Papadimitriou Aggelos Dip 2017
Papadimitriou Aggelos Dip 2017
Papadimitriou Aggelos Dip 2017
Papadimitriou Angelos
January, 2017
Examinatory Committee
In a world where data transmission is one of the most critical aspects of life, there is an increasing
trend to produce devices that communicate wirelessly and in the majority of cases are mobile. The
most common approach, is to design new wireless devices in the 2.4 GHz and 5.5 GHz bands in
order to take advantage of the high transmission speeds that they provide and the fact that a device
can operate in these frequency bands without license. Additionally, the demand for low power
circuits is a perpetual call for research, where the CMOS technology thrives. The aggressive scaling
of CMOS devices also provides the opportunity to integrate numerous digital and analog blocks in a
single chip. The system on a chip (SoC) approach also applies in the field of telecommunications,
where the different blocks that constitute a transceiver are integrated in a single die. One of those
RF blocks is the low noise amplifier. Low noise amplifiers are usually the first blocks in the
receiver chain and the ones that first process the incoming signal. Due to the fact that the signal has
undergone significant attenuation, the purpose of the LNA is to amplify it while keeping the noise
added by the circuit itself, at a minimum. The objective of this thesis is to present a methodology to
design optimized LNAs. The term “optimized” translates to finding a design that provides a perfect
balance in trade-offs like power consumption, gain and noise performance. This can be achieved
with the use of a well defined model of equations that generates an approximation of an optimized
LNA in combination with a genetic algorithm for the fine tuning of the circuit parameters.
Chapter 1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Chapter 6. Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
6.1 Future Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
Appendix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
Radio Frequency (RF) and analog mixed-signal technologies serve the rapidly growing wireless
communication market. The growing demand for larger bandwidth, motivates the RF circuit
designers to advance to higher frequencies. Additionally, RF circuit design is increasingly taking
advantage of the aggressive scaling of submicrometer CMOS technologies that make possible the
integration of complete telecommunication systems in a single chip. Although several chips
containing RF parts have been appeared in the last few years, the design of RF CMOS integrated
circuits remains a challenge due to strong constraints in power consumption and noise.
Low noise amplifiers (LNAs) are one of the most integral parts of any telecommunication
system such as the Bluetooth, the global system for mobile communications (GSM), wireless local
area networks (WLAN), wide area networks (WAN), global positioning system (GSP), satellite
communications along with others. LNAs are also found in medical instruments, such as the
electrocardiography system, and other electronic equipment.
Since most of the top selling applications of the low noise amplifiers are mobile, thus
powered by battery, the LNA must produce adequate results with low power consumption. Even
though there is a wide research in the field, the power constraints adds to the notion that the LNA
design is not an easy task. Each application has different protocols that include specific
requirements for the RF blocks in the transceiver chain. For example the power levels of a satellite
signal received by a GPS receiver may be as low as -160 dBm. This poses a challenge on the
sensitivity of the system. A low noise amplifier with low noise figure and high gain is required to
boost the sensitivity of the system. Additionally, in the modern era of mobile phones, the GPS
signals are co-habited by strong interfering cellular signals. The cellular signal can mix to produce
intermodulation products exactly in the GPS receiver frequency band. To enhance interference
immunity of the GPS system LNAs with high linearity characteristics such as IP3 and input P1dB
are required.
The problem with all these design quantities though, is that they are not independent,
imposing trade-offs in analog and RF design. Figure 1 shows the RF design hexagon which
illustrates that the different figures of merit, such as, gain, noise, linearity, and power consumption
are interdependent. Hence there has to be a certain design, where the low noise amplifier operates
optimally, balancing these figures of merit. The optimization of the performance is one of the most
critical parts in RF design. In the past, the most common practice was the trial and error way, where
the optimal operating point was a product of many hours spent tweaking the design, and trying to
find the best performing one.
Lately, a more productive approach is used, where the designer follows a methodology that
leads to an optimal result. This methodology is usually a set of equations that are produced from a
well defined compact transistor characterization model.
Another approach, is based on methods with iterative philosophy. These methods usually
rely on computer simulations that use the results of past designs as input and try to output a better
design in each iteration, either by a deterministic algorithm, that evaluates the input parameters and
acts accordingly, or by non-deterministic ( randomized) algorithms, such as evolutionary algorithms,
that search for the optimum in a wide search space. The iterative approaches, always produce an
optimum result, but the convergence time is not finite, i.e. they may be time and (computing) power
The advantage of randomized algorithms, over the deterministic counterparts is that they do
not require a strict modeling of the environment variables (e.g. exact modeling of inductors),
because they just try to maximize (or minimize) a single figure of merit that summarizes how close
a given design solution is to achieving the set aims, by randomly adjusting the design variables.
This figure of merit is often called a fitness function. The disadvantage of this type of methodology
over a deterministic one with a well defined modeled environment, is that their convergence time is
likely to be longer due to their random complexity.
In this thesis we will take advantage of both the model equations and a genetic algorithm,
and ultimately use their combination to produce an optimized low noise amplifier design. The
overview of the thesis is as follows. Chapter 2 is going to be an introduction to the RF analog
design, presenting concepts that a designer must be aware of when designing a circuit. These
concepts range from telecommunication theories, to noise in MOSFETs and matching network
design. Chapter 3, introduces the circuit of the low noise amplifier and the analysis of the design
specifications as well as the topologies that are going to recur throughout this work. Chapter 4 is the
presentation of the procedure of defining where the optimum operation can be found, and introduce
the notion of the figure-of-merit. Later on, chapter 5 uses the combined knowledge of chapter 3 and
4 to propose a methodology to design a low noise amplifier. Afterwards, chapter 5 analyzes an
iterative approach that is used to produce the final optimized design. Finally, using the
methodology, we show a case study for a 5 GHz LNA. Chapter 6, is the conclusion and the future
Radio frequency design draws upon many concepts from a variety of fields, including signals and
systems, electromagnetics and microwave theory, and communications. Nonetheless, RF design has
developed its own analytical methods and its own language. This chapter deals with general
concepts that prove essential to the analysis and design of RF circuits, closing the gaps with respect
to other fields.
the measurement of power quantities. These are called scattering parameters or S-parameters and
are used extensively to characterize components and also to analyze circuits.
The S-parameters are members of a family of similar parameters, other examples being: Y-
parameters, Z-parameters, H-parameters, T-parameters or ABCD-parameters. They differ from
these, in the sense that S-parameters do not use open or short circuit conditions to characterize a
linear electrical network; instead, matched loads are used. These terminations are much easier to use
at high signal frequencies than open-circuit and short-circuit terminations.
In the S-parameter approach, an electrical network is regarded as a “black box” containing
various interconnected basic electrical circuit components or lumped elements such as resistors,
capacitors, inductors and transistors, which interacts with other circuits through ports. The network
is characterized by a square matrix of complex numbers called S-parameter matrix, which can be
used to calculate its response to signals applied to the ports.
For the S-parameter definition, it is understood that a network may contain any components,
provided that the entire network behaves linearly with incident small signals. It may also include
many typical communication system components or "blocks” such as amplifiers, attenuators, filters,
etc, provided they are also operating under linear and defined conditions.
An electrical network to be described by S-parameters may have any number of ports. Ports
are the points at which electrical signals either enter or exit the network. Ports are usually pairs of
terminals with the requirement that the current into one terminal is equal to the current leaving the
The S-parameter matrix describing an N-port network will be square of dimension N and
will therefore contain N2 elements. At the test frequency each element or S-parameter is represented
by a unitless complex number that represents magnitude and angle, i.e. amplitude and phase.
For a generic multi-port network, the ports are numbered from 1 to N, where N is the total
number of ports. For port n, the associated S-parameter definition is in terms of incident and
reflected waves, an and bn respectively. The incident and reflected waves are defined as :
1 1 *
a= k (V +Z P I ) (2.1), b= k (V −Z P I ) (2.2)
2 2
where ZP is the diagonal matrix of the complex reference impedance for each port, ZP* is the
element wise complex conjugate of ZP ,V and I are respectively the column vectors of the voltages
and currents at each port and
| ℜ{ Z P }| (2.3)
Sometimes it is useful to assume that the reference impedance is the same for all ports in which case
the definitions of the incident and reflected waves may be simplified to
V +Z 0 I V +Z 0 I
a= (2.4) and b= (2.5)
| ℜ{ Z P }| | ℜ{ Z P } |
For all ports the reflected power waves may be defined in terms of the S-parameter matrix
and the incident power waves by the following matrix equation : b = Sa, where S is an NxN matrix.
The S-parameter matrix of the 2-port is probably the most commonly used, and serves as the
building block for generating the higher order matrices for larger networks. In this case the
relationship between the reflected and the incident waves and the S-parameter matrix is given by :
( )(
b2 )( )
b1 = S 11 S 12 a 1
S 21 S 22 a 2
(2.6), expanding the matrix into equations :
definitions of the 2-port scattering matrix the Sij parameters are calculated in 2.9-2.12 as :
| 2
| 2 ,
1 ,
S 11 = a a =0 S 21 = a a = 0 S 12 = a a = 0 S 22 = a a = 0
, 2
+ - - +
If we define the incident waves as a 1 =V 1 , a 2 =V 2 , and the reflected waves as b 1=V 1 and b 2 =V 2
then the S-parameters take a more intuitive meaning such as :
S11 : is the input port reflection coefficient
S12 : is the reverse voltage gain
S21 : is the forward voltage gain
S22 : is the output port voltage reflection coefficient
Any 2-port S-parameter may be displayed on a Smith Chart using polar co-ordinates, but the
most meaningful would be S11 and S22 since either of these may be converted directly into an
equivalent normalized impedance (or admittance) using the characteristic Smith Chart impedance
(or admittance) scaling appropriate to the system impedance.
