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Fluid Mechanics

Previous Year Questions Q.1. The viscosity of CO at 1 bar and 27 °C is 0.000015 Ns/m2 . Estimate the
viscosity of CO at 1 bar and 327 °C. GATE - 1990

GATE 1990 – 2022

Devendra Poonia

Q.2. Bernoulli’s equation for steady frictionless flow states that, along a
Q.3. The pressure drop required for fluidizing a coal bed with a liquid petroleum
fraction of viscosity 0.015 Ns/m2 is 103 N/m2 . The pressure drop required for
(A) Total pressure is constant
fluidizing the same bed with an oil of viscosity 0.03 Ns/m2 is …………
(B) Total mechanical energy is constant
GATE - 1990
(C) Velocity head is constant
(D) None of the above GATE - 1990
Q.5. Nikuradse developed a semi theoretical correlation for f vs. Re for steady
Q.4. To increase the capacity of a commercial packed bed absorber, the turbulent flow in smooth pipes (105 < Re < 107):
volumetric flow rate of gas entering is increased by 20%. The ratio of pressure
drops (new to old) is …………
GATE - 1990
Toluene (ρ = 866 kg/m3 , µ = 0.0008 Ns/m2 ) is to be conveyed through a 100 m
pipeline of diameter 0.2 m. What is the maximum flow rate of toluene in kg/sec
that can be maintained, if the frictional pressure loss is not to exceed 10 kN/m2 ?
GATE - 1990

Q.6. Water flowing at 1.5 L/s in a 0.05m diameter tube is metered by means of a
simple orifice of diameter 0.025m. If coefficient of discharge is 0.62, what will Q.7. The equilibrium position of the float in a rotameter is determined by the
be the reading on a mercury-under-water manometer connected to the meter? balance of three forces. These are ---------------, --- -------------- and--------------.
Density of water = 1000 kg/m3 GATE - 1991

Viscosity of water = 0.001 Ns/m2

Density of mercury 13,600 kg/m3 GATE - 1990
Q.8. A plant has water tank mounted on the top of a 27 m platform. The tank is Q.9. What size of orifice would give a pressure difference of 41 cm water column
10 m high. The height of the water in the tank if a pressure gauge on the second for the flow of liquid styrene of specific gravity 0.9 at 0.055 m3/s in a 250 mm
floor at a height of 5 m from the ground reads 2.7 bar is, diameter pipe? Assume Cv = 0.62. GATE - 1991
(A) Full (B) 5.12 m (C) 3.12 m (D) 7.18 m GATE - 1991

Q.10. The mechanical energy equation,

Q.11. A spherical particle is falling slowly. In a viscous liquid such that Reynolds
number is less than 1. Which statement is correct for this situation?
(A) Inertial and drag forces are important
has been obtained under which of the following assumptions, (B) Drag, gravitational and buoyancy forces are important
(A) The flow is steady (C) Drag forces and gravitational force are important
(B) The flow is incompressible (D) None of the above GATE - 1992
(C) No viscous work is being done
(D) Points 2 and 1 are on the same streamline GATE - 1992
Q.13. Water is forced into the device shown in figure below at the rate of,

Q.12. As the velocity V and thus the Reynolds number of a flow past a sphere
increases from low values, the drag force for Re << 1,
(A) Increase linearly with V
(B) Decrease linearly with V
(C) Decrease as V2
(D) None of these GATE - 1992
0.15 m3/s through pipe A, while oil of specific gravity 0.8 is forced in at the rate 0.05
m3/s through pipe B. If the liquids are incompressible and form a homogeneous mixture
of oil globules in water, what is the average velocity and density of the mixture leaving
through pipe C having a diameter of m.
GATE - 1992

Q.14. For flow over a flat plate wherein a laminar boundary layer is present for
Q.15. For a centrifugal pump the positively suction head is defined as,
the case of a zero pressure gradient, the parabolic profile for velocity u is given
(A) hvs + hps
(B) hvd + hpd
u = a1y + a2 y2 for y ≤ d
(C) hvs + hps - Ps
u = V0 for y ≥ d
(D) hvd + hpd - Pd
Find a1 and a2 . V0 is the free stream velocity.
hvs = velocity head at suction
hvd = velocity head at discharge
hps = pressure head at suction
hpd = pressure head at discharge
Ps = vapor pressure of liquid at suction temperature
Pd = vapor pressure of liquid at discharge temperature GATE - 1993

GATE - 1992
Q.17. Water flows through 30 mm i.d pipe at atmospheric pressure. Pitot tube
measures the velocity of water at the center of pipe as shown in the Fig.. The pressure
difference between the impact tube and the static tube is 20 cm of carbon tetrachloride
(density: 1600 kg/m3 ). Calculate the volumetric flow rate thorough the pipe in cubic
meter per hour. Viscocity of water is 1 cP.
Q.16. In fluidization, using perfect spherical particles, the operating range of the
fluidization velocity is
(A) independent of particle size
(B) greater for bigger particle size
(C) greater for smaller particle size
(D) proportional to the square of the particle size GATE - 1993

GATE - 1993

Q.18. A piece of wood floats of an interface between layers of oil and water as Q.19. The shear stress-shear rate relationship for a liquid, whose apparent
shown in Fig. the specific gravity of wood and oil are 0.95 and 0.75 respectively. viscosity decreases with increasing shear rate is given by
Determine the volume fraction of wood in the water layer.

GATE - 1993 GATE - 1994

Q.20. A Newtonian liquid (ρ = density, μ = viscosity) is flow in with velocity v in
Q.21. For an orifice meter, the pressure recovery is ___________ than that for a
a tube of diameter D. Let ΔP be the pressure drop across the length L. For a
venturimeter. GATE - 1994
laminar flow, ΔP is proportional to,
(A) Lρv2/D
(B) Dρv2/L
(C) Lμv/D2
(D) μv/L GATE - 1994

Q.22. As long as a pump is not used, a fluid will always flow from high-pressure Q.23. For a sphere of density ρs and volume V placed in a fluid of density r
region to low pressure. (True/False) GATE - 1994 (I) Weight (A) (ρs –r)Vg
(II) Buoyancy force (B) ρVg
(C) ρsVg
(D) (ρs + ρ)Vg GATE - 1994
Q.24. The following data were obtained on a section of piping through which an
incompressible viscous fluid is flowing:

Point 1: Q.25. A tube of 0.05 m2 cross-sectional area is packed with spherical particles up
Pressure = 1.05 x 105 Pa to a height of 0.25 m. The porosity of the bed is 0.35. It is desired to fluidize the
Cross-sectional area = 5 x 10-4 m2 particles with water (ρ = 1000 kg/m3 , m = 10-3 Pa.s). Calculate the minimum
Elevation above point 2 = 3m
velocity of fluidization given the Ergun’s equation:
Point 2:
Pressure = 1.25 x 105 Pa
Cross-sectional area = 15 x 10-4 m2
Fluid velocity = 1 m/s

Other data:
Data: Diameter of particles = 0.01 m.
Density of fluid = 1000 kg/m3 Density of solid particles = 2600 kg/m3 . GATE - 1994
Power delivered by the pump = 7.5 W (Assume efficiency = 1)
Predict whether flow is taking place from point 1 to 2 or from point 2 to 1. GATE - 1994

