Cap450:Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Systems: Session 2023-24 Page:1/2
Cap450:Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Systems: Session 2023-24 Page:1/2
Cap450:Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Systems: Session 2023-24 Page:1/2
CO1 :: recall key principles of AI, ML, and Python programming, and identify their roles in real-
world scenarios through use cases.
CO2 :: understand the techniques involved in data pre-processing, natural language processing,
and neural networks, along with the challenges and opportunities they present.
CO3 :: apply the learned techniques to build, optimize, and deploy neural networks, convolutional
neural networks, and recommendation systems for practical AI applications.
CO4 :: analyze the effectiveness of AI models through case studies, and design and implement
AI solutions for chosen use cases, critically evaluating their impact and results.
Unit I
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence : Introduction to Al and Intelligent Agents, Search Methods
and Knowledge Representation, Use Cases of Artificial Intelligence, Role of Machine Learning
Engineer, Machine Learning Tools & Packages
Python for Data Analysis : Python Data Structures, Python Programming Fundamentals, Python
Packages, Working with NUMPY, Pandas, Data Visualization, Matplotlib and Seaborn
Unit II
Data Wrangling Techniques : Introduction to Data pre-processing, Importing the Dataset, Handling
Missing data, Splitting the data into Train and Test set, Feature Scaling
Natural Language Processing : Introduction to Natural Language Processing and NTLK, Bag of
Words model, Natural Language Processing in Python, Sentiment analysis using Natural Language
Unit III
Introduction to Neural Networks : Neuron and Activation Function, Neural Networks working and
learning, Gradient Descent, Stochastic Gradient Descent and Backpropagation
Recurrent Neural Networks : Introduction to Recurrent Neural Networks, The idea behind
Recurrent Neural Networks, The Vanishing Gradient Problem, STMs and LSTM Variations Predicting
Google stock prices using RNN, Evaluating, Improving, and Tuning the RNN
Unit IV
Convolutional Neural Networks : Introduction to Convolutional Neural Networks, Convolution
Operation, ReLU Layer, Pooling, Flattening and Full Connection Classification of images using CNN,
Evaluating, Improving, and Tuning the CNN
Unit V
Build & Deploy an Al Application : Introduction to different modes of Deployments, Working with
Flask framework, Building an application with Flask Framework, Integrating Deep learning model with
Web Application
Unit VI
Recommendation Systems : Collaborative Recommender System, Content-Based Recommender
System, Designing of Recommender System
Case Studies : Improving customer experience, Attrition Analysis for IBM, Movie Lens Dataset
Analysis, Stock Market Data Analysis, Usecase1: Facebook Auto-Tagging/Face Recognition in Mobiles,
Usecase2: Google Assistant, Usecase3: Youtube/Netflix/Amazon Recommendation Systems,
Usecase4: Google Translate
List of Practical
• Install Python and required libraries (NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib, Seaborn). Create a simple Python
script for basic data manipulation. Explore Jupyter Notebooks for interactive coding and visualization.
• Import a dataset using Pandas. Handle missing data and outliers. Split the dataset into training and
testing sets. Perform feature scaling on numerical features.
• Use NLTK for text processing in Python. Implement a Bag of Words model for text representation.
Perform sentiment analysis on a sample dataset using NLP techniques.
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