REX-CO2-D2.1 Current State of The Art Assessments - Final
REX-CO2-D2.1 Current State of The Art Assessments - Final
REX-CO2-D2.1 Current State of The Art Assessments - Final
Executive summary
Re-use of existing wells for large-scale CO2 storage could be beneficial with regard to both
economical and safety considerations. The economic aspect comes from the cost of drilling
new wells, especially offshore. The safety aspect comes from the objective of having as few
as possible wells penetrating a caprock. A CO2 storage well needs to maintain the well integrity
to ensure that CO2 is permanently contained in the storage reservoir. Although the technical
know-how is there, no dedicated tool is available to perform a systematic assessment of the
re-use of existing wells.
The goal of the REX-CO2 project is to develop procedures and a publicly available screening
tool for the assessment of re-using existing wells for storage of CO2. This report, "D2.1 Current
state-of-the-art assessments and technical approach for assessment of well re-use potential
and CO2/brine leakage risk" gives an overview of the relevant risk assessment approaches,
standards and guidelines currently used for managing well integrity in the petroleum sector.
The report also reviews some of the previous cases of assessments made on re-use of
existing wells for large scale CO2 storage, with a focus on identifying the work flow and lessons
Even though none of the existing standards explicitly mention gas storage wells or CO2
storage wells for the purpose of CCS, they are still relevant because they address wellbore
integrity irrespective of the type of fluid that needs to be contained in subsurface reservoirs.
The standards have also been successfully used by the petroleum industry on CO2-EOR
projects. The existing procedures take into consideration critically important aspects, including
expected temperatures and pressures, reservoir characteristics, well design and so on. The
standards can be potentially updated in the future to include considerations relevant to CCS.
For example, accounting for parameters such as expected injection volumes, pressure
ranges, temperature ranges, the chemical composition and properties of the injected fluids.
Our review of the previous assessments of re-use of wells for commercial scale CO2 storage
operations showed that it is important to have a standardized workflow. Many older and
exploration wells will have large degrees of uncertainty due to little or insufficient relevant data.
The scarcity of data could make predictions of the well state difficult and inaccurate, and thus
unnecessary costly and unsafe.
Other issues that were considered included whether the original well design would be
amenable for reworking to convert the well as a CO2 storage well, whether the condition of the
well barrier elements after years of petroleum extraction may be significantly deteriorated, and
whether there might be uncertainties on the state or accessibility of the side-tracks in the well.
A re-use procedure including systematic mapping, with a dedicated a tool, of all parameters
affecting well integrity would aid the engineering work and give more accurate estimations on
field viability and cost.
Another important finding from the review of large-scale assessments of re-use was on how
the various groups assessed the suitability of Portland Cement in a CO2 storage well
environment. The review of the Kingsnorth CCS project highlighted the need for a CO2-
resistant cement, and in particular the development and testing of non-Portland cement
systems. In contrast, the review of the Peterhead CCS project concluded that the Portland
cement systems used were suitable for the use as CO2 injector wells.
The contrast in the conclusions highlight the need for more systematic research at relevant
conditions on the actual suitability of Portland Cement systems in such environments. Such
work on cement is already planned in the REX-CO2 project.
Deliverable D2.1
Executive summary ........................................................................................................... 2
Contents ............................................................................................................................ 3
List of Tables ..................................................................................................................... 4
List of Figures .................................................................................................................... 4
1. Introduction .................................................................................................................. 5
1.1. Objective and scope ............................................................................................... 5
1.2. Well integrity of CO2 storage wells .......................................................................... 5
1.3. Description of Well Barrier Elements (WBE) ........................................................... 7
1.4. Leakage risks.......................................................................................................... 8
1.4.1. Risk assessment approaches .......................................................................... 9
2. Review of current standards and guidelines ........................................................... 11
2.1. International Standard Organization ...................................................................... 11
2.2. Oil and Gas UK ..................................................................................................... 12
2.3. NORSOK .............................................................................................................. 13
2.4. Summary .............................................................................................................. 14
3. Review of previous assessments for large scale gas storage and well integrity .. 16
3.1. Kingsnorth CCS, UK ............................................................................................. 17
3.2. Peterhead, UK ...................................................................................................... 18
3.3. PORTHOS P18, NL .............................................................................................. 20
3.4. United States CO2-EOR experience ...................................................................... 22
3.5. Summary .............................................................................................................. 23
4. Implementation of available data .............................................................................. 25
5. Conclusions ............................................................................................................... 26
6. References ................................................................................................................. 27
Deliverable D2.1
List of Tables
Table 1. Comparison between the ISO and NORSOK standard and the OGUK guidelines . 15
Table 2. Data availability for qualitative well integrity assessment (from Akemu et al., 2011).
