
1986 Ordonnance, art 1(1). The Ordonnance is codified in art L 410-2 et seq C com.
1986 Ordonnance, art 8-2.
art 8-2(1), referring to ‘the same conditions’, ie as are stated in art 7(1), which concerns anti-competitive
agreements or concerted action.
1986 Ordonnance, art 36.
SUMMER 2019 Unfair Terms in Commercial Contracts and the Two Laws of Competition 411
as large retailers, but, unlike the large retailers, they lacked the market power to
negotiate back charges. This led to an inflationary spiral affecting all parties to
the distribution of goods, including, of course, consumers.73 Unsurprisingly,
this was seen as problematic by successive French administrations.
According to Dieny (n 86) nos 26–36, the court of appeal generally adopts a two-stage approach requiring
a proof of an imbalance in power and the absence of effective negotiation coupled with a resulting
disproportionality of obligation.
Com 27 May 2015, no 14-11387 (2nd moyen); Muriel Chagny, ‘La règle sur le déséquilibre significatif
devant la Cour de cassation!’ RTDCom 2015.486, 487–8.
Com 27 May 2015, no 14-11387 (2nd moyen).
Chagny (n 106) 489.
Com 3 mars 2015, 13-27525 (8th moyen).
Chagny (n 106) 488, referring to CA Paris 23 May 2013 no. 12/01166.
Cf art L 212-1(3) C consom; 1993 Directive, art 4(2); art 1171 C civ. Com 25 janvier 2017 no 15-23547,
AJ Contrat 2017.132.
Chagny (n 91) 501.
SUMMER 2019 Unfair Terms in Commercial Contracts and the Two Laws of Competition 417
L 442-6 itself empowers only the enforcement authorities to ask for the
annulment of an offending contract term or contract, with any consequential
restitution as necessary.124 Nonetheless, the courts allow claims by traders for a
term to be treated as ‘not written’ and so ineffective.125 In addition, the
art L 442.6.III(2) C com.
See, notably, Paris CA 7 juin 2013, no 11-08674, cited to this effect by Sacha Houlié, Député, report on
behalf of the Commission des lois constitutionnelles, de la législation et de l’administration générale de la
République, sur le projet de loi, adopté part le Sénat, Assemblé nationale no 429 (29 Nov 2017) (Houlié Report
2017) 70. See also Muriel Chagny, ‘La généralisation des clauses abusives (articles 1168 et 1169 du Code civil)’
in Stoffel-Munck (n 101) 53; Gicquiaud (n 90) no 30.
art L 442.6.III(2) C com. This second possibility was introduced by loi no. 2015-990 du 6 aout ^ 2015
pour la croissance, l’activité et l’égalité des chances économiques, art 34.
See generally on the process of reform Bénédicte Fauvarque-Cosson, Juliet Gest and François Ancel, ‘The
Process of Elaboration of the Reform of the Law of Contract’ in Cartwright and Whittaker (n 7) ch 2.
The two academic instruments were Pierre Catala (ed), Avant-projet de réforme du droit des obligations et de
la prescription: Rapport remis au garde des Sceaux (Documentation française 2006); F Terré (ed), Pour une réforme
du droit des contrats (Dalloz 2009). The Ministry of Justice constructed its own preliminary draft in 2008 which
was distributed informally.
Loi no 2015-177 of 16 février 2015, art 8, as foreseen by art 38 of the Constitution. art 8 was approved as
constitutional by the Conseil constitutionnel no 2015-710 DC of 12 février 2015.
Ministère de la justice, Projet d’ordonnance portant réforme du droit des contrats, du régime général et de la
preuve des obligations (25 Feb 2015) (Projet d’ordonnance 2015).
SUMMER 2019 Unfair Terms in Commercial Contracts and the Two Laws of Competition 419
debtor’s essential obligation of its substance is deemed not written’, a control that reflects the well-known case
law noted above (n 33).
art 1110(2) (2018).
On the interpretation of these expressions see Olivier Deshayes, Thomas Genicon and Yves-Marie
Laithier, Réforme du droit des contrats, du régime générale et de la preuve des obligations (2nd edn, LexisNexis 2018)
The former version of art 1171 controlled ‘[a]ny term of a contrat d’adhésion’, where the latter was defined
according to the lack of negotiation of the contract’s ‘general conditions’: above in this section.
Pillet Report 2017 (n 132) 30, referring to Raymond Saleilles (n 30).
Pillet Report 2017 (n 132) 30–1.
Pillet Report 2017 (n 132) 31.
Houlié Report 2017 (n 125) 17–18.
SUMMER 2019 Unfair Terms in Commercial Contracts and the Two Laws of Competition 421
new wording reflects the justification for judicial review in a lack of opportunity
to negotiate the ‘collection of terms’, but where terms are negotiable (even if
not negotiated), they can reflect the parties’ ‘wills’ and therefore their
contractual freedom.146
Deshayes, Genicon and Laithier (n 140) 348 and 349.
