ICT NEWS MacroTracker

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// This Pine Script™ code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.

at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/
// © toodegrees
import toodegrees/forex_factory_utility/14 as ffUtil
import toodegrees/forex_factory_decoding/15 as ffDec

indicator("Live Economic Calendar by toodegrees"
, shorttitle="News° [toodegrees]"
, overlay=true
, max_lines_count=500
, max_labels_count=500)

//#region[Timeframe Limitations]
if timeframe.in_seconds(timeframe.period)>86400
runtime.error("Go to the Daily Timeframe or lower!")
else if timeframe.in_seconds(timeframe.period)<30
runtime.error("Go to the 30-Second Timeframe or higher!")

//#region[Global, Functions, Methods]

var mdnCheck = false
if hour(time,"America/New_York")==0 and hour(time[1],"America/New_York")!=0 and not
mdnCheck := true
newDay = mdnCheck ? hour(time,"America/New_York")==0 and
hour(time[1],"America/New_York")!=0 : timeframe.change("D")

requestData() =>










method processData(ffUtil.News[] N, string S1, string S2, string S3, string S4,
string S5, string S6, string S7, string S8, string S9) =>
ffDec.readNews(N,S1), ffDec.readNews(N,S2), ffDec.readNews(N,S3)
ffDec.readNews(N,S4), ffDec.readNews(N,S5), ffDec.readNews(N,S6)
ffDec.readNews(N,S7), ffDec.readNews(N,S8), ffDec.readNews(N,S9)

var custom_timezoneTT = "The original Time and Date of the News is based on New
York EST. Adjust the Timezone "
+ "by matching this setting to the bottom-right Timezone
setting on your Chart."
var expectedImpactTT = "🔴 High Impact\n🟠 Medium Impact\n🟡 Low Impact\n⚪ Holiday"
var autoTT = "Automatically chooses the Currencies' News based on the
current symbol on Chart."
var onChartTT = "'Today'\nAll historical news will be deleted once a new
day starts, only the current day's news "
+ "will be shown on chart.\n\n'This Week'\nAll historical
news will be deleted once a new week "
+ "starts, only the current week's news will be shown on
chart.\n\n'Manual'\nWill show the current "
+ "week's upcoming news as well as the news in the prior
custom number of days (includes weekend days)."
var labelYTT = "'Auto' will place the label opposite to the candle's
var sizeTTT = "Depending on the Size of the News Table you will be able
to see a maximum number of Forex Factory "
+ "News events on the chart due to size limitations.\n\nThese
limits are roughly:\n'Tiny' ± 46 Forex "
+ "Factory News Events\n'Small' ± 38 Forex Factory News
Events\n'Normal' ± 28 Forex Factory News Events"
+ "\n'Large' ± 20 Forex Factory News Events\n'Huge' ± 11
Forex Factory News Events"
var tableHeadCTT = "Text Color - Backroung Color"
var tableRowCTT = "Past News Text Color - Future News Text Color - Backroung

//#region[User Input]
// Custom Timezone
custom_timezone = input.bool(false, title="Custom Timezone?", inline="1")
timezone_h = input.int(1 , title="UTC" , inline="1", minval=-
10, maxval=13)
timezone_m = input.int(0 , title=":" , inline="1", minval=0
, maxval=59, step=15, tooltip=custom_timezoneTT)

// Expected Impact
var high_impact = input.bool(true, title="🔴", group="Expected Impact", inline="1")
var med_impact = input.bool(true, title="🟠", group="Expected Impact", inline="1")
var low_impact = input.bool(true, title="🟡", group="Expected Impact", inline="1")
var holiday = input.bool(true, title="⚪", group="Expected Impact", inline="1",

// Currencies
var AUTO = input.bool(true , title="Automatic?", group="Currencies",
var AUD = input.bool(false, title="AUD" , group="Currencies", inline="1")
var CAD = input.bool(false, title="CAD" , group="Currencies", inline="1")
var CHF = input.bool(false, title="CHF" , group="Currencies", inline="1")
var CNY = input.bool(false, title="CNY" , group="Currencies", inline="2")
var EUR = input.bool(false, title="EUR" , group="Currencies", inline="2")
var GBP = input.bool(false, title="GBP" , group="Currencies", inline="2")
var JPY = input.bool(false, title="JPY " , group="Currencies", inline="3")
var NZD = input.bool(false, title="NZD" , group="Currencies", inline="3")
var USD = input.bool(false, title="USD" , group="Currencies", inline="3")

// On Chart
var onChartT = input.string("This Week", title="Chart
History ", group="News On Chart", inline="1", options=["Today", "This
Week", "Manual"])
var onChartLB = input.int(30 , title=""
, group="News On Chart", inline="1", tooltip=onChartTT)
var showLabels = input.bool(true , title="Show Labels?"
, group="News On Chart", inline="2")
var labelS = ffUtil.size(input.string("Normal" , title=""
, group="News On Chart", inline="2", options=["Tiny" , "Small", "Normal", "Large",
var labelY = input.string("Auto" , title=""
, group="News On Chart", inline="2", options=["Above", "Below", "Auto"] ,
var lblOutLn = input.bool(true , title="Outline?"
, group="News On Chart", inline="2")
var showLines = input.bool(true , title="Show Lines? "
, group="News On Chart", inline="3")
var lineTime = input.string("Future" , title=""
, group="News On Chart", inline="3", options=["Future", "Past+Future"])
var lineT = ffUtil.lineTrnsp(input.string("Heavy" , title=""
, group="News On Chart", inline="3", options=["Light" , "Medium", "Heavy"]))
var lineS = ffUtil.lineStyle(input.string("Solid" , title=""
, group="News On Chart", inline="3", options=["Dashed", "Dotted", "Solid"]))

// Table
var showTable = input.bool(true , title="Show?" , group="News
Table", inline="1")
var tableType = input.string("This Week", title="" , group="News
Table", inline="1", options=["Today", "This Week"])
var todType = input.string("24H" , title="" , group="News
Table", inline="1", options=["24H" , "AM/PM"])
var headTextC = input.color(#dee1e9 , title="Table Header" , group="News Table",
var headBgC = input.color(#283c70 , title="" , group="News Table",
inline="2", tooltip=tableHeadCTT)
var rowTextCP = input.color(#787b86 , title="Table News ", group="News Table",
var rowTextCF = input.color(#000000 , title="" , group="News Table",
var rowBgC = input.color(#dee1e9 , title="" , group="News Table",
inline="3", tooltip=tableRowCTT)
var tableX = input.string("Right" , title="" , group="News
Table", inline="4", options=["Left", "Center", "Right" ])
var tableY = input.string("Bottom" , title="" , group="News
Table", inline="4", options=["Top" , "Middle", "Bottom"])
var sizeT = input.string("Small" , title="" , group="News
Table", inline="4", options=["Tiny", "Small" , "Normal", "Large", "Huge"],

// Process User Input

var locT = ffUtil.boxLoc(tableX,tableY)
var impact_filter = ffUtil.impFilter(holiday,low_impact,med_impact,high_impact)
var currency_filter = ffUtil.curFilter(AUTO,AUD,CAD,CHF,CNY,EUR,GBP,JPY,NZD,USD)
onChartT := timeframe.period=="D" and onChartT=="Today"?"This
tableType := timeframe.period=="D"?"This Week":tableType

//#region[Import, Decode, Save]

var currWeek = array.new<ffUtil.News>()
var nextWeek = array.new<ffUtil.News>()
var currDay = array.new<ffUtil.News>()

// Import Forex Factory News for next week

[slot1,slot2,slot3,slot4,slot5,slot6,slot7,slot8,slot9] = requestData()

// Save Forex Factory News

if timeframe.change("W")
nextWeek := ffUtil.bubbleSort_News(nextWeek)
if custom_timezone
nextWeek := ffUtil.adjustTimezone(nextWeek, timezone_h, timezone_m)
if todType=="AM/PM"
nextWeek := ffUtil.NewsAMPM_TOD(nextWeek)
currWeek := nextWeek.copy()
currWeek := ffUtil.weekNews(currWeek,currency_filter,impact_filter)
if newDay
currDay := ffUtil.todayNews(currWeek,currDay,mdnCheck)

// Decode Forex Factory News


//#region[Table & Drawings]

// Forex Factory News Table
var _table = ffUtil.newTable(locT)
if currWeek.size()>0
if showTable
if tableType=="Today"
if newDay
_table :=
ffUtil.timeline(currDay,_table,rowTextCP, timezone_h, timezone_m, true)
if timeframe.change("W")
_table :=
ffUtil.timeline(currWeek,_table,rowTextCP, timezone_h, timezone_m)

// Forex Factory News Drawings

if showLines
if onChartT!="Today" and timeframe.change("W")
else if onChartT=="Today" and newDay
if showLabels

ffUtil.historical(onChartLB,onChartT=="Today",onChartT=="This Week",lineTime)

//#region[Daily Chart Buffer]

if timeframe.period=="D" and timeframe.change("W")

// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at
// ©coldbrewrosh

indicator("ICT Everything @coldbrewrosh", overlay=true, max_lines_count=500,
max_labels_count=5, max_boxes_count=500)

// General Settings Inputs

TZI = input.string (defval="UTC -5", title="Timezone
Selection", options=["UTC -10", "UTC -7", "UTC -6", "UTC -5", "UTC -4", "UTC -3",
"UTC +0", "UTC +1", "UTC +2", "UTC +3", "UTC +3:30", "UTC +4", "UTC +5", "UTC
+5:30", "UTC +6", "UTC +7", "UTC +8", "UTC +9", "UTC +9:30", "UTC +10", "UTC
+10:30", "UTC +11", "UTC +13", "UTC +13:45"], tooltip="Select the Timezone.
( Shifts Chart Elements )", group="Global Settings")
Timezone = TZI == "UTC -10" ? "GMT-10:00" : TZI ==
"UTC -7" ? "GMT-07:00" : TZI == "UTC -6" ? "GMT-06:00" : TZI == "UTC -5" ? "GMT-
05:00" : TZI == "UTC -4" ? "GMT-04:00" : TZI == "UTC -3" ? "GMT-03:00" : TZI ==
"UTC +0" ? "GMT+00:00" : TZI == "UTC +1" ? "GMT+01:00" : TZI == "UTC +2" ?
"GMT+02:00" : TZI == "UTC +3" ? "GMT+03:00" : TZI == "UTC +3:30" ? "GMT+03:30" :
TZI == "UTC +4" ? "GMT+04:00" : TZI == "UTC +5" ? "GMT+05:00" : TZI == "UTC
+5:30" ? "GMT+05:30" : TZI == "UTC +6" ? "GMT+06:00" : TZI == "UTC +7" ?
"GMT+07:00" : TZI == "UTC +8" ? "GMT+08:00" : TZI == "UTC +9" ? "GMT+09:00" : TZI
== "UTC +9:30" ? "GMT+09:30" : TZI == "UTC +10" ? "GMT+10:00" : TZI == "UTC +10:30"
? "GMT+10:30" : TZI == "UTC +11" ? "GMT+11:00" : TZI == "UTC +13" ? "GMT+13:00" :
inputMaxInterval = input.int (31, title="Hide Indicator Above
Specified Minutes", tooltip="Above 30Min, Chart Will Become Messy & Unreadable",
group="Global Settings")
// Session options
ShowTSO = input.bool (true, title="Show Today's Session
Only", group="Session Options", tooltip="Hide Historical Sessions")
ShowTWO = input.bool (true, title="Show Current Week's
Sessions Only", group="Session Options", tooltip="Show All Sessions from the
current week")
SL4W = input.bool (true, title="Show Last 4 Week
Sessions", group="Session Options", tooltip="Show All Sessions from Last Four Weeks
\nShould Disable Current Week Session to Work")
ShowSFill = input.bool (false, title="Show Session
Highlighting", group="Session Options", tooltip="Highlights Session from Top of the
Chart to Bottom")
// Historical Lines
ShowMOPL = input.bool (title="Midnight Historical Price
Lines", defval=false, group="Historical Lines", tooltip="Shows Historical Midnight
Price Lines")
MOLHist = input.bool (title="Midnight Historical
Vertical Lines", defval=true, group="Historical Lines", tooltip="Shows Historical
Midnight Vertical Lines")
ShowPrev = input.bool (false, title="Misc. Historical
Price Lines", group="Historical Lines", tooltip="Makes Chart Cluttered, Use For
Backtesting Only")

