Final Report - Group 12
Final Report - Group 12
Final Report - Group 12
Being a student at FPT University Da Nang is a wonderful and proud thing in our lives. We have
worked hard and tried to apply all the knowledge we have learned during our 4 years studying at
FPT University Danang to complete this graduation thesis.
In addition, we would like to express our gratitude to our guide, Nguyen Van Khuy, who has
always enthusiastically guided and advised us, he played an important role in completing this
project. Besides, we also want to express our sincerest thanks to the teachers who have dedicatedly
imparted useful knowledge to us during the 4 years of studying at FPT University Da Nang. The
knowledge of lecturers will also be the best experience for us to apply and develop ourselves in
the future. We also want to express our gratitude to our family, loved ones, and all friends who
have supported us in overcoming all the difficulties we faced during our time studying at FPT
University Da Nang.
Above all, the event could not be completed without the contributions of all 4 team members to
discuss, give suggestions, and make the best decisions. To complete this graduation thesis, the
team members also had to go through a lot of difficulties and challenges, sometimes loudly
quarreling and even disagreeing.
But in the end, despite the difficulties, we did not give up and tried our best to complete this project.
Thank you to all of our team members for their efforts together. Finally, our team would like to
thank FPT University Danang for giving us the opportunity to carry out this graduation thesis.
Four smiles
A business plan based on the entertainment event model will be mentioned in a business project
called Children's Day: " Childhood’s Sky" held on June 1, 2023, in Da Nang City. At present, the
large scale of the children's population is recognized, creating opportunities for product models to
serve the diverse needs of this market, especially the entertainment market. As an event organizer,
we find that today's event model is mostly purely entertainment; there are not many events with
profound messages and are organized on a large scale. So, our group, the members of the event
organization SEA Event decided to build an event business project Children's Day: "Childhood’s
Sky" to create a playground for children on International Children's Day, it also sends a message
to society about raising awareness about protecting, loving, caring children and helping them
balance their time between using digital devices and participating in outdoor activities.
Event: Children's Day " Childhood’s Sky " mainly targets domestic customers, including people
living in Da Nang and domestic tourists. They are families with children who have the need to
participate in an event that includes many interesting entertainment activities and helps to bond
family feelings, from which members, especially the kids, have more memorable moments and
memories together.
The plan below consists of 6 chapters: Chapter 1 is an introduction to general information about
the market and the event, such as statistics on children, the reasons for organizing the event, and
the contents of the event. Chapter 2 is a more in-depth analysis of the market, survey analysis,
competitors, and SWOT analysis. Chapter 3 is about the details of the marketing plan and the
organizational structure. Next, chapter 4 is an overview of sales, costs, profits, capital, and break-
even points. Section 5 is our prediction for risk management and future direction. Finally, chapter
6 contains other information about the event, such as the scenario, work checklist, decoration
concept, etc.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ....................................................................................................... 3
ABSTRACT .............................................................................................................................. 4
TABLE OF CONTENTS ........................................................................................................ 5
LIST OF TABLES ................................................................................................................... 8
LIST OF FIGURES ................................................................................................................. 9
CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................... 11
1.1 Children population in Vietnam and Danang ...................................................................... 11
1.2 Children using technical device .......................................................................................... 11
1.3 Child abuse situation ........................................................................................................... 13
1.4 Event organization idea ....................................................................................................... 14
1.5 Opportunity ......................................................................................................................... 14
1.5.1 Government’s oriental development ............................................................................ 15
1.5.2 Population ..................................................................................................................... 15
1.5.3 Domestic tourist ............................................................................................................ 16
1.6 Event venue ......................................................................................................................... 17
1.7 Product - service .................................................................................................................. 20
1.7.1 Entertainment area ........................................................................................................ 20
1.7.2 Food court ..................................................................................................................... 24
1.7.3 Performance area .......................................................................................................... 25
1.8 Company ............................................................................................................................. 26
CHAPTER 2: MARKET ANALYSIS ................................................................................. 28
2.1 The overall situation of the event management market ...................................................... 28
2.1.1 Domestic event management market ............................................................................ 28
2.1.2 Event organization industry in Danang ........................................................................ 32
2.1.3 PESTEL Analysis ......................................................................................................... 34
2.2 Overall analysis of the entertainment market in Danang .................................................... 38
2.2.1 The current situation of Danang tourism market in 2019 ............................................. 38
2.2.2 Target in 2023 ............................................................................................................... 39
2.3 Market overview ................................................................................................................. 40
2.3.1 Analysis of competitors in Da Nang market ................................................................ 40
2.3.2 SWOT Analysis ............................................................................................................ 43
2.3.3 BCG - Matrix Analysis ................................................................................................. 44
2.3.4 Event venue analysis .................................................................................................... 46
2.4 Market survey results .......................................................................................................... 48
2.4.1 Purpose of the survey ................................................................................................... 48
2.4.2 Survey results ............................................................................................................... 49
2.4.3 Comment on survey results .......................................................................................... 54
2.5 Customer segmentation ....................................................................................................... 55
2.6 Value proposition ................................................................................................................ 56
CHAPTER 3. KEY ACTIVITIES PLAN ............................................................................ 58
3.1 Marketing objectives ........................................................................................................... 58
3.2 Marketing 4Ps ..................................................................................................................... 59
3.2.1 Product .......................................................................................................................... 59
3.2.2 Price .............................................................................................................................. 63
3.2.3 Place.............................................................................................................................. 65
3.2.4 Promotion ..................................................................................................................... 69
3.3 Marketing timeline .............................................................................................................. 74
3.4 Event timeline & Agenda .................................................................................................... 76
CHAPTER 4: FINANCIAL PLAN .................................................................................... 103
4.1 Revenue ............................................................................................................................. 103
4.1.1 Ticket revenue ............................................................................................................ 103
4.1.2 Sponsor revenue ......................................................................................................... 107
4.2 Costs .................................................................................................................................. 108
4.2.1 Fixed cost analysis ...................................................................................................... 109
4.2.2 Employee payroll ........................................................................................................ 111
4.3 Financial ratios .................................................................................................................. 112
4.3.1 ROE ............................................................................................................................ 112
4.3.2 ROA ............................................................................................................................ 113
4.4 Capital ............................................................................................................................... 114
4.4.1 Capital structure .......................................................................................................... 114
4.4.2 Capital turnover .......................................................................................................... 114
4.5 Break even point................................................................................................................ 115
5.1 Risk management .............................................................................................................. 117
5.2 Possible risks in event organization .................................................................................. 117
5.2.1. Compliance Risk (Food Safety and Hygiene) ........................................................... 117
5.2.2 Operational risk .......................................................................................................... 118
5.2.3 Security risks .............................................................................................................. 119
5.2.4 Physical risk ................................................................................................................ 120
5.2.5 Legal risk .................................................................................................................... 121
5.2.6 Equipment risk ............................................................................................................ 121
5.3 Future-oriented .................................................................................................................. 122
5.4 Conclusion......................................................................................................................... 123
APPENDIX ........................................................................................................................... 124
REFERENCE ....................................................................................................................... 126
Table 1: Compare direct competitors ....................................Error! Bookmark not defined.40
Table 2: SWOT analysis ............................................................................................................. 43
Table 3: Rule Game .................................................................................................................... 60
Table 4: Type of ticket .............................................................................................................. 644
Table 5: Marketing plan ........................................................................................................... 764
Table 6: Timeline May 30, 2023............................................................................................... 766
Table 7: Timeline May 31, 2023............................................................................................... 766
Table 8: Timeline June 1, 2023 .................................................................................................. 81
Table 9: Timeline June 2, 2023 .................................................................................................. 91
Table 10: Agenda ........................................................................................................................ 92
Table 11: Ticket price analyze ................................................................................................. 103
Table 12: Total occupied space calculation ............................................................................ 104
Table 13: Maximum capacity analysis .................................................................................... 104
Table 14: Maximum ticket revenue......................................................................................... 105
Table 15: Food court revenue prediction................................................................................ 106
Table 16: Sponsorship .............................................................................................................. 107
Table 17: Fixed cost .................................................................................................................. 109
Table 18: Depreciation cost ...................................................................................................... 110
Table 19: Marketing expense ................................................................................................... 111
Table 20: Employee Salary ...................................................................................................... 111
Table 21: Variable cost ............................................................................................................. 112
Table 22: Total asset ................................................................................................................. 113
Table 23: Capital turnover ....................................................................................................... 114
Table 24: Ticket sales scenario ................................................................................................ 116
Figure 1: Children using technology devices ............................................................................ 12
Figure 2: Child abuse.................................................................................................................. 14
Figure 3: Danang Investment attraction orientation ............................................................... 15
Figure 4: Danang was honored in World Tourism Awards ceremony in Asia and Oceania
2022............................................................................................................................................... 17
Figure 5: Action Program for Children in the 2021-2030 period ........................................... 18
Figure 6: The Blue Heart 2022 Communication Campaign ................................................... 19
Figure 7: Danang city ................................................................................................................. 20
Figure 8: Game “Buoc toc cho con” .......................................................................................... 21
Figure 9: Game “Dap nieu” ....................................................................................................... 21
Figure 10: Game “Bit mat cong con” ........................................................................................ 21
Figure 11: Game “Bat gay” ........................................................................................................ 21
Figure 12: Game “Bit mat sut bong” ........................................................................................ 22
Figure 13: Game “Decorating potted plants” .......................................................................... 22
Figure 14: Game “Painting statues” ......................................................................................... 22
Figure 15: Game “Modeling clay”............................................................................................. 23
Figure 16: Game “Stacking woods” .......................................................................................... 23
Figure 17: Photo booth ............................................................................................................... 23
Figure 18: Family model ............................................................................................................ 24
Figure 19: Sticky note framework ............................................................................................. 24
Figure 20: Outdoor food court................................................................................................... 25
Figure 21: The sircus & magic performance ............................................................................ 25
Figure 22: Cosplay catwalk ........................................................................................................ 26
Figure 23: Lion dance ................................................................................................................. 26
Figure 24: SEA Event logo ......................................................................................................... 27
Figure 25: SEA Event ................................................................................................................. 27
Figure 26: The demand to organize events in Vietnam ........................................................... 28
Figure 27: Inauguration ceremony............................................................................................ 31
Figure 28: Anniversary event .................................................................................................... 31
Figure 29: Educational event ..................................................................................................... 32
Figure 30: Product launch event ............................................................................................... 32
Figure 31: Da Nang City in an event held in 2022 ................................................................... 33
Figure 32: Number of tourists to Da Nang in the first 6 months of the year (The Sai Gon
Economy Online, 2020) ................................................................................................................ 39
Figure 33: BGC Matrix .............................................................................................................. 45
Figure 34: Event venue: Danang Expo Center......................................................................... 47
Figure 35: Favorite destination on holidays ............................................................................. 49
Figure 36: Types of advertisement ............................................................................................ 50
Figure 37: Types of game ........................................................................................................... 50
Figure 38: Habit of buying ticket .............................................................................................. 51
Figure 39: Factors make an event attractive ............................................................................ 51
Figure 40: Customer’s concern when join in an event ............................................................ 52
Figure 41: Organization time..................................................................................................... 52
Figure 42: Customer’s ability to pay......................................................................................... 53
Figure 43: Factors customer concerns when selecting a entertainment place ...................... 54
Figure 44: Customer segmentation model ................................................................................ 56
Figure 45: Band Hero ................................................................................................................. 62
Figure 46: Menu .......................................................................................................................... 63
Figure 47: Coupon ...................................................................................................................... 65
Figure 48: Total area of the area ............................................................................................... 66
Figure 49: Event map overview ................................................................................................. 66
Figure 50: Parking area.............................................................................................................. 67
Figure 51: Photobooth & product display Area....................................................................... 67
Figure 52: Food court & Game Redemption Area .................................................................. 68
Figure 53: Memory storage area & Physical game area ......................................................... 68
Figure 54: The intellectual game area ....................................................................................... 68
Figure 55: Stage area .................................................................................................................. 69
Figure 56: V.I.P area .................................................................................................................. 69
Figure 57: Location of direct ticket sale example .................................................................... 71
Figure 58: Press conference simulation .................................................................................... 72
Figure 59: “Khoảnh khắc gia đình” Contest ............................................................................ 73
Figure 60: Organization chart ................................................................................................... 99
Figure 61: Risk Assessment Matrix......................................................................................... 122
Figure 62: Event map ............................................................................................................... 124
Figure 63: Decoration concept ................................................................................................. 124
Figure 64: Decoration concept ................................................................................................. 125
Figure 65: Decoration concept ................................................................................................. 125
The children's population in our country is large, this creates a large market for children's products,
including entertainment activities, especially the entertainment event market for children.