For a classic doctrinal discussion, see Thiery Revet, ‘Les critères du contrat, article 1110 nouveau du code
civil’ D 2016.1771.
See R Zimmermann, The New German Law of Obligations, Historical and Comparative Perspectives (OUP
2005) 175–6.
According to Deputé Houlié, art 1171 reflects the fact that French law is more protective than ‘Anglo-
Saxon’ laws: Houlié Report 2017 (n 125) 27.
In principle, ‘administrative law contracts’ are governed by administrative contract law rather than by
private law, but it is possible that the Conseil d’Etat will be ‘inspired’ to follow the lead taken by art 1171, subject
to public law principle and the needs of the ‘public service’: cf Laurent Richer and François Lichère, Droit des
contrats administratifs (10th edn, LGDJ 2016) 37–9, explaining the use of the Civil Code by administrative courts
despite the ‘autonomy’ of administrative contract law.
A traditional interpretative maxim, but codified in art 1105(3) C civ (2016) as regards special rules
governing particular ‘nominate’ contracts in the Civil Code itself.
Pillet Report 2017 (n 132) 22–3.
cf above, section 3 on the scope of application of art L 442-6.I 2o C com.
422 Oxford Journal of Legal Studies VOL. 39
Houlié Report 2017 (n 125) 72.
Houlié Report 2017 (n 125). The Pillet Report 2017 (n 132) 61 considers that ‘commercial leases’ (les
baux commerciaux) made by ‘institutional lessors’ would also fall under art 1171. According to Deshayes, Genicon
and Laithier (n 140) 346, art L 442-6.I.2o applies only where the underlying contract concerns an activity ‘of
production, distribution or services’, citing Com 15 février 2018 no 17-11329, which excluded a commercial
lease from its scope on this ground. However, this restriction is made by art L 442-1 for the purposes of its own
provisions and is therefore arguably inapplicable to art L 442-6.I.2o.
Xavier Lagarde, ‘Questions autour de l’article 1171 du code civil’ D 2016.2174, 2175.
See further Deshayes, Genicon and Laithier (n 140) 342–7.
Karl Lafaurie, ‘Clauses abusives: l’articulation du dispositifs du Code civil avec les textes spéciaux’ JCP
2017 Entreprises et affaires no 1453, no 2.
Cf the reference to ‘ancillary terms’ in the judgment of the CJEU in Case C-26/13 Kásler v OTP
Jelzálogbank Zrt of 30 April 2014, paras 49–50.
art L 212-1(3) C consom (2016), reflecting the 1993 Directive, art 4(2).
In the context of consumer law, the CJEU has explained that the notion that a term be ‘clear and
comprehensible’ must be understood from the point of view of the ‘average consumer’: Kásler v OTP Jelzálogbank
Zrt (n 159) para 74.
Above, section 3.
SUMMER 2019 Unfair Terms in Commercial Contracts and the Two Laws of Competition 423
1977 Act, s 3(2)(b) and see Whittaker in Beale (n 3) paras 15-085–15-086. 1977 Act, s 2 also controls the
exclusion of business liability for negligence and of liability for breach of implied terms in contracts of sale of
goods etc in ss 6 & 7 of the Act, neither of which are restricted to standard terms.
1977 Act, s 1(2), sch 1 para 2(a), (c)–(e).
1977 Act, s 26.
1977 Act, s 27(1).
Law Commission, Scottish Law Commission, Second Report on Exemption Clauses, Law Com No 69, Scot
Law Com No 39 (1975) para 151, referring to HB Sales, ‘Standard Form Contracts’ (1953) 16 MLR 318.
Law Commission (n 176) para 156.
Law Commission (n 176) paras 156–7.
s 3.
African Export-Import Bank v Shebah Exploration and Production Co Ltd [2017] EWCA Civ 845, [2018] 1
WLR 487 at [20] per Longmore LJ (with whom Henderson LJ agreed).
SUMMER 2019 Unfair Terms in Commercial Contracts and the Two Laws of Competition 425
party can be said to have dealt on those standard terms’.181 The burden of
proof on this issue lies on the person claiming to be subject to the standard
terms,182 and it is unlikely to be discharged where the contract has been
subject to substantial variations, even if these do not relate to the contract term
and, if the contract was only incidental to it, it was not of a type regularly
entered:189 section 3 therefore applies now only to cases where one person is
dealing on the other’s written standard terms of business.190 Apart from the
1977 Act, particular legislative qualifications exist on the validity of terms in
misstatements concerning the description of goods: Iain Ramsay, Consumer Protection, Text & Materials (1st edn,
Weidenfeld & Nicolson 1989) 270.
