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Supervised Machine Learning Algorithms: Classification and Comparison

Article · June 2017

DOI: 10.14445/22312803/IJCTT-V48P126


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J E T Akinsola
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International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT) – Volume 48 Number 3 June 2017

Supervised Machine Learning Algorithms:

Classification and Comparison
Osisanwo F.Y.*1, Akinsola J.E.T.*2, Awodele O.*3, Hinmikaiye J. O.*4, Olakanmi O.*5,Akinjobi J.**6
Department of Computer Science, Babcock University, Ilishan-Remo, Ogun State, Nigeria.
Department of Computer Science, Crawford University, Igbesa, Ogun State, Nigeria

Abstract ---- Supervised Machine Learning (SML) is are concerned with endowing programs with the
the search for algorithms that reason from ability to learn and adapt [19].
externally supplied instances to produce general Machine Learning has become one of the mainstays
hypotheses, which then make predictions about of Information Technology and with that, a rather
future instances. Supervised classification is one of central, albeit usually hidden, part of our life. With
the tasks most frequently carried out by the the ever increasing amounts of data becoming
intelligent systems. This paper describes various available there is a good reason to believe that smart
Supervised Machine Learning (ML) classification data analysis will become even more pervasive as a
techniques, compares various supervised learning necessary ingredient for technological progress.
algorithms as well as determines the most efficient
classification algorithm based on the data set, the There are several applications for Machine
number of instances and variables (features).Seven Learning (ML), the most significant of which is data
different machine learning algorithms were mining. People are often prone to making mistakes
considered:Decision Table, Random Forest (RF) , during analyses or, possibly, when trying to
Naïve Bayes (NB) , Support Vector Machine (SVM), establish relationships between multiple features [9].
Neural Networks (Perceptron), JRip and Decision
Tree (J48) using Waikato Environment for Data Mining and Machine Learning are
Knowledge Analysis (WEKA)machine learning Siamese twins from which several insights can be
tool.To implement the algorithms, Diabetes data set derived through proper learning algorithms. There
has been tremendous progress in data mining and
was used for the classification with 786 instances
machine learning as a result of evolution of smart
with eight attributes as independent variable and and Nano technology which brought about curiosity
one as dependent variable for the analysis. The in finding hidden patterns in data to derive value.
results show that SVMwas found to be the algorithm The fusion of statistics, machine learning,
with most precision and accuracy. Naïve Bayes and information theory, and computing has created a
Random Forest classification algorithms were found solid science, with a firm mathematical base, and
to be the next accurate after SVM accordingly. The with very powerful tools.
research shows that time taken to build a model and
Machine learning algorithms are organized into
precision (accuracy) is a factor on one hand; while
a taxonomy based on the desired outcome of the
kappa statistic and Mean Absolute Error (MAE) is
algorithm. Supervised learning generates a function
another factor on the other hand. Therefore, ML
that maps inputs to desired outputs.
algorithms requires precision, accuracy and
minimum error to have supervised predictive
Unprecedented data generation has made
machine learning.
machine learning techniques become sophisticated
Keywords: Machine Learning, Classifiers, Data
from time to time. This has called for utilization for
Mining Techniques, Data Analysis, Learning
several algorithms for both supervised and
Algorithms, Supervised Machine Learning
unsupervised machine learning. Supervised learning
is fairly common in classification problems because
the goal is often to get the computer to learn a
Machine learning is one of the fastest growing
classification system that we have created [21].
areas of computer science, with far-reaching
applications. It refers to the automated detection of
ML is perfectly intended for accomplishing the
meaningful patterns in data. Machine learning tools accessibility hidden within Big Data. ML hand
over’s on the guarantee of extracting importance

