Vajiram CSP21T7S HIS ECO

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GS Test – 7 (4th April 2021)

Answer Key & Explanation

Q1. Answer: d
Explanation: The Harrod-Domar models of economic growth are based on the experiences of advanced
economies. They are primarily addressed to an advanced capitalist economy and attempt to analyse
steady growth requirements in such an economy.
Harrod and Domar assign a key role to investment in the process of economic growth. But they emphasise
the dual character of investment. Firstly, it creates income, and secondly, it augments the productive
capacity of the economy by increasing its capital stock. The former may be regarded as the 'demand effect'
and the latter the 'supply effect' of investment.
The model constructed by Harrod and Domar is based on the following assumptions:
 There is an initial full employment equilibrium level of income. So, statement (1) is correct.
 Government interference is absent. So, statement (2) is correct.
 These models operate in a closed economy that has no foreign trade. So, statement (3) is correct.
 There are no lags in adjustments between investment and the creation of productive capacity.
Therefore, the correct answer is d.

Q2. Answer: d
Explanation: Provision of Urban Amenities to Rural Areas (PURA) is a rural development strategy in India.
This concept was given by former president Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam. So, statement (1) is correct.
PURA proposes that urban infrastructure and services be provided in rural hubs to create economic
opportunities outside of cities. Physical connectivity by providing roads, electronic connectivity by providing
communication networks, and knowledge connectivity by establishing professional and technical
institutions will have to be done in an integrated way to emanate economic connectivity. So, statement
(2) is correct.
PURA 2.0 as a central sector scheme was launched in 2012, focusing on developing potential growth
centers such as census towns through a Public-Private Partnership (PPP) framework for providing
livelihood opportunities and urban amenities to improve the quality of life in rural areas. So, statement (3)
is correct.
Therefore, the correct answer is d.

Q3. Answer: b
Explanation: It is a non-constitutional and non-statutory body. Instead, it is a body established by the
executive order of the Government. It replaced the planning commission in 2015. So, statement (1) is not
It is a policy think tank and its recommendations are not binding on Government. So, statement (2) is not
It does not enjoy any financial power to allocate funds. So, statement (3) is correct.
Therefore, the correct answer is b.

Q4. Answer: b
Explanation: The School Education Quality Index (SEQI) was developed by NITI Aayog to evaluate States
and Union Territory's (UTs) performance in the school education sector. The Index recognises that school
education is a subject on the Concurrent List and that State-level leadership is crucial for cost-effectively
improving outcomes. So, statement (1) is not correct.
SEQI will be a subset of the Performance Grading Index (PGI), and NITI Aayog will use 33 indicators out
of 70 indicators of PGI. Department of School Education and Learning, MHRD will provide the relevant
data under PGI to the NITI Aayog for SEQI. States and UTs will therefore not provide any data separately

GS Test – 7 (4th April 2021)

Answer Key & Explanation
to NITI Aayog for SEQI. The NITI Aayog can assign different weightage to the indicators under SEQI. So,
statement (2) is correct.
The objective is to shift the focus to educational outcomes rather than inputs. It has 33 indicators divided
into two categories, namely:
 The outcome, with four domains, viz Learning Outcomes, Access Outcomes, Infrastructure and
Facilities Outcomes.
 The second category is about Governance processes which cover attendance, teacher adequacy,
administrative adequacy, training, accountability and transparency. So, statement (3) is correct.
Therefore, the correct answer is b.

Q5. Answer: d
In the Industry Policy Statement 1973, the term "Core Industries" was included. It referred to the 6 Core
 Iron and Steel Industry, Cement, Coal, Crude Oil, Oil Refining, Electricity.
They were called the basic industries or infrastructure industries. The private players were allowed to apply
for licensing in these industries, and for that, they required Rs. 20 Crores assets or more. In this Policy,
some industries were reserved for small and medium players. So, statement (1) is correct.
The Public-Private Partnership (PPP) was also emphasised as a prototype called "Joint Sector." A
partnership between state, Center, and private sectors was allowed in it. So, statement (2) is correct.
In the same year, the Government enacted the Foreign Exchange Regulation Act 1973 (FERA) due to the
severe foreign exchange crunch. India also allowed limited investment by MNCs in the country. So,
statement (3) is correct.
Therefore, the correct answer is d.

Q6. Answer: d
Explanation: The criteria lay down by the Government for grant of Maharatna status to Central Public
Sector Enterprises (CPSEs) is given below-
 Having Navratna status.
 Listed on Indian stock exchange with minimum prescribed public shareholding under SEBI regulations.
 An average annual turnover of more than Rs. 25,000 crores during the last 3 years. So, statement (1)
is correct.
 An average annual net worth of more than Rs. 15,000 crores during the last 3 years.
 An average annual net profit after tax of more than Rs. 5,000 crore during the last 3 years
 Should have a significant global presence/international operations.
'Maharatna' status allows state-run firms greater financial autonomy. They can decide on investments of
up to 15% of their net worth (limited to a ceiling of 5000 crores) in a project without government approval.
So, statement (2) is correct.
The Government recently accorded 'Maharatna' status to state-owned Hindustan Petroleum corporation
limited and Power Grid Corporation, thus giving them greater operational and financial autonomy. So,
statement (3) is correct.
Therefore, the correct answer is d.

Q7. Answer: d
Explanation: Central Statistical Organization (CSO) releases the Index of Industrial Production (IIP) as
per the Special Data Dissemination Standard (SDDS) norms of IMF. So, statement (1) is not correct.
The base year of all-India IIP was revised from 2004-05 to 2011-12 and the new series was launched in
2017. So, statement (2) is not correct.
Index of Industrial production is published by the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation
every month. The Index shows the changes in the production volume of different industrial commodities.
The sub-components of IIP are- Mining (14.4%), Manufacturing (77.6%), and Electricity (8%). According
to its use, the IIP is also classified, namely, Primary Goods, Capital Goods, and Intermediate Goods. It is
GS Test – 7 (4th April 2021)
Answer Key & Explanation
an essential measure of growth as it records the level of industrial activity in the economy. So, statement
(3) is not correct.
Therefore, the correct answer is d.

Q8. Answer: c
Explanation: PMI is an indicator of business activity in the manufacturing and services sectors. It is a
survey-based measure that asks the respondents about changes in their perception of key business
variables compared with the previous month. To arrive at PMI, a questionnaire seeking factual information
on variables such as new orders, output, employment, supplier deliveries, inventories, new export orders
and prices are sent to purchasing managers of business enterprises and they are asked if these factors
are above or below the level of the previous month. So, statement (1) is not correct.
It is calculated separately for the manufacturing and services sectors and then a Composite Index is
constructed. The PMI is usually released at the start of every month. It is, therefore, considered a good
leading indicator of economic activity. So, statement (2) is not correct.
The PMI is a number from 0 to 100.
 PMI above 50 represents an expansion when compared to the previous month;
 PMI under 50 represents a contraction, and
 A reading at 50 indicates no change. So, statement (3) is not correct.
Therefore, the answer is c.

Q9. Answer: c
Explanation: Board of Industrial and Financial Reconstruction was an agency of the Government of India
and a division of the Department of Financial Services of the Ministry of Finance, created under the Sick
Industrial Companies Act (SICA), 1985. Its purpose was to reshape and recover sick undertakings and
shut down or liquidate sick performances' ability to grow or occur in the future or the long term. So,
statement (1) is correct.
In 2016, SICA was repealed and BIFR was also dissolved. All pending inquiries/appeals could be referred
to National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT)/NCLAT as per the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code. So,
statement (2) is correct.
Therefore, the correct answer is c.

Q10. Answer: b
Explanation: National Investment and Manufacturing Zones (NIMZs) are important instruments of
National Manufacturing Policy, 2011. NIMZs are envisaged as large areas of developed land with the
requisite ecosystem for promoting world-class manufacturing activity. So, statement (1) is correct.
The main objective of Special Economic Zones is the promotion of exports. At the same time, NIMZs are
based on the industrial growth principle in partnership with States and focus on manufacturing growth and
employment. NIMZs are different from SEZs in terms of size, infrastructure planning, governance
structures related to regulatory procedures, and exit policies. So, statement (2) is correct.
NIMZs are envisaged as large areas of developed land with the requisite ecosystem for promoting world-
class manufacturing activity. The state government is to provide suitable land of 5000 ha. The
administrative structure of NIMZ will comprise a Special Purpose Vehicle, a developer, State Government
and the Central Government. The Central Government shall, by notification in the Official Gazette, notify
an NIMZ. An SPV will be constituted to exercise the powers conferred on and discharge the functions
assigned to it under this Policy to manage the NIMZ affairs. Every SPV shall be a legal entity by the name
of the NIMZ. This SPV can be a company, including a Section 25 company depending upon the MOU
between stakeholders. So, statement (3) is not correct.
Therefore, the correct answer is b.

Q11. Answer: b

GS Test – 7 (4th April 2021)

Answer Key & Explanation
Explanation: The Ease of Doing Business (EoDB) index is a ranking system established by the World
Bank Group. In the EODB index, 'higher rankings' (a lower numerical value) indicate better, usually simpler,
regulations for businesses and stronger protections of property rights.
EoDB Rankings use data for 190 economies and aggregates information from 10 areas of business

1. Starting a Business of all

2. Dealing with Construction Permits
3. Getting Electricity
4. Registering Property
5. Getting Credit
6. Protecting Minority Investors
7. Paying Taxes
8. Trading across Borders
9. Enforcing Contracts
10. Resolving Insolvency

GS Test – 7 (4th April 2021)

Answer Key & Explanation
Rankings and weights on each of the mentioned parameters are used to develop an overall EoDB ranking.
A high EoDB ranking means the regulatory environment is more conducive for starting and operating
Due to these reforms, the improvement in the business environment is reflected in India's considerably
improved ranking to 63rd position among the 190 countries in the World Bank's Doing Business 2020
Report. This is a jump of 14 ranks over its previous rank of 77. The ranking is based on ten indicators that
span the life-cycle of a business. India has improved its rank in 7 out of 10 indicators and has moved closer
to international best practices.
So, statement (2) is correct.
So, statement (1) is not correct. Therefore, the correct answer is b.

Q12. Answer: c
Explanation: E-Chhawani portal and mobile app have been created to provide online civic services to
over 20 lakh residents of 62 Cantonment Boards across the country. The portal, jointly developed by eGov
Foundation, Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL), Directorate General Defence Estates (DGDE) and National
Informatics Centre (NIC), provides a platform to the residents from the comfort of their home. So,
statement (1) is not correct.
Through the portal, the residents of cantonment areas will be able to avail basic services like a renewal of
leases, application for birth & death certificates, water & sewerage connections, trade licenses, mobile
toilet locators and payment of different types of taxes and fees, with just a click of a button. So, statement
(2) is not correct.
Therefore, the answer is c.

Q13. Answer: d
Explanation: Centralized Public Grievances Redress and Monitoring System (CPGRAMS) is an online
web-enabled system developed by the National Informatics Centre (Ministry of Electronics and IT [MeitY]),
in association with the Directorate of Public Grievances (DPG) and Department of Administrative Reforms
and Public Grievances (DARPG). So, statement (1) is correct.
The underlying idea was to receive, redress and monitor the grievances of the public. It was launched by
the Department of Administrative Reforms and Public Grievances (DARPG) under the Ministry of
Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions. So, statement (2) is correct.
GS Test – 7 (4th April 2021)
Answer Key & Explanation
The CPGRAMS provides the facility to lodge a grievance online from any geographical location. It enables
the citizen to track online the grievance being followed up with Departments concerned and also enables
DARPG to monitor the grievance. The procedure includes designating a senior officer as the Director of
Grievances/Grievance officer in every office to ensure that the system remains accessible, simple, quick,
fair and responsive, and fixing the time limit for disposal of work relating to public grievances and staff
grievances. So, statement (3) is correct.
Therefore, the correct answer is d.

