Iso TS 02610-2022
Iso TS 02610-2022
Iso TS 02610-2022
First edition
Reference number
ISO/TS 2610:2022(E)
© ISO 2022
ISO/TS 2610:2022(E)
Contents Page
Foreword......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... iv
1 Scope.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 1
2 Normative references...................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
3 Terms and definitions..................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
4 Reference conditions........................................................................................................................................................................................ 2
5 Principle......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2
6 Reagents and equipment.............................................................................................................................................................................. 2
7 Sampling........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 3
8 Preparation of the calibration tubes............................................................................................................................................... 3
9 Analysis........................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
9.1 Thermal desorption............................................................................................................................................................................ 4
9.2 Program temperature of the GC separation.................................................................................................................. 4
9.3 Sample analysis....................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
9.4 Quantification method..................................................................................................................................................................... 5
10 Performance characteristics................................................................................................................................................................... 5
11 Calculations................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 5
12 Test report................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
Annex A (informative) Characteristics of the amines to be quantified........................................................................... 8
Bibliography................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 9
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards
bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out
through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical
committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International
organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work.
ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of
electrotechnical standardization.
The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are
described in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1. In particular, the different approval criteria needed for the
different types of ISO documents should be noted. This document was drafted in accordance with the
editorial rules of the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2 (see
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of
patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. Details of
any patent rights identified during the development of the document will be in the Introduction and/or
on the ISO list of patent declarations received (see
Any trade name used in this document is information given for the convenience of users and does not
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For an explanation of the voluntary nature of standards, the meaning of ISO specific terms and
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the World Trade Organization (WTO) principles in the Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT), see
This document was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 193, Natural gas, Subcommittee SC 1,
Analysis of natural gas.
Any feedback or questions on this document should be directed to the user’s national standards body. A
complete listing of these bodies can be found at
This document was developed in response to biomethane specifications such as EN 16723 (all parts)[7].
In other regions, other specifications can apply for biomethane.
In the process of biogas upgrading into biomethane, alkanolamines are used for removing of sulphur-
containing components and carbon dioxide. Due to this reason, trace level of these components can
be present in biomethane. This method is suited for the detection of these components as well as the
determination of their concentration. To inject biomethane into natural gas grids and to use it as an
automotive fuel, it needs to meet specifications. For amines the maximum limit value in biomethane is
set as 10 mg/m3 is set in EN 16723 (all parts)[7]. Other specifications can state other thresholds.
1 Scope
This document specifies the determination of the concentration of alkanolamines in biomethane. The
measurement method involves thermal desorption gas chromatography with flame ionization and/or
mass spectrometry detectors (TD-GC-MS/FID). The described method is specifically developed for the
analysis of five amine compounds, namely:
— monoethanolamine (MEA);
— diglycolamine (DGA);
— diethanolamine (DEA);
— N-methyldiethanolamine (MDEA);
— piperazine (PZ).
Information about the compounds is given in Annex A.
2 Normative references
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content
constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For
undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 10715, Natural gas — Sampling guidelines
ISO 14532, Natural gas — Vocabulary
ISO 16000-6, Indoor air — Part 6: Determination of organic compounds (VVOC, VOC, SVOC) in indoor and
test chamber air by active sampling on sorbent tubes, thermal desorption and gas chromatography using
ISO 19229, Gas analysis — Purity analysis and the treatment of purity data
gas chromatography-mass spectrometry
method that combines the features of gas-liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry to
qualitatively and quantitatively analyse volatile compounds within a test sample
[SOURCE: ISO/TS 16550:2014, 2.3]
4 Reference conditions
Unless stated otherwise, all volumes and concentrations in this document are for real dry gas at
ISO Standard Reference conditions of 15 °C and 101,325 kPa (see ISO 13443).
Other reference conditions may be chosen if the context in which the measurements are performed, or
the results to be used, dictate to do so.
5 Principle
A known volume of biomethane is actively sampled on a sorbent tube. Amines compounds are then
trapped on the sorbent and tubes are analysed in laboratory. Analysis is performed by thermal
desorption at high temperature. When desorbed, compounds are sent on a cold trap prior to their
transport in the gas chromatograph column and their detection by flame ionisation detector and/or
mass spectrometry.
