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Short Description
This manual aims to familiarise readers with the requirements of standard
AS/NZS 3000:2018
This manual aims to familiarise readers with the requirements of standard
AS/NZS 3000:2018
The introductory sections of this manual outline the basic principles that should
be understood for a better appreciation of the standard. These include sections
which illustrate the calculation for the power demand of a system and the
computation of earth fault current as discussed in the appendices of the
standard, which are informative in nature but yet are very important in making an
electrical system safe for operation. The actual provisions of the standard are
then discussed in detail in the subsequent sections. Note: This manual is NOT
the standard itself, it is a guide to the implementation of the standard.
Table of Contents
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Table of Contents
First Chapter
Introduction to AS/NZS 3000:2018
The latest edition of AS/NZS 3000 Wiring Rules was published in the year 2018.
This standard, approved by the council of standards in Australia and New
Zealand, defines the regulations to be adopted in selection, design and
installation of Electrical distribution systems mainly falling under low voltage
category. In this chapter we will go through the history of this standard and the
objectives with which this standard had been framed along with a review on the
needs and benefits of such regulations. The chapter also includes an overview
on the scope of this standard with brief introduction to the various topics covered
in the standard and how they are organized in the latest publication before going
into a more detailed discussion on each of the sections and their importance in
the subsequent chapters.
Learning objectives
The objective of this course is to familiarize the participants with the Australian /
New Zealand Wiring Rules (Fifth edition) published as Australia / New Zealand
standard AS/NZS 3000: 2018. This standard covers the requirements to be
adopted for electrical installations of nominal voltages up to and including 1000V
ac and 1500V dc. It contains stipulations covering issues of safety, selection,
installation testing and verification of electrical equipment in common areas as
well as in special locations. The topics contained in the standard are of interest
and relevance to all practitioners of electrical technology whether they are
designers of electrical installations, erection engineers or personnel responsible
for operation and maintenance of the installations.
Today the rules and regulations have become necessary to ensure that the
people in the society get fair deal in every aspect of their daily life. These can
range from the basic need for food to specific needs related to the travel,
dresses, etc. With electricity becoming an important commodity in the modern
society it is necessary to ensure that it is used in a safe and reliable manner. The
electrical system today comprises of power generation limited to specific
locations in a country but its transmission, distribution and consumption being
extended to all the parts and remote corners, in an extensive and elaborate
manner. Hence it is absolutely essential that the distribution systems and
consumer equipments are designed and installed with features that would ensure
safe consumption of electricity and also help regular maintenance, revamping,
additions/ alterations, etc in a safe way. With due consideration for the same,
regulations have been brought in to specify the kind of features essential for the
safe use and also strictly enforced as rules to fulfill the following.
Thus a standard has to be established and its adherence made mandatory within
a national or geographical entity so that generation, transmission, distribution and
utilization of electrical energy are done at stipulated voltages and frequency
which will vary only within acceptable bands specified for each parameter.
In turn, this enables people to buy an off-the shelf appliance and connect it to the
electrical outlet at home and use it without worrying too much about the suitability
of the appliance for the electric supply provided by the power company. Anyone
who has traveled with a device made in one country and tried to use in another
where different standards prevail would certainly appreciate the convenience
which uniform standards provide us with.
Also the use of standards reduces the number of variant appliance designs a
manufacturer has to plan and manufacture; an issue which will have adverse cost
implications to the manufacturer and hence to the buyer. Low cost mass
production is thus a direct result of standards benefitting millions across the
1.2.2 Ensuring Quality of supply, equipment and installation
Equipment and installations have to deliver functionalities for which they are
designed without any undue hazards to the users or the environment for their
entire design life under varying operating conditions. The provisions of a standard
therefore define the parameters for functionality, safety and maintainability. They
also contain stipulations that lay down the tests that the device has to withstand
to either prove a design (by what are called Type tests conducted on prototypes
or selected samples) or ensure that the output and quality parameters are met
(by Routine Tests done on each piece manufactured). Thus when you buy an
appliance or equipment that is declared as conforming to a particular standard,
you have an assurance that it will perform under conditions defined by the
standard, is safe to use and will deliver the output or functionalities which the
manufacturer furnishes in accordance with the standard for the period it is
expected to serve.
The development of the 2018 edition of the standard had been based on the
following considerations by the council of standards.
During preparation of this Standard, reference was made to IEC 60364, Electrical
installations of buildings (all parts) and acknowledgment is made of the
assistance received from this source. The 2007 edition had been published on 12
November 2007 after being approved on behalf of the Council of Standards
Australia on 19 October 2007 and on behalf of the Council of Standards New
Zealand on 9 November 2007. This Standard was superseded by AS/NZS 3000:
2010 from its date of publication. The edition was improved with additional
diagrammatic representation of concepts and by including more practical
examples adopted in the user installations as desired by the industry. The edition
is divided into two parts with Part 1 (Section-1) covering Scope, application and
fundamental principles of safe electricity use and is generally made complete in
itself without cross-referencing to Part 2. The edition also establishes the
‘deemed to comply’ status of AS/NZS 3018 relating to simple domestic
National requirements
Informative appendices
Deemed to comply
The term ‘deemed to comply’ means that a requirement can be met by following
a specified Standard or method. So, where an installation is carried out in
accordance with the specified Standard or method, within the text of this
Standard, the installation is ‘deemed to comply’ with the requirements of this
Standard. Conformance to a deemed to comply Standard may exceed the
minimum requirements of this Standard.