Q14. Answer: b
Explanation: The Government of India has enacted the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises
Development (MSMED) Act, 2006 to provide for facilitating the promotion and development and enhancing
the competitiveness of micro, small and medium enterprises and for matters connected therewith or
incidental thereto.
In order to promote the Ease of Doing Business, the Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises
(MSME) has introduced various initiatives, including online filing of the Udyog Aadhaar Memorandum
The Ministry has also taken the following steps:
 MSME SAMADHAAN Portal: The Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) has
launched MSME Delayed Payment Portal – MSME Samadhaan for empowering micro and small
entrepreneurs across the country to directly register their cases relating to delayed payments by
Central Ministries/Departments/CPSEs/State Governments. So, statement (1) is correct.
 MSME SAMBANDH Portal: To help to monitor the implementation of a public procurement policy for
micro and small enterprises. So, statement (2) is not correct.
 MSME SAMPARK Portal: A digital platform wherein jobseekers (passed out trainees/students of
MSME Technology Centres) and recruiters get connected. So, statement (3) is not correct.
Therefore, the answer is b.

Q15. Answer: d
Explanation: Energy transition refers to the global energy sector's shift from fossil-based systems of
energy production and consumption, including oil, natural gas and coal, to renewable energy sources like
wind and solar, as well as lithium-ion batteries. The increasing penetration of renewable energy into the
energy supply mix, the onset of electrification, and energy storage improvements are key drivers of the
energy transition.
The Global Energy transition Index (ETI) published by World Economic Forum (WEF) is a fact-based
ranking intended to enable policymakers and businesses to plot the course for a successful energy
transition. So, statement (1) is correct.
The benchmarking of energy systems is carried out annually across countries. The Index is based on the
country's effort to balance the energy triangle. India's improvements have come across all three
dimensions of the energy triangle - economic development and growth, energy access and security, and
environmental sustainability. So, statement (2) is correct.
The WEF said that the emerging centers of demand, such as India (74th) and China (78th), had made
consistent efforts to improve the enabling environment. For India, gains have come from a government-
mandated renewable energy expansion program, now extended to 275 GW by 2027. So, statement (3)
is correct.
Therefore, the correct answer is d.

Q16. Answer: d
Explanation: Global Infrastructure Outlook (GIO) is a report which forecasts infrastructure investment
needs across 56 countries (including India) and across seven sectors (road, rail, airport, ports, telecom,
electricity and water) till the year 2040. It is a G20 initiative. So, statement (1) is correct.
It is a country-based report. So, statement (2) is correct.

GS Test – 7 (4th April 2021)

Answer Key & Explanation
Electricity and roads are two important sectors accounting for two-thirds of global investment needs. India
is the second-largest infrastructure market in Asia after China. So, statement (3) is correct.
Therefore, the correct answer is d.

Q17. Answer: d
Explanation: The National Health Policy, 2017 (NHP, 2017), approved in 2017, seeks to reach everyone
in a comprehensive, integrated way to move towards wellness. It aims at achieving universal health
coverage and delivering quality health care services to all at affordable costs.
This Policy looks at problems and solutions holistically with the private sector as strategic partners. It seeks
to promote quality of care; the focus is on emerging diseases and investment in promotive and preventive
healthcare. The Policy is patient-centric and quality-driven. It addresses health security and makes in India
for drugs and devices.
The main objective of the National Health Policy 2017 is to achieve the highest possible level of good
health and well-being through a preventive and promotive health care orientation in all developmental
policies and to achieve universal access to good quality health care services without anyone having to
face financial hardship as a consequence.
The Policy proposes free drugs, free diagnostics, and free emergency care services in all public hospitals
to provide access and financial protection at secondary and tertiary care levels.
The highlights of the National Health Policy 2017 include:
(i) Assurance-based approach: It advocates a progressively incremental assurance-based approach with
a focus on preventive and promotive healthcare. So, statement (1) is correct.
(ii) Micronutrient deficiency focuses on reducing micronutrient malnourishment and a systematic approach
to address heterogeneity in micronutrient adequacy across regions. So, statement (2) is correct.
(iii) Make-in-India initiative: It advocates the need to incentivise local Manufacturing to provide customised
indigenous products for the Indian population in the long run. So, statement (3) is correct.
(iv) Application of digital Health: It advocates extensive deployment of digital tools for improving the
efficiency and outcome of the healthcare system and aims at an integrated health information system
that serves the needs of all stakeholders and improves efficiency, transparency, and citizen
experience. So, statement (4) is correct.
Therefore, the correct answer is d.

Q18. Answer: c
Explanation: The Warehousing Development and Regulatory Authority (WDRA) was set up by the
Government of India on 26.10.2010 to ensure implementation of the Warehousing provisions
(Development & Regulation) Act, 2007. The main objective of WDRA is to implement a Negotiable
Warehouse Receipt (NWR) / electronic-Negotiable Warehouse Receipt (e-NWR) System in the country,
which would help farmers to store their produce in scientific storage godowns nearby their farms and to
seek a loan from banks against their NWR/e-NWR. It would help overcome the situation of distress sale of
agricultural commodities by the farmers during peak harvest season. So, statement (1) is correct.
Warehouses need to be registered with the WDRA for issuing NWRs. The empaneled inspection agencies
inspect the warehouses before the grant of registration to ensure that the warehouses fully meet basic
requirements of scientific and safe storage of agricultural and other commodities. So, statement (2) is
Therefore, the correct answer is c.

Q19. Answer: c
Explanation: To draw up the National Infrastructure Pipeline (NIP) for each of the years from FY 2019-20
to FY 2024-25, an inter-ministerial Task Force was set up in 2019 under the chairmanship of Secretary
(DEA), Ministry of Finance. So it is not a ten year vision document. So, statement (1) is not correct.
As per the NIP, Central Government (39 percent) and State Government (39 percent) are expected to
have an equal share in the funding of the projects, followed by the Private Sector (22 percent). It is
expected that private sector share may increase to 30 percent by 2025. So, statement (2) is not correct.

GS Test – 7 (4th April 2021)

Answer Key & Explanation
Energy (24 percent), Roads (19 percent), Urban (16 percent), and Railways (13 percent) amount to over
70 percent of the projected capital expenditure during the said period. So, statement (3) is correct.
Therefore, the correct answer is c.

Q20. Answer: a
Explanation: National Wind-Solar Hybrid Policy was adopted in 2018 by the Ministry of New and
Renewable Energy (MNRE) to promote a large grid-connected wind-solar PV hybrid system for efficient
transmission infrastructure and land.
The major objectives of the National Wind-Solar Hybrid Policy are as follows:
 Provide a comprehensive framework for promoting a large grid-connected wind-solar photovoltaic (PV)
hybrid system to utilise transmission infrastructure and land efficiently. So, statement (1) is correct.
 Reduce variability in renewable power generation and achieve better grid stability
Some of the important features of the National Wind-Solar Policy are mentioned below:
 As a part of its contribution to the Paris Agreement on Climate Change, India has set a target of
achieving 175 GW installed renewable energy capacity, of which 100 GW would be from solar and 60
GW from wind energy. So, statement (2) is correct.
 The Policy provides for the integration of both energy sources, i.e., wind and solar, at alternating current
(AC) and direct current (DC) levels. So, statement (3) is not correct.
Therefore, the correct answer is a.

Q21. Answer: b
Explanation: Bayesian inference/Updating is a method of statistical inference in which Bayes' theorem is
used to update the probability for a hypothesis as more evidence or information becomes available.
Bayesian inference is an important technique in statistics, and especially in mathematical statistics.
Bayesian updating is particularly important in the dynamic analysis of a sequence of data. Bayesian
inference has found application in various activities,
including science, engineering, philosophy, medicine, sport, and law. In the philosophy of decision theory,
Bayesian inference is closely related to subjective probability, often called "Bayesian probability." So, only
option b is correct.
India adopted a Bayesian updating strategy to continually calibrate its response while gradually unlocking
and easing economic activity.
Therefore, the correct answer is b.

Q22. Answer: d
Explanation: The Government of India's fiscal policy response to the pandemic was strategised with a
step-by-step approach. During the first two-quarters of FY:2020-21, the Government ensured that funds
for essential activities were available despite a sharp contraction in revenue receipts. The initial approach
was to provide a cushion for the poor and section of society and the business sector (especially the
MSMEs) to tide over the distress caused by economic activity disruption.
The Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Yojana (PMGKY) ensures food security through the public distribution
system, direct benefit transfers to widows, pensioners and women, additional funds for MGNREGS, and
debt moratoria and liquidity support for businesses. Along with these, Direct Cash Transfer benefits were
provided to farmers under PM-KISAN, Support to Building and Other Construction Workers, 24 percent
contribution to EPFO, Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana, Support to PMJDY women account holders, etc.
Therefore, the correct answer is d.

Q23. Answer: d
Explanation: The Indian policymakers during lockdown recognised that the 'supply' shock induced by the
lockdown would disrupt the economy's productive capacity. This capacity would need to be strengthened
to meet the pent-up demand once it resumes – any mismatch would lead to macro-economic instabilities.
This was, in effect, an 'underheating' of the economy with lack of demand, disruption of supply chains and
anticipated large-scale corporate distress.

GS Test – 7 (4th April 2021)

Answer Key & Explanation
A simple reflating of the economy through increased government expenditure would, under these
circumstances, have led to runaway inflation especially given the inherent supply-side constraints in India's
food economy. So, statement (1) is correct.
These reforms primarily focus on strengthening the potential of primary and secondary sectors of the
economy to create jobs. The targeted areas were Agriculture and allied activities, Manufacturing, etc. So,
statement (2) is correct.
By removing the supply-side constraints, India launched a slew of multi-sectoral supply-side structural
reforms to lend flexibility and resilience to supply chains as a part of the Atmanirbhar Bharat Mission (ANB).
So, statement (3) is correct.
These were rather supply-side interventions so that the economy can respond to demand hikes with ease
of lockdown by providing an adequate amount of goods demanded by the people. So, statement (4) is
not correct.
Therefore, the answer is d.

Q24. Answer: c
Explanation: Interest Rate Growth Rate differentials (IRGD) is the difference between the interest rate
and the growth rate in an economy. Therefore, it helps provide a framework for the fiscal management of
the Government. So, statement (1) is correct.
If the interest rate paid by the Government is less than the growth rate, then the intertemporal budget
constraint facing the Government no longer binds. This phenomenon highlights that debt sustainability will
increase with the increase in the negative value of IRGD. So, statement 2 is correct.
In advanced economies, the extremely low-interest rates, which have led to negative IRGD, on the one
hand, and have placed limitations on Monetary Policy, on the other hand, have caused a rethink of the role
of Fiscal Policy. Therefore, even though the reasons might be different in advanced economies, these
economies can also have negative IRGD. So, statement 3 is not correct.
Therefore, the correct answer is c.

Q25. Answer: a
Explanation: Counter-cyclical Fiscal Policy refers to the steps taken by the Government that go against
the direction of the economic or Business cycle. Thus, in a recession or slowdown, the Government
increases expenditure and reduces taxes to create a demand that can drive an economic boom.
 In a country like India, which has a large workforce employed in the informal sector, counter-cyclical
fiscal Policy becomes even more paramount. Also, since the private and public sectors are segmented
in India, there would not be a crowding-out effect of such policies. So, statement (1) is correct.
 Fiscal multipliers, which capture the aggregate return derived by the economy from an additional Rupee
of fiscal spending, are unequivocally greater during economic crises when compared to the economic
boom. So, statement (2) is not correct.
Therefore, the correct answer is a.

