Murali 2020
Murali 2020
Murali 2020
2, 2020
Keywords: mean absolute deviation; MAD; mean square error; MSE; value
stream mapping; VSM; simulation.
1 Introduction
2 Background
In furniture industry, production planning plays a vital role and the current forecasting
practice leads to inventory in some period or reverse stock in some period. Demand
estimation is very crucial for a manufacturing company. Improper forecasting results in
lack of visibility in production planning and demand estimation. During March, the
forecast deviation reaches up to 25% from actual, which makes all production planning
imperfect. Therefore, analysis and improvement for the forecasting will be done in this
project in order to enhance the visibility and production planning in the industry.
218 C.S. Murali and A. Prabukarthi
Production lead time is high (2,552 min) due to bottleneck processes. Bottleneck
identification is a major task so as to tackle the low throughput in the bottleneck process.
As sales trend was going up in order to make industry fit for fulfilling the customer’s
demand it is required to identify and control the bottleneck.
Industry is not keen in operating the second shift particularly in painting department,
which leads to poor utilisation of resources. Operator utilisation observed as 46.73% per
cycle and machine utilisation 83.89% per cycle in painting department where considering
a complete shift operator utilisation comes down to 28.2% and 29.1%. In second shift
machine is not utilising because of operator unavailability. So as to improve utilisation
and improve productivity, by improving the average daily output with the same
workforce. Gap analysis is carried out shown in Table 1. The purpose of the gap analysis
is to provide project teams with a format in which to do the following:
compare the best practices with the processes currently in the industry
determine the ‘gaps’ between current practices and the identified best alternatives
select the best alternative practices to implement.
Table 1 Gap analysis
Current situation Future state Expected outcome
1 Forecasting Better alternative Comparative analysis Maximum
deviation up to 25% with minimal with three deviation less than
from the actual deviation alternatives, MAD 10%
and MSE comparison.
2 High production Throughput Time study, VSM and Bottleneck
lead time due to improvement in cause and effect identification
bottleneck analysis bottleneck processes diagram
3 Underutilised Resource balancing Simulation Double the current
resources in operator
painting department utilisation, increase
output at least by
The sales data for various products produced by the industry has been analysed for a
12-month period. The data has been summarised into a Pareto chart as shown in
Figure 1. The Pareto chart shows that among the number of products 58.5% of the sales
volume are from finished wooden boards and customised furniture and both are made out
of finished boards. So, this project focus on production and forecasting practices for
boards. All the analysis and improvements done based on the wooden boards they
The sales data for various products produced by the industry has been analysed for a
12-month period. The data has been summarised into a Pareto chart as shown in Figure 1.
The Pareto chart shows that among the number of products 58.5% of the sales volume are
from finished wooden boards and customised furniture and both are made out of finished
boards. So, this project focuses on production and forecasting practices for boards. All
the analysis and improvements are done based on the wooden boards they produce.
Productivity improvement in furniture industry using lean tools 219
Figure 1 Sales volume for 12 months (see online version for colours)
closer to the actual as well as no lagging in trend. Each group of six months categorised
as H1 to H4 which is showing the behaviour of the sales trend in different time period.
Figure 2 Forecasted vs. actual sales (see online version for colours)
H1 H2 H3 H4
Analysing the graphs in Figure 3 to Figure 10, are the pictorial representation of the
MAD and MSE from the actual sales in H1 to H4. From the graphs, it clear that among
each group the deviation is lesser for Seasonal regression. Even if the trend is normal or
peak seasonal regression is best suited for the current scenario with the current data
Among the forecasting techniques mentioned, minimum deviation or error are plotted by
seasonalised time series forecast, i.e., close to the actual sales (Gaither, 2011). By
a 18705804.57
b 209625.0901
Yd (forecasted sales) a bX
Demand forecasting is analysed using three (simple moving average method, weighted
moving average method, seasonal regression method) different methods in which
seasonal regression is found to be more accurate for the current scenario. Based on the
results from seasonal regression model, improvement of reducing the deviation of error
forecast by 17.37% which will result in reduction of over production and shortage. A set
of six months wise comparison also made in order to infer the suitable forecasting
methods for peak and normal demand trend. On study of the various methods applied, the
seasonal regression forecasting method has found to be the most suitable by comparison
of the MAD and MSE which studies the deviation between the forecasted and actual
values of demand.