This Standard comprises two parts, as set out below, with both parts bound as
one document.
Part 2 provides installation practices that are deemed to comply with the
essential safety requirements of Part 1.
This Standard sets out requirements for the design, construction and verification
of electrical installations, including the selection and installation of electrical
equipment forming part of such electrical installations.
These requirements are intended to protect persons, livestock, and property from
electric shock, fire and physical injury hazards that may arise from an electrical
installation that is used with reasonable care and with due regard to the intended
purpose of the electrical installation.
In addition, guidance is provided so that the electrical installation will function
correctly for the purpose intended and takes into account mitigating the
foreseeable adverse effects of disruption to supply.
Section 1:
1. New and revised definitions are indicated in Clause 1.4 by an asterisk (*)
in the left margin.
2. The definition of mains supply has been removed.
3. ‘Direct contact’ and ‘indirect contact’ are now designated ‘basic
protection’ and ‘fault protection’.
4. IP ratings revised to suit local environmental conditions.
5. Requirements for conductors with green/yellow insulation are specified.
6. References to AS/NZS 3018 have been replaced with references to other
7. Requirements for alterations and repairs have been clarified and
8. New Part 1 solutions have been added along with details on where they
may be used.
Section 2:
Section 3:
Section 4:
Section 5:
Section 6:
Section 7:
Section 8:
Table 1.1
Partial list of standards/ regulations referred in AS/NZS 3000
Standard Title
AS 2067 Switchgear assemblies and ancillary equipment
for alternating voltages above 1 kV
AS 60269 Low-voltage fuses
AS 60947 Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear
AS 60947.2 Part 2: Circuit-breakers
AS 60947.4.1 Part 4.1: Contactors and motor-starters—Electro
mechanical contactors and motor-starters
AS 60947.8 Part 8: Control units for built-in thermal protection
(PTC) for rotating electrical machines
AS/NZS 2430 Classification of hazardous areas
AS/NZS 3008 Electrical installations—Selection of
cables—Cables for alternating voltages up to and
including 0.6/1 kV
AS/NZS 3008.1.1 Part 1.1: Typical Australian installation conditions
AS/NZS 3439 Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear
AS/NZS 3439.1 Part 1: Type-tested and partially type-tested
AS/NZS 3439.2 Part 2: Particular requirements for busbar
trunking systems (busways)
AS/NZS 3439.5 Part 5: Particular requirements for assemblies
intended to be installed outdoors in public
places—Cable distribution cabinets (CDCs) for
power distribution in networks
AS/NZS 3820 Essential safety requirements for low voltage
electrical equipment
AS/NZS 5000 Electric cables—Polymeric insulated
AS/NZS 5000.1 Part 1: Electric Polymeric insulated cables for
working voltages up to and including 0.6/1 (1.2)
AS/NZS 5000.2 Part 2: Electric Polymeric insulated cables for
working voltages up to and including 450/750 V
AS/NZS 61009 Residual current operated circuit-breakers with
overcurrent protection for household and similar
uses (RCBOs)
ABCA and NZBC Building Code of Australia (ABCA) and the New
Zealand Building Code (NZBC)
A number of other standards covering fire protection systems, storage battery
systems, hoists, elevators, etc are also listed for further reference and guidance,
which are not covered in this table.
The regulations are needed to ensure uniform practices adopted in all equipment
and installation practices for safety and reliability of the installations. AS/NZS
3000 standard covers regulations to be followed for design, selection and
installation of LV electrical systems of common and special premises in Australia
and New Zealand. The 2018 year edition had been updated with many
illustrations and worked out examples compared to the earlier edition based on
the feedback from industry and the end users. The standard is divided into two
parts. Part-1 of the standard provides basic compliance requirements to be met
in the design, selection and installation of the systems with an objective to
achieve high level of safety in the systems without referencing part-2. The
second part is divided into a number of sections and outlines guidelines and
procedures to be adopted by the designers and installation contractors for
achieving the high level safety objectives of part-1 in specific application areas.
This book is not intended to replace the AS/NZS Wiring Rules as a work of
reference but is merely an introduction to it. As all of us are aware, the standards
are dynamic in nature in the manner that they continuously undergo amendments
and revisions to match the pace of the growth in the technology. In case further
information is required it is recommended that the participants shall directly refer
the standard as well as other references such as the reference documents
identified in appendix A of the standard. A lot of published literature is available
on these topics by industry bodies and reputed manufacturers of electrical
equipment as well as on the Internet and can be referred for assistance in solving
specific problems one may come across.