// Session Bool
ShowLondon = input.bool (true, "", inline="LONDON",
group="Sessions", tooltip="01:00 to 05:00")
ShowNY = input.bool (true, "", inline="NY",
group="Sessions", tooltip="07:00 to 10:00")
ShowLC = input.bool (true, "", inline="LC",
group="Sessions", tooltip="10:00 to 12:00")
ShowPM = input.bool (true, "",inline="PM",
group="Sessions", tooltip="13:00 to 16:00")
ShowAsian = input.bool (false, "",inline="ASIA2",
group="Sessions", tooltip="20:00 to 00:00")
ShowFreeSesh = input.bool (false, "",inline="FREE",
group="Sessions", tooltip="Custom Session")

// Session Strings
txt2 = input.string ("LONDON", title="",
inline="LONDON", group="Sessions")
txt3 = input.string ("NEW YORK", title="", inline="NY",
txt4 = input.string ("LDN CLOSE", title="",
inline="LC", group="Sessions")
txt5 = input.string ("AFTERNOON", title="",
inline="PM", group="Sessions")
txt6 = input.string ("ASIA", title="", inline="ASIA2",
txt9 = input.string ("FREE SESH", title="",
inline="FREE", group="Sessions")

// CBDR = input.session ('1600-2000:1234567', "",

inline="CBDR", group="Sessions")
// ASIA = input.session ('2000-0000:1234567', "",
inline="ASIA", group="Sessions")

// Session Times
LDNsesh = input.session ('0200-0500:1234567', "",
inline="LONDON", group="Sessions")
NYsesh = input.session ('0700-1000:1234567', "",
inline="NY", group="Sessions")
LCsesh = input.session ('1000-1200:1234567', "",
inline="LC", group="Sessions")
PMsesh = input.session ('1300-1600:1234567', "",
inline="PM", group="Sessions")
ASIA2sesh = input.session ('2000-2359:1234567', "",
inline="ASIA2", group="Sessions")
FreeSesh = input.session ('0000-0000:1234567', "",
inline="FREE", group="Sessions")
// Session Color
LSFC = input.color (color.new(#787b86, 90), "",
inline="LONDON", group="Sessions")
NYSFC = input.color (color.new(#787b86, 90),
"",inline="NY", group="Sessions")
LCSFC = input.color (color.new(#787b86, 90),
"",inline="LC", group="Sessions")
PMSFC = input.color (color.new(#787b86, 90),
"",inline="PM", group="Sessions")
ASFC = input.color (color.new(#787b86, 90),
"",inline="ASIA2", group="Sessions")
FSFC = input.color (color.new(#787b86, 90),
"",inline="FREE", group="Sessions")

// Vertical Line Bool

ShowMOP = input.bool (title="", defval=true,
inline="MOP", group="Vertical Lines", tooltip="00:00 AM")
txt12 = input.string ("MIDNIGHT", title="",
inline="MOP", group="Vertical Lines")
ShowLOP = input.bool (title="", defval=false,
inline="LOP", group="Vertical Lines", tooltip="03:00 AM")
txt14 = input.string ("LONDON", title="", inline="LOP",
group="Vertical Lines")
ShowNYOP = input.bool (title="", defval=true,
inline="NYOP", group="Vertical Lines", tooltip="08:30 AM")
txt15 = input.string ("NEW YORK", title="",
inline="NYOP", group="Vertical Lines")
ShowEOP = input.bool (title="", defval=false,
inline="EOP", group="Vertical Lines", tooltip="09:30 AM")
txt16 = input.string ("EQUITIES", title="",
inline="EOP", group="Vertical Lines")

// Vertical Line Color

MOPColor = input.color (color.new(#787b86, 0), "",
inline="MOP", group="Vertical Lines")
LOPColor = input.color (color.rgb(0,128,128,60), "",
inline="LOP", group="Vertical Lines")
NYOPColor = input.color (color.rgb(0,128,128,60), "",
inline="NYOP", group="Vertical Lines")
EOPColor = input.color (color.rgb(0,128,128,60), "",
inline="EOP", group="Vertical Lines")

// Vertical LineStyle
Midnight_Open_LS = input.string ("Dotted", "", options=["Solid",
"Dashed", "Dotted"], inline="MOP", group="Vertical Lines")
london_Open_LS = input.string ("Solid", "", options=["Solid",
"Dashed", "Dotted"], inline="LOP", group="Vertical Lines")
NY_Open_LS = input.string ("Solid", "", options=["Solid",
"Dashed", "Dotted"], inline="NYOP", group="Vertical Lines")
Equities_Open_LS = input.string ("Solid", "", options=["Solid",
"Dashed", "Dotted"], inline="EOP", group="Vertical Lines")

// Vertical LineWidth
Midnight_Open_LW = input.string ("1px", "", options=["1px","2px",
"3px", "4px", "5px"], inline="MOP", group="Vertical Lines")
London_Open_LW = input.string ("1px", "", options=["1px","2px",
"3px", "4px", "5px"], inline="LOP", group="Vertical Lines")
NY_Open_LW = input.string ("1px", "", options=["1px","2px",
"3px", "4px", "5px"], inline="NYOP", group="Vertical Lines")
Equities_Open_LW = input.string ("1px", "", options=["1px","2px",
"3px", "4px", "5px"], inline="EOP", group="Vertical Lines")

// Opening Price Bool

ShowMOPP = input.bool (title="", defval=true,
inline="MOPP", group="Opening Price Lines", tooltip="00:00 AM")
txt13 = input.string ("MIDNIGHT", title="",
inline="MOPP", group="Opening Price Lines")
ShowNYOPP = input.bool (title="", defval=false,
inline="NYOPP", group="Opening Price Lines", tooltip="08:30 AM")
txt17 = input.string ("NEW YORK", title="",
inline="NYOPP", group="Opening Price Lines")
ShowEOPP = input.bool (title="", defval=false,
inline="EOPP", group="Opening Price Lines", tooltip="09:30 AM")
txt18 = input.string ("EQUITIES", title="",
inline="EOPP", group="Opening Price Lines")
ShowAFTPP = input.bool (title="", defval=false,
inline="AFTOPP", group="Opening Price Lines", tooltip="01:30 PM")
txt1330 = input.string ("AFTERNOON", title="",
inline="AFTOPP", group="Opening Price Lines")

// Opening Price Color

MOPColP = input.color (color.new(#787b86, 0), "",
inline="MOPP", group="Opening Price Lines")
NYOPColP = input.color (color.new(#787b86, 0), "",
inline="NYOPP", group="Opening Price Lines")
EOPColP = input.color (color.new(#787b86, 0), "",
inline="EOPP", group="Opening Price Lines")
AFTOPColP = input.color (color.new(#787b86, 0), "",
inline="AFTOPP", group="Opening Price Lines")

// Opening Price LineStyle

MOPLS = input.string ("Dotted", "", options=["Solid",
"Dashed", "Dotted"], inline="MOPP", group="Opening Price Lines")
NYOPLS = input.string ("Dotted", "", options=["Solid",
"Dashed", "Dotted"], inline="NYOPP", group="Opening Price Lines")
EOPLS = input.string ("Dotted", "", options=["Solid",
"Dashed", "Dotted"], inline="EOPP", group="Opening Price Lines")
AFTOPLS = input.string ("Dotted", "", options=["Solid",
"Dashed", "Dotted"], inline="AFTOPP", group="Opening Price Lines")

// Opening Price LineWidth

i_MOPLW = input.string ("1px", "", options=["1px","2px",
"3px", "4px", "5px"], inline="MOPP", group="Opening Price Lines")
i_NYOPLW = input.string ("1px", "", options=["1px","2px",
"3px", "4px", "5px"], inline="NYOPP", group="Opening Price Lines")
i_EOPLW = input.string ("1px", "", options=["1px","2px",
"3px", "4px", "5px"], inline="EOPP", group="Opening Price Lines")
i_AFTOPLW = input.string ("1px", "", options=["1px","2px",
"3px", "4px", "5px"], inline="AFTOPP", group="Opening Price Lines")


// W&M Bool
ShowWeekOpen = input.bool (defval=false, title="",
tooltip="Draw Weekly Open Price Line", group="HTF Opening Price Lines",
showMonthOpen = input.bool (defval=false, title="",
tooltip="Draw Monthly Open Price Line", group="HTF Opening Price Lines",

// W&M String
txt19 = input.string ("WEEKLY", title="", inline="WO",
group="HTF Opening Price Lines")
txt20 = input.string ("MONTHLY", title="", inline="MO",
group="HTF Opening Price Lines")

// W&M Color
i_WeekOpenCol = input.color (title="",
defval=color.new(#787b86, 0), group="HTF Opening Price Lines", inline="WO")
i_MonthOpenCol = input.color (title="", tooltip="",
defval=color.new(#787b86, 0), group="HTF Opening Price Lines", inline="MO")

// W&M LineStyle
WOLS = input.string ("Dotted", "", options=["Solid",
"Dashed", "Dotted"], inline="WO", group="HTF Opening Price Lines")
MOLS = input.string ("Dotted", "", options=["Solid",
"Dashed", "Dotted"], inline="MO", group="HTF Opening Price Lines")

// W&M LineWidth
i_WOPLW = input.string ("1px", "", options=["1px","2px",
"3px", "4px", "5px"], inline="WO", group="HTF Opening Price Lines")
i_MONPLW = input.string ("1px", "", options=["1px","2px",
"3px", "4px", "5px"], inline="MO", group="HTF Opening Price Lines")


ShowCBDR = input.bool (true, "", inline='CBDR',
group="CBDR, ASIA & FLOUT")
ShowASIA = input.bool (true, "", inline='ASIA',
group="CBDR, ASIA & FLOUT")
ShowFLOUT = input.bool (false, "", inline='FLOUT',
group="CBDR, ASIA & FLOUT")

// Strings
txt0 = input.string ("CBDR", title="", inline="CBDR",
group="CBDR, ASIA & FLOUT", tooltip="16:00 to 20:00 \nSD Increments of 1")
txt1 = input.string ("ASIA", title="", inline="ASIA",
group="CBDR, ASIA & FLOUT", tooltip="20:00 to 00:00 \nSD Increments of 1")
txt7 = input.string ("FLOUT", title="", inline="FLOUT",
group="CBDR, ASIA & FLOUT", tooltip="16:00 to 00:00 \nSD Increments of 0.5")

// Color
CBDRBoxCol = input.color (color.new(#787b86, 0),"",
inline='CBDR', group="CBDR, ASIA & FLOUT")
ASIABoxCol = input.color (color.new(#787b86, 0), "",
inline='ASIA', group="CBDR, ASIA & FLOUT")
FLOUTBoxCol = input.color (color.new(#787b86, 0),"",
inline='FLOUT', group="CBDR, ASIA & FLOUT")

