Corrugating AdhesiveStrategies WP
Corrugating AdhesiveStrategies WP
Corrugating AdhesiveStrategies WP
is tapering off. Even so, smaller corrugators, which would
command efficiencies at 500-600 feet per minute a
decade ago, are being pushed out of the market by new, 1
wider machines running at tops speeds approaching 1200 0.5
fpm. These highly engineered machines operate under 0
very precise and controlled conditions to meet these speed 800 850 900 950 1000 1050 1100 1150
Speed FPM
challenges, and they have changed the way boxes are
made and valued. When focusing strictly on the mechanics of the corrugator
such as temperature, conditioning, adhesive application,
contact, drying, the blade section and stacker, there are
FIGURE 1: Maximum Corrugator Speed
several rate limiting factors which have been explored and
reported in detail that determine how fast a corrugator can
1000 ? actually run. For example, steam roll design was studied
800 to determine the impact of rotation speed on conden-
Speed FPM
page 2
Adhesive viscosity, tack and texture FIGURE 3: Consumption lb/MSF
Viscosity and tack can be controlled by several factors 2.3
in the formulation. Viscosity can be adjusted to meet 2.2
optimum machine and paper conditions by adjusting 2
cooked starch solids, borax level, amount of shear or cook 1.9
temperature, or with the use of performance additives.
Likewise, the tack and texture (stringiness, film forming) 1.6
of the adhesive can be controlled by adjusting the borax to 1.5
caustic ratio, rheology modifiers or can be combined with 0.22 0.23 0.24 0.25 0.26 0.27 0.28 0.29 0.30 0.31 0.32
viscosity adjustment. Care should be taken with texture Adhesive Solids
adjustments as this could also affect adhesive slinging Target 12 mil 10 mil 8 mil
during application, or can result in poor adhesive pickup
or brittle bonds. An important fact to note – higher solids
does not necessarily mean higher viscosity – as both high
solids and high viscosity can be formulated separately. FIGURE 4: Water from Adhesive lb/MSF
Higher solids can add additional value on high-speed 6.5
machines, as it is another means to control moisture added
to the board. 6
lb/MSF 5.5
Adhesive consumption and storage
Adhesive make-down systems have gotten smaller over
time as systems were optimized to make adhesive fresh 4.5
and on demand, limiting the amount of adhesive needed
to be kept in storage. While this has significantly improved 4
0.22 0.23 0.24 0.25 0.26 0.27 0.28 0.29 0.30 0.31 0.32
the quality of adhesive (fresher is better), it has in some
Adhesive Solids
instances affected the adhesive supply to machines that 12 mil 10 mil 8 mil
have been upgraded for higher speeds. Specifically, smaller
mixers, 100 gallon and sometimes 200 gallon, can have
trouble keeping up with sustained production speeds Formulating at higher solids also relies heavily on proper
that are 1000 fpm and higher. Batches of adhesive take conditioning and temperature control, both of the liners
time to make, and factors like water and starch addition and medium, but also the hot plate section. Less water
rate, heating time, and transfer to storage are difficult to means less heat is needed on the machine, and in fact
change. Formulating adhesives to maximize the volume in too much heat can lead to bond crystallization rather than
each batch can make an incremental increase in available proper gelling. Crystallized adhesive on the board will look
adhesive. To optimally improve adhesive availability, reduc- good coming off the machine, but after curing will convert
ing adhesive application is a definite advantage. However, to brittle “Zipper bond”, cracking and breaking easily
reducing adhesive application must be done in concert as the board is flexed. A good measure for whether too
with maintaining bond quality, and typically will involve much heat is applied is to examine the board as soon as it
optimizing the properties of the adhesive, specifically tack, cools coming off the machine. Bend and break the board,
viscosity and film forming. specifically at the edges, where temperature problems
are amplified, and look for over-dried and cracking/brittle
A secondary benefit comes from increasing adhesive solids medium. If the medium looks dried out, more than likely
in conjunction with application reduction. By moving the the glue line is as well, and the board may get rejected
adhesive solids up from 26% to 30%, and simultaneously after storage.