Now we will explain the different regions on the Smith chart. If a polar diagram is mapped
on to a Cartesian coordinate system it is conventional to measure angles relative to the positive x-
axis using a counterclockwise direction for positive angles. The magnitude of a complex number is
the length of a straight line drawn from the origin to the point representing it. The Smith chart uses
the same convention, noting that, in the normalized impedance plane, the positive x-axis extends
from the center of the Smith chart at z T =1 ± j0 to the point z T =∞± j ∞ . The region above the x-
axis represents inductive impedances (positive imaginary parts) and the region below the x-axis
represents capacitive impedances (negative imaginary parts).
If the termination is perfectly matched, the reflection coefficient will be zero, represented
effectively by a circle of zero radius or in fact a point at the center of the Smith chart. If the
termination was a perfect open circuit or short circuit the magnitude of the reflection coefficient
would be unity, all power would be reflected and the point would lie at some point on the unity
circumference circle.
In the example of figure 5, the system shows a capacitive behavior for frequencies lower
than the center frequency f0, and inductive behavior for frequencies greater than f0. In the center
frequency, the S-parameter response do not lie in the center of the Smith chart therefore, the system
is not matched at the characteristic impedance.
As long as the impedance, ZL , has some nonzero real part a matching network can always be
found. Many choices are available. The factors that may be important in the selection of a particular
matching network include the following :
• Complexity : A simpler matching network is usually cheaper, more reliable and less lossy
than a more complex design.
• Bandwidth : Any type of matching network can ideally give perfect match at a single
An L-section is a two-element matching network. The four possible configurations are shown in
figure 7. Depending on the position of the first component (as viewed from the load), the load
resistance can be transformed upwards or downwards with an L-section.
When the first reactive component is a series component, the transformation is upward; and when it
is parallel, the transformation is downward.
The second element in the L-section is used to remove the residual reactance caused by the
transformation element (i.e. the first element). The second element is therefore the compensating
When a reactive element (X1) is added in series with a resistor ( R) and the equivalent
parallel combination is considered (series to shunt transformation), the resistance increases by a
factor D1 =1 +Q21 (2.13), where Q1 = X 1 / R (2.14).
When a reactive element (X1) is added in parallel with a resistor ( R) and the equivalent
series combination is considered (parallel to series transformation), the resistance decreases by the
same factor D1. In this case however, the Q-factor is defined as : Q1 =−R/ X 1 =B 1 /G (2.15).
The ratios defined in (2.14) and (2.15) are similar in form to the Q-factors of the series or parallel
resonant circuits, respectively. These ratios are referred to as transformation Qs.
As in the case with resistance, the reactance increases after a series to shunt transformation
and decreases when a shunt to series transformation is considered. The reactance of the first element
used in an L-section is determined by the transformation Q required to transform the load resistance
(R) to the value required (R'). The Q value can be calculated using the relationship
R '=D 1 R=( 1 +Q 21 ) R (2.16), note that a positive or negative sign can be assigned to the
transformation Q. The second element in the L-section is used to achieve the desired reactance
level. If a purely resistive input impedance is required, the reactance of this element is given by
1 R'
X 2 =−X 1 ( 1 + 2 )= (2.17), if the first element is a series element and by
Q1 Q 1
−X 1
X 2= =R '⋅Q1 (2.18), if the first element is a shunt element.
( 1 +1 /Q 21 )
The procedure outlined can be extended easily to the general case where the load and source
impedances are complex. Additionally the transformation Q of the matching circuit determines the
bandwidth of the circuit. The bandwidth is calculated by : Q= BW (2.19), where f0 is the frequency
of interest.
The resistance transformations cased by a PI-section are illustrated in figure 9. The resistance is first
transformed downwards by a factor (1 +Q21 ) and then upwards with a factor (1 +Q22 ).
Q1 is the first transformation Q and is associated with the load resistance and the first element of the
network, while Q2 is the second transformation Q.
The value of the highest transformation Q is determined by the required bandwidth of the
network. The Q of the network is approximately equal to one-half of the highest transformation Q
when the transformation Q factors are sufficiently different.
Equations 2.20- 2.25 can be used to design a PI-network when the load resistance must be
transformed downward (figure 9 (a)), while equations 2.26-2.28 should be used with 2.23-2.25
when the load resistance must be transformed upwards (figure 9 (b)).
Q1 =Q max= 2Q (2.20)
R '=R /( 1 +Q 21 ) (2.21)
1 +Q22 =R ' ' /R ' (2.22)
Y 1 =Q 1 / R (2.23)
X 2 =R' (Q 1 +Q2 ) (2.24)
Y 3 =Q 2 /R ' ' (2.25)
Q2 =Q max =2Q (2.26)
R ' =R ' ' /( 1 +Q22 ) (2.27)
1 +Q21 =R/ R ' ' (2.28) Figure 9: (a) upward transformation of the load resistance with a
PI-section (b) downward transformation of the load resistance
with a PI-section
The dual of a PI-section is the T-section. Therefore, the formulas for designing a PI-section can also
be used to design a T-section. In order to do so, it is necessary to replace the resistance and
reactance in these formulas with conductance and susceptance, respectively. The terminations used
must also be inverted (1/R).
The reactance results of the PI-section apply directly to the T-section if these are interpreted
to be susceptances. To illustrate this, if the components required for a PI-section are j10Ω, -j5.1Ω,
and j5.3Ω, the components required in the T-section are j10Ω, -j5.1Ω, and j5.3Ω.
Equations 2.29-2.34 can be used when the load resistance must be decreased, while 2.35-2.37 and
2.32-2.34 can be used when an upward transformation is required :
Q2 =Q max =2Q (2.29)
Considering a single-input, single-output system, for input x(t) the output is y(t). This system is
considered to be linear if its input can be expressed as a linear combination (superposition) of
responses to individual inputs. More specifically, if the outputs in response to inputs x1(t) and x2(t)
can be expressed as y 1 ( t)= f { x 1 (t)}, and y 2 (t)= f { x 2 (t) }, respectively, then :
a⋅y 1 (t)+b⋅y 2 (t )= f {a⋅x1 (t)}+ f { b⋅x 2 (t )}, for arbitrary values of α and b. Any system that not
satisfy this condition is non-linear.
Furthermore, a system is called time-invariant if a time shift in its input results in the same
time shift in its output. That is if, y (t )= f { x (t) }, then y (t−τ)= f { x (t−τ)}, for arbitrary τ. A
linear system can generate frequency components that do not exist in the input signal, if only it is
A system is called memoryless or static if its output does not depend on the past values of its
input or the past values of the output itself. For a memoryless linear system the input/output
characteristic is :
y (t )=a⋅x (t) , where α is a function of time if the system is time-variant. For a memoryless
nonlinear system, the input/output characteristic can be approximated with the polynomial :
y (t)=a 0 +a 1 x (t)+a 2 x 2 (t )+a 3 x 3 (t)+⋯ (2.38)
where αj may be functions of time if the system is time-variant. If a sinusoidal input
x (t )=A cos (ω t), is applied to a non-linear 3rd order approximation system, the output becomes :
2 2 3 3
y (t )=a 0 +a 1 A cos (ωt)+a 2 A cos ( ωt)+a 3 A cos (ωt)
a 2 A2 a 3 A3
=a0 +a1 Acos (ωt )+ ( 1 +cos ( 2ωt ))+ ( 3cos (ωt)+cos( 3ωt ))
2 3
( )
a2 A 3 a 3 A3 a2 A
a3 A
=a0 + + a 1 A+ ⋅cos (ωt)+ ⋅cos( 2ωt )+ ⋅cos ( 3ωt ) (2.39)
2 4 2 4
This result shows that, the output introduces frequency components (harmonics) that are
multiples of the input frequency, and a dc quantity arising from the second order non-linearity.
Generally, dc offsets are introduced by even-order non-liniearities.
The small signal gain of circuits is usually obtained with the assumption that harmonics are
negligible. However, the formula of harmonics (2.39), indicates that the gain experienced by
Acos (ω t) is equal to a 1 A+ 3 a4 A (2.40), and hence varies appreciably as A becomes larger.
meaning that at high signal levels, the amplifier becomes saturated. Its response becomes non-linear
and produces signal distortion, harmonics and potentially intermodulation products, i.e. the
modulation of signals that contain two or more different frequencies.
It is important to know at what point compression begins to occur so input levels can be
restricted to prevent distortion. That point is usually the input power that causes the gain to decrease
1 dB from the normal linear gain specification. The 1-dB decrease may be specified as the input
level that produces it, or the output power where 1-dB drop occurs.
To calculate the input 1-dB compression point, we equate the compressed gain as seen in (2.40), to
1 dB less than the ideal gain, α1 :
20 log a 1 +
3 a 3 A2in ,1 dB
=20 log | a 1 |−1 dB (2.41)
It follows that
√ ∣∣ a
Ain , 1dB = 0.145 1 (2.42)
While gain compression by 1 dB seems arbitrary, the 1-dB compression point represents
10% reduction in the gain and is widely used to characterize RF circuits and systems. Additionally,
the amplifier should operate below the 1-dB compression point, in the linear region.