// Extras
box_text_cbdr = input.bool (true, "Show Text", inline="CBDR",
group="CBDR, ASIA & FLOUT")
box_text_cbdr_col = input.color (color.new(color.gray, 80), "",
inline="CBDR", group="CBDR, ASIA & FLOUT")
bool_cbdr_dev = input.bool (true, "SD", inline="CBDR",
group="CBDR, ASIA & FLOUT")

box_text_asia = input.bool (true, "Show Text", inline="ASIA",

group="CBDR, ASIA & FLOUT")
box_text_asia_col = input.color (color.new(color.gray, 80), "",
inline="ASIA", group="CBDR, ASIA & FLOUT")
bool_asia_dev = input.bool (true, "SD", inline="ASIA",
group="CBDR, ASIA & FLOUT")

box_text_flout = input.bool (true, "Show Text", inline="FLOUT",

group="CBDR, ASIA & FLOUT")
box_text_flout_col = input.color (color.new(color.gray, 80), "",
inline="FLOUT", group="CBDR, ASIA & FLOUT")
bool_flout_dev = input.bool (true, "SD", inline="FLOUT",
group="CBDR, ASIA & FLOUT")

// Table

// SD Lines
ShowDevLN = input.bool (title="", defval=true,
inline="DEVLN", group="Standard Deviation", tooltip="Deviation Lines")
DEVLNTXT = input.string ("SD LINES", title="",
inline="DEVLN", group="Standard Deviation")
DevLNCol = input.color (color.new(#787b86, 0), "",
inline="DEVLN", group="Standard Deviation")
DEVLS = input.string ("Solid", "", options=["Solid",
"Dashed", "Dotted"], inline="DEVLN", group="Standard Deviation")
i_DEVLW = input.string ("1px", "", options=["1px","2px",
"3px", "4px", "5px"], inline="DEVLN", group="Standard Deviation")
DEVLSS = DEVLS=="Solid" ? line.style_solid : DEVLS == "Dotted" ?
line.style_dotted : line.style_dashed
DEVLW = i_DEVLW=="1px" ? 1 : i_DEVLW == "2px" ? 2 : i_DEVLW ==
"3px" ? 3 : i_DEVLW == "4px" ? 4 : 5

ShowDev = input.bool (false, '', inline="DEV",

group="Standard Deviation")
txt8 = input.string ("SD COUNT", title="",
inline="DEV", group="Standard Deviation")
SDCountCol = input.color (color.new(#787b86, 0), "",
inline="DEV", group="Standard Deviation")
DevInput = input.string ("2 SD", "", options=["1 SD","2
SD", "3 SD", "4 SD"], inline="DEV", group="Standard Deviation")
DevDirection = input.string ("Both", "", options=["Upside
Only","Both", "Downside Only"], inline="DEV", group="Standard Deviation",
tooltip="SD Count, NULL, SD Count, SD Direction")
DevCount = DevInput == "1 SD" ? 1 : DevInput == "2 SD" ? 2
: DevInput == "3 SD" ? 3 : 4

Auto_Select = input.bool (false, "", group="Standard

Deviation", inline="AUTOSD", tooltip="Auto SD Selection | Charter Content, Range
Table \nMight Bug Out On Mondays" )
txtSD = input.string ("AUTO SD", "", group="Standard
Deviation", inline="AUTOSD")
Tab1txtCol = input.color (color.new(#808080, 0), "",
inline='AUTOSD', group="Standard Deviation")
TabOptionShow = input.string ("Show Table", "", options=["Show
Table", "Hide Table"], inline="AUTOSD", group="Standard Deviation")
Stats = TabOptionShow == "Show Table" ? true : false
TabOption1 = input.string ("Top Right", "", options=["Top
Left", "Top Center", "Top Right", "Middle Left", "Middle Right", "Bottom Left",
"Bottom Center", "Bottom Right"], inline="AUTOSD", group="Standard Deviation")
tabinp1 = TabOption1 == "Top Left" ? position.top_left :
TabOption1 == "Top Center" ? position.top_center : TabOption1 == "Top Right" ?
position.top_right : TabOption1 == "Middle Left" ? position.middle_left :
TabOption1 == "Middle Right" ? position.middle_right : TabOption1 == "Bottom
Left" ? position.bottom_left : TabOption1 == "Bottom Center" ?
position.bottom_center : position.bottom_right
L_Prof = true
CellBG = color.new(#131722, 100)

// Day Of Week & Labels
// Label Settings Inputs
ShowLabel = input.bool (true, title="", inline="Glabel",
group="Day Of Week & Labels")
txt21 = input.string ("LABEL", title="",
inline="Glabel", group="Day Of Week & Labels")
LabelColor = input.color (color.rgb(0,0,0,100), "",
inline="Glabel", group="Day Of Week & Labels")
LabelSizeInput = input.string ("Normal", "", options=["Auto",
"Tiny", "Small", "Normal", "Large", "Huge"], inline="Glabel", group="Day Of Week &
Terminusinp = input.string ("Terminus @ Current Time +1hr",
"", options = ["Terminus @ Next Midnight","Terminus @ Current Time", "Terminus @
Current Time +15min", "Terminus @ Current Time +30min", "Terminus @ Current Time
+45min", "Terminus @ Current Time +1hr", "Terminus @ Current Time +2hr", "Terminus
@ Current Time +3hr"], inline="Glabel", group="Day Of Week & Labels",
tooltip="Select Label Size & Color & Terminus \nHistorical Price Lines needs to be
toggled off for using Terminus")

ShowLabelText = input.bool (true, title="", inline="label",

group="Day Of Week & Labels")
txt22 = input.string ("LABEL TEXT", title="",
inline="label", group="Day Of Week & Labels")
LabelTextColor = input.color (color.new(#787b86, 0), title="",
inline="label", group="Day Of Week & Labels")
LabelTextOptioninput = input.string ("Time", "", options=["Time",
"Text"], inline="label", group="Day Of Week & Labels", tooltip="Choose Between
Descriptive Text as Label or Time \nShow/Hide Prices on Labels")
ShowPricesBool = input.string ("Hide Prices", title="",
options=["Show Prices", "Hide Prices"], group="Day Of Week & Labels",
ShowPrices = ShowPricesBool == "Show Prices" ? true : false

showDOW = input.bool (true, title="", inline="DOW",

group="Day Of Week & Labels")
txt24 = input.string ("DAY OF WEEK", title="",
inline="DOW", group="Day Of Week & Labels")
i_DOWCol = input.color (color.new(#787b86, 0), title="",
inline="DOW", group="Day Of Week & Labels")
DOWTime = input.int (defval = 12, title="",
inline="DOW", group="Day Of Week & Labels")
DOWLoc_inpt = input.string ("Bottom", "", options = ["Top",
"Bottom"], inline="DOW", group="Day Of Week & Labels", tooltip="DOW Color, Time
Alignment, Vertical Location")
DOWLoc = DOWLoc_inpt == "Bottom" ? location.bottom :

BIAS_M_Bool = input.bool (false, "", group="BIAS & NOTES

PRECONFIG", inline="stats")
txt100 = input.string ("BIAS", title="", inline="stats",
TableBG2 = color.new(#131722, 100)
Tab2txtCol = input.color (color.new(#787b86, 0), "",
inline='stats', group="BIAS & NOTES PRECONFIG")
TabOption2 = input.string ("Bottom Right", "", options=["Top
Left", "Top Center", "Top Right", "Middle Left", "Middle Right", "Bottom Left",
"Bottom Center", "Bottom Right"], inline="stats", group="BIAS & NOTES PRECONFIG")
tabinp2 = TabOption2 == "Top Left" ? position.top_left :
TabOption2 == "Top Center" ? position.top_center : TabOption2 == "Top Right" ?
position.top_right : TabOption2 == "Middle Left" ? position.middle_left :
TabOption2 == "Middle Right" ? position.middle_right : TabOption2 == "Bottom
Left" ? position.bottom_left : TabOption2 == "Bottom Center" ?
position.bottom_center : position.bottom_right
notesbool = false

NOTES_M_Bool = input.bool (true, "", group="BIAS & NOTES

PRECONFIG", inline="stats2")
txt101 = input.string ("NOTES", title="",
inline="stats2", group="BIAS & NOTES PRECONFIG")
Tab3txtCol = input.color (color.new(#787b86, 0), "",
inline='stats2', group="BIAS & NOTES PRECONFIG")
TabOption3 = input.string ("Top Center", "", options=["Top
Left", "Top Center", "Top Right", "Middle Left", "Middle Right", "Bottom Left",
"Bottom Center", "Bottom Right"], inline="stats2", group="BIAS & NOTES PRECONFIG")
tabinp3 = TabOption3 == "Top Left" ? position.top_left :
TabOption3 == "Top Center" ? position.top_center : TabOption3 == "Top Right" ?
position.top_right : TabOption3 == "Middle Left" ? position.middle_left :
TabOption3 == "Middle Right" ? position.middle_right : TabOption3 == "Bottom
Left" ? position.bottom_left : TabOption3 == "Bottom Center" ?
position.bottom_center : position.bottom_right

BIASbool1 = input.bool (true, '', inline="BIAS1",

group="BIAS & NOTES")
txt52 = input.string ("DXY ", title="", inline="BIAS1",
group="BIAS & NOTES")
BIASOption1 = input.string ("Bullish", options=["Bullish",
"Bearish", "Consolidating", "Unclear"], title="", inline="BIAS1", group="BIAS &

BIASbool2 = input.bool (true, '', inline="BIAS2",

group="BIAS & NOTES")
txt53 = input.string ("EURGBP ", title="",
inline="BIAS2", group="BIAS & NOTES")
BIASOption2 = input.string ("Bearish", options=["Bullish",
"Bearish", "Consolidating", "Unclear"], title="", inline="BIAS2", group="BIAS &

BIASbool3 = input.bool (true, '', inline="BIAS3",

group="BIAS & NOTES")
txt54 = input.string ("AUDNZD ", title="",
inline="BIAS3", group="BIAS & NOTES")
BIASOption3 = input.string ("Bullish", options=["Bullish",
"Bearish", "Consolidating", "Unclear"], title="", inline="BIAS3", group="BIAS &

BIASbool4 = input.bool (true, '', inline="BIAS4",

group="BIAS & NOTES")
txt55 = input.string ("NASDAQ ", title="",
inline="BIAS4", group="BIAS & NOTES")
BIASOption4 = input.string ("Bearish", options=["Bullish",
"Bearish", "Consolidating", "Unclear"], title="", inline="BIAS4", group="BIAS &
notes = input.text_area ("@coldbrewrosh", "Notes", group =

//--------------------END OF INPUTS--------------------//

// Pre-Def
DOM = (timeframe.multiplier <= inputMaxInterval) and
newDay = ta.change(dayofweek)
newWeek = ta.change(weekofyear)
newMonth = ta.change(time("M"))

transparentcol = color.rgb(255,255,255,100)

LSVLC = color.rgb(255,255,255,100)
NYSVLC = color.rgb(255,255,255,100)
PMSVLC = color.rgb(255,255,255,100)
ASVLC = color.rgb(255,255,255,100)

LSVLS = "dotted"
NYSVLS = "dotted"
PMSVLS = "dotted"
ASVLS = "dotted"

// Functions
isToday = false
if year(timenow) == year(time) and month(timenow) == month(time) and
dayofmonth(timenow) == dayofmonth(time)
isToday := true

// Current Week
thisweek = year(timenow) == year(time) and weekofyear(timenow) == weekofyear(time)
LastOneWeek = year(timenow) == year(time) and weekofyear(timenow-604800000) ==
LastTwoWeek = year(timenow) == year(time) and weekofyear(timenow-1209600000) ==
LastThreeWeek = year(timenow) == year(time) and weekofyear(timenow-1814400000) ==
LastFourWeek = year(timenow) == year(time) and weekofyear(timenow-2419200000) ==
Last4Weeks = false
if thisweek == true or LastOneWeek == true or LastTwoWeek == true or LastThreeWeek
== true or LastFourWeek == true
Last4Weeks := true

