Enymes 1
Enymes 1
Enymes 1
what are the properties of Enzyme what is the Enzyme structure what is the advantages of induced fit model
Enzyme properties are related to their tertiary Complex 3 dimensional structure as a results Enzymes are specific
structure of the sequences of amino acids The active site is unique but is also flexible
Enzymes are very specific — they usually only Although the enzymes are large only a small and changes shape around the substrate
catalyse one reaction, e.g. maltase only breaks part of the molecule is involved in the Widely accepted
down maltose, sucrase only breaks down reaction- the active site
sucrose This is often a small hole depression
This is because only one complementary The enzyme reacts with the substrate to form
substrate will fit into the active site an enzyme substrate complex
The active site’s shape is determined by the E + S → [ES] → E + P
enzyme’s tertiary structure (which is
determined by the enzyme’s primary
Each different enzyme has a different tertiary
structure and so a different shaped active site.
If the substrate shape doesn’t match the active
site, an enzyme-substrate complex won’t be
formed and the reaction won’t be catalysed