Another scenario of interest in RF design occurs if two interferers accompany the desired signal. If
two interferers at ω1 and ω2 are applied to a nonlinear system, the output generally exhibits
components that are not harmonics of these frequencies. Called intermodulation (IM), this
phenomenon arises from mixing (multiplication) of the two components as their sum is raised to a
power greater than unity. Considering again the 3rd order approximation of equation (2.39), and
assuming the input is x (t )=A1 cos( ω1 t)+A2 cos( ω2 t ). Thus,
y (t )=a 1 ( A1 cos (ω1 t)+ A2 cos (ω2 t))+a 2 (A1 cos (ω 1 t)+ A2 cos (ω 2 t))2
+a 3 ( A1 cos (ω1 t)+ A2 cos (ω2 t)) (2.43)
Expanding the right-hand side and discarding the dc terms, harmonics, and components at ω 1±ω2 ,
we obtain the following intermodulation products :
3 a3 A21 A2 3 a 3 A21 A2
At ω=2 ω1 ±ω2 : cos [( 2 ω1 +ω2 )t ]+ cos [( 2ω 1 −ω2 ) t] (2.44)
4 4
3 a3 A21 A2 3 a 3 A21 A2
At ω=2 ω 2 ±ω1 : cos [( 2 ω2 +ω 1 )t ]+ cos [( 2ω 2 −ω1 ) t] (2.45)
4 4
( 3
2 ) ( 3
a 1 A1+ a3 A31 + a 3 A1 A22 cos (ω1 t )+ a 1 A2 + a 3 A32 + a 3 A2 A21 cos( ω2 t ) (2.46)
Figure 11 illustrates the results. Among these the third order IM products at 2 ω1 −ω2 and
2 ω 2 −ω1 are of particular interest. This is because, if ω1 and ω2 are close to each other, then
2 ω1 −ω2 and 2 ω 2 −ω1 , appear in the vicinity of ω1 and ω2.
This statements is of utmost significance. Suppose an antenna receives a small desired signal
at ω0 with two large interferers at ω1 and ω2, providing a combination to a low noise amplifier. If the
interferer frequencies happen to satisfy 2 ω1 −ω2 =ω 0 , consequently, the intermodulation product at
2 ω1 −ω2 falls onto the desired channel, corrupting the signal (figure 10).
The performance of RF systems is limited by noise. Without noise, an RF receiver would be able to
detect arbitrarily small signals, allowing communication across arbitrarily long distances. The
problem with the noise is its random nature. The random nature means that, the instantaneous value
of the noise cannot be predicted. Let's assume a simple circuit of a resistor with a battery (fig. 14).
The current flowing through the resistor R should be equal to V B / R, but due to ambient
temperature, each electron experiences thermal agitation, thus following a somewhat random path,
while on average moving towards the positive terminal of the battery. As a result the average
current flowing through the resistor R is equal to V B / R, but the instantaneous current displays
random values. In the graph of figure 14, the red line displays the random fluctuations of the current
while the black line is the average value of current flowing through the resistor. Since the
instantaneous value of the noise cannot be determined, we use the average value which is a
statistical approach to express the effects of the noise in the time-domain. If the waveform of the
noise is represented by n(t) then the average power of the noise is :
where T represents the time. Due to randomness, noise consists of different frequencies. Thus, the
sampling time T should be long enough to accommodate several cycles of the lowest frequency.
However, the time-domain approach, provides limited information, i.e. the average power.
The frequency-domain view however, yields greater insight and proves more useful in RF design.
To provide that, the concept of power spectral density (PSD) is introduced. Power spectral density
is calculated by expressing the average power of a signal x(t), in every frequency of the spectrum.
Figure 15, illustrates this procedure. Band-pass filters of 1-Hz bandwidth single out each frequency
and then a power measurement takes place. After all frequencies on the spectrum have been
measured, the resulting plot of the power spectral density displays the average power across the
spectrum as seen in the graph of figure 15 and it is denoted by Sx(f). The total area under Sx(f)
represents the average power carried by x(t) :
∞ T
∫ xS ( f ) df =lim ∫ x 2 (t) dt (2.48)
0 T →∞ T 0
Figure 16: Thermal noise modeling of resistor as Figure 17: Power spectral density of White noise
(a) voltage source (b) current source
Figure 18: Thermal channel noise of a Figure 19: Thermal excess noise factor of
MOSFET modeled as a current source 100nm devices as a function of the normalized
drain current measured in [4]
I spec
S id =4 k T g (2.49)
UT n
where gn is the normalized thermal noise conductance, and is expressed in terms of the
normalization current Ispec, and the thermal voltage UT :
I spec =2nU 2T μ C 'ox = I 0 (2.50)
The specific current Ispec depends on the slope factor n [3], and the low-field mobility μ,
while I0 is called the technology current. The parameter C 'ox is the gate oxide capacitance per unit
area and it is defined as C 'ox =ε ox /τ ox , where εox is a constant that defines the permittivity of silicon
dioxide, and τox is the gate oxide thickness. Finally W and L are the transistor's width and length
The thermal noise conductance gn is can be expressed as g n=δ⋅g d0 , where the parameter δ is
called thermal noise parameter. gd0 is the output conductance gds at VDS=0. Another critical noise
parameter in literature is the excess noise factor γ that is defined as γ =g n / g m. From a circuit design
point of view the excess noise factor is of major importance for the noise performance of circuits,
since it represents the noise that is generated at the drain of the transistor, for a given
transconductance. In the low noise amplifier design, for example, γ is used to determine the
minimum noise factor of a common source topology 1. The value of γ is typically 2/3 for long
channel devices, and may rise up to 3 in short channel devices as seen in figure 19.
At high frequency, the local channel voltage fluctuations due to thermal noise couple to the
gate through the oxide capacitance and cause an induced gate current to flow. In saturation, most of
the channel charge is located on the source side, and hence, the noise current can be modeled by a
single noisy current source S ing connected in parallel with the MOSFET's gate to source capacitance
with a power spectral density given by :
4 (C ⋅ω)2
S ing = k T γ δ g gs (2.51)
5 gm
Expression (2.51) shows the strong correlation of the induced gate noise with the gate to
source capacitance and the frequency of operation (ω=2π f ). The parameter δg is introduced which
is defined as the coefficient of gate noise, and is typically two times the value of γ.
The gate noise is partially correlated with the drain noise due to the white noise, with a correlation
coefficient c given by
S ing S id
c= (2.52)
√ S ing S id
with c approximately equal to j0.4.
Finally another noise contributor is introduced to the design from the gate resistance. A
(distributed) gate resistance Rg generates a noise voltage S vg =4kT R g , according to section 2.5.1,
which transfers to the drain current via the transconductance gm, adding a contribution to the drain
current noise [8]. The value of the gate resistance is given by
R g = Rsh (2.53)
where Rsh denotes the sheet resistance of the gate. Figure 20 shows a simplified small signal
equivalent of a MOS transistor in saturation, with the noise sources that have been introduced in
this chapter. The gate resistance can be lowered by using transistors with multiple fingers, as well as
double-sided gate contacting.
frequency, and is a measure of its efficiency. The higher the Q factor of the inductor, the closer it
approaches the behavior of an ideal, lossless, inductor. High Q inductors are used with capacitors to
make resonant circuits in radio transmitters and receivers. The Q factor of an inductor can be found
through the following formula, where L is the inductance, Rind is the inductor's effective series
resistance, ω is the radian operating frequency (also called angular frequency), and the product ωL
is called the inductive reactance:
Q= (2.54)
The expression (2.54) shows that the series resistance of an inductor is Rind =ωL /Q, and the noise
contribution is S ind =4kT Rind .
The same principle applies to the capacitors as well. The Q factor of a capacitor can be
found through the following formula:
Q= (2.55)
ω C Rcap
where C is the capacitance. The series resistance of a capacitor is Rcap =1 /ωCQ, and the noise
contribution is S cap =4kT Rcap .
where Gs is the source conductance, Fmin, is the lowest possible noise factor and Yopt is the optimum
source admittance for minimum noise. Normalizing (2.56) to the input impedance Z0 leads to :
r 2
F =F min + n ∣ y s− y opt∣ (2.57)
The minimum noise factor is achieved only when a particular reflection coefficient, Γopt is presented
to the input. So Γs=Γopt , leads to the minimum noise figure for the amplifier.
The purpose of this chapter is to introduce essential definitions of the LNA design, and to provide
an overview of the essential topologies as well as outline their strengths and weaknesses. The low
noise amplifier (LNA) is an integral part of the transceiver chain. It is usually the first component in
the receiver chain, only preceded by a band-pass filter in some applications. The main purpose of
the low noise amplifier is to increase the power of the attenuated input signal, while at the same
time minimizing the noise added to the chain by the circuit itself. In other words, the scope of a
LNA is to provide high enough gain to the input signal to enable the signal to tolerate the noise of
the subsequent stages while contributing as little noise as possible. Therefore, one of the key design
goals for the LNA is a low noise contribution to the input signal, together with a good impedance
matching to the signal source, a sufficiently large output signal dynamic range and certainly, a low
power consumption. Since LNAs are being used as the input stage of the receivers, they must be
tuned, or be tunable, to the carrier frequency of the transmitter. For that reason, low noise amplifiers
are inherently considered to be tuned amplifiers.