// Function to draw Vertical Lines

vline(Start, Color, linestyle, LineWidth) =>
line.new(x1=Start, y1=low - ta.tr, x2=Start, y2=high + ta.tr,
xloc=xloc.bar_time, extend=extend.both, color=Color, style=linestyle,

// Function to convert forex pips into whole numbers

atr = ta.atr(14)
toWhole(number) =>
if syminfo.type == "forex" // This method only works on forex pairs
_return = atr < 1.0 ? (number / syminfo.mintick) / 10 : number
_return := atr >= 1.0 and atr < 100.0 and syminfo.currency == "JPY" ?
_return * 100 : _return

// Function for determining the Start of a Session (taken from the Pinescript
manual: https://www.tradingview.com/pine-script-docs/en/v5/concepts/Sessions.html )
SessionBegins(sess) =>
t = time("", sess , Timezone)
DOM and (not barstate.isfirst) and na(t[1]) and not na(t)

// BarIn Session
BarInSession(sess) =>
time(timeframe.period, sess, Timezone) != 0

// Label Type Logic

var SFistrue = true
if LabelTextOptioninput == "Time"
SFistrue := true
SFistrue := false

// Session String to int

SeshStartHour(Session) =>
SeshStartMins(Session) =>
SeshEndHour(Session) =>
SeshEndMins(Session) =>

// Time periods
CBDR = "1600-2000:1234567"
ASIA = "2000-0000:1234567"
FLOUT = "1600-0000:1234567"
midsesh = "0000-1600:1234567"

cbdrOpenTime = timestamp (Timezone, year, month, dayofmonth,

SeshStartHour(CBDR), SeshStartMins(CBDR), 00)
cbdrEndTime = timestamp (Timezone, year, month, dayofmonth,
SeshEndHour(CBDR), SeshEndMins(CBDR), 00)
asiaOpenTime = timestamp (Timezone, year, month, dayofmonth,
SeshStartHour(ASIA), SeshStartMins(ASIA), 00)
asiaEndTime = timestamp (Timezone, year, month, dayofmonth,
SeshEndHour(ASIA), SeshEndMins(ASIA), 00)+86400000
floutOpenTime = timestamp (Timezone, year, month, dayofmonth,
SeshStartHour(FLOUT), SeshStartMins(FLOUT), 00)
floutEndTime = timestamp (Timezone, year, month, dayofmonth,
SeshEndHour(FLOUT), SeshEndMins(FLOUT), 00)+86400000
CBDRTime = time (timeframe.period, CBDR, Timezone)
ASIATime = time (timeframe.period, ASIA, Timezone)
FLOUTTime = time (timeframe.period, FLOUT, Timezone)

LabelOnlyToday = true

// Time Periods
LondonStartTime = timestamp(Timezone, year, month, dayofmonth,
SeshStartHour(LDNsesh), SeshStartMins(LDNsesh), 00)
LondonEndTime = timestamp(Timezone, year, month, dayofmonth,
SeshEndHour(LDNsesh), SeshEndMins(LDNsesh), 00)
NYStartTime = timestamp(Timezone, year, month, dayofmonth,
SeshStartHour(NYsesh), SeshStartMins(NYsesh), 00)
NYEndTime = timestamp(Timezone, year, month, dayofmonth,
SeshEndHour(NYsesh), SeshEndMins(NYsesh), 00)
LCStartTime = timestamp(Timezone, year, month, dayofmonth,
SeshStartHour(LCsesh), SeshStartMins(LCsesh), 00)
LCEndTime = timestamp(Timezone, year, month, dayofmonth,
SeshEndHour(LCsesh), SeshEndMins(LCsesh), 00)

PMStartTime = timestamp(Timezone, year, month, dayofmonth,

SeshStartHour(PMsesh), SeshStartMins(PMsesh), 00)
PMEndTime = timestamp(Timezone, year, month, dayofmonth,
SeshEndHour(PMsesh), SeshEndMins(PMsesh), 00)
AsianStartTime = timestamp(Timezone, year, month, dayofmonth,
SeshStartHour(ASIA2sesh), SeshStartMins(ASIA2sesh), 00)
AsianEndTime = timestamp(Timezone, year, month, dayofmonth,
SeshEndHour(ASIA2sesh), SeshEndMins(ASIA2sesh), 00)

FreeStartTime = timestamp(Timezone, year, month, dayofmonth,

SeshStartHour(FreeSesh), SeshStartMins(FreeSesh), 00)
FreeEndTime = timestamp(Timezone, year, month, dayofmonth,
SeshEndHour(FreeSesh), SeshEndMins(FreeSesh), 00)

MidnightOpenTime = timestamp(Timezone, year, month, dayofmonth, 0, 0, 00)

CLEANUPTIME = timestamp(Timezone, year, month, dayofmonth, 0, 0, 00) -
LondonOpenTime = timestamp(Timezone, year, month, dayofmonth, 3, 0, 00)
NYOpenTime = timestamp(Timezone, year, month, dayofmonth, 8, 30, 00)
EquitiesOpenTime = timestamp(Timezone, year, month, dayofmonth, 9, 30, 00)
AfternoonOpenTime = timestamp(Timezone, year, month, dayofmonth, 13, 30, 00)
tMidnight = time("1", "0000-0001:1234567", Timezone)

// Cleanup - Remove old drawing objects

Cleanup(days) =>
// Delete old drawing objects
// One day is 86400000 milliseconds
removal_timestamp = (CLEANUPTIME) - (days * 86400000) // Remove every
drawing object older than the start of the Today's Midnight
a_allLines = line.all
a_allLabels = label.all
a_allboxes = box.all
// Remove old lines
if array.size(a_allLines) > 0
for i = 0 to array.size(a_allLines) - 1
line_x2 = line.get_x2(array.get(a_allLines, i))
if line_x2 < (removal_timestamp)
line.delete(array.get(a_allLines, i))
// Remove old labels
if array.size(a_allLabels) > 0
for i = 0 to array.size(a_allLabels) - 1
label_x = label.get_x(array.get(a_allLabels, i))
if label_x < removal_timestamp
label.delete(array.get(a_allLabels, i))
// Remove old boxes
if array.size(a_allboxes) > 0
for i = 0 to array.size(a_allboxes) - 1
box_x = box.get_right(array.get(a_allboxes, i))
if box_x < (removal_timestamp - 86400000)
box.delete(array.get(a_allboxes, i))
// End of Cleanup function

// Terminus Function
if Terminus_Inp == "Terminus @ Current Time"
_return = timenow
else if Terminus_Inp == "Terminus @ Current Time +15min"
_return = timenow + 900000
else if Terminus_Inp == "Terminus @ Current Time +30min"
_return = timenow + 1800000
else if Terminus_Inp == "Terminus @ Current Time +45min"
_return = timenow + 2700000
else if Terminus_Inp == "Terminus @ Current Time +1hr"
_return = timenow + 3600000
else if Terminus_Inp == "Terminus @ Current Time +2hr"
_return = timenow + 7200000
_return = timenow + 10800000

// Linestyle Function
MNOPLS = Midnight_Open_LS=="Solid" ? line.style_solid :
Midnight_Open_LS == "Dotted" ? line.style_dotted : line.style_dashed
LNOPLS = london_Open_LS=="Solid" ? line.style_solid :
london_Open_LS == "Dotted" ? line.style_dotted : line.style_dashed
NWYOPLS = NY_Open_LS=="Solid" ? line.style_solid : NY_Open_LS ==
"Dotted" ? line.style_dotted : line.style_dashed
EQOPLS = Equities_Open_LS=="Solid" ? line.style_solid :
Equities_Open_LS == "Dotted" ? line.style_dotted : line.style_dashed

MOPLSS = MOPLS=="Solid" ? line.style_solid : MOPLS == "Dotted" ?

line.style_dotted : line.style_dashed
NYOPLSS = NYOPLS=="Solid" ? line.style_solid : NYOPLS == "Dotted" ?
line.style_dotted : line.style_dashed
EOPLSS = EOPLS=="Solid" ? line.style_solid : EOPLS == "Dotted" ?
line.style_dotted : line.style_dashed
AFTOPLSS = AFTOPLS=="Solid" ? line.style_solid : AFTOPLS == "Dotted"
? line.style_dotted : line.style_dashed

WeekOpenLS = WOLS=="Solid" ? line.style_solid : WOLS == "Dotted" ?

line.style_dotted : line.style_dashed
MonthOpenLS = MOLS=="Solid" ? line.style_solid : MOLS == "Dotted" ?
line.style_dotted : line.style_dashed

// Linewidth Function
MOPLW = Midnight_Open_LW=="1px" ? 1 : Midnight_Open_LW == "2px" ?
2 : Midnight_Open_LW == "3px" ? 3 : Midnight_Open_LW == "4px" ? 4 : 5
LOPLW = London_Open_LW=="1px" ? 1 : London_Open_LW == "2px" ? 2 :
London_Open_LW == "3px" ? 3 : London_Open_LW == "4px" ? 4 : 5
NYOPLW = NY_Open_LW=="1px" ? 1 : NY_Open_LW == "2px" ? 2 :
NY_Open_LW == "3px" ? 3 : NY_Open_LW == "4px" ? 4 : 5
EOPLW = Equities_Open_LW=="1px" ? 1 : Equities_Open_LW == "2px" ?
2 : Equities_Open_LW == "3px" ? 3 : Equities_Open_LW == "4px" ? 4 : 5

MOPPLW = i_MOPLW=="1px" ? 1 : i_MOPLW == "2px" ? 2 : i_MOPLW ==

"3px" ? 3 : i_MOPLW == "4px" ? 4 : 5
NYOPPLW = i_NYOPLW=="1px" ? 1 : i_NYOPLW == "2px" ? 2 : i_NYOPLW ==
"3px" ? 3 : i_NYOPLW == "4px" ? 4 : 5
EOPPLW = i_EOPLW=="1px" ? 1 : i_EOPLW == "2px" ? 2 : i_EOPLW ==
"3px" ? 3 : i_EOPLW == "4px" ? 4 : 5
AFTOPLW = i_AFTOPLW=="1px" ? 1 : i_AFTOPLW == "2px" ? 2 : i_AFTOPLW
== "3px" ? 3 : i_AFTOPLW == "4px" ? 4 : 5

WEEKOPPLW = i_WOPLW=="1px" ? 1 : i_WOPLW == "2px" ? 2 : i_WOPLW ==

"3px" ? 3 : i_WOPLW == "4px" ? 4 : 5
MONTHOPPLW = i_MONPLW=="1px" ? 1 : i_MONPLW == "2px" ? 2 : i_MONPLW ==
"3px" ? 3 : i_MONPLW == "4px" ? 4 : 5

// Label Size Function

LabelSize =LabelSizeInput=="Auto" ? size.auto :
LabelSizeInput=="Tiny" ? size.tiny : LabelSizeInput=="Small" ? size.small :
LabelSizeInput=="Normal" ? size.normal : LabelSizeInput=="Large" ? size.large :

