Notes CRI 161 Final
Notes CRI 161 Final
Notes CRI 161 Final
• Is a Norse word, it is legally defined as a rule of conduct, just and made obligatory
by legitimate authority for the general welfare and benefit of all people.
What is • This is in connection with the famous legal Latin maxim which states that SALUS
• Law serves as a variety of functions.
Take note : “Law must be obeyed and followed by citizens subjects to sanctions or legal consequence is a law.”
• The Philippine legal system is aptly described as a blend of customary usage, and
Roman (civil law) and Anglo-American (common law) systems.
The Philippine • The civil law operates in areas such as family relations, property, succession, con-
tract and criminal law while statutes and principles of common law origin are evi-
legal system dent in such areas as constitutional law, procedure, corporation law, negotiable
instruments, taxation, insurance, labor relations, banking and currency.
• In some Southern parts of the islands, Islamic law is observed.
(National Laws Ex: Acts, Commonwealth Acts, Batas Pambansa, RA, PD, EO.)
(Agreements, International Laws)
Ordinances by LGU’s
(Provided that they are consistent with national laws.)
Philippine constitution - it is enacted by the legislative branch and have the next highest precedence.
President - the person who has the power to grant reprieves, commutations, and pardons.
Act no. 3815 - it is considered as the primary source of law in the Philippines.
The welfare of the people is the supreme law - the Latin “maxim Salus populi est suprema lex”
Law - it is legally defined as a rule of conduct, just and made obligatory by legitimate authority for the general
welfare and benefit of all people.
Philippine constitution - considered as the mother of all laws.
Judiciary branch - the branch of the government that has the power to interpret the la when it is unclear or
susceptible to different interpretations.
Criminal law - it is defined as the branch of public law which defines crimes, treats their nature and provides
for their punishment.
Statutes - this includes Acts of Congress, municipal charters, municipal legislation, courts rules, administrative
rules and orders, legislative rules and presidential issuances.
Q2. What was the first law ever made concerning the Philippines?
- Philippine Act of 1902. The first law passed by the U.S Congress concerning the government of the
Philippines was the Cooper Act, better known as the Philippine Act of 1902. It was passed by Con-
gress on July 1, 1902.
module 2: concept of crime and justice
Cri 161: introduction to Philippine criminal justice system
Bs criminology │Second sem │pre-lim
Theory of • Based on the Theory of Logomacy there is no crime if there is no law punishing such
• Is defined as the rule of conduct, just made obligatory by legitimate authority for
law the general welfare and benefit of all the people.
Limitations on the power of the law -making body to enact penal legislation
The Bill of Rights of the 1987 Constitution imposes the following limitations:
• No ex post facto law or bill of attainder shall be enacted. (Art. III, Sec. 22)
• No person shall be held to answer for a criminal offense without due process of law. (Art. III, Sec. 14[1])
• The first limitation prohibits the passage of retroactive laws which are prejudicial to the accused.
• Congress is also prohibited from passing an act which inflict punishment without judicial trial, for that would consti-
tute a bill of attainder.
What is an ex-post facto law?
• Derive from the Latin for “from a thing done afterward.”
What is an • It is used to refer a criminal statute that punishes actions retroactively, thereby crimi-
ex-post facto law? nalizing conduct that was legal when originally performed.
What is an • It also makes criminal act done before the passage of the law and which was inno-
ex-post facto law? cent when done, punishes such an act.
The following are not subject to the operation of our criminal laws:
(1) Sovereigns and other chiefs of state.
(2) Ambassadors, minister’s plenipotentiary, minister’s resident, and charges d’affaires.
• In that criminal laws undertake to punish crimes committed within Philippine territory.
• The principle of territoriality means that as a rule, penal laws of the Philippines are
2. territorial enforceable only within its territory.
• The law is binding to all crimes committees within the National Territory of the Philip-
• Should commit an offense while on a Philippine Ship or Airship.
• Should forge or counterfeit any coin or currency note of the Philippine Islands or obligations and securities issued
by the Government of the Philippine Islands;
• Should be liable for acts connected with the introduction into these islands of the obligations and securities men-
tioned in the presiding number;
• While being public officers or employees, should commit an offense in the exercise of their functions; or
• Should commit any of the crimes against national security and the law of nations, defined in Title One of the Book
Two of this Code.
• In that a penal law cannot make an act punishable in a manner in which it was not
punishable when committed.
3. Prospective • As provided in Article 366 of the Revised Penal Code, crimes are punished under
the laws in force at the time of their commission.
Exceptions to the prospective application of criminal laws:
Whether a new statute dealing with crime establishes conditions more lenient or favorable to the accused, it
can be given a retroactive effect.
• The act is wrong from its very nature and criminal intent is an element for mala in se.
Good faith is a valid defense unless the crime is the result of culpa.
Mala In Se • Crimes under the Revised Penal Code are mala in se in nature.
• Thus, intent is an element.
• It also makes criminal act done before the passage of the law and which was inno-
Victimology cent when done, punishes such an act.
• Is defined as a person who has suffered physical or emotion harm, property dam-
Victim age, or economic loss as a result of a crime.
