CDE3701 201 2021 0 B
CDE3701 201 2021 0 B
CDE3701 201 2021 0 B
Assignment feedback and examination
Year module
Dear Student
This tutorial letter contains the following information about the module Child Development
It is important to know your NQF level because when setting both assignment and exam
questions, we are guided by the module NQF level. Secondary examiners and the Quality
Assurance Department use an analysis tool to assess whether lecturers pitched questions at the
relevant level.
Lecturer: TP Dyosini
Module: Child Development (0-9)
Module code: CDE3701
NQF level: 7
EXCO proposed the specification changes in table 1 for the module. These changes include
lower-order, middle-order and higher-order tasks in the following proportions. These decisions
are based on Bloom's taxonomy.
The University adopted Bloom's Taxonomy cognitive level table to set questions. See the
required cognitive levels or thinking levels in table 2.
Definition Understanding Applying Analysing Evaluating Creating
Bloom's Exhibit Demonstrate Solve Examine and Present and Compile
definition memory of understanding of problems to break defend information
previously facts and ideas by new situations information opinions by differently
learned organising, by applying into parts by making by
material by comparing, acquired identifying judgments combining
recalling translating, knowledge, motives or about elements in
facts, terms, interpreting, facts, causes. information, a new
basic giving techniques Make validity of pattern or
concepts, descriptions and and rules inferences ideas or quality proposing
and stating main differently. and find of work based alternative
answers. ideas. evidence to on a set of solutions.
support criteria.
Based on the analysis tool table (focus on NQF level 7), take note of the following:
• 20% of the question paper focus on and falls under lower-order thinking (cognitive levels 1
and 2). However, these questions are set a bit higher since we have moved to take-home
exams. Question verbs require knowledge and understanding; for example, choose,
name, match, name, what, how, explain and outline.
• 40% of the questions should be at NQF levels 3 and 4 of Bloom's cognitive level (middle-
order thinking). Questions verbs require application and analysis; for example, apply,
construct, plan, identify, analyse, assume, compare, examine and distinguish.
• 40% of the questions should be at levels 5 and 6 of Bloom's cognitive level (higher-order
thinking). Question verbs require evaluation and creating; for example, discuss,
design, develop, predict, opinion, recommend, plan, suppose, elaborate and imagine.
I trust that this will explain the kind of questions you would expect in your exam.
• When answering MCQ, you need to read each question in its entirety before
reviewing the options.
• Most students who submitted and passed the assignment showed dedication and
commitment in answering the questions as their answers were well researched and
demonstrated high-level understanding.
In this section, we will look at the guidelines to answering Assignment 01 and how the questions
relate to the expected NQF level (7). We have only included few examples.
Culture refers to "the beliefs, norms, customs, and general way of life of a specific group of
people, which are passed on from generation to generation" (Louw, Louw & Kail 2014:13).
Use practical examples to critically discuss the statement with reference to the role of culture in
the development of the child. Refer to learning units 1 and 3 in the study guide (pages 15 and
85). (10)
This question requires you to 'critically discuss' the concept of culture and use practical
examples to support your answer. It is important to note the mark allocation (10 marks) to
provide enough information.
Marks are allocated for the critical discussion of the role and practical examples from students'
contexts and experiences.
Answer example
Question 2.1 required you to go through a case study and answer questions. Read the question
carefully to make sure you are answering what has been asked. Missing one part of a question
can cost you a lot of marks.
This question was poorly answered as most students did not focus on the case study and gave
general views without linking it to the background in the case study.
2.1 Identify and briefly explain five risk factors that Kagiso is being exposed to? Refer to
learning unit 1 in the study guide (pages 15 to 17).
You had to read about the possible risk factors that may affect children when they have been
negatively exposed to them. This is an inferential type of question, so you must link the
information in the case study to the information in the study guide.
Marks are allocated for the identification of risk factors, for the explanation and for the practical
example given to support your answer.
Louw & Louw (2014) point out that before babies can speak, they go through several phases of
vocalisation (pre-linguistic speech). With that in mind, identify and discuss the phases of pre-
linguistic speech development in detail. Refer to learning unit 3 in the study guide (pages 106 to
107). (30)
You had to identify the different phases of pre-linguistic speech and discuss them.
Marks will be allocated for the identification of the phases and stages, for the discussion
relative to the students' experiences, and different examples.
4.1 Outdoor play can be beneficial for the learners' holistic development. Do you agree with
the statement? Briefly discuss the benefits of outdoor play for the holistic development of
the child. Refer to learning units 2 and 6 in the study guide (pages 45 and 181). (30)
You must either agree or disagree with the statement and then discuss the benefits of outdoor
play as per the content in the study guide.
Marks are allocated for agreeing/disagreeing and for the discussion of the holistic benefits of
outdoor play for children.
You have been allocated e-tutors to guide you on how to tackle various topics in the textbook. I
have included guidelines here to assist you in the areas you need to focus on. Although
guidelines are provided from the textbook, some questions may be based on the general mind
application, which requires background knowledge from the textbook.
Your e-tutor will assist you with your examination preparation. Make sure you read all the e-
tutors' announcements and the activities on myUnisa for your preparation. The e-tutors will also
be working through the revision guide with you.
The e-tutors' provide guidelines or focus areas for the exam. Please focus on the selected
sections in preparation for the coming examination.
The October/November 2021 examination will be non-venue based due to the current Covid-19
situation. The examination dates will be posted on myUnisa. Please take note of the
announcement by the College of Education that will provide clear guidelines.
The format of the question paper will be explained in another communique. Please note that the
kind of exam will dictate the kind of questioning. Please prepare to answer questions that might
require practical applications.
To be successful, we provide you with a timetable for revision. Start early with your examination
preparation and study the prescribed textbook thoroughly to understand the importance of the
Please do not hesitate to contact me should you encounter any problems with your preparation
for the examination.
Primary lecturer
Ms TP Dyosini
E-mail address: