Hougen and Watson
Hougen and Watson
Hougen and Watson
REACTION RATES General Principles
Based on the theory of activated adsorption, general rate equations are de-
veloped for chemical reactions ~ataly5edby solids. Cbnsideration is given
to the differences in equation forms resulting from control of the rate by
different types of activated s t e p . Quantitative expressions are proposed for
the effects of adsorption, catulyst activity, particle &e, porosity, j b w condi-
tions,poisons, anddiluents as well as temperature, pressure, and concentration.
Experimental procedures for the evaluation of the constants of the equa-
tions are discussed. A general method is outlined for integration of rate
equations in the design of commercial reactors.
5 A BASIS for the development of rata equations, it is 3. The d v a t e d adsorption of reactants and activated d e
or atoms wbich are adsorbed by activation on the active cen- It is evident that the rate of these four types of operations
tern of the surface. From this viewpoint the catalyst in- are d-dent on widely different factors in addition to the
c- the rate of reaction through ita ability to adsorb the concentrations or concentration gradients involved. Type 1
reedsnts in such a form that the activation energy necesssry is determined by the flow characteristics of the system, such
for reaction is reduced far below ita value in the uncatalyd w the m m velocity of the fluid stream, the size of the par-
reaction. Theee principles are extensively diseuaeed in the ticles, and the diiTwiona1 charactmktics of the fluid., Type
periodical literature and in theoretical treatises on catalytic 2 is determined by degree of porcaity of the catalyst, the di-
rate phenomena (4, 7). The purpose of this paper is to d e mensions of the pores, the extent to which they are inter-
velop from theae principles equations which may be applied connected, the size of the particlea, the diffusional chsrsc-
to the interpretation and extension of rate data and to point t8riatics of the system, and the rate at which the reaction 00.
out expebental procedures best adapted to the complete curs at the interface. Type 3 is detmnined by the charscter
evaluation of such equations from a minimum of data. and extent of the catalytic swfaca, and by the p i 6 c acti-
Methods am slso developed for the u8e of such equations in vation energiea required for the adsorption and dmrption of
the d& of industrial reactors. each of the components of the fluid. Tspe 4 is determind
In order that a reactant in the main fluid phase may be by the nature and extent of the catalytic surface and by the
converted catalytically to 8 prcduct in the main fluid phase, activation energies required for the resotion on the surface.
it is nBee8BBIy that the reactant be trsn%ferreerredfmm its psi- The relative importance cf these four operations in deter-
tion in the fluid to the catalytic interface, be activatdy mining the over-all rate variea widely. Type 1 is important
adsorbed on the surface, and undergo reaction to form the ad- only when dealing with rapid reactions or where flow condi-
sorbed prcduct. The prcduct must then be desorbed and tions are unfavorable. Since the rate of this operation is
transferred from the interface to a psition in the fluid phase. little dected by temperature, its relative imprtance tends
The rate at wbich each of these Bteps occm Muencea the to vary for a particular system; it is frequently negligible at
&bution of concentrations in the system and plays a part low and highly important at bigb temperatures. Type 2 is
in determining the over-all rate. Because of the differencea frequently negligible for catsl@a of low activity in small
in the mechanisms involved, it is convenient to claasify these particles with large interconnected pores, and ceaeea to be a
steps 88 follows when dealing with cstalynb in the form of faator for nonpmus catalysts having no internal surface.
prow particlea: However, in the general ease of an active catalyst in mcder-
ably large particles having large internal surfaces with re-
1. "he mssa transfsr of reactsnts and products to and from stricted capillarity it may be of major importance.