Q26. Answer: a
Explanation: The phenomenon of crowding out of private investment is based on the notion that the supply
of savings in the economy is fixed. Therefore, higher fiscal spending may increase the demand for loanable
funds and, hence, increase interest rates, thereby discouraging private investment.
 However, for emerging economies such as India, an increase in public expenditure in areas that boost
the private sector's propensities to save and invest may enable private investment rather than crowding
it out. So, option a is not correct.
 In an economy with unemployed resources, an increase in government spending increases the
aggregate demand in the economy, which may induce the private sector to increase their investment
in new machinery to cater to the increased demand, hence putting the unused resources to productive
uses. So, option b and c is correct.

GS Test – 7 (4th April 2021)

Answer Key & Explanation
 Recent research puts further doubt on the phenomenon of crowding out in rapidly growing economies
by showing that the supply of savings is not fixed but expands with income growth. So, option d is
Therefore, the answer is a.

Q27. Answer: b
Explanation: Credit ratings map the probability of default and therefore reflect the borrower's willingness
and ability to meet its obligations. So, statement (1) is not correct.
Sovereign credit ratings seek to quantify issuers' ability to meet debt obligations. When favourable, these
can facilitate the country's access to global capital markets and foreign investment since it raises investors'
confidence. So, statement (2) is correct.
Never in history has the fifth largest economy in the world been rated a BBB-! Since 1994, the only times
that the sovereign credit ratings of the fifth largest economy in current US$ terms have precipitously
declined has been when emerging giants China and India have come to occupy the position. So,
statement (3) is correct.
Therefore, the correct answer is b.

Q28. Answer: a
Explanation: India's sovereign external debt as a per cent of GDP stood at a mere four per cent as of
September 2020 (DEA). Moreover, 54 per cent of India's sovereign external foreign currency-denominated
debt was owed to multilateral and IMF as of end-March 2020 (DEA). So, statement (1) is correct.
India's forex reserves stood at US$ 584.24 as of 15 January, 2021 (RBI), greater than India's total external
debt (sovereign and non-sovereign) of US$ 556.2 bn as of September 2020 (DEA). So, statement (2) is
not correct.
Therefore, the correct answer is a.

Q29. Answer: c
Explanation: As per the Survey, while sovereign credit ratings do not reflect the Indian economy's
fundamentals, noisy, opaque and biased credit rating damage FPI flows. Sovereign credit rating
methodology must be amended to reflect economies' ability and willingness to pay their debt obligations
by becoming more transparent and less subjective. Developing economies must come together to address
this bias and subjectivity inherent in sovereign credit ratings methodology to prevent exacerbation of crises
in the future.
Despite ratings not reflecting fundamentals, they can be pro-cyclical and can affect equity and debt FPI
flows of developing countries, causing damage and worsening crisis. Therefore, sovereign credit rating
methodology must be made more transparent, less subjective, and better attuned to reflect economies'
Therefore, the correct answer is c.

Q30. Answer: b
Explanation: China has made exceptional strides in reducing its extreme poverty rates since the 1970s.
As per data from the China National Bureau of Statistics, the head count ratio of poverty has reduced by
94 percent from 1980 to 2015 in rural China. In contrast, the Gini coefficient of income distribution among
rural residents in China rose from 0.241 in 1980 to 0.39 in 2011 or by 62 percent, according to the official
estimation. So, statement a is correct.
In the advanced economies, Wilkinson and Pickett (2009), Atkinson (2014) and Piketty (2020) show that
higher inequality leads to adverse socio-economic outcomes. Still, income per capita, a measure of
economic growth, has little impact. So, statement b is not correct.
While the conflict between growth and inequality is seen across the advanced economies, inequality and
growth converge in their health effects among Indian states. Economic Survey shows the same result of
convergence using the Index of education, life expectancy, infant mortality, and crime. So, statement c is

GS Test – 7 (4th April 2021)

Answer Key & Explanation
As per the Survey, whether we use Gini based on assets or the ratio of the consumption of the top 5
percent of the population to the bottom 5 percent of the people, the effect is the same. So, statement d is
Therefore, the answer is b.

Q31. Answer: d
Explanation: Inequality needs to be distinguished from poverty. Inequality refers to the degree of
dispersion in the distribution of assets, income, or consumption. Poverty refers to the assets, income, or
consumption of those at the bottom of the distribution. Poverty could be conceptualised in relative terms
or in absolute terms. If poverty is conceptualised in relative terms, there is no need to distinguish it from
inequality. A relative measure of poverty is indeed a measure of inequality. So, statement (1) is correct.
On the other hand, if poverty is conceptualised in an absolute sense, focusing on the absolute levels of
assets, income, or consumption of those at the low end of the distribution, then increases in inequality may
be accompanied by a reduction in poverty. This has been noticed in the case of emerging economies like
India and China. So, statement (2) is correct.
Of course, it is possible that if the incomes of the rich pull too far away from the rest of society, growing
frustration may lead to rising crime, withdrawal from civic engagement, and loss of social cohesion. So,
statement (3) is correct.
Therefore, the correct answer is d.

Q32. Answer: c
Explanation: Hyperbolic Tendencies are those behaviors that people indulge themselves in against their
own self-interest. Such individual behavior may be suboptimal for the individual and create negative
externalities for the entire healthcare system through higher costs and poorer outcomes. Examples include
smoking, eating unhealthy food, delay in seeking care, not wearing masks or keeping social distancing in
the pandemic context.
Therefore, the correct answer is c.

Q33. Answer: c
Explanation: 71 percent of global deaths and about 65 percent of deaths in India are caused by non-
communicable diseases (NCDs). Between 1990 and 2016, the contribution of NCDs increased 37 percent
to 61 percent of all deaths (National Health Portal, n.d.). So, statement (1) is not correct.
At 3-4 percent, India's hospitalisation rates are among the lowest in the world; the average for middle-
income countries is 8-9 percent and 13-17 percent for OECD countries (OECD Statistics). So, statement
(2) is correct.
As of 2019, China's IMR was 6.8 (out of 1000 live births) as compared to India's 32. In the case of MMR
(out of 100000 live births), China's rate is much lower at 29 than India's 145. So, statement (3) is correct.
In recent times, the percentage of the poorest utilising prenatal care through public facilities has increased
from 19.9 percent to 24.7 percent from 2004 to 2018. There is a similar increase in the percentage of the
poor accessing institutional delivery. The poorest utilising inpatient care and outpatient care has increased
from 12.7 percent to 18.5 percent and from 15.6 percent to 18.3 percent. At the same time, both inpatient
and outpatient utilisation among the richest dropped from 29.2 percent to 26.4 percent and 30.1 percent
to 26.9 percent, respectively. So, statement (4) is correct.
Therefore, the correct answer is c.

Q34. Answer: d
Explanation: World Justice Project was founded in 2006 as an American Bar Association initiative and
became an independent Non-Profit organisation in 2009. World Bank uses the data published by World
Justice Project in its World Governance Indicators. So, statement (1) is not correct.
In 2020, India's rank was 45 out of 128 countries in the category of 'Due process is respected in
administrative proceedings' (a proxy for following due process). In contrast, in the category 'Government
regulations are effectively enforced' (a proxy for regulatory quality/effectiveness), the country's rank is 104.
India stands at 89th rank in 'Administrative Proceedings are conducted without unreasonable delay' (a
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proxy for timeliness) and 107th in 'Administrative Proceedings are applied and enforced without improper
influence' (a proxy for rent-seeking). This shows that, contrary to popular belief, India is relatively good at
complying with processes but lag in regulatory effectiveness. So, statement (2) is not correct.
India's regulatory problems are often due to the lack of regulatory standards and poor compliance to
process. International comparisons, however, show that India ranks better than its peers on having
regulatory standards in place and compliance to process. The real issue seems to be the effectiveness of
regulations caused by undue delays, rent-seeking, complex regulations, and regulation quality. So,
statement (3) is not correct.
Therefore, the correct answer is d.

Q35. Answer: c
Explanation: The problem of over-regulation stems from not recognising the inevitability of incomplete
contracts and regulations in a world of uncertainty. Real-world contracts are inherently incomplete because
of three key reasons that reinforce one another's influence.
As Herbert Simon has highlighted in his Nobel-prize winning work, humans are boundedly rational because
the future comprises "unknown unknowns." So, statement (1) is correct.
Second, as another Noble-prize winning work on incomplete contracts by Oliver Hart highlights, complexity
in framing contracts arises from the difficulties involved in anticipating and specifying all obligations for all
parties in full across all possible contingencies. So, statement (2) is correct.
Therefore, the correct answer is c.

Q36. Answer: c
Explanation: Regulatory forbearance for banks involved relaxing the norms for restructuring assets.
Restructured assets were no longer required to be classified as Non-Performing Assets (NPAs henceforth)
and therefore did not require the levels of provisioning that NPAs attract.
During the GFC, forbearance helped borrowers tide over temporary hardship caused due to the crisis and
helped prevent a large contagion. However, the forbearance continued for seven years though it should
have been discontinued in 2011, when GDP, exports, IIP and credit growth had recovered significantly.
Yet, the forbearance continued long after the economic recovery, resulting in unintended and detrimental
consequences for banks, firms, and the economy. So, options a and d are not correct.
The lesson for policymakers is to treat emergency measures as such and not to extend them even after
recovery: when an emergency medicine becomes a staple diet, it can be counterproductive. So, otion b
is not correct.
To address the economic challenges posed by the Covid-19 pandemic, financial regulators across the
world have adopted regulatory forbearance. India is no exception. Emergency measures such as
forbearance prevent spillover of the financial sector's failures to the real sector, thereby avoiding a
deepening of the crisis. So, option c is correct.
Therefore, the correct answer is c.

Q37. Answer: c
Explanation: Adverse Impact of Forbearance on Bank Performance and Lending:
Undercapitalisation of Banks: A policy of prolonged forbearance affects overstating the actual capital and
creating a false sense of security. Consider a bank with a capital adequacy ratio of 12% before
forbearance. Assume that during the crisis, the bank restructures 10% of its books. Absent forbearance,
the bank would make provisions for such restructurings, and the capital would be reduced to the extent of
such provisioning. Viewed differently, forbearance lets undercapitalised banks operate without raising
capital. Inadequate capital is similar to owners not having adequate skin in the game. So, statement (1)
is correct.
Reduction in the capital is akin to reduced "skin in the game." It distorts the incentives of the bank owners
and incumbent management. With less of their own money at stake, banks become increasingly risk-
seeking. So, statement (2) is not correct.
There is another motive for undercapitalised banks to lend to poor quality firms: to protect their already
depleted capital. One way of ever-greening loans is lending a new loan to a borrower on the verge of
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default, near the repayment date of an existing loan, to facilitate its repayment. So, statement (3) is
Therefore, the correct answer is c.

Q38. Answer: a
Explanation: The business sector in India contributes much less to gross expenditure on R&D (about 37
percent) when compared to businesses in each of the top ten economies (68 percent on average), whereas
The Government does a disproportionate amount of heavy-lifting on R&D by contributing 56 percent of the
gross expenditure on R&D. So, statement (1) is not correct.
India's gross expenditure on R&D at 0.65 percent of GDP is much lower than that of the top 10 economies
(1.5-3 percent of GDP) primarily because of the disproportionately lower contribution from the business
sector. So, statement (2) is correct.
India entered the top 50 innovating countries for the first time in 2020 since the inception of the Global
Innovation Index (GII) in 2007, by improving its rank from 81 in 2015 to 48 in 2020. So, statement (3) is
Therefore, the answer is a.

Q39. Answer: a
Explanation: The total number of patents filed in India has risen steeply since 1999, mainly on account of
the increase in patent applications filed by non-residents. While patent applications filed by residents have
increased steadily since 1999, they have risen at a much lower rate than patent applications by non-
residents. Among total yearly applications, 64% are filed by Non Residents compared to 36% by residents.
So, statement (1) is correct.
Unlike patents, the total number of trademark applications filed in India has risen steeply since 1999, mainly
on account of an increase in trademark applications filed by residents. Among total trademark applications,
92% are filed by residents as compared to 8% by non-residents. So, statement (2) is not correct.
Therefore, the correct answer is a.