According to the results of the population and housing census on April 1, 2019, announced on
December 19, 2019) of the Vietnam General Statistics Office, the child population is 24,776,733
children (accounting for 25.75% of the total number of children). population), of which male
children are 12,915,365 (accounting for 52% of the total child population), and female children
are 11,861,368 (accounting for 48% of the total child population). The population of children in
Da Nang is also large, according to statistics, the under-working age group (0-14 years old) is
267,779, accounting for 24% (Niem et al., 2021). In addition, the increase in the number of
children and youth will be maintained, as shown by statistics such as natural population growth
reaching 879,634 people, it is estimated that in 2023, an average of 3,887 children will be born
every day and 1,866 deaths (, 2023). Along with that is the impact of the government
when there are actions to encourage each person, each couple should have enough 2 children, and
ensure the maintenance of the replacement fertility level through activities such as propaganda,
campaigning, raising awareness and awareness of the people, organizing seminars. As a result,
according to the Population Work Summary report in 2022, implementing the 2023 plan of the
General Department of Population, the fertility rate, also known as the total fertility rate, is 2.01
children/women (Hanoi Department of Health, 2023). By having a large number of children in
Vietnam and Da Nang city and the increase in the number of children and youth will be maintained,
we confidently assume that the entertainment industry for children, especially event organization
industry will develop faster due to the fact that needs are bigger than meets.
Currently, children have access to digital devices from a very young age, according to a survey by
the Center for Cultural Research - Education - Social Life in Ho Chi Minh City: In Ho Chi Minh
City, up to 78% of children under 6 years old have been exposed to digital technology devices, by
the age of 12 this rate increases to nearly 100% (Thanh Hoa Radio and Television, 2018).
According to data from a social survey "The reality of using smart devices among Vietnamese
children and parents' perceptions" of the Center for Research on Culture, Education and Social
Life, under the Ethnic Minority Association, Ho Chi Minh City Studies - Anthropology was
conducted in October 2014 in four big cities: Hanoi, Da Nang, HCMC, and Can Tho with 1,051
people who are parents of 1,802 children from 3-12 years old. According to the results of the
project, 19% of children under 3 years old have access to digital devices, up to 59% of children
aged 3-5 use smart devices, 20% of children aged 6-9 years old, and children aged 10- 10 years
old, 12 years old accounts for 2% (Vietnamese Law Newspaper, 2023). Not only that, but the time
children spend on electronic devices is also quite a lot, on average, children use digital devices for
30-60 minutes/per day, and tend to increase more on weekdays or holidays.
Children's access to digital devices from a young age and spending a lot of time using them can
have consequences such as negative effects on psychology, personality, mental and physical
health, and reduced ability in social communication skills and are at risk of becoming victims of
bad things on social networks. Therefore, to help children develop better, in addition to balancing
the time children use technology devices, families can let children participate in outdoor physical
activities or participate in events for children. Currently we see that such entertainment events have
not appeared much enough to serve the needs of children and families. Therefore, we want to
organize the event "Sky of childhood" for children and their families on Children's Day.
1.3 Child abuse situation
Besides creating an entertainment event for families and children, we also want to spread the
message about child protection because we realize there is a situation happening in our society is
child abuse. In 2021, the number of calls to Child Protection Switchboard 111 is up to 40,000 -
50,000 calls (, 2021a). According to the Ministry of Public Security, in 2020 there will
be nearly 2,000 cases of child abuse discovered, worth mentioning, in 97% of cases detected, the
perpetrators were all familiar with the victims (Vietnam People Newspaper, 2022). According to
the 2021 report of the Ministry of Public Security, 1,914 cases of child abuse occurred, with 2,198
subjects abused 1,987 children nationwide (, 2022). The results of the nationwide
household survey with the participation of 14,000 households, this is a survey conducted by the
General Statistics Office in late 2020 and early 2021, in collaboration with other agencies, relevant
ministries, departments and agencies with technical and financial support from UNICEF
announced on December 8, 2021, have shown that up to 70.8% of children aged 1-14 years have
been subjected to violent punishment. force (psychological or corporal punishment) in the month
prior to the survey, 67.2% of children aged 10-14 years were subjected to at least one form of
psychological or physical punishment by members in the household in the month before being
surveyed, for every 10 children surveyed, more than 6 children had ever been psychologically
punished and 4 children were physically punished (Vietnam Plus, 2021).
These alarming numbers make us want to organize the event "Children's sky" to spread the
message of child protection, help reduce these numbers and bring it to zero, and help the country
and society to be increasingly developed and civilized.
Figure 2: Child abuse
As an event organizer, we understand that one of the meanings and roles of event organizers is to
propagate the purpose and message to the community, helping the society become more and more
developed. However, we realize that the major types of events today are mostly intended for
entertainment purposes, such as music festivals, fairs, etc. Activities with the meaning of spreading
messages about protecting children only stop at "Action Months", seminars, and small-scale
programs, not large-scale ones. Combining the two issues mentioned above and the potential
development of children's entertainment, we decided to organize an event that is both entertaining,
creating a playground for families and children on Children's Day, and also using the event to send
a message to the community about the great meaning and importance of protecting children. Not
only that, we also want the event to contribute to promoting the image of Da Nang to domestic and
international friends, which is already famous for its hospitality, but also a civilized city, very
interested in society, family, and people, from that, helping the Danang economy develop more by
attracting tourists. As a leading event, we hope that in the future there will be more events of a
larger scale, more monumental, and more invested with meaningful purposes to improve society
quality and raise people's awareness.
1.5 Opportunity
1.5.1 Government’s oriental development
Not only that, Danang government has clear and positive development goals and orientations for
the future, such as: setting a target of GRDP growth in 2023 of 6.5–7%, 2030, and a vision by
2045, it will become an ecologically sound, modern, and smart city—one of the major socio-
economic centers of the country and Southeast Asia (Da Nang Online, 2022). By 2030, Da Nang
will attract registered investment capital of about 7 billion USD; the proportion of enterprises using
advanced technology, modern management, environmental protection, and aiming for high
technology will increase by 50% by 2025 and 100% by 2030 compared to 2018; the localization
rate will increase to 30% by 2025 and 40% by 2030; and the proportion of trained workers in the
employment structure will reach 75% by 2025 and 80% by 2030 (VnEconomy, 2022). These
practical and strategic plans, visions, and strategies show that Da Nang's leaders set very high
goals. The development of Da Nang and the organization of an event with a meaningful message
such as "Sky of childhood" will contribute to helping Da Nang attract foreign investors and
tourists, thereby helping economic development, helping the government's orientation soon
achieve success.
1.5.2 Population
Da Nang is a city with a large population, according to the 2019 Population and Housing Census,
the population of Da Nang is approximately 1,134,310 people, with approximately 282,556
children under the age of 16. The total number of households is 300,501, or an average of 3.7
people per household. After 10 years, the population increased by more than 250,000 people, and
the average growth rate was 2.45%. With a total area of urban districts of 948,910 km2, the
population density in the city center is about 7,850 people/km2, with an urban population of nearly
990,000 people. The population size of the districts surrounding the event venue is as follows: Hai
Chau district has 201 522 people, Son Tra district has 157 415 people, and Ngu Hanh Son district
has 90 352 people (Vietnam General Statistics Office, 2019b). Having a large population gives us
confidence when Organizing events in Da Nang because of the large population means there is a
market with a large number of potential customers.
We realize that Da Nang is a tourist city, so the source of visitors to the event is not only local
people, but the number of tourists, especially domestic tourists, will play a significant role. The
fact that Da Nang is a key tourist city gives us confidence that a large number of tourists will
participate in the event. More specifically, Da Nang is a city that attracts a lot of domestic and
foreign tourists, at the 2022 World Tourism Awards ceremony in Asia and Oceania held in Ho Chi
Minh City, Da Nang is among the top 25 most popular destinations in Asia in 2022, as announced
by TripAdvisor (, 2022).
Figure 4: Danang was honored in World Tourism Awards ceremony in Asia and Oceania
In addition, the financial ability of the second target customer, besides locals, domestic tourists, is
also very promising because we realize that with such spending ability, they can completely cover
the cost of the event. Statistics from the General Department of Tourism show that the average trip
time of a domestic visitor is 3.7 days, and the average spending of a domestic visitor is between 1
and 1.6 million VND per day (, 2021b). According to a survey on global travel trends
conducted on more than 15,000 people in 27 countries worldwide by Visa in 2018, the average
Vietnamese spends 880 USD (about 20 million VND) on overseas travel (, 2018).
The willingness of tourists to pay a lot for the trip is like the stable income of locals, which helps
these 2 customer groups be able to pay for the cost of the event.
We choose Danang as the city to host this event because we realized that the local government is
very interested in child protection, through documents, seminars, and campaigns such as: Da Nang
in collaboration with UNICEF to develop Declaring the Action Program for Children in the 2021-
2030 period, Da Nang City sets five action goals: To ensure that all children have the best possible
life and care in terms of health and nutrition; children are protected and prevented from abuse,
violence, exploitation and trafficking; to ensure that children have access to quality education and
healthy recreation and entertainment conditions; every child is involved in children's affairs that
are age and ability appropriate; towards building a child-friendly city by 2030. In order to ensure
the good implementation of children's basic rights, create conditions for children to develop
comprehensively, and aim to build a city child-friendly in 2030, on May 24, 2021, the People's
Committee of Da Nang City issued Decision 1782/QD-UBND approving "the Action Program for
Children in the City for the period of 2021-2030" (, 2022b).
children's rights protection such as: “Blue Heart” campaign with the cooperation of UNICEF, UN
Women and UNFPA accompanying the government and international organizations such as Plan
International, ChildFund, Save the Children, World Vision.
In conclusion, Da Nang is a market that can be met in both quality and quantity when the number
of participants is guaranteed to be a combination of locals and tourists, and this audience is able to
pay for the cost of activities at the event by stable financial potential. In addition, Da Nang is a
safe city that is developing in terms of socio-economic, tourism as well as the event market, and
the Da Nang government has policies similar to the purpose of the event. In turn, the event also
helps the city promote the image of Da Nang to worldwide friends, and achieve its socio-economic
goals soon.
Figure 7: Danang city
"Bau troi tuoi tho" is a general entertainment event, so we decided to divide it into 3 main areas:
the entertainment area, the food area, and the performing arts area. Each area plays an important
role in enhancing the customer experience, maintaining a vibrant atmosphere, and providing
memorable memories for attendees.
The products we want to bring to customers are intangible values such as high entertainment,
spreading family bonding, and protecting and loving children. Intangible value is expressed
through tangible value, which is the activities at the event. The entertainment area is divided into
4 areas, including an intellectual game area, a physical game area, a photo booth area, and a
"memory storage" area.
20 The physical game area
The physical game area includes 6 games: “Kangaroo”, “Dap nieu”, “Buoc toc cho con”, “Bit mat
sut bong”,”Chup gay” and ” Bit mat cong con”. These games not only give children flexibility, but
also help them realize the closeness and concern of their parents for them as they work well
together in the game. Especially, if winning six games, customers can participate in the lucky
wheel, which also contributes to creating more excitement and entertainment for the game.
Figure 8: Game “Buoc toc cho con” Figure 9: Game “Dap nieu”
Figure 10: Game “Bat gay” Figure 11: Game “Bit mat cong con”
Figure 12: Game “Bit mat sut bong” The intellectual game area
In addition, there is also an intellectual game area that includes games that help develop
intelligence, creativity, and concentration for children, such as painting statues, decorating potted
plants, modeling clay, and stacking wood. These activities not only help children get healthy
physical activity, stimulate concentration, agility, and creativity, but also help the family have fun
and warm moments together.
Figure 13: Game “Decorating potted Figure 14: Game “Painting statues”
Figure 15: Game “Modeling clay” Figure 16: Game “Stacking woods”
23 “Memory storage” area
This is also a special area with the layout of a family picture model where participants will
complete that frame with notes, which contain the participants' shares and wishes.
As an entertainment event, we realize that the food court not only plays the role of energizing
guests during the event, but also increases satisfaction, increases the value of the experience,
customer experience and creates an event space. The food court includes attractive dishes with
main course, dessert and drinks suitable for families, especially children. Our menu promises not
only to create an attractive taste but also to leave an impression and memory, and customers will
consider this as one of the highlights of the event. The dishes are of clear origin, ensuring food
hygiene, food quality, and reasonable prices, so we are sure that the food court will satisfy
Figure 20: Outdoor food court
The event also has very desirable and attractive activities such as traditional and modern
performances, a catwalk, dancing, and inspirational videos about children. There is also the
appearance of two famous faces loved by many children and families who promise to attract a lot
of guests' attention as well as the public's, which surely makes the atmosphere of the event always
vibrant and fun.
Figure 22: Cosplay catwalk
1.8 Company
As one of the leading event organization companies in Da Nang, SEA Event was established in
2019, and has its headquarters at 57 Nguyen Xuan Nhi, Hai Chau, Da Nang. SEA Event is proud
to be a successful organizer of hundreds of events, seminars, conferences, grand openings, ground-
breaking ceremonies, or parties, themed programs with professional and impressive service.
Professionalism, creativity, prestige, and class are the core values that SEA Event brings to its
A team of experts with many years of experience directly advises, organizes, operates, and
supervises the event, ensuring professionalism, speed, and accuracy. SEA Event creates ideas and
builds its own program according to the needs of each customer. 95% of customers are extremely
satisfied with the service SEA Event brings. SEA Event have the ability to "conquer" all
requirements in terms of ideas, scale, terrain, climate, etc. SEA Event knows how to anticipate and
respond well to all situations. The equipment system at SEA Event is modern, diverse, regularly
checked, upgraded, and updated according to the latest trends to meet all types of requirements.
event image. Not only that, SEA Event builds the program at a cost that suits the customer's budget
and brings maximum efficiency with a team that is always ready to provide support 24/7.