See Unfair Commercial Practices Directive 2005, recital 5. The 2005 Directive is implemented in UK law
by the Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations 2008 (SI 2008/1277).
Case C-453/10 Pereničovà v SOS finance, spol sro [2012] 2 CMLR 28; see also Whittaker in Beale (n 3)
para 38-278.
Late Payment of Commercial Debts (Interest) Act 1998, s 14, implementing and extending the control
foreseen by Directive 2011/7/EU on combating late payment in commercial transactions, art 3(4) and (5).
Above, section 2.
In 2017 the office of Small Business Commissioner was created with the role of helping small businesses
that are unfairly treated by larger businesses as regards payment for the goods or services that they supply, as well
as providing advice to them more generally: Enterprise Act 2016, pt 1. See also www.smallbusinesscommissioner. accessed 5 December 2018.
428 Oxford Journal of Legal Studies VOL. 39
the UK or part of it.203 The market investigation regime recognises that not
every market failure can be cured through the application of the classic
prohibitions found in articles 101 and 102 TFEU and their domestic
analogues;204 it focuses on markets rather than on the behaviour of individual
from retailers’ practices in relation to their suppliers’ risks and costs. The Code
therefore controls the extent and the method by which retailers are able to vary
the terms of supply, requiring that the Supply Agreement sets out ‘clearly and
unambiguously’ where and how any specific change of circumstance may allow
arbitrate the dispute or appoint another person to do so; where a retailer refers
a dispute to arbitration under a supply agreement, the Adjudicator may accept
appointment as the arbitrator.228 The Adjudicator has considerable powers of
investigation and enforcement, the latter including recommendations as to
Groceries Code Adjudicator Act 2013 (n 227), s 2.
Groceries Code Adjudicator Act 2013 (n 227), ss 7–9.
Groceries Code Adjudicator (Permitted Maximum Financial Penalty) Order 2015 (SI 2015/722) (which
provides how turnover is to be calculated for this purpose). The power to fine came into force after the only
completed investigation undertaken by the GCA into Tesco plc’s payment practices (26 January 2016).
CMA, Supply Agreements under the Groceries (Supply Chain Practices) Market Investigation Order
2009; CMA’s Report on compliance (12 July 2016).
CMA’s Report on compliance (12 July 2016), paras 4–5.0.
GCA, Groceries Code Adjudicator, Annual Report and Accounts (1 April 2017–31 March 2018) 11–12.
GCA (n 232) 31–49.
GCA (n 232) 13 and 27–8, noting its investigation into possible breaches of the Code by the Co-operative
Group Ltd in relation to de-listing, benchmarking and depot quality control charges. See also its investigation
into the payment practices of Tesco plc (n 230).
Above, section 3.
432 Oxford Journal of Legal Studies VOL. 39
See, notably, the main report which preceded the loi of 2008, the Hagelsteen Report 2008 (n 60),
although it should be added that an earlier report to the French Ministry of the Economy, finance and industry
by a working group chaired by Guy Canivet included an extended market analysis: Restaurer la concurrence par les
prix - Les produits de grande consommation et les relations entre industrie et commerce (October, 2004). Moreover,
further market analysis may have been carried out internally by the Ministry or by the French competition
regulator, the Direction Générale de la Concurrence, de la Consommation et de la Répression des Fraudes.
Above, section 3.
Above, section 3 (French law) and in this section (English law).
These issues are governed specifically by art L 442-6-I.1o, 4o–5o, 7o and 8o C com.
Above, section 3.
Above, section 3.
Above, section 3 and n 86.
SUMMER 2019 Unfair Terms in Commercial Contracts and the Two Laws of Competition 433
7. Conclusion
The contract laws controlling the fairness of non-consumer contract terms in
French and English law have recently grown much further apart. French law
Above, section 3.
Above, section 3.
Above, sections 2 and 4.
As advocated by Deshayes, Genicon and Laithier (n 140) 344–5.
Above, section 1.
434 Oxford Journal of Legal Studies VOL. 39
undermines the claim of the 2016 reforms to make French law more attractive
as a law of choice for international commercial contracts.249
By contrast, general English law still reflects the liberal values of its 19th
century origins, buttressed by a keen sense that this promotes the fundamental
Rapport au Président (n 133) 3. art 1171 is clearly mandatory in national law (Rapport au Président (n
133) 11, ie its application cannot be excluded by contract) and it is not clear that French courts would allow the
choice of a foreign law to avoid the control in art 1171, which could be treated as an ‘overriding mandatory
provision’ within the meaning of Regulation 593/2008 on the law applicable to contractual obligations (Rome I)
[2008] OJ L177/6 art 9. The Tribunal de commerce of Paris has held that art L 442-6.I.2o C com falls within art
9 of Rome I: Trib com 7 mai 2015, Expedia Inc no 2015000040.