Q40. Answer: b
Explanation: As free markets under-provision public goods, a government's vital role is to provide public
goods to its citizens, especially to society's vulnerable sections. While the rich can seek private
alternatives, lobby for better services, or, if need be, move to areas where public goods are better provided
for, the poor rarely have such choices.
However, governments may suffer from the "horizon problem" in a democracy. The time horizon over which
public goods' benefits reach the electorate may be longer than the electoral cycles. So, option a is
Myopia resulting from the horizon problem may again lead to under-provisioning of public goods.
Therefore, the provision of public goods that generate long-term gains to the economy and the society
represents a key aspect of governance in a democratic polity. So, option c and d are correct while
option b is not correct.
Therefore, the answer is b.

Q41. Answer: c
Explanation: In 2018, the Government of India approved the Ayushman Bharat Pradhan Mantri Jan
Arogya Yojana (AB-PM-JAY) as a historic step to provide healthcare access to the most vulnerable
sections in the country. The households were included based on the deprivation and occupational criteria
from the Socio-Economic Caste Census 2011 (SECC 2011) for rural and urban areas, respectively.
The scheme provides for the healthcare of up to INR 5 lakh per family per year on a family floater basis,
which means that it can be used by one or all family members. So, statement (1) is correct.
It also provides for three days of pre-hospitalisation and 15 days of posthospitalisation expenses, places
no cap on age and gender or size of a family and is portable across the country. So, statements (2) and
(3) are correct.
Therefore, the correct answer is c.
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Q42. Answer: a
Explanation: To measure the progress in the delivery of "the bare necessities," the Survey develops a
composite index called the Bare Necessities Index (BNI). The Bare Necessities Index (BNI) is based on
the large annual household survey data. It is constructed using suitable indicators and methodology at the
district level for all/targeted districts.
 The BNI measures access to "the bare necessities" for households in rural areas, urban areas, and
the all-India level. So, statement (1) is not correct.
 These necessities are measured using 26 comparable indicators on five dimensions viz., water,
sanitation, housing, micro-environment, and other facilities. So, statement (2) is correct.
 Access to bare necessities in 2018 is the highest in the States, such as Kerala, Punjab, Haryana,
Gujarat, Uttarakhand, Delhi, Goa, Mizoram and Sikkim. So, statement (3) is not correct.
 While it is the lowest in Odisha, Jharkhand, West Bengal and Tripura. So, statement (4) is correct.
Therefore, the correct answer is a.

Q43. Answer: d
Explanation: The pandemic has been a unique economic shock that has triggered both supply and
demand-side shocks simultaneously across economies worldwide. Increased uncertainty, lower
confidence, loss of incomes, weaker growth prospects, fear of contagion, the triggering of precautionary
savings, risk aversion among businesses and resultant fall in consumption and investment – leading to the
first order demand shock. The supply chain disruptions caused by economic activity closure and restricted
labor movement lead to the first-order supply shocks. So, statement (1) is correct.
Agriculture was largely insulated from the lockdown in India as timely and proactive exemptions from
COVID-induced lockdowns to the sector facilitated uninterrupted harvesting of rabi crops and sowing of
Kharif crops. However, supply chain disruptions impacted the flow of agricultural goods, leading to high
food inflation and an adverse initial impact on some major agricultural exports. So, statement (2) is
The construction and Services sector was hit the hardest due to the pandemic-induced social distancing
requirements and minimising personal interaction. So, statement (3) is correct.
Therefore, the correct answer is d.

Q44. Answer: a
Explanation: The pandemic-led receipts-expenditure wedge witnessed in this year has been bridged
mainly through additional market borrowing, as demonstrated in the revised borrowing calendar
announced by the Centre and higher market borrowing limits given to states. As of 8 January 2021, While
the Centre's borrowings are 65 percent higher than the amount raised in the previous year's corresponding
period, state governments have seen a step up of 41 percent. So, statement (1) is correct.
Gross GST collections (Centre plus states) gained buoyancy October onwards, crossing the 1 lakh crore
mark consecutively for three months, thereby providing much-needed assistance to the Government's
revenue position. So, statement (2) is not correct.
Therefore, the correct answer is a.

Q45. Answer: c
Explanation: India remained a preferred investment destination in FY 2020-21. FDI poured in amidst
global asset shifts towards equities and prospects of quicker recovery in emerging economies.
During April-December 2020, equities witnessed an inflow of USD 30.0 billion, five times its previous year
value - India was the only country among emerging markets to receive equity FII inflows in 2020. So,
statement (1) is correct.
As a result of these inflows, buoyant Sensex and NIFTY resulted in India's market-capitalisation to Gross
Domestic Product (GDP) ratio crossing 100 percent for the first time since October 2010. So, statement
(2) is correct.
Therefore, the correct answer is c.

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Q46. Answer: d
Explanation: The economies across the world have undertaken massive use of fiscal policy measures
with an objective to protect the lives and livelihoods against the health and economic effect of the COVID-
19 pandemic, to boost the demand and foster the reopening of the economies after the lockdown phase.
"Above-the-line" measures include those for which full cost is reflected in the fiscal deficit, government
debt, and increased borrowing needs in the short term. These measures include additional spending (for
example, health services and unemployment benefits); capital grants and targeted transfers (for example,
wage subsidies or direct transfers); or tax measures (for example, tax cuts or other relief) provided through
standard budget channels. So, statement (1) is not correct.
"Below-the-line" measures are defined as generally involve the creation of assets, like equity injections,
loans, asset purchase, etc., which may have little or no upfront impact on the fiscal deficit. However, they
can later increase debt or reduce liquidity. So, statement (2) is not correct.
Therefore, the correct answer is d.

Q47. Answer: c
Explanation: The Faceless Assessment Scheme, 2019 (earlier called the e-assessment Sschemeand
renamed in August 2020) was based on the idea that automated random allocation of cases across Income
Tax teams with dynamic jurisdiction and elimination of face-to-face contact between the income-tax
authorities and the taxpayer can lead to an efficient, non-discretionary, unbiased single window system of
assessment. In 2020, the scope of Faceless Assessment Scheme 2019 was broadened by bringing all the
pending assessment cases across the country within the purview of the Scheme and, declaring that any
order passed outside the scheme shall be invalid. So, options a and b are correct.
Under Faceless Appeals Scheme, 2020, all Income Tax appeals will be finalised in a faceless manner
under the faceless ecosystem with the exception of appeals relating to serious frauds, major tax evasion,
sensitive & search matters, International tax and the Black Money Act. So, option c is not correct.
The taxpayer's charter for India comprises commitments by the Income Tax Department and obligations
of the taxpayers. It is one of the components of the new platform 'Transparent taxation- Honouring the
Honest.' So, option d is correct.
Therefore, the answer is c.

Q48. Answer: d

As per the economic survey 2020-21:

2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21

Capital (1.6) (1.8) (1.9) (1.5) (1.6) (1.7) (1.8)
(as % of

Non-Debt (0.51) (0.63) (0.65) (1.16) (1.13) (0.69) (2.25)

(in lakh

So, there is no single trend in case of both these parameters.

Therefore, the correct answer is d.

Q49. Answer: a

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Explanation: Drug formulations, biologicals have consistently registered positive growth and the highest
increase in absolute terms in recent months. This led to rise in its share to 7.1 percent in April-November,
2020 from 5.0 percent in April-November, 2019, making it the second-largest exported commodity among
the top 10 export commodities. This shows that India has the potential to be the 'pharmacy of the world.
So, statement (1) is correct.
Iron and Steel is another commodity whose share has increased from 3.0 percent to 4.4 percent in the
said period. However, the pandemic-related disruptions led to a sharp fall in exports of Motor Vehicles/
Cars as it no longer figures among the top 10 exported commodities in April-November, 2020. So,
statement (2) is not correct.
During Q1: FY 2020-21, India's exports and imports saw a sharp contraction in line with global trade
contraction. The decline in imports outweighed that in exports – leading to a smaller trade deficit of US$
9.8 billion as compared to US$ 49.2 billion in Q1 last year. India registered a trade surplus in June 2020
after a gap of 18 years. With the unlocking of the Economy from June onwards, a gradual revival in India's
merchandise trade got underway. The trade deficit during April-December, 2020-21 was US$ 57.5 billion
as compared to US$ 125.9 billion in the corresponding period last year. So, statement (3) is not correct.
Therefore, the correct answer is a.

Q50. Answer: c
Explanation: The transmission of policy repo rate changes to deposit and lending rates of scheduled
commercial banks (SCBs) has improved since March 2020, reflecting the combined impact of policy rate
cuts, large liquidity surplus with accommodative policy stance, and the introduction of external benchmark-
based pricing of loans. So, statement (1) is correct.
Across bank groups, Private Sector Banks exhibited greater transmission in terms of fresh loans. However
Public Sector Banks exhibited greater transmission on outstanding loans for the entire easing cycle. Private
Sector Banks also reduced deposit rates (measured by WADTDR) more than Public Sector Banks. So,
statement (2) is correct.
Therefore, the correct answer is c.

Q51. Answer: d
Explanation: In May 2020, the Government announced the Atma Nirbhar Bharat package (ANB 1.0). To
sustain the recovery further into the year, it also rolled out two more AtmaNirbhar Bharat packages (ANB
2.0 and ANB 3.0). The total financial impact of all Atma Nirbhar Bharat packages, including RBI measures,
was estimated to about Rs27.1 lakh crores which amount to more than 13% of GDP.
The Atma Nirbhar Packages accelerated our pace of structural reforms. Redefinition of MSMEs,
Commercialisation of the Mineral Sector, Agriculture and Labour Reforms, Privatisation of Public Sector
Undertakings, One Nation One Ration Card, and Production Linked Incentive Schemes are some of the
notable reforms carried out during this period. Faceless Income Tax Assessment, DBT and Financial
Inclusion are the others. So, options (1), (2), (3) and (4) are correct.
Therefore, the correct answer is d.

Q52. Answer: b
Explanation: As per the budget announcement, A new centrally sponsored scheme, PM
AtmaNirbharSwasth Bharat Yojana, will be launched with an outlay of about ` 64,180 crores over six years.
This will develop capacities of primary, secondary, and tertiary care Health Systems, strengthen existing
national institutions and create new institutions, to cater to the detection and cure of new and emerging
diseases. This will be in addition to the National Health Mission. So, statement (1) is not correct and
statement (2) is correct.
The main interventions under the scheme are:
a. Support for 17,788 rural and 11,024 urban Health and Wellness Centres.
b. Setting up integrated public health labs in all districts and 3382 block public health units in 11 states;
c. Establishing critical care hospital blocks in 602 districts and 12 central institutions;
d. Strengthening of the National Centre for Disease Control (NCDC), its 5 regional branches and 20
metropolitan health surveillance units;
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e. Expansion of the Integrated Health Information Portal to all States/UTs to connect all public health labs;
f. Operationalization of 17 new Public Health Units and strengthening of 33 existing Public Health Units
at Points of Entry that is at 32 Airports, 11 Seaports and seven land crossings;
g. Setting up of 15 Health Emergency Operation Centers and two mobile hospitals; and
h. Setting up of a national institution for One health, a Regional Research Platform for WHO
southeast Asia Region, 9 Bio-Safety Level III laboratories and four regional National Institutes for
Virology. So, statement (3) is correct.
Therefore, the correct answer is b.