Q.26. Use of Raschig rings in place of crushed stones as packing in packed beds
(other things being same) –
(A) increases pressure drop, increases surface area Q.27. A pitot tube indicates 5 cm of water (manometer) when it is being used for
(B) increases pressure drop, decreases surface area measuring velocity of air. The velocity of air in m/s is –
(C) decreases pressure drop, increases surface area (A) 5 (B) 14.1 (C) 56.22 (D) 28.2 GATE - 1995
(D) decreases pressure drop, decreases surface area GATE - 1995
Q.28. Bed pressure drop in an air fluidized bed of catalyst particles (ρ = 2000 Q.29. (I) venturimeter (A) static head
kg/m3 , Dp = 0.05 cm) of 60 cm bed depth and bed porosity of 0.5 expressed in (II) wet gas meter (B) kinetic energy
cm of water (manometer) is (C) volumetric displacement
(A) 90 (B) 60 (C) 45 (D) 30 GATE - 1995 (D) fluid drag force GATE - 1995

Q.30. Air flows through a packed bed of a powdery material of 1 cm depth at a Q.31. Fluidized beds are formed when :
superficial gas velocity of 1 cm/sec. A manometer connected to the unit registers (A) fluid friction is zero
a pressure drop of 1 cm of water. The bed has a porosity of 0.4. Assuming that (B) gravity force is less than fluid friction
Kozeny-Carman equation is valid for the range of study, estimate the particle size (C) pressure forces equal gravity forces
of the powder. (D) sum of fluid friction and pressure forces is equal & opposite to gravity
ρ( air) = 1.23 kg/m3 forces. GATE - 1996
μ( air) = 1.8 x 10-5 kg/m.s. GATE - 1995
Q.32. A rotameter, through which air at room temperature and atmospheric
Q.33. A bed consists of particles of density 2000 kg/m3. If the height of the bed is
pressure is flowing, gives a certain reading for a flow rate of 100 cc/s. If helium
1.5 m and its porosity 0.4, the pressure drop required to fluidize the bed is :
(molecular weight 4) is used and the rotameter shows the same reading, the flow
(A) 25.61 k Pa
rate is :
(B) 11.77 k Pa
(A) 26 cc/s
(C) 14.86 k Pa
(B) 42 cc/s
(D) 21.13 k Pa GATE - 1996
(C) 269 cc/s
(D) 325 cc/s GATE - 1996

Q.34. i. Gear pump a. Suspension Q.35. i. 1/7th power law a. irrotational flow
ii. Air lift pump b. Concentrated sulphuric acid ii. Hagen-Poiseuille eqn. b. turbulent flow
c. Viscous oil c. inviscid flow
d. Toluene GATE - 1996 d. laminar flow in pipes. GATE - 1996
Q.36. A tank full of water is open at the top with a hole near the boom, the area of
Q.37. Water trickles by gravity over a bed of particles, each 1 mm dia in a bed of
which is 0.25 m2 and the cross-sectional area of the tank is 1 m2 . If the height of
dia 6 cm and height 2 m. The water is fed from a reservoir whose diameter is
the water above the hole is maintained at 10 m, what is the volumetric flow rate
much larger than that of the packed bed, with water maintained at a height of 0.1
out of the hole ? GATE - 1996
m above the top of the bed. The bed has a porosity of 0.31. Calculate the
volumetric flow rate of water if its viscosity is 1.0 cp. GATE - 1996

Q.38. Ammonia at atmospheric pressure and 300 K with a bulk stream velocity Q.39. For the laminar flow of a fluid in a circular pipe of radius R, the Hagen-
of 10 m/s flows through a pipe of i.d. 25 cm. Calculate the pressure drop per 100 Poissuille equation predict the volumetric flowrate to be proportional to
m length of the pipe and the power consumed. Friction factor (A) R
f = 0.079 Re-0.25 in the turbulent regime. (B) R2
Viscosity of ammonia may be taken as 10.2 x 10-6 kg/(m.s) GATE - 1996 (C) R4
(D) R0.5 GATE - 1997
Q.40. In the low Reynolds number region, the drag force on a sphere is Q.41. The hydraulic diameter of an annulus of inner and outer radii R1 and R0
proportional to respectively is
(A) V (B) V2 (C) V4 (D) V0.5 (A) 4(R0 – R1 )
(B) (R0 R1 )1/2
Where V is the terminal settling velocity of the sphere in a viscous medium. (C) 2 (R0 – R1 )
GATE - 1997 (D) R0 + R1 GATE - 1997

Q.43. In the figure given below (Fig.), calculate the power required by the pump
to deliver water at 3 m/s from a pond. The inner diameter of the pipe is 25 mm.
Neglect all losses in the pipe. Density of water is 1000 kg/m3 .
Q.42. For laminar flow of a fluid through a packed bed of spheres of diameter d,
the pressure drop per unit length of bed depends upon the sphere diameter as
(A) d (B) d2 (C) d4 (D) 1/d2 GATE - 1997

GATE - 1997
Q.44. In a delivery line for carbon tetrachloride at the constant flowrate of 4 x 10-5 m3 /s, the first 1000 m
long section is of 20 mm inside diameter smooth pipe followed by another 1000 m long section of 50 mm
inside diameter smooth pipe, as shown in Fig.

Q.45. A rectangular piece of wood (density = 650 kg/m3 ) 75 mm x 75 mm x

2000 mm in size floats on water (density = 1000 kg/m3 ). How many kilograms
of lead of density 11.200 kg/m3 must be put on the top of the wooden piece so
that it will float upright with 300 mm of its length above the water surface ?
GATE - 1997
Estimate the pressure drop over the entire length of the delivery line. Neglect the minor losses due to sudden
enlargement of pipe diameter.
For carbon tetrachloride, viscosity = 10-3 Pa.s and density = 1500 kg/m3
For laminar flow, f = 16/Re
For transitional-turbulent flow, f = 0.079 Re-0.25 where f is the Fanning friction factor. GATE - 1997

Q.46. Boundary layer separation is characterized by one of the conditions given Q.47. A globe valve is most suitable for applications in which –
below, where Re is the Reynold’s number for the flow. Select the appropriate (A) the valve is required to be either fully open or fully closed
conditions. (B) flow control is required
(A) Re << 1, accelerating flow (C) the fluid contains dispersed particles
(B) Re >> 1, accelerating flow (D) One-way flow is required GATE - 1998
(C) Re << 1, decelerating flow
(D) Re >> 1 decelerating flow GATE - 1998
Q.49. At low Reynold’s numbers the power (P) required for agitating a fluid in a
stirred tank becomes independent of inertial forces. In this limit, indicate which of
Q.48. The hydraulic radius for flow in a rectangular duct of cross-sectional the following relations is satisfied :
dimensions H,W is (A) P0 ∝ Re-10
(B) P0 ∝ Re0.0
(C) P0 ∝ Re-0.5
(D) P0 ∝ Re-1.0

P0= P/ρN3D5 : Power number

GATE - 1998 Re= ρND2/μ : Reynold’s number N is the impeller rotational speed, and D is the
impeller diameter. GATE - 1998