// Creating Variables
var London_Start_Vline = line.new(x1=na, y1=na, x2=na, xloc=xloc.bar_time,
y2=close, color=LSVLC, width=1)
var London_End_Vline = line.new(x1=na, y1=na, x2=na, xloc=xloc.bar_time,
y2=close, color=LSVLC, width=1)
var LondonFill = linefill.new(London_Start_Vline, London_End_Vline, LSFC)

var NY_Start_Vline = line.new(x1=na, y1=na, x2=na, xloc=xloc.bar_time,

y2=close, color=NYSVLC, width=1)
var NY_End_Vline = line.new(x1=na, y1=na, x2=na, xloc=xloc.bar_time,
y2=close, color=NYSVLC, width=1)
var NYFill = linefill.new(NY_Start_Vline, NY_End_Vline, NYSFC)

var LC_Start_Vline = line.new(x1=na, y1=na, x2=na, xloc=xloc.bar_time,

y2=close, color=NYSVLC, width=1)
var LC_End_Vline = line.new(x1=na, y1=na, x2=na, xloc=xloc.bar_time,
y2=close, color=NYSVLC, width=1)
var LCFill = linefill.new(LC_Start_Vline, LC_End_Vline, LCSFC)

var PM_Start_Vline = line.new(x1=na, y1=na, x2=na, xloc=xloc.bar_time,

y2=close, color=PMSVLC, width=1)
var PM_End_Vline = line.new(x1=na, y1=na, x2=na, xloc=xloc.bar_time,
y2=close, color=PMSVLC, width=1)
var PMFill = linefill.new(PM_Start_Vline, PM_End_Vline, PMSFC)
var Asian_Start_Vline = line.new(x1=na, y1=na, x2=na, xloc=xloc.bar_time,
y2=close, color=ASVLC, width=1)
var Asian_End_Vline = line.new(x1=na, y1=na, x2=na, xloc=xloc.bar_time,
y2=close, color=ASVLC, width=1)
var AsianFill = linefill.new(Asian_Start_Vline, Asian_End_Vline, ASFC)

var Free_Start_Vline = line.new(x1=na, y1=na, x2=na, xloc=xloc.bar_time,

y2=close, color=ASVLC, width=1)
var Free_End_Vline = line.new(x1=na, y1=na, x2=na, xloc=xloc.bar_time,
y2=close, color=ASVLC, width=1)
var FreeFill = linefill.new(Free_Start_Vline, Free_End_Vline, FSFC)

var Midnight_Open = line.new(x1=na, y1=na, x2=na, xloc=xloc.bar_time,

y2=close, color=MOPColor, width=1)
var London_Open = line.new(x1=na, y1=na, x2=na, xloc=xloc.bar_time,
y2=close, color=LOPColor, width=1)
var NY_Open = line.new(x1=na, y1=na, x2=na, xloc=xloc.bar_time,
y2=close, color=NYOPColor, width=1)
var Equities_Open = line.new(x1=na, y1=na, x2=na, xloc=xloc.bar_time,
y2=close, color=EOPColor, width=1)

// When a New Day Starts, Start Drawing all lines

if newDay and dayofweek != dayofweek.sunday
// London Session
if (ShowLondon and DOM)
if ShowTSO
London_Start_Vline := vline(LondonStartTime,transparentcol,
line.style_solid, 1)
London_End_Vline := vline(LondonEndTime, transparentcol,
line.style_solid, 1)
if ShowSFill
LondonFill := linefill.new(London_Start_Vline, London_End_Vline, LSFC)

// New York Session

if (ShowNY and DOM)
if ShowTSO
NY_Start_Vline := vline(NYStartTime, transparentcol, line.style_solid, 1)
NY_End_Vline := vline(NYEndTime, transparentcol, line.style_solid, 1)
if ShowSFill
NYFill := linefill.new(NY_Start_Vline, NY_End_Vline, NYSFC)

// London Close
if (ShowLC and DOM)
if ShowTSO
LC_Start_Vline := vline(LCStartTime, transparentcol, line.style_solid, 1)
LC_End_Vline := vline(LCEndTime, transparentcol, line.style_solid, 1)
if ShowSFill
LCFill := linefill.new(LC_Start_Vline, LC_End_Vline, LCSFC)
// PM Session
if (ShowPM and DOM)
if ShowTSO
PM_Start_Vline := vline(PMStartTime, transparentcol, line.style_solid, 1)
PM_End_Vline := vline(PMEndTime, transparentcol, line.style_solid, 1)
if ShowSFill
PMFill := linefill.new(PM_Start_Vline, PM_End_Vline, PMSFC)

// Asian Session
if (ShowAsian and DOM)
if ShowTSO
Asian_Start_Vline := vline(AsianStartTime, transparentcol,
line.style_solid, 1)
Asian_End_Vline := vline(AsianEndTime, transparentcol, line.style_solid,
// if dayofweek == dayofweek.friday
// // line.delete(Asian_Start_Vline)
// // line.delete(Asian_End_Vline)
// Asian_Start_Vline := vline(MidnightOpenTime+244800000,
transparentcol, line.style_solid, 1)
// Asian_End_Vline := vline(MidnightOpenTime+259200000,
transparentcol, line.style_solid, 1)
if ShowSFill
AsianFill := linefill.new(Asian_Start_Vline, Asian_End_Vline, ASFC)

// Free Session
if (ShowFreeSesh and DOM)
if ShowTSO
Free_Start_Vline := vline(FreeStartTime, transparentcol, line.style_solid,
Free_End_Vline := vline(FreeEndTime, transparentcol, line.style_solid, 1)
if ShowSFill
FreeFill := linefill.new(Free_Start_Vline, Free_End_Vline, FSFC)

// Midnight Opening Price

if (ShowMOP and DOM)
if MOLHist == false
Midnight_Open := vline(MidnightOpenTime, MOPColor, MNOPLS, MOPLW)

// London Opening Price

if (ShowLOP and DOM)
if ShowTSO
London_Open := vline(LondonOpenTime, LOPColor, LNOPLS, LOPLW)

// New York Opening Price

if (ShowNYOP and DOM)
if ShowTSO
NY_Open := vline(NYOpenTime, NYOPColor, NWYOPLS, NYOPLW)

// Equities Opening Price

if (ShowEOP and DOM)
if ShowTSO
Equities_Open := vline(EquitiesOpenTime, EOPColor, EQOPLS, EOPLW)

// Variables
var label MOPLB = na
var line MOPLN = na
var label NYOPLB = na
var line NYOPLN = na
var label EOPLB = na
var line EOPLN = na
var line AFTLN = na
var label AFTLB = na

// New York Midnight Open Price line

var openMidnight = 0.0
if tMidnight
if not tMidnight[1]
openMidnight := open
openMidnight := math.max(open, openMidnight)

if (ShowMOPP and (openMidnight != openMidnight[1]) and DOM and

if ShowMOPL == false
MOPLN := line.new(x1=tMidnight, y1=openMidnight, x2=tMidnight+86400000,
xloc=xloc.bar_time, y2=openMidnight, color=MOPColP, style=MOPLSS, width=MOPPLW)
if dayofweek == dayofweek.friday and syminfo.type != "crypto"
line.set_x2(MOPLN, tMidnight+259200000)
if ShowLabel
MOPLB := label.new(x=tMidnight+86400000, y=openMidnight,
xloc=xloc.bar_time, color=LabelColor, textcolor=MOPColP,
style=label.style_label_left, size=LabelSize, tooltip="Midnight Opening Price")
if dayofweek == dayofweek.friday and syminfo.type != "crypto"
label.set_x(MOPLB, tMidnight+259200000)
if ShowLabelText
if SFistrue
if ShowPrices == true
label.set_text(MOPLB, " 00:00 | " + str.tostring(open))
label.set_text(MOPLB, " 00:00 ")
label.set_tooltip(MOPLB, "Midnight Opening Price")
if ShowPrices == true
label.set_text(MOPLB, " Midnight Opening Price | " +
label.set_text(MOPLB, " Midnight Opening Price ")
label.set_tooltip(MOPLB, "")
label.set_textcolor(MOPLB, LabelTextColor)
if time > PMEndTime and time < (MidnightOpenTime + 86400000)
if Terminusinp != "Terminus @ Next Midnight" and ShowMOPL == false
line.set_x2(MOPLN, Terminus(Terminusinp))
label.set_x(MOPLB, Terminus(Terminusinp))

// New York Opening Price Line

if (ShowNYOPP and (time == NYOpenTime) and DOM)
if ShowPrev == false
NYOPLN := line.new(x1=NYOpenTime, y1=open, x2=NYOpenTime+55800000,
xloc=xloc.bar_time, y2=open, color=NYOPColP, style=NYOPLSS, width=NYOPPLW)
if dayofweek == dayofweek.friday and syminfo.type != "crypto"
line.set_x2(NYOPLN, NYOpenTime+228600000)
if ShowLabel
NYOPLB := label.new(x=NYOpenTime+55800000, y=open, xloc=xloc.bar_time,
color=LabelColor, textcolor=NYOPColP, style=label.style_label_left, size=LabelSize,
tooltip="New York Opening Price")
if dayofweek == dayofweek.friday and syminfo.type != "crypto"
label.set_x(NYOPLB, NYOpenTime+228600000)
if ShowLabelText
if SFistrue
if ShowPrices == true
label.set_text(NYOPLB, " 08:30 | " + str.tostring(open))
label.set_text(NYOPLB, " 08:30 ")
label.set_tooltip(NYOPLB, "New York Opening Price")
if ShowPrices == true
label.set_text(NYOPLB, " New York Opening Price | " +
label.set_text(NYOPLB, " New York Opening Price ")
label.set_tooltip(NYOPLB, "")
label.set_textcolor(NYOPLB, LabelTextColor)
if Terminusinp != "Terminus @ Next Midnight" and ShowPrev == false
line.set_x2(NYOPLN, Terminus(Terminusinp))
label.set_x(NYOPLB, Terminus(Terminusinp))

// Equities Opening Price Line

if (ShowEOPP and (time == EquitiesOpenTime) and DOM)
if ShowPrev == false
EOPLN := line.new(x1=EquitiesOpenTime, y1=open, x2=EquitiesOpenTime+52200000,
xloc=xloc.bar_time, y2=open, color=EOPColP, style=EOPLSS, width=EOPPLW)
if dayofweek == dayofweek.friday and syminfo.type != "crypto"
line.set_x2(EOPLN, EquitiesOpenTime+225000000)
if ShowLabel
EOPLB := label.new(x=EquitiesOpenTime+52200000, y=open, xloc=xloc.bar_time,
color=LabelColor, textcolor=EOPColP, style=label.style_label_left, size=LabelSize,
tooltip="Equities Opening Price")
if dayofweek == dayofweek.friday and syminfo.type != "crypto"
label.set_x(EOPLB, EquitiesOpenTime+225000000)
if ShowLabelText
if SFistrue
if ShowPrices == true
label.set_text(EOPLB, " 09:30 | " + str.tostring(open))
label.set_text(EOPLB, " 09:30 ")
label.set_tooltip(EOPLB, "Equities Opening Price")
if ShowPrices == true
label.set_text(EOPLB, " Equities Opening Price | " +
label.set_text(EOPLB, " Equities Opening Price ")
label.set_tooltip(EOPLB, "")
label.set_textcolor(EOPLB, LabelTextColor)
if Terminusinp != "Terminus @ Next Midnight" and ShowPrev == false
line.set_x2(EOPLN, Terminus(Terminusinp))
label.set_x(EOPLB, Terminus(Terminusinp))