Q53. Answer: b
Explanation: The NIP is a specific target which this Government is committed to achieving over the coming
years. It will require a major increase in funding both from the Government and the financial sector. In this
Budget, the Government proposed to take concrete steps to do this in three ways:
 Infrastructure needs long-term debt financing. A professionally managed Development Financial
Institution is necessary to act as a provider, enabler and catalyst for infrastructure financing.
Accordingly, Government shall introduce a Bill to set up a DFI. So, statement (1) is not correct.
 Debt Financing of InVITs and REITs by Foreign Portfolio Investors will be enabled by making suitable
amendments in the relevant legislations. This will further ease access of finance to InVITS and REITs,
thus augmenting funds for infrastructure and real estate sectors. So, statement (2) is correct.
 A "National Monetization Pipeline" of potential brownfield infrastructure assets will be launched. And,
an Asset Monetization dashboard will also be created to track the progress and to provide visibility to
investors. So, statement (3) is correct.
 For 2021-22, the Finance Minister proposed a sharp increase in capital expenditure and has provided
`5.54 lakh crores that are 34.5% more than the BE of 2020-21. So, statement (4) is not correct.
Therefore, the correct answer is b.

Q54. Answer: b
Explanation: Budget has proposed consolidating the provisions of SEBI Act, 1992, Depositories Act,
1996, Securities Contracts (Regulation) Act, 1956 and Government Securities Act, 2007 into a rationalized
single Securities Markets Code.
Nothing is mentioned regarding the Companies Act, 2013. So, statement (1) is not correct.
 SEBI Act: An Act to provide for the establishment of a Board to protect the interests of investors in
securities and to promote the development of, and to regulate, the securities market and for matters
connected therewith or incidental thereto. So, statement (2) is correct.
 Securities Contracts (Regulation) Act, 1956: An Act to prevent undesirable transactions in securities
by regulating the Business of dealing therein, by providing for certain other matters connected in
addition to that. So, statement (3) is correct.
 Depositories Act 1996: An Act to regulate depositories in securities and for matters connected in
addition to that or incidental to that. So, statement (4) is correct.
 Government Securities Act, 2007: The G S Act applies to Government securities created and issued
by the Central Government or a State Government, whether before or after the commencement of
this Act.
Therefore, the correct answer is b.

Q55. Answer: b
Explanation: The decriminalizing of the procedural and technical compoundable offenses under the
Companies Act, 2013, is now complete. The Budget has now proposed to next take up decriminalization
of the Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) Act, 2008. So, statement (1) is not correct.
It proposes to incentivize the incorporation of One-Person Companies (OPCs) by allowing OPCs to grow
without any restrictions on paid-up capital and turnover, allowing their conversion into any other type of
company at any time, reducing the residency limit for an Indian citizen to set up an OPC from 182 days to

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120 days and also allow Non-Resident Indians (NRIs) to incorporate OPCs in India. So, statement (2) is
It has been proposed to revise the definition under the Companies Act, 2013 for Small Companies by
increasing their thresholds for Paid-up capital from "not exceeding '50 Lakh" to "not exceeding `2 Crore"
and turnover from "not exceeding `2 Crore" to "not exceeding '20 Crore". So, statement (3) is correct.
Therefore, the correct answer is b.

Q56. Answer: a
Explanation: Under SWAMITVA Scheme, a record of rights is being given to property owners in villages.
So, statement (1) is correct.
With a corpus of `5,000 crores, the Micro Irrigation Fund has been created under NABARD; the Budget
has proposed to double it by augmenting it by another `5,000 crores. So, statement (2) is not correct.
As per the budget announcement, the Agriculture Infrastructure Fund would be made available to APMCs
for augmenting their infrastructure facilities. So, statement (3) is not correct.
Therefore, the correct answer is a.
SVAMITVA Scheme is a Central Sector scheme launched by the Prime Minister of India on National
Panchayat Day, i.e., 24th April, 2020. The Ministry of Panchayati Raj (MoPR) is the Nodal Ministry for
implementation of the scheme. In the States, the Revenue Department / Land Records Department will
be the Nodal Department and shall carry out the scheme with the State Panchayati Raj Department's
support. Survey of India shall work as the technology partner for implementation.
The scheme aims to provide an integrated property validation solution for rural India. The demarcation
of rural Abadi areas would be done using Drone Surveying technology. This would provide the 'record
of rights' to village household owners possessing houses in inhabited rural areas in villages which, in
turn, would enable them to use their property as a financial asset for taking loans and other financial
benefits from bank.
The scheme seeks to achieve the following objectives:
i. To bring financial stability to rural Indian citizens by enabling them to use their property as a financial
asset for taking loans and other financial benefits.
ii. Creation of accurate land records for rural planning.
iii. Determination of property tax, which would accrue to the GPs directly in States where it is devolved
or else, add to the State exchequer.
iv. Creation of survey infrastructure and GIS maps that can be leveraged by any department for their
v. To support the preparation of a better-quality Gram Panchayat Development Plan (GPDP) by using
GIS maps.
vi. To reduce property-related disputes and legal cases.

Q57. Answer: a
Explanation: Taking a step further in this direction, Government proposes to discontinue the NSSF Loan
to FCI for Food Subsidy and accordingly, Budget Provisions have been made in RE 2020-21 and BE 2021-
22. So, option a is correct.
In the July 2019-2020 Budget, Government introduced the Statement 27 on Extra Budgetary Resources –
it disclosed the borrowings of Government agencies that went towards funding GoI schemes and whose
repayment burden was on the Government. So, option b is not correct.
As against an original BE expenditure of `30.42 lakh crores for 2020- 2021, the RE estimates are `34.50
lakh crores. So, option c is not correct.
The capital expenditure, estimated in RE is ` 4.39 lakh crores in 2020-2021 as against `4.12 lakh crores in
BE 2020-21. So, option d is not correct.
Therefore, the correct answer is a.

Q58. Answer: c

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Explanation: Currently, if the turnover exceeds Rs. 1 crore, one will have to get his accounts audited. In
the February 2020 Budget, the Government had increased the limit for tax audits to Rs. 5 crores for those
who carry out 95% of their transactions digitally. To further incentivize digital transactions and reduce the
compliance burden, it has been proposed to increase this limit for tax audits for such persons from Rs. 5
crores to Rs. 10 crore. So, option a is not correct.
In the previous Budget, the Government had abolished the Dividend Distribution Tax (DDT) to incentivize
investment. The dividend was made taxable in the hands of shareholders. To provide ease of compliance,
it is proposed to make a dividend payment to REIT/ InvIT exempt from TDS. So, option b is not correct
and option c is correct.
The July 2019 Budget provided an additional deduction of interest, amounting to Rs. 1.5 lakh, for a loan
taken to purchase an affordable house. BUDGET 2021 has proposed to extend the eligibility of this
deduction by one more year to 31st March 2022. The additional deduction of Rs. 1.5 lakh shall be available
for loans taken up till 31st March 2022, to purchase an affordable house. So, option d is not correct.
Therefore, the correct answer is c.

Q59. Answer: c
Explanation: The new Policy aims at Minimising the presence of Central Government Public Sector
Enterprises, including financial institutions and creating new investment space for the private sector.
 Disinvestment proceeds to finance various social sector and developmental programs of the
Government. So, statement (1) is correct.
 The strategic sectors classified are: i) Atomic energy, Space and Defence ii) Transport and
Telecommunications iii) Power, Petroleum, Coal and other minerals iv) Banking, Insurance and
financial services d) In strategic sectors, there will be the bare minimum presence of the public sector
enterprises. The remaining CPSEs in the strategic sector will be privatized or merged or
subsidiaries with other CPSEs or closed. So, statement (2) is correct and (3) is not correct.
Therefore, the correct answer is c.

Q60. Answer: c
Explanation: In order to incentivize the setting-up of more start-ups in the country, it is proposed to extend
the eligibility period to claim tax holiday for the start-ups by one more year to 31 March 2022. So, option
a is correct.
To reduce the compliance burden on the small charitable trusts running educational institutions and
hospitals, it is proposed to increase the limit on annual receipts for these trusts from the present ` 1 crore
to ` 5 crores for non-applicability of various compliances like approval, etc. So, option b is correct.
To ensure timely deposit of employees' contribution to these funds by the employers, it is proposed to
reiterate that the late deposit of employees' contribution by the employer shall never be allowed as a
deduction to the employer. So, option c is not correct.
In order to provide certainty, it is being expressly clarified that transaction taxable under income-tax are
not liable for equalisation levy. Further, it is also proposed to clarify regarding applicability of equalisation
levy on physical/offline supply of goods and services. So, option d is correct.
Therefore, the answer is c.

Q61. Answer: b
 Lord Wavell (1943 – 1947) - On 15th June 1943, Prime Minister Winston Churchill offered Lord Wavell
the Viceroy position of India. Upon his arrival in India, one of his first actions was to address the
disastrous Bengal Famine that killed millions of Indians. Lord Wavell convened the Shimla Conference
and the Wavell Plan to bring the various factions together to set the tone for independent India's future
 Lord Linlithgow (1936 – 1943) - Lord Linlithgow was Viceroy of India from 1936 to 1944, and these
eight years were the longest reign as Viceroy of India. During this period, parts of the Government of
India Act 1935 came into force in 1937. Other events included –

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o Resignation of Congress Ministries to protest the involvement of Indians in world war-II;
o Start of World War II (1939),
o resignation of Subhash Chandra Bose and foundation of "Forward Block";
o Escape of SC Bose from India,
o Jinnah's two nation's theory;
o Atlanta Charter;
o August Offer (1940);
o Foundation of Indian National Army;
o Cripps Mission (1942);
o Launch of Quit India Movement.
 Lord Willingdon (1931 – 1936) - Lord Willingdon served as 22nd Viceroy and Governor-General of
India from 18th April 1931 to 18th April 1936. Important events of this period include Second and Third
Round Table Conferences, relaunching of Civil Disobedience Movement, Communal Award by
Ramsay MacDonald (1932), Poona Pact (1932), Government of India Act 1935, and Separation of
Burma from India.
 Lord Mountbatten (1947 – 1948) - As Viceroy of India (March–August 1947), he administered the
transfer of power from Britain to India and Pakistan's newly independent nations at the partition of the
subcontinent that took effect at midnight August 14–15, 1947. As governor-general of India (August
1947–June 1948), he helped persuade the Indian princes to merge their states into India or Pakistan.
Therefore the correct answer is b.

Q62. Answer: a
Explanation: On 1st September 1939, Germany attacked Poland, which led to the Second World War. On
3rd September 1939, Britain declared war against Germany and the British Government of India declared
India's support for the war without consulting Indian opinion. The leaders of national struggle respond to
Indian support to British war efforts in the following way.
Gandhi – He had all sympathy for Britain in the Second World War because of his total dislike of the fascist
ideology, advocated unconditional support to the Allied powers and made a clear distinction between the
democratic nations of Western Europe and the totalitarian Nazis and fascists. So, statement (1) is not
Bose – He had no sympathy for either side in the war. In his opinion, the war was fought by imperialists
on both sides; each side wanted to protect its colonial possessions and gain more territories to colonize,
so the nationalists should support neither side. So, statement (2) is not correct.
Nehru - He believed that justice was on the side of Britain, France and Poland. Still, he also thought that
Britain and France were imperialist powers and that "the war resulted from the inner contradictions of
capitalism maturing since the end of World War I." He advocated India's non-participation until it becomes
free. However, at the same time, no advantage was taken of Britain's difficulty by starting an immediate
civil disobedience movement. So, statement (3) is correct.
Therefore, the correct answer is a.