........................................................................................................................................... 22
Table 3. Overview of commonly used materials for CO2 injection wells in the USA projects
(Smith et al, 2011). .............................................................................................................. 23
List of Figures
Figure 1. Example of well barrier schematics from the ISO 16530-1 standard (ISO, 2017).
Left: a schematic of a wellbore during the operational phase. Right: a schematic of a
wellbore after the abandonment phase. ................................................................................ 8
Figure 2. Illustration of possible leakage paths in a well (Vrålstad et al, 2015). The blue
arrows indicate failure in the primary WBE, the red arrows indicate failure in the secondary
WBE. The green arrow indicate failure of multiple WBEs. ..................................................... 9
Figure 3. Map showing the locations of the various relevant large-scale projects for re-use of
wells for CO2 storage. The orange circle shows the P18 field. The red circles show the
Kingsnorth power station and the Hewett field. The blue circles show the Peterhead power
station and Goldeneye field. Original map downloaded from .............. 16
Figure 4. Wellbore schematic from Well 52/05-A14 including original well schematic to A6 18
Figure 5. Assessment flowchart illustrating the potential leak scenarios and risk of leak for
each well at the Peterhead/Goldeneye CCS project (Shell, 2014c). .................................... 20
Figure 6. Assessment of potential CO2 storage fields offshore Rotterdam. Green: no hurdles
identified; yellow: less favourable or not assessed; red: possible (from Neele et al., 2011) . 21
Deliverable D2.1
1. Introduction
The re-use of existing oil and gas wells for storage of CO2 requires a detailed assessment of
the history and current state of the well. Lack of satisfactory initial well integrity can make the
well unusable or require extensive workovers which can be costly. As shown in surveys
published on the subject, many older wells are prone to leakage (Watson and Bachu, 2009).
The leakage rates of hydrocarbons (primarily gases) from these older wells are typically low
due to the depleted state of the petroleum reservoirs and the leakage risks have been
managed either through monitoring or periodic venting (Watson and Bachu, 2009). However,
the expected requirements for accepted levels of leakage for a well to be re-used for CO2
storage are significantly stringent (Duguid et al., 2018). The general public, the regulatory
entities and the stakeholders will have a very little to no tolerance for leakage resulting in
higher cost of operation or threat of shutdown. The United States Environmental Protection
Agency (US-EPA) Class-VI well regulation requires CO2 storage well construction and
operation done in a manner to ensure no endangerment of drinking water due to fluid migration
from storage reservoir (Environmental Protection Agency, 2018) which in effect suggests zero
acceptable leakage rate of CO2 and in-situ fluids from storage reservoir to groundwater
Deliverable D2.1
The fact that wells will have been designed for production, and therefore depleted
reservoir pressures as opposed to over-pressured conditions
The lifetime issue for a CCS well comes from the fact that any stated demand, whether it be
regulatory or other, will expect the well to provide sufficient well integrity over a long time. The
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) of the United States mention that the timescale for
the operation of CO2 storage is in the order of thousands of years (Environmental Protection
Agency, 2007). An operational well (either for petroleum extraction or CO2 injection) will have
the infrastructure necessary to mitigate any detected loss of well integrity while the field is in
operation. On the other hand, it may be relatively harder to mitigate loss of integrity of a well
that is abandoned after the injection is stopped and field is abandoned, especially, for a CO2
storage field.
CO2 in the form of carbonic acid can chemically react with many commonly-used wellbore
materials such as casing or cement (Yan et al., 2012; Ernens et al., 2018). Composition of
Portland cement, for instance, can change when calcium hydroxide reacts with CO2 to form
calcium carbonate, a process known as carbonation. This step might not be detrimental, since
the cement becomes less porous and permeable. The reactivity of this system could also be
mitigated by injecting dry CO2. The second step however, where calcium carbonate dissolves
into a CO2-rich brine (i.e. low pH water) may be detrimental to the cement. This step can lead
to increasing porosity and permeability of the cement (Carroll et al., 2016; Kutchko et al., 2007;
Zhang and Bachu, 2011). The observations above have been primarily based on laboratory
experiments. On the other hand, Carey et al. (2007) have shown that Portland cement from
an old well in the SACROC CO2-EOR field maintained its integrity in-spite of evidence of
reaction with CO2. These contradictory points highlight the importance for more controlled
tests at relevant and systematic conditions. Many of the laboratory experiments might be
designed and performed at conditions that don’t reflect in-situ conditions and could indicate
overly severe consequences. Depending on the original design and the choices of materials,
many older wells might require significant workovers in order to ensure integrity as CO2
storage wells. The industry has also developed CO2-resistant cement compositions that can
withstand CO2-rich conditions.