// Afternoon Opening Price Line

if (ShowAFTPP and (time == AfternoonOpenTime) and DOM)
if ShowPrev == false
AFTLN := line.new(x1=AfternoonOpenTime, y1=open, x2=EquitiesOpenTime+52200000,
xloc=xloc.bar_time, y2=open, color=AFTOPColP, style=AFTOPLSS, width=AFTOPLW)
if dayofweek == dayofweek.friday and syminfo.type != "crypto"
line.set_x2(AFTLN, EquitiesOpenTime+225000000)
if ShowLabel
AFTLB := label.new(x=EquitiesOpenTime+52200000, y=open, xloc=xloc.bar_time,
color=LabelColor, textcolor=AFTOPColP, style=label.style_label_left,
size=LabelSize, tooltip="Equities Opening Price")
if dayofweek == dayofweek.friday and syminfo.type != "crypto"
label.set_x(AFTLB, EquitiesOpenTime+225000000)
if ShowLabelText
if SFistrue
if ShowPrices == true
label.set_text(AFTLB, " 01:30 | " + str.tostring(open))
label.set_text(AFTLB, " 01:30 ")
label.set_tooltip(AFTLB, " Afternoon Opening Price")
if ShowPrices == true
label.set_text(AFTLB, " Afternoon Opening Price | " +
label.set_text(AFTLB, " Afternoon Opening Price ")
label.set_tooltip(AFTLB, "")
label.set_textcolor(AFTLB, LabelTextColor)
if Terminusinp != "Terminus @ Next Midnight" and ShowPrev == false
line.set_x2(AFTLN, Terminus(Terminusinp))
label.set_x(AFTLB, Terminus(Terminusinp))

// HTF Variables
var Weekly_open = line.new(x1=na, y1=na, x2=na, xloc=xloc.bar_time, y2=close,
color=i_WeekOpenCol, style=WeekOpenLS, width=1)
var Weekly_openlbl = label.new(x=na, y=na, xloc=xloc.bar_time, color=LabelColor,
textcolor=LabelTextColor, style=label.style_label_left, size=LabelSize)
var WeeklyOpenTime = time

var Monthly_open = line.new(x1=na, y1=na, x2=na, xloc=xloc.bar_time, y2=close,

color=i_MonthOpenCol, style=MonthOpenLS, width=1)
var Monthly_openlbl = label.new(x=na, y=na, xloc=xloc.bar_time, color=LabelColor,
textcolor=LabelTextColor, style=label.style_label_left, size=LabelSize)
var MonthlyOpenTime = time

// Get HTF Price levels

WeeklyOpen = request.security(syminfo.tickerid, "W", open, lookahead =
MonthlyOpen = request.security(syminfo.tickerid, "M", open, lookahead =

// Weekly Open
if newWeek
WeeklyOpenTime := time

if ShowWeekOpen and newDay and Last4Weeks

// if ShowPrev == false
// line.delete(Weekly_open[1])
Weekly_open:= line.new(x1=WeeklyOpenTime-25200000, y1=WeeklyOpen,
x2=EquitiesOpenTime+52200000, xloc=xloc.bar_time, y2=WeeklyOpen,
color=i_WeekOpenCol, style=WeekOpenLS, width=WEEKOPPLW)
if dayofweek == dayofweek.friday and syminfo.type != "crypto"
line.set_x2(Weekly_open, EquitiesOpenTime+225000000)
if ShowLabel
Weekly_openlbl := label.new(x=EquitiesOpenTime+52200000, y=WeeklyOpen,
xloc=xloc.bar_time, color=LabelColor, textcolor=LabelTextColor,
style=label.style_label_left, size=LabelSize, tooltip="Weekly Open: " +
if dayofweek == dayofweek.friday and syminfo.type != "crypto"
label.set_x(Weekly_openlbl, EquitiesOpenTime+225000000)
if ShowLabelText
if SFistrue
if ShowPrices == true
label.set_text(Weekly_openlbl," W.O. | " +
label.set_text(Weekly_openlbl," W.O. ")
label.set_tooltip(Weekly_openlbl, " Weekly Opening Price ")
if ShowPrices == true
label.set_text(Weekly_openlbl," Weekly Open | " +
label.set_text(Weekly_openlbl," Weekly Open ")
label.set_tooltip(Weekly_openlbl, "")
label.set_textcolor(Weekly_openlbl, LabelTextColor)
label.set_size(Weekly_openlbl, LabelSize)
if timeframe.multiplier > 60
line.set_x2(Weekly_open, AsianEndTime + 232000000)
label.set_x(Weekly_openlbl, AsianEndTime + 232000000)
if timeframe.period == "D"
line.set_x2(Weekly_open, AsianEndTime + 832000000)
label.set_x(Weekly_openlbl, AsianEndTime + 832000000)
if timeframe.period == "M"
if Terminusinp != "Terminus @ Next Midnight" and DOM
line.set_x2(Weekly_open, Terminus(Terminusinp))
label.set_x(Weekly_openlbl, Terminus(Terminusinp))

// Monthly Open
if newMonth
MonthlyOpenTime := time

if showMonthOpen and newDay

Monthly_open:= line.new(x1=MonthlyOpenTime, y1=MonthlyOpen, x2=AsianEndTime,
xloc=xloc.bar_time, y2=MonthlyOpen, color=i_MonthOpenCol, style=MonthOpenLS,
if dayofweek == dayofweek.friday and syminfo.type != "crypto"
line.set_x2(Monthly_open, EquitiesOpenTime+225000000)
if ShowLabel
Monthly_openlbl := label.new(x=AsianEndTime, y=MonthlyOpen,
xloc=xloc.bar_time, color=LabelColor, textcolor=LabelTextColor,
style=label.style_label_left, size=LabelSize, tooltip="Monthly Open: " +
if dayofweek == dayofweek.friday and syminfo.type != "crypto"
label.set_x(Monthly_openlbl, EquitiesOpenTime+225000000)
if ShowLabelText
if SFistrue
if ShowPrices == true
label.set_text(Monthly_openlbl," M.O. | " +
label.set_text(Monthly_openlbl," M.O. ")
label.set_tooltip(Monthly_openlbl, " Monthly Opening Price ")
if ShowPrices == true
label.set_text(Monthly_openlbl, " Monthly Open | " +
label.set_text(Monthly_openlbl, " Monthly Open ")
label.set_tooltip(Monthly_openlbl, "")
label.set_textcolor(Monthly_openlbl, LabelTextColor)
label.set_size(Monthly_openlbl, LabelSize)
if timeframe.multiplier > 60
line.set_x2(Monthly_open, AsianEndTime + 232000000)
label.set_x(Monthly_openlbl, AsianEndTime + 232000000)
if timeframe.period == "D"
line.set_x2(Monthly_open, AsianEndTime + 832000000)
label.set_x(Monthly_openlbl, AsianEndTime + 832000000)
if timeframe.period == "W"
line.set_x2(Monthly_open, AsianEndTime + 2592000000)
label.set_x(Monthly_openlbl, AsianEndTime + 2592000000)
if timeframe.period == "M"
if Terminusinp != "Terminus @ Next Midnight" and DOM
line.set_x2(Monthly_open, Terminus(Terminusinp))
label.set_x(Monthly_openlbl, Terminus(Terminusinp))

// CBDR Stuff
var float cbdr_hi = na
var float cbdr_lo = na
var float cbdr_diff = na
var box cbdrbox = na
var line cbdr_hi_line = na
var line cbdr_lo_line = na
var line dev01negline = na
var line dev02negline = na
var line dev03negline = na
var line dev04negline = na
var line dev01posline = na
var line dev02posline = na
var line dev03posline = na
var line dev04posline = na

if SessionBegins(CBDR) and DOM

cbdr_hi := high
cbdr_lo := low
cbdr_diff := cbdr_hi - cbdr_lo
if ShowTSO
if ShowCBDR
cbdrbox := box.new(cbdrOpenTime, cbdr_hi, cbdrEndTime, cbdr_lo,
color.new(CBDRBoxCol,90), 1, line.style_solid, extend.none, xloc.bar_time,
color.new(CBDRBoxCol,90), txt0, size.auto, color.new(box_text_cbdr_col,80),
if dayofweek == dayofweek.friday
box.set_right(cbdrbox, cbdrOpenTime+187200000)
line.set_x2(cbdr_hi_line, cbdrOpenTime+187200000)
line.set_x2(cbdr_lo_line, cbdrOpenTime+187200000)
if box_text_cbdr == false
box.set_text(cbdrbox, "")
if ShowDev and ShowCBDR and bool_cbdr_dev
for i = 1 to DevCount by 1
if i == 1
dev01posline := line.new(cbdrOpenTime, cbdr_hi + cbdr_diff * i,
cbdrEndTime, cbdr_hi + cbdr_diff * i, xloc=xloc.bar_time, color=DevLNCol,
style=DEVLSS, width=DEVLW)
dev01negline := line.new(cbdrOpenTime, cbdr_hi - cbdr_diff * i,
cbdrEndTime, cbdr_lo - cbdr_diff * i, xloc=xloc.bar_time, color=DevLNCol,
style=DEVLSS, width=DEVLW)
if dayofweek == dayofweek.friday
line.set_x2(dev01posline, cbdrOpenTime+187200000)
line.set_x2(dev01negline, cbdrOpenTime+187200000)
if i == 2
dev02posline := line.new(cbdrOpenTime, cbdr_hi + cbdr_diff * i,
cbdrEndTime, cbdr_lo + cbdr_diff * i, xloc=xloc.bar_time, color=DevLNCol,
style=DEVLSS, width=DEVLW)
dev02negline := line.new(cbdrOpenTime, cbdr_hi - cbdr_diff * i,
cbdrEndTime, cbdr_lo - cbdr_diff * i, xloc=xloc.bar_time, color=DevLNCol,
style=DEVLSS, width=DEVLW)
if dayofweek == dayofweek.friday
line.set_x2(dev02posline, cbdrOpenTime+187200000)
line.set_x2(dev02negline, cbdrOpenTime+187200000)
if i == 3
dev03posline := line.new(cbdrOpenTime, cbdr_hi + cbdr_diff * i,
cbdrEndTime, cbdr_lo + cbdr_diff * i, xloc=xloc.bar_time, color=DevLNCol,
style=DEVLSS, width=DEVLW)
dev03negline := line.new(cbdrOpenTime, cbdr_hi - cbdr_diff * i,
cbdrEndTime, cbdr_lo - cbdr_diff * i, xloc=xloc.bar_time, color=DevLNCol,
style=DEVLSS, width=DEVLW)
if dayofweek == dayofweek.friday
line.set_x2(dev03posline, cbdrOpenTime+187200000)
line.set_x2(dev03negline, cbdrOpenTime+187200000)
if i == 4
dev04posline := line.new(cbdrOpenTime, cbdr_hi + cbdr_diff * i,
cbdrEndTime, cbdr_lo + cbdr_diff * i, xloc=xloc.bar_time, color=DevLNCol,
style=DEVLSS, width=DEVLW)
dev04negline := line.new(cbdrOpenTime, cbdr_hi - cbdr_diff * i,
cbdrEndTime, cbdr_lo - cbdr_diff * i, xloc=xloc.bar_time, color=DevLNCol,
style=DEVLSS, width=DEVLW)
if dayofweek == dayofweek.friday
line.set_x2(dev04posline, cbdrOpenTime+187200000)
line.set_x2(dev04negline, cbdrOpenTime+187200000)
else if CBDRTime
cbdr_hi := math.max(high, cbdr_hi)
cbdr_lo := math.min(low, cbdr_lo)
cbdr_diff := cbdr_hi - cbdr_lo
for i = 1 to DevCount by 1
if i == 1 and ShowDev
line.set_y1(dev01posline, cbdr_hi + cbdr_diff * i)
line.set_y2(dev01posline, cbdr_hi + cbdr_diff * i)

line.set_y1(dev01negline, cbdr_lo - cbdr_diff * i)

line.set_y2(dev01negline, cbdr_lo - cbdr_diff * i)
if i == 2 and ShowDev
line.set_y1(dev02posline, cbdr_hi + cbdr_diff * i)
line.set_y2(dev02posline, cbdr_hi + cbdr_diff * i)

line.set_y1(dev02negline, cbdr_lo - cbdr_diff * i)

line.set_y2(dev02negline, cbdr_lo - cbdr_diff * i)
if i == 3 and ShowDev
line.set_y1(dev03posline, cbdr_hi + cbdr_diff * i)
line.set_y2(dev03posline, cbdr_hi + cbdr_diff * i)

line.set_y1(dev03negline, cbdr_lo - cbdr_diff * i)

line.set_y2(dev03negline, cbdr_lo - cbdr_diff * i)
if i == 4 and ShowDev
line.set_y1(dev04posline, cbdr_hi + cbdr_diff * i)
line.set_y2(dev04posline, cbdr_hi + cbdr_diff * i)

line.set_y1(dev04negline, cbdr_lo - cbdr_diff * i)

line.set_y2(dev04negline, cbdr_lo - cbdr_diff * i)
if (cbdr_hi > cbdr_hi[1])
if ShowCBDR
box.set_top(cbdrbox, cbdr_hi)
if (cbdr_lo < cbdr_lo[1])
if ShowCBDR
box.set_bottom(cbdrbox, cbdr_lo)

if DevDirection == "Upside Only"

else if DevDirection == "Downside Only"