SEA Event provides the following services: providing professional event staff, organizing the
opening inauguration ceremony, team building, running roadshows, hosting gala dinners, and
renting event equipment. With its experience, professionalism, and trust of customers, SEA Event
will surely organize the "Sky of Childhood" event in the most successful way.
Market research is the first step in audience development. If it has done well, the organizational
units of the Childhood’s Sky event will know the information about their audience, especially the
target audience, thereby actively planning the staging and performance that meets the needs and
expectations of the audience. To promote market research activities, Childhood’s Sky needs to
plan research and invest time and money. Once the target audience has been identified, the
organizational unit of the Childhood’s Sky event needs to deploy appropriate strategies such as
product, pricing, location, and marketing strategies.
Event organization is the process of event conception, logistical preparation, execution, and
monitoring of an event in a particular space and time. This is to convey meaningful messages to
event attendees and society. At the same time, it enhances the image and brand positioning of
businesses when they want to expand the market and create sympathy with customers. Therefore,
it is considered as an effective brand promotion tool for businesses (AChau Event, 2023).
As the quality of life increases, the need to improve the mental life of many people through the
organization of events will also increase. A series of companies and organizational units
continuously appear to meet the strong need of the market. Event organization is a new industry
in Vietnam but is gradually growing forcefully. The market potential combined with the worldwide
trend promises an impressive potential. Although the immediate impact of the Covid-19 pandemic
is tough, it is an opportunity for units operating in entertainment and companies or young people
with orientation in this industry to step by step shape up for a professional approach and higher
Event organization is a series of tasks that are interwoven and follow each other with a relatively
short execution time. Activities: before, during, and after the event must be weighed and measured
in such a way as to synchronize with each other, there cannot be a big difference between the
budget or the items serving the event. Therefore, assigning tasks to each individual is very
Another feature of the event industry is that problems can happen at any time, so event organizers
in any field must know a little bit such as consulting, ideas, planning, risks, people management,
operations, and situation handling.
Not only that, the event industry is unlike other professions because it does not follow a framework
at all. With each different customer and with different needs, the event organizing must also be
different. Therefore, event organizers always have innovative thinking, be creative, and must find
uniqueness in each product created.
Especially in the event industry, an individual can not create an event but requires the event
industry to follow his team. Since event organization is a series of activities, implementation
activities must be linked and connected. A person can not just accept the ideas and plans... because
the tasks must have creativity, ideas are not duplicated, and done on time.
new impressive trends. Therefore, we have researched and developed some of the most current
trends, including:
• Anniversary events: anniversary events, birthday events, reunion events, year-end parties,
New Year's Eve parties...
• Promotion and marketing events: product introduction events, exhibitions, displays, fairs,
opening events, fashion events, etc.
• Sports and entertainment events: sports festivals, music events, and awards ceremonies, etc
Figure 27: Inauguration ceremony
Figure 29: Educational event
Da Nang was ranked the highest according to the Vietnam Provincial Tourism Destination
Competitiveness Index (VTCI); ranked 3rd in the Top 10 leading tourist cities in Southeast Asia -
Asia Travel Awards 2022 and the award "Asia's Leading Festival and Event Destination" in 2022
(Viet Times News & Analysis, 2022).
• Hoa Binh Event
• Rong Tien Sa
• D2 Events
• TSK Media
• Hava Entertainment
PESTEL analysis is a useful analytical technique commonly used to examine and identify macro-
environmental factors that may affect business operations. These factors can have an impact on
the location, potential and direction of that business. This analytical model helps "Children Sky"
to understand and evaluate all the external factors that can affect business performance. From there,
we can make smart business decisions that help businesses operate stably and develop in the long
term. Political
Da Nang is considered a politically stable city, political security issues and social order and safety
are highly emphasized. has abundant human resources, is supported by the government to
encourage start-ups and investment. The city's tourism industry has grown rapidly in recent years
and the government has invested heavily in infrastructure and tourist attractions to support the
development of the city's tourism industry. In addition, Resolution No. 43-NQ/TW dated January
24, 2019 of the Politburo on construction and development of Da Nang city to 2030, with a vision
to 2045 encourages and supports the development of the industry. tourism, when the tourism
industry develops, there are more customers and the demand for event services increases (Thu
Huong, 2023). However, event companies are subject to government regulations and taxes as well
as those of Da Nang, which can be a challenge for some event organizers. Da Nang has also
successfully organized international events: Fireworks Festival; Marathon competition; The
sailing competition and the most prominent and impressive is the successful hosting of “APEC-
2017 Summit Week” (Cong Tam, 2022). Da Nang is also a historical place, marking the resilient
struggle of our nation. These are very favorable conditions for Da Nang to continue to rise under
the direction of the Central Government in the future. However, there may be some regulations or
permits required to host an event, so event companies must ensure compliance with local laws. Economic
Da Nang ranks third in the country in terms of growth rate of GRDP and is one of the localities
with a relatively fast economic recovery, the size of the city's economy in 2022. Specifically,
according to data from the Department of Statistics In Da Nang City, the economic recovery
trajectory of Da Nang in 2022 is quite positive. On the background of negative growth in the last
6 months of 2021, GRDP in the last 6 months of 2022 reached a record increase of 20.77%
compared to the same period last year for the first time. This is the main driving force for the
economy to recover and develop in 2022 compared to the time before the COVID-19 epidemic.
Accordingly, GRDP for the whole year 2022 is estimated to increase 14.05% compared to 2021;
an increase of 15.34% compared to 2020 and an increase of 6.34% compared to 2019. The scale
of Da Nang's economy in 2022 is estimated at more than VND 125,000 billion, expanding by
nearly VND 17,400 billion compared to 2021. In which, the service sector still accounts for the
majority of added value (more than 13.6 trillion VND).
Regarding the structure of the economy, the service sector still accounts for a very large proportion
(68.38%), followed by the industry and construction sector (20.43%) and the agriculture and
forestry sector. and seafood accounted for 1.95%. The tourism sector has recovered positively,
revenue from accommodation, catering and travel services in 2022 is estimated at nearly VND
21,000 billion (up 99.3% compared to 2021) (Tra My, 2022). The Government of Vietnam
considers it very important to maintain the stability of the entire economy, control inflation,
stimulate economic growth and maintain important economic equilibriums. They achieve this by
closely monitoring domestic business activities (Giang Thanh, 2022). This brings great
opportunities for industries, especially the domestic event industry and Da Nang city, with the
support from the whole country, people's income and quality of life are increasingly improved,
which means that the demand for event organizers increases and they are willing to spend more
money on event activities. Thereby creating motivation and opportunities for event organizers to
expand their markets and develop diverse types of events. However, the COVID-19 pandemic has
impacted the economy, and families may be more hesitant to spend money on non-essential events. Social
Da Nang city is a city with well-assured social issues, friendly, enthusiastic people and a unique
traditional culture. Moreover, family is also a place to nurture affection, love between family
members. In order to create a program for the general population, I needed to consider what was
appropriate and, importantly, to avoid sensitivities to local customs.
For Da Nang, the festival has become an important part to help create a unique and different culture
in Da Nang in particular and in Vietnamese culture in general. At present, festivals are not only
preserved and promoted as a primer for future generations about national traditions, but they are
gradually becoming a unique and separate tourism product of each region. attract a large number
of tourists to learn and explore. The special festivals, preserving the quintessence of the national
identity can be mentioned such as the Quan The Am festival, the Cau Ngu festival, the Muc Dong
festival, these festivals all have one thing in common: expressing their gratitude to each other
grateful to those who have helped people's lives (Vietnamtours 24/7, 2020). As a developing and
dynamic city with the orientation of developing services and tourism, Da Nang has realized the
importance of building an "event city". The city's development process and cultural achievements
over the years, taking advantage of available advantages to create unique products for Da Nang,
all of the above have created opportunities for development in Da Nang event industry, creating
new events to meet entertainment needs, spreading humanistic messages, as well as high-level
events. On the other hand, organizing events exploits the new aspects help events become more
and more complete and create unique events that meet the needs of customers. Technology
Nowadays, with the development of technology, it is becoming more and more important in the
events industry such as the use of information technology such as mobile applications, websites
and social media platforms to Event promotion and information management can help increase
efficiency and convenience for event participants. There are also advanced projection technologies
such as Interactive Dance with LED screen, this is a dance art that dancers incorporate LED
screens. The dance moves are well combined with the video screen that has been staged at the
request of the customer. This video usually carries a meaning, the message that the business wants
to convey (Hong Nhan, 2021). This technology has been applied by many events and attracted a
lot of attention from customers.
In addition, the technologies (AI) are increasingly developing today, especially the Internet of
things (Iot), the use of internet-connected devices in the event can help with monitoring, control
and management. Manage event activities more effectively. IoT devices can monitor information
about the number of participants, the amount of water used, or sound and light devices can make
event management easier. This is probably the most developed model today. The presence of
connection tools itself has completely changed the approach of businesses to their customers as
well as in analyzing consumer habits, optimizing interaction... In other words , IoT has allowed
businesses to completely change the perspective of customers and develop their own messages
with the devices that bring them the greatest benefit. Meanwhile, on the user side, easy payment,
quick access to information ... are also the premise for a significant increase in profits (Duong Bich
Ngoc, 2017). However, keeping up with the latest technology can also be a challenge for some
event businesses, requiring investment in equipment and proper staff training. Environment
Da Nang is a coastal city with a lot of natural beauty, and there may be opportunities to incorporate
outdoor activities into the event. However, it's important to be mindful of environmental impact
and to take steps to minimize any negative effects. Weather and climate directly affect the
organization of events, especially events intended to be held in outdoor spaces (Admin, 2017).
Pollution and environmental protection issues: The residential community and the government
where the event takes place, often have certain perceptions about pollution and environmental
protection. This affects the selection of topics as well as activities in the event, if the minimum
requirements for environment, waste treatment, etc. are not met, the event organizer may not be
granted a license. permission to organize the event (Admin, 2017). These disaster impacts can
disrupt business operations and cause significant financial losses. In addition, the city has strict
requirements for business bodies that oversee environmental regulations or waste management and
use energy efficiency. This can affect any part of operating costs. Legal
All businesses in Da Nang are subject to and comply with a variety of national and local laws and
regulations in their business operations, including labor laws, food safety regulations and
regulatory requirements, business license (Business Law, 2021). For the event organization, it is
also necessary to apply for a number of permits such as the application for an event permit, a
notarized copy of the operation license, the rental contract of the venue, the recording of the lyrics,
the related documents to the copyright, the rights of the owner of the performance work, etc. (Vo
Tan Loc, 2021). As mentioned earlier, there may be certain permits or regulations required to hold
the event, and it's important to ensure compliance with local laws. In addition, there may be
liability issues to, such intellectual as demonstrating the safety of children consider and
demonstrate that the event doesn't infringe on any property rights. These laws and regulations can
make it difficult for some businesses to navigate and monitor, so it's important to carefully research
and understand the law before doing business and organizing event here.
Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, the tourism situation in the last 3 years has been tough and
hard, so we decided to use the tourism situation in 2019 to have the most appropriate point of view
about the tourism situation.
The tourism industry is increasingly developing and showing its role as a leading spearhead
economic sector, contributing to economic restructuring, promoting the image of the beauty of
nature bestowed on Da Nang city, attracting investment, creating more jobs, improving the quality
of life for people, preserving and promoting national cultural values. According to the Danang
Department of Tourism, in 2019, the total number of visitors to Danang was estimated at 8,692,421
turns, up 13.4% over the same period in 2018, reaching 106.1% of the plan; in which, with
international visitors estimated at 3,522,928 arrivals, up 22.5% over the same period in 2018,
domestic tourists were estimated at 5,169,493 arrivals, up 8% over the same period in 2018. Total
tourism revenue was estimated at 30,973 billion, up 16.7% over the same period in 2018, reaching
113% of the plan (Ministry of Culture, 2019).
Figure 32: Number of tourists to Da Nang in the first 6 months of the year (The Sai Gon
Economy Online, 2020)
As of December 2019, there are a total of 35 international routes with a frequency of 496 flights a
week and 10 domestic routes to Da Nang with a frequency of 662 flights a week. Among 35
international routes, there are 22 regular routes with a frequency of 463 flights a week and 13
charter flights with a frequency of 33 flights a week. The number of airline passengers in 2019
increased more than in the same period in 2018 due to added new direct international routes into
River passengers in 2019, estimated at 692,120 arrivals, up 24.3% over the same period in 2018.
Sea passengers: in 2019, it was estimated at 129,900 arrivals with 101 boat trips, up 6.2% over the
same period of 2018.
The goal is that by 2030, Da Nang will become a center of high-quality tourism and services, an
innovative destination of Vietnam and Southeast Asia. Specifically, the growth rate of
accommodation and travel revenue is about 12.75% a year. The average growth rate of the total
number of visitors served by accommodation establishments is about 17.63% a year. In 2030, the
total number of visitors served by accommodation establishments is estimated at about 13-14
million, of which international visitors served by accommodation establishments are estimated at
5.8-6.3 million. The average stay of international guests is expected to be 3.3 days, the average
stay of domestic guests is expected to be 3.1 days. The average spending of international visitors
is 10.5-11 million VND/tourist, the average spending of domestic tourists is 6.5-7 million
VND/tourist. Human resources are about 87,900 direct employees (, 2022).