Another important point is the large amount of masses involved in both petroleum extraction
from a reservoir and CO2 injection into a reservoir (Rentsch and Mes, 1988). For instance, the
abandonment of a petroleum well accessing a depleted reservoir will require ensuring integrity
of wellbore materials at depleted reservoir conditions. The performance specifications for wells
(and well materials) in the field where large quantities of CO2 is injected resulting into
increased pressures will be significantly higher. This will be especially important during the
operational phases during and immediately after the injection is stopped, before the CO2
plume has migrated away from the wellbore (Ivandic et al., 2015; VoTranh et al., 2018). During
these time periods the pressure will be higher in the near-wellbore region, potentially exerting
more strain on the wellbore materials.
In the petroleum industry, the term "well" is divided into several subcategories such as
exploration, storage, production, injection, suspended or temporarily abandoned and plugged
& abandoned (P&A) wells. Thus, depending on the intended usage of the well, the
requirements of different wells might not be comparable. For instance, the requirements for a
P&A well in the NORSOK standard state that it should withstand flow for eternity. However,
this requirement might not be necessary for a temporarily abandoned well where operations
and infrastructure will be in place within months. This distinction is important to consider for
each well to be re-used for the permanent storage of CO2 underground. Is it intended to be:
an injection well?
a monitoring well?
a water production well?
Deliverable D2.1
The different roles and associated requirements can lead to contradictory choices of design
and selection of materials. The optimal material selected to withstand the conditions during
the injection phase might be less optimal for the conditions during the (longer) storage phase.
Similarly, the overall engineering work for a CO2 storage well should be clear. It might consist
of the following two phases:
The post-closure phase can include a potentially longer (i.e. many years) intermediate storage
phase. During this phase, effects of the CO2 on the reservoir and the near wellbore region
could be carefully mapped before the well is chosen for permanent abandonment with lower
levels of monitoring on the well integrity.
The US-EPA has adopted a specific class for permitting CO2 storage into deep saline
formations. Injection wells can be divided into six different classes depending on the fluids to
be injected. The "simplest" case in this definition is Class I, valid for waste injection wells.
Class II is valid for wells to be used for injecting CO2 related to oil and gas production. Classes
III to V are not valid for CO2 storage wells. Class V is valid for non-hazardous fluids injection,
geothermal power production and aquifer storage and production. The newest subgroup is
Class VI, which was adopted for permitting CO2 storage in deep saline formations.
Class VI are required to have a surface casing extending from surface to the bottom of the
bottom-most drinking water aquifer and a long string casing extending from surface to the
bottom of target injection zone. Both, casings are required to be cemented to the surface.
Also, these wells require more detailed logging, modelling and planning compared to the other
well classes. This includes detailed open hole and radial cement integrity logs, detailed
reservoir modelling to establish the area of review, and multiple plans for operation and post
injection. Class VI wells also require monitoring to ensure that the stored CO2 behaves
according to expectations. The regulation specifically states the objective of protecting
underground drinking water from unintended fluid migration, however, it does not explicitly
mention leakage to the surface (Duguid et al., 2018).
Deliverable D2.1
Figure 1. Example of well barrier schematics from the ISO 16530-1 standard (ISO, 2017). Left:
a schematic of a wellbore during the operational phase. Right: a schematic of a wellbore
after the abandonment phase.
Deliverable D2.1
Figure 2. Illustration of possible leakage paths in a well (Vrålstad et al, 2015). The blue
arrows indicate failure in the primary WBE, the red arrows indicate failure in the secondary
WBE. The green arrow indicate failure of multiple WBEs.
Deliverable D2.1
Literature on assessment of re-use of wells is extremely limited, though some workflows and
approaches for such assessments have been developed. The Acorn project reported
qualitative assessment of well re-use by accounting for several key factors including, potential
opportunity, general, commercial, technical and regulatory considerations, but limited to the
UK (ACT Acorn, 2018c). Another study was performed for fields in Malaysia while focusing on
well selection methodology, including screening wells based on their integrity, geological
conditions and presence of nearby fractures (Raza et al., 2017). Finally, Nygaard (2010)
developed a workflow for assessing work-over needs for improving well integrity at potential
CO2 storage sites and demonstrated it through application to the Wabamun field in Canada.
