Unit 1:: Session: 5 & 6
Unit 1:: Session: 5 & 6
Unit 1:: Session: 5 & 6
Date of preparation:
Date of teaching:
Unit 1:
Session : 5 & 6
I. Objectives: At the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
● Define and differentiate between a relay race and individual racing
● Participate in a pair relay using a beanbag, developing simple technique (passing with right hand and receiving with left hand)
● Participate in team relays or shuttle relays in small groups, using various means of travelling (hopping, bouncing, skipping)
II. Teaching content: Learning about relays
III. Time:
IV. Teaching aids:
V. Students’ assumed knowledge:
VI. Procedures
Stages / Time Activities and Presentation Ss’ Grouping Teaching aids
Welcome Ss
Freeze game
Relay races are a great way to teach kids how to be part of a team as well as learning social skills.
1. Warm up A relay is a team event
(10 mins) A race is an individual event
- Participate in a pair relay using a beanbag, developing simple technique (passing with right hand and
receiving with left hand)
Hula Hoop Pass
Divide the group into two teams (or more, if you have a lot of players). Loop a hula hoop over one player's
arm and have each team join hands to form a circle. Without letting go of the other player's hands, the
player with the hoop must step into and through the hoop, so it rests on their other arm.
From there, the player must slide it onto the next player's arm, who repeats the same maneuver. Whichever
team can pass the hoop all the way around the circle first wins.
4. Wrap-up (5’) Recap the what was learnt about a relay and do cool downs
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