G Shade Quick Reference en
G Shade Quick Reference en
G Shade Quick Reference en
20 When I open the GShade installer, I see a
message that says “Windows protected your PC”
My presets are missing!?
2 What games can I use GShade with?
Why do shadows look weird in Final Fantasy XIV’s /gpose?
3 Can I help provide settings for a game that’s
not automatically recognized? 21 What software and overlays may cause issues with GShade?
Where can I find backups made by the GShade installer? 23 GShade takes a long time to load and switch presets.
How can I make it faster?
Can I be banned for using GShade?
I don’t get a message saying GShade is loading on
Can I redistribute the shaders or textures from
startup and I can’t open the GShade overlay
GShade in my own ReShade build?
25 I can’t open the GShade overlay but I do see the loading bar.
My gamepad/controller isn’t working.
6 What graphics and game settings should I use with GShade?
26 My game is crashing. What should I do?
7 How do I open the overlay?
27 I’m having issues taking screenshots.
What is the default screenshot key combo? What should I do?
How do I switch between drives in the 28 I took a lot of screenshots and they’re all black/transparent.
preset explorer dropdown? How do I recover them?
8 What are the gamepad/controller buttons mapped to in 29 The update check keeps failing. What should I do?
the GShade overlay?
30 GShade is loading very slowly and I’m using the
9 How do I add these .ini presets I downloaded? FFXIV Quick Launcher (XL)/Dalamud
How do I add these .fx/.fxh shaders GShade does not work when XivAlexander is installed
and image textures I downloaded? in Final Fantasy XIV
Where do I put these .addon files I downloaded?
10 What do all of these PNG Compression options mean?
32 How do I write shaders for GShade?
TUTORIALS How do I write addons for GShade?
12 How do I load my custom image textures into shaders 33 What extensions to ReShadeFX does GShade include?
like Layer.fx, StageDepth.fx, and Silhouette.fx?
13 How do I take transparent ChromaKey screenshots?
15 What useful things can I do with Post-save Commands? LEGAL
Why did GShade disable itself when
ABOUT a major update was available?
WHAT IS GSHADE? Before reading any further, note that:
There is still a minimum period of 30 days between major updates
GShade is a user-friendly and generally enhanced fork of ReShade maintained as a matter of policy, outside of emergency releases for
by Marot Satil. It’s a package of Presets, from-scratch utilities, and a whole security fixes or other similar pressing issues.
ecosystem of shaders aimed at improving the realtime post-processing As of version 4.2.0, you are responsible for keeping your own copy
experience in any game. of GShade up to date, and no human support will be available.
Originally inspired by Miiolk’s amazing work on the ReShade 3.4 Angelite You have come here seeking knowledge of the bad times, and knowledge you
pack and the now-fully-depreciated fork Stormshade, its creation would not will find. In the ages before GShade, the Final Fantasy XIV
have have been possible without all of the countless hours of work from community was divided.
our developers (past and current), feedback from the community, the daily
trudging of our testing team, and the contributions of those who are no Some used the latest version of ReShade 3 with only the latest shaders.
longer with us. Others used the latest version of ReShade 3 with older shaders.
From its easy-to-use installer that takes care of everything for you to its Others still used very old versions of ReShade with hand-modified shaders
comprehensive Control Panel, you’ll be wondering why you weren’t using and textures which were changed but continued to use default file names.
GShade already. If you’ve managed to read this far, you’re probably either Others yet used a fork of ReShade called Stormshade which
using GShade already or are highly interested in giving it a try. frequently went out of sync with ReShade and shader updates.
From all of us who have worked on the project: thank you, we appreciate the Others also used a copy of ReShade 3.4 issued by the creator of Angelite,
time and effort you put into using our software and hope that you’ll continue often referred to as the Angelite build itself.
to stick with us as we continue to push the boundaries of post-processing Others used a fork of ReShade called Moogleshade which
in the future. also suffered from the default texture replacement issue.