The figure 22 shows a typical transceiver front-end architecture, and the position of the LNA
in the chain. According to “Friis equation” the total noise figure in a cascade of stages, like the
receiver of figure 22, is given by :
NF 2 −1 NF m−1
NF =1 +(NF 1 −1 )+ + …+ (3.1)
A P1 AP1 … AP (m−1 )
NFm and APm are the noise figure and power gain of stage m. Equation (3.1) suggests that the noise
contributed by each stage decreases as the gain of the preceding stages increases. Thus, the first
stage plays the most critical role in a receiver chain.
There are three different types of matching in an RF building block, namely impedance matching,
power matching, and noise matching. Impedance matching is a term that is frequently used in the
area of transmission lines. A transmission line is characterized by an impedance Zc. Suppose the line
is terminated with an impedance Z. A voltage wave V+ traveling across the line will be partially
reflected at the end of the line depending on the termination impedance. The reflected wave V- is
given by V - =Γ⋅V +, where
Z−Z c
Γ= (3.2)
Z+Z c
Note that Γ is a complex number comprising both the amplitude ratio and the phase turn. If Z = Zc
then Γ = 0 and no reflection occurs. The parameter Γ is called input return loss and expresses the
quality of the input match.
Power matching is in essence not related to impedance matching. The origin of power
matching lies in the fundamental quest for energy efficiency. Suppose a voltage source (voltage VS),
with a source impedance ZS , drives a load impedance ZL. From basic circuit theory, it can be shown
that the value of ZL that maximizes the power dissipation in the load is given by Z L =Z *S .
Noise matching is completely unrelated to both previous types of matching. The origin here
is the quest for good SNR and hence low noise figure. For a given two-port, a noise match is
obtained when the impedance of the source driving the two-port minimizes the noise figure of the
resulting system. This occurs when the source admittance is equal to an optimum admittance ZOPT.
The input signal source of the LNA is usually a band-select filter or an antenna. A band-
select filter is typically designed and characterized with a standard termination of 50 Ω. If the load
impedance seen by the filter deviates from 50Ω, then the filter may exhibit performance
degradations such as loss and ripple. In the absence of a filter, the antenna directly provides the
incoming signal to the LNA, and it is also designed for a certain real load impedance, typically
equal to 50 Ω. Thus, in order to achieve input matching, the LNA must have an input impedance of
50 Ω (when Γ = 0). Note that in this case, power matching is identical to impedance matching. Poor
matching at the receiver input causes reflections, loss and possibly voltage attenuation.
In similar fashion, the output impedance matching should also be achieved when the LNA is
considered a standalone circuit. Usually to facilitate measurements, output impedance is also set to
50 Ω. Otherwise, the input impedance of the LNA, should match that of the mixer.
3.1.3 GAIN
The gain of the LNA must be large enough to minimize the noise contribution of subsequent stages
(Eq. 3.1), specifically the downconversion mixer(s). The choice of high gain though, leads to a
compromise between the noise figure and the linearity of the receiver as higher gain makes the
nonlinearity of the subsequent stages more pronounced. In modern RF design, the LNA directly
drives the downconversion mixer with no impedance matching between the two. Thus it is more
meaningful and simpler to perform the chain calculations in terms of voltage gain, rather than
power gain, of the LNA. However, in the case of a 50 Ω input and output impedance matched LNA,
voltage and power gain are the same. Several types of power gain can be found in literature and are
commonly used in LNA design. Transducer power gain, GT, is the ratio of the power delivered to
the load, to the power available from the source. Operating power gain, GP , is the ratio of the power
delivered to the load, to the power absorbed at the input. Available power gain, GAV , is the ratio of
the available output power to the available power of the source. The simplified expressions for all
the power gain expressions in terms of S-parameters can be found in equations 3.3 through 3.5.
In ,most cases the LNA power gain is represented by the transducer power gain, and it is equal to
S 221 .
1 1
GT =| S 221 | (3.3) G P= 2
| S 21 |2 (3.4) G AV =| S 21 |2 (3.5)
1 −| S 11 | 1 −| S 22 |2
In most applications, the LNA does not limit the linearity of the receiver. Owing to the cumulative
gain through the receive chain, the latter stages, e.g. the baseband amplifiers or filters, tend to limit
the overall input IP3 or P1db. We therefore design and optimize LNAs with little concern for their
linearity. An exception to the above rule arises in “full-duplex” systems, i.e. applications that
transmit and receive simultaneously. The linearity of the LNA also becomes critical in wideband
receivers that may sense a large number of strong interferes.
ℑ {Y in }=C F ω (3.8)
R 2D ( C L +C F )2 ω2 +1
Input matching in high frequencies cannot be achieved because the input impedance is
purely capacitive. In order to overcome this, we have to employ a simple resistive termination at the
input as shown in figure 23(b). In this realization of the common source LNA, the transistor M1 and
the resistor RD, provide the required noise figure and gain, the resistor RP is placed in parallel with
the input to provide ℜ{ Z in }=50 Ω, and an inductor is interposed between RS and the input to
cancel out the capacitive effects and provide ℑ{ Z in }=0 . The input impedance is equal to
Z in = 1 + Rjω/ ω , where ωP is equal to ω P = R (C +M
P S gs
gdC )
.The noise contribution of the input resistors is
calculated as S resin =4kT (RS∥RP ). The parameter M accounts for the Miller effect and is equal to
Figure 23: Common source LNA topologies with (a) resistive load, (b) resistive load and matching
network, (c) inductive load and matching network
1+gmRD .
For RP roughly equal to RS the noise figure of the circuit is substantially high. In addition,
the resistor RS , causes a high DC voltage drop. The voltage of the common source transistor should
be high enough to ensure operation in the saturation region, that is, the drain-source voltage should
be at least V DS,sat =V GS −V T , where VT is the threshold voltage of the transistor. Therefore, RL is
V −V
limited to : R L < I
The key point of the foregoing study is that the LNA must provide a 50 Ω input resistance
without the thermal noise of a physical 50 Ω resistor, and avoid the resistive load that limits the
voltage gain:
2 I D V RD 2 V RD
∣AV∣=g m R D≈ ⋅ = (3.9)
where VRD denotes the DC voltage drop across the resistor RD.
In order to circumvent the trade-off expressed by equation (3.9) and also operate in higher
frequencies, the common source stage can incorporate an inductive load. Illustrated in figure 23(b),
such a topology operates with low supply voltages, since the inductor sustains a significantly
smaller DC voltage drop than the resistor does (for an ideal inductor the voltage drop is 0).
Moreover, the inductor L1, resonates with the total capacitance at the output node, affording much
higher operation frequency than does the resistive loaded counterpart.
For the input matching requirement the input inductor Lg is placed in order to cancel out the
gate-drain capacitance CF , and the inductor LS is placed at the source of the transistor to resonate
with Cgs, in order to cancel out the gate-source capacitance figure 23(c). The circuit of figure 23(c)
V in =I out jL S ω0 +
jR S C gs ω0
gm ) jR C ω
− I n1 S gs 0 (3.20)
The coefficient Iout represents the transconductance gain of the circuit including RS :
I out
∣ ∣
V in
ω0 (L S +
R S C gs
Now recall from equation (3.13) that, for input matching, g m LS /C gs =RS . Since g m /C gs =ωT :
I out ω
∣ ∣ 1
= Τ ⋅ (3.22)
V in 2 ω0 R S
Interestingly, the transconductance of the circuit remains independent of LS, LG and gm, so long as
the input in matched.
Setting Vin to zero at equation (3.20), we compute the output noise due to the transistor M1 :
∣I ∣
∣I n ,out∣M = n1 (3.23)
and hence,
S M =∣I n ,out∣M =k T γ g m (3.24)
1 1
Dividing the output noise current by the transconductance of the circuit and by 4kTRS and adding a
unity to the result, we arrive at the noise figure of the circuit :
NF =1 + g m RS γ
( )
It is important to bear in mind that this result holds only at the input resonance frequency
and if the input is matched. Interestingly, for a fixed operating frequency, the noise factor and thus
the noise figure reduce with technology scaling, since the transit frequency increases.
In the foregoing analysis, the induced-gate noise has not been taken into account in noise
calculations, for simplicity reasons. However, as the operating frequency increases, induced-gate
noise becomes a remarkable part of the total noise of the input device.
The voltage gain AV of the topology is equal to the product of the transconductance gain and
the output (load) resistance RL . Using equation (3.22), knowing that I out =V out / RL , we have :
V ω R
AV = out = Τ ⋅ L (3.26)
V in 2 ω0 R S
In equation (3.26), we can see that the voltage gain increases with the transit frequency ωΤ , thus, for
a specific operating frequency moving towards deep submicron technologies, improves the
performance of the low noise amplifier. Accordingly, the power gain AP , of the circuit is given by
equation (3.27) :
2 2
V 2out / R L
AP = 2
V in /R S( =
2 ω 0
) ( )
ω Τ R L R L ωT
ω0 4
=Q 2in g 2m RL RS (3.27)
As mentioned before, a high quality factor Qin leads to the reduction of channel current
noise. However, in a design where the gate induced noise is not taken into account, one may end up
with a large Qin , and a noise that is dominated by the gate induced noise and not the channel
thermal noise. To resolve the problem, the additional capacitance that can be inserted in shunt to
the intrinsic gate capacitance Cgs, apart from artificially reducing the ωΤ as mentioned before, it also
decouples Qin from Cgs , allowing for an adjustable reduction of Qin for any given Cgs . This is crucial
since induced gate noise increases with the square of Cgs as seen from equation (2.51). This method
achieves noise reduction, without deteriorating power consumption.