6.1.1 Amine standards, pure amine components shall be used, and their purity shall be assessed in
accordance with ISO 19229. Amines (except DGA) should be at least 99 % purity grade. For DGA, purity
should be at least 98 %.
6.2 Dilution solvent, methanol (chromatographic quality) shall be used as dilution solvent for the
preparation of calibration standards.
6.3 Sorbent tubes, equipped with a suitable sorbent. It is also recommended to use stainless steel
tubes with proper coating treatment (amines are photosensitive).
EXAMPLE Tenax TA®1) based polymer (2,6-diphelylene oxide polymer).
6.4 Gas chromatograph (GC), equipped with a flame ionization detector (FID) and/or a mass
spectrometer (MS). Moreover, the GC shall be equipped with a thermal desorption system associated to
a cryogenic trap.
If an FID is used, the selectivity of the method regarding amines shall be established (see ISO 6974-1).
As biomethane composition regarding trace compounds (e.g., terpenes) is related to the nature of the
inputs, the method shall be tested towards a real biomethane sample, and adapt it if necessary to avoid
coelution of components.
1) Tenax® is a registered trademark of Buchem BV, Apeldoorn, the Netherlands. This information is given for the
convenience of users and does not constitute an endorsement by ISO for the product named.
6.5 Capillary column, GC capillary column suited for the separation of ethanolamines shall be
6.7 Precision syringes, intended for tubes spiking shall be readable to 0,1 µl or better resolution.
The capacity shall be in agreement with the volume to be deposited on the sorbent.
Commercial sorbent tubes (6.3) can contain many impurities that shall be removed before any sampling.
Thus, tubes shall be conditioned at high temperature under inert flow gas before usage. Conditioning
shall be performed at 300 °C for at least 120 min under inert gas flow rate of approx. 50 ml min-1 in
order to remove any potential impurities present on the sorbent. Other conditions can apply – consult
the documentation of the sorbent tubes or the literature.
7 Sampling
With respect to biomethane sampling, guidance of ISO 10715 shall be followed. Sampling using thermal
desorption tubes shall be as described in ISO 16000-6. These guidances shall be followed in the absence
of a dedicated sampling method for biomethane. Flow rate measurements shall be performed using
devices that have been calibrated with methane or biomethane. Furthermore, the sampling method
proposed in this document is adapted for a dry biomethane.
The sorbent tubes shall be conditioned prior to sampling (6.8). Breakthrough volume of amines on the
sorbent tubes shall be studied to obtain the total sample capacity of the sorbent tubes and to adapt
to proper sampling volume. A sufficient volume of gas shall be sampled and trapped on the sorbent
tubes to ensure that based on the analysis results an assessment can be made that the total amines
concentration meets the applicable specification. A sufficient number (at least three) of tubes shall be
sampled to enable replicate analysis.
Attention shall be paid to the possibility of amines in the form of aerosols, sampling technique shall be
8.1 Prior to any sample analysis, a calibration of the instrument for the five amines shall be
performed. Prepare calibration standards in the form of sorbent tubes spiked with known masses of
the relevant amines. The sorbent tubes shall be conditioned beforehand (see Clause 7). After preparing
the liquid calibration solutions containing the five amines at different concentrations (one solution per
calibration point), a proper volume (usually below 100 µL) of solution should be directly deposited on
the conditioned sorbent tube (preliminary conditioned).
8.2 The following procedure describes the preparation of calibration standards for amines:
a) Prepare a concentrated liquid mixture containing desired amounts of MEA, DEA, DGA, MDEA, PZ
(6.1.1) and N-octane (6.1.2) with mass/volume concentration.
b) Dilute this mixture with high-purity methanol (6.2) to obtain desired low concentrations of amines
as end-mixture.
c) Spike the end-mixture onto conditioned sorbent tubes (6.3) with known volume and calculated
d) Flush the spiked sorbent tubes with nitrogen for a duration of at least 20 min to remove most of the
methanol. Then the measurement standards for amine components are ready to be used.
e) Prepare calibration standards with at least five spiking levels of amine contents, e.g. each level
contains 100 ng, 500 ng, 1 000 ng, 2 000 ng, and 4 000 ng of each amine component.
