The Power of A Leadership Philosophy: Sage Advice
The Power of A Leadership Philosophy: Sage Advice
The Power of A Leadership Philosophy: Sage Advice
The Power of a
Leadership Philosophy
O ver the past 27 years as a nurse and nurse
leader, I have reflected many times on the
importance of nursing leadership. Nursing lead-
approachable. People need to feel comfort-
able and safe reporting unsafe practices.
6. I believe in Our Mission Always. I use our
ership creates a safe workplace environment mission to guide the actions and decision-
where nurses can be and perform at their best making of our teams.
to provide for an excellent patient experience 7. I believe in a Culture of Ownership. In the
of care. I have been blessed with great mentors spirit of “proceed until apprehended,” I
along my journey as a nursing leader. I have encourage people to be creative and inno-
been faced with significant challenges as a nurse vative and to exceed the basis of their
leader as well. It is through these relationships roles and responsibilities. I do not tolerate
and challenges that I have gained knowledge a lack of ownership, indecision, or being
and experiences as a nurse and nurse leader that unprepared.
have shaped my leadership philosophy, guiding 8. I believe in Lifelong Learning. I take
how I choose to respond to people and situa- complete responsibility for my own
tions. Here is my leadership philosophy: growth and development by staying
1. I believe that being a leader carries the involved in professional organizations,
responsibility of being a positive exam- maintaining appropriate certifications,
ple in the workplace. To accomplish this, and reading pertinent material to stay
it is important for me to be accessible, ahead of impending changes to the
approachable, and highly visible with healthcare environment.
our people and to lead at every interac- 9. I believe Communication is Key! I believe
tion. I schedule time each day to com- in open, honest, and ethical communica-
plete Leadership Rounds to our people tion and being completely transparent. I
and patients. will be upfront, above board, and direct
2. I believe leaders have the responsibility to with courtesy, professionalism, and mutual
Inspire A Shared Vision, recognizing the respect. I do not tolerate open hostility,
current state and our future related to the anger, and failure to treat people with
mission, vision, core values, and the key courtesy and respect.
priorities of our hospital. 10. I believe in Excellence. I have the
3. I believe in Professional Governance responsibility of working with our
where staff are empowered to challenge teams to establish SMART goals for
our current policies, procedures, and prac- measuring progress (not perfection)
tices, making important decisions to toward our key priorities. I believe
improve the workplace environment and results are very important.
the patient’s experience of care. None of 11. I believe in Interprofessional
us are as smart as all of us. Collaboration. I have the responsibility to
4. I believe in Our People First. I have the ensure we have adequate representation
responsibility to reward, recognize, and in an environment of inclusivity to
celebrate the contributions of individuals accomplish our shared vision and goals.
and teams. I believe our people will per- 12. I believe the most important role of a
form at their best depending on the tools leader is in Relationship Management.
they have. As leaders, we have to assure A leader’s circle of influence is more
our people are well cared for and have the important than authority or control.
tools they need. People work for people, Leadership is about discipline and
not organizations. intelligence, not about who has the
5. I believe in Safety Above All with our heavier hand.
patients, visitors, and each other. To accom- I openly share my leadership philosophy
plish this, it is important that I am with my team. They know what to expect from