20250513-15-EUCAD2025 CallForSessions Guidelines
20250513-15-EUCAD2025 CallForSessions Guidelines
20250513-15-EUCAD2025 CallForSessions Guidelines
European Conferences on Connected Automated Driving programme brings together policy makers from the
European Commission and Member States, representatives of industry, academia and road authorities from Europe
and around the world to discuss the development and deployment of smart, inclusive and sustainable mobility
The EUCAD 2025 conference will take stock of latest research, policy, and regulatory developments in the field of
Cooperative, Connected Automated Mobility (CCAM) and demonstrate European projects and recent R&I results
supporting the market uptake of CCAM solutions. The Conference will consist of a series of policy-oriented and
technical sessions to discuss specific R&I challenges and opportunities for CCAM, in parallel with an exhibition and
demonstrations of European and national R&I CCAM projects, accessible throughout the duration of the event.
A call for sessions is organised to receive proposals for the organisation of conference sessions related to one of
the selected topics for EUCAD 2025, which reflect the technical, societal and economic aspects related to CCAM
development and subsequent deployment.
The present guidelines include the rules to be respected by applications. Instructions for the session description are
included in the online submission form itself in line with the related form fields.
Key dates
• Sessions should mostly discuss current and future priori�es, work that is underway or recently completed,
regionally, na�onally or interna�onally.
• The chosen set of speakers should address the key aspects and objec�ves of the proposed session (e.g.,
achievements, technology developments, policies, etc.).
• All session speakers and moderators must register (par�cipa�on in EUCAD 2025 is free of charge but
registra�on is mandatory).
• Atendance and presenta�on at EUCAD2025 are in-person only.
• EUCAD 2025 Organisa�on Commitee reserves the right to monitor sessions’ prepara�on throughout, to
ensure that they are in line with the priori�es of the European Commission and the CCAM Partnership,
including the selec�on of speakers, and may impose modifica�ons in rela�on, namely to include speakers
from relevant en��es.
• The Conference language is English and thus all proposals must be submited online, in English and the
session’s presenta�ons and discussions must be held in English (no interpreta�on services are provided).
• Sessions’ speakers’ line-up must respect gender 1 and geographical balance (within Europe but inclusion of
non-EU speakers is also encouraged), and from diverse affilia�ons.
• Sessions cannot be single project-oriented but can include speakers from R&I projects that address
key aspects of the sessions.
• Emphasis on interac�ve format over series of presenta�ons: panel discussion as well as interac�on with the
audience must be included in the session’s structure.
Review procedures
Panels not ensuring adequate gender balance will be rejected even at a later stage.
• The Organisa�on Commitee reserves the right to reject any candidate session that does not abide to the
above-stated requirements and guidelines.
Contact: eucad2025@connectedautomateddriving.eu