9 Analysis
10 Performance characteristics
In order to assess the performances of the developed method, precision of the method shall be evaluated,
i.e., repeatability, intermediate precision and reproducibility. Measurement uncertainties shall as well
be determined.
Before this method is used, its performance characteristics shall be determined in accordance Fitness
for Purpose of Analytical Methods guide from Eurachem[9] and the uncertainty evaluated in accordance
with ISO/IEC Guide 98-3. This determination shall include, as a minimum, the estimation of uncertainty
components from the following steps:
— sampling;
— desorption efficiency;
— calibration;
— analysis.
Furthermore, the linearity and limits of detection and quantification of the method shall be established.
The accuracy and repeatability of the measuring method are important factors, which shall be
determined in order to evaluate the results and the suitability of the method for the intended purpose.
For the calculation of the measurement uncertainty, the following sources of uncertainty shall be
— the purity of the amine chemicals, the uncertainty on the weighing data during preparation of the
spiking solution, the miscibility of the solution;
— precision of the analysis.
NOTE For further guidance: EuraChem/CITAC Guide on Measurement uncertainty[8] and the EuraChem
Guide on method validation[9].
11 Calculations
In order to determine the amines concentration in the analysed biomethane, the following calculations
shall be used.
Calibration curves shall be determined for each amine, with the aim to obtain a relationship between
the peak area, y, and the mass of amines, m, as in Formula (1). A linear regression shall be performed to
determine a and b:
y = am + b (1)
NOTE 2 Guidance on determining and using straight-line calibration functions is given in ISO/TS 28037 and
ISO 6974-1.
The mass, m, is directly linked to the volume of amines solution deposited on the tube. For example, 1 µl
of a solution at 100 mg/l of DEA in methanol corresponds to 100 ng of DEA on the sorbent.
The integrations of the amines peaks on the biomethane sample chromatogram will lead to the
determination of ρamine (see Formulae (2) and (3)). Using Formula (2), the mass of amine on the sorbent
can be determined:
y −b
mamine = (2)
y instrument response;
V is the volume biomethane that passed the sorbent tube, expressed in m3.
12 Test report
The test report shall contain at least the following information:
a) a reference to this document, i.e. ISO/TS 2610:2022, and the analytical method used;
b) purpose of the measurements;
c) description of the stream and the sampling point location;
d) time and date of the sampling (at the beginning and at the end of the sampling);
e) sampling conditions (temperature, relative humidity, flow rate, duration);
f) concentrations of identified amines;
Annex A
Table A.1 gives the background towards the amine compounds that this document quantifies.
[1] ISO 6974-1, Natural gas — Determination of composition and associated uncertainty by gas
chromatography — Part 1: General guidelines and calculation of composition
[2] ISO 13443, Natural gas — Standard reference conditions
[3] ISO/TS 16550:2014, Nanotechnologies — Determination of silver nanoparticles potency by release
of muramic acid from Staphylococcus aureus
[4] ISO/TR 27912:2016, Carbon dioxide capture — Carbon dioxide capture systems, technologies and
[5] ISO/TS 28037, Determination and use of straight-line calibration functions
[6] ISO/IEC Guide 98-3:2008, Uncertainty of measurement — Part 3: Guide to the expression of
uncertainty in measurement (GUM:1995)
[7] EN 16723 (all parts), Natural gas and biomethane for use in transport and biomethane for injection
in the natural gas network
[8] Ellison S L R, Williams A, (eds). Eurachem/CITAC guide: Quantifying Uncertainty in
Analytical Measurement, Third edition, (2012) ISBN 978-0-948926-30-3. Available from www
[9] Magnusson B., Örnemark U., (eds.) Eurachem Guide: The Fitness for Purpose of Analytical
Methods – A Laboratory Guide to Method Validation and Related Topics, ( 2nd ed. 2014). ISBN
978-91-87461-59-0. Available from http://w
ICS 75.060
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