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from big and distinct data sources through outlying algorithms on large and smaller data sets with a
less dependence scheduled on individual track as it view classify them correctly and give insight on
is data determined and spurts at machine scale. how to build supervised machine learning models.
Machine learning is fine suitable towards the
intricacy of handling through dissimilar data origin The remaining part of this work is arranged as
and the vast range of variables as well as amount of follows: Section 2 presents the literature review
data concerned where ML prospers on increasing
discussing classification of different supervised
datasets. The extra data supply into a ML structure,
learning algorithms; section 3 presents the
the more it be able to be trained and concern the
methodology used, section 4 discusses the results of
consequences to superior value of insights. At the
liberty from the confines of individual level thought the work while section 5 gives the conclusion and
and study, ML is clever to find out and show the recommendation for further works.
patterns hidden in the data [15].
One standard formulation of the supervised
learning task is the classification problem: The A. Classification of Supervised Learning
learner is required to learn (to approximate the Algorithms
behavior of) a function which maps a vector into According to [21], the supervised machine
one of several classes by looking at several input- learning algorithms which deals more with
output examples of the function. Inductive machine classification includes the following: Linear
learning is the process of learning a set of rules from Classifiers, Logistic Regression, Naïve Bayes
instances (examples in a training set), or more Classifier, Perceptron, Support Vector Machine;
generally speaking, creating a classifier that can be Quadratic Classifiers, K-Means Clustering,
used to generalize from new instances. The process Boosting, Decision Tree, Random Forest (RF);
of applying supervised ML to a real-world problem Neural networks, Bayesian Networks and so on.
is described in Figure 1.
1) Linear Classifiers: Linear models for
classification separate input vectors into classes
using linear (hyperplane) decision boundaries [6].
The goal of classification in linear classifiers in
machine learning, is to group items that have similar
feature values, into groups. [23] stated that a linear
classifier achieves this goal by making a
classification decision based on the value of the
linear combination of the features. A linear classifier
is often used in situations where the speed of
classification is an issue, since it is rated the fastest
classifier [21].Also, linear classifiers often work
very well when the number of dimensions is large,
as in document classification, where each element is
typically the number of counts of a word in a
document. The rate of convergence among data set
variables however depends on the margin. Roughly
speaking, the margin quantifies how linearly
separable a dataset is, and hence how easy it is to
solve a given classification problem [18].
Figure 1: The Processes of Supervised Machine
2) Logistic regression: This is a classification
function that uses class for building and uses a
This work focuses on the classification of ML single multinomial logistic regression model with a
algorithms and determining the most efficient single estimator. Logistic regression usually states
algorithm with highest accuracy and precision. As where the boundary between the classes exists, also
well as establishing the performance of different states the class probabilities depend on distance

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from the boundary, in a specific approach. This 5) Support Vector Machines (SVMs): These
moves towards the extremes (0 and 1) more rapidly are the most recent supervised machine learning
when data set is larger. These statements about technique [24].Support Vector Machine (SVM)
probabilities which make logistic regression more models are closelyrelated to classical multilayer
than just a classifier. It makes stronger, more perceptron neural networks.SVMs revolve around
detailed predictions, and can be fit in a different the notion of a ―margin‖—either side of a
way; but those strong predictions could be wrong. hyperplane that separates two data classes.
Logistic regression is an approach to prediction, like Maximizing the margin and thereby creating the
Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) regression. However, largest possible distance between the separating
with logistic regression, prediction results in a hyperplane and the instances on either side of it has
dichotomous outcome [13]. Logistic regression is been proven to reduce an upper bound on the
one of the most commonly used tools for applied expected generalisation error [9].
statistics and discrete data analysis. Logistic
regression is linear interpolation[11]. 6) K-means: According to [2] and [22]K-
means is one of the simplest unsupervised learning
3) Naive Bayesian (NB) Networks: These algorithms that solve the well-known clustering
are very simple Bayesian networks which are problem. The procedure follows a simple and easy
composed of directed acyclic graphs with only one way to classify a given data set through a certain
parent (representing the unobserved node) and number of clusters (assume k clusters) fixed a
several children (corresponding to observed nodes) priori.K-Means algorithm is be employed when
with a strong assumption of independence among labeled data is not available [1].General method of
child nodes in the context of their parent [7].Thus, converting rough rules of thumb into highly accurate
the independence model (Naive Bayes) is based on prediction rule. Given ―weak‖ learning algorithm
estimating [14]. Bayes classifiers are usually less that can consistently find classifiers (―rules of
accurate that other more sophisticated learning thumb‖) at least slightly better than random, say,
algorithms (such as ANNs).However, [5] performed accuracy _ 55%, with sufficient data, a boosting
a large-scale comparison of the naive Bayes algorithm can provably construct single classifier
classifier with state-of-the-art algorithms for with very high accuracy, say, 99% [16].
decision tree induction, instance-based learning, and
rule induction on standard benchmark datasets, and 7) Decision Trees: Decision Trees (DT) are
found it to be sometimes superior to the other trees that classify instances by sorting them based
learning schemes, even on datasets with substantial on feature values. Each node in a decision tree
feature dependencies. Bayes classifier has attribute- represents a feature in an instance to be classified,
independence problem which was addressed with and each branch represents a value that the node can
Averaged One-Dependence Estimators [8]. assume. Instances are classified starting at the root
node and sorted based on their feature values
4) Multi-layer Perceptron: This is a [9].Decision tree learning, used in data mining and
classifier in which the weights of the network are machine learning, uses a decision tree as a
found by solving a quadratic programming problem predictive model which maps observations about an
with linear constraints, rather than by solving a non- item to conclusions about the item's target value.
convex, unconstrained minimization problem as in More descriptive names for such tree models are
standard neural network training [21].Other well- classification trees or regression trees [20].Decision
known algorithms are based on the notion of tree classifiers usually employ post-pruning
perceptron [17].Perceptron algorithm is used for techniques that evaluate the performance of decision
learning from a batch of training instances by trees, as they are pruned by using a validation set.
running the algorithm repeatedly through the Any node can be removed and assigned the most
training set until it finds a prediction vector which is common class of the training instances that are
correct on all of the training set. This prediction rule sorted to it [9].
is then used for predicting the labels on the test set
[9]. 8) Neural Networks:[2]opined Neural
Networks (NN) that can actually perform a number
of regression and/or classification tasks at once,