Theories of victimization
Theory of Victimization deals with the role that the victim plays in the criminal event.
• According to victim precipitation theory, some people may actually initiate the
1. Victim confrontation that eventually leads to their injury or death.
• In 1971, Menachem Amir suggested female rape victim often contribute to their
Precipitation attacks by… pursuing a relationship with the rapist.
theory • A woman may become the target of domestic violence when she increases her job
status and her success results in a backlash from a jealous spouse or partner.
• A number of research efforts have found that both male and female victims have an
impulsive personality that might render them abrasive and obnoxious, characteris-
Victim tics that might incite victimization.
• It is possible that impulsive people are not only antagonistic and therefore more
Impulsivity: likely to become targets, but they are risk takers who get involved in dangerous
situations and fail to take precautions.
• Some criminologist believe people may become crime victims because their lifestyle
increases their exposure to criminal offenders.
2. Lifestyle • Single women who drink frequently and have a prior history of being sexually as-
theory saulted are most likely to be assaulted on [college] campus.
• People who being to groups that have extremely risky lives—homeless, runaways,
drug users—are at high risk for victimization; the more time they are exposed to
street life, the greater their risk of becoming crime victims.
• The more often visit dangerous places, the more likely they will be exposed to crime
3. Deviant and violence.
place • Victims do not encourage crime, but are victims prone because they reside in so-
cially disorganized high-crime areas where they have the greatest risk of coming
theory into contact with criminal offenders, irrespective of their own behavior or lifestyle.
• The volume and distribution of predatory crime (violent crimes against a person and
crimes in which an offender attempts to steal an object directly) are closely related
to the interaction of three variables that reflect the routine activities of the typical
American lifestyle:
4. Routine a. The availability of suitable targets, such as homes containing easily saleable
Activities b. The absence of capable guardians, such as police, homeowners, neighbors,
theory friends, and relatives. Even the ,most desperate criminal might hesitate to attack a
well-defended target, an undefended yet attractive target not referring to sexual)
becomes an irresistible objective for motivated criminals.
c. The presence of motivated offenders, such as a large number of unemployed teen-
What is the difference designation of a person under the pillars of
Philippine Criminal Justice System?
pillars designation
Law Enforcement/ Police At this stage a person is called SUSPECT.
Criminal • Refer to the various sequential stages through which offenders pass, from initial con-
justice tact with the law to final disposition, and the agencies charged with enforcing the
system law at each of these stages.
i. law enforcement
or police
- known as the prime mover and
front liner of CJS.
ii. Prosecution
- conduct inquest proceedings
and preliminary investigation to
determine probable cause.
iii. Court
- conduct trial to determine the
guilt or innocence of an accused
iv. Correction
- reforms and rehabilitates the
criminal offenders
v. Community
- considered as the core of CJS
and molds the person from birth
and reintegrates offenders back
to their home
Take Note:
The system how the components work is this: If a person committed a crime or violated any law, a
complaint will be filled against the person at the nearest police station which has jurisdiction over
the area. An investigation will then be conducted by the police, gather facts and evidence about
the case. If there is probable cause, the case will then be forwarded to the prosecution. The prose-
cutor will determine whether the person arrested or suspected be in the sit of the criminal justice pro-
cess. The prosecutor determines whether the evidence gathered by the police meets the standard
of proof for successful prosecution and conviction. Once determined, information will be filed by the
prosecutor to the court. In court, trial will then be held to determine the guilt or innocence of the ac-
cused beyond reasonable doubt.
If found guilty, the person will be transported to the prison institution to serve the sentence of impris-
onment. If found not guilty, it means that the person in acquitted with the crime charged against him/
her and has no criminal liability.
• It is the principle of dealing with fairness and equality in the application of law; the
justice idea of giving a person his due as a matter of right.
• Originates from the personification of Justice in Ancient Roman art known as Lustitia
or Justitia, who is equivalent to the Greek goddess Dike.
Lady • Is an allegorical personification of the moral force in judicial systems.
justice • Her attributes are a blindfold, scales, and a sword,
• She often appears as a pair with Prudentia.
Why • Criminal justice is important because it’s a system that includes law enforcement,
courts, prisons, counseling services, and a number of other organizations and agen-
criminal justice cies that people come into contact with on a daily basis.
system is a
• A concept of law which hears before it condemns; which proceeds upon inquiry and
Due process renders judgement after trial.
module 6: law enforcement pillar (Arrest, Search and Seizure and Entrapment)
Cri 161: introduction to Philippine criminal justice system
Bs criminology │Second sem │pre-lim
What is • Arrest is the taking of a person into custody in order that he may be bound to an-
swer for the commission of an offense.
an arrest?
• An arrest is made by an actual restraint of a person to be arrested, or by his submis-
How is sion to the custody of the person making the arrest. No violence or unnecessary
arrest made? force shall be used in making an arrest. The person arrested shall not be subject to
a greater restraint than is necessary for his detention.
• provides for the manner, time and conduct of arresting a person who committed a
Section 2. rule crime.