Q.50. The dependence of the volumetric flow rate (Q) on the pressure drop is given Q.51. A pipe of I.D. 4 m is bifurcated into two pipes of I.D. 2 m each. If the average
by ΔP α Qn for different flow regimes. Match the exponent n to each of the flow velocity of water flowing through the main pipe is 5 m/s, the average velocity
regimes given below : through the bifurcated pipes is
I) Laminar flow A) n < 0.5 (A) 20 m/s (B) 10 m/s (C) 5/2 m/s (D) 5 m/s GATE - 1999
II) Turbulent flow B) n = 0.5
C) n = 1.0
D) n > 1.0 GATE - 1998
Q.52. In centrifugal pumps, cavitation occurs when pressure of the impeller eye or Q.53. For laminar flow through a packed bed, the pressure drop is proportional to
vane becomes (VS is the superficial liquid velocity and Dp is the particle diameter)
(A) less than atmospheric pressure
(B) more than liquid vapour pressure
(C) less than liquid vapour pressure
(D) more than atmospheric pressure GATE - 1999 GATE - 1999

Q.54. Velocity of a small particle of diameter Dp at a distance r from the rotational

axis of a cyclone rotating at an angular speed w is given by (the other symbols are
as per standard notation)
Q.55. Water is flowing at 1 m/s through a pipe (of 10 cm I.D.) with a right angle
bend. The force in Newton’s exerted on the bend by the water is

GATE - 1999
GATE - 1999
Q.56. Flow rate of water flowing through a pipe is being measured by using an
orifice meter as shown in the following figure.
Q.57. Derive an expression to obtain the me required to empty the vessel containing
water as shown in the following figure. The cross sectional area of the opening at
the boom of the tank is a. Assume that H0 << H.

-A) What is the direction of flow in the pipe ?

GATE - 1999
-B) Derive an expression for velocity through the orifice. Determine the flow rate
for an orifice coefficient of 0.8. GATE - 1999

Q.58. Oil of viscosity 100 cP is to be pumped as shown in the following figure. The
pipe used every where is of 7 cm I.D. If the efficiency of the pump is 80%, find the
energy required for pumping the oil at 20 m3/hr. Density of the oil is 800 kg/m3 .

Q.59. In a fully turbulent flow (Re > 105 ) in a pipe of diameter d, for a constant
pressure gradient, the dependence of volumetric flow rate of an incompressible fluid is
(A) d (B) d2 (C) d2.5 (D) d4 GATE - 2000

GATE - 1999
Q.60. In the laminar boundary layer flow over a flat plate, the ratio (δ/x) varies as : Q.61. For laminar flow of a shear-thinning liquid in a pipe, if the volumetric flow rate
is doubled, the pressure gradient will increase by a factor of
(A) 2 (B) < 2 (C) > 2 (D) 1/2 GATE - 2000

Where δ is the boundary layer thickness and x is the distance from the leading edge in
the direction of flow. GATE - 2000

Q.63. A free jet of water of cross-sectional area 0.01 m2 and a velocity of 20 m/s strikes a
plate and then flows in the plane parallel to the plate as shown in the figure below. The
horizontal component of the force on the support is
Q.62. A 1 m high bed made up of 2 mm particles is to be fluidized by an oil (density 900 (A) 200 N (B) 400 N (C) 2000 N (D) 4000 N
kg/m3; viscosity 0.01 Pa s). If at the point of incipient fluidization, the bed voidage is
39% and the pressure drop across the bed is 10 kPa, then the density of particles is
(A) 2571 kg/m3
(B) 3514 kg/m3
(C) 4000 kg/m3
(D) 4350 kg/m3 GATE - 2000

GATE - 2000
Q.64. A hydrocarbon oil (viscosity 0.025 Pa s and density 900 kg/m3 ) is transported
using a 0.6 m diameter, 10 km long pipe. The maximum allowable pressure drop across Q.65. The operation of a rotameter is based on
the pipe length is 1 MPa. Due to a maintenance schedule on this pipeline, it is required to (A) variable flow area
use a 0.4 m diameter, 10 km long pipe to pump the oil at the same volumetric flow rate as (B) rotation of a turbine
in the previous case. Estimate the pressure drop for the 0.4 m diameter pipe. Assume both (C) pressure drop across a nozzle
pipes to be hydro-dynamically smooth and in the range of operating conditions, the (D) pressure at a stagnation point GATE - 2001
Fanning friction factor is given by f = 0.079 Re –0.25 . GATE - 2000

Q.66. Applying a pressure drop across a capillary results in a volumetric flow rate Q.67. A Bingham fluid of viscosity M = 10 Pa s, and yield stress τ0 = 10 k Pa, is
Q under laminar flow conditions. The flow rate, for the same pressure drop, in a sheared between flat parallel plates separated by a distance 10-3 m. The top plate is
capillary of the same length but half the radius is moving with a velocity of 1 m/s. The shear stress on the plate is
(A) Q/2 (B) Q/4 (C) Q/8 (D) Q/16 GATE - 2001 (A) 10 kPa (B) 20 kPa (C) 30 kPa (D) 40 kPa GATE - 2001
Q.68. The inlet velocity of water (r = 1000 kg/m3 ) in a right-angled bend-reducer is V1 = 1
m/s, as shown below. The inlet diameter is D1 = 0.8 m and the outlet diameter is D2 = 0.4
m. The flow is turbulent and the velocity profiles at the inlet and outlet are flat (plug flow).
Gravitational forces are negligible.

Q.69. With increasing flow rate, the hydraulic efficiency of a centrifugal pump—
(A) monotonically decreases
(B) decreases and then increases
(C) remains constant
(D) increases and then decreases GATE - 2002

(a) Find the pressure drop (P1 – P2 ) across the bend assuming negligible friction losses.
(b) If the actual pressure drop is (P1 – P2 ) = 8.25 kPa, find the friction loss factor (Kf)
based on the velocity V1. GATE - 2001

Q.70. For flow past a flat plate, if x is the distance along the plate in the direction of
Q.71. For turbulent flow of an incompressible fluid through a pipe, the flow rate Q
flow, the boundary layer thickness is proportional to
is proportional to (ΔP)n, where ΔP is the pressure drop. The value of exponent n is
(A) 1 (B) 0 (C) < 1 (D) > 1 GATE - 2002

GATE - 2002
Q.72. The drag coefficient for a bacterium moving in water at 1 mm/s, will be of Q.73. A gas (density = 1.5 kg/m3 , viscosity = 2 x 10-5 kg/m s) flowing through a
the following order of magnitude (assume size of the bacterium to be 1 micron and packed bed (particle size = 0.5 cm, porosity = 0.5) at a superficial velocity of 2 m/s
kinematic viscosity of water to be 10-6 m2/s) causes a pressure drop of 8400 Pa/m. The pressure drop for another gas, with
(A) 24000 (B) 24 (C) 0.24 (D) 0.44 GATE - 2002 density of 1.5 kg/m3 and viscosity of 3 x 10-5 kg/m s, flowing at 3 m/s will be
(A) 8400 Pa/m (B) 18900 Pa/m (C) 12600 Pa/m (D) 16800 Pa/m
GATE - 2002

Q.74. Consider the flow in a liquid film of constant thickness (Q) along a vertical wall as shown in the figure

Q.75. A lubricant 1000 times more viscous than water would have a viscosity (in Pa-s)
(A) 0.01 (B) 0.1 (C) 1 (D) 10 GATE - 2003

Assuming laminar, one-dimensional, fully-developed flow, the y-direction Navier-Stockes equation reduces to