the gross m o r d a c e of the catalyst particle and the main Operations of types 3 and 4 are chemical phenomena gen-
hodv of the ttuid. eraUy involving relatively large activation energies and a~
2: The di5u8iond and tiOw transfer of rsaotants and, pmducta
in and out of the pore structnre of the aataljat partide when therefom highly d t i v e to tamperatnm. The actual
reaction tat- place at interior interfaces. chemical transformations frequently p m d by m r a l mi-
&ve stspas, each with ita own characteristic rate. This is (3)
particularly true where aeveral molecules are involved. Gince
chemical rates vary over wide ranges,it is improbable that If component A is in admixture with other components B,
the rates of any two step of typea 3 and 4 w i l l be of equal
order in any given system. For this m m n in msny CBBBB R,S, and I which are aka adsorbed on active centera of the
name type, rate and equilibrium equations similar to 1,2,and
it is permissible to consider only the Slowest single Btep of
types 3 and 4 and wume that equilibrium is maintained in 3 may he mitten for each component. Then,
dl other steps of these types. Under such conditions the
eloweat activated step may be termed the “rat4eontmllinp
01 +
L - (CA + CB + CB + C8 G I . . .) (4)
step”, and the o d rata is determined by consideration of At equilibrium conditions each of the adsorbate concentra-
it in combination witb the physical steps of types 1and 2. tion terms in Ekption 4 may be replaced by an e x p e o n
L+ c i kh '1
+ KnaA. + K m s . + Kmn. + K m l . )
conlined to a &le active center). In the other mechanism Combining Equations 22 and 23 with 21,
an adsorhed molecule b m e s sufficiently energized to form
a complex with an adjacent active center, which then d m m -
posaa to form an h r k d product molecule.
If the hut mechanism is followed, the rata of reaction is
proportional to the concentration of admrbed reactant mole Equation 24 is independent of the mechanism of the surface
de8: reaction.
r - kcl (16)
If the second mechanism is c o m t , the rate of reaction is pro-
Comparing the form of Equation 24 with 19 and 20,it will
be noted that, when adsorption of the reactant is controlling,
the initial rate (where aB1= 0) is d-ctly proportional to the
portiod to the concentration of psirS of sdsorbed molecules activity of the reactant; if the surface resetion is controlling,
and adjacent vacant active centers. This rate is e x p r e s s e d by the initial rate will i n c w less than in proportion to in-
Equation 10. creased activity of the reactant.
ABBuming that only a single activated step is rate control- Another ChSrsderiStic of reactions controlled by a d s o p
Ling, aimplised over-all equations may be derived accordingto tion is evident by consideration of the net rate of the rp.
either mechanism for the reaction: VBIIK) reaction of Equation 24. If the over-dl equilibrium
constant K is small, the net rate of the reverse reaction be-
A#R comes independent of the activity of A. Thia behavior ia
Surface R a t i o n Controlling. If the surface reaction characteristic of reactions in which the rate is controlled by
is rate controlling, it is assumed that all adsorption steps the rate of desorption of the product.
are in equilibrium, and the surface concentration terms in
Equations 10 and 18 may be replaced by Equations 6 and BWOL&CULAR-MONOMOLBLAR BEACCION
7: The c h of reaction which is bimolecular in one direction
Mscanmem 1 and monomolecular in the other may be represented by the
r- kL ( a A 1 K Aa-nTa)n (In equation:
- +
1 S A S A f amKB Or& ...
w h K' d a c e equilibrium conatant klk'
At eqnilibritunthe net rate becomea m a and
- A+B*R
If it is assumed that the resetion t&es place betweeq an-
cently sdmrkd molecules, it is necessary that the monc-
molecular revem regation follow the mechanism e x p r e s s e d
by Equation 10. By the me pmcedures followed in the
Subtitutiug Equation 18 in 17, preoeding section, the foUowing rate equations are developed:
c4* - c
Cl, -a 8
Combining 31,32,and 33,
At equilibrium,
Thiele modulus 6/A+* -
dective average diametez of catalyst particles for 8
as' --
standard entropy caange
dective average dinmeter of catalyst particles for
Reynolds number 8. --
as! entropy of actnration
--of difhrsion ZA
moles of A aonverted/mole of reactor feed
dectiveneaa factor
d W o d correction factor (Equation 63)
reactor feed rata, moles/unit time
@A, 0s
fraction of total sitea occupied by adsorbed A a n d B
-- molecules
fraction of total adsorption sites unoccupied
= maas velocity/unit tctsl mxa section
standard fm-dwqy change
Plan& constant
heat of reaction uw mole of A
PB -
-densit offluid
of catalyst
AH' standard enthalpy ch-
AE" OW-all standard enthalpp change
- -
AH% atandard enthdm of s c t m t i r m
k, k' forward abd meme reactionvelocity constante
d&ty o f 7 4 at standard conditions
density of catdyst particle
k Boltamannconatant
h adsorption and desorption velocity constante of (1) Chilton. T. C.,and Colburn. A. P.. h.
eta. ENQ.C-., !23, 913
commnent A (leal).