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although commonly each network performs only 6. Providing partial nodes ordering, that is,
one. In the vast majority of cases, therefore, the declare that a node appears earlier than
network will have a single output variable, although another node in the ordering.
in the case of many-state classification problems, 7. Providing a complete node ordering.
this may correspond to a number of output units (the
post-processing stage takes care of the mapping B. Features of Machine Learning Algorithms
from output units to output variables).Artificial Supervised machine learning techniques are
Neural Network (ANN) depends upon three applicable in numerous domains. A number of
fundamental aspects, input and activation functions Machine Learning (ML) application oriented papers
of the unit, network architecture and the weight of can be found in [18], [25].
each input connection. Given that the first two Generally, SVMs and neural networks tend to
aspects are fixed, the behavior of the ANN is perform much better when dealing with multi-
defined by the current values of the weights. The dimensions and continuous features. On the other
weights of the net to be trained are initially set to hand, logic-based systems tend to perform better
random values, and then instances of the training set when dealing with discrete/categorical features. For
are repeatedly exposed to the net. The values for the neural network models and SVMs, a large sample
input of an instance are placed on the input units and size is required in order to achieve its maximum
the output of the net is compared with the desired prediction accuracy whereas NB may need a
output for this instance. Then, all the weights in the relatively small dataset.
net are adjusted slightly in the direction that would
bring the output values of the net closer to the There is general agreement that k-NN is very
values for the desired output. There are several sensitive to irrelevant features: this characteristic
algorithms with which a network can be trained can be explained by the way the algorithm works.
Moreover, the presence of irrelevant features can
make neural network training very inefficient, even
impractical.Most decision tree algorithms cannot
9) Bayesian Network: A Bayesian Network perform well with problems that require diagonal
(BN) is a graphical model for probability partitioning. The division of the instance space is
relationships among a set of variables (features). orthogonal to the axis of one variable and parallel to
Bayesian networks are the most well-known all other axes. Therefore, the resulting regions after
representative of statistical learning algorithms partitioning are all hyperrectangles. The ANNs and
the SVMs perform well when multi-collinearity is
[9].The most interesting feature of BNs, compared
present and a nonlinear relationship exists between
to decision trees or neural networks, is most the input and output features.
certainly the possibility of taking into account prior
information about a given problem, in terms of Naive Bayes (NB) requires little storage space
structural relationships among its features [9].A during both the training and classification stages: the
problem of BN classifiers is that they are not strict minimum is the memory needed to store the
suitable for datasets with many features [4].This prior and conditional probabilities. The basic kNN
prior expertise, or domain knowledge, about the algorithm uses a great deal of storage space for the
structure of a Bayesian network can take the training phase, and its execution space is at least as
following forms: big as its training space. On the contrary, for all
1. Declaring that a node is a root node, i.e., it non-lazy learners, execution space is usually much
has no parents. smaller than training space, since the resulting
2. Declaring that a node is a leaf node, i.e., it classifier is usually a highly condensed summary of
has no children. the data. Moreover, Naive Bayes and the kNN can
3. Declaring that a node is a direct cause or be easily used as incremental learners whereas rule
direct effect of another node. algorithms cannot. Naive Bayes is naturally robust
4. Declaring that a node is not directly to missing values since these are simply ignored in
connected to another node. computing probabilities and hence have no impact
5. Declaring that two nodes are independent, on the final decision. On the contrary, kNN and
given a condition-set. neural networks require complete records to do their