Despite the above-mentioned studies, a working tool that can be used to assess integrity and
re-use potential of oil and gas fields with operational wells is currently lacking. Tools are
available for evaluating monitoring and remediation strategies of CO2 storage sites including
existing wells, such as IEAGHG’s Monitoring Selection Tool (Beck and Aiken, 2009) and the
mitigation and remediation web tool developed by the MiReCOL project (Brunner and Neele,
2017). Tools such as the UK’s CO2 Stored database (Bentham et al., 2014) and US
Department of Energy CCS Database (MIT, 2016) are also available for identifying potential
storage sites. Additionally, the United States Department of Energy’s National Risk
Assessment Partnership (NRAP) project has developed tools to assess integrity and leakage
risks associated with wells at CO2 storage sites (Pawar et al., 2016). Finally, TNO has
developed the Bayes-I Tool for assessing well integrity (Brunner et al., 2018), which can serve
as a foundation for the well re-use screening-tool developed in REX-CO2.
Deliverable D2.1
This standard divides the different phases of well integrity management into the following:
Deliverable D2.1
without explicitly referring to CCS or CO2 storage, the standard covers the most important
points for the purpose of CO2 storage.
The well barrier philosophy is to maintain control of fluids. It is the role of the well operator to
ensure that the well barrier can withstand the anticipated loads and function according to the
original plan and expected conditions in the wellbore. The barriers should also prevent
uncontrolled flow of fluids, either to the (sub)surface or within the wellbore. As mentioned
previously, the requirement is to have at least two independent well barriers. It is possible
however, to have only a single well barrier, as long as a proper risk assessment is performed
on the containment ability of the single well barrier. The performance of the well barriers should
also be verified through appropriate functional testing. All materials should be qualified to
demonstrate they will retain the integrity at the relevant conditions.
The operator should establish the operating limits of the well by acquiring relevant information
such as:
Deliverable D2.1
The similar neutral language is used on the choice selection of well materials. For instance,
no materials are mandatory nor excluded as long as it is possible to ensure that the well is
constructed with materials suitable for achieving the purpose of sufficient well integrity and
acceptable leak rates.
It is the duty of the operator to identify suitable well barriers throughout the life cycle of the
well. The choice of materials and their selection, installation, verification, testing and
maintenance should also be documented, and the well barriers should be tested and
documented. The well integrity risk assessment should include
Development which, for instance, includes production, injection, cuttings re-injection
Combination wells which, for instance, include water injection with cuttings injection
Again, there is no mention of CO2 storage wells, but such wells could be assessed within the
third point (development wells). The important notes on the well design phase is the estimated
max pressure, casing depth and sizes and the casing types. On the choice of well materials,
they should be chosen based on the known conditions in the well, both temperature/pressure
and the chemical conditions. It is also mentioned that the well operator should have in-place
processes for long-term planning of the well. On the material durability for P&A wells, the
eternal perspective is stated, however, for practical purposes, one million days has been
arbitrarily defined.
The NORSOK D-010 standard is developed by the Norwegian petroleum industry and is
administered and published by Standards Norway. The standard is based on the ISO standard
and adds provisions where it would be necessary for the needs of the Norwegian petroleum
industry. The defined scope in the standard is as follows:
Deliverable D2.1
"This NORSOK standard focus on well integrity by defining the minimum functional and
performance oriented requirements and guidelines for well design, planning and execution
of well operations in Norway." (Standards Norway, 2004)
Thus, this specific standard is not limited to petroleum wells, but could also include CO2
storage wells. Neither is there an explicit specification between onshore/offshore, but this
could be due to the lack of onshore activity for the Norwegian petroleum industry. The standard
contains details on the description of well barriers, their design, schematics, acceptance
criteria, verification procedures, etc.. The standard has categorized the well barrier
requirements into several operations.
The general philosophy for permanently abandoned wells are:
The explicit acceptable leakage rates (across the wellbore element) is zero, unless
specified otherwise.
A permanently plugged well should be abandoned with an eternal perspective.
The last open hole section should have a permanent well barrier installed, and the
complete borehole shall be isolated.
The well barrier element shall cover the full cross section of the well and seal both horizontally
and vertically. This means that if the casing has not been cut and pulled, the quality of the
annular cement should be verified. The eternal perspective of this operation also put places
practical constraints on the properties of the well barrier elements. For instance, any potential
element should be impermeable, non-shrinking, have long term integrity (at the relevant
conditions), be ductile and bond properly to steel.
On "Suspension, plugging and abandonment design" the following points are included:
The depth and size of the permeable formations with flow potential should be known.
The elements should also withstand the pressure difference across the well barrier as
long as the barrier will be in use.
The well configuration should be available/known (this includes depths and
specification of permeable formations, casing strings, cement behind casing status,
sidetracks, etc.