As mentioned previously the common source topology suffers from the added Miller
capacitance. For this reason, the common source topology strongly limits the frequency response
and gives rise to a very poor reverse isolation The advantage of the cascode topology over the
common source of figure 23(c), is that it significantly decreases the Miller effect, since the Miller
capacitance is now decoupled from the gain of the circuit. Decreased Miller effect leads to higher
operating frequencies, and higher reverse isolation, which in turn leads to increased stability.
The disadvantage of this topology though, is that the second device, introduces non-linearities into
the design, deteriorating the 1-dB compression point. This means that the amplifier should operate
for lower input power values in order to output a linear gain as seen in figure 10.
V 2
n , out M 1 =
4 kT γ
gm ( R1
R S +1 / g m
=k T γ 1 (3.29)
The output noise of R1 is simply equal to 4kTγR1. To obtain the noise figure, we divide the output
noise due to the transistor M1 and the resistance R1, by the gain and 4kTγRS and add unity to the
result :
NF =1 +
g M R S R1
g m RS )
=1 +γ +4 S (3.30)
Even if 4 R S /R1 ≪ 1 +γ, the noise figure still reaches 3 dB (assuming γ=1 for simplicity), a price
paid for the condition g m=1 / R S . However, as shown in chapter 2, the value for γ reaches higher
values than that of unity in deep submicron technologies. Hence, the high levels of noise figure
renders the common gate topology inappropriate for realizing LNAs with very low noise levels. A
lower noise figure can be achieved if gm is increased, however this would also produce a lower
input resistance. It can be seen that in this topology there is a trade-off between the input matching
and the noise figure performance.
The previous analysis, has not taken into consideration the effect of channel length
modulation. In deep submicron technologies, CLM significantly impacts the behavior of the
common gate stage. As shown in figure 29, the resistance ro raises the input impedance. Since the
drain-source current of M1 (without ro) is equal to -gmVX, the current flowing through ro is equal to
IX-gmVX, yielding a voltage drop of ro(IX-gmVX,) across it. IX also flows through the output tank,
producing a voltage drop of IXR1 at the resonance frequency. Adding this voltage to the drop across
rO and equating the result to VX , we obtain :
V X =r O ( I X −g m V X )+ I X R1 (3.31)
That is,
VX R +r
= 1 O (3.32)
I X 1 +g m r O
If the intrinsic gain, gmrO, is much greater than unity, then V X / I X ≈ 1 / g m+R1 /(g m r O ). However, in
todays technology, gmrO hardly exceeds 10, and the term R1 /(g m r O ) may become comparable with
or even exceed the first term 1 / g m, yielding an input resistance substantially higher than 50 Ω.
With the strong effect of R1 on the input resistance, we have to equate the actual input
resistance to RS to guarantee input matching :
R +r
R S = 1 O (3.33)
1 +g m r O
The voltage drop of the source resistance RS is :
V R =V in −V X ⇔ I X RS =V in −V X (3.34)
The voltage at the output is equal to the product of the current IX and the output resistance R1.
Knowing this, we can calculate the voltage gain using the equation (3.34) :
V out I X R1 R1
= = (3.35)
V in I X RS +V X RS +V X /I X
The load resistance is now transformed to a lower value by M1, again according to (3.32) :
Rin =
R1 +r O 1
+r ÷( 1 +g m 1 r O 1 ) (3.39)
1+ gm 2 rO 2 O1
Since the output resistance R1 is divided by the product of two intrinsic gains, its effect remains
negligible. Similarly, the third term in equation (3.40), is much less than the first if gm1 and gm2 are
roughly equal. Thus Rin≈1 / g m 1.
The addition of the cascode device entails two issues : the noise contribution of M2 and the
voltage headroom limitation due to stacking two transistors. The drain voltage of M2 begins at VDD
and can swing below its gate voltage by as much as VT2 (threshold voltage of M2) while keeping
M2 in saturation, thus we can simply choose Vbias2 to be equal to VDD . Now the voltage at the node X
is equal to VX=VDD-VGS2 , allowing a maximum value of VDD-VGS2+VT1 for Vbias1 if M1 must remain
saturated. Consequently, the source voltage of M1 cannot exceed VDD-VGS2-(VGS1-VT1) . We say that
the two devices consume a headroom of one VGS plus one overdrive (VGS1-VT1) .
One of the strengths of the cascode common gate topology is its wide bandwidth. This is
because the matching is realized by the proper bias of the transistor M1, and not with a matching
network that limits the bandwidth, like the ones of the common source topologies. Another strong
point, is the high reverse isolation, since the second device offers a high output isolation. Lastly, this
design is highly linear, which comes with the trade-offs of low gain values. The disadvantage of the
topology is that it cannot achieve good noise performance and input matching at the same time.
The purpose of this chapter is firstly to answer the question what is considered an optimum and
later on propose a figure of merit that provides a guideline to initiate the procedure of designing an
optimum low noise amplifier. There is a wide range of proposed figures of merit for individual
devices such as the transit frequency ft and the maximum frequency of oscillation (fmax). The transit
frequency is defined as the frequency at which the extrapolated small-signal current gain of the
transistor in common source configuration falls to unity, while the maximum frequency of
oscillation, is the frequency at which the extrapolated unilateral power gain becomes unity under
the condition of matched source and load impedances. Though ft and fmax are useful for defining the
limits on the speed of operation of a device, they do not provide any indication about its power
Another common figure of merit is the transconductance efficiency Gm/ID, which is the ratio
of the transconductance over the drain current. This FoM provides enough knowledge about the
trade off between gain and current consumption, yet it lacks information about the RF
characteristics like the ft and fmax. The FoM that is going to be analyzed in this section incorporates
the current efficiency and RF performance metrics, and ultimately can be used to locate the
transistor's optimum bias point.
1 The EKV model is an industry standard mathematical charge-based model of MOSFETs which is intended for
circuit simulation and analog circuit design.
qs= (4.3)
Q spec
qs is in turn related to pinch-off (and hence gate) voltage, via the voltage-charge relation
v p−v s= 2q s +ln(qs ), where vp is the pinch-off voltage and is defined as v p≈(V g −V T0 )/n, with n
being the slope factor. The source transconductance is defined as :
g ms= ms (4.4)
G spec
The normalizing quantities are defined as following :
Q spec=−2 n C ' ox U T (4.5)
I spec =2 n μ C ' ox U 2T (4.6)
G spec = spec (4.7)
In these equations the parameter n represents the slope factor, μ the carrier mobility and UT is the
thermal voltage. The transit frequency ft is given as the ratio of the normalized transconductance to
the normalized total gate capacitance cG :
f t = m (4.8)
The total gate capacitance cG , is the sum of the capacitances cgs and cgb, along with the overlap
capacitance cov . cgs and cgb are equal to :
q 2q s+3 n q s +3q s+3
c gs = s (4.9) c gb = (4.10)
3 (q s+1)2 n−1 3(q s +1)2
And finally the proposed figure of merit is defined as :
g f
FoM = m t (4.11)
2 λ c ( q s+q 2s )
q dsat = (4.13)
2 + λc +√ 4 ( 1 +λ c )+λ 2c ( 1 +2q s )2
Inverting (4.13) to write qs as a function of velocity saturated drain current id results in :
√ i 2d λ2c +2i d λ c+4i d +1 1
− (4.14)
2 2
Finally the source transconductance with the velocity saturation effect is written as :
2 qs
g ms= (4.15)
√4 (1 + λc )+λ2c (1 +2 q s)2
It is important to introduce the channel inversion coefficient IC. The parameter IC provides
knowledge about the level of inversion, and it is defined as :
IC = D (4.16)
I spec
Equating this expression with the expression (4.1) it can be seen that the inversion coefficient is the
same as the normalized drain current when the transistor operates in the saturation region. The
inversion level is divided into three regions, the weak, moderate and strong inversion regions. The
next figures illustrate the behavior of the common figures of merit in the different inversion regions.
It can be seen that the weak inversion applies for inversion coefficient values less than 0.1, for the
moderate inversion it applies that 0.1 <IC <10 , and finally the strong inversion is found for values
larger than 10.
Figure 31: gms/id as a function of the inversion Figure 32: ft as a function of the inversion
coefficient IC coefficient IC
Additionally the maximum value of the suggested FoM, not only lies in the moderate
inversion, but for inversion coefficient equal to 1/λc . This is a really convenient observation, since
the optimum operating point of the transistor can easily be calculated, and it is a starting point for
the design of the RF circuits. Figure 34 shows that the normalized values of the proposed FoM of
(4.11) as a function of the inversion coefficient IC, and as it can be seen the peak of the graph lies in
the aforementioned IC value. Since λc would typically lie between 0.5 and 1 for short channel
Figure 34: FoM as a function of the inversion coefficient IC Figure 33: FoM vs IC plotted for different values of λC
devices (1/λc between 2 and 1), the optimum bias point would always lie in moderate inversion
region. This reinforces the importance of moderate inversion as an operating region of choice for
RF applications where low power operation without a significant degradation of noise and linearity
is critical.
The importance of the velocity saturation model is going to be presented in the following
figures. The graph of figure 36 clearly shows that if we ignore the effects of the velocity saturation,
we overestimate the performance of the design regarding the current efficiency gms/id. Consequently,
this case leads to a poor modeling of the figure of merit and we cannot take advantage of the
previous analysis, since there is no maximum point in the response of the proposed figure of merit.
