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Mônica Lima de Jesus (https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6666-8463) 1
Maricelly Gómez Vargas (https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2389-7821) 2
Lupicinio Iñiguez-Rueda (https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1936-9428) 3
Emmanuelle Fernandez-Gonzalez (https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7658-4597) 4
Luis Augusto Vasconcelos da Silva (https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0742-9902) 1
José Miguel Cabrera (https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8673-3587) 5
Félix Pérez (https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6799-9272) 5
Jorge Saz (https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8679-634X) 5
taking PrEP on a daily basis, and only two on de- It should be added that the above situation
mand. Thus, all were adapted to the presence of can harm those who practice it. Follow-up is es-
the pill in their day-to- day lives: sential to evaluate potential side effects derived
Look, I’m super strict, so I have my time, at from PrEP, as well as the importance of perform-
lunch, which is good for me, because at night I do ing controls for HIV and other sexually trans-
not like to take it, as it could clash with a party mitted diseases (STDs). It is especially import-
or something [. ..] At noon I’m never partying or ant to rule out an HIV infection before starting
drinking alcohol or anything. Also I have an app PrEP (and also every three months) to prevent
that gives me a reminder to take it, and, once I’ve the virus from generating resistance to the medi-
taken it, I feel at ease (E-15, aged 35). cines. The PrEP use information system in Spain
The experience of the interviewees with PrEP (SiPrEP)10 points out that 13.4% of users in the
was positive, considering the time it had been country had taken it prior to entry into the cur-
available in the health services (2019): 60% had rent program. 66.7% had acquired it online, and
used it more than three years and 33% for two “almost a quarter without medical supervision”
to three years. In the interviews it was noticeable (p. 8). The interviewees suggested that it is nec-
that they had no difficulty taking it, whether on essary for PrEP to reach everyone. E-10, having
a daily basis (13) or on demand (2). One of the evaluated his own experience of feeling protect-
participants shared the daily use pills received by ed, stated:
his partner. Interviewee E-6 and his partner had It’s important for everyone to have access. It’d
autonomously decided to share the pills due to be great, because I know there are people still on
the long waiting list to join the program. Howev- the waiting list. [...] As I have been so well since I
er, as E-6 was not carrying out the recommended started protecting myself with it, I’d really like peo-
monitoring, at the end of the interview, he was ple to have more access to it (E-10, aged 48).
invited to join the program at the earliest possible Among our interviewees, some had also used
date. PrEP before the official implementation by the
antiretrovirals for prevention, or to be treated for In the same vein, E-5 (aged 31) shared with us
HIV infection. E-4, aged 23, who is on the PrEP his affective-sexual practices:
waiting list, had his first ever HIV test a little be- Once I left on a crazy trip with friends, and
fore the Covid-19 pandemic. When he came to then came back the day after for my pill (Prophy-
know the NGO, he was not much worried about laxis Post-exposure/PEP). It was because I was
the theme, and, like most interviewees, had had very scared [...]. I had made a fatal mistake, I
sex without condoms and been infected by STDs. came crying all the way [...] (E-5, aged 31).
It is plausible that the other STDs with follow- It would not be improbable to assume that
-ups are more visible than before the use of PrEP. many young people make very crazy trips, but
However, there is a statistically significant corre- they do not have their bodies marked [...] by the
lation between STDs in people who use PrEP and institutional discourses of the political, judicial,
the decrease in condom use. Moreover, in various sanitary, social or economic sphere. These bod-
countries, there is a higher incidence of STDs ies, around the time of the HIV pandemic, were
among HSH that use PrEP13. But the presence marked through signaling, classification, humilia-
of STDs is already a reality in those populations. tion, denial of rights, invisibility or disqualification
However, a more recent study by Trager et al.14 of some needs in relation to others15 (p. 12).
demonstrates that the incidence of STDs in PrEP
users in Australia tends to decrease throughout Expectations of the new ways
the months of use. This is what E-9 illustrates of administering PrEP
about his experience before and after PrEP:
At first, before taking PrEP, I was always prone All the interviewees were well adapted to the
to having gonorrhea and chlamydia. I only had fel- use of oral PrEP, whether daily or on demand,
latio, not risky sex, but now it has changed a little. and narrated some strategies so as not to forget
I don’t know if it has been the PrEP [...] I still get to take it: association with other medicines for
those diseases, but their level has dropped a lot (E- chronic diseases, use of alarms, or always carry-
9, aged 37). ing an extra pill in case they did not return home,
In the words of E-4, who was interested in etc. Below is what the interviewees shared about
using PrEP and was on the waiting list, appeared their routine daily use of PrEP:
to be concerned about catching STDs despite the It does not bother me, as, after breakfast, the
use of PrEP without condom use: pill is right there (E-10, age 48).