Figure 11 Current state value stream map (see online version for colours)
224 C.S. Murali and A. Prabukarthi
From the work balance graph Figure 12 showing cycle time vs. takt time it implies the
painting process includes sealing and lackering is the bottleneck. All the other processes
including moulding and composing which is having comparatively high cycle time also
falling under the takt time. That is nothing but in each 19.5 minute, customer needs a unit
and it is blocked by the painting process.
Figure 12 Cycle time vs. takt time (see online version for colours)
Figure 13 Cause and effect diagram for low throughput in painting department
226 C.S. Murali and A. Prabukarthi
Mainly, the problem faced is lack of skilled operator to run the night shift. But the same
time in shift 1 the utilisation of labour is less because of few essential NVA time like
drying time. So, work assignment and resource balancing are the suggestions made after
brainstorming sessions at the painting department. It also decided to concentrate on work
balancing and utilisation of operator.
4.5 Simulation
Simulation experiments were performed for the bottleneck process to calculate the
man-machine utilisation and output. It is already found that process is consuming high
essential NVA time which cannot be eliminated. An alternative is being proposed with
reassigning the operator who will operate two machines instead of one machine with
considering allowances according to ILO (2005) standards.
Once all the required data and the shop floor are identified, the details are entered into
commercial simulation software. A number of assumptions are made during the
development of the simulation model:
the process flow for the simulation is continuous
all the parts arrive randomly and the parts will go into a certain machine when
the machine cycle times are assumed to be the same for both machine with same type
of part
the production plant runs with time table as per their work schedule.
Three measurement criteria were considered: output, machine utilisation, and operator
utilisation. Output is measured both per shift and per day, and compared both simulated
and actual for current as well as proposed scenario. Machine utilisation measures the
machine usage intensity and is computed as the percentage of busy hours that a machine
runs to complete the given tasks. The data can be acquired from the statistical report
generated by the simulation software. Operator utilisation reflects the overall
performance or productivity of the process and refers to the percentage of busy hours that
an operator requires to complete given tasks. The data can be obtained from the statistical
report generated by the simulation software.
painting department. There are essential NVA processes plays a major part in the area of
productivity improvement painting department the process is man-machine chart for a
cycle is found out and analysed. Table 3 shows the man-machine chart for a cycle in
painting department, process including sealing and lacquering.
Table 3 Man machine chart (see online version for colours)
The colour red indicates idle time and green is utilisation. The utilisation of man and
machine for a cycle is calculated and this gives the indication that utilisation of man will
be less for a shift of process also. Simulation for a complete shift is being done using
commercial software.
Figure 14 Man-machine utilisation per cycle (painting department), (a) machine utilisation
(b) operator utilisation (see online version for colours)
(a) (b)
Man machine chart for a cycle is found out and analysed. Figure 14 shows the pictorial
representation of the utilisation of both man and machine. Operator (man) utilisation is
less than 50% for a cycle and it is even lesser for a complete shift. A shift of process is
being simulated using commercial simulation software and that will discuss further.
228 C.S. Murali and A. Prabukarthi
Figure 15 Two machine two operators shift 1 (current practice) (see online version for colours)
In this case machine is being utilised by 89.5% and 91.1% where the operator utilisation
is 28.2% and 29.1% respectively. This directly projects that up to 70% time operator is
idle. As already discussed a high amount of essential NVA time can be utilised properly
with a same operator. An alternative to the system is proposed with one operator who will
handle two machines alternatively. This proposal leads to an improvement in utilisation
of operator.
