Section 3 Answers
Section 3 Answers
Section 3 Answers
Table 3.2 Changes in managed honeybee colonies in the US between 1945 and 2005.
b) By how many millions did the number of colonies fall between 1945 and 2005?
3.1 million
c) Which five-year period recorded the largest single fall in colony numbers?
d) At the current rate of decline from 2000 to 2005, in which survey year will researchers
record less than two million bee colonies for the first time?
2. Throughout North America, Europe and many parts of Asia and Oceania, wild bee
populations (as well as managed bee colonies) are facing a very serious decline.
Ecologists place much of the blame for this on intensive commercial farming practices.
Explain how each of the following practices can threaten wild bee numbers.
c) Air pollution
Honeybees depend on their sense of smell to find flowers from which they extract the
nectar they require to survive and bring food to their nests. Air pollution such as
petrochemical smog from car exhausts and sulphur dioxide from industries burning fossil
fuels reduces the strength of the scent of flowers in the atmosphere. This is most serious in
towns and cities and means that some bees do not find sufficient flowers and extract
enough nectar to survive.
3. Wild bees and other invertebrate creatures such as butterflies and midges, together with
vertebrate organisms like bats, are vitally important crop pollinators. Pollination involves
the transport of male gametes or sperm cells to the female reproductive organs of seed
plants. It is an example of one kind of interaction between species in a habitat.
a) Competition
This occurs when there is a shortage of resources required by a number of living things
such as food or suitable mates. It can cause aggression both within and between species,
for example, the annual rut of red deer stags to achieve dominance and exclusive mating
with female hinds.
b) Predation
This is a biological interaction involving one species preying on another as a source of food
such as a cheetah eating a Thompson gazelle. Most organisms eat other living things and
are, in turn, eaten themselves. Only apex consumers such as cheetahs have no predators
apart from humans.
c) Mutualism
This involves two organisms benefiting from the activity of another through symbiosis. For
example, red billed oxpeckers perch on buffalos from which they extract insects and ticks.
The buffalo has parasites removed and is alerted to nearby potential predators by the
bird’s alarm call.
4. It is estimated that pollinators are worth at least US$5 billion a year to European
commercial farmers. This is because 80 per cent of all crops grown on farms in Europe
depend directly on wild insects, bats and birds for their pollination. If there were no wild
pollinators then farmers would have to pay to hire captive honeybee hives that would then
be transported to their farms to do the job instead.
a) If this situation were to occur in the future, describe and explain one very likely effect it
would have on food shoppers around the world.
The cost of hiring captive hive bees will be added to the price that farmers charge food
processing companies for their crops. In turn food processors will increase the price of
products for retailers who will then pass it on to the consumer. Food shoppers will be faced
with increased prices for basic foods which will impact on the poorest in societies the most.
b) If the pollination of food crops in the future came to rely on a single species of captive bee,
why could this be a serious risk to the security of global food supplies?
The bee would be vulnerable to being wiped out by the occurrence of a natural disease, a
new predator or the impact of human activity such as ‘broad spectrum’ spraying of
insecticides. Plant crops would not then reproduce and food supplies would be decimated
around the world.
5. In July 2009 the global agribusiness company, Syngenta, launched a five year programme
called Operation Pollinator to provide essential habitat and food sources for pollinating
insects across Europe. The project aims to boost the numbers of pollinating insects on
commercial farms and protect biodiversity, which in turn increases crop yields and farmers’
Fig. 3.10 A rapeseed field margin sown with pollen and nectar rich
wildflowers for bees and insects in Northamptonshire, England.
As well as creating new habitat for pollinating insects, explain why wildflower margins will
also boost the numbers of a variety of birds and mammals living on farmland.
Creating habitat for producers such as species of flowers will also have the effect of
increasing the general biodiversity of habitats. For example, flowers which attract primary
consumers like butterflies will also increase the number of secondary consumers such as
flycatchers which feed on the insects. In turn, predatory sparrowhawks (tertiary or apex
consumers) will feed on the flycatchers. Biodiversity increases through the development of
food chains such as this.
a) Organic fertilisers
This is enriching soils to replace lost nutrients using naturally occurring materials such as
decomposed plant and animal waste. There is no risk of the environment being polluted
with chemical nutrients which can have devastating impacts such as eutrophication in
d) Weeding by hand
Hand weeding is more sustainable than using chemical insecticides as it only targets
specific species of plant and does not damage the soil or lead on to bioaccumulation within
food chains. It also provides work for local people and maintains a sustainable rural
7. Creating new land for both subsistence and commercial agriculture is the single most
important cause of deforestation in the world. Define the following terms.
a) Deforestation
Deforestation is the clear cutting or permanent destruction of forests and woodlands. The
United Nations estimates that 73 000 square kilometres of forest are destroyed each year.
This is equivalent to an area the size of twenty soccer pitches a minute, or the size of the
country of Panama a year.
b) Subsistence agriculture
This is self-sufficiency where farmers concentrate on growing or rearing enough food for
themselves and their families with a little surplus generated occasionally. Such farms are
found mostly in LEDCs and use practices such as ‘slash and burn’ and shifting cultivation.
c) Commercial agriculture
These farms comprise over 80% of the world’s agricultural land. This is farming for a profit
– growing crops or rearing animals to sell at market. Almost all commercial farms are in
MEDCs and either arable (crop growing), pastoral (livestock) or mixed (both arable and
In 2015, Cameroon produced 300 000 tonnes of the agro-industrial crop palm oil. By 2020,
the government intends to increase production by 50 per cent to 450 000 tonnes. This
expansion in palm oil production will almost certainly bring both benefits and negative
Consider some benefits that might arise under the following headings.
a) Employment and living standards
The new plantations will require large numbers of workers to manage the trees and
collect and process the palm oil. Job opportunities and living standards will increase for
local people as they are likely to have more expendable income to spend locally
improving their quality of life.