4 therm& conductivitvof fluid
- -
(2) M.. 27. 266 (1935).
K overall fluid-phase k c t i o n equilibrium constant (a) G S ~ W .B. w.. TIWAS. G.. m d HOW, 0. A,. ~mtu.~ m .
R' surface &ion equilibrium oonstant m.et-. E W ~ . ,39, 14 (1~3).
KA.Ke,&etol+rption equilibrium conatants of eomponeots (4) Glsastons, 8.. Laidler, K.J., and Eyring, H., "Theory of Rate
L -- AandB
total molal h r p t i o n sitea/unit nuw of catalyst
Rocesaea". New York. McOnw-Hill Book Co., 1941.
(5) Oilliland. E. R..Im. ENQ.h. . (1984).
2 --totalactivecenterspunitsrsaofaurface
a m molecular weight of reaatm feed
(6) Lewis. W.K.,and Chsng, K.C.. Tram. Ani. Inst. et-. Bnon..
21. 127 (1828).
(7) Natl. -rcb Couna 1% Rept. of Corn. on Catalmis. John
- p""
psrtral ~RLWJE of component A in main fluid stream
p m of component A at
= OgmeaUOf(* - PA) and (w - PAC
wiley & eons, 1940.
(8) B h d . T. K.,"AbaomTon and Extrsotion". New York.
McQmw-Hill Book Co.,1937.
(8) Thiele, E. W.,h. EWQ. CHIOT., 31. 916 (1839).
The A m of Lmia and Riu on the oridotion of Ideally, data should be obtained under flow conditions in a
~ I f u diocide
r in a fbu, system -r a plotin*ed di6ereuti.d reactor containing a bed of catalyst 80 shallow
SabeStOn Wm1r.t h o C e bssn O M h e d hO C e o d n C e that relatively d chsnges of composition occur. Since
with the principles outlined in the preceding h p e r a t u r e ha$ an important intluenca on reaction rate, it is
papsr SI#). The &m LVO -11 represented desirable that the di6erential section be kept at a temperature
by M equation Cmsd on the ornrmption thrt the ae uniform 88 possible. This rquirea a d l d i a m e t e r r e
rate arntrdling step is a mqfacs -tion between actor with good heat transfer at the walls.
.~tiartio&&ed nrlfw dbx*b ond atomic One of the most thomugbly invdgated catalytic mctions
ory(yen. he sxpsri-ml &tcr Shot0 m - t , h t is the oxidation of sulfur dioxide over a platinum catalyst.
bss decktion from this g-1 equation than The extensive experimental data ob- by Bodenatein
from the empiricnl ex#n
and Rim.
pmpowd by Let& and Ebk (9, Gets& (a,
and Taylor and Lenher (7)caunot
b e d for the development of general rate equations becaw
in each caee a static ayatem wae employed in which diffusional
ERIFICATION of the applicability of the rate eqw conmtmtion and temperature differenaas md&dt to pre-
tions developed in the preceding paper (pagx 529) is dict. Each of t h inmatigatom and Benton (1) proposed
'di9ioult becsuse of the b c s t complete lsak of suitable empirid exp&ona repreSemting their own data, but in dl
published data. Msny cataly%ic rate megwrements have eaea di&lsionsl&e& were nepjaded and the d h t qua-
been carried out in static s m in which large difiusionsl tiom m applicable only over limited rmgea of mn6itionn.
conmhtion di6ereum were inevitable and controlled by Lewisand Rim (6)carried out a aeriesof flow experimentsin
aonditioue of natural convection which m not subject to reactom reasonably approximating di6ereutid operation. A
~ ~ ~ e m l i anal*.
zed Of the data obtained in flow svstems. plstiniren aebeetos catalyst WBS used in &I! u#-tubelpsctors
k y m &table beoauae of the large mum-tratiod inuuetd in a molten metsl bath. Although dsts neeessry
c b a c e o m d n g ~~KIId- of convsrsion intended to for the evalwtionof diffusional concentration di6erenm are
not preamted, it secrms reasonable to ne&& then &e& be-