To achieve the above goal, Da Nang Tourism will strengthen and promote the diversification of
the international tourist market, promote the development of international routes, improve the
quality of tourism promotion and promotion, develop plans, and propose proposals. mechanisms
and policies to develop the night economy in the field of tourism, improve the quality of human
resources and tourism services, implement tourism promotion plans, and ensure a civilized and
safe tourism environment.
When two or more businesses compete directly for the same potential market by offering nearly
identical goods or services, this is called direct competition. The company SEA Event has direct
competitors such as: D2 Event, Hoabinh Event.
Direct competitors:
- Road Show -Organize the -Organize Contract
organization service International Signing Ceremony
- Paste decorative -Starting /
decals -Organize Medical Groundbreaking
- Team building -Organize Gala
equipment rental -Organize the Dinner
service ASEAN Conference
- Cheap mascot rental -Organize Scientific
-Organize Product
service Conferences
- Event equipment -Organize the
rental service Inauguration
- Professional event Organization
personnel rental -Organize
service Groundbreaking and
Ceremony -Organize Team
-Organize the
Opening Ceremony -Organize the Mid-
Autumn Festival
-Christmas –
-Organize the Year-
end Party
-Organize trade fairs
-Book PR
-MICE service
-Event equipment
- Hire professional
event personnel
Target Customer Corporations and Government and Corporations and
Businesses Public Sector Businesses
Corporations and Social
Location 179 Nguyen Sac Kim, 217 Tran Phu, Hai 57 Nguyen Xuan Nhi,
Cam Le District, Chau District, Hai Chau District,
Danang City Danang City Danang City
media Others (tik
• Next is the event organization company Hoa Binh Event, which specializes in organizing
events and conferences with many years of experience and a staff that is always enthusiastic
to support customers. Besides, Hoa Binh Event also receives customers through websites
such as website, Facebook, etc.
2.3.2 SWOT Analysis
Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats
1. Professional team with 1. Focus on the big 1. Spread and expand 1. Audience will be
many years of experience. events, ignore the the brand identity. affected if other
small events. event companies hold
2. Opportunity for the
2. Program development at
the same event.
company to show its
an appropriate cost.
ability. 2. Sea Event's brand
3. Always ready to support awareness will lose
24/7. to established
4. The company organized
the first event in Da Nang 3. Covid -19 Weaknesses
Along with the strengths, our event management company has to face weaknesses such as: We
focus too much on big events such as: Gala dinner, anniversary, conference... but forget about
community events such as: organizing events about blood donation, charity shelter... because
thanks to those events, customers can know us more. Opportunities
After the " Childhood’s Sky " event, Sea Event company has the opportunity to spread and expand
the brand identity for target customers, especially future customers who intend to organize events
for children. Next, this is an opportunity for our company to show its ability in organizing events,
thereby improving its prestige, quality and attracting more cooperation in the future. Threats
Sea Event has several threats such as: If there are other event companies holding events at the same
time in the vicinity, Sea Event's event may be affected by competitors and not reach audience as
expected. For Sea Event's direct competitors such as Hoa Binh Event, which has more than 15
years of experience, the brand recognition will be better than ours, longtime customers of these
events will pay attention. Pay attention to them and go back to the event companies that have
organized successful events for them before. Therefore, keeping the company's loyal customer file
is a point that must be strongly concerned, there must be policies or incentives for customers at the
end of the event, to be able to retain customers for a long time. Moreover, although the company
has been established for 5 years, it has been directly affected by 2 years of the covid epidemic,
thereby affecting the company's customer base and investment capital.
The BCG Matrix - Boston Consulting Group describes the relationship between relative market
share and market growth. Using the model, we can know what level the company's business model
is, its ability to generate profits, as well as evaluate the position and development of the business
through 4 stars, question marks, dairy cows and dogs. (Nguyen Thanh Tuong, 2022)
Question marks indicate businesses with a relatively low competitive position and market share.
But they are high-growth industries, very promising in terms of profits and long-term growth.
These businesses can become stars if well taken care of because they require a large amount of
investment capital and need to be properly assessed for their potential to have an investment plan
at the right time. (Nguyen Thanh Tuong, 2022)
Stars are enterprises with relatively large economic market shares in high-growth industries. They
have many opportunities for profitable growth, long-term growth, and a competitive edge. The star
is always appreciated for its responsiveness and self-interest in capital needs. But while it is
forming, it also requires a lot of investment to maintain its leading position. (Nguyen Thanh Tuong,
Cows are businesses with low growth rate but high market share and strong competitive position.
This strength comes from cost savings thanks to the scale of the experience curve. This product
has high profitability but the opportunity for development and growth rate of this industry is very
low. Therefore, the need for investment capital does not need to be too large and is considered a
widely available source of profit. (Nguyen Thanh Tuong, 2022)
Dogs are the least competitive of the four types of businesses and have a low market share, which
is one of the slow-growing industries. These businesses have very low prospects because they
require a large amount of investment but only to maintain a very low market share, there is little
chance of making high profits. (Nguyen Thanh Tuong, 2022)
Through analyzing the direct competitors to Sea Event, we can clarify a few things. First, the event
company D2 Event is located in the question mark area. This company was established and put
into operation quite early in 2020, but the brand awareness and popularity in Da Nang is not high
and the growth rate has not had a new breakthrough. Besides, the event organization company Hoa
Binh Event is in the star position. Hoa Binh Event occupies a high position in the event market in
Da Nang and regularly innovates event types and improves quality, so the growth rate is
maintained. After analyzing the market to see the future development of the event industry in Da
Nang city, Sea Event determined this is a market with high growth rate. On the other hand, the
event company Sea event is a well-known event company, so the events organized by the company
will build credibility with customers. Unlike other event management companies, when organizing
an event, customers have to find out if this organization is reputable, whether the event is
successful or not. For the event " Childhood’s Sky ", it has already gained the prestige and trust of
customers and especially with the support of Sea Event company, so it will reduce the risk. It is
concluded that in the BCG model, because of the high brand awareness and popularity in Da Nang,
the development potential of Sea Event will be in the star position.
Figure 34: Event venue: Danang Expo Center
Choosing an event venue is one of the most important factors in creating a successful event. After
considering various factors, we have decided to hold the outdoor event in the city center where it
is convenient for us and our customers. In addition, when organizing outdoor events, we can use a
spacious and airy space. This will help customers feel more comfortable when participating in
activities and avoid crowded situations. With the outdoor location, we can also enjoy the
surrounding natural landscape. This will make our event more engaging and provide our customers
with a new and exciting experience.
The outdoor location also gives us more flexibility in designing spaces and activities. We can
easily arrange outdoor activities and shape the space as we want. This allows us to organize games,
meals and other leisure activities more easily.
After considering many different factors, we have decided to hold the outdoor and city center event
at Danang Expo Center at Cach Mang Thang 8 Street, Cam Le District, Da Nang City. This is a
prime location, This is a place that has become familiar and easy to find for locals and visitors
when it used to be the venue for many big events such as: Spring Fair 2023, Vietnamese goods
fair. Da Nang.... In addition, around this area there is a large parking lot and area. Because of the
advantages of geographical location, popularity, convenience and accessibility, we chose this area
as the venue for the event.
Survey is a method of collecting market information using survey sheets sent to participants to
receive their answers (Phar Marketing, 2022). The figures from the customer's answers will be
statistically and analyzed to find useful information, capture the psychology, needs, and desires to
make meaningful market research conclusions. So that it can improve the event, in order to bring
the most optimal solution for customers.
When the mental life of Vietnamese people increases, the demand for entertainment has become a
trend for people and especially households with children with a good average income or more.
Working more equals more pressure, their needs for entertainment, safety, and affection are higher.
Therefore, people want to go out, participate in many activities to be able to reduce stress and
pressure in their work, study and life more. Since each person's needs are different, events are a
great opportunity for customers to evaluate their experience with the product. From there,
businesses will better understand the needs of customers and come up with reasonable marketing
strategies. Consequently, we created a survey to learn more about the needs of customers, and what
the customers really want through the survey answer sheet.
With the desire to bring customers a special and new experience event, we have conducted this
survey to study the demand for participating in the International Children's event on June 1, 2023,
for customer families. Through this survey, we want to organize a unique event, more experiences,
and more meaning for customers, especially families with children. The information collected
from this survey is for the sole purpose of developing our children's event on June 1st. For the
event industry, identifying and finding potential customers is extremely important. In order to have
a large number of potential customers, customers who have needs with their products, surveying
customer needs is an effective solution for classification. Moreover, the survey aims to find out
what factors customers will pay attention to when choosing a place to enjoy International
Children's Day. Finally, we want to know what services customers want to experience from our
event. From those factors to clearly define the market potential, target market, and customers that
we need to pay attention to. From there, we go to build services for our model to meet the
expectations of our customers. Our goal in this survey is to send the survey to 1000 people and get
500 results.
With the identification of the overall market are all individuals who have needs for entertainment
in Da Nang city and people in other localities who have the need to come to Da Nang to travel.
Based on the target market, we have conducted an online and in-person survey of more than 500
target customers who are households with children living within a radius of 5 km around the
“Trung tam hoi cho trien lam Danang” area. After figures collection, we analyzed the obtained
figures, removed the error patterns and got the following results:
Figure 36: Types of advertisement
According to the above figures, the majority of customers often know about entertainment events
through social networking sites (90%). In second place is outdoor advertising (67,3%), the number
of customers who know about the event through television and radio is quite small with 6,2%. As
a result, this is the basis for us to invest and focus on powerful and novel marketing strategies
through the media that people care about and are most accessible to.
Figure 38: Habit of buying ticket
When asked about the habit of buying tickets to the event at what time, the majority of customers
choose to buy tickets before the event date about 1 week, 55,9% of the total. The second place
is buying tickets 3 days before the event, accounting for 46%, and 38,7% buy tickets on the day
of the event. Very few customers choose to buy tickets 1 month early before the event (6,5%).
This is also the basis for us to determine a reasonable ticketing strategy to both maximize revenue,
have money to rotate capital as well as predict the number of guests that will come to have the
most thoughtful preparation.
According to the figures on the chart, when asked about the factors that make an event attractive,
over 300 out of 500 customers show that they are interested in factors such as entertainment,
meaning, many fun activities, and nature. popularity and even celebrity appearances. That helps
us understand more about the needs of our customers, thereby meeting their criteria in the best
In terms of preferred event time, the chart above shows that morning and noon are not customers'
preferred times for entertainment with 5,4% and 3,6%. Instead, customers tend to hang out in the
afternoon and evening with 59,7% and 94,6%. This is also understandable when this is the time
when people leave school and work, the weather is also cooler and more comfortable, suitable for
entertainment after a day of work and study. Understanding the psychology of customers helps us
have more basis to offer the most suitable event time.
Figure 43: Factors customer concerns when selecting a entertainment place
According to a survey on the factors customers care about when choosing a place to play for
children, customers care about many factors such as: having many meaningful entertainment
activities, and having convenient eating and drinking places. , reasonable price, location close to
home, and safety equipment with more than 300 votes for each factor. For this purpose, we
understand the customer's psychology and will have the best preparations such as designing many
attractive games, a food court with a variety of dishes, organizing in a central location, and
especially controlling carefully checking the equipment and tools used for the event to ensure the
quality of use and safety for both customers and event organizers.
After carefully analyzing the survey results, we found that our target customers love to hang out
at entertainment venues on holidays. They often approach entertainment events through online
media such as social networking sites or offline such as through banners and posters appearing in
crowded places. Security, food quality, equipment, variety of entertainment, location close to many
utilities. They tend to buy tickets in advance from 2 weeks before the event date and are willing to
pay a price of 400,000-700,000 VND for their family to participate in an entertainment event. In
addition, the popularity of the event, the participation of famous people, the meaningful message,
and the time it is held in the afternoon and evening will be factors that affect customers' decision
to buy tickets.
From the collected figures, we realize what we need to do to meet the needs and trends of our
customers such as building a meaningful event, diverse entertainment activities with website
equipment, and food quality guaranteed, with high security and safety. The venue is in a central
area, easy to access, and the time of the event and the ticket price is reasonable. This survey is
really helpful and helps us understand the psychology and needs of our customers to make the
right decisions, choices, and directions to make the event the most
• Demographics: Families with children aged 4 - 10. And parents with children in the above
age range will be in the age group of about 30 - 40 years old. Based on Maslow's hierarchy
of needs, we focus mainly on families in the 3rd tier, which are families with moderate to
high income, because those are the people who have fully met their physiological needs
(1st floor) and safety needs (2nd floor). For this group of customers, they can afford the
same type of high-paying events as we do, but for low-income families, they will be more
inclined to attend events with low prices. lower costs.
Figure 44: Customer segmentation model
• Psychology: On the occasion of June 1st, parents will often have the hopes to spend more
time with their children. New and unique entertainment venues will attract more parents
and children. And our "Childhood’s Sky" event fully meets those criteria, where children
can experience new and interesting games with their parents, helping them bond
emotionally with family members and help them understand each other better. At the same
time, we will also bring unforgettable experiences into the hearts of customers.
In addition, the need for going out on the 1st of June, 2023 holiday for family groups with young
children is increasing, they need to find a spacious, airy place with many common activities to
bond the family. When entertainment models such as children's play areas, and cinemas, ... are so
familiar and popular, trying to experience an outdoor event for children on June 1st is also an
experience that is worth a try. And " Childhood’s Sky " is the place to meet all behaviors of this
target customer group.