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Finally, Decision Trees and NB generally have type of algorithm that will perform well. There is no
different operational profiles, when one is very single learning algorithm that will outperform other
accurate the other is not and vice versa. On the algorithms based on all data sets according to no
contrary, decision trees and rule classifiers have a free lunch theorem. [10] Table 1 presents the
similar operational profile. SVM and ANN have comparative analysis of various learning algorithms.
also a similar operational profile. No single learning
algorithm can uniformly outperform other
algorithms over all datasets.
Different data sets with different kind of
variables and the number of instances determine the

Table 1: Comparing learning algorithms (**** stars represent the best and * star the worst performance)[9]

II. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 3. Diastolic blood pressure (mm Hg)

The research data was obtained from National 4. Triceps skin fold thickness (mm)
Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney 5. 2-Hour serum insulin (mu U/ml)
Diseases which 6. Body mass index (weight in kg/(height in m)^2)
was made available online at University of 7. Diabetes pedigree function
California, 8. Age (years)
Irvive website: 9. Class variable (0 or 1)
databases/pima-indians-diabetes/ (2017). This data Table 2: Class Distribution: (class value 1 is
was chosen because of its accuracy and has also interpreted as "tested positive for diabetes") and
been anonymized (de-identifed), therefore (class value 0 is interpreted as "tested negative for
confidentiality is ensured. The number of Attributes diabetes")
is 8 with one class making it 9. All attributes are Class Value Number of Converted Value
numeric-valued as follows: instances (attribute)
0 500 NO
1. Number of times pregnant 1 268 YES
2. Plasma glucose concentration a 2 hours in an
oral glucose tolerance test

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Table 2 shows 768 as the total number of instances research work was carried out by tuning the
used for this research work with 500 tested positive parameters with two different sets of number of
for diabetes and 268 tested negative for diabetes. instances. The first category was 768 instances and
9 attributes as follows (Number of times pregnant,
The comparative analysis among various Plasma glucose concentration a 2 hours in an oral
supervised machine learning algorithms was carried glucose tolerance test, Diastolic blood pressure (mm
out using WEKA 3.7.13 (WEKA - Waikato Hg), Triceps skin fold thickness (mm), 2-Hour
Environment for Knowledge Analysis). The data set serum insulin (mu U/ml), Body mass index (weight
was trained to reflect one nominal attribute column in kg/(height in m)^2), Diabetes pedigree function,
as the dependent variable. The values 1’s for class Age (years) and Class variable (0 or 1)) with one
distribution (class variable) were changed to YES dependent variable and eight independent variables.
which means tested POSITIVE for DIABETS and The second category of data set was 384 instances
values 0s for class distribution (class variable) were and 6 attributes as follows (Number of times
changed NO which means tested NEGATIVE for pregnant, Plasma glucose concentration a 2 hours in
DIABETES. This is essential because most of the an oral glucose tolerance test, 2-Hour serum insulin
algorithms require that there must be at least one (mu U/ml), Diabetes pedigree function, Age (years)
nominal variable column. Seven classification and Class variable (0 or 1)) with one dependent
algorithms were used in the course of this research variable and five independent variables.
namely: Decision Table, Random Forest, Naïve
Bayes, SVM, Neural Networks (Perceptron), JRip IV. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
and Decision Tree (J48). The following attributes A. Results
were considered for the comparative analysis: Time,
Correctly Classified, Incorrectly Classified, Test WEKA was used in the classification and
Mode, No of instances, Kappa statistic, MAE, comparison of the various machine leaning
Precision of YES, Precision of NO and algorithms. Table 3 shows the resultswith 9
attributes as well as parameters considered.