Where vy is the velocity in y direction, m is the viscosity and ρ is the density of the liquid.
(a) State the boundary conditions to be used for the solution of velocity profile ? GATE - 2002
(b) Solve for the velocity profile
(c) If Q is the volumetric flow rate per unit width of the wall, how is it related to the film thickness, δ
Q.77. A pipe has a porous section of length L as shown in the figure. Velocity at the start
of this section is Vo. If fluid leaks into the pipe through the porous section at a
volumetric rate per unit area q (x/L)2 , what will be the axial velocity in the pipe at any
x? Assume incompressible one-dimensional flow i.e., no gradients in the radial
Q.76. The velocity profile for a Bingham plastic fluid flowing (under laminar
conditions) in a pipe is
(A) parabolic
(B) flat
(C) flat near the wall and parabolic in the middle
GATE - 2003
(D) parabolic near the wall and flat in the middle GATE - 2003

Q.79. The pressure differential across a vertical venturimeter (shown in Figure) is

measured with the help of a mercury manometer to estimate flow rate of water
Q.78. A centrifugal pump is used to pump water through a horizontal distance of
flowing through it. The expression for the velocity of water at the throat is
150 m and then raised to an overhead tank 10 m above. The pipe is smooth with an
I.D. of 50 mm. What head (m of water) must the pump generate at its exit (E) to
deliver water at a flow rate of 0.001 m3 /s? The Fanning friction factor, f is 0.0062

(A) 10 m (B) 11 m (C) 12 m (D) 20 m GATE - 2003

GATE – 2003
Q.81. What is the force required (in Newtons) to hold a spherical balloon stationary
in water at a depth of H from the air-water interface? The balloon is of radius 0.1 m
Q.80. The equivalent diameter for flow through a rectangular duct of width B and and is filled with air.
height H is

GATE - 2004 GATE - 2004

Q.83. For the manometer setup shown in the figure, the pressure difference PA – PB
is given by

Q.82. Viscosity of water at 400C lies in the range of

(A) 1 x 10-3 – 2 x 10-3 kg/(ms)
(B) 1 – 2 kg/(ms)
(C) 0.5 x 10-3 – 1 x 10-3 kg/(ms)
(D) 0.5 – 1 kg/(ms) GATE - 2004
(A) (ρH – ρair ) gH
(B) (ρH – ρL ) gH
(C) (ρH – ρL ) gH + (ρL – ρ air ) g (L – H)
(D) (ρH – ρL ) gL + (ρL – ρ air ) gH GATE - 2004
Q.85. Three piping networks, as shown in the figure, are placed horizontally. They are
Q.84. A conical tank with a boom opening of cross-sectional area A is filled with made using identical pipe segments and are subjected to the same pressure drop across
water and is mounted on supports, as shown in the figure. What is the force F with them. Assuming no pressure losses at junctions, the flow rates across the three networks
which plate X must be pushed up to prevent water from leaking? Assume that the are related as Q1 : Q2 : Q3 :
density of air is negligible as compared to the density of water ρL .

(A) 1 : √3 : 2
(A) ρL Vg (B) ρLAhg (C) ρLVg / 2 (D) ρLVg / 3 GATE - 2004 (B) 1:2:3
(C) 1:2:2
(D) 1 : √2 : √2 GATE – 2004

Q.86. Match the following types of fluid (in group I) with their respective constitutive Q.87. A dam of width 50 m is used to hold water in a reservoir. If the water height is
relations (in group II), where τ is the stress and γ is the strain rate, 10 m from the bottom of the dam, what is the total force F acting on the dam due to
the water ? Assume g = 10 m/s2 , and the fluid density is 1000 kg/m3 .
Group I Group II (A) F = 12.5 x106 N
P. Pseudo plastic (B) F = 25 x106 N
Q. Bingham plastic (C) F = 50 x106 N
(D) F = 5 x106 N GATE - 2005
(A) P-I, Q-IV
(B) P-IV, Q-4I
(D) P-III, Q-3II GATE - 2005
Q.89. Two tanks, A and B, of cross sectional area 1 m2 each, contain a fluid of density 1000 kg/m3 and viscosity
1 kg/(m.s). The tanks are connected by a pipe of diameter 0.02 m and length 1 m, and a check valve, at the
boom. Assume that the flow is laminar, and there is no friction in the check valve. In the initial state, the height
of the fluid in the tank A and 6m and the height of the fluid in tank B is 2 m (as shown in the figure below). The
check valve is opened, and the fluid flows from tank A to tank B till the levels in the two tanks are equal in the
Q.88. The relation between the stress τ and the strain rate (dux / dy) for the rapid flow final state. Assume g = 10 m/s2 in the calculations. Note : Figure not to scale.
of a granular material is given by

where B is a constant. If M, L and T are the mass, length and me dimension

respectively, what is the dimension of the constant B ?
(A) ML-1 T-1
(B) ML-1 T-2 (i). What is the average fluid velocity in the pipe as soon as the valve is opened ?
(C) MT-1 (A) 0.25 m/s (B) 0.5 m/s (C) 1 m/s (D) 2 m/s
(ii). What is the total energy loss between the initial and final stats due to the fluid flow ?
(D) ML-1 GATE - 2005
(A) 2 x 104 J (B) 16 x 104 J (C) 8 x 104 J (D) 4 x 104 J GATE - 2005

Q.90. Match the following for a centrifugal pump with impeller speed n.
(P) Capacity (1) proportional to n
Q.91. The magnitude of the force (in N) required to hold a body of volume 0.05 m3
(Q) Head (2) proportional to n2
and mass 40 kg in water (density 1000 kg/m3) at a depth of 0.1 m is (g = 9.81 m/s2 ) .
(3) proportional to n3
(A) zero (B) 98.1 (C) 490.5 (D) 882.9 GATE - 2006
(A) P-2, Q-1
(B) P-1, Q-3
(C) P-2, Q-3
(D) P-1, Q-2 GATE - 2006
Q.92. A liquid is pumped at the flow rate Q through a pipe of length L. The pressure
drop of the fluid across the pipe is ΔP, Now a leak develops at the mid-point of the
length of the pipe and the fluid leaks at the rate of Q/2. Assuming that the friction Q.93. In a laminar flow through a pipe of radius R, the fraction of the total fluid
factor in the pipe remains unchanged, the new pressure drop across the pipe for the flowing through a circular cross-section of radius R/2 centered at the pipe axis is
same inlet flow rate (Q) will be (A) 3/8 (B) 7/16 (C) 1/2 (D) 3/4 GATE - 2006
(A) (1/2) ΔP
(B) (5/8) ΔP
(C) (3/4) ΔP
(D) ΔP GATE - 2006

Q.94. A pipeline system carries crude oil of density 800 kg/m3 . The volumetric flow
rate at point 1 is 0.28 m3/s. The cross sectional areas of the branches 1, 2 and 3 are
Q.95. The figure shows the idealized view of a return elbow or U bend, which is
0.012, 0.008 and 0.004 m2 respectively. All the three branches are in a horizontal
connected to two pipes by flexible hoses that transmit no force. Water with density 1000
plane and the friction is negligible. If the pressures at the points 1 and 3 are 270 kPa
kg/m3 flows at velocity of 10 m/s through the pipe, which has a uniform ID of 0.1m.
and 240 kPa respectively, then the pressure at point 2 is
The gauge pressure at points 1 and 2 are 304 kPa and 253 kPa respectively. The
horizontal force F required to keep the elbow in position is