The result of this faulty approximation can be seen in figure 35, where the analytical plot of the
figure of merit shows different behavior than that of the measurements that can been made by the
authors in [2].
Figure 36: gms/id versus inversion coefficient with and without Figure 35: gms ft/id versus inversion coefficient
41 without
including velocity saturation including velocity saturation. The dotted line corresponds
to the measurements made by [2]
Chapter 3 presents the most common LNA topologies, and the basic equations that define the
operation of each case. In order to simplify the analysis though, these equations are derived by
assuming that the components are ideal, thus they cannot be applied to a real design efficiently. The
results of the design would not be the expected ones, and in some occasions not even close to the
theoretical calculations. Hence, in the interest of designing a LNA, a method of optimization has to
be introduced. The previous chapter answers the question of how to define an optimized operation.
The proposed figure of merit (FoM) of chapter 4 provides some insight at the operation of the
design, and aid the designer with a tool to compare different designs. The next step in the design
optimization is to propose an equations model that takes advantage of the aforementioned figure of
merit, and try to drive the design into the peak value of the FoM. The last step in the optimization
sequence, applies to the non ideal nature of the components. The real behavior of the components is
not easy to be modeled, especially that of the inductors, thus a more solid approach is the use of an
iterative method to fine tune the design. All these steps are going to be analyzed in this chapter.
discussed in chapter 2, this kind of network provides a narrowband match, which ultimately, helps
to design a narrowband amplifier.
The figure of merit analysis of the previous section provides a starting point for the design
and optimization of the common source LNA of figure 34. According to the plot of figure 34, the
optimum operating point lies in the moderate inversion and more specifically for inversion
coefficient equal to 1/λc . When the transistor operates in saturation we can use the expression (4.16)
and equate it to 1/λc . Afterwards, using the definition of the specific current Ispec from (4.6), and
defining the desired channel current ID , the optimum transistor width can be calculated :
IC =1 / λ c ⇔ =1 / λc ⇔ I spec =λ c I D (4.17)
I spec
The parameter λc is given from the expression (4.12) and it depends on the technology process, thus
its value is known a priori. Having calculated the specific current we get :
W I spec L
I spec =2 n U 2T μ C ox ' ⇒ W opt = (4.18)
L 2 n U 2T μ C ox '
The analysis of the circuit in chapter 3, shows that the value of the degeneration inductance
can be calculated from L s=R s /ωT (4.19), where in this case due to the external capacitor the transit
frequency is equal to :
ωT = (4.20)
2 π (C G +C ext )
Using the expressions (4.14), (4.15), (4.9) and (4.10) the values of the normalized parameters qs, gms
cgs and cgb can be calculated. The transconductance gain gm is simply equal to g ms /n, where n is the
slope factor, and in small channel devices can be equal to 1.4. The capacitance CG can be calculated
using the normalized values produced from (4.9), (4.10) the overlap capacitance and the optimized
transistor width that has been calculated from (4.17) :
C G =C ' ox L W opt c gs+C ' ox L W opt c gb+2⋅C ov (4.21)
The value for the overlap capacitance is known from the technology process. Additionally the
expression (4.21) adds the overlap two times, one for the gate-source and one for the gate-drain
overlap capacitances, which are usually equal.
Knowing these values, the inductance Ls can be calculated from (4.19) by choosing a source
inductance and external capacitor pair. The preferred technique is to chose the smallest available
value for the inductor, and then pick the corresponding value for the external capacitor. This way,
since the degeneration inductor has the smallest available value, the parasitic resistance that
accompanies a non-ideal component, will also have the smallest available value, subsequently,
adding less noise to the signal (noise rises with higher resistance values) and have less power
The gate inductance is calculated from (3.15), but instead of the parameter Cgs, we have to
use the Ctot to account for the external capacitor (Ctot=Cgs+Cext) :
Lg= 2 −L s (4.22)
ω0 C tot
The value for the capacitance Cg that completes the L-matching network is being calculated using
the expression (2.18), since it is a shunt element.
Finally, the L-C tank has to provide the maximum gain at the center frequency. In order to
do so, the values of the L-C pair have to be chosen according to the expression :
f 0= (4.23)
2π √ L reson C reson
This expression does not account for the parasitic components of the inductor and the capacitor
though, and the more complete expression is :
f 0= (4.24)
2π √ L reson C reson R parasitic
The problem is that there is not an easy method to calculate the parasitic resistance of the tank, and
since the main parasitics contributor is the inductor, we chose the minimum available value, just
like in the case of the degeneration inductance. This design procedure is called current specified
technique, since the starting point of the methodology, is the definition of the drain current. A
counterpart to this, is the inductance specified technique, where the starting point is the definition of
the degeneration inductor, and the design parameters are extracted by following the same procedure
in reverse. Figure 38 sums up the steps of the design methodology with a simple flowchart. In the
case of the cascode common source LNA, the design procedure is the same as analyzed above. The
additional device that is used can have the same dimensions as the common source one, and the gate
voltage can be equal to the supply voltage.
1 Individual and chromosome hold the same meaning and will be used interchangeably in this thesis.
The genetic algorithm usually begins its operation by creating a number of chromosomes
(population) through randomly selecting values for each gene. This population can be any desired
size, from only a few individuals to thousands.
Each chromosome of the population is then evaluated using an evaluation tool, and we
calculate a fitness for each individual. The fitness value is calculated by how well it fits with our
desired requirements. These requirements could be the gain of the design, the power consumption,
or most commonly, a combination of two or more requirements.
In each generation the desired outcome is to improve the population's overall fitness. In
order to do so, the genetic algorithm uses three types of operations to create the new generation
from the current population :
• Selection : The selection operation is discarding the bad designs and only keeps the best
individuals in the population, according to their fitness value. There are a few different
selection methods but the basic idea is the same, make it more likely that fitter individuals
will be selected for the next generation. For that, the algorithm selects randomly a number
of chromosomes (tournament), and from these chromosomes the best passes to the next
• Crossover : During the crossover operation, the algorithm creates new individuals by
combining aspects from two (or more) of the selected individuals in the tournament. The
new individual will consist of genes that are acquired from its two parents. The hope is that
by combining certain traits from two (or more) individuals, the algorithm creates fitter
offsprings which inherit the best traits from each of their parents.
• Mutation : The mutation function is used to add randomness into the populations' genetics,
otherwise every combination of solutions, will be a product of the initial population. Using
a small amount of randomness enlarges the search space for the optimized solution.
Mutation typically works by making very small changes at random to an individuals
After the new population has been generated, the algorithm repeats the same steps again
until a termination condition is reached. There are a few reasons why the algorithm should stop
searching a solution. The most likely reason is that the algorithm has found a solution which meets
the predefined minimum criteria. Other reasons for terminating could be the total number of
generations or the fact that the population has not produced a better result for a set number of
consecutive generations.
into a file, also with the use of the OCEAN script. This file is then opened by the genetic algorithm
and the results that are saved, are used for the evaluation of the individual through the fitness
The genetic algorithm has been implemented in octave, a MATLAB® open source equivalent
and is integrated to the OCEAN environment through OCEAN text scripts. The octave script
creates a file containing the design variables, then the OCEAN script uses this file to extract the
variables. This back and fourth procedure is illustrated in figure 41. This procedure is repeated for
every individual.
where hi are the performance metrics (e.g. consumption, gain, noise figure or matching in the case
of the LNA), and wi are the weight factors. The weight factors are optional, but using them helps
the algorithm to provide a result that favors some performance metrics against some others. This
approach is usually helpful when trade-offs take place in the design and some results are preferred
over the others.
In the case of a fitness function that the bounds cannot be known beforehand, the problem of the
local optimum emerges. The algorithm might improve the design, but it is not easy to be aware if
the result is actually the optimum one or there is still room for improvement (figure 42). Thus, the
algorithm often is not able to guarantee that the output is the global optimum to the solution.
Additionally, for complex problems it is usually unreasonable expectation to find a global optimum.
Another limitation of the genetic algorithm is that it is time consuming. Since it is a
randomized algorithm, the convergence time is not known beforehand. Additionally, for every
individual there has to be a simulation that is also time consuming. For a realistic example of a
population of 30 individuals, simulation time 0.5 seconds and 150 generations the total time for
convergence is :
time=30 individuals×0.5 ×150 generations= 2250 seconds= 37.5 minutes
smaller ones that each of them share the same source-drain area. Each device is also accompanied
by its gate terminal, and ultimately all of the gates connect together in order to share the same input
signal and operate as a single transistor.
Figure 43 presents a transistor that has been realized using multiple fingers. What this offers
is that the gate terminal surface has been enlarged, so the resistance of the gate is reduced. As a
reminder, the resistance of a transmission line is inversely proportional to the total area of the line.
Since the gate resistance can be reduced with this layout technique, the noise added to the circuit is
also reduced. The downside of this technique though, is that multiple fingered device show larger
gate capacitance values, thus reducing the maximum unit gain frequency ft. Additionally, the
threshold voltage of the device also increases, which means that the available voltage headroom
decreases, and it has to be taken into account, especially when designing circuits that incorporate a
cascode device. Knowing these cases, it can easily be seen that there is a trade off between noise
and speed. This trade off is going to be optimized using the genetic algorithm.