The Childhood’s Sky event wishes to become the first choice of customers on June 1st, 2023, with
the services created. We will provide customers with a place to play, not only entertainment but
also memories to help families get closer and understand each other better, in addition to having
delicious food and watching performances. attractive performances, cosplay catwalks along with
exciting dances. Capturing the psychology and behavior of customers when coming to our June 1
event, they often like to take check-in photos with the places they go, Childhood’s Sky also creates
an impressive check-in space to Everyone gets the pictures they like, through those photos, many
customers who have not been able to attend the event will also know us more, keeping family
pictures. In addition, we also have a photography rental service that makes the photo lively and
attractive. Through creative-focused games, parents and children have time to talk to each other
and help people understand each other better. Group games help everyone in the family unite and
understand each other better when they have to work together to overcome the challenges of the
program. We also have a family model made from sticky notes from our family members to help
members write down their shared words and wishes.
Is a specific goal that a company or organization determines to achieve in its marketing strategy.
Marketing objectives are established based on factors such as potential markets, target customers,
products or services offered, and the financial goals of the business. Marketing goals can include
many different aspects, including increasing sales, increasing profits, increasing market share,
increasing brand awareness, increasing customer satisfaction, and increasing customer loyalty.
Based on that, the marketer decides to have a specific direction and goals that the marketing
strategy is aiming for and knows whether the marketing strategy is really successful or not.
Detailed objectives
The total number of customers reach to the event is 1 million
We aim to sell more tickets before the event than during it because we think this early sale will
help the event organizers predict the number of participants so that we can best prepare in terms
of human resources and equipment for the event, in addition, the revenue from early ticket sales
will help us rotate the investment capital for the event and make expenses to be easier to pay.
We aim to sell an increasing number of tickets over time because we rely on our actual survey to
predict when customers tend to be more likely to buy tickets.
We set a maximum number of tickets that can be sold in each promotion because the scarcity
creates a big attraction for customers. In addition, The closer the ticket is to the event date, the
more expensive it is which helps increase event revenue.
In case if we find that it is very likely that the target will not be met, we will carefully check and
review the marketing reports and metrics to find out where the problem is. Solutions that I can
apply to improve the situation can be mentioned, such as changing the advertising platform,
ticketing locations, rearranging the discount program, and realigning costs to promote investing
more in marketing, especially innovating advertising content to have highlights and prominence
in marketing campaigns.
We choose Marketing 4Ps because it is a platform to help marketers come up with a comprehensive
marketing strategy, focusing on 4 main factors that affect consumer purchase intention: product
quality, prices, distribution methods, and ticket sales promotion activities. This strategy can create
quality services for customers, helping them easily access the event. Because this strategy makes
the event popular in the market, businesses will have many activities to promote, introduce services
to interact with customers, and improve the needs and desires of target customers in the future.
Finally, the marketing 4 Ps helps businesses identify opportunities to explore and risks to avoid.
3.2.1 Product
The products we want to bring to customers are intangible values such as high entertainment,
spreading family bonding, and protecting and loving children. Intangible value is expressed
through tangible value, which is the activities at the event. We will divide it into 3 main areas: the
entertainment area, the food court, and the performance area.
Firstly, the intellectual area includes games that stimulate creativity and focus on children, where
children can play by themselves or with their parents to unleash their creativity and make
impressive products.
Secondly is a physical game area consisting of six games that require the cooperation and
participation of family members. To increase the attractiveness and fun of this area, we offer a
bonus: if the family wins all 6 games, they will have one time to participate in the lucky wheel and
have a chance to receive valuable gifts. To increase the meaning, if they win each game, the guest
will receive a colored piece of paper with a wish related to the meaning of each color in place of
the event organizer's wishes to the participants. The 6 games include: “Buoc toc cho con”. orange
is the color representing this game, symbolizing joy, happiness, and positive energy. The second
game is called "Bit mat dap nieu" and the game's color is red which symbolizes youth, luck,
excitement, and courage. The third game is called "Bit mat cong con”', the representative color of
this game is yellow, symbolizing warmth, happiness, and prosperity. The fourth game is called
"Bit mat sut bong" with blue as its representative, the color symbolizing calm, peace, and lightness.
The 5th game is called "Kangaroo" with green as a symbol of warmth and freshness. Lastly, the
6th game’s name is “Chup gay” with brown as a symbol of stability and honesty. Below is the
game rule:
1 “Dap nieu” The rule is that one family member will blindfold and follow the
instructions of family members to try to move and hit the target
within the allotted time.
2 “Buoc toc cho con” The rule of this game is that the parent will pick a random hairstyle
model and will have to tie it to resemble that model as much as
3 “Bit mat sut bong” The rule of the game is that one member will be blindfolded and
follow the instructions of teammate's to attempt to move and hit the
ball into the goal within the time allotted.
4 “Bit mat cong con” To win this game, parent's eyes will be covered and carry their child,
under the direction of a teammate, the family will overcome
obstacles together and take the spoils in the allotted time.
5 “Kangaroo” This game has a rule that parents will wear a costume of a kangaroo
and catch the ball thrown by the children with their bags
6 “Bat gay” To win the game, participants have to continuously catch all 8 sticks
which fall randomly.
Third, the photobooth is where families can keep memories with photos taken on the spot. In
addition to creating more interesting and meaningful photos, the organizers also have a costume
rental service with sets of many styles and attractive themes.
Fourth, on the event grounds, there will be a family model made from sticky notes, this model will
be created by the participants themselves when they can write secrets, shares, and make wishes on
sticky notes. This special model means: happiness is made up of the smallest things. Let's cherish
those little things, we should spend more time together, listen to stories, and feel each other to
understand each other better, thereby creating a cohesive and harmonious family, these things
bring the best to our children.
Figure 45: Band Hero Food court
Food court includes attractive dishes and drinks that we research and carefully select to best suit
the tastes of the majority of customers participating in the event. Our menu includes main dishes
such as hamburgers, hotdogs, grilled skewers, and fried chicken, in addition to side dishes such as
cheese sticks, cream puffs, potato shakes, fried spring rolls, popcorn, fruit shakes, and other dishes,
attractive drinks such as milk tea, coconut water, and soft drinks. Our menu ensures food hygiene,
safety, and deliciousness, helping to replenish energy for customers after moments of
Figure 46: Menu
3.2.2 Price
Coupon and voucher strategy: This method is used to supplement activities at schools where we
will directly go to promote the event through minigames to interact with students and through
online activities such as quiz and talk shows. Coupons and vouchers will also be distributed to the
main sponsors to jointly promote the event. The above methods will help attract attention, increase
awareness among customers, and, more importantly, increase ticket sales for the event.
Promotion pricing strategy: To maximize customers buying tickets before the event, we apply this
strategy by dividing the promotion into 3 small phases, starting from April 24 to May 28, as
• Phase 1: In the first week of sale, the ticket price for the event will be reduced by 25%
from April 24 to April 30.
• Phase 3: 10% discount one week before the event from May 22 - May 28
To ensure quality and provide the best customer experience, and after researching and evaluating
main competitors, affordability of our target customers, we have come up with a reasonable price
that is suitable for everyone's needs and still generates good revenue for the event.
To organize a successful event and meet the needs of customers, price is an important factor. We
hope reasonable prices and similar service quality will make customers satisfied and the purchase
worth it.
Adult 150.000
Individual Participate in all activities in event +
price 1 free meal
Children 80.000
• Adult: High > 1,5m
• Children: High from 1m - 1,5m
• Baby: High < 1m (Free)
Figure 47: Coupon
3.2.3 Place
Choosing an event venue is one of the most important factors in creating a successful event. After
considering various factors, we have decided to hold the outdoor event in the city center where it
is convenient for us and our customers. In addition, when organizing outdoor events, we can use a
spacious and airy space. This will help customers feel more comfortable when participating in
activities and avoid crowded situations. With the outdoor location, we can also enjoy the
surrounding natural landscape. This will make our event more engaging and provide our customers
with a new and exciting experience.
The outdoor location also gives us more flexibility in designing spaces and activities. We can
easily arrange outdoor activities and shape the space as we want. This allows us to organize games,
meals, and other leisure activities more easily. After considering many different factors, we have
decided to hold the outdoor and city center event at Danang Expo Center at Cach Mang Thang 8
Street, Cam Le District, Da Nang City. This is a prime location that has become familiar and easy
to find for locals and visitors when it used to be the venue for many big events such as Spring Fair
2023, and the Vietnamese goods fair. In addition, around this area, there is a large parking lot and
area. Because of the advantages of geographical location, popularity, convenience, and
accessibility, we chose this area as the venue for the event.
Figure 50 : Parking area
Figure 52 : Food court & Game Redemption Area
Figure 55 : Stage area
3.2.4 Promotion
Sea Event is an event organization that has a foothold in the Da Nang market, We have
organized many events in many different large and small scales. As a business that has been
around for a long time, we have the following marketing strategies for the upcoming ''
Childhood’s Sky '' event.
69 Direct marketing
Depending on each event, we will offer different marketing solutions. Some direct marketing
methods for the event we are about to hold on June 1 will be as follows.
Placing billboards
We place advertising banners in many crowded areas in the city such as intersections, roundabouts,
children's play areas or busy routes and tourist areas in Da Nang because of these places. This is a
place where a lot of people come and go, which helps to increase brand awareness for customers.
Advertising at schools
We will go to primary schools in Son Tra, Ngu Hanh Son, and Hai Chau districts to ask for
permission from the school to advertise events at the beginning of the week. This helps us to
provide information in a specific and quick way to all students such as event times, fun activities,
special musical performances such as music band Hero, circus performances, etc. In addition, we
also organize mini-games in the school such as quiz questions for children to participate and
receive discount vouchers for tickets. In particular, we want to focus on the form of word-of-mouth
advertising, which, after receiving information about the event, will create an impression and
memory for children to tell their parents or relatives about this event, thereby helping to reach
more potential customers.
Figure 57: Location of direct ticket sale example Public Relation
With the popularity of social networks, Customers often surf the web to read daily information,
and articles related to celebrities. The campaign that we launched to promote upcoming events is
to bring a shift. Moreover, we exchange and have mini-game gifts before the event such as ticket
discount vouchers. In addition, we will hold a press conference about the event, which is an
opportunity for us to introduce the event widely to the public, and the media and an effective way
for us to promote the meaning of the event, its purpose and attract the attention of potential
customers. During the press conference, we will focus on event information, content, highlights,
and pricing. In addition, the press conference is also an opportunity for customers and the press to
ask questions and feedback on our services so that we can make changes and respond promptly. A
press conference is an event that helps spread the program to a large audience, increases customer
interaction with the program, and is a stepping stone for future marketing strategies.
Figure 58: Press conference simulation Social Media/Electronic Articles
Website and Facebook are considered as one of our most powerful communication channels.
Where customers as well as investors can follow events in the most specific way. Because we have
a following certain followers on Facebook, so it will be easier for people to post a post promoting
the "Childhood’s Sky" event on Facebook thanks to its high reach, we will post events related to
the event such as about event introduction, ticket sale, announcement of the rules and prizes of the
“Family Moments” contest. In addition, posting directly on the company's online platforms is also
an effective way to enhance brand value, helping customers recognize and impress our company.
The “Family Moment” contest is a marketing campaign where we have high expectations for the
effectiveness of the event promotion. This is a contest that carries the message of spreading the
importance of loving, caring, protecting children and maintaining affection and family connection
for each of us. The way to participate in the contest is to upload short videos with positive meanings
about children and families, such as A Day with children, cooking with children, etc., on Facebook
with content such as sharing family memories, home entertainment videos, arts,etc. The best
content and interactive videos will receive great rewards from the organizers.
Contest rules
Time: 17/4 - 14/5
Duration: Video 30s - 60s
Participants: All family members
Awards: Including 3 prizes:
+ The first prize includes 1 set of Lego toys from sponsor My Kingdom, 30% discount coupon for
English courses at MissHoa English Center, 30% discount coupon when buying products at
Congcung stores across all branches branch in Da Nang City.
+ Second prize includes 1 set of Lego toys from sponsor My Kingdom, 10% discount coupon for
English courses at Miss Hoa English Center, 20% discount coupon when buying products at
Congcong stores nationwide branches in Da Nang City.
+ Consolation prize includes 1 set of Lego toys from sponsor My Kingdom, 10% discount coupon
when buying products at Congcung stores across all branches in Da Nang City.
Team meeting
Team meeting
Team meeting
Running advertising
Team meeting
Update entries
Update entries
Post social media posts
Team meeting
Update entries
Team meeting
Table 5: Marketing plan
+ Set up and decorate the check-in
- The members of the planning
team are responsible for managing,
liaising with stakeholders and
coordinating personnel accordingly
and on schedule.
- If there is an incident, a backup
plan must be implemented.
Mr. Hung - 0399 824 037 - - Tasks to do:
Stage Area Manager + Decorate the stage area.
+ Set up sound and light.
+ Set up the MC podium.
+ Set up the smoke generator.
+ Set up star screen, LED screen.
The members of the planning team
are responsible for managing,
liaising with stakeholders and
coordinating personnel accordingly
and on schedule.