Others adapted when ReShade 4 was released, but many feared the
change and refused to upgrade, while the brave pressed on into the future.
Others even still used further and strange disordered combinations,
often with the varying shader names which only further hampered
their ability to collaborate with their peers.
In order to establish some even ground amidst this mess and to minimize the
stress of our support team, the forced updates were seen as a necessary evil.
As you have likely now witnessed the past repeating itself in a personal capacity,
if things don’t work when you hand your presets around, updating is probably
a good idea.
GShade can automatically detect the proper settings for over 300 different games.
If your game isn’t on the list, PCGamingWiki often has the specific settings you’ll
need to get GShade running.
Listed below are some of the popular titles people use GShade with:
We are not aware of anyone who has been banned for using GShade or of any
auto detection features in Final Fantasy XIV which look for third party software.
As with any third party addon, plugin, or tool, it is best to not
discuss it in-game.
Provided solely for reference, Square Enix has discussed the nature of
tools which offer purely graphical enhancements in the past here.
For other online games, please refer to the publisher of the game itself on the
legality of GShade/ReShade use. Many use anti-cheat software which will
prevent you from even launching the game when GShade is present.
You can find a list of games with other required settings listed below:
Elden Ring
Only works in offline mode, and requires the
use of the Offline Launcher Mod.
RE Engine Games (Monster Hunter Rise, Resident Evil 8, etc.) What are the gamepad/controller buttons
Requires the use of REFramework. mapped to in the GShade overlay?
Second Life (Firestorm & Black Dragon) Keep in mind that you will need to make sure Controller/Gamepad Input is
enabled during installation for your game to use these bindings. If you did
Advanced Lighting Model: On (Requires application restart after enabling.) not enable this option during install or would like to disable it, you can also
open the GShade Control Panel and change it via the game’s settings (cog/
The Sims 4 gear button) on the Installations tab.
3D Scene Resolution: High
L1 + R1 + Start – Open/Close overlay.
Edge Smoothing: Off
D-Pad – Navigation/selected setting adjustment.
Post Processing Effects: Off
L1 + D-Pad – Slower selected setting adjustment.
World of Warcraft R1 + D-Pad – Faster selected setting adjustment.
Image Scale: 100% X – Toggle menu.
Anti-Aliasing: Image-Based Techniques or None X + L1/R1 – Focus windows.
X + D-Pad – Resize window.
How do I open the overlay? X + Left Stick – Move window.
Y – Edit text.
Shift + Backspace. You can change it under the Settings tab in the overlay.
B – Cancel/Close/Exit.
A – Activate/Open/Toggle.
What is the default screenshot key combo?
At this time, there is no screenshot button combo, and all button presses
Shift + Numpad+ You can change it under the Settings tab in the overlay. also pass through to the game itself.
Please ensure that the screenshot key set in GShade never matches the
native screenshot key of your game unless it has been disabled or changed.
How do I add these .ini presets I downloaded? What do all of these PNG
Compression options mean?
Place them in ?:\?\gamefolder\gshade-presets\Custom to work with the
installer’s converter, or create your own folder(s) in gshade-presets. Don’t You may have noticed two different options on the Settings tab under the
forget to convert them before loading them if they weren’t made with GShade! Screenshots category in the overlay: PNG Compression Method and
You can find the preset converter in the GShade Control Panel. Under the PNG Compression Level.
Tools tab just click Launch Converter and point it to the folder that your
presets are inside of. All of the possible combinations for these options are lossless, and they
allow you to fine-tune your screenshot file sizes against the time it takes
to save a screenshot.