(A) 1574 N (B) 1970 N (C) 5942 N (D) 7533 N GATE - 2007

(A) 202 kPa (B) 240 kPa (C) 284 kPa (D) 355 kPa GATE - 2007
Q.96. The figure shows a series-parallel configuration of three identical centrifugal Q.97. The pressure differential across a venturimeter, inclined at 45° to the vertical (as
pumps. The head increase ΔH across a single such pump varies with flowrate Q shown in the figure) is measured with the help of a manometer to estimate the flowrate
according to ΔH = a – bQ2 . The expression for the total head increase ΔH = H2 – H1 in of a fluid flowing through it. If the density of the flowing fluid is ρ and the density of
terms of a and b and the total flowrate Q1 for this configuration is given by the manometer fluid is ρm , the velocity of the fluid at the throat can be obtained from
the expression

GATE - 2007 GATE – 2007

Q.98. Three containers are filled with water up to the same height as shown. The
pressures at the boom of the containers are denoted as P1 , P2 and P3 . Which
ONE of the following relationships is true ?
Q.99. Losses for flow through valves and fittings are expressed in terms of
(A) drag coefficient
(B) equivalent length of a straight pipe
(C) shape factor
(D) roughness factor. GATE - 2008

(A) P3 > P1 > P2 (B) P2 > P1 > P3 (C) P1 > P2 = P3 (D) P1 = P2 = P3

GATE - 2008
Q.101. A pump draws oil (specific gravity 0.8) from a storage tank and discharges it
to an overhead tank. The mechanical energy delivered by the pump to the fluid is
Q.100. Given a pipe of diameter D, the entrance length necessary; to achieve 50 J/kg. The velocities at the suction and the discharge points of the pump are 1 m/s
fully developed laminar flow is proportional to (NRe is Reynolds number) and 7 m/s, respectively. Neglecting friction losses and assuming kinetic energy
correction factor to be unity, the pressure developed by the pump (in kN/m2 ) is
(A) 19.2 (B) 20.8 (C) 40 (D) 80 GATE - 2008

GATE - 2008

Q.102. A siphon tube having a diameter of 2 cm draws water from a large open reservoir
and discharges into the open atmosphere as shown in the figure. Assume incompressible
fluid and neglect frictional losses. (g = 9.8 m/s2 )

Q.103. Under fully turbulent flow conditions, the frictional pressure drop across
a packed bed varies with the superficial velocity (V) of the fluid as
(A) V-1 (B) V (C) V3/2 (D) V2 GATE - 2009

(i). The velocity (in m/s) at the discharge point is

(A) 9.9 (B) 11.7 (C) 98 (D) 136.9

(ii). The volumetric flow rate (in L/s) of water at the discharge is
(A) 3.11 (B) 3.67 (C) 30.77 (D) 42.99 GATE - 2008
Q.105. A free jet of water is emerging from a nozzle (diameter 75 mm) attached to a pipe
Q.104. Two identical reservoirs, open at the top, are drained through pipes attached to (diameter 225 mm) as shown below.
the boom of the tanks as shown below. The two drain pipes are of the same length, but of
different diameters (D1 > D2 ).

The velocity of water at point A is 18 m/s. Neglect friction in the pipe and nozzle. Use g
= 9.81 m/s2 and density of water = 1000 kg/m3.

(i) The velocity of water at the p of the nozzle (in m/s) is

Assuming the flow to be steady and laminar in both drain pipes, if the volumetric flow (A) 13.4 (B) 18.0 (C) 23.2 (D) 27.1
rate in the larger pipe is 16 times of that in the smaller pipe, the ratio D1/D2 is
(A) 2 (B) 4 (C) 8 (D) 16 GATE - 2009 (ii) The gauge pressure (in kPa) at point B is
(A) 80.0 (B) 100.0 (C) 239.3 (D) 367.6 GATE - 2009

Q.106. The stream function in a xy-plane is given below :

The velocity vector for this stream function is : Q.107. The height of a fluidized bed at incipient fluidization is 0.075 m, and the
corresponding voidage is 0.38. If the voidage of the bed increases to 0.5, then
the height of the bed would be
(A) 0.058 m (B) 0.061 m (C) 0.075 m (D) 0.093 m GATE - 2010

GATE - 2010
Q.108. A storage vessel exposed to atmosphere (absolute pressure = 10.3 m of
water) has a diameter of 3 m and is initially filled with water to a height of 2 m. The
pump draws water from the vessel and is located at an elevation of 5 m above the
boom of the vessel. The frictional head loss in the suction pipe is 2 m of water. If
the vapour pressure of the liquid at the temperature of operation is 3 m of water,
then the available NPSH is Q.109. In Hagen - Poiseuille flow through a cylindrical tube, the radial profile
of shear stress is
(A) constant (B) cubic (C) parabolic (D) linear GATE - 2010

(A) 2.3 m (B) 5.3 m (C) 6.3 m (D) 8.3 m GATE - 2010

Q.110. A hydrometer, with stem cross-sectional area of 2.82 x 10-5 m2 , is immersed in a

very large vessel containing water as shown in the figure. The immersed volume is 15 x 10-6 Q.111. The diameter of a drop of liquid fuel changes with time, due to combustion,
m3 and the length of the stem about water surface is Lw. If the entire volume of water is according to the relationship,
replaced by a liquid with specific gravity 1.5 and if the length of the stem above the liquid
surface is Ll, then the difference, Ll – Lw , is
while burning, the drop falls at its terminal velocity under Stokes’ flow regime. The
distance it will travel before complete combustion, is given by

(A) –177 mm (B) 177 mm (C) –266 mm (D) 266 mm GATE - 2010 GATE - 2010
Q.113. Two liquids (P and Q) having same viscosity are flowing through a double
pipe heat exchanger as shown in the schematic below.

Q.112. Match the pumps in Group I with the corresponding fluids in Group II.
P. Gear pump. I. Highly viscous liquid
Q. Peristaltic pump II. Aqueous sterile liquid
III. Slurry.
(A) P – III, Q – I Densities of P and Q are 1000 and 800 kg/m3 respectively. The average velocities
(B) P – II, Q – I of the liquids P and Q are 1 and 2.5 m/s respectively. The inner diameters of the
(C) P – III, III, Q – II pipes are 0.31 and 0.1 m. Both pipes are 5 mm thick. The ratio of the Reynolds
(D) P – I, Q – II GATE - 2011 numbers ReP to ReQ is
(A) 2.5 (B) 1.5 (C) 1 (D) 4 GATE - 2011

Q.115. For a liquid flowing through a packed bed the pressure drop per unit length of the
bed is
Q.114. A liquid is flowing through the following piping network. The length of
pipe sections P, Q, r and S shown in the schematic are equal. The diameters of the
sections P and R are equal and the diameter of the section Q is twice that of S. The
flow is steady and laminar. Neglecting curvature and entrance effects, the radio of
the volumetric flow rate in the pipe section Q to that in S is
(i) When is 0.005 m/s and ε = 0.5, which ONE of the following is the CORRECT value for
the ratio of the viscous loss to the kinetic energy loss ?
(A) 0.09 (B) 1.07 (C) 10.71 (D) 93