In order to predict the accuracy and ensure precision

for different machine learning algorithms, this
Table 3: Comparison of various classification algorithms with large data set and more attributes
Algorithm Time Correctly Incorrectly Test Attributes No of Kappa MAE Precision Precision Classifi-
(Sec) Classified Classified Mode instances statistic of YES of NO cation
(%) (%)
Decision 0.23 72.3958 27.6042 10-fold 9 768 0.3752 0.341 0.619 0.771 Rules
Table cross-
Random 0.55 74.7396 25.2604 10-fold 9 768 0.4313 0.3105 0.653 0.791 Trees
Forest cross-
Naïve 0.03 76.3021 23.6979 10-fold 9 768 0.4664 0.2841 0.678 0.802 Bayes
Bayes cross-
SVM 0.09 77.3438 22.6563 10-fold 9 768 0.4682 0.2266 0.740 0.785 Functions
Neural 0.81 75.1302 24.8698 10-fold 9 768 0.4445 0.2938 0.653 0.799 Functions
Networks cross-

JRip 0.19 74.4792 25.5208 10-fold 9 768 0.4171 0.3461 0.659 0.780 Rules
Decision 0.14 73.8281 26.1719 10-fold 9 768 0.4164 0.3158 0.632 0.790 Tree
Tree (J48) cross-
Time is the TIME taking to build the model

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MAE (Mean Absolute Error) is a measure of how YES means tested positive to diabetes. NO means
close forecast or predictions are to the eventual tested negative for diabetes
outcome. Table 4 shows the results with 6 attributes of the
Kappa Statistic is a metric that compares an classification and comparison of the various
observed accuracy with an expected accuracy machine leaning algorithms and parameters
(Random Chance) considered.

Table 4: Comparison of various classification algorithms with smaller data set and less attributes
Algorithm Time Correctly Incorrectly Test Attributes No of Kappa MAE Precision Precision Classific-
Classified Classified Mode instances statistic of YES of NO ation
% %
Decision 0.09 67.9688 32.0313 10-fold 6 384 0.3748 0.3101 0.581 0.734 Rules
Table cross-
Random 0.42 71.875 28.125 10-fold 6 384 0.3917 0.3438 0.639 0.761 Trees
Forest cross-
Naïve Bayes 0.01 70.5729 29.4271 10-fold 6 364 0.352 0.3297 0.633 0.739 Bayes
SVM 0.04 72.9167 27.0833 10-fold 6 0.3837 0.2708 0.711 0.735 Functions
cross- 384
Neural 0.17 59 41 10-fold 6 384 0.1156 0.4035 0.444 0.672 Functions
Networks cross-
(Perceptron) validation
JRip 0.01 64 36 10-fold 6 384 0.2278 0.4179 0.514 0.714 Rules
Decision 0.03 64 % 36 10-fold 6 384 0.1822 0.4165 0.519 0.685 Tree
Tree (J48) cross-
Time is the TIME taking to build the model. Kappa Statistic is a metric that compares an
MAE (Mean Absolute Error) is a measure of how observed accuracy with an expected accuracy
close forecast or predictions are to the eventual (Random Chance)
outcome. YES means tested positive to diabetes. NO means
tested negative for diabetes

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Table 5 and 6: Ranking of Precision of Positive Diabetes and Negative Diabetes using different algorithms
showing smaller and larger data sets respectively

Smaller Dataset 384 Large Data Set 768

Precision of Precision of Precision of Precision of
YES (Positive NO (Negative YES (Positive NO (Negative
Algorithm Diabetes) Diabetes) Algorithm Diabetes) Diabetes
SVM 0.711 0.735 SVM 0.74 0.785
Random Forest 0.639 0.761 Naïve Bayes 0.678 0.802
Naïve Bayes 0.633 0.739 JRip 0.659 0.78
Decision Table 0.581 0.734 Random Forest 0.653 0.791
Decision Tree Neural Networks
0.519 0.685 0.653 0.799
(J48) (Perceptron)

JRip 0.514 0.714 Decision Tree (J48) 0.632 0.79

Neural Networks
0.444 0.672 Decision Table 0.619 0.771

Table 7 and 8: Ranking of Correctly Classified and Incorrectly Classified with the time to build the model
showing smaller and larger data sets respectively using different algorithm.

Smaller Dataset 384 Large Data Set 768

Correctly Incorrectly Correctly Incorrectly
Algorithm Time Algorithm Time
Classified Classified Classified Classified
0.04 0.09
SVM 72.92% 27.08% SVM 77.34% 22.66%
sec sec
0.42 0.03
Random Forest 71.88% 28.13% Naïve Bayes 76.30% 23.70%
sec sec
0.01 0.81
Naïve Bayes 70.57% 29.43% Networks 75.13% 24.87%
sec sec
0.09 0.55
Decision Table 67.97% 32.03% Random Forest 74.74% 25.26%
sec sec
0.01 0.19
JRip 64% 36% JRip 74.48% 25.52%
sec sec
Decision Tree 0.03 Decision Tree 0.14
64% 36% 73.83% 26.17%
(J48) sec (J48) sec
0.17 0.23
Networks 59% 41% Decision Table 72.40% 27.60%
sec sec