Stratigraphic sequence, and information about their current and future production
potential, of each wellbore should be gathered.
Logs, data and information from the primary cementing operation(s)
The estimated formation fracture gradient
Various details on the well condition such as scale build-up, casing wear, collapsed
casing and similar.
2.4. Summary
Of the relevant standards and guidelines reviewed, none explicitly mention gas storage wells
or CO2 storage wells for the purpose of CCS. However, due to the neutral language of the
various documents, this does not imply that the standards and guidelines are not relevant or
would have to be revised for the use on wells to be used for CO2 storage. The existing
language makes adaptation of the standards and guidelines to other applications relatively
easy. For instance, with no requirements on any specific materials, utilization of new materials
could be implemented provided that it has the appropriate properties. As seen in literature,
there are several materials that can be suitable for operations in P&A. Materials such as
Portland G is already commonly used, but Blast Furnace Slag, bentonite, thermosetting
Deliverable D2.1
polymers, unconsolidated sands, geopolymers and Thermite have also been used (Vrålstad
et al., 2019). The requirement to maintain isolation of hydrocarbon-bearing intervals following
well abandonment will apply even if a well is converted to a CO2 storage well. Because of this,
the reviewed standards and guidelines remain relevant, regardless of whether a well is
permanently abandoned or re-used for CCS.
The existing procedures contain important aspects, such as including relevant parameters on
ranges of expected temperatures, pressures, reservoir characteristics and, material selection
and so on. Also, the overall management procedures contain sufficient attention to detail on
documentation of any design philosophy, changes in design, and workover operations.
A guideline made specifically for the use of existing wells for CO2 storage is the CO2WELLS
guidelines (Det Norske Veritas, 2011). The guidelines use a risk assessment process to
identify, analyse and evaluate the risks of existing wells and an assessment of the qualification
needed to have sufficient integrity risk.
One aspect that should be considered in the future is impact of CO2 injection parameters on
well design. This could include parameters such as planned or expected injection
mass/volume, pressure ranges, temperature ranges, the chemical composition and properties
of the injected fluids. An explicit mentioning of the reservoir capacity and expected CO2 plume
migration in the reservoir might be valuable inputs for defining the maximum injection rate to
ensure safe well operation. Another difference between the commercial-scale permanent CO2
storage and hydrocarbon extraction is the requirement of long-term monitoring. Dry
hydrocarbon exploration wells and wells in depleted hydrocarbon reservoirs may not require
sophisticated long-term monitoring. But re-pressurized reservoirs due to CO2 storage
operation, however, would need monitoring to ensure that injected CO2 remains in the
reservoir. Table 1 provides a brief comparison of the differences between the reviewed two
standards and the guidelines. It should be noted that even though the Oil & Gas UK and
NORSOK documents state their formal political limitations, they are used informally by
operators outside the United Kingdom and Norway.
Table 1. Comparison between the ISO and NORSOK standard and the OGUK guidelines
Stated regional
Worldwide United Kingdom Norway
CCS or CO2 storage
no No no
explicitly mentioned
Deliverable D2.1
Figure 3. Map showing the locations of the various relevant large-scale projects for re-use of
wells for CO2 storage. The orange circle shows the P18 field. The red circles show the
Kingsnorth power station and the Hewett field. The blue circles show the Peterhead power
station and Goldeneye field. Original map downloaded from
Deliverable D2.1
Due to the lack of governmental funding neither project was commissioned, however
numerous technical reports were published following the Front-End Engineering and Design
phases. The Kingsnorth power station is located in Kent in South East England, where CO2
was planned to be captured for storage in the offshore Hewett gas field, which is located
offshore Norfolk. The Peterhead Power station is located in Aberdeenshire in Scotland, from
where captured CO2 was intended to be stored in the Goldeneye gas condensate field offshore
in the Moray Firth.
Deliverable D2.1
Figure 4. Wellbore schematic from Well 52/05-A14 including original well schematic to A6
3.2. Peterhead, UK
The Peterhead CCS Project objective was to capture approximately 1 million tonnes CO2 per
year from the gas-fired power station at Peterhead, Aberdeenshire, over 15 years. CO2 would
be captured, compressed and conditioned for transport at the power station. The CO2 stream
would then be transported offshore to the Goldeneye Field storage site via the existing
Goldeneye pipeline, tied in sub-sea to a new offshore pipeline from the power station (Shell,
2016). Existing hydrocarbon infrastructure would require some modification to inject dense-
phase CO2 into the reservoir. The storage site, facilities and pipeline had previously been
studied in substantial detail for the Longannet CCS project (Scottish Power CCS Consortium,
2011). The transport and storage components of the Peterhead CCS Project built on this
appraisal to assess the engineering, commercial and regulatory requirements for progressing
a CCS demonstration project through to construction.