// ASIA Stuff
var float asia_hi = na
var float asia_lo = na
var float asia_diff = na
var box asia_box = na
var line asia_hi_line = na
var line asia_lo_line = na
var line dev01negline_asia = na
var line dev02negline_asia = na
var line dev03negline_asia = na
var line dev04negline_asia = na
var line dev01posline_asia = na
var line dev02posline_asia = na
var line dev03posline_asia = na
var line dev04posline_asia = na
if SessionBegins(ASIA) and DOM
asia_hi := high
asia_lo := low
asia_diff := asia_hi - asia_lo
if ShowTSO
if ShowASIA
asia_box := box.new(asiaOpenTime, asia_hi, asiaEndTime, asia_lo,
color.new(ASIABoxCol,90), 1, line.style_solid, extend.none, xloc.bar_time,
color.new(ASIABoxCol,90), txt1, size.auto, color.new(box_text_asia_col,80),
if box_text_asia == false
box.set_text(asia_box, "")
if ShowDev and ShowASIA and bool_asia_dev
for i = 1 to DevCount by 1
if i == 1
dev01posline_asia := line.new(asiaOpenTime, asia_hi + asia_diff *
i, asiaEndTime, asia_hi + asia_diff * i, xloc=xloc.bar_time, color=DevLNCol,
style=DEVLSS, width=DEVLW)
dev01negline_asia := line.new(asiaOpenTime, asia_hi - asia_diff *
i, asiaEndTime, asia_lo - asia_diff * i, xloc=xloc.bar_time, color=DevLNCol,
style=DEVLSS, width=DEVLW)
if i == 2
dev02posline_asia := line.new(asiaOpenTime, asia_hi + asia_diff *
i, asiaEndTime, asia_lo + asia_diff * i, xloc=xloc.bar_time, color=DevLNCol,
style=DEVLSS, width=DEVLW)
dev02negline_asia := line.new(asiaOpenTime, asia_hi - asia_diff *
i, asiaEndTime, asia_lo - asia_diff * i, xloc=xloc.bar_time, color=DevLNCol,
style=DEVLSS, width=DEVLW)
if i == 3
dev03posline_asia := line.new(asiaOpenTime, asia_hi + asia_diff *
i, asiaEndTime, asia_lo + asia_diff * i, xloc=xloc.bar_time, color=DevLNCol,
style=DEVLSS, width=DEVLW)
dev03negline_asia := line.new(asiaOpenTime, asia_hi - asia_diff *
i, asiaEndTime, asia_lo - asia_diff * i, xloc=xloc.bar_time, color=DevLNCol,
style=DEVLSS, width=DEVLW)
if i == 4
dev04posline_asia := line.new(asiaOpenTime, asia_hi + asia_diff *
i, asiaEndTime, asia_lo + asia_diff * i, xloc=xloc.bar_time, color=DevLNCol,
style=DEVLSS, width=DEVLW)
dev04negline_asia := line.new(asiaOpenTime, asia_hi - asia_diff *
i, asiaEndTime, asia_lo - asia_diff * i, xloc=xloc.bar_time, color=DevLNCol,
style=DEVLSS, width=DEVLW)
else if ASIATime
asia_hi := math.max(high, asia_hi)
asia_lo := math.min(low, asia_lo)
asia_diff := asia_hi - asia_lo
for i = 1 to DevCount by 1
if i == 1 and ShowDev
line.set_y1(dev01posline_asia, asia_hi + asia_diff * i)
line.set_y2(dev01posline_asia, asia_hi + asia_diff * i)

line.set_y1(dev01negline_asia, asia_lo - asia_diff * i)

line.set_y2(dev01negline_asia, asia_lo - asia_diff * i)
if i == 2 and ShowDev
line.set_y1(dev02posline_asia, asia_hi + asia_diff * i)
line.set_y2(dev02posline_asia, asia_hi + asia_diff * i)

line.set_y1(dev02negline_asia, asia_lo - asia_diff * i)

line.set_y2(dev02negline_asia, asia_lo - asia_diff * i)
if i == 3 and ShowDev
line.set_y1(dev03posline_asia, asia_hi + asia_diff * i)
line.set_y2(dev03posline_asia, asia_hi + asia_diff * i)

line.set_y1(dev03negline_asia, asia_lo - asia_diff * i)

line.set_y2(dev03negline_asia, asia_lo - asia_diff * i)
if i == 4 and ShowDev
line.set_y1(dev04posline_asia, asia_hi + asia_diff * i)
line.set_y2(dev04posline_asia, asia_hi + asia_diff * i)

line.set_y1(dev04negline_asia, asia_lo - asia_diff * i)

line.set_y2(dev04negline_asia, asia_lo - asia_diff * i)
if (asia_hi > asia_hi[1])
box.set_top(asia_box, asia_hi)
if (asia_lo < asia_lo[1])
box.set_bottom(asia_box, asia_lo)

if DevDirection == "Upside Only"

else if DevDirection == "Downside Only"

// FLOUT Stuff
var float flout_hi = na
var float flout_lo = na
var float flout_diff = na
var box floutbox = na
var line flout_hi_line = na
var line flout_lo_line = na
var line dev01negline_flout = na
var line dev02negline_flout = na
var line dev03negline_flout = na
var line dev04negline_flout = na
var line dev01posline_flout = na
var line dev02posline_flout = na
var line dev03posline_flout = na
var line dev04posline_flout = na
if SessionBegins(FLOUT) and DOM
flout_hi := high
flout_lo := low
flout_diff := flout_hi - flout_lo
if ShowTSO
if ShowFLOUT
floutbox := box.new(floutOpenTime, flout_hi, floutEndTime, flout_lo,
color.new(FLOUTBoxCol,90), 1, line.style_solid, extend.none, xloc.bar_time,
color.new(FLOUTBoxCol,90), txt7, size.auto, color.new(box_text_flout_col,80),
if dayofweek == dayofweek.friday
box.set_right(floutbox, floutOpenTime+201600000)
line.set_x2(flout_hi_line, floutOpenTime+201600000)
line.set_x2(flout_lo_line, floutOpenTime+201600000)
if box_text_cbdr == false
box.set_text(floutbox, "")
if ShowDev and ShowFLOUT and bool_flout_dev
for i = 0.5 to DevCount by 0.5
if i == 0.5
dev01posline_flout := line.new(floutOpenTime, flout_hi + flout_diff
* i, floutEndTime, flout_hi + flout_diff * i, xloc=xloc.bar_time, color=DevLNCol,
style=DEVLSS, width=DEVLW)
dev01negline_flout := line.new(floutOpenTime, flout_hi - flout_diff
* i, floutEndTime, flout_lo - flout_diff * i, xloc=xloc.bar_time, color=DevLNCol,
style=DEVLSS, width=DEVLW)
if dayofweek == dayofweek.friday
line.set_x2(dev01posline_flout, floutOpenTime+201600000)
line.set_x2(dev01negline_flout, floutOpenTime+201600000)
if i == 1
dev02posline_flout := line.new(floutOpenTime, flout_hi + flout_diff
* i, floutEndTime, flout_lo + flout_diff * i, xloc=xloc.bar_time, color=DevLNCol,
style=DEVLSS, width=DEVLW)
dev02negline_flout := line.new(floutOpenTime, flout_hi - flout_diff
* i, floutEndTime, flout_lo - flout_diff * i, xloc=xloc.bar_time, color=DevLNCol,
style=DEVLSS, width=DEVLW)
if dayofweek == dayofweek.friday
line.set_x2(dev02posline_flout, floutOpenTime+201600000)
line.set_x2(dev02negline_flout, floutOpenTime+201600000)
if i == 1.5
dev03posline_flout := line.new(floutOpenTime, flout_hi + flout_diff
* i, floutEndTime, flout_lo + flout_diff * i, xloc=xloc.bar_time, color=DevLNCol,
style=DEVLSS, width=DEVLW)
dev03negline_flout := line.new(floutOpenTime, flout_hi - flout_diff
* i, floutEndTime, flout_lo - flout_diff * i, xloc=xloc.bar_time, color=DevLNCol,
style=DEVLSS, width=DEVLW)
if dayofweek == dayofweek.friday
line.set_x2(dev03posline_flout, floutOpenTime+201600000)
line.set_x2(dev03negline_flout, floutOpenTime+201600000)
if i == 2
dev04posline_flout := line.new(floutOpenTime, flout_hi + flout_diff
* i, floutEndTime, flout_lo + flout_diff * i, xloc=xloc.bar_time, color=DevLNCol,
style=DEVLSS, width=DEVLW)
dev04negline_flout := line.new(floutOpenTime, flout_hi - flout_diff
* i, floutEndTime, flout_lo - flout_diff * i, xloc=xloc.bar_time, color=DevLNCol,
style=DEVLSS, width=DEVLW)
if dayofweek == dayofweek.friday
line.set_x2(dev04posline_flout, floutOpenTime+201600000)
line.set_x2(dev04negline_flout, floutOpenTime+201600000)
else if FLOUTTime
flout_hi := math.max(high, flout_hi)
flout_lo := math.min(low, flout_lo)
flout_diff := flout_hi - flout_lo
for i = 0.5 to DevCount by 0.5
if i == 0.5 and ShowDev
line.set_y1(dev01posline_flout, flout_hi + flout_diff * i)
line.set_y2(dev01posline_flout, flout_hi + flout_diff * i)

line.set_y1(dev01negline_flout, flout_lo - flout_diff * i)

line.set_y2(dev01negline_flout, flout_lo - flout_diff * i)
if i == 1 and ShowDev
line.set_y1(dev02posline_flout, flout_hi + flout_diff * i)
line.set_y2(dev02posline_flout, flout_hi + flout_diff * i)

line.set_y1(dev02negline_flout, flout_lo - flout_diff * i)

line.set_y2(dev02negline_flout, flout_lo - flout_diff * i)
if i == 1.5 and ShowDev
line.set_y1(dev03posline_flout, flout_hi + flout_diff * i)
line.set_y2(dev03posline_flout, flout_hi + flout_diff * i)

line.set_y1(dev03negline_flout, flout_lo - flout_diff * i)

line.set_y2(dev03negline_flout, flout_lo - flout_diff * i)
if i == 2 and ShowDev
line.set_y1(dev04posline_flout, flout_hi + flout_diff * i)
line.set_y2(dev04posline_flout, flout_hi + flout_diff * i)

line.set_y1(dev04negline_flout, flout_lo - flout_diff * i)

line.set_y2(dev04negline_flout, flout_lo - flout_diff * i)
if (flout_hi > flout_hi[1])
box.set_top(floutbox, flout_hi)
if (flout_lo < flout_lo[1])
box.set_bottom(floutbox, flout_lo)
if DevDirection == "Upside Only"
else if DevDirection == "Downside Only"