Table 9Descriptive Analysis of various Datasetattributes

Attribute number Mean Standard Deviation

1 3.8 3.4
2 120.9 32.0
3 69.1 19.4
4 20.5 16.0
5 79.8 115.2
6 32.0 7.9
7 0.5 0.3
8 33.2 11.8

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B. Discussion Table 9 shows the mean and standard deviation of

Table3 shows the comparison of the result for 768 all the attributes used in this research reveals that
instances and 9 attributes. It was observed that all Plasma glucose concentration (attribute 2) has the
the algorithms have higher Kappa statistic compared highest mean as well as Diabetes pedigree function
to MAE (Mean Absolute Error). Also, correctly (attribute 7) with the lowest mean which is an
classified instances are higher than incorrectly indication of strong influence on small data set.
classified instances. This is an indication that with However, a lower Standard Deviation (SD) is not
higher data sets, the predictive analysis is more necessarily more desirable which means Diabetes
reliable. SVM and NBrequire large sample size in pedigree function (attribute 7) might not be of
order to achieve maximum prediction accuracy as significance vale when analyzing large data set.
shown in the table 3, while Decision Tree and
Decision Table have the least precision.
Table4 shows the comparison of the result for 384 RECOMMENDATION FOR FURTHER
instances and 6 attributes. The Kappa statistics for WORKS
Neural Networks, JRip and J48 are lower compared
to MAE and this does not portray precision and
ML classification requires thorough fine tuning
accuracy. This shows that with smaller datasets
Neural Networks, JRip and J48 shows drastic of the parameters and at the same time sizeable
reduction in the percentage of correctly classified number of instances for the data set. It is not a
instances in comparison to incorrectly classified matter of time to build the model for the algorithm
instances. However, with smaller data set SVM and only but precision and correct classification.
RF shows high accuracy and precision. Whereas Therefore, the best learning algorithm for a
Decision Table built the model with more time
particular data set, does not guarantee the precision
compare to JRip and Decision Tree. Therefore, less
time does not guarantee accuracy. If Kappa Statistic and accuracy for another set of data whose attributes
is less than Mean Absolute Error (MAE), the are logically different from the other. However, the
algorithm will not show precision and accuracy. It key question when dealing with ML classification is
follows that, the algorithm which such not whether a learning algorithm is superior to
characteristics cannot be used for that data set as it others, but under which conditions a particular
will not show precision and accuracy. method can significantly outperform others on a
given application problem. Meta-learning is moving
Table 6shows precision for larger data set and
in this direction, trying to find functions that map
smaller data set with SVM reflecting the algorithm
with highest prediction. Also table 5 shows SVM datasets to algorithm performance [12]. To this end,
being the algorithm with highest precision. Smaller meta-learning uses a set of attributes, called meta-
data sets. attributes, to represent the characteristics of learning
tasks, and searches for the correlations between
Tales 7 and 8 shows the comparison of percentage these attributes and the performance of learning
of correctly classified and incorrectly classified for algorithms. Some characteristics of learning tasks
smaller and large datasets respectively with the time are: the number of instances, the proportion of
to build the model. From Table 7,the results reveal
categorical attributes, the proportion of missing
Naive Bayes and JRip as the algorithms with fastest
values, the entropy of classes, etc.
time to build, however the percentage of correctly
classified is lower in JRip which shows that Time to
build as model is not tantamount to accuracy. In the [3]provided an extensive list of information
same vein, SVM has the highest level of accuracy and statistical measures for a dataset. After a better
with time of 0.04 seconds. Comparing this results understanding of the strengths and limitations of
with Table 8Neural Networks (Perceptron) was the each method, the possibility of integrating two or
third correctly classified algorithm. This means that more algorithms together to solve a problem should
Neural Network performs well with large dataset as be investigated. The objective is to utilize the
compared to small data set. Also, the results shows strengths of one method to complement the
that Decision Table does not perform well with weaknesses of another. If we are only interested in
large dataset. By and large, SVM algorithm shows the best possible classification accuracy, it might be
the highest classification and the larger the dataset, difficult or impossible to find a single classifier that
the higher the precision. performs as well as a good ensemble of
classifiers.SVM, NB and RF machine learning
algorithms can deliver high precision and accuracy

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