- If there is an incident, a backup
plan must be implemented.
- Control risks and provide
Mr. Trung - 0817 721 153 -
Manage the redemption
area - Build the rough part for the
Mr. Thien - 0938 371 818 - redemption area
Managing the construction + Iron frame construction.
of the area + Build a canvas for the redemption
division framework area.
Mr. Huy - 0949 582 255 -
Physical game area
management - Rough construction for the
Mr. Thien - 0938 371 818 - physical game area
Managing the construction + Iron frame construction.
of + Build a canvas for physical
the area division framework games.
Ms. Hien - 0888 333 234 -
Store manager "Dap nieu" - Rough construction of the game
Mr. Thien - 0938 371 818 - area "Dap nieu''
Managing the construction + Iron frame construction.
of + Build a canvas for the game "Dap
the area division framework nieu”
Managing the construction + Build a canvas for the game "Ve
of tranh".
the area division framework
Mr. Manh - 0989 294 573 -
Game store manager ''To
tuong'' - Rough construction of the game
Mr. Thien - 0938 371 818 - "To tuong"
Managing the construction + Iron frame construction.
of + Build canvas for the game "To
the area division framework tuong".
Ms. Giang - 0989 444 358 -
Game store manager ''Xep
go'' - Rough construction of the game
Mr. Thien - 0938 371 818 - area "Xep go"
Managing the construction + Iron frame construction.
of + Build a canvas for the game "Xep
the area division framework go".
Ms. Hue - 0989 342 475 -
Game store manager ''Nan
đat set'' - Rough construction of the area of
Mr. Thien - 0938 371 818 - the game "Nan đat set"
Managing the construction + Iron frame construction.
of + Constructing a canvas for the
the area division framework game "Nan đat set"
Ms. Cuc - 0989 436 707 - - Rough construction of the food
Food area manager area
Mr. Thien - 0938 371 818 - - Check the supplier's raw materials
Managing the construction carefully.
of + Iron frame construction.
the area division framework + Construction of food court
Ms. Xoa - 0989 483 574 -
Management area ''Luu giu
ki niem'' - Constructing the rough part of the
Mr. Thien - 0938 371 818 - area ''Luu giu ki niem''
Managing the construction + Iron frame construction.
of + Constructing a canvas for the area
the area division framework ''Luu giu ki niem''
Ms. Huyen - 0989 485 385 -
Management area
Mr. Thien - 0938 371 818 - - Rough construction of the
Managing the construction Photobooth area
of + Iron frame construction.
the area division framework + Build canvas for Photobooth area.
Mr. Hoàng - 0234 222 558 -
Management area V.I.P
- Rough construction of V.I.P area
Mr. Thien - 0938 371 818 -
+ Iron frame construction.
Managing the construction
+ Build canvas for V.I.P.
the area division framework
Mr. Lam - 0979 503 563 - - Arrange security staff according to
Security guard each area.
- Arrange staff to guide guests to
parking spaces.
- Arrange staff to guide guests to
attend the event.
- The event security cooperates with
civil defense security to control the
areas outside the event.
Mr. Hung - 0399 824 037 - - Test programs:
Stage Area Manager + MC program.
+ Child Catwalk.
16:00 - Test run the stage
+ Jump Flashmob.
20:00 show
+ Lion dance.
+ Magic.
+ Sing.
Mr. Huy - 0949 582 255 - Divide security personnel to
Mr. Bao - 0936 887 135 control the area at night.
Report and
20:00 - Mr. Trung - 0817 721 153 - Last regional team meeting,
divide work for
22:00 Ms. Cuc - 0989 436 707 Report on regional preparation.
June 1
- Announce the gathering time for
tomorrow's event.
Time Task Main contact Details and notes
Before event
Ms. Cuc - 0989 436 - Implement and monitor the day's work
6:00 - Gather the 707 as planned.
6:30 members of SEA - Gather the remaining members in the
Event SEA Event.
Mr. Huy - 0949 582 - Check all items one last time before the
255 event, if missing, add the missing items.
Mr. Bao - 0936 887 - Make sure everything is on schedule.
6:30 -
Mr. Trung - 0817 721
Ms. Cuc - 0989 436
Final check of 707
event items
Mr. Trung - 0817 721 - Detailed decoration of the area.
153 + Decorate stalls, lights, gift counters,
- Manage the setup at seals, lucky wheels, Balloons.
the redemption area - Prepare gifts from sponsors.
- Set up tables and chairs.
- Arrange the position of gifts reasonably.
The members of the planning team are
responsible for managing, monitoring,
liaising with stakeholders and
coordinating personnel accordingly and
on schedule.
- If there is an incident, a backup plan
must be implemented.
7:00 - Complete set up
12:00 of areas Mr. Huy - 0949 582 - Tasks to do:
255 + Decorate the area including: lights,
- Physical game area twinkling strings, Balloons.
management + Prepare the seal
+ Prepare the stand
+ Wake up rope
+ Blindfolds
+ Earthen pot
- Division of employees by region.
The members of the planning team are
responsible for managing, monitoring,
liaising with stakeholders and
coordinating personnel accordingly and
on schedule.
Ms. Hien - 0888 333 - Tasks to do:
234 + Decorate lights, twinkling strings,
- Game store manager decorative tools around, Balloons.
"Dap nieu" + Confirm the game rules and materials
+ Prepare the stand
+ Wake up rope
+ Blindfolds
+ Earthen pot
- Division of employees by region.
The members of the planning team are
responsible for managing, monitoring,
liaising with stakeholders and
coordinating personnel accordingly and
on schedule.
Ms. Huong - 0989 411 - Tasks to do:
222 + Prepare flags, blindfolds, seals,
- Game store manager balloons.
"Bit mat cong con" + Decorate the area such as lights, stall
names, mark game locations, understand
the rules of the game carefully to
disseminate to guests.
+ Prepare the seal
- Division of employees by region
The members of the planning team are
responsible for managing, monitoring,
liaising with stakeholders and
coordinating personnel accordingly and
on schedule.
Mr. Quyet - 0905 564 - Tasks to do:
458 + Prepare carefully the rules of the game.
- Game store manager + Prepare to mark locations
''Bit mat sut bong'' + Prepare mini goal, blindfold, football.
+ Set up decorations, Balloons, lights,
sparkling strings.
- Division of employees by region.
The members of the planning team are
responsible for managing, monitoring,
liaising with stakeholders and
coordinating personnel accordingly and
on schedule.
Mr. Trung - 0817 721 - Tasks to do:
153 + Prepare tables and chairs, tie up hair,
- Game store manager seals.
''Buoc toc cho con'' + Set up lights, Area name boards,
- Division of employees by region
The members of the planning team are
responsible for managing, monitoring,
liaising with stakeholders and
coordinating personnel accordingly and
on schedule.
Mr. Tuan - 0905 345 - Tasks to do:
254 + Prepare carefully the information of the
- Game store manager rules of the game.
''Bat gay'' + Prepare racks, game sticks, seals.
+ Set up lights, Area name boards,
- Division of employees by region.
The members of the planning team are
responsible for managing, monitoring,
liaising with stakeholders and
coordinating personnel accordingly and
on schedule.
Ms. Xinh - 0949 582 - Tasks to do:
473 + Decorate each game booth
- Mind game area + Set up lights, Area name board.
management + Set up and fully prepare game tools at
each booth.
+ Set up and decorate the marker counter.
The members of the planning team are
responsible for managing, monitoring,
liaising with stakeholders and
coordinating personnel accordingly and
on schedule.
- If there is an incident, a backup plan
must be implemented.
Mr. Ly - 0905 473 372 - Tasks to do:
- Game store manager + Set up lights, Area name boards,
''Ve tranh'' Balloons.
+ Prepare tables and chairs
+ Prepare drawings
+ Painting tools: Color sand, paint brush,
paint color, ...
- Division of employees by region.
The members of the planning team are
responsible for managing, monitoring,
liaising with stakeholders and
coordinating personnel accordingly and
on schedule.
Mr. Manh - 0989 294 - Tasks to do:
573 + Set up lights, Area name boards,
- Game store manager Balloons.
''To tưong'' Prepare tables and chairs.
+ Prepare statues, paints, brushes.
- Division of employees by region.
The members of the planning team are
responsible for managing, monitoring,
liaising with stakeholders and
coordinating personnel accordingly and
on schedule.
Ms. Giang - 0989 444 - Tasks to do:
358 + Set up lights, Area name boards,
- Game store manager Balloons.
''Xep go'' Prepare tables and chairs.
+ Prepare a set of wooden puzzle games.
- Division of employees by region.
The members of the planning team are
responsible for managing, monitoring,
liaising with stakeholders and
coordinating personnel accordingly and
on schedule.
Ms. Hue - 0989 342 - Tasks to do:
475 + Set up lights, Area name boards,
- Game store manager Balloons.
''Nan đat set'' Prepare tables and chairs.
+ Prepare clay.
+ Game tools.
- Division of employees by region.
The members of the planning team are
responsible for managing, monitoring,
liaising with stakeholders and
coordinating personnel accordingly and
on schedule.
Ms. Cuc - 0989 436 - Tasks to do:
707 + Set up and decorate the table for food
- Food area manager and drinks.
+ Set up lights, Area name boards,
Balloons, twinkling lights.
+ Prepare food and drink portions on the
+ Check and prepare adequate amount of
food and drinks.
+ Clean, set up and decorate the guest
dining area.
The members of the planning team are
responsible for managing, monitoring,
liaising with stakeholders and
coordinating personnel accordingly and
on schedule.
- If there is an incident, a backup plan
must be implemented.
Ms. Xoa - 0989 483 - Tasks to do:
574 + Prepare family note model.
- Management area + Prepare crayons, note paper.
''Luu giu ki niem'' + Area decoration, Family model,
twinkling lights, colorful backdrop,
Balloon, Area name sign.
- Division of employees by region.
The members of the planning team are
responsible for managing, monitoring,
liaising with stakeholders and
coordinating personnel accordingly and
on schedule.
Ms. Huyen - 0989 485 - Tasks to do:
385 + Prepare Backdrop.
- Photobooth Area + Set up lights, Area name signs,
Ms. Sa - 0989 375 584 Balloons.
- Skin + Set up the photography area and
+ Prepare hand-held hashtags, stickers.
+ Set up Camera.
- Division of employees by region.
The members of the planning team are
responsible for managing, monitoring,
liaising with stakeholders and
coordinating personnel accordingly and
on schedule.
Mr. Hoang - 0234 222 - Tasks to do:
558 Prepare tables and chairs.
- Regional Manager + Prepare flowers, water, snacks.
V.I.P - Division of employees by region.
The members of the planning team are
responsible for managing, monitoring,
liaising with stakeholders and
coordinating personnel accordingly and
on schedule.
Mr. Lam - 0979 503 - Arrange security staff according to each
563 - Security guard area.
- Arrange staff to guide guests to parking
- Arrange staff to guide guests to attend
the event.
- The event security cooperates with civil
defense security to control the areas
outside the event.
12:00 -
13:00 The staff rested for lunch.
Mr. Huy - 0949 582
Mr. Bao - 0936 887
135 - Check again in the areas to avoid
13:00 - inspection and
Mr. Trung - 0817 721 mistakes.
14:30 completion of
153 - Make sure the areas are fully set-up and
Ms. Cuc - 0989 436 prepared.
707 - Prepare to open ticket sales for
Ms. Hoa - 0989 387 - Area manager and staff are divided to
14:30 -
Ready to 677 supervise at the assigned locations
welcome guests according to the plan.
In the event
- Pick-up process:
Mr. Huy - 0949 582 + Step 1: Check the ticket, ask the
255 customer who bought the ticket online or
Mr. Bao - 0936 887 offline.
135 + Step 2: If guests have not bought
Mr. Trung - 0817 721 tickets, guide them to the ticket counter
15:00 - 153 directly at the event.
22:00 Ms. Cuc - 0989 436 + Step 3: Reconfirm the ticket.
707 + Step 4: Hand out marked bracelets to
Mr. Loc - 0989 344 customers.
244 - Manage the + Step 5: Guide the entrance to the game
entrance area area and how to participate in the event
(use the seal from the game area to
receive valuable gifts).
Mr. Toan - 0399 753 - MC opened the program, disseminated
15:00 -
Program 467 - MC details of activities taking place
stabilization throughout the event.
- Game ''Ve tranh''
Mr. Tuan - 0905 345
winning team.
- Arrange staff to control the area.
Ms. Huyen - 0989 485 - Arrange staff to control the area
385 - Each ticket can only take 1 photo
(including all family members).
Photobooth Area - Customers will be able to change their
clothes for free at the dress up area.
- Customers will receive photos after
taking them.
Ms. Xoa - 0989 483 - Arrange staff to control the area
''Luu giu ki 574 - Customers will be able to participate in
niem'' Area recording their good wishes and attaching
them to the frame.
Mr. Toan - 0399 753 - MC introduces dance and singing
467 - MC performances
Mr. Tho - 0962 789 + Singing performance"Bai hoc đau tien"
108 + Singing performance "Ngoi trưong than
17:00 -
+ Singing performance "Bui phan"
Singing and + Singing performance "Song nhu nhung
dancing đoa hoa"
performances + Singing performance "Viet Nam oi"
Mr. Toan - 0399 753 - MC introduced the lion dance
467 - MC performance.