Q63. Answer: a
Explanation: Lord Linlithgow's refusal to define British war aims (October 1939) - Wardha session
of the Congress Working Committee in 1939 asked the Government to declare its war aims. The
Government's response was entirely negative. In his statement made on 17th October 1939, Viceroy
Linlithgow tried to use the Muslim League and the princes against the Congress. The Government refused
to define British war aims beyond stating that Britain was resisting aggression.
Pakistan Resolution - The first meeting of the League after the outbreak of the war was held in Punjab's
ancient capital of Lahore in March 1940. The famous Lahore Resolution, later known as
the Pakistan Resolution, was passed by the largest gathering of league delegates. The League resolved
that any future constitutional plan proposed by the British for India would not be "acceptable to the Muslims"
unless it was so designed that the Muslim-majority "areas" of India's "North-Western and Eastern Zones"

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were "grouped to constitute 'independent States' in which the constituent units shall be autonomous and
Individual Satyagraha - On 17th October 1940, the Father of the Nation, Mahatma Gandhi, had chosen
Acharya Vinoba Bhave as the first Satyagrahi (proponent of Satyagraha) to start personal Satyagraha (a
movement which meant holding to the truth) and Jawaharlal Nehru as the second. The Congress was
confused again after the August Offer. The radicals and leftists wanted to launch a mass Civil Disobedience
Movement, but here Gandhi insisted on Individual Satyagraha. The Individual Satyagraha was not to seek
independence but to affirm the right to speech. The Satyagrahi demanded to use freedom of speech
against the war through an anti-war declaration. If the Government did not arrest the Satyagrahi, they
would move, repeating it in villages and start a march towards Delhi ("Delhi Chalo Movement").
August Offer - To win over the sympathies of the Indian masses and political parties during the war, His
Majesty's Government issued a White Paper on 8th August 1940. This document is known as the August
Offer. It includes-
 Dominion status as the objective for India;
 Expansion of Viceroy's Executive Council which would have a majority of Indians (who would be drawn
from major political parties);
 Setting up a constituent assembly after the war where mainly Indians would decide the constitution
according to their social, economic, and political conceptions, subject to fulfillment of the Government's
obligation regarding defense, minority rights, treaties with States, all Indian services.
 No future constitution to be adopted without the consent of minorities. Congress launched individual
Satyagraha after the August offer.
Therefore, the correct answer is a.

Q64. Answer: a
Explanation: Cabinet mission came in 1946, whereas the Quit India movement took place in 1942. The
Quit India movement was in response to the failure of the Cripps mission. So, option a is not correct.
The major reasons for the launch of the Quit India Movement are:
 The immediate cause for the movement was the collapse of the Cripps Mission.
 The British assumption of unconditional support from India to the British in World War II was not taken
well by the Indian National Congress.
 The anti-British sentiments and demand for complete independence had gained popularity among
the Indian masses.
 The two decades of mass movement conducted on a much more radical tone under the leadership
of the various associated and affiliated bodies of the Congress, like All India KisanSabha, Forward
Bloc, etc., had already prepared the ground for the movement.
 The economy was also in shatters as a result of World War II.
 The Second World War had started in 1939 and Japan, which was part of the Axis Powers opposed to
the British in the war, was gaining onto India's north-eastern frontiers.
 The British had abandoned their territories in South-East Asia and had left their population in the lurch.
This Act did not garner much faith among the Indian people who had doubts about the British ability to
defend India against Axis aggression.
 The manner in which the British evacuated from South-East Asia, leaving the subjects to their fate (two
roads were provided—Black Road for Indian refugees and White Road exclusively for European
refugees) and the rout of a European power by an Asian power shattered white prestige. The British
behavior towards the Indian subjects in South-East Asia exposed the racist attitude of the rulers.
Therefore, the answer is a.

Q65. Answer: b
Explanation: In July 1942, the Congress Working Committee met at Wardha and resolved that it would
authorize Gandhi to take charge of the non-violent mass movement. The Quit India Resolution was ratified
at the Congress meeting at Gowalia Tank, Bombay, on 8th August 1942. So, statement (1) is correct.

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Gandhi gave general instructions to different sections. Gandhi's special instructions were spelled out at
the Gowalia Tank meeting but not issued.
They were directed at various sections of society.
 Government servants: Do not resign but declare your allegiance to Congress.
 Soldiers: Do not leave the Army but do not fire on compatriots.
 Students: If confident, leave studies.
 Peasants: If zamindars are anti-government, pay mutually agreed rent, and if zamindars are pro-
government, do not pay rent.
 Princes: Support the masses and accept the sovereignty of your people.
 Princely states, ' people: Support the ruler only if he is anti-government and declare yourselves part of
the Indian nation.
 Gandhi followed up with the now-famous exhortation: "Here is a mantra, a short one that I give you.
You may imprint it on your hearts and let every breath of yours give expression to it. The mantra is: 'Do
or Die.' We shall either free India or die in the attempt; we shall not live to see the perpetuation of our
slavery." So, statement (2) is correct.
The CPI was officially against the Quit India movement. What needs to be emphasized here is that the CPI
decision was not based on any understanding of the Indian situation by Indian communists. The opposition
to the clarion call of 1942 was the outcome of a diktat emanating from Moscow. When Hitler attacked his
erstwhile ally, the Soviet Union, in 1941, the fight against Nazism overnight became a People's War for all
communists. The directive from Moscow was carried by Achhar Singh Chinna, alias Larkin, who traveled
from the Soviet Union to India with the full knowledge of the British authorities. In India, it meant
communists had to isolate themselves from the mainstream of national life and politics and see British rule
as a friendly force since the communists' "fatherland," Soviet Russia, was an ally of Britain. So, statement
(3) is not correct.
Therefore, the correct answer is b.

Q66. Answer: d
Explanation: In February 1943, a striking new development provided a new burst of political activity.
Gandhiji commenced a fast on' 10th February in jail. He declared the fast would last for twenty-one days.
It was his answer to the Government, which had constantly been exhorting him to condemn the people's
violence in the Quit India Movement. Gandhiji not only refused to condemn the people's resort to violence
but unequivocally held the Government responsible for it. It was the 'leonine violence' of the state which
had provoked the people, he said. And it was against this violence of the state, which included the
unwarranted detention of thousands of Congressmen that Gandhiji vowed to register his protest, in the
only way open to him when in jail, by fasting.
Therefore the correct answer is d.

Q67. Answer: d
Explanation: Britain and France, which had been following a policy of appeasement towards Hitler, were
now forced to go to Poland's aid and declare war on Germany during Second World War. They did this on
3rd September 1939. The Government of India immediately declared India to be at war with Germany
without consulting the Congress or the Central Legislature's elected members.
Congress leadership wanted the British Government to immediately define its war aims and give some
responsible Government in India.
The British Government's response was entirely negative. Linlithgow, the Viceroy, in his well-considered
statement of 17th October 1939, harped on the differences among Indians, tried to use the Muslim League
and the Princes against the Congress, and refused to define Britain's war aims beyond stating that Britain
was resisting aggression. Secretary of State Zetland spoke in the House of Lords and stressed differences
among Indians, especially among Hindus and Muslims. He branded the Congress as a purely Hindu
The angriest reaction to the above statement came from Gandhiji advocating more or less unconditional
support to Britain. Pointing out that the British Government was continuing to pursue 'the old policy of
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divide and rule,' he said: 'The Indian declaration (of the Viceroy) clearly shows that there is to be no
democracy for India if Britain can prevent it. . . The Congress asked for bread and it has got a stone.'
Therefore, the correct answer is d.

Q68. Answer: b
Explanation: Hitler's astounding success in the Second World War and the fall of Belgium, Holland and
France put England in a conciliatory mood. As the war in Europe had undertaken a new turn, the dominant
Congress leadership was again in a dilemma. Both Gandhi and Nehru strongly opposed the idea of taking
advantage of Britain's position.
The Congress was ready to compromise, asking the British Government to let it form an interim
government during the war period, but the Government was not interested.
The Government came up with its offer to get the cooperation of India in the war effort. Linlithgow
announced the August Offer (August 1940). So, statement (3) is not correct.
It proposed:
o Dominion status for India. So, statement (1) is not correct.
o Expansion of the Viceroy's Executive Council would have a majority of Indians (who would be drawn
from major political parties). So, statement (2) is correct.
o Setting up of a constituent assembly after the war where mainly Indians would decide the constitution
according to their social, economic and political conceptions, subject to fulfillment of the obligation of
the Government regarding defense, minority rights, treaties with States, all Indian services; and
o No future constitution to be adopted without the consent of minorities.
Therefore, the answer is b.

Q69. Answer: c
Explanation: The Cabinet Mission reached Delhi on 24th March 1946. It was a high-powered mission of
three British cabinet members (Pethick Lawrence, Secretary of State for India; Stafford Cripps, President
of the Board of Trade; and A.V. Alexander, First Lord of Admiralty). So, option a is correct.
Salient features of Cabinet mission plan
 Rejection of the demand for a full-fledged Pakistan. So, option b is correct.
 Grouping of existing provincial assemblies into three sections:
o Section-A: Madras, Bombay, Central Provinces, United Provinces, Bihar and Orissa (Hindu-
majority provinces)
o Section-B: Punjab, North-West Frontier Province and Sindh (Muslim-majority provinces)
o Section-C: Bengal and Assam (Muslim-majority provinces of East). As this provides groping of only
Provinces and not princely states. So,option c is not correct.
 Three-tier executive and Legislature at provincial, section and union levels.
 A constituent assembly was to be elected by provincial assemblies by proportional representation
(voting in three groups—General, Muslims, Sikhs). This constituent assembly would be a 389-member
body with provincial assemblies sending 292, chief commissioner's provinces sending 4, and princely
states sending 93 members. (This was a good, democratic method not based on weightage.)
 In the constituent assembly, members from groups A, B and C were to sit separately to decide the
constitution for provinces and, if possible, for the groups. The whole constituent assembly (all three
sections A, B and C combined) would sit together to formulate the union constitution.
 A common center would control defense, communication and external affairs. A federal structure was
envisaged for India.
 Communal questions in the central Legislature were to be decided by a simple majority of both
communities present and voting.
 Provinces were to have full autonomy and residual powers.
 Princely states were no longer to be under the paramountcy of the British Government. They would be
free to enter into an arrangement with successor governments or the British Government.
 After the first general elections, a province was to be free to come out of a group. After ten years, a
province was free to call for a reconsideration of the group or the union constitution.
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 Meanwhile, an interim government was to be formed from the constituent assembly. So, option d is
Therefore, the answer is c.

Q70. Answer: d
Explanation: In August Offer of 1940, for the first time, the inherent right of Indians to frame their
constitution was recognized and the Congress's demand for a constituent assembly was conceded. Also,
dominion status was explicitly offered. So, options a and b happened in 1940.
Partition of the country into India and Pakistan was rooted in the Muslim League's two-nation theory and
demanded through the Pakistan Resolution of March 1940. Partition was finally accepted in the
Mountbatten Plan of 3rd June 1947, which divided both Punjab and Bengal. So, option c happened in
Diarchy also spelled diarchy, a double government system introduced by the Government of India
Act (1919) for British India provinces. It was introduced as a constitutional reform by Edwin Samuel
Montagu (secretary of state for India, 1917–22) and Lord Chelmsford (Viceroy of India, 1916–21). The
diarchy principle was a division of each provincial Government's executive branch into authoritarian and
popularly responsible sections. The first was composed of executive councilors, appointed, as before, by
the crown. The second was composed of ministers who the governor chose from the elected members of
the provincial Legislature. These latter ministers were Indians. So, option d happened in 1919.
Therefore, the correct answer is d.