Goldeneye is a depleted gas condensate field with an estimated CO2 storage capacity of a
least 24 Mt (Shell, 2016). The main reservoir is the Captain Sandstone, located at a depth of
approximately 2,500 meters below mudline (seabed), which is sealed by mudstones of the
Rodby and Carrick formations. The structure has an extent of approximately 7 km by 4.5 km.
Four exploration and appraisal wells and five production (development) wells have been drilled
on the structure. An active aquifer supports the Goldeneye Field, with water breakthrough
observed in all of the wells during the production phase (Shell, 2014a). The field was operated
by Shell and production ran from 2004 to 2011.
Following the cancellation of the proposed Peterhead CCS project, a proposal for
decommissioning of the Goldeneye Field infrastructure was submitted to BEIS in October
2018 and issued for public consultation in November 2018. Subsequently, the
decommissioning programme was separated into two parts. The proposal for
decommissioning of the Goldeneye topsides, jacket, wells and subsea infrastructure (up to
but excluding the main pipeline tie-in flanges) was approved in November 2019. A second
proposal for decommissioning of the Goldeneye pipelines, which have both been identified as
Deliverable D2.1
having potential for re-use, will be submitted when the UK has finalised its policy on the re-
use of oil and gas infrastructure for CCUS.
The assessment included all wells in proximity to the Goldeneye field for a review on the ability
to ensure well integrity during and after injection of CO2. The original design parameters of all
wells and the quality of the abandonment plugs set in wells were included in the assessment.
The study was divided into two parts, where in the first part a selected area was chosen and
the existing 13 Exploration & Appraisal (E&A) in this area was assessed. The second part of
the study assessed the five proposed injection wells.
The five gas production wells are jack-up drilled wells, gravel packed, with the casing strings
cemented in place. They were suspended with deep-set downhole plugs. The wells are all
similar in terms of construction elements and have no severe doglegs, although the packer is
set at different formations within the wells. None of the production wells, or the abandoned
exploration and appraisal wells, are considered to have any major integrity issues (Shell,
2014c). The Peterhead CCS project planned to use three of the Goldeneye production well
for CO2 injection, and one for monitoring (Shell, 2015). The fifth production well was planned
to be abandoned.
The assessment of the abandoned E&A wells found that eight of these wells had no contact
with the reservoir and are located outside the predicted maximum area to which CO2 could
migrate. One of the wells had no reservoir contact but was close to the maximum projected
CO2 migration distance. The assessment on the state of the barriers was good, and the risk
of leakage was considered very low. Two E&A wells were in contact with the reservoir but had
good primary seal to the reservoir.
Two E&A wells were considered to have a credible, but low risk of leakage to the surface.
Both wells were in contact with the reservoir, but a closer study indicated that the CO2 would
take over 20 years to migrate, and thus the monitoring program would detect this leakage and
remediation work could be undertaken. An example of the workflow for the assessment of the
wells is shown in Figure 5.
The condition and quality of the conductor and casings were analysed reviewed with a focus
firstly on casing size placement and loads. The second focus was on the suitability of the
materials in an CO2 environment. The summary of the casing review was that the original
design and choice of materials was sufficient for re-use. The cement quality, including the
cement placement and the cement properties was also reviewed. The Portland cement used
in the wells was concluded to be suitable for a CO2 injection environment.
The project planned to run CBL during the workover operations to better assess the current
integrity of the cement. The existing lower completion was found to be suitable for CO2 service
following an analysis of the materials (13Cr steel), corrosion, screen performance, and
plugging of the screens and formation (Shell, 2015).
The existing upper completions and christmas tree were deemed not suitable for CO2 service,
so needed to be modified. After consideration of various completion designs, a single tapered
completion was selected as the simplest and most robust option (Shell, 2014b). The proposed
changes to the wells to make them fit for CO2 injection included (Shell, 2014c):
All completion equipment to have 13Cr or S13Cr metallurgy
Christmas tree and tubing hanger to be replaced with extremely low temperature
compatible equipment (API 6A, temperature class ‘K’), rated to -60°C
New Subsurface Safety Valve (SSSV) to be developed (and set at a depth of
approximately 760 metres) to ensure well integrity at low temperatures
7” tubing above the SSSV to be replaced by 4.5” tubing made of S13Cr, to provide
back pressure in the well
New packer to be set deeper in the well, within the primary seal
Perforated pup joint in the tubing below the production packer to be removed
Deliverable D2.1
Figure 5. Assessment flowchart illustrating the potential leak scenarios and risk of leak for
each well at the Peterhead/Goldeneye CCS project (Shell, 2014c).