Never attempt to edit, replace, or add a second copy of a shader or PNG Compression Method: Filtered
1 texture which is already included in GShade. You can find these in: PNG Compression Level: 9
?:\Program Files\GShade\gshade-shaders\
Custom shader files (.fx, .fxh) should be placed in: Maximum Speed (High File Size):
2 ?:\Users\Public\GShade Custom Shaders\Shaders\ PNG Compression Method: Huffman Only
Custom compute shaders (.fx, .fxh) should be placed in: PNG Compression Level: 0
3 ?:\Users\Public\GShade Custom Shaders\ComputeShaders\
Custom textures (.png, .jpg, .jpeg, .dds) should be placed in:
4 ?:\Users\Public\GShade Custom Shaders\Textures\
Place your custom image textures (.png, .jpg, .jpeg, .dds) in this folder:
2 ?:\Users\Public\GShade Custom Shaders\Textures\
On the Home tab of the in-game GShade overlay, locate the settings
for the shader you wish to load a custom texture into. Note that the
3 shader must support this functionality, and not all shaders use textures
in the first place.
Underneath the normal settings for the shader, you will need to open
the Preprocessor Definitions dropdown. Do not confuse this with the
4 Edit Global Preprocessor Settings button, which is the wrong area to
look for these settings.
6 Using StageDepth as our example, these options are: 3 Required technique settings:
StageTex: The filename of the image texture to be loaded, Ensure that Chromakey is enabled and the last (bottom)
always in quotes. active technique in your list.
STAGE_SIZE_X: The width of the image texture being loaded. Ensure that Chromakey is using the Keying color option
The default for most shaders is usually equal to the width Alpha Transparency in its settings.
of the game resolution.
Ensure that no DOF, Blur, CA (Chromatic Aberration),
STAGE_SIZE_Y: The height of the image texture being loaded. etc. shaders are enabled.
The default for most shaders is usually equal to the height
An example preset called GShadeChromaKey.ini in the
of the game resolution.
GShade preset folder is included to get you started and
STAGEDEPTH_TEXFORMAT: The texture format in use. act as a general reference.
You generally don’t want to change this unless you know exactly
what you’re doing and why you’re doing it.
4 For portrait (vertical) screenshots in Final Fantasy XIV:
Adjust the camera angle to 90 from the /gpose menu,
Once you’ve made the necessary changes to the Preprocessor Definitions to place yourself into portrait mode.
for your shader, you should see the changes reflected immediately.
7 Disable DOF in the /gpose menu.
Note that not all shaders use the same names for their Preprocessor
Definitions, but the labels are always very clear. Adjust any custom in-game lighting sources and Spotlight techniques
5 accordingly.
Adjust the Threshold of the Chromakey layer so that as much of the
photo as possible becomes covered in the black backdrop. Everything
How do I take transparent 6 covered becomes transparent in screenshots taken. Lower numbers
ChromaKey screenshots? are closer to the camera.
At the bottom of the Home tab of GShade’s in-game overlay, make Optional: Use Chromakey2 and the settings Vertically Radial
1 sure Disable Transparency is unchecked. Depth or Horizontally Radial Depth plus FOV to cover even more
area with a second Chromakey layer
What useful things can I do Automatic 3-way horizontal split with rotation for
portrait (vertical) screenshots.
with Post-save Commands? “%TargetPath%” -crop 3×1@ +repage -rotate 90”
The post-save commands can run any command-line executable, but for “%TargetDir%\%TargetName%%02d.png”
the first part of this tutorial and the useful commands offered in it, we’ll be
using ImageMagick. Automatic 3-way vertical split:
“%TargetPath%” -crop 1×3@ +repage “
1 Download and install ImageMagick. “%TargetDir%\%TargetName%%02d.png”
Automatic 3-way horizontal split:
On the Settings tab of the in-game GShade overlay under the Screenshots
“%TargetPath%” -crop 3×1@ +repage”
section, fill the Post-save Command option with the full path to the
2 ImageMagick executable, such as:
C:\Program Files\ImageMagick-7.1.0-Q16-HDRI\magick.exe For portrait (vertical) screenshots in Final Fantasy XIV:
Your path may be different depending on the version of Adjust the camera angle to 90 from the /gpose menu,
ImageMagick you installed. to place yourself into portrait mode.