The simulated result shown in Figure 16 shows that machine is being utilised by
88.2% and 84.4% where the operator utilisation is 54% and average output is about
24 units only but the main advantage with this proposal is that a night shift can be
introduced with the extra operator and that tackles the causes like large essential NVA
time, high idle time of operator, insufficiency of operator in running night shifts, etc. that
are founded out for low throughput by brainstorming session.
The proposed alternative is to run the process for two shifts with the simulated
average output being 54. With better utilisation of man and machine which is presented
in Figure 17. From the pilot run result of this proposal it is found that output per day (two
shifts) is 45 units, 21 units from shift 1 and 24 units from shift 2.
Productivity improvement in furniture industry using lean tools 229
Figure 16 Two machine one operator shift 1 (alternative) (see online version for colours)
Figure 17 Two machine one operator (two shift) (see online version for colours)
This intense study on current operations and forecasting practices is carried out. Mainly,
three forecasting namely simple moving average, weighted moving average and seasonal
regression methods. Initially the maximum deviation from the actual with SMA method
practice is getting 25%. The comparative analysis shows that the seasonal regression
230 C.S. Murali and A. Prabukarthi
holds a maximum deviation of 7.6%, which is the minimum compared to other methods.
Although the sales trend is not a pure seasonal demand, it follows an upward trend with
some peaks in certain period, mainly in the month of March. With implementation of best
alternative to the simple moving average method, i.e., seasonal regression, the results
indicate that it is reached to 3.5% in March 2017. An error bar with ± 5% is assumed for
the forecasted value which is shown in Figure 18, it shows that the actual value is coming
inside the ± 5%. This makes obvious improvement in visibility and better production
Figure 18 Actual vs. forecasted comparison with error bar of 5% (March 2017) (see online
version for colours)
Standard time calculation done with time study and this is being used to plot current state
VSM for the production of wooden boards. Using VSM of current state with bottleneck is
identified, that is painting department. Brainstorming session with production manager,
floor engineer, supervisors and operators and certain quality outcome including plotting
the causes and effects diagrams for the low throughput in the bottleneck process. Mainly
focused on the underutilisation of operator, high essential NVA process time and
insufficient operators for night shift.
Simulation using commercial software used to analyse current utilisation and output
for one complete shift with two operators working on two different machines.
Figure 19 Average output per day in current vs. alternative practice (painting) (see online version
for colours)
Productivity improvement in furniture industry using lean tools 231
The simulated output of alternative with single operator for two machines is found out
better in utilisation of operator hour from 29.1% to 54% where output per shift varies
from 30 to 24 units. But this proposal holds an added advantage with an extra labour who
is assigned to work in night shift which gives a simulated result of average output per day
54 units, shows in Figure 19. From the pilot run with this proposal gives an average
output of 45 units a day which is a 50%–60.7% increase in output. Finally, the overall
idle time of an operator get reduced from 71.8% to 46% as shown in Figure 20.
Figure 20 Idle time in current vs. alternative practice (painting) (see online version for colours)
6 Conclusions
Purpose of the study is to improve productivity of the furniture industry. The following
findings are the major outcome from the study:
Lean wastes were identified and tackled.
Underutilisation of operators were improved by proposing that the same employee to
operator two machines which can help in reducing, idle time or essential NVA by
utilising that particular period for VA processes.
The demand for the furniture’s were studied by conducting an analysis using three
forecasting techniques namely, simple moving average, weighted moving average
and seasonal time series. Seasonal time series forecast method provides minimum
deviation from actual when compared with two forecasting methods. Forecasting
analysis helps in effective production planning which result in minimising the
investment on inventory.
Processes in the paint department have been identified as bottleneck process and
simulation-based study has been carried out to identify the alternative methods in
order to improve the throughput. Based on the simulation study the expected output
was 54 units. From the pilot run it is realised that the 45 units can be produced.
The percentage of output has been improved from 50% to 60.7% when compared to
earlier production rate.
232 C.S. Murali and A. Prabukarthi
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