(ii) On further increasing , incipient fluidization is achieved. Assuming that the porosity of the
(A) 16 (B) 8 (C) 2 (D) 1 GATE - 2011
bed remains unaltered, the pressure drop per unit length (in Pa/m) under incipient fluidization
condition is
(A) 3675 (B) 7350 (C) 14700 (D) 73501 GATE - 2011
Q.116. Water is flowing under laminar conditions in a pipe of length L. If the diameter of
Q.117. The local velocity of a fluid along a streamline can be measured by
the pipe is doubled, for a constant volumetric flow rate, the pressure drop across the pipe
(A) Pitot tube
(A) decreases 2 times
(B) Venturi meter
(B) decreases 16 times
(C) Rotameter
(C) increases 2 times
(D) Orifice meter GATE - 2012
(D) increases 16 times GATE - 2012

Q.118. For uniform laminar flow (in the x-direction) past a flat plate at high Q.119. A bed of spherical glass beads (density 3000 kg/m3 , diameter 1 mm, bed
Reynolds number, the local boundary layer thickness (δ) varies with the distance porosity 0.5) is to be fluidized by a liquid of density 1000 kg/m3 and viscosity 0.1
along the plate (x) as Pa.s. Assume that the Reynolds number based on particle diameter is very small
compared to one. If g = 10 m/s2 , then the minimum velocity (in m/s) required to
fluidize the bed is
GATE - 2012 (A) 3.33 x 10–4 (B) 3.33 x 10 –1 (C) 3 (D) 30 GATE - 2012
Q.120. An open tank contains two immiscible liquids of densities (800 kg/m3 and
1000 kg/m3 ) as shown in the figure. If g = 10 m/s2 , under static conditions, the
gauge pressure at the bottom of the tank in Pa is __________. Q.121. The apparent viscosity of a fluid is given by


is the velocity gradient. The fluid is

(A) Bingham plastic (B) dilatant (C) pseudo plastic (D) thixotropic
GATE - 2013
GATE - 2013

Q.123. Water (density 1000 kg/m3 ) is flowing through a nozzle, as shown below
and exiting to the atmosphere. The relationship between the diameters of the
Q.122. For a Newtonian fluid flowing in a circular pipe under steady state conditions nozzle at locations 1 and 2 is D1 = 4 D2 . The average velocity of the stream at
in fully developed laminar flow, the Fanning friction factor is location; 2 is 16 m/s and the frictional loss between location 1 and location 2 is
10000 Pa. Assuming steady state and turbulent flow, the gauge pressure in Pa, at
location 1 is ________

GATE - 2013

GATE - 2013
Q.125. Which of the following statements are CORRECT?
P. For a rheopectic fluid, the apparent viscosity increases with me under a constant
applied shear stress
Q. For a pseudoplastic fluid, the apparent viscosity decreases with me under a constant
Q.124. In case of a pressure driven laminar flow of a Newtonian fluid of viscosity applied shear stress
(µ) through a horizontal circular pipe, the velocity of the fluid is proportional to R. For a Bingham plastic, the apparent viscosity increases exponentially with the
(A) µ (B) µ0.5 (C) µ−1 (D) µ−0.5 deformation rate
S. For a dilatant fluid, the apparent viscosity increases with increasing deformation rate
GATE - 2014
(A) P and Q only
(B) Q and R only
(C) R and S only
(D) P and S only GATE - 2014

Q.126. Slurries are most conveniently pumped by a Q.127. An incompressible fluid is flowing through a contraction section of length
(A) syringe pump L and has a 1-D direction) steady state velocity distribution,
(B) diaphragm pump
(C) vacuum pump
(D) gear pump GATE - 2014 If u0 = 2 m/s and L = 3 m, the convective acceleration (in m/s2 ) of the fluid at L is
(A) 2..0 (B) 5.0 (C) 8.0 (D) 10.0 GATE - 2014
Q.129. Match the following

Q.128. In a steady incompressible flow, the velocity distribution is given by

where is in m/s and x, y, and z are in m. In order to satisfy the mass conservation, (A) P─III, R─II, T─IV
the value of the constant P (in s-1 ) is (B) Q─V, R─II, S─III
(A) 2.0 (B) 4.0 (C) 6.0 (D) 8.0 GATE - 2014
(D) Q─III, S─V, T─IV GATE - 2014

Q.130. In a steady and incompressible flow of a fluid (density = 1.25 kg m-3 ), the Q.131. Two different liquids are flowing through different pipes of the same
difference between stagnation and static pressures at the same location in the flow diameter. In the first pipe, the flow is laminar with centerline velocity, Vmax,1 ,
is 30 mm of mercury (density = 13600 kg m-3 ). Considering gravitational whereas in the second pipe, the flow is turbulent. For turbulent flow, the average
acceleration as 10 m s-2 , the fluid speed (in m s-1 ) is------------ velocity is 0.82 times the centerline velocity,Vmax.2 . For equal volumetric flow
(A) 70.8 (B) 80.8 (C) 90.8 (D) 100.8 rates in both the pipes, the ratio Vmax,1/Vmax.2 (up to two decimal places) is
GATE - 2014
________ GATE - 2015
Q.133. A cylindrical packed bed of height 1 m is filled with equal sized spherical
Q.132. For uniform laminar flow over a flat plate, the thickness of the boundary particles. The particles are nonporous and have a density of 1500 kg/m3 . The
layer, δ, at a distance x from the leading edge of the plate follows the relation : void fraction of the bed is 0.45. The bed is fluidized using air (density 1 kg/m3 ).
(A) δ(x) ∝ x–1 If the acceleration due to gravity is 9.8 m/s2 , the pressure drop (in Pa) across the
(B) δ(x) ∝ x bed at incipient fluidization (up to one decimal place) is ___________ GATE - 2015
(C) δ(x) ∝ x1/2
(D) δ(x) ∝ x–1/2 GATE - 2015

Q.134. For Fanning friction factor f (for flow in pipes) and drag coefficient CD (for flow
over immersed bodies) which of the following statements are true ?
Q.135. A centrifugal pump delivers water at the rate of 0.22 m3/s from a reservoir at
P. f accounts only for the skin friction.
ground level to another reservoir at a height H, through a vertical pipe of 0.2 m diameter.
Q. CD accounts only for the form friction.
Both the reservoirs are open to atmosphere. The power input to the pump is 90 kW and it
R. CD accounts for both skin friction and form friction.
operates with an efficiency of 75%.
S. Both f and CD depend on the Reynolds number.
Data : Fanning friction factor for pipe flow is f = 0.004. Neglect other head losses. Take
T. For laminar flow through a pipe f doubles on doubling the volumetric flow rate.
gravitational acceleration g = 9.8 m/s2 and density of water is 1000 kg/m3 .
(A) R, S, T
The height H, in meters, to which the water can be delivered (up to one decimal place) is
(B) P, Q, S
___________. GATE - 2015
(C) P, R, S
(D) P, Q, S, T GATE - 2015
Q.137. A vertical cylindrical vessel has a layer of kerosene (of density 800 kg/m3) over a
layer of water (of density 1000 kg/m3 ). L-shaped glass tubes are connected to the column
30 cm apart. The interface between the two layers lies between the two points at which the
L-tubes are connected. The levels (in cm) to which the liquids rise in the respective tubes
are shown in the figure below.
Q.136. For a flow through a smooth pipe, the Fanning friction factor (f) is given by f = mRe-0.2
in the turbulent flow regime, where Re is the Reynolds number and m is a constant. Water
flowing through a section of this pipe with a velocity 1 m/s results in a frictional pressure drop
of 10 kPa. What will be the pressure drop across this section (in kPa), when the velocity of
water is 2 m/s ?
(A) 11.5 (B) 20 (C) 34.8 (D) 40 GATE - 2016