You may need to start typing the drive letter, e.g. C:\ to get Disable DOF in the /gpose menu.
the UI to assist you with navigation, else you can just
paste in the path.
4 Take your screenshot as normal, and (if you used the above options)
the modified screenshot(s) will be in the same folder as the original
Set the Post-save Command Arguments as desired. Some very useful
3 examples are included below.
screenshot itself.
You’re not just limited to running a single executable, however. You can
Automatic rotation for portrait (vertical) screenshots:
also write a Windows Batch (.bat) file or PowerShell (.ps1) script with a
“%TargetPath%” -rotate 90”
series of commands tailored to your needs.
On the Settings tab of the in-game GShade overlay under the Screenshots
Automatic downscaling from 4k to 1080p or 1 section, fill the Post-save Command option with the full path to
8k to 4k for aliasing reduction: cmd.exe or powershell.exe.
“%TargetPath%” -filter Lanczos -resize 50%”
For batch (.bat) files:
Automatic ideal PNG8 compression for Twitter (do not For PowerShell (.ps1) scripts:
use with other social media platforms) with transparency support: ?:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe
“%TargetPath%” -dither -FloydSteinberg -define
dither:diffusion-amount=100% -colors 256
Take your screenshot as normal, and the script will start after your
4 screenshot has successfully saved.
Note that this relocation process only happens when you have presets
located in gamefolder, and you’re not required to put non-GShade presets in
Overlays: Software:
AMD Radeon Software StartAllBack
Discord StartIsBack
FRAPS Bullguard
NVIDIA Geforce Experience EVGA Precision
Logitech G HUB Citrix Workspace (Can be made to work, but you need to install
Citrix Workspace again with the App protection setting disabled.)
Razer Cortex
MSI Afterburner
Razer Synapse
Razer Cortex
Windows DVR Dalamud Plugins:
Windows Game Bar QoL Bar (Causes high frame latency/hitching when entering combat.)
Windows Settings:
AutoHDR (Disable it; leave regular HDR enabled.)
Windows Game Mode
GShade takes a long time to load and switch Find the process for your game in Task Manager.
presets. How can I make it faster? Right click your game’s process, and then click Open file location.
On the Settings tab of the in-game GShade overlay under After this location opens in Windows Explorer, you can compare
1 the URL bar at the top of the window to the path you’re using
Shaders & Techniques:
in the GShade Installer or GShade Control Panel to check if
Enable Do Not Load Unused Shaders. you’re installing to the game location that’s actually running.
Set Shader Load Delay to 0. If you were not installing to the correct location, be sure to remove
the incorrect installation from the Installations tab of the
Make sure you’re running on the latest available graphics card GShade Control Panel to avoid future confusion.
2 (GPU) driver for your system. If you don’t know your graphics card
model, try using Speccy. For Final Fantasy XIV, make sure you are running the game in
3 DirectX 11 mode (game launcher setting).
AMD Drivers
Intel Drivers For Guild Wars 2, make sure you are running the game in
4 DirectX 11 mode (in-game setting).
NVIDIA Drivers
If you’re on a laptop with a dedicated GPU, follow these instructions Check to make sure an antivirus didn’t delete the following
5 folders & files in ?:\Program Files\GShade\
3 for NVIDIA or these instructions for AMD to make sure your
dedicated GPU is actually being utilized. GShade64.dll
I can’t open the GShade overlay My game is crashing. What should I do?
but I do see the loading bar
If you’re getting a missing dll error or no error:
Ensure you’re using the correct key(s) to open the menu. The key(s)
1 are shown on the loading bar during each game startup. 1 Make sure GShade32.dll and GShade64.dll exist in
?:\Program Files\GShade\
Some laptop and specialty desktop keyboards require you to hold 2 You may have installed GShade to the wrong location.
2 down the Fn key to use function keys such as F2.
If the crash includes clr.dll in the text, it’s caused by a bug in the
If you’re using Citrix Workspace, reinstall Citrix Workspace with FFXIVQuickLauncher or a Dalamud addon.