17:30 - Mr. Hoan - 0767 891 - Set up the dance rig.
18:00 298 - Set up the necessary items.
- Ensure safety for guests when moving
Lion dance items.
MC - Mr. Toan - 0399 - MC introduces magic and circus
753 467 performances.
Mr. Dung - 0971 040 - Prepare circus equipment
18:00 -
003 - Performances
Magic + Juggling performance
performance, + Balloon performance
circus + Human circus performance
MC - Mr. Toan - 0399 - MC introduces the performance.
19:00 - 753 467 - Performances:
19:30 Mr. Tho - 0962 789 + Child Catwalk.
Catwalk 108 + Cosplay of Disney cartoon characters.
MC - Mr. Toan - 0399 - MC sends messages to children.
753 467 + Slogan: Appreciate the little things.
Ms. Cuc - 0989 436 + Share videos about how difficult it is
19:30 -
707 for parents to raise their children every
Play inspirational + Share about the filial piety of children
videos with parents.
- Guests can freely move, participate in
games, food areas, sponsors' booths.
MC - Mr. Toan - 0399 - MC introduces the performance.
19:45 - 753 467 - Flashmob dance performance 2
20:00 Mr. Tho - 0962 789 Performances: ''Con Rong chau tien'' ,
Flashmob dance 108 ''Mot ngay chang nang''
MC - Mr. Toan - 0399 - MC introduced band Hero.
Singer sings and 753 467 - Performances
20:15 -
interacts with Singer manager - Mr. + Lon roi con khoc nhe
people Vu - 0908 317 753 + Muon khoc that to
band "Hero" + Cha gia roi dung khong
Mr. Toan - 0399 753 - MC gives prizes to the winning contests.
467 - MC - Includes 3 prizes for ''Family Moment''
+ First prize includes 1 set of lego toys
from sponsor My Kingdom, 30% discount
coupon for English courses at MissHoa
English center,
30% discount coupon when buying
products at Congcung stores across all
branches branch in Da Nang city.
21:00 - + Second prize includes: 1 set of lego toys
21:15 from sponsor My Kingdom, 10% discount
coupon for English courses at Miss Hoa
English center,
20% discount coupon when buying
products at Congcung stores nationwide
branches in Da Nang city.
+ Consolation prize includes: 1 set of lego
Awards toys from sponsor My Kingdom,
ceremony for 10% discount coupon when buying
"Family products at Congcung stores across all
moment" contest branches in Da Nang city.
Ms. Hoa - 0989 387 - MC thanked guests and ended the event.
677 - Members see off guests and thank guests
for being present.
- Ask guests about the experience in the
event is good, things to note to perform
21:45 -
better for the next event.
- Process of seeing off guests:
+ Thank you guests for coming to the
event "Children sky".
+ Say goodbye and see you again at the
Walk guest out following events.
After event
Mr. Loc - 0989 344
Members clean, ensure hygiene and
Clean up cleanliness in areas.
- Manage the entrance
area The members check the tools and
Mr. Trung - 0817 721 equipment, ensure the correct quantity
Check tools and 153 and quality, and carry some important
equipment - Manage the items first.
redemption area
Mr. Huy - 0949 582
- Physical game area
Ms. Xinh - 0949 582
473 - Summary of revenue achieved in
- Mind game area regions.
management - Report the number of sales achieved to
Summary of Ms. Cuc - 0989 436 the regional head.
revenue by 707 - The head of the area reports the revenue
regions - Food area manager to the program's accountant.
Mr. Trung - 0817 721
Ms. Cuc - 0989 436
15:00 - Report to the 707
17:00 company Report on revenue for the company.
Phone number -
Content Supplier Person in charge
Son Tra area management 0949 888 431 - Mr.
Location Exhibition Center board Phong
0949 582 255 - Mr.
0936 887 135 - Mr.
Organizing Bao
SEA Event SEA Event
Committee 0817 721 153 - Mr.
0989 436 707 - Ms.
0989 344 244 - Mr.
Area monitoring Loc
0989 387 677 - Ms.
Receptionist Hoa
0936 887 135 - Mr.
Furniture Bao
0989 473 586 - Mr.
Tablecloths Hoang
Entrance area The signboard shows SEA Event
the location of the event 0912 345 556 - Ms.
areas. Phi
0912 345 556 - Ms.
Standee Phi
0912 345 556 - Ms.
Ticket Phi
Welcome Gate (Steam 0916 432 093 - Mr.
Gate) Tuan
0912 345 556 - Ms.
Balloon Phi
0912 345 556 - Ms.
Flower Phi
0905 138 722 - Mr.
Banner Hiep
0399 824 037 - Mr.
Area monitoring Hung
0399 753 467 - Mr.
MC Program Toan
0989 345 666 - Ms.
Make-up Quynh
Stage (18x6)
truss shoes 0905 018 368 - Mr.
CO2 smoke machine (4 Trung
Doan Mua Lan Su Rong 0767 891 298 - Mr.
Lion Dance Vuong Anh Duong Hoan
Building a Umbrellas 0938 371 818 - Mr.
framework SEA Event Thien
to divide the area Gudgeon
0912 345 556 - Ms.
Balloon ball Phi
Twinkling lights 0989 346 677 - Mr. Da
0989 436 707 - Ms.
Note Cuc
0989 436 707 - Ms.
Family model Cuc
0989 485 385 - Ms.
Area monitoring Huyen
Signboard with the 0912 345 556 - Ms.
name of the area Phi
0912 345 556 - Ms.
Balloon ball SEA Event Phi
Photobooth Area
Twinkling lights 0989 346 677 - Mr. Da
0989 214 566 - Mr.
Camera Tuan
0912 345 556 - Ms.
Backdrop Phi
Skin Thue trang phuc Da Nang 0989 375 584 - Ms. Sa
0949 582 255 - Mr.
Physical game
Area monitoring SEA Event
0236 3647 707 - Ms.
Stick Nha sach Fahasa Hue
Cong ty TNHH Dich vu 0903 503 655 - Ms.
Stamp thuong mai Sao Kim Ngan Ngan
0989 411 222 - Ms.
Area monitoring SEA Event Huong
0912 345 556 - Ms.
Balloon SEA Event Phi
Signboard with the 0912 345 556 - Ms.
name of the area SEA Event Phi
Game booth "Bit
Twinkling lights SEA Event 0989 346 677 - Mr. Da
mat cong con"
0236 3647 707 - Ms.
Flag flags Nha sach Fahasa Hue
0236 3647 707 - Ms.
Nha sach Fahasa
Blindfolds Hue
Cong ty TNHH Dich vu 0903 503 655 - Ms
Stamp thuong mai Sao Kim Ngan Ngan
0905 564 458 - Mr.
Area monitoring SEA Event Quyet
0912 345 556 - Ms.
Balloon SEA Event Phi
Twinkling lights SEA Event 0989 346 677 - Mr. Da
0912 345 556 - Ms.
Artificial grass SEA Event Phi
Football decorative 0989 432 345 - Ms.
Shop đo choi mini tre em
model supplies Lieu
Game booth "Bit
mat sut bong" Signboard with the 0912 345 556 - Ms.
name of the area SEA Event Phi
0914 738 630 - Mr.
Mini goal Hoang
Hieu Vai Lien
0914 738 630 - Mr.
Football Hoang
0914 738 630 - Mr.
Blindfolds Hieu Vai Lien Hoang
Cong ty TNHH Dich vu 0903 503 655 - Ms
Stamp thuong mai Sao Kim Ngan Ngan
0817 721 153 -
Game booth Area monitoring SEA Event Mr.Trung
"Buoc toc cho
con" 0912 345 556 - Ms.
Balloon SEA Event Phi
Twinkling lights SEA Event 0989 346 677 - Mr. Da
Signboard with the 0912 345 556 - Ms.
name of the area SEA Event Phi
0236 3647 707 - Ms.
Nha sach Fahasa
Hair band Hue
0936 887 135 - Mr.
SEA Event
Seat Bao
Cong ty TNHH Dich vu 0903 503 655 - Ms.
Stamp thuong mai Sao Kim Ngan Ngan
0905 345 254 - Mr.
Area monitoring SEA Event Tuan
0912 345 556 - Ms.
SEA Event
Balloon Phi
Twinkling lights SEA Event 0989 346 677 - Mr. Da
Game booth "Bat Signboard with the 0912 345 556 - Ms.
gay" name of the area SEA Event Phi
0914 738 630 - Mr.
Shelf Hoang
Hieu Vai Lien
0914 738 630 - Mr.
Stick Hoang
Cong ty TNHH Dich vu 0903 503 655 - Ms.
Stamp thuong mai Sao Kim Ngan Ngan
Twinkling lights SEA Event 0989 346 677 - Mr. Da
Signboard with the 0912 345 556 - Ms.
SEA Event
name of the area Phi
0905 228 579 - Ms.
Statue Tuong Da Duc Toan Hien Le
0236 364 707 - Ms.
Nha sach Fahasa
Color and brush Hue
Furniture SEA Event 0936 887 135 - Bao
0989 444 358 - Ms.
Area monitoring SEA Event Giang
Signboard with the 0912 345 556 - Ms.
SEA Event
name of the area Phi
0912 345 556 - Ms.
Game booth "Xep Balloon ball SEA Event Phi
Twinkling lights SEA Event 0989 346 677 - Mr. Da
0236 3647 707 - Ms.
Nha sach Fahasa
Wooden puzzle set Hue
0936 887 135 - Mr.
Furniture SEA Event Bao
0989 342 475 - Ms.
Area monitoring SEA Event Hue
0912 345 556 - Ms.
Balloon ball SEA Event Phi
Game booth "Nan
Twinkling lights SEA Event 0989 346 677 - Mr. Da
đat set"
0236 364 707 - Ms.
Nha sach Fahasa
Clay Hue
0936 887 135 - Mr.
Furniture SEA Event Bao
0234 222 558 - Mr.
Area monitoring SEA Event Hoang
0989 222 333 - Ms.
Decorative flowers Shophoamaimai Mai
Cong Ty Bao Nguyen 0236 955 088 - Ms.
V.I.P Area
Drinking water Food Hoa
0989 473 586 - Mr.
SEA Event
Tablecloths Hoang
0936 887 135 - Mr.
Furniture SEA Event Bao
0979 503 563 - Mr.
SEA Event
Security Event security team Lam
0367 987 210 - Mr.
SEA Event
Transport Transit car Tam
0916 436 707 - Ms.
SEA Event
The media Media management Trang
0989 131 566 - Ms.
SEA Event
Accounting area Financial management Kieu
• Event Manager: Event managers assist organizations in hosting events that enhance the
organization's image, improve client loyalty, and enhance the brand-to-client experience.
The event manager will be tasked with researching and securing venues, planning and
managing events' calendars, negotiating agreements with vendors, assisting with event
marketing, monitoring timeframes and budgets, networking, and delivering on event brief
objectives. This role requires exceptional organizational abilities, superb interpersonal
skills, multi-tasking skills, and excellent time management. The noteworthy event manager
should reinforce client-to-business relations, improve the organization's image, and
effectively deliver on event objectives.
• Event Assistant: An Event Assistant works closely with an event manager in order to ease
the event manager's workload. Be aware of the event schedule and building activity. Assist
in preparing pre- and post-planning meeting files, conduct planning meetings in the
absence of the event manager.
• Entrance gate:
o Gate area Manager: Responsible for managing the gate area of the event. Ensure correct
operation, observe and resolve issues around the entrance gate area. Coordinate with
other departments if needed.
o Cashier: The job of a cashier is to perform tasks related to the payment of customers
when they buy tickets and direct services, including: printing invoices, calculating
money, and receiving and processing payments for customers. customers for popular
methods such as cash, vouchers, swipe cards, and transfers.
o Ticket checker: Ticket checkers are responsible for checking the tickets of people
attempting to enter the venue. They confirm that tickets are valid for the event, and may
tear, punch, or mark the tickets so they cannot be reused. They assist the cashier and
customer service if needed
• Entertaining area:
• Food court:
o Catering manager: The catering manager is responsible for serving guests and ensuring
that customers are satisfied with the service, food, and drinks during the event. Their
top priority role is to provide services, create menu, decorate dishes for events, meet
customers' expectations about food in accordance with hygienic standards, as well as
consider the cost for food court
o Salesperson: Responsible for receiving and storing products, displaying and arranging
products, consulting and selling products, making payments, and answering questions
and complaints about products for customers.
o Food preparer: The main task is to prepare food according to the customer's order.
• Stage area:
o Director: The director will be the main person responsible for making sure the event
goes according to the script. The director must have a wide knowledge of stage design,
sound and light, performance art, and the implementation process. At the same time,
know how to manage and assign reasonable personnel, and work with other
departments effectively.
o Set designer: create scenery for the event. They work closely with the director and set
of builders to conceptualize, design, and develop the overall look and feel of the
production. Creating effective designs for each event area
o Light & Sound operator: As a light & sound operator's responsibility to assemble,
operate, and maintain the technical equipment used to lighting, record, amplify,
enhance, mix, or reproduce sound. Ensure that the activities in the event are carried out
perfectly and successfully according to the available sound and lighting plan, so that
the sound can be adjusted up and down, lighting effect to create emotions for the
audience according to the event circuit.
o Electrician: In charge of operating the electrical system and maintaining the stable
condition of electrical equipment. They arrange, check, and guide the operating staff to
ensure the equipment works well and safely in its entirety. Fixing electrical problems
during the event.
o Costume staff: The customer staff is responsible for getting the costumes ready for the
performance, making sure the costumes are in perfect condition when appearing in
front of the audience, assisting the actors in dressing up backstage, and protecting the
costume, maintaining and repairing clothing.