I’ve been considering it for a few months (us- Yeah. It’s a pill every night. I just set the alarm.
ing PrEP), because it’s truly something that seems I put 10:00-10:30. Easy! (E-5, aged 31).
interesting to me, right? Yes, it’s true that I had al- In this same sense, E-7 told us the process of
ways had a little interest, not respect, but I think, adapting to the daily oral PrEP. He had begun to
within the gay community, there is sometimes take it at night, but it was incompatible with his
a slightly erroneous use, because when they take routine, so he switched to taking it in the morning:
PrEP, they believe they can freely have sex without What I did so as not forget it again was to
a condom, without protection, and this should not adapt it to my work schedule, that is, by starting to
be so, as, in the end, I don’t know how to say this, take it in the morning as soon as I woke up. With
there is always HIV [...], but then, thinking about this routine it has been much better. I never miss a
it well, I think all the advance that can be made day now (E-7, no age stated).
to prevent something is positive, and if I can […], According to SiPrEP10, there is a low treat-
it would be interesting to benefit from a thing that ment interruption index and high adhesion,
can be good for me (E-4, aged 23). since they indicate that, among the 1,398 regis-
The subtle difference in emphasis between tered users, “PrEP interruptions were identified
generations in relation to PrEP use does not in 126 of them (9.0%). In 101 cases (79.5% of the
mean that younger persons do not experience total interruptions) the participant subsequently
anxiety, guilt, fear or complex feelings when it returned to PrEP consultations ”(p. 13). Bekker
comes to situations of pleasure versus risk of HIV et al. (2022) pointed out that use of the daily pill
infection. E-4 (aged 23) told us: can be a challenge for the youngest group of us-
I started crying a lot, as it was like being ers “due in part to side effects, the risk of short-
stripped of everything, Many years ago, I thought I age and the lack of pill storage options” (p. 1 ).
still didn’t have it. However, in a casual encounter, Thus, these authors highlighted the importance
a boy, living with HIV, told me it was ‘undetectable of evaluating other alternatives for PrEP use to
and non-transmissible’. respond to these demands. Contrary to the re-
stated) insisted on the matter of how checking is perception that the users will feel safe and pro-
conducted, showing that there is a posture more tected if they have the follow-up in the context
interested in continuous monitoring than in the of the Community Centre and in public health
type of biotechnology that prevents HIV. services, which is similar to what is raised in a
study by Brooke et al.17 on the positive monitor-
ing effects carried out with medical care for the
Conclusions LGBTQ collective. Systematic monitoring, which
has a fundamental function at this time of im-
Among our interviewees, there was satisfaction plementation, is necessary to reduce new HIV
regarding the use of PrEP, both on a daily ba- infections and head toward their eradication, at
sis and on demand, when there are outstanding least until PrEP coverage reaches all of this popu-
positive repercussions for their emotional-sexual lation group, and also has the capacity to provide
lives, characterizing that there is greater freedom protection against other STDs.
and decreased fear and anxiety about HIV in- In conclusion, it follows that the most im-
fection; according to their responses, there were portant thing for those who use PrEP, or are in-
also positive expectations about the new ways of terested in it, is the guarantee that they will have
administering PrEP. The male interviewees and follow-up to continue taking care of their emo-
the female interviewee manifested their interest, tional-sexual health, that is, the type of follow-up
expressing their hope to be able to use them in implemented by the PrEP program, both in the
the near future, according to their needs. This public health services and in the community
reaction coincided with the HSH in some other center that monitored it. This important aspect
studies2-3-6. This study takes into account Mol’s does not depend on the way of administering it
praxiographic perspective that prioritizes the in- in the sense that the different ways will be made
teraction of people with objects and institutions. available and will be determined by specific eval-
However, as its objective was to understand the uation of the requirements of each of them. This
expectations about these new ways, not yet offered suggests that expansion of the supply of daily pills
or well established in Spain, future studies are ex- and those on demand, reduction of waiting lists
pected to investigate relationships with these new and new ways of administering it, will be import-
objects. These studies could also describe in more ant for the success of this combination. As this
detail the ways these technologies, in interaction aspect of monitoring was not emphasized in the
with other actors, will produce multiple realities. scarce psycho-social studies of reference found
In our study, this availability of new ways on the subject, it constitutes one of the main con-
of administering PrEP is accompanied by the tributions made by this article.
M Lima and LAV Silva contributed to the concep- Acknowledgments: We wish to express our grati-
tion, writing and final revision. M Gómez-Vargas tude to the colleagues of our research groups, the
contributed with the methodology, writing and Laboratório de Estudos Es Mental (Lev) of Uni-
final review. L Iñiguez-Rueda, E Fernandez-Gon- versidade Federal da Bahia, LAICOS/IAPSE of
zalez, JM Cabrera, F Perez and J Saz contributed the Barcelona Autonomous University (UAB) for
with the final review. the critical readings of the text’s initial versions,
and Universidade Federal da Bahia for granting
leave to the first author from the UAB to pursue
a post-doctorate.
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