decreasing application from approximately 10 to 8 mil, total
dry adhesive consumption on the machine can be held con- In addition to proper adhesive formulation and machine
stant. Properly formulated, the bonded board can meet the temperature control, performance additives can be incor-
same pin adhesion performance, but total volume of adhe- porated to protect and improve the adhesives under these
sive is reduced (meaning less batches per day are needed). taxing conditions. Higher cooked solids have been shown
As an added bonus, less water is added to the board from to improve water holding of adhesives to protect them
the adhesive, reducing dryer load to remove that water. against borderline high temperatures, which can flash
page 3
moisture off too quickly. Carrier starches like Ingredion’s Machine velocity on adhesive
STABLEBOND® modified starch have been used in high At higher machine speeds the bonding time of the adhe-
shear adhesives to enhance the water holding, specifically sive significantly decreases. Temperature can also decrease
on light weight paper grades which are difficult to condi- as contact time between paper and heated rolls decreases,
tion. On almost all grades, liquid performance additives even with increased wrap. Fortunately, newer machines
like CORAGUM® PA-15, or the resin containing CORAGUM® and denser paper can accommodate lower temperatures,
PR-Flex have been used not only to improve the water specifically when adhesive application is reduced. However,
holding of adhesives, but also to change the rheology and contact time in the pressure roll or belts on the singleface,
film-forming of the adhesive. Film forming is a crucial ele- and in the hot plate section go down as speed increases.
ment that determines the cohesiveness of the adhesive, As a result, the adhesive will need to bond faster to avoid
and how consistently it can be applied to the flute tips. As wet, incomplete bonds (white glue lines). Previously the
adhesive application is reduced, glue lines should be moni- strategy was to lower the gel temp of the adhesive with
tored by iodine staining to insure that consistent adhe- higher caustic, however a study on “An Investigation of
sive application is applied across the board. Otherwise, Bonding Mechanisms on the Double-Backer” by Schaepe,
issues like delamination and blistering can arise, reducing Watanabe, and Nanko, demonstrated that adhesive gelling
board quality. Performance additives like CORAGUM® time was complete within seconds regardless of gel temp
PA-15 polymeric resin or PR-Flex performance resin, which or hot plate temperature, and that adhesive dehydration
synergistically crosslink to starch in the adhesive, provide played a more important factor on bond strength and thus
the improved texture and consistency needed for lighter bond time.1 This again points to the benefit of increasing
application on a variety of board grades. adhesive solids to increase bonding speed. Increasing caus-
tic in adhesives, while reducing gel temp, also improves the
FIGURE 5: Film formation and structure
alkali “bite” into papers, improving bonding and surface
penetration. However, because of the impact of low gel
POOR FILM FORMING GOOD FILM FORMING temps on starch swelling and viscosity in storage, care
must be taken to balance gel temp against maximum adhe-
sive temperature while circulating through the system. This
includes any hot spots in piping or glue pans that can begin
to swell the adhesive.
page 4
An often overlooked issue on high-speed machines is the Key takeaway
effect of celled glue roll speed in glue pans. At the top While the higher speeds of both modern and future corru-
machine speeds, these miniature cells can whip and froth gating machines will continue to provide challenges to box
adhesive, leading to foam generation. This foam can impact plants, the ongoing development of optimized equipment,
both the application of films on the flute tips, but more performance grade ingredients, and the best practices of
detrimentally interfere with glue level indicators, causing knowledgeable industry suppliers and manufacturing will
the machine to starve off adhesive flow to the glue pans. make it possible to meet those challenges. To best prepare
This becomes further complicated with water quality or for ongoing developments in technologies, box plants
hardness, which can contribute to foam. In these cases, need to partner with their equipment and ingredient
defoamers such as CORAGUM® DF can be added to adhe- suppliers, to best utilize their expertise and experience in
sives to control excess foaming. meeting the leading edge of speed and efficiency.
page 5
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