Options Given For Each of The Questions 1 To 20

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SECTION -A (20x 1 = 20)

Seleet and write one most appropriate option out of the four
options given for each of the questions 1 to 20:
1. An iron nail is placed in a solution of copper sulphate. The nail is taken
out after l5 minutes. The nail will be found to be covered with: 1

(A) blue deposit (B) brown deposit

(C) grey deposit (D) green deposit

2. Consider the following cases : 1

(a) CaSO, + A. (b) CuSO4 + Ca

(c) FeSO, + Cu (d) ZnSO, + Mg
The cases in which new products will form are
(A) (a) and (b) (B) (b) and (c)
(C) (c) and (d) (D) (b) and (d)

3. Which of the following reactions is an endothermic reaction ? 1

(A) Burning of coal

(B) Decomposition of vegetable matter into compost
(C) Process of respiration
(D) Decomposition of calcium carbonate to form quick lime and carbon

4. The oxide which can react with HCl as well as KOH to give corresponding
salt and water is 1

(A) CuO (B) Al,0,

(C) Na,0 (D) K,0

5. Juice of tamarind turns blue litmus tored. It is because of the presence of

an acid called:
(A) methanoic acid (B) acetic acid
(C) tartaric acid (D) oxalic acid
2131/2/3 5
6. Consider the following statements about homologous series of carbon
compounds :
(a) Allsucceeding members differ by - CH, unit.
(b) Melting point and boiling point increases with increasing molecular
(c) The difference in molecular masses between two successive
is 16 u.
of alkyne series.
(d) CH, and C,H,are NOT the successive members
The correct statements are
(A) (a) and (b) (B) (b) and (c)
(C) (a) and (c) (D) (c) and (d)
following reaction:
7. Identify the correct statement about the
2H,S + SO, ’ 2H,0 +8
reducing agent.
(A) H,S is oxidising agent and SO, is
(B) H,Sis reduced tosulphur.
reducing agent.
(C) SO, is oxidising agent and H,S is
(D) SO, is oxidised to sulphur.
shown belongs to which plant?
8. In the given diagram the leaf

Adventious buds
(B) Money plant
(A) Hibiscus
(D) Bryophyllum
(C) Mustard

gland which does NOT occur as a pair in the

9. Select out of the following a
human body :
(B) Ovary
(A) Pituitary
(D) Adrenal
(C) Testis P.T.O.
10 In human respiratory system, when a person breathes in, the position of
ribs and diaphragm will be :
(A) lifted ribs and curve/dome shaped diaphragm.
(B) lifted ribs and flattened diaphragm.
(C) relaxed ribs and flattened
(D) relaxed ribs and curve/dome shaped diaphragm.
about human heart 2
11. Which of the following statement(s) 1s (are) true 1
(a) Right atrium receives oxXygenated blood from lungs through
pulmonary artery.
b) Left atrium transfers oxygenated blood to left ventricle which sends
it to various parts of the
Right atrium receives deoxygenated blood through vena cava from
upper and lower bodv.
Left atrium transfers oxygenated blood to aorta which sends it to
different partsof the body.
(A) (a) (B) (a) and (d)
(C) (b) and (c) (D) (b) and (d)

and 50% short

12. A cross made between two pea plants produces 50% tall
pea plants. The gene combination of the parental pea plants must be

(A) Tt and Tt (B) TT and Tt

(C) Tt and tt (D) TT and tt

13. Study the I-V graph for three resistors of resistances R,, R, and R_ and
select the correct statement from the following :

V (volts)
(A) R=R, = R (B) R, > R, > R
(C) R,> R, > R, (D) R, > R, > R,
14. The maximum resistance of a network of five identica resistors of 5
each can be -- 1
(A) 1Q (B) 0.5 2
(C) 0.25 Q
(D) 0.1 2

15. The speed of light in vacuum is 3 x 108 m/s. If the speed of light in a
medium is2.25 x 108 m/s, theabsolute refractive indexof the medium is : 1
7 5
(A) (B)
4 3
(C) 3

16. Study the following statements : 1

(a) A fuse in a circuit prevents damage to the circuit due to overloading.

(b) Total resistance in a circuit increases due to overloading.
(c) During short circuiting the current in the circuit abruptly increases.
(d) In order that each appliance has same current, they are connected in
parallel to each other.
The correct statements are
(A) (a) and (b) (B) (b) and (d)
(C) (a) and (c) (D) (a), (c) and (d)

Q. Nos. 17 to 20 are Assertion Reason based questions :

These questions consist of two statemnents Assertion (A) and Reason (R).
Answer these questions selecting the appropriate option given below :
(A) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
(B) Both (A)and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
(C) (A) is true, but (R) is false.
(D) (A) is false, but (R) is true.