Deliverable D2.1
suggests that in the short term, the TAQA operated P18 cluster, just offshore of Rotterdam,
would be the best option (Neele et al., 2011). At the time it was expected that first injection
could take place in 2015, and the total storage capacity would be 42.4 Mt CO2 with an injection
rate of about 2.4 Mt CO2 per year. The investment costs were estimated at 65 M€ for the
workover of six wells and the platform, excluding the pipeline and onshore installations.
Operational costs were estimated at 3.2 M€/year.
Figure 6. Assessment of potential CO2 storage fields offshore Rotterdam. Green: no hurdles
identified; yellow: less favourable or not assessed; red: possible (from Neele et al., 2011)
As part of the CATO program in the Netherlands, a more detailed assessment on the wells of
P18-2 was conducted in 2010. The seven relevant wells were identified, and the available data
was collected and assessed as shown in Table 2 (Akemu et al., 2011).
For the assessment, a definition of the well barriers was prepared for a generic P18 well.
The assessed elements were:
Based on the available data, the seven wells were assessed for these barrier elements. The
assessment concludes that the feasibility of CCS is primarily determined by the accessibility
and suitability of the wells. One of the wells in the P18 reservoir (P18-2) has been suspended
with cement plugs; it was concluded that the well has to be revisited for abandonment to
ensure zonal isolation.
Deliverable D2.1
Table 2. Data availability for qualitative well integrity assessment (from Akemu et al., 2011).
The main worry for the other wells is the questionable cement quality at the caprock, based
on CBL data, which would require further analysis. This poses a long-term integrity risk but
could already impact the operational phase. One of the wells has been sidetracked and would
require additional work to make it suitable. Some of the additional checks and remediations
that have been proposed are to confirm the packer load envelopes and material (elastomers,
metals, pack-offs) compatibility to chemical and mechanical loads. In general, it was
concluded that the wells can be accessed and therefore can be remediated to be re-used as
CCS wells.
The assessment did not look at abandonment in detail. It is suggested to keep some of the
wells for monitoring purposes. Actual abandonment is dependent on common practice and
standards and regulations, which were not available at the time. TNO has been involved in
these assessments and will make use of that experience for creating the assessment
framework that will be developed in this project.
The planning for 2020 of the PORTHOS project is to focus on three aspects to be able to make
a final investment decision in 2021. It is expected that the system will be operating by the end
of 2023. Royal HaskoningDHV will prepare the M.E.R. (environmental impact report) and the
permit applications, and it is expected that this will generate some new and more detailed
information and assessments publicly, including a technical elaboration on the transport and
storage facilities.
Deliverable D2.1
have led to an extensive know-how on dealing with well integrity and managing leakage risks
of CO2. The experience from the activity on the various wells and fields has resulted in
development of a clear overview on suitable material for re-using existing wells to CO2 storage.
Many of the re-purposed wells were old, up to 50 years of age. They were affected by corrosion
and/or erosion on the liner, production casing and surface casing (Folger & Guillot, 1996). The
corrosion of casing can in some cases be quite severe. Exposed to formation fluids and CO2,
older wells with completely corroded lower casing have been reported (Lamb et al, 2016).
Many of the wells were also previously used as water injectors with relatively large wash-outs.
The washed-out zones could be re-filled with resin coated sands, and by removing the old
liner and placing new fibre-coated liners. Pozzolan was also added to the cement to give
enhanced CO2 resistance (Power et al, 1990. Bowser et al, 1989). Table 3 shows a summary
of the commonly used materials for the retrofitting of older wells for CO2-EOR projects in the
Outside the experience on suitable material selection for CO2-EOR wells, the engineering
workflow and assessment of the CO2-EOR wells followed those of a standard petroleum
workover based on the requirements from the standards. Thus, the available literature is less
relevant for to the development of re-use procedures and the tool.
Table 3. Overview of commonly used materials for CO2 injection wells in the USA projects
(Smith et al, 2011).
Component Materials
Xmas Tree (Trim) 316 SS, Electroless Nickel plate, Monel
Vale Packing and Seal Teflon, Nylon
Wellhead (Trim) 316 SS, Electroless Nickel plate, Monel
Glass Reinforced Epoxy (GRE) – lined carbon
Tubing steel; internally plastic coated carbon steel,
Corrosion Resistant Alloys (CRA)
Tubing Joint Seals Seal ring (GRE), Coated threads and collars
ON/OFF Tool, Profile Nipple Nickel plated wetted parts
Internally coated hardened rubber, etc. Nickel
plated wetted parts; corrosion resistant alloys
particularly in old wells to improve sealing to
worn casings.