The distance (x in cm, rounded off to the first decimal place) of the interface from the point
at which the lower L-tube is connected is _______ GATE - 2016

Q.138. Water (density = 1000 kg m–3 ) is pumped at a rate of 36 m3/h, from a tank 2 m below Q.139. The characteristics curve (Head – Capacity relationship) of a centrifugal pump is
the pump, to an overhead pressurized vessel 10 m above the pump. The pressure values at the represented by the equation ΔHpump = 43.8 – 0.19 Q, where ΔHpump is the developed by the
point of suction from the boom tank and at the discharge point to the overhead vessel are 120 p8mp (in m) and Q is the flowrate (in m3/h) through the pump. The pump is to be used for
kPa and 240 kPa, respectively. All pipes in the system have the same diameter. Take pumping water through a horizontal pipeline. The frictional head loss ΔHpiping (in m) is related
acceleration due to gravity, g = 10 m s2 . Neglecting frictional losses, what is the power (in to the water flowrate QL (in m3/h) by the equation ΔHpiping = 0.0135 QL2 + 0.045 QL . The
kW) required to deliver the fluid? flowrate (in m3/h, rounded off to the first decimal place) of water pumped through the above
(A) 1.2 (B) 2.4 (C) 3.6 (D) 4.8 GATE - 2016 pipeline, is _________ GATE - 2016
Q.141. The following table provides four sets of Famming friction factor data, for
different values of Reynolds number (Re) and roughness factor

Q.140. In a venture meter, ΔP1 and ΔP2 are the pressure drops corresponding to
volumetric flowrates Q1 and Q2 . If Q2/ Q1= 2, then ΔP1 and ΔP2 equals
(A) 2 (B) 4 (C) 0.5 (D) 0.25 GATE - 2017

Which of the above sets of friction factor data is correct ?

(A) Set I (B) Set II (C) Set III (D) Set IV GATE - 2017

Q.142. Pitot tube is used to measure Q.143. A venturi meter is installed to measure the flow rate of water in a 178 mm
(A) liquid level in a tank diameter (ID) pipe. The throat diameter is 102 mm. The differential pressure
(B) flow velocity at a point measured using a manometer is 154.3 kN/m2. The data given are:
(C) angular deformation discharge coefficient = 0.98; water density = 1000 kg/m3.
(D) vorticity GATE - 2018 The volumetric flow rate of water (in m3/s) is _________. GATE - 2018
Q.144. At a shear rate of 10 s-1, the apparent viscosity of a non-Newtonian liquid Q.145. Under isothermal condition, a vertical tube of length L = 100 m contains
was found to be 1 Pa s. At a shear rate of 100 s-1, the apparent viscosity of the a gas of molecular weight equal to 60. The pressure and temperature at the top of
same liquid was found to be 0.5 Pa s. If the liquid follows power law behavior, the tube are 100 kPa and 25 oC respectively. Consider the universal gas constant
the apparent viscosity (in Pa s) at a shear stress of 10 N m-2 and acceleration due to gravity as 8.314 J mol-1K-1 and 9.81 m s-2 respectively. If
is _____________ (rounded off to two decimal place). GATE - 2018 the gas is ideal, the pressure (in kPa) at the bottom of the tube will be
____________ (rounded off to third decimal place). GATE - 2018

Q.147. For a hydraulic lift with dimensions shown in figure, assuming g =10 m/s
, the maximum diameter D (in m) that lifts a vehicle of mass 1000 kg using a
Q.146. For a fully-developed turbulent hydrodynamic boundary layer for flow force of 100 N is _____________ (rounded off to two decimal places).
past a flat plate, the thickness of the boundary layer increases with distance x
from the leading edge of the plate, along the free-stream flow direction, as
(A) 𝑥0.5 (B) 𝑥1.5 (C) 𝑥0.4 (D) 𝑥0.8 GATE - 2019

GATE - 2019
Q.148. Q.149.

GATE - 2019
GATE - 2019

Q.151. Consider an incompressible flow of a constant property fluid over a

smooth, thin and wide flat plate. The free stream flow s parallel to the surface of
Q.150. A rigid spherical particle undergoes free settling in a liquid of density 750 the plate along Its length and its velocity is constant. Value of the Reynolds
kg m-3and viscosity 9.81x10-3 Pa s. Density of the particle is 3000 kg m-3 and the number at a distance of 2.0 m from the leading edge of the plate is 8000. The
Particle diameter is 2 x10-4 m. Acceleration due to gravity is 9.81 m s-2. flow within the boundary layer at a distance of 1.0 m from the leading edge of
Assuming Stokes’ law to be valid, the terminal settling velocity (in m s-1) of the the plate is
particle is (A) laminar
(A) 2 x 10-3 (B) 3 x10-3 (C) 4 x 10-3 (D) 5 x 10-3 GATE - 2020 (B) turbulent
(C) transitioning from laminar to turbulent
(D) inviscid GATE - 2020

Q.152. Consider steady, laminar, fully developed flow of an incompressible

Newtonian fluid through two horizontal straight pipes. I and II. of circular cross
section. The volumetric flow rates in both the pipes are the same. The diameter
of pipe II is twice the diameter of pipe I. i.e. dII =2dI. The ratio of the shear stress
at the wall of pipe I to the shear stress at the wall of pipe II is
(A) 0.5
(B) 2
(C) 4
(D) 8
GATE - 2020
GATE - 2020


Q.155. A three-dimensional velocity field is given by V = 5x2y i + Cy j − 10xyz k,

where i, j, k are the unit vectors in x, y, z directions, respectively, describing
a cartesian coordinate system. The coefficient C is a constant. If V describes
an incompressible fluid flow, the value of C is
(A) –1
(B) 0
(C) 1
(D) 5 GATE - 2021
GATE - 2020
Q.156. Consider a steady flow of an incompressible, Newtonian fluid through a smooth circular pipe. Let
αlaminar and αturbulent denote the kinetic energy correction factors for laminar and turbulent flow through the
pipe, respectively. For turbulent flow through the pipe Q.157. Consider a fluid confined between two horizontal parallel plates and subjected
to shear flow. In the first experiment, the plates are separated by a distance of 1 mm. It
is found that a shear stress of 2 N m–2 has to be applied to keep the top plate moving
with a velocity of 2 m s–1, while the other plate is fixed. In the second experiment, the
plates are separated by a distance of 0.25 mm. It is found that a shear stress of 3 N m–2
Here, 𝑉ത is the average velocity, V0 is the centerline velocity, and n is a parameter. The ratio of average
velocity to the centerline velocity for turbulent flow through the pipe is given by has to be applied to keep the top plate moving with a velocity of 1 m s–1, while the other
plate is fixed. In the range of shear rates studied, the rheological character of the fluid is
𝑉0 2𝑛2 (A) Newtonian
𝑉ത 3 + 𝑛 3 + 2𝑛 (B) Pseudoplastic
(C) Dilatant
For n = 7, the value of is ____________ (round off to 2 decimal places). (D) Ideal and inviscid
𝛼𝑙𝑎𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑟 GATE - 2021
GATE - 2021

Q.158. Water of density 1000 kg m–3 flows in a horizontal pipe of 10 cm diameter at an average velocity of
0.5 m s–1. The following plot shows the pressure measured at various distances from the pipe entrance. Q.159. Consider a tank filled with 3 immiscible liquids A, B and C at static equilibrium, as
shown in the figure. At 2 cm below the liquid A – liquid B interface, a tube is connected
from the side of the tank. Both the tank and the tube are open to the atmosphere.