113 of the
revised rules
on criminal
• According to Art. III, Sec. 2 of the 1987 Philippine Constitution it states that "The
right of the people to be secured in their persons, houses, and papers, effects
Basis of against unreasonable searches and seizures of whatever nature and for any pur-
pose shall be inviolable and no search warrant or warrant of arrest shall be issue
warrant of except upon probable cause to be determined personally by the judge after the
arrest: examination under oath or affirmation of the complainant and the witnesses that
may be produced, and particularly describing the place to be searched and the
persons to be seize."
• Is a written authority or order in writing issued in the name of the People of the Phil-
Warrant of ippines, signed by the judge and directed to a peace officer commanding him to
arrest arrest a person or persons stated therein and deliver them before the court.
What is • Is a written authority or order in writing issued in the name of the People of the Phil-
ippines, signed by the judge and directed to a peace officer commanding him to
search search for a personal property described therein and bring it before the court.
When is • A search and seizure is unreasonable if it is made without a search warrant, or the
warrant was invalidly issued.
search or
Who issues a • Only judges are authorized to issue Warrants of Arrest and Search Warrants.
warrant of
arrest and
• is a well-founded belief that a crime has been committed and the respondent is
Probable probably guilty thereof, and should be held for trial. (Sec. 1, Rule 112, Revised
cause Rules on Criminal Procedure)
What are the three situations wherein there must be finding
of probable cause?
1. Probable cause in filing of information
2. Probable cause in the issuance of a search warrant
3. Probable cause in the issuance of a warrant of arrest
What is entrapment?
• Entrapment is the employment of such ways and means for the purpose of trapping
or capturing a lawbreaker. In entrapment, the criminal intent or design to commit the
offense charged originates in the mind of the accused, and law enforcement offi-
entrapment cials merely facilitate the apprehension of the criminal by employing ruses and
schemes; thus, the accused cannot justify his or her conduct.
• As has been said, instigation is a "trap for the unwary innocent," while entrapment is
a "trap for the unwary criminal."
• is the means by which the accused is lured into the commission of the offense
charged in order to prosecute him. In instigation, officers of the law or their agents
instigation incite, induce, instigate or lure an accused into committing an offense which he or
she would otherwise not commit and has no intention of committing.
module 6: law enforcement pillar (Arrest, Search and Seizure and Entrapment)
Cri 161: introduction to Philippine criminal justice system
Bs criminology │Second sem │pre-lim
• Don't forget that in history, the term POLICE as used by French refers to any person who enforces the law that's why
generally all agencies/person that enforces the law can be called as police.) In our case we don't use that. We
refer the term police only to members of PNP. Members of PDEA and (NBD) used the term AGENTS Other agencies
have their own terms also.
• PC—Philippine Constabulary, it was founded on August 18, 1908, and it was created by Military Police Force Act
No. 175.
Law enforcement
• Law enforcement may be most concerned with the prevention and law enforcement punishment of crimes, organi-
zations exist to discourage a wide variety of non-criminal violations of rules and norms, effected through the impo-
sition of less severe consequences such as probation.
• The term peace officer, or law enforcement officer, to include every person vested by the legislating state with
police power or authority, traditionally, anyone "sworn or badged, who can arrest any person for a violation of
criminal law, is included under the umbrella term of law enforcement.
• It handles crimes related and considered as transnational crime; crimes that trans-
2. Philippine cend beyond borders.
center on • The PCTC is under the Office of the President.
• The Executive Director has immediate supervision and control over all
units of the PCTC. As such, he is authorized to designate duties and functions of all
crime (pctc) units and personnel of the PCTC.
Transnational • Transnational crimes are crimes that have actual or potential effect across national
borders and crimes that are intrastate but offend fundamental values of the interna-
crime tional community.
• Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency is the lead anti-drug law enforcement agency,
5. Philippine responsible for preventing, investigating and combating any dangerous drugs, con-
trolled precursors and essential chemicals within the Philippines.
drug • The agency is tasked with the enforcement of the penal and regulatory provisions of
Republic Act No. 9165 (R.A. 9165), otherwise known as the Comprehensive Dan-
enforcement gerous Drugs Act of 2002.
agency (pdea) • It is also the is the implementing arm of the Dangerous Drugs Board (DDB).
• PDEA and DDB are both under the supervision of the Office of the President.
• Also known as the Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002.
Republic act • The enactment of R.A. 9165 reorganized the Philippine drug law enforcement sys-
n0. 9165 • The R.A. 9165 defines more concrete courses of action for the national anti-drug
campaign and imposes heavier penalties to offenders.
Additional notes
Cri 161: introduction to Philippine criminal justice system
Bs criminology │Second sem │pre-lim
• refers to criminal activities that occur across national borders or involve criminal
networks operating in multiple countries. It involves organized criminal groups or in-
Transnational dividuals who engage in illegal activities that have a global impact. Transnational
crime crimes often exploit differences in legal systems, jurisdictions, and law enforcement
capabilities to carry out their illicit operations.
6. Arms • The illegal trade and smuggling of firearms, ammunition, and other weapons across
borders, fueling conflicts and contributing to violence.
7. Organized • Criminal syndicates involved in activities such as extortion, racketeering, smuggling,
and illicit trade, operating across multiple countries.