4.1 Revenue
With a total event area of about 4.000 m2, after subtracting the area of the event areas such as the
courtyard, dining area, entertainment area, and entrance, the maximum capacity of the event at the
same time with a standing area of 1 person of 2 m2 is 1,500 guests. With 1 entrance ticket for
adult and 1 ticket for children, we can sell up to 1500 tickets. The selling price of adult ticket is
150.000 VND. The selling price of children ticket is 80.000 VND. After analyzing the ticket price
compared to the cost, we consider this ticket price to be reasonable.
750 150.000 = 150.000
66.000 23.713.000
750 80.000 = 80.000
1 Stage 210
3 Intellectual game 90
5 Display booths 40
6 Photo booth 50
7 “Memory storage” 50
8 Gift 30
9 V.I.P 45
Total Standing
occupied Available space place of 1 Maximum capacity
space (m2) person (guest)
(m2) (m2)
Table 13: Maximum capacity analysis
We analyzed a scenario: if the marketing goal is achieved, we will sell 150 tickets at a 25%
promotion price equivalent. After the second promotion, 300 tickets were sold at a 15%
discount. After the last promotion, 600 tickets were sold at a 10% discount. And with 450
tickets sold at the right price. The scenario is showed in the table below
Total 156.225.000
4.1.2 Food court revenue
Predict1 Predict
Original guest number
Dish Price prediction Cost
Cost eats of set Revenue
(pax) sold
Table 15: Food court revenue prediction
We will look for sponsors related to the needs of families and children, such as education,
children's toys, mother and baby supermarkets, because when these units share the same target
customer base with the event, there will be many advantages and competitive benefits when
sponsoring the program because they will have access to a large number of customers who are
interested in the event, and their brand awareness will be higher, thereby helping their marketing
campaign to be effective. This not only benefits the sponsor, but customers also enjoy many
advantages, such as experiencing the brand's products or being given discount coupons, which
help them save a lot of money and use the quality products and services. We divide sponsors into
3 categories: gold, silver, and bronze sponsors to distinguish each sponsor's contribution to the
event. Their benefits are equivalent to the value of their sponsorship, as reflected in some factors
such as the distinction in the proportion of company logos on publications, the location of display
booths, and the duration of their appearance in the event's advertisement.
Type Benefit
Gold Including money, • The exhibition booth is placed in the most central position
product, voucher and has the largest size.
and gift
• Have two introduction posts, including a separate post on
the event's Facebook page.
• Get 10 discount vouchers for tickets.
Silver Including money, • Have an introduction posted on the event's Facebook page.
product, voucher
and gift • Has a 3-minute speech on the day of the event.
4.2 Costs
4.2.1 Fixed cost analysis
The fixed costs of our events are costs that are not affected by the number of guests attending the
event or over time. Fixed costs can be mentioned as the cost of renting space, fees for
performances, printing, media, and event setup. The cost for setting up the event is also reduced a
lot because we are an event organization company and have already fully prepared the equipment.
Most of the costs in this section are calculated as depreciation expenses as follows: stage setup,
tables and chairs, entrance, etc.
Fixed costs
Name Price
Performance 23.000.000
Gift 5.600.000
Stationery 4.040.000
Total 138.130.000
Depreciation expense table
Marketing expenses
Name Cost
TOTAL 22.000.000
Employee Salary
In contrast to fixed costs, variable costs are costs that are affected by the number of guests
involved, we can include the cost of importing food and drinks or hiring staff.
Variable The costs
Total 21.000
Personnel 45.000
4.3.1 ROE
Definition: The ratio of net return on common equity, which is the most important ratio for
shareholders, measures the profitability per dollar of capital for common shareholders. This index
is an accurate measure to evaluate a dollar of capital spent and how much profit is accumulated.
This ratio is often analyzed by investors to compare stocks in the same industry on the market,
thereby providing a reference when deciding which company to buy shares of.
With revenue from ticket sales, catering, and sponsors, fixed and variable costs and estimated costs
account for 10% of total costs, and with owner's equity of 60,000,000. We have the following ROE
In there: Profit after tax = (total revenue - total cost) - 10% tax
We have, Total revenue = (ticket revenue + food court revenue + sponsor revenue)
= 273.725.000
= 260.843.000
ROE = 60.000.000 x 100% = 19,3%
4.3.2 ROA
Definition: The ratio of net return on assets is a measure of the company's profitability per dollar
of assets. ROA provides investors with information about the profits generated from the amount
of capital invested (or the amount of assets). With the profit calculated above and the total event
assets of 142.264.300, we have the following ROA formula:
= x 100% = 8,2%
Depreciation 11.029.300
Total tangible assets
Decorative products 17.220.000
Stationery 4.040.000
Gifts 5.600.000
4.4 Capital
Definition: is a financial term to describe the origin and method of forming capital so that an
enterprise can use it to purchase assets, physical means, and business activities.
The capital structure of the event "Sky of childhood" is 100% from the equity capital, the company
that organizes the event: SEA Event.
1.5 - 21.5 25.000.000 Donors
29.400.000 Ticket sales
15.000.000 Donors
Definition: The break-even point is the point at which Total Revenue equals Total Cost. In other
words, after reaching the break-even point, the enterprise's production and business activities can
begin to generate profits. Since we have 2 prices are adult and children tickets, so in average of
the 2 prices which is 115.000/ticket. From there, we have the following break-even point formula:
Total revenue = total ticket revenue + food court revenue + sponsor revenue
Risks are measurable uncertainties in an event organization. Risk management is the process of
approaching risk in a scientific, comprehensive, continuous and systematic manner in order to
identify, control, prevent and minimize losses, and adverse effects of risk management, and at the
same time find ways to turn risks into opportunities for success.
Firstly, risk management helps the cash flow in the enterprise be used effectively and bring success
to the project by pointing out limitations and waste in the investment process, eliminating costs
incurred in production, export and development. At the same time, determine the purpose, scope
and reality of the project to balance and control finance.
Secondly, risk management creates the best conditions for investment and business development
of enterprises. An effective risk management plan also means that the business has an effective
and useful support tool to increase revenue.
Thirdly, help businesses improve governance. Thanks to risk management, businesses can
determine for themselves the tasks that need to be prioritized, and at the same time effectively
monitor business activities through risk indicators and limit adverse impacts. From there, the
business can complete the set strategic goals/
Fourthly, risk management meets investor's expectations. Before making an investment decision,
investors carefully consider the risks. Therefore, the enterprise's ability to control risks will reduce
investors' worries,
Any event, large or small, cannot be without risk. Event organizers, in addition to detailed
planning, must also manage risks that may occur during the event. Therefore, we also need to be
well prepared to limit those risks.
• Possibility: Medium
• Severity: High
Food safety hazards are caused by biological contamination such as bacteria, mold, etc.; physical
contaminants such as glass, wood, hair, etc.; and some errors in food delivery. These hazards can
pose risks such as food poisoning or other health problems for customers. This is a fairly common
risk in events where food and drinks are served to customers. In consequence, it is necessary to
take some measures to avoid encountering these risks.
Solution: To avoid food safety risks, the design of separate food processing and guest dining areas
is also a solution. The dining area must be airy, regularly kept clean, and design toilets and hand
basins for customers. Raw materials for processing must be clean and of good quality. Food
ingredients must have clear origins, ensure safety, and do not use foods outside the list permitted
by the Ministry of Health. Having a source of clean water; separating processing for raw and
cooked food (table, knife, cutting board); having enough clean eating utensils; Do not use hands
to directly prepare food. Waste containers must be covered, and cleaned; Wastewater is collected
in a closed system, ensuring no environmental pollution
• Possibility: High
• Severity: Medium
To solve those problems, the event's food court manager must be someone who has experience in
handling situations, answering all customers' needs and questions, and always delivering the best
experience. Make specific plans in the event and guide staff to adapt to each specific situation.
Recruiting staff with experience in service is also a solution to limit the above risks.
118 Supply risks
Any service provider will be in a situation where some supply issues are possible. In terms of
cuisine, the source of ingredients must ensure both quality and quantity. Regarding the equipment
in the event, the equipment must be brought on time, properly set up and according to the set plan.
• Possibility: Low
• Severity: Low
For that reason, in order to minimize the trouble and damage from suppliers, we need to find
reputable and responsible partners. Besides, it is also necessary to find sub-suppliers to be able to
replace the main supplier in case of emergency.
• Possibility: High
• Severity: Low
To ensure the safety of the children, we need to build a speaker system to find lost children.
Powered areas must be closed and monitored. Remind parents to be careful, watch their children
away from dangerous areas such as technical areas, cooking, etc.
• Possibility: Medium
• Severity: Medium
We can avoid this risk by enclosing the area with a fence, and have strict ticket gates to avoid this.
In addition, you also need to ensure an experienced security team, with a professional personnel
system to handle situations flexibly, avoiding unnecessary situations. Design bracelets for event
participants to avoid the situation of people who do not buy tickets but still intentionally
participate. Weather
Possible weather problems include rain and storms. Although the event was held at the beginning
of June – during the dry season in Da Nang, weather factors are one factor that we cannot control
at will. Every year, Da Nang has many storms as well as tropical depressions leading to prolonged
rain. And our "Childhood’s Sky" event still has to include the weather element in the risk
management section, although the probability is very low. Weather is an important factor as our
event features a lot of outdoor activities. In bad weather, such activities will not be possible and
the number of visitors to the event will be reduced.
• Possibility: Low
• Severity: High
If there is a storm before the event, we need to clean up the event area. For slightly affected trees,
it is necessary to prune branches, leaves and fruits that are shriveled due to wind friction and
storms. At the same time, for fallen trees with a part of their roots deeply rooted in the soil, the soil
must be plowed to dig up the roots, prune branches and leaves, and re-cultivate the roots.
If there is rain during the event, you can put a tarpaulin above so that customers can still experience
the service comfortably. In addition, providing more raincoats for customers when leaving to bring
the best experience to them.
• Possibility: Low
• Severity: High
To reduce this risk well, fire extinguishers should be placed in conspicuous places, especially
around flammable areas such as food preparation areas. Employees also need to learn how to react
and act in the event of a fire. The staff as well as event managers are responsible for proactively
checking facilities to avoid negligence that could cause fire or explosion.
Legal issues are also one of the risks that need to be considered. The venue for the event must be
approved by the local government before it can be held. In addition, because the event has musical
performances, the music copyright factor should also be considered.
• Possibility: Low
• Severity: Medium
This is a relatively low risk. The main remedy is to ensure that legal issues with local authorities
are completed and clearly moderated so that when problems arise, they can still be resolved
quickly. As for the issue of music copyright, before the event takes place, the performances must
be checked and carefully considered to avoid problems of music piracy.
The risks when organizing events about equipment can be mentioned as: lights suddenly turn off,
sudden sounds with a loud noise, or silence while the event is still happening. Those are the
technical risks of the equipment on stage. This will make attendees feel uncomfortable, which can
break the emotional circuit of the event.
• Possibility: Medium
• Severity: Low
For electrical equipment such as sound and light, it is necessary to pay attention to connecting
backup electrical cabinets in case of power failure. As for the LED screen system, you need a
computer or laptop powerful enough to avoid crashes and power loss. In addition, it is advisable
to have a few laptops ready for unexpected problems.
Figure 61: Risk Assessment Matrix
5.3 Future-oriented
Right from the early days of planning "Childhood’s Sky", we have set short-term goals and long-
term goals to develop the company in a better direction. In terms of short-term goals, in the
immediate future, we will try to best complete this event. Thereby drawing lessons and experiences
in event management as well as achieving revenue goals. At the same time, it will also evaluate
what has been done and not done to continue to promote the good points and correct the bad points
for the following events.
In long-term goals, the "Childhood’s Sky" event is a new type of event organized according to the
model - content as above. As a result, we hope that this event will be a springboard to organize
more events with the same meaning and message, and at the same time spread this event to many
places for them to follow and help society become more developed. We will also come up with
strategies to develop service quality and brand to better meet the needs of customers when using
the service. In addition, in order to develop service quality, we will also add and diversify services
and types of events to serve many different customers in the future. Keeping up to date with market
developments and travel demand will help us to best serve our customers and provide a great
experience when using our services, helping us to become an event organization company which
is the most prestigious and quality event in Da Nang market in particular and Vietnam in general.
5.4 Conclusion
In summary, the event "Childhood’s Sky" was developed after surveying and collecting the needs
and preferences of customers. With a new entertainment model and meaningful message, our event
is not only for business purposes; above all, we want to create a playground for children with
exciting experiences coming to everyone, helping people to feel more clearly the values of
protecting, loving, and taking care of children, as well as family affection. Through this event, we
realized that the opportunity to organize other similar events in Da Nang is huge and has a lot of
potential for future development. We have clear directions for the future and promise to become
one of the most prestigious and quality event organizers in Da Nang and the country.
Figure 64: Decoration concept
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