Q71. Answer: c
Explanation: Subhash Chandra Bose passed the Indian Civil Services examination securing the fourth
position but resigned from the service in 1921 to join the struggle for freedom by becoming a Congress
His political guru was Chittaranjan Das and not Mahatma Gandhi. Bose didn't follow Gandhi's ideas of
Satyagraha or struggle truce and struggle. His disagreement with Gandhi was quite visible in Gandhi's
decision to stop Non-Cooperation Movement and questions regarding how the national movement should
respond to World War 2 situation. So, statement (1) is not correct.
In February 1938, the Indian National Congress convened for its 51st Session at Haripura, a village in
Bardoli District, Gujarat. The session was attended by over two lacks people. Subash Chandra Bose, the
newly minted President of the Congress Party, presided over the session. Bose talked of the country's
economic development through planning and was instrumental in setting up a National Planning
Committee later. So, statement (2) is correct.
In March 1940, Bose convened an Anti-Compromise Conference at Ramgarh; it was a joint effort of the
Forward Bloc and the KisanSabha. It was resolved at the conference that a worldwide struggle should be
launched on 6th April, the first day of the National Week, with a call to the people not to help the Imperialist
War with any resource—men, money, or materials. So, statement (3) is correct.
Therefore, the correct answer is c.

Q72. Answer: a
Explanation: On the date of 21st October 1943, Bose announced the Provisional Government of Free
India (PGFI), ArziHakumat-e-Azad Hind, or, in short, Azad Hind Government, an Indian government-in-
exile. It started functioning in Singapore with 11 ministers and eight representatives from the INA. The
Provisional Government of Free India was a culmination of the political movement originating in the early
1940s outside India to liberate her from British rule.
The Government of Azad Hind soon had its currency, court, civil code and national anthem 'SubhSukh
Chain.' So, statement (1) is correct.
The INA had its motto, 'Ittihad, ItmadaurQurbani' (unity, faith and sacrifice) and its national greeting 'Jai
Hind.' So, statement (2) is correct while (3) is not correct.
Therefore, the correct answer is a.

Q73. Answer: d
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Explanation: INA trial case was taken up by a team of Congress lawyer-politicians including K.N. Katju,
Asaf Ali, and even Jawaharlal Nehru. The lead defense counsel was the prominent Bombay advocate
Bhulabhai Desai as Mohamed Ali Jinnah was not part of the defense. So, option d is not correct.
Therefore the correct answer is d.
The INA Trials
The Japanese took around 60000 British Indian soldiers as Prisoners of war (PoW). Some of these
soldiers were come together under Subhash Chandra Bose to form the Indian National Army. After WW
II, they became Pow again and the British considered them traitors, deserving of severe punishment.
The furious, self-righteous British Government decided to make an example of the INA leaders by
performing their court-martial and treason trial — the first one was to take place in Delhi's iconic Red
Fort, the same place where Bose promised that INA would declare India's independence.
Of the three INA generals arraigned for the first trial was a Hindu (Prem Kumar Sehgal), a Muslim (Shah
Nawaz Khan) and a Sikh (Gurbaksh Singh Dhillon). The cause of their defense was taken up by the
Congress, whose leaders toured the country, mobilizing support for the soldiers awaiting the trial.

Q74. Answer: b
Explanation: Between March and May of 1947, Mountbatten decided that the Cabinet Mission Plan had
become untenable and formulated an alternative plan. So, statement (1) is not correct.
This plan envisaged the transfer of power to separate provinces (or to a confederation, if formed before
the transfer), with Punjab and Bengal given the option to vote for their provinces' partition. So, statements
(2) and (3) is correct.
The various units thus formed along with the princely states (rendered independent by lapse of
paramountcy) would have the option of joining India or Pakistan or remaining separate. The plan was
quickly abandoned after Nehru reacted violently to it.
Therefore, the correct answer is b.

Q75. Answer: a
Explanation: Boundary Commission, the consultative committee created in July 1947, recommended how
the Punjab and Bengal regions of the Indian subcontinent were divided between India and Pakistan shortly
before each was to become independent from Britain. The commission—appointed by Lord Mountbatten,
the last Viceroy of British India, was chaired by Sir Cyril Radcliffe. So, statement (1) is correct.
Sir Cyril was asked to complete the demarcation by 15th August, but the final result was published only on
17th August 1947. So, statement (2) is not correct.
The commission used the 1941 census in its task of dividing Bengal and Punjab. So, statement (3) is not
Therefore, the correct answer is a.

Q76. Answer: b
TheCharter Act, 1793:
 This Act extended the commercial privileges of the company for twenty more years.
 The powers of the Governor-General were strengthened and emphasized over the presidencies of
Bombay and Madras.
 It provided to pay the board of control's salaries and its staff from the Indian revenues and not British
exchequer. So, statement (1) is not correct.
The Charter Act of 1813:
 East India Company's trade monopoly was abolished except over trade with China and trade in tea.
 Separate accounts were to be kept of commercial transactions and territorial revenues.
 Allowed Christian missionaries to come to India for evangelical activities.
 Explicitly defined for the first time the constitutional position of the British territories in India. So,
statement (2) is correct.
 Sum of one lakh rupees to be kept aside for educational purposes.
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The Charter Act 1833:
 All restrictions on European immigration and the acquisition of property by Europeans were removed.
So, statement 3 is correct.
 It centralized the power entirely into Governor-General of Bengal's hands, known as Governor-General
of India henceforth.
 It ended activities of East India Company as a commercial body.
Therefore, the correct answer is b.

Q77. Answer: b
1920 session of Congress: In 1920, two sessions of Congress were held:
 Special session at Calcutta presided over by LalaLajpatRai. In this session, Mahatma Gandhi moved
a resolution for the Non-Cooperation movement.
 Regular session at Nagpur presided over by C. Vijayraghavachariar. In this session, a new constitution
of Congress was adopted. Working committees of Congress were reconstituted on a linguistic basis.
So, statement 1 is correct.
1931 session of Congress:
 It was held in Karachi and not Lahore. So, statement 2 is not correct.
 It was presided over by Vallabhai Patel.
 In this session, Gandhi- Irwin's Pact was endorsed and Gandhi was to be the representative in the
Second Round Table Conference.
 Also, the resolutions on fundamental rights and National Economic policy were adopted.
Therefore, the answer is b.

Q78. Answer: d
Explanation: Radhaswamy movement:
 This movement was founded by Tulsi Ram, who was popularly known as Shiv Dayal Saheb or Swamiji
Maharaj. So, statement (1) is correct.
 They believed in the one Supreme Being, the supremacy of the guru.
 They preached the simple social life in the company of pious people, which came to be known as
 They also firmly believed that there is no need to renounce worldly life for spiritual goals.
 It also recognized temples and sacred places.
 It was founded in 1867 by DadobaPandurang and Atmaram Pandurang. So, statement (2) is correct.
 The ideas of Brahmosamaj inspired it.
 The Samaj got the ideological background from the works of MahadevGovindRanade.
 It believed in monotheism, abolition of caste discrimination and religious Orthodoxy.
Indian Reform Association:
 It was founded in 1870 by the Keshub Chandra Sen. So, statement (3) is correct.
 Its objectives were to create public opinion against child marriages and uplift the social status of
 It also worked to legalize Brahmo type of marriages.
Therefore, the correct answer is d.

Q79. Answer: c
Explanation: William Bentinck
 First Governor-General of India according to the Charter Act of 1833.
 He was a Member of Parliament and also appointed as the Governor of Madras in 1806.
 He worked for the abolition of sati and due to his efforts, the sati was declared illegal by Regulation no.
XVII of 1829, which was later extended in different forms to Madras and Bombay presidency.
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 The famine of 1876-78 was a most grievous calamity since the beginning of the 19th century.
 Due to this, the Government of Lord Lytton appointed a famine commission under the chairmanship of
Sir Richard Strachey. So, statement (1) is not correct.
 The Strachey Commission recommended that it should be the state's duty to provide gratuitous relief
to the impotent poor. So, statement (2) is correct.
 It also recommended that the provincial government should bear the cost of famine relief.
 The commission made suggestions concerning the suspension and remission of land revenue and
Anthony MacDonnell Commission:
 Lord Curzon appointed a commission under the presidency of Sir Anthony MacDonnell.
 It submitted its report in 1901.
 It advocated the appointment of a Famine Commissioner in a province. So, statement (3) is correct.
Therefore, the correct answer is b.

Q86. Answer: c
Explanation: Modern education in India was introduced by the British with the Charter Act of 1813. Along
with the British Government, Christian missionaries and enlightened Indians also played a significant role
in the spread of education in Indian society.
In 1823, the Governor-General-in Council appointed a "General Committee of Public Instruction", which
was responsible for granting the one lakh of rupees for education. That committee consisted of 10
European members, of which Lord Macaulay was the President.
 The Minute of Macaulay proposed the downward filtration theory. The theory suggested to educate a
few of the upper classes to associate them with governance.
 These educated elites will automatically lead to the spread of education to the masses. So, statement
(1) is not correct
 The Wood’s Despatch of 1854 is known as the 'Magna Carta of British education in India.' So,
statement (2) is not correct
Therefore, the answer is c.

Q87. Answer: a
Explanation: The Government of Indian Act was passed by the British parliament in 1935 and came into
effect in 1937. It was based on a report by a Joint Select Committee, led by Lord Linlithgow, set up by the
two houses of the British parliament. The report, in turn, was the result of the Joint Committee's scrutiny
of the 'White Paper' – a scheme of constitutional proposals - prepared by the British Government close on
the heels of the Round Table conferences.
The Act was written in a legal style, organized around 11 'Parts' and 10 'Schedules'. Each part was further
divided into chapters. It is considered to be one of the longest pieces of legislation passed by the British
parliament - parliamentary debates around the Act involved 2000 speeches.
Provisions of the Government of India Act, 1935:
 It proposed to establish the All India Federation of provinces and princely states. However, the
Federation never came into being as princely states refused to join it. So, statement (1) is correct.
 It abolished dyarchy in provinces and introduced provincial autonomy. So, statement (2) is correct.
 It provided for the adoption of dyarchy at the center.
 It extended the principle of communal representation by providing a separate electorate to the
Depressed Classes, women and labor.
 It proposed to establish a Federal Public Service Commission. So, statement (3) is not correct.
 It also provided for the establishment of the Reserve Bank of India.
Therefore, the correct answer is a.

Q88. Answer: d
Explanation: The Muslim League was founded in 1906 to safeguard the rights of Indian Muslims. At first,
the League was encouraged by the British and was generally favorable to their rule, but the organization
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adopted self-government for India as its goal in 1913. For several decades the League and its leaders,
notably Mohammed Ali Jinnah, called for Hindu-Muslim unity in a united and independent India. It was not
until 1940 that the League called for the formation of a Muslim state that would be separate from the
projected independent country of India. The League wanted a separate nation for India's Muslims because
it feared that Hindus would dominate an independent India.
 Muslim League was established in 1906.
 It had its headquarter at Lucknow.
 It had threefold objectives as follows:
1. To create among Muslims the feeling of loyalty towards the British Government.
2. To safeguard the political rights of the Muslims and to convey the same to the Government.
3. To prevent the rise of prejudice against other communities of India among the Muslims.
So, all statements (1), (2) and (3) are correct.
Therefore, the correct answer is d.

Q89. Answer: c
Explanation: The Muslim League was founded in 1906 to safeguard the rights of Indian Muslims. For
several decades the League and its leaders, notably Mohammed Ali Jinnah, called for Hindu-Muslim unity
in a united and independent India. It was not until 1940 that the League called for the formation of a Muslim
state that would be separate from the projected independent country of India. The League wanted a
separate nation for India's Muslims because it feared that an independent India would be dominated by
 The literary movement that Aligarh Muslim University began sown the seeds of the formation of the
Muslim League.
 Nawab Salimullah Khan published a detailed scheme through which he suggested the party to be
named 'All India Muslim Confederacy.'
 Muslim League was established in 1906 in Dhaka under the leadership of Agha Khan, who was also
known as Sultan Mohammed Shah. So, statement 1 is correct.
 Sultan Mohammed Shah was appointed as the first honorary President of the Muslim League. So,
statement 2 is correct.
Therefore, the correct answer is c.