3 App protection toggled off.
If the crash includes k_fps64.dll or k_fps32.dll in the text, it’s caused
If you’re still having issues or if your issue wasn’t covered above, by a Razer software overlay.
please look through the commonly known problematic overlays,
4 software, and settings list to see if there are any
You can typically disable this in the settings for Razer Cortex
1 under the Launcher tab in the In-Game section. The setting
you need to disable.
name is called Custom Display.
If you’re using or have used mods through TexTools with Final Fantasy XIV
My gamepad/controller isn’t working (skip to 4 for other games) in the past:
Remove (not disable) any mods that are currently in use.
Disable the Steam Overlay or disable Steam Input for the game under its
In TexTools, this is known as a Start Over.
Properties in the Steam Library.
Grab the GShade Integrity Check App, drop it into your
If you wish to continue using the Steam Overlay, you can Add
Final Fantasy XIV game folder, and run it.
GShade to your game again through the Installations tab of the
If the integrity check comes back with broken indexes:
GShade Control Panel using the Normal option under Hooking.
3 Open TexTools, click Help, Download Index Backups,
Normal hooking mode is known to cause on-startup and finally do a Start Over.
* crashes for a small number of users in Final Fantasy XIV.
If the integrity check comes back with any other
4 broken files, reinstall XIV.
For users of Steam Controllers and those looking to take advantage of
Steam Input for other reasons, we highly recommend using GlosSI instead
You’re crashing on startup in Monster Hunter Rise or any other
of the native Steam Input settings.
RE Engine game.
Use the REFramework mod.
You’re not crashing in Final Fantasy XIV, you’ve never used mods in XIV, or 4 If you’re receiving an access denied or screenshot failed error:
the integrity check came back clean:
Uninstall Avast, AVG, or Kaspersky. Proceed to find
Download (do not install) the latest video drivers a better antivirus product.
1 for your video card.
Run Display Driver Uninstaller (DDU) in Windows Safe Mode
2 and disable obtaining drivers from Windows Update. https://www.avg.com/en-us/avg-remover
The update check keeps failing. GShade is loading very slowly and I’m using
What should I do? the FFXIV Quick Launcher (XL)/Dalamud
Disable any VPN software temporarily. Some VPN providers block normal 1 Open the GShade Control Panel.
DNS lookups in error, but this is usually not intended behavior.
Power off your PC, modem, and router for 5 minutes to attempt clearing 2 Navigate to the Installations tab.
2 old, dead cached routes.
3 Click Add New.
If you are tethered to a mobile 3G/4G/5G device such as a phone
3 or mobile hotspot, some providers intentionally block connections Install GShade to Final Fantasy XIV again using Normal as the
to some servers. 4 Hooking method on the options step.
Sometimes your ISP’s DNS servers can malfunction. Try setting your DNS
4 In the settings for Dalamud, make sure Enable multi-monitor windows
servers in Windows and/or your router to Google’s Public DNS servers: 5 is turned off/disabled.
GShade does not work when XivAlexander is
2001:4860:4860:0000:0000:0000:0000:8888 installed in Final Fantasy XIV
1 Open the GShade Control Panel.
Run the following command in a cmd prompt or Powershell
running as admin: ipconfig /flushdns 2 Navigate to the Installations tab.
Ensure that any software or hardware firewalls are
6 not blocking api.github.com. 3 Click Add New.
You’re on Windows 7 or Windows 8. Follow one of the Install GShade to Final Fantasy XIV again using Normal as the
7 4
three following steps: Hooking method on the options step.
Install Windows 10 or Windows 11.
Install XivAlexander again using the Install XivAlexander as
Install Linux. 5 dinput8.dll for DirectX 11 version option.
Temporary Fix:
Set Windows to use TLS 1.2 by default in the registry
as described here.