The next step in the design procedure, is to calculate the values of the inductors and the
capacitors. Firstly, we choose the smallest available inductor to maximize the value of the unity
gain frequency according to (4.19). In TSMC90RF process design kit that is used in this thesis, the
smallest available inductor is 0.22 nH. Later using equation (4.22) we can calculate the gate
inductor, and in this case we chose an inductor with value 2.63 nH. From there we deduce that the
external capacitance is going to be 120 fF, and the gate capacitance that completes the matching
network is 426 fF. Finally, the last two components that compose the L-C tank have to resonate at
the center frequency of 5 GHz, thus according to equation (4.23), we chose the pair of values to be
0.22 nH and 4.60 pF.
does not change the values for the capacitors, which means that the main purpose of this method is
to find the best available inductors and width-number of fingers pair that produces the optimum
outcome. The parasitics of the capacitors do not affect the design nearly as much as the parasitic of
the inductors so there is no point in adding them in the optimization sequence, thus decreasing the
convergence time.
The population size is chosen to be equal to 20. The parameters of the initial design are set
to be the first chromosome in the population. The mutation probability is set to 15% in order to
have frequent mutations, thus wide search space. For the calculation of the fitness function, we use
seven parameters :
fitness=hcenter +0.15 ⋅h s21+0.3 ⋅h NF +h s11+0.25 ⋅h s11 ,mag +0.10 ⋅hs22 +h ID (4.26)
In this realization, the genetic algorithm tries to minimize the value of the fitness, thus better
designs have lower fitness values. The expression (4.26) also shows the selected weights for each
function. Bear in mind that the method to calculate the fitness function is flexible, meaning that we
can change either the weights of (4.26) or the individual functions themselves, and apply the same
algorithm to our specifications. The next table shows how the functions in (4.26) are calculated and
the though process behind each definition :
Function Definition Explanation
hcenter | f target− f S |2
The parameter f S shows the tuning frequency of the LNA.
hNF NF 2 This function is simply the square of the noise figure that has
been extracted from the simulations.
hs11 | f target− f S |2
Just like hcenter, this is the square distance of the minimum
value of the S11 parameter from 5 GHz.
| |
hID 2 The hID function shows how different is the current of a design
1− from the desired current consumption. Another useful way to
I target implement this function is to equate the hID to the simulated
current ID. This way the fitness gets better values when the
design draws less current, thus lowering the consumption.
Table 1: Definition of the functions that comprise the fitness function and their explanation
Figure 45: The S-parameter plots of the common source LNA simulation :
(a) S11 , (b) S12 , (c) S21 , (d) S22
Figure 46: The S11 and S22 parameters of the design presented on the Smith Chart 53
The most striking result of these plots is the noise performance of the LNA that is seen in
figure 47(a). The 1.57 dB value is a sufficient result for the majority of applications. Additionally,
another note worthy result is the high gain value of 15.9 dB as seen in figure 45(c).
The S-parameters of figure 45 are obtained assuming that the design is linear, which is not
the case. For this reason, we often use the large signal analysis that takes into account the non-
linearities of the design. The result of this analysis is the plot of figure 47(b). It presents the power
gain of the amplifier for different levels of the input power. This analysis also give us the metrics
for the linearity performance of the LNA. The 1dB compression point at an input power level of
-2.22 dB.
An alternative view of the system's input and output matching can be seen in figure 46. The
smith charts of the S11 and S22 parameters show that the circuit fulfills the requirements for input and
output matching. In the 5 GHz frequency point on the smith chart both responses are close to the
center, that translates to an impedance of 50 Ω.
Figure 48, shows the stability factor that
has been introduced in chapter 3. Recall that a
design is considered stable if the Kf value is
over unity. The simulations that have been
made range from 1 to 10 GHz. In this search
space the stability factor is always larger than
unity, thus the design is unconditionally stable.
Finally, the consumption of the LNA is
13.8 mW. The supply voltage is the maximum
allowed by the process at 1.2 V and the current
consumption is 11.5 mA.
Altogether, the methodology seems to
have produced a satisfying design. The question Figure 48: Stability factor Kf versus frequency
that surfaces now is if it is the optimum design.
If we recall the analysis of the figure of merit, the optimum operating region is the moderate
inversion. The design of the LNA begins with the notion that we have to design in this moderate
inversion, but what happens in different regions? To answer that, we have designed the LNA for
different values of the inversion coefficient, and we use the figure of merit of (4.11) to deduce
where is the optimum inversion region. The result of this procedure is illustrated in figure 49. The
shape of the curve resembles the one of figure 34, thus the theoretical analysis is verified by the
simulated results. Consequently, the optimum operating region is indeed in the moderate inversion,
and for inversion coefficient around 6.2. Hence, we can safely assume that our methodology has
produced an optimum design according to the figure of merit g m f t / I D.
In order to compare our LNA with similar works, the next table presents the results of our
common source LNA with inductive degeneration design with other implementations of the same
topology that have been found in literature. The table clearly shows that our design methodology
has proven its capability to output satisfactory results, with exceptional noise performance, adequate
gain and good input and output matching.
Table 4 presents a summary of the low noise amplifier output parameters, on a device level
(like the drain source conductance gds, the equivalent noise resistance Rn or the overdrive voltage
VGS-VTH ) and on a system level (like the noise figure NF and unity gain frequency ft ). On the other
hand table 3 shows the design variables after the optimization sequence.
Inductor Width : 15 um
Lreson : 0.23 nH Inner Radius : 27 um
#Turns : 0.5
Inductor Width : 15 um Frequency (GHz) 5
LS : 0.22 nH Inner Radius : 17 um ID (mA) 11.5
#Turns : 0.75 IC 6.2
Inductor Width : 3 um VGS-VTH (V) 0.15
Lg : 2.7 nH Inner Radius : 79 um gm (mS) 177
#Turns : 2.5 gds (mS) 13.57
Creson 4.16 pF ft (GHz) 79
Cg 0.42 pF NF (dB) 1.57
Cext 0.12 pF NFmin (dB) 1.28
Finger Width 4.88 um Cgg (fF) 230
# Fingers 43 Rn (Ω) 8.8
Length 100 nm Sid ( pA/ √ ( Hz)) 14.2
VDD 1.2 V PDC (mW) 13.8
Figure 50: LNA topologies and variations : (a) CS1, (b) CS2, (c) CG1, (d) CG2,
(e) CCS1, (f) CCS2
The circuits of the first row in figure 50, are used for narrowband applications while the
ones of the second row are used for wideband applications. This is a result of the input matching
network, and the resonator design. The narrowband circuits incorporate, narrowband matching
networks as they have been analyzed previously. Additionally, in the wideband designs, the fact that
the resonator does not make use of an extra capacitor for tuning, leads to the use of inductance with
larger values which in turn leads to broadened bandwidth.
Due to the design philosophy of the common gate circuits, we cannot make an initial
approximation of the circuit. Recall that the losses due to the resonator and the input resistance has
to be some orders of magnitude greater than the input impedance. This means that we have to know
the parasitic losses beforehand which is not the case. Additionally, the fact that we have to
incorporate the inductor losses into the design, means that we might have to change the inductance
value from the initial guess, thus the value for the resonator capacitor has to change accordingly.
For those reasons, the common gate circuits CG1 and CG2 , cannot be optimized with fixed capacitor
values, but they must be incorporated in the optimization sequence.
The following table presents the results after the optimization of the circuits in figure 50. As
expected the circuits CS1, CG1 and CCS1, show lower bandwidth values than the rest of them
supporting the case that they are used for narrowband applications. The next note worthy result is
that the topologies that incorporate a cascode device show larger values of reverse isolation.
Another observation regarding the common gate topologies is that as analyzed in chapter 3,
good matching and low noise figure values cannot be achieved simultaneously, thus the optimizer
tries to find a balance between those parameters. The poor matching also leads to low gain values
but in favor of very high linearity results. Finally, the cascode common source topologies show poor
results in the linearity metrics due to the use of a second device that is highly non linear.
Topology S11 (dB) S12 (dB) S21 (dB) S22 (dB) NF (dB) 1dB Compression BW ID (mA)
Variation (dBm) (GHz)
CS1 -26.40 -19.61 15.90 -46.60 1.57 -2.22 1.14 11.50
CS2 -15.12 -18.30 14.11 -15.57 2.30 -3.90 2.77 25.96
CG1 -5.20 -16.30 4.63 -10.50 1.97 >10 3.36 29.12
CG2 -3.00 -33.45 3.17 -2.69 2.90 9.26 3.22 9.77
CCS1 -17.11 -40.89 13.40 -5.10 1.90 -9.70 0.90 18.22
CCS2 -24.40 -35.12 18.21 -2.05 1.73 -10 3.10 11.01
Table 5: Comparison in the performance of the six LNA topologies of figure 50. The different
colors show the best performing design in each category, where green is the best and red the worst
The purpose of this thesis was to present an analysis of the most common low noise amplifier
topologies and ultimately suggest a methodology that helps the RF designer design an optimized
low noise amplifier. The work was mostly focused on the common source amplifier with inductive
degeneration, which showed the best results overall in the simulations. We started the analysis of
the LNA using the notion that in sub micron technologies the optimum inversion region is the
moderate inversion, where the plots of the proposed figure of merit backs this hypothesis up.
Afterwards we came up with an equations model that incorporates the compact EKV model for
MOSFETs. This led to designing an approximation of the low noise amplifier, but the final circuit
could not be designed only using this result, since the equations model do not take into account the
non ideal components of a real design. Thus, in pursuance of an optimum LNA we created a genetic
algorithm to optimize the behavior of the design. Finally, we designed a number of circuits in
different operating regions in order to show that the result of the optimizer is indeed the optimum,
according to the proposed figure of merit.