Q90. Answer: c
Anushilan Samiti:
 The AnushilanSamiti arose in 1902 in Bengal.
 PromothaMittar founded it along with the JatindranathBanarjee, Barindra Kumar Ghosh and others.
So, statement (1) is correct.
 It started a weekly Yugantar to propagate revolutionary ideas.
 In 1908, Barrahdacoity was organized by Dacca AnushilanSamiti under Pulin Das.
 Sardar Ajit Singh started an agitation against the increased water rates of Chennab and Bari doable
irrigation channels.
 He established Anjuman-i-Mohisban-i-watan on extremist lines for the agitation. So, statement (2) is
not correct.
 Vinayak Damodar Savarkar established a revolutionary organization called Mitramela in 1899. So,
statement (3) is correct.
 This organization was turned into Abhinav Bharat in 1904.
Therefore, the correct answer is c.

Q91. Answer: c
GS Test – 7 (4th April 2021)
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 He was a founder of the Mexican Communist party along with the M. Borodin. So, statement (1) is
 He was also a delegate to congresses of the communist international.
 He opposed Lenin's thesis on the National and Colonial Question.
 He established an Indian Marxist group in Tashkent in 1920.
Shripad Dange:
 He was a founding member of the communist party of India.
 He wrote a booklet on Gandhi versus Lenin in which he tried to prove Lenin's greatness compared to
Gandhi. So, statement (2) is correct.
Therefore, the correct answer is c.

Q92. Answer: c
Explanation: Formed in 1934 as Congress Socialist Party, with its constitution, membership, discipline
and ideology, it remained within the Congress Party till March 1948. Their disassociation as a protest
against Congress's move towards the right and its growing authoritarian tendencies was announced at a
meeting in Nashik on 28th March 1948. In September 1952, the CSP merged with the KisanMazdoorPraja
Party (KMPP) to form a new party—Praja Socialist Party (PSP).
 The idea of forming a socialist party within the Congress was floated by young socialists such as
Jayaprakash Narayan, Achyut Patwardhan, Minoo Masani, Ashok Mehta, etc., in 1933.
 The Congress Socialist Party was finally founded in 1934 by socialists. M.N Roy was not associated
with the establishment of CSP.
 It included advocates of arms struggle as well as those who insisted upon nonviolence.
 CSP advocated decentralized socialism in which Cooperatives, trade unions, etc., would hold a
substantial share of economic power. So, options (1), (3) and (4) are correct while option (2) is not
Therefore, the correct answer is c.

Q93. Answer: c
Acharya Narendra Dev:
 He was a democratic socialist and renounced violence as a means of freedom.
 He also served as a member of Uttar Pradesh's Legislative Assembly.
 He, along with Sampurnananda, proposed Socialist Agrarian Program. So, statement (1) is correct.
 He remained associated with Socialist Party and after independence to the Praja Socialist Party.
 Due to these contributions, he is known as the Father of the Socialist movement in India. So, statement
(2) is correct.
Therefore, the correct answer is c.

Q94. Answer: a
Explanation: The Indian capitalist grew due to their import substitution policy between 1914 and 1947.
They captured around 72% of the domestic market. This growth was comparatively unusual for any
industry in a colony. It was achieved by wresting space from them by fighting against colonial rule. The
capitalists took anti-imperialism stands but were careful not to choose a path that would threaten capitalism
Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industries (FICCI):
 FICCI was established in 1927 on the advice of Mahatma Gandhi by G.D. Birla and Purushottamdas
Thakurdas. So, statements (1) and (2) are correct.
 It is the largest and apex organization in India.
 It is a non-government, non-profit organization.

GS Test – 7 (4th April 2021)

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 FICCI was not merely a body that was working as a trade union and never tried to intervene politically
against the colonial Government to advance the interests of Indian capitalists. So, statement (3) is
not correct.
Therefore, the correct answer is a.

Q95. Answer: d
Explanation: The National Council of Women in India was formed in 1925 as a national branch of the
International Council of Women. However, the National Council of Women did not merge with the All-India
Women's Conference. So, statement (3) is not correct.
The Council was elitist and hence failed to grow and become a vital national organization. The annual
membership fee was Rs.15, and it took Rs 500 to become a life member and Rs.1,000 to become a patron.
The members were all women of wealth and position, capable of affording the Council's leaders' expensive
travel and enough space to house the Council office. Many women could not afford to join this organization,
nor did they feel comfortable in the presence of these affluent and titled women. So, statement (1) is not
To a great extent, the Council's works were determined by the interest of the individual members. Standing
sectional committees were formed to deal with art, labor, legislation, and the press. The Council primarily
looked to the Government for the improvements they desired. They were confident that they understood
both the problems of Indian women and the solutions to these problems and advised the Government on
welfare issues. They found this work agreeable and their contacts, established through family, marriage,
and social interaction gave them credibility that exceeded their experience or numbers.
All India Women's Conference: The All India Women's Conference (AIWC), founded by Margaret Cousins
in 1927, was perhaps the first women's organization with an egalitarian approach. Its first conference was
held at Ferguson College, Pune. Important founding members included Maharani Chimnabai Gaekwad,
Rani Sahiba of Sangli, Sarojini Naidu, Kamla Devi Chattopadhyaya and Lady Dorab Tata. Its objectives
were to work for a society based on principles of social justice, integrity, equal rights and opportunities;
and to secure for every human being the essentials of life, not determined by the accident of birth or sex
but by planned social distribution. So, Statement (2) is not correct.
Therefore, the correct answer is d.

Q96. Answer: a
Explanation: The most important feature of the labor movement during the Swadeshi days was the shift
from agitations and struggles on purely economic questions to the worker's involvement with the day's
broader political issues. The labor movement had graduated from relatively unorganized and spontaneous
strikes on economic issues to organized strikes on economic issues with the nationalists' support and then
on to working-class involvement in broader political movements. So, statement (1) is correct.
On the day the partition of Bengal came into effect, the national upsurge included spurt of working-class
strikes and hartals in Bengal. Workers in several jute mills and jute press factories, railway coolies and
carters, all struck work. Workers numbering 12,000 in the Bum Company shipyard in Howrah struck work
on being refused to leave to attend the Federation Hall meeting called by the Calcutta Swadeshi leaders.
Workers also went on strike when the management objected to their singing Bande Mataram or tying rakhis
on each others' wrists as a symbol of unity. With the decline in the nationalist mass upsurge after 1908,
the labor movement also suffered an eclipse. Only with the coming of the next nationalist upsurge in the
immediate post-World-War I years that the working-class movement was to regain its strength, though now
on a qualitatively higher plane. So, statement (2) is not correct.
Beginning with the Home Rule Leagues in 1915 and continuing through the Rowlatt Satyagraha in1919,
the national movement reached great heights in the Non-Cooperation and Khilafat Movement 1920-22.
There occurred a resurgence of working-class activity in the years from 1919to 1922. The working class
now created its national-level organization to defend its class rights, called AITUC(All India Trade Union
Congress). In this period, the working class also got involved in the mainstream of nationalist politics to a
significant extent. So, statement (3) is not correct.
Therefore, the correct answer is a.

GS Test – 7 (4th April 2021)

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Q97. Answer: a
Explanation: Bombay Presidency Association was started in 1885 by Pheroshah Mehta, Badruddin
Tayabji and KT Telang. It was formed in opposition to the Ilbert Bill and Lytton's other reactionary policies.
Mehta was also one of the founders of the Indian National Congress. Hence, born in 1845 in Bombay,
Pherozeshah Mehta came under Dadabhai Naoroji's influence while studying law in London during the
1860s. So, statement (1) is correct.
He was a member of the Bombay Legislative Council from 1886 and elected to the governor-general's
Imperial Legislative Council in 1893. He was a powerful debater and his speeches were marked by
boldness, lucidity, incisiveness, a ready wit, and quick repartee, and ascertain literary quality. For example:
In 1901, a Bill was brought in the Bombay Legislative to take away the peasant's right to land ownership
to prevent him from bartering it out because of his thriftlessness. Denying this charge and opposing the
bill, Mehta defended the peasant's right to have some joy, color, and moments of brightness in his life. So,
statement (2) is correct.
He presided over the sixth session of the Indian National Congress in 1890. The second session of INC
was presided by Dadabhai Naoroji. During a legal defense of a Bombay commissioner, he noted the need
for municipal government reforms. He later drew up the Municipal Act of 1872, for which he was called the
"father of municipal government in Bombay." He became a commissioner himself in 1873 and served as
chairman in 1884–85 and 1905. From about the middle of the 1890s till his death in 1915, he was a
dominant figure in the Indian National Congress. He was knighted in 1904. After a trip to England in 1910,
Mehta was appointed vice-chancellor of the University of Bombay (now University of Mumbai). In 1911 he
helped found the Central Bank of India, financed and controlled by Indian interests. So, statement (3) is
not correct.
Therefore, the correct answer is a.

Q98. Answer : a
Explanation:The Bardoli Satyagraha was launched on 4 February 1928 by Vallabhbhai Patel after the
Government in 1927 raised the land revenue by 22 percent. So, statement a is correct.
The movement was widely reported in the national press and was a spectacular success. The enhanced
revenue rates were cut down and confiscated lands were returned based on reports of a Judicial inquiry
initiated due to it. So, statement b is not correct.
A meeting of Bardoli taluq occupants passed a resolution advising all occupants of the land to refuse
payment of the revised assessment until the Government appointed an independent tribunal or accepted
the current amount as full payment. Peasants were asked to take oaths in the name of Prabhu and Khuda
that they would not pay the land revenue. Caste and Village panchayats were used as a social tool to
ensure support for the movement. So, statement c is not correct.
To organize the movement, Patel set up 13 chhavanis or workers' camps in the taluka. Bardoli
SatyagrahaPatrika was brought out to mobilize public opinion. An intelligence wing was set up to make
sure all the tenants followed the movement's resolutions. Those who opposed the movement faced a social
boycott. Special emphasis was placed on the mobilization of women. So, statement d is not correct.
Therefore, the correct answer is a.

Q99. Answer: a
Explanation: Bengal Pact was an agreement aimed at resolving the question of Hindu-Muslim differences.
Chittaranjan Das, the prominent leader, came forward to take up the task of strengthening relations
between Hindus and Muslims. The terms of the Pact, commonly known as the Bengal Pact, were passed
in the Swarajist Party Councilors meeting held on 16th December 1923. It was made clear that the Pact
would be effective only after the real foundation of self-government in the province. The Pact was also
passed in the Bengal Provincial Congress Committee meeting held on 18th December 1923.
Therefore, the correct answer is a.

Q100. Answer: b
Explanation: Sucheta Kripalani was one of the greatest freedom fighters of India. She founded the
Congress' women wing 'All India Mahila Congress' in 1940. Along with Aruna Asaf Ali and Usha Mehta,
GS Test – 7 (4th April 2021)
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she was at the forefront of the Quit India Movement. Two underground centers directed political activities;
both led by women – a revolutionary one by Aruna Asaf Ali and a non-violent one led by Sucheta Kriplani.
She was arrested and kept in Lucknow jail till July 1945. She remained a close associate of Mahatma
Gandhi and helped partition riot victims in Noakhali. On 14th August 1947, she sang Vande Mataram in
the Constituent Assembly's Independence Session a few minutes before Nehru delivered his famous "Tryst
with Destiny" speech. She was also elected to the Constituent Assembly and was part of the subcommittee
that laid down the charter for India's constitution. After independence, she was elected to Lok Sabha
multiple times. She also was elected as a member of the United Provinces (present-day Uttar Pradesh)
Legislative Assembly. She became India's first woman Chief Minister, serving as the head of the UP
government from 1963 to 1967.
Therefore, the correct answer is b.

GS Test – 7 (4th April 2021)

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