17. Assertion (A) : Carbon reduces the oxides of Sodium and Magnesium. 1

Reason (R) :Sodium and Magnesium have more affinity for Oxygen than
2131/2/3 11 P.T.0.
18. Assertion (A) : The deflection of a cOompas8 needle placed near a current
carrying wire decreases when the magnitude of an electric
the wìire is increased. current in
Reason (R) : Strength of the magnetic field at a point due to a
carryimg conductor increases on increasing the current current
in the

s0 Assertion (A): The colour of clear sky appears blue. 1

Reason (R) : Light of blue colour has longer wavelength as compared to
the light of red colour so it is scattered more in
the upper

o0 Assertion (A): Human female has a perfect pair of sex chromosome. 1

Reason (R): Sex chromosome contributed by the human male in the
zygote decides the sex of a child.

Q. Nos. 21 to 26 are very short answer questions.
21. (a) Give one example of each of the following: 2
() Chemical reaction showing evolution of gas.
(ii) Change in the colour of the substance during a chemical reaction.
21. (b) Translate the following statements into chemical equations and then
balance them : 2
(i) Hydrogen sulphide gas burns in air to give water and sulphur
(i) Silver bromide on exposure to sunlight decomposes into silver
and bromine.

22. Namne the blood vessel which brings blood to the kidneys. Why is nephron
called a basic filtration unit of kidney ? Write the role of tubular part of
nephron in urine formation. 2

43. Mendel crossed a round and yellow seeded pea plant with a wrinkled and
green seeded pea plant. What did the plants of F, generation look like in
terms of shape and colour of seed ? On self-pollinating F, generation
plants, plants with four types of combinations of characters were seen n 2
F2 generation. Write the combinations along with their ratios.
2131/2/3 13
24. Use Ohm's law to determine the potential difference across the 3 S2
resistor in the circuit shown in the following diagram when key is closed: 2
K 2 V

2 S2 3 2

25. (a) A person suffering from an eye defect uses lenses of power -1 D.
Name the defect of vision and list its two causes. State the nature
(converging/diverging) of the corrective lens. 2
(b) What is presbyopia ? Nane the type of lenses used for the correction
of this defect. State the nature (converging/diverging) of the upper
part of such lenses. 2

26. Name the term used for the materials which cannot be broken down by
biological processes. Give two ways by which they harm various
components of an ecosystem. 2

Q. Nos. 27 to 33 are short answer questions.
27. (a) Sodium metal is stored under kerosene oil. Why ?
(b) Sonme metal oxides are soluble in water. What are the aqueous
solutions of these oxides called ? Write one example of such a
(c) At ordinary temperature the surface of metals such as magnesium,
aluminium, zinc etc. is covered with a thin layer. What is the
composition of this layer ? State its importance.

28. It is observed that Calcium on reaction with water floats on its surface.
Explain why it happens. Also write a balanced chemical equation for the
reaction that occurs. What happens when the aqueous solution of the
product of this reaction reacts with Carbon dioxide gas ? Writea balanced
chemical equation for the reaction.

2131/2/l3 15 P.T.0.
) List any two contraceptive methods practised only by womnen.
Mention how these methods work.
) Write the two roles performed by testes in human males.

30. (a) Give reasons for thefollowing:

() Alveoliin lungs are richly supplied with blood capillaries.
(ii) Respiratory pigment in the blood takes up oxygen and not
carbon dioxide.

(iii) During anaerobic respiration, a 3-carbon molecule is formed as

an end product instead of CO, in human beings.

30. (b) () Name the movements that occur all along the gut in human
digestive system. How do they help in digestion ? 3

(ii) Where is bile juice stored in human body ? List two roles of bile juice.

31. (a) Define the term power of accommodation of human eye. Write the
name of the part of eye which plays a major role in the process of
accommodation and explain what happens when human eye focuses
() nearby objects and (ii) distant objects. 3
(b) Draw a ray diagram to show the formation of a rainbow in the sky.
On this diagram mark A - where dispersion of light occurs, B -
where internal reflection of light occurs and C - where refraction of
light occurs. List two necessary conditions to observe a rainbow. 3

32. Define the term solenoid. Draw the pattern of magnetic field lines around
a current carrying solenoid, State how this magnetic field can be used to
magnetise a piece of magneticmaterial, like soft iron.

Use of pesticides to protect our crops affect organisms at various trophic

levels especially human beings. Name the phenomenon involved and
explain how does it happen. 3

2131/2/3 17 P.T.0.
5 5 P.T.0.

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a centredetermine nor Writemembers(CH,,).
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36 Which What half of image if object of Give What
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34 Upper
(i) (i) the An (a)
() (ii) (ii)
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(ii) (b)
(b) 2131/2/3
Q. (a)
5 1 1 2 2
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39 L, P.
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one (a) (b) (c) (c) 2131/2/3
4 1 1 2 2 4 2

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found is due theconnected common classified Justify
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electric the "Sodium Define
the flowing
fullycircuit List List fuse The A
as sltis Find salts."
(ii) currentheating
getsthe (1) fuse,
5 a salts
(a) (b) (c) also 2131/2/3
(c) of (a) (b) (c) (c)
38. 39.

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