// Start of Table
cbdrpipc = toWhole(cbdr_diff)
asiapipc = toWhole(asia_diff)
var color cbdr_cellt_col = na
var color asia_cellt_col = na
var color L_profile_col = na

var color comp_green = color.new(#1cac78,0)

var color comp_red = color.new(#ff4040,0)
var color comp_gray = color.new(#808080,0)
var L_Profile = ""

if cbdrpipc > 15 and cbdrpipc < 40

cbdr_cellt_col := color.new(#1cac78,0) // Green
cbdr_cellt_col := color.new(#ff4040,0) // Red

if asiapipc >= 20 and asiapipc <= 40

asia_cellt_col := color.new(#1cac78,0) // Green
asia_cellt_col := color.new(#ff4040,0) // Red

if cbdrpipc > 15 and cbdrpipc < 40

L_Profile := "CBDR"
L_profile_col := Tab1txtCol
else if asiapipc >= 20 and asiapipc <= 40
L_Profile := "ASIA"
L_profile_col := Tab1txtCol
L_Profile := "FLOUT"
L_profile_col := Tab1txtCol

if BarInSession(midsesh) and Auto_Select == true and syminfo.type == "forex"

if cbdrpipc > 15 and cbdrpipc < 40
else if asiapipc >= 20 and asiapipc <= 40

// Table
var table ICTInfo = table.new(tabinp1, 2, 3, border_width=1)

if barstate.islast and syminfo.type == "forex" and Stats and DOM and (dayofweek !=
CBDR_cell = "CBDR "
Asia_cell = "Asian Range "
CBDR_cell_pipc = " " + str.tostring(cbdrpipc) + " pips"
ASIA_cell_pipc = " " + str.tostring(asiapipc) + " pips"

if L_Prof == true
table.cell(ICTInfo, 0, 0, text=" Suggested SD ", bgcolor=CellBG,
text_color=Tab1txtCol, text_halign=text.align_left, text_size=size.auto)
table.cell(ICTInfo, 0, 1, text=" Asian Range ", bgcolor=CellBG,
text_color=Tab1txtCol, text_halign=text.align_left, text_size=size.auto)
table.cell(ICTInfo, 0, 2, text=" CBDR ", bgcolor=CellBG, text_color=Tab1txtCol,
text_halign=text.align_left, text_size=size.auto)

if L_Prof == true
table.cell(ICTInfo, 1, 0, text=" "+ L_Profile + " ", bgcolor=CellBG,
text_color=L_profile_col, text_halign=text.align_right, text_size=size.auto)
table.cell(ICTInfo, 1, 1, text=ASIA_cell_pipc, bgcolor=CellBG,
text_color=asia_cellt_col, text_size=size.auto, text_halign=text.align_right)
table.cell(ICTInfo, 1, 2, text=CBDR_cell_pipc, bgcolor=CellBG,
text_color=cbdr_cellt_col, text_size=size.auto, text_halign=text.align_right)

// Color Coding
var color Option1CC = na
var color Option2CC = na
var color Option3CC = na
var color Option4CC = na

if BIASOption1 == "Bullish"
Option1CC := comp_green
else if BIASOption1 == "Bearish"
Option1CC := comp_red
Option1CC := Tab2txtCol

if BIASOption2 == "Bullish"
Option2CC := comp_green
else if BIASOption2 == "Bearish"
Option2CC := comp_red
Option2CC := Tab2txtCol

if BIASOption3 == "Bullish"
Option3CC := comp_green
else if BIASOption3 == "Bearish"
Option3CC := comp_red
Option3CC := Tab2txtCol

if BIASOption4 == "Bullish"
Option4CC := comp_green
else if BIASOption4 == "Bearish"
Option4CC := comp_red
Option4CC := Tab2txtCol

var table BIAS_Table = table.new(tabinp2, 2, 20, bgcolor=TableBG2, border_width=1)

if barstate.islast and BIAS_M_Bool
if BIASbool1
table.cell(BIAS_Table, 0, 1, text = txt52, text_color = Tab2txtCol,
table.cell(BIAS_Table, 1, 1, text = BIASOption1, text_size = size.normal,
text_color = Option1CC, text_halign=text.align_right)
if BIASbool2
table.cell(BIAS_Table, 0, 2, text = txt53, text_color = Tab2txtCol,
table.cell(BIAS_Table, 1, 2, text = BIASOption2, text_size = size.normal,
text_color = Option2CC, text_halign=text.align_right)
if BIASbool3
table.cell(BIAS_Table, 0, 3, text = txt54, text_color = Tab2txtCol,
table.cell(BIAS_Table, 1, 3, text = BIASOption3, text_size = size.normal,
text_color = Option3CC, text_halign=text.align_right)
if BIASbool4
table.cell(BIAS_Table, 0, 4, text = txt55, text_color = Tab2txtCol,
table.cell(BIAS_Table, 1, 4, text = BIASOption4, text_size = size.normal,
text_color = Option4CC, text_halign=text.align_right)

var table NOTES_Table = table.new(tabinp3, 1, 20, bgcolor = TableBG2, border_width

= 1)
if barstate.islast and NOTES_M_Bool
table.cell(NOTES_Table, 0,0, text = notes, text_size = size.normal, text_color
= Tab3txtCol, text_halign=text.align_center)

// Day of the Week

txtMon = "M O N"
txtTue = "T U E"
txtWed = "W E D"
txtThu = "T H U"
txtFri = "F R I"
txtSat = "S A T"
txtSun = "S U N"

plotchar(showDOW and DOM and SL4W and Last4Weeks and (not ShowTWO)? hour == DOWTime
and minute == 0 and dayofweek == dayofweek.monday : false, offset=0, char=" ",
text=txtMon , color=color.new(i_DOWCol,100), location = DOWLoc,
textcolor=i_DOWCol, editable=false)
plotchar(showDOW and DOM and SL4W and Last4Weeks and (not ShowTWO)? hour == DOWTime
and minute == 0 and dayofweek == dayofweek.tuesday : false, offset=0, char=" ",
text=txtTue , color=color.new(i_DOWCol,100), location = DOWLoc,
textcolor=i_DOWCol, editable=false)
plotchar(showDOW and DOM and SL4W and Last4Weeks and (not ShowTWO)? hour == DOWTime
and minute == 0 and dayofweek == dayofweek.wednesday : false, offset=0, char=" ",
text=txtWed , color=color.new(i_DOWCol,100), location = DOWLoc,
textcolor=i_DOWCol, editable=false)
plotchar(showDOW and DOM and SL4W and Last4Weeks and (not ShowTWO)? hour == DOWTime
and minute == 0 and dayofweek == dayofweek.thursday : false, offset=0, char=" ",
text=txtThu , color=color.new(i_DOWCol,100), location = DOWLoc,
textcolor=i_DOWCol, editable=false)
plotchar(showDOW and DOM and SL4W and Last4Weeks and (not ShowTWO)? hour == DOWTime
and minute == 0 and dayofweek == dayofweek.friday : false, offset=0, char=" ",
text=txtFri , color=color.new(i_DOWCol,100), location = DOWLoc,
textcolor=i_DOWCol, editable=false)

plotchar(showDOW and DOM and ShowTWO and thisweek? hour == DOWTime and minute == 0
and dayofweek == dayofweek.monday : false, offset=0, char=" ", text=txtMon ,
color=color.new(i_DOWCol,100), location = DOWLoc, textcolor=i_DOWCol,
plotchar(showDOW and DOM and ShowTWO and thisweek? hour == DOWTime and minute == 0
and dayofweek == dayofweek.tuesday : false, offset=0, char=" ", text=txtTue ,
color=color.new(i_DOWCol,100), location = DOWLoc, textcolor=i_DOWCol,
plotchar(showDOW and DOM and ShowTWO and thisweek? hour == DOWTime and minute == 0
and dayofweek == dayofweek.wednesday : false, offset=0, char=" ", text=txtWed ,
color=color.new(i_DOWCol,100), location = DOWLoc, textcolor=i_DOWCol,
plotchar(showDOW and DOM and ShowTWO and thisweek? hour == DOWTime and minute == 0
and dayofweek == dayofweek.thursday : false, offset=0, char=" ", text=txtThu ,
color=color.new(i_DOWCol,100), location = DOWLoc, textcolor=i_DOWCol,
plotchar(showDOW and DOM and ShowTWO and thisweek? hour == DOWTime and minute == 0
and dayofweek == dayofweek.friday : false, offset=0, char=" ", text=txtFri ,
color=color.new(i_DOWCol,100), location = DOWLoc, textcolor=i_DOWCol,

plotchar(showDOW and DOM and (not ShowTWO) and (not SL4W)? hour == DOWTime and
minute == 0 and dayofweek == dayofweek.monday : false, offset=0, char=" ",
text=txtMon , color=color.new(i_DOWCol,100), location = DOWLoc,
textcolor=i_DOWCol, editable=false)
plotchar(showDOW and DOM and (not ShowTWO) and (not SL4W)? hour == DOWTime and
minute == 0 and dayofweek == dayofweek.tuesday : false, offset=0, char=" ",
text=txtTue , color=color.new(i_DOWCol,100), location = DOWLoc,
textcolor=i_DOWCol, editable=false)
plotchar(showDOW and DOM and (not ShowTWO) and (not SL4W)? hour == DOWTime and
minute == 0 and dayofweek == dayofweek.wednesday : false, offset=0, char=" ",
text=txtWed , color=color.new(i_DOWCol,100), location = DOWLoc,
textcolor=i_DOWCol, editable=false)
plotchar(showDOW and DOM and (not ShowTWO) and (not SL4W)? hour == DOWTime and
minute == 0 and dayofweek == dayofweek.thursday : false, offset=0, char=" ",
text=txtThu , color=color.new(i_DOWCol,100), location = DOWLoc,
textcolor=i_DOWCol, editable=false)
plotchar(showDOW and DOM and (not ShowTWO) and (not SL4W)? hour == DOWTime and
minute == 0 and dayofweek == dayofweek.friday : false, offset=0, char=" ",
text=txtFri , color=color.new(i_DOWCol,100), location = DOWLoc,
textcolor=i_DOWCol, editable=false)

// plotshape(ShowLondon? BarInSession(LDNsesh) : false, style = shape.square,

size=size.auto, location =location.bottom, color = LSFC)

var int daycount = 0

var int SL4WC = 0
if SL4W == true
if dayofweek == dayofweek.monday
SL4WC := 0 + 28
if dayofweek == dayofweek.tuesday
SL4WC := 1 + 28
if dayofweek == dayofweek.wednesday
SL4WC := 2 + 28
if dayofweek == dayofweek.thursday
SL4WC := 3 + 28
if dayofweek == dayofweek.friday
SL4WC := 4 + 28
if dayofweek == dayofweek.saturday
SL4WC := 5 + 28
if dayofweek == dayofweek.sunday
SL4WC := 6 + 28

if SL4W

if ShowTWO
if dayofweek == dayofweek.monday
daycount := 0
if dayofweek == dayofweek.tuesday
daycount := 1
if dayofweek == dayofweek.wednesday
daycount := 2
if dayofweek == dayofweek.thursday
daycount := 3
if dayofweek == dayofweek.friday
daycount := 4
if dayofweek == dayofweek.saturday
daycount := 5
if dayofweek == dayofweek.sunday
daycount := 6

if ShowTWO

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