SHADER & ADDON GShade and ReShade use the same high-level programming language
for shaders called ReShadeFX, which is automatically compiled into a
With the above in mind, there are many existing pixel shaders and
compute shaders to learn from once you understand the core concepts.
At this time, both GShade and ReShade have feature parity for the
ReShade API, so developing addons for both is the same.
For rights regarding all other shaders and textures, please refer to the
licences inside each shader file. Leeja Llen (leeja-ffxiv.carrd.co)
Leeja Llen
Permission has been granted to the GShade project for distribution
rights to presets whose licences or copyrights otherwise do not allow for Lufreine (twitter.com/lufreine)
redistribution, re-hosting, or automated downloading. Please contact the Lufreine
creators directly for permission if you are interested in doing so: Malkovich Malkovich (twitter.com/malkovichff14)
Aeon Legion (instagram.com/aeonlegion)
ColorsReborn Mana (twitter.com/milkisslut)
Witch Presets
Alma Emma (twitter.com/AlmaEmma_ffxiv)
AlmaStudio Marot Satil (twitter.com/MarotSatil)
Ares Stardust (twitter.com/neonhighways)
OMGEorzea Meia Mochi (twitter.com/mepururu)
Aztral Okami (twitter.com/AztralOkami)
AztralSuperBloomStudio Messy Fantasia (twitter.com/Mesaana10)
Cyane Monis (twitter.com/ffxiv_nya)
CyanePrism Mori Tori aka miiolk (twitter.com/torii_ff14)
Fairy (instagram.com/fairyqueen.xiv)
Fairy Neneko Neko (twitter.com/xelyanne)
Neneko ColorS
G’thro Reddia (twitter.com/RedhadesFFXIV) Neneko ColorS - World
G’thro Neneko ColorS - World 2
Glace Camelot (twitter.com/GlaceFF14) Neneko ColorS - Universe
Glace Neneko ColorS - World of Warcraft
Neneko ColorS - WoW
Grey Fantasies/Lady Arkana (twitter.com/grey_fantasies) Neneko ColorS - Zero
Nightingale Silence (twitter.com/franandneo)
Johnni Maestro (twitter.com/Johnnicles) Nightingale
ninjafada (sfx.thelazy.net/users/u/ninjafada)
Johto (twitter.com/JohtoXIV) ninjafada
Johto’s Studio
NuclearFuzion (twitter.com/Zhvowa)
Kiyomi Lavellan NukeGP
Oni Akuma (Oni Akuma of Gilgamesh)
Kupaii Satil (twitter.com/PastelKupaii) OniAkumaTrueLifeRealism
Packetdancer (twitter.com/Packetdancer)
Freya “The Photosmith” Bloodmourne (twitter.com/Freybae_ffxiv) ReShade source code used in this project is licenced under:
Copyright 2014 Patrick Mours. All rights reserved.
Ruri (twitter.com/nihil242)
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
Serenaya Carrin (twitch.tv/serenayacarrin) modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
Shenova Shadowheart (twitter.com/Shenova82)
list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
Talim (instagram.com/talimffxiv) this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
Talim - Ta-hee! and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors
Tayang Mol
may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
without specific prior written permission.
Veylind Xaan (Discord: Veylind#3679)
Yae (twitter.com/lapismenangis)
Yomigami Okami (twitter.com/Yomigammy)
Yomigami Okami
A copy of all redistributable shaders and textures included in EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.
GShade can be found here:
GShade is not endorsed or otherwise promoted by
Patrick Mours, aka crosire, or any other ReShade contributor.
This project includes the DXVK binaries, which are licenced under:
zlib/libpng licence
– The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
appreciated but is not required.
– Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not
be misrepresented as being the original software.
– This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
GShade Logo & Branding © 2018 - 2023 GSHADE. All Rights Reserved.
FINAL FANTASY is a registered trademark of Square Enix Holdings Co., Ltd.
FINAL FANTASY XIV © 2010 - 2023 SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD. All Rights Reserved.