Cements and Cement Additives API cements and/or acid resistant cements
3.5. Summary
The previously performed assessments of re-use of older petroleum wells to CO2 injection
wells follow a similar pattern. The workflow followed the steps as outlined by the standards
and guidelines, by including factors such as the original well design, material choices, side-
track, reservoir properties and monitoring and logging of the well during the lifetime. There
was significant focus on determining integrity of existing well materials under proposed
operational envelopes including pressure, temperature and injectant composition.
A natural difference for these cases compared to a "normal" petroleum extraction project was
the inclusion of an overview of all wells in proximity of the field, both active and abandoned.
This is natural in order to maintain the integrity of the field. There was also emphasis on having
a clear overview of the expected properties of the CO2 fluid, and the ranges of loads to the
well during the injection.
Deliverable D2.1
One noteworthy difference between the cases, however, was in relation to the properties of
cement. The Kingsnorth review mentioned that the wells needed to be abandoned using CO2-
resistant cement, and the need for non-Portland cement systems was explicitly mentioned.
This differed from the review performed in the Peterhead project. This review did not mention
any issues with the properties and state of the Portland cement used in those wells. The
difference between these two reviews shows how the long-term performance of cement needs
to be further investigated.
Deliverable D2.1
Deliverable D2.1
5. Conclusions
In order to reduce the number of wells penetrating the caprock, the concept of re-use wells for
large scale CO2 storage is beneficial. Re-use could a be beneficial from an economical
viewpoint, as drilling new wells is expensive. Many wells have been converted to CO2 injection
wells for EOR in the United States, so there is already operational experience available for
this operation. However, there is no established workflow or tool for an effective well re-use
assessment. Such a systematic workflow could also make it easier to quickly identify
promising wells for re-use.
Since it is the petroleum industry that has the experience and infrastructure for performing
large scale handling of fluids in the subsurface, it is natural that they will take an important role
for storing of CO2 in the underground. Even though none of the standards or guidelines
currently used by the petroleum industry explicitly mention gas storage wells or CO2 storage
wells for the purpose of CCS, they are still relevant since they define requirements necessary
to ensure well-integrity under different operational conditions. Also, due to the generic
language used to define fluids adaptation of the standard to other applications is relatively
easy for projects were CO2 is to be injected and stored permanently.
The existing standards and guidelines highlight the importance of taking into consideration
aspects such as the ranges of expected temperatures, pressures, reservoir characteristics,
well design, material selection of the well barrier elements, well history, etc. The management
procedures also contain sufficient attention to detail on documentation of relevant information.
The summary from the previous large-scale assessments of re-use of existing wells in CO2-
EOR as well as CO2 storage operations shows the importance of having a standardized
workflow for assessment. The primary focus of previous assessments was ensuring well
integrity under expected operational conditions. The integrity assessments included both
mechanical and chemical integrity. The assessments incorporated data from logs (for
corrosion) as well as tests (for mechanical integrity). Many fields will have large degrees of
uncertainty due to little or insufficient data on some of the wells. This is especially relevant for
older fields, and for E&A wells. The scarcity of data would make predictions on well integrity
difficult and inaccurate. Thus, it is important that the tool should be developed in such a way
that it gives the user flexibility. Migration (or leak paths) along wells that could compromise the
CO2 storage could be from:
Corrosion of casing
Degradation of cement
Cracks in the cement
Micro-annuli and channels in cement
Also, the original well design for a used well might not be acceptable for retrofitting to CO2
storage, the condition of the well barrier elements after years of petroleum extraction might be
deteriorated, or there might be uncertainties on the state or accessibility of the side-tracks in
the well. Many wells will require workover to be able to operate with acceptable well integrity.
A systematic mapping, with a dedicated tool, of all parameters affecting the well integrity would
aid the engineering work and give more accurate estimations on field viability and cost.
Another key finding from the review of previous assessments of re-use was on how various
groups will assess the suitability of Portland Cement in a CO2 storage well environment. For
instance, the review of the Kingsnorth CCS project highlighted the need for CO2-resistant
cement, and in particular non-Portland cement systems. In contrast, the review of the
Peterhead CCS project concluded that the Portland cement systems used were suitable for
the use as CO2 injector wells. The contrast in the conclusions highlight the need for more
systematic research at relevant conditions on the actual suitability of Portland Cement systems
in such environments. Such work on cement is already planned in Work Package 3 in the
REX-CO2 project.
Deliverable D2.1
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