Using the data shown in the figure, the Fanning friction factor in the pipe when the flow is FULLY
At the operating temperature and pressure, the specific gravities of liquids A, B and C are
(A) 0.0012
(B) 0.0074 1, 2 and 4, respectively. Neglect any surface tension effects in the calculations. The length
(C) 0.0082 of the tube L that is wetted by liquid B is _________________ cm. GATE - 2021
(D) 0.0106 GATE - 2021
Q.160. A viscous liquid is pumped through a pipe network in a chemical plant. The annual
pumping cost per unit length of pipe is given by

48.15 q2 µ Q.161. Consider turbulent flow in a pipe under isothermal conditions. Let r denote
𝐶𝑝𝑢𝑚𝑝 =
𝐷4 the radial coordinate and z denote the axial flow direction. On moving away from
the wall towards the center of the pipe, the rz-component of the Reynolds stress
The annual cost of the installed piping system per unit length of pipe is given by
(A) Increases and then decreases
𝐶𝑝𝑖𝑝𝑖𝑛𝑔 = 45. 92D (B) Decreases and then increases
(C) Remains unchanged
Here, D is the inner diameter of the pipe in meter, q is the volumetric flowrate of the liquid in (D) Only increases GATE - 2022
m3 s–1 and µ is the viscosity of the liquid in Pa.s. If the viscosity of the liquid is 20 × 10–3 Pa.s
and the volumetric flow rate of the liquid is 10–4 m3 s–1, the economic inner diameter of the
pipe is ________ meter (round off to 3 decimal places). GATE - 2021

Q.162. A horizontal cylindrical water jet of diameter 𝐷1 = 2 cm strikes a vertical solid plate Q.163. Consider a horizontal rod of radius in a stationary pipe of radius 𝑅. The
with a hole of diameter 𝐷2 = 1 cm, as shown in the figure. A part of the jet passes through the rod is pulled coaxially at a constant velocity 𝑉 as shown in the figure. The annular region is
hole and the rest is deflected along the plate. The density of water is 1000 kg m-3. If the filled with a Newtonian incompressible fluid of viscosity µ . The steady state fully developed
speed of the jet is 20 m s-1, the magnitude of the horizontal force, in N, required to hold the axial velocity profile in the fluid is given by
plate stationary is
where r is the radial coordinate. Ignoring end effects, the magnitude of the pulling force per
unit rod length is

(A) 30π (B) 10π (C) 20π (D) 5π (A) (B) (C) 0 (D)
GATE - 2022
GATE - 2022
Q.164. Two reservoirs located at the same altitude are connected by a straight horizontal
pipe of length 120 m and inner diameter 0.5 m, as shown in the figure. A pump transfers
the liquid of density 800 kg m-3 at a flow rate of 1 m3 s-1 from Reservoir-1 to Reservoir-
2. The liquid levels in Reservoir-1 and Reservoir-2 are 2 m and 10 m, respectively.
Assume that the reservoirs’ cross-section areas are large enough to neglect the liquid Q.165. A venturi meter (venturi coefficient, 𝐶v = 0.98) is connected to a pipe of
velocity at the top of the reservoirs. All minor losses can be ignored. The acceleration inner diameter 50 mm. Water (density 1000 kg m-3) is flowing through the pipe. The
due to gravity is 9.8 m s-2. If the friction factor for the pipe-flow is 0.01, the required pressure-drop measured across the venturi meter is 50 kPa. If the venturi throat
power of the pump is _________ kW (rounded off to one decimal place). diameter is 20 mm, the estimated flow rate of water is _______ ×10-3 m3 s-1.
(rounded off to two decimal places). GATE - 2022

GATE - 2022

Fluid mechanics Answer Key Fluid mechanics Answer Key

Que. No. Answer Que. No. Answer Que. No. Answer Que. No. Answer Que. No. Answer Que. No. Answer Que. No. Answer Que. No. Answer
1. 3*10-5 14. subjective 27. D 40. A 53. A 66. D 79. B 92. B
2. B 15. C 28. B 41. C 54. D 67. B 80. C 93. B
3. 103N/m2 16. C 29. B,C 42. D 55. D 68. B 81. A 94. C
4. 1.44 17. 8.8*10-4 30. 1.24*10-4 43. -78.97 W 56. 1.4*10-3 69. D 82. B 95. B
5. 50.14 kg/s 18. 0.80 31. D 44. 24.57 kPa 57. 70. A 83. A 96. A
6. 9.2 cm 19. A 32. C 45. 2.25 kg 58. 346.75 N 71. C 84. B 97. D
7. Subjective 20. C 33. B 46. D 59. C 72. A 85. C 98. D
8. 5.53 m 21. Lower 34. C,B 47. B 60. D 73. B 86. D 99. B
9. 180 mm 22. True 35. B,D 48. B 61. B 74. Subjective 87. B 100. A
10. C 23. C,B 36. 3.614 m3 49. B 62. A 75. B 88. D 101. B
63. D 76. D 89. B, D 102. A,A
11. B 24. 16.5% 37. 5.77*10-7 50. C,D
64. subjective 77. D 90. D 103. D
12. A 25. 0.188 38. 0.24kw 51. B
65. A 78. B 91. B 104. B
13. 950 kg/m3 26. C 39. C 52. C
Fluid mechanics Answer Key Fluid mechanics Answer Key
Que. No. Answer Que. No. Answer Que. No. Answer Que. No. Answer Que. No. Answer Que. No. Answer Que. No. Answer Que. No. Answer
105. D,D 118. C 131. 1.64 144. 3.7-3.9 157. B 170. 183. 196.
106. B 119. A 132. C 145. 0.98-1.02 158. B 171. 184. 197.
107. D 120. 26000 133. 8080 Pa 146. D 159. 8 172. 185. 198.
108. A 121. B 134. C 147. 0.19-021 160. 0.014 to 0.016 173. 186. 199.
109. D 122. C 135. 26.09 m 148. B 161. A 174. 187. 200.
110. B 123. 137500 Pa 136. C 149. -2000N 162. A 175. 188. 201.
111. C 124. C 137. 10cm 150. D 163. B 176. 189. 202.
87.0 to 88.0 OR
112. D 125. D 138. B 151. A 164. 161.7 to 163.2
177. 190. 203.
113. B 126. D 139. 48.9m3 152. D 165. 3.10 to 3.17 178. 191. 204.
114. C 127. D 140. B 153. B 166. 179. 192. 205.
115. C,B 128. D 141. C 154. 1175-1180 167. 180. 193. 206.
116. B 129. A 142. B 155. B 168. 181. 194. 207.
117. A 130. 79-82 143. 0.145-0.15 156. 0.52 to 0.54 169. 182. 195. 208.

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