The LNA case study of chapter 5, showcases the performance of the optimization
methodology, proving that the optimum operating region is indeed in the moderate inversion region
and for inversion coefficient of 1/λc.
One of the key points of this thesis is the use of both an analytical model, and an iterative
method to find the optimum result. The genetic algorithm uses the result of the analytical model as
an individual in the population thus gaining a strong starting point. In average, the algorithm
converged to an output in 122 generations, for the common source LNA. In a case where there is no
initial near optimum chromosome, thus all the individuals are randomly generated, the algorithm
converged in average after 319 generations. This shows a decrease of 61.7% in computing time,
which is a remarkable result.
As mentioned previously, the common gate topologies incorporate the capacitors in the
optimization sequence. Each capacitor is composed from two parameters the width and length.
Thus, the final chromosome consists of more genes than the ones of the common source, leading to
increase in convergence time. In addition, since there cannot be an initial approximation using the
model equation, all the individuals of the population are generated randomly. These facts lead to a
convergence time of 463 generations in average.
In summary, we have shown a method to take advantage of the combination of equations
model and a genetic optimizer in order to help the RF designer find a balance of the trade offs and
design an optimum low noise amplifier.
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The octave code for the genetic algorithm and the OCEAN script for the genetic algorithm–Virtuoso
Interface. This is the code for the common source with inductive degeneration LNA only. The
cascode common source and the common gate ones follow the same principal but they use more
genes in the individuals.
1. geneticAlgorithm.m
% Genetic Algorithm to Optimize the operation of an Inductive degenerated LNA
more off;
% First we must create the first random population. The population consists of
% "populationNum" Chromosomes and each Chromosome consists of "number_of_genes"
% genes.
populationNum = 20;
number_of_genes = 9;
population = zeros(number_of_genes,1,populationNum);
% The two genes are the turns and the inner radius of the inductor
turns = 0.5:0.25:5.5; % 21 available turns values
radius = 15:90; % 76 available radius values
xmin_bias = 0.2;
xmax_bias = 0.6;
% Place the values that have been extracted from the model analysis
population(:,:,1) = [2.25; 58; 0.5; 31; 4.25; 45; 3.9871; 57; 0.2586];
createParametersFile(population(:,:,1), 1, 0);
spectreOutputs = readSpectreOutputs();
fitness(1) = fitFunc(spectreOutputs(2:length(spectreOutputs)),2);
for i=2:populationNum
LresonT = turns(round(xmin+rand*(xmaxT-xmin)));
LresonR = radius(round(xmin+rand*(xmaxR-xmin)));
LdegenT = turns(round(xmin+rand*(xmaxT-xmin)));
LdegenR = radius(round(xmin+rand*(xmaxR-xmin)));
LgT = turns(round(xmin+rand*(xmaxT-xmin)));
LgR = radius(round(xmin+rand*(xmaxR-xmin)));
width_per_finger = rand()*4 + 1; % 1 <= Width per Finger <= 5 with 2 decimal precision
num_of_fingers = round(rand()*63) + 1; % 1 <= Fingers <= 64
Vbias = xmin_bias+rand*(xmax_bias-xmin_bias);
spectreOutputs = readSpectreOutputs();
generation = 1;
newPopulation = zeros(number_of_genes,1,populationNum);
i = 1;
max_generation = 400;
% Loop over the population size and create new individuals with
% crossover
% Afterwards run the mutation function to generate mutations in the new
% population
for (i = 2:populationNum)
% Crossover function
[indiv1 indiv1Id] = tournamentSelection(population, fitness, populationNum);
[indiv2 indiv2Id] = tournamentSelection(population, fitness, populationNum);
newIndiv = crossoverFunc(indiv1, indiv2, crossover_prop, number_of_genes);
newPopulation(:,:,i) = newIndiv;
% Mutation function
newPopulation(:,:,i) = mutationFunc(newPopulation(:,:,i), turns, radius, mutation_prop);
for j = 1:i
if sum(population(:,:,i) == population(:,:,j)) == number_of_genes && j < i
fitness(i) = fitness(j);
if generation == max_generation && i == populationNum-1
createParametersFile(population(:,:,i), i, 1);
createParametersFile(population(:,:,i), i, 0);
2. createParametersFile.m
% A function that generates the ocean script containing the design parameters
% the parameter stop is 1 when the algorithm has to be terminated
function [] = createParametersFile(Chromosome, i, stop, filename)
% Open the file and for every parameter in the Chromosome matrix there has to be a coresponding
design varible.
% The parameter i is used to mark the number of each chromosome
3. crossoverFunc.m
% This is the crossover function that is used to generate new children. The
% inputs are the two chromosomes that are going to produce an offspring and the
% crossover propability
function chromosome = crossoverFunc(indiv1, indiv2, crossover_prop, number_of_genes)
chromosome = zeros(number_of_genes,1);
% Loop through genes
for i = 1:number_of_genes
% Crossover
if (rand() < crossover_prop)
chromosome(i,1) = indiv1(i,1);
chromosome(i,1) = indiv2(i,1);
4. fitFunc.m
% If the S21 parameter is below zero we have to get the absolute value
% and add it to the fitness function in order to make it larger. As a
% reminder if the S21 parameter is below zero the design is shit and
% the fitness should be high.
% On the contrary if the S21 is above 0 we use the 1/x function in order
% to minimize the fitness for the desired higher values of S21
if parameters(6) > 0
f_s21 = 1/parameters(6);
f_s21 = abs(parameters(6)) + 1;
fitness = f_center + 0.15 * f_s21 + 0.3 * f_nf + f_s11_center + 0.25 * f_s11_mag + 0.10 * f_s22
+ f_id;
5. getFittest.m
% This function returns the minimum fitness and the chromosome index of a
% population.
% As a reminder better individuals have lower fitness values
function [fittest chromosome] = getFittest(fitness)
[fittest chromosome] = min(fitness);
6. mutationFunc.m
% This is the mutation function that is used to generate mutations in the new
% population. The inputs are the chromosome that is going to be mutated, the
% turns and radius are the availabe mutations and the mutation_prop is the
% mutation propability
% If a mutation is going to take place, then the algorithm must randomly chose
% how many genes are going to be mutated with a certain distribution.
% Afterwards the genes that are going to be mutated are again chosen randomly
function chromosome = mutationFunc(oldChromosome, turns, radius, mutation_prop)
chromosome = oldChromosome;
number_of_genes = length(chromosome);
xmin_bias = 0.2;
xmax_bias = 0.6;
% The two next vectors show the position of the turns, and radius
% genes.
turnPos = [1 3 5];
radiusPos = [2 4 6];
% the vector genePool holds the indices of the genes. When multiple
% genes untergo mutation the respective indice is removed from the
% vector so it is not selected again
genePool = 1:number_of_genes;
random = rand();
% find how many genes are going to be mutated
for i = 1:number_of_genes;
if random > Distribution(i)
num_of_genes = i;
% Returns the mutated chromosome after checking the identity of the genes
function chromo = returnMutated(turns, radius, turnPos, radiusPos, randomGene, xmin, xmaxR, xmaxT,
xmin_bias, xmax_bias)
if ( sum(randomGene == turnPos) == 1 ) % Mutation to inductor Turns
chromo = turns(round(xmin+rand*(xmaxT-xmin)));
elseif ( sum(randomGene == radiusPos) == 1 ) % Mutation to inductor Radius
chromo = radius(round(xmin+rand*(xmaxR-xmin)));
elseif ( randomGene == 7 ) % Mutation to the width per finger
chromo = rand()*4 + 1;
elseif (randomGene == 8) % Mutation to the number of fingers
chromo = round(rand()*63) + 1;
chromo = xmin_bias+rand*(xmax_bias-xmin_bias);
7. readSpectreOutputs.m
8. tournamentSelection.m
% Selects the best out of 3 individuals in order to take part in the crossover
% operation
function [fittestIndividual indexOfFittest] = tournamentSelection(population, fitness,
% Create a tournament population
tournament = zeros(1, 3);
tournamentFitness = zeros(1, 3);
[f fittestId] = getFittest(fitness);
% For each place in the tournament get a random individual
for (i = 1:3)
randomId = round(rand()*(populationNum-1))+1;
while(randomId == fittestId)
randomId = round(rand()*(populationNum-1))+1;
tournament(i) = randomId;
tournamentFitness(i) = fitness(randomId);
9. commonSourceLNA.ocn
simulator( 'spectre )
design( "/home/rfic6/simulation/testing/spectre/schematic/netlist/netlist")
resultsDir( "/home/rfic6/simulation/testing/spectre/schematic" )
analysis('sp ?ports list("/PORT1" "/PORT0") ?start "1e9" ?stop "10e9"
?lin "1000" ?donoise "yes" ?oprobe "/PORT1" ?iprobe "/PORT0" )
analysis('dc ?saveOppoint t )
while( Stop == 0
'analysisOrder list("sp" "dc")
temp( 27 )
fprintf(out "%d\t" i)
fprintf(out "%f\t" xmax(db(sp(2 1 ?result "sp")) 1 )/1000000000)
;;; Open the parameters.ocn file until the genetic algorithm generates
;;; a new one
while(new == i
load("/home/rfic6/prj/papajim/testing2/parameters.ocn") ;;; Load the Design
;;;Parameters generated from
;;;the GA
new = i
out = outfile("/home/rfic6/prj/papajim/testing2/SpectreOutputs.dat", "w")