De Guzman - Novo Mall
De Guzman - Novo Mall
De Guzman - Novo Mall
1. Diverse Tenants 1. Large operating Costs
2. Branding Reputation 2. Competition with arising E-Commerce
3. Convenient Facilities 3. Could be weak in certain seasons
4. Entertainment Options 4. Large Maintenance Costs
5. Good Location 5. Search for Tenants
1. Cost Analysis on Developing Operational
1. Expansion and Development 1. Focus on Marketing Campaigns (S2, O3) Facilities (W1, O1)
2. Adaptation to the Digital Era, gain
2. Expand Reach with Smaller Towns by competition in reach using Social Media (W2,
2. Collaborations and Partnerships Creating Convenient Stores (S5, O1) O5)
3. Provide amusement in accordance to trends 3. Trendy Decorations that provide inclusive to
3. Marketing Campaigns (S4, O4) different individuals (W3, O4)
4. Developing more sustainable environment
4. Advertise Facilities with Social Media (S3, friendly facilities that could decrease
4. Adapting to Trends O5) maintenance (S4, O3)
5. Focus in creating long term partnerships with 5. Seize partnership offers that is agreeable to
5. Integration with Technology tenants (S1, O2) our standards (W5, O2)
1. Provide sustainable facilities to adress high
1. High Inflation inflation (S3, O1) 1. Diversification of Market Exposure (W2, T5)
2. Strengthen Securities through improvements
2. Economic recession of Amenities (S3, T3) 2. Crisis Management Planning (W4, T2)
3. Security Concerns 3. Maximizing Brand Reputation (S2, T5) 3. Capacity Building (W3, T1)
4. Utilize existing strengths in multiple product 4. Forge alliances or collaborations with
4. Regulatory Requirements lines or services (S4, T2) industry partners (W2, T5)
5. Implement a culture of continuous
improvement to enhance regulatory compliance 5. Identify and address internal weaknesses
5. Trend shifts (S2, T4) (W1, T2)