Mariwan Hasan
Mariwan Hasan
Mariwan Hasan
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1 author:
Mariwan Hasan
University of Sulaimani
All content following this page was uploaded by Mariwan Hasan on 03 December 2023.
Mariwan Hasan
Sulaimani University, Iraq
It cannot be denied that Animal Farm of full of suppression and oppression, hunger,
George Orwell is one of the most inequality and slavery. He tells them of the
prominent novels or novellas of the tyranny of the farmer who does not
twentieth century written in the form of provide bread and does not allow them to
allegory. It was published in England on be free. Moreover, Old Major reminds
17th August 1945 for the first time. Later, them of how he slaughters them. So, he
this work has been translated into many made them to think of a revolution one day
languages world-wide. in order to become free and rule
themselves as the only cause of hunger and
Eric Blair's intention is to narrate the story slavery in the farm is Man, that is why they
of the Fable of Animal Farm through a need to remove him from power then
simple story to highlight and analyse the everything will be good and animals will
hypocrisy and the duality of the of the live in tranquility and will eventually have
disloyal politicians in the Soviet Union and an egalitarian society.
the reaction of the working class to their
oppression, the inequality in the society, The animals accepted the idea of Old
and revolution and its factors and results. Major and they soon revolted against the
In the form of allegory, the novel talks farm owner and were able to remove him
about some animals in a farm owned by from power and the animals become the
Mr. Jones, and old boar (Old Major) who owner of the farm.
has a dream has the desire to tell his dream After animals became triumphant, they
to the other animals in the farm with the soon constituted some rules for the entire
hope of encouraging them to make a animals in the farm to make all the animals
revolution against the farmer Jones, as the stick to them. The pigs (the wisest among
he made them to live in a miserable life them) endeavored to take the authority of
International Journal of Educational Theory and Practice (IJETP)
Volume 7/ Issue 13/ 2020
the farm as they said that they were the Napoleon represents Joseph Stalin in
leaders of the battle against Mr. Jones. particular and any revolutionist who is
They gradually started to oppress, kill, power-hunger and intends to take power
slaughter animals under different after the victory of the revolution, in
justifications, in this, they resembled the general. He behaves as a dictator in the
previous owner of the farm. Besides, the farm and does not regard for the other
lives of the animals have been worsened as animals' opinions. He always plans to fight
there were no freedom and the animals his counterpart has was loved by many
were also much hungrier. Finally, the pigs animals dues to his loyalty to them.
will behave exactly like Mr. Jones and run Snowball represents the true revolutionists
a totalitarian regime and break all the rules in the society. All he wants is to serve all
of animals in the farm. people in the society equally. He wants to
rearrange the life of the animals in the farm
Each character through his behavior stands via discussing political and economic
for someone outside the novel. For issues and is eager to address the pressing
instance, Mr. Jones represents Czar issues but the others such as Napoleon did
Nicollas II, in particular, and in general not allow him to do anything good.
who represents any totalitarian ruler who Squealer represents Molotov minister of
only cares about his interests and his propaganda in particular and any other
family, anywhere in the world. minister of propaganda anywhere in the
Old Major who represents Karl Marx in world. He made the pigs sacred and made
particular and any thinker and philosopher them superior and significant and made the
in general, can be blamed as he seems other animals slaves and unimportant via
selfish by being the only one whose speech circulating false news about the pigs.
must be fulfilled soon or later. Who claims The dogs represent the secret force which
that in his country all people must be equal has been used by Napoleon to terrify the
in work and the product. He is the main other animals in the farm when they want
factor behind the revolution because his to disagree about anything, in order not to
promises the majority of people-the jeopardize their interest and their leaders,
working class, to eradicate the causes of they protect the pigs (leaders)
hunger and inequality in the society. Boxer represents the working class who
are very strong physically and dim-witted
International Journal of Educational Theory and Practice (IJETP)
Volume 7/ Issue 13/ 2020
mentally. They believed that the authority the revolution will not bring anything good
after will become better. They always say to the country. It may represent the
they have to work harder and their leader is intellectual and the well-educated people.
always right. They neither show disagreements from
Moses represents the church and the hunger nor they show their acceptance of
religious men who always via the the prosperity. They neither stand against
unimportant messages deceived the poor slavery nor they support freedom.
animals. They advised the animals to The cat represents those who only care
accept the hardship that they face to be about their interests wherever they are.
rewarded by the Sucarcandy mountain They are always selfish and opportunist.
which is dedicated to the believers. Moses
was used as tool by the dictator to exploit
people by. Furthermore; they had common
interests with the tyrannical leaders which
will be the cause of their continuity with
all the governments.
The sheep represents the illiterate, naïve
and simple people in the society who are
the majority in the farm. The authority,
media and religion could influence them
easily. This group of people have been
stupidified during all regimes because they
were not literate and they always praise
their authority. They could not influence
anyone in the society as they possess no
power and product and they do not tolerate
the events.
Writers and poets represent those writers
who always praise their authoritative
Benjamin, the donkey represents those
who will be silent always as they believe