Syllabus - Causal Inference
Syllabus - Causal Inference
Syllabus - Causal Inference
Course Description:
Course provides students with a basic knowledge of both how to perform analyses and critique the
use of some more advanced statistical methods useful in answering policy questions. While
randomized experiments will be discussed, the primary focus will be the challenge of answering
causal questions using data that do not meet such standards. Several approaches for observational
data including propensity score methods, instrumental variables, difference in differences, fixed
effects models and regression discontinuity designs will be discussed. Examples from real public
policy studies will be used to illustrate key ideas and methods.
Course Timing:
The course will start meeting with Professor Hill on February 27th. Before that time, students will
be required to attend a 2 hour Stata tutorial, which will be pre-arranged with NYU’s ITS faculty.
By the first class the students are also required to have successfully completed the online
assignment that reviews the most important Statistics material they need to have mastered to
understand the course material.
Grading will be based on approximately 5 homeworks (totaling 70%), and one final project or final
exam (30%) that will involve both data analysis and a thoughtful description of both the analysis
and the findings. One homework will involve a class presentation. Depending on the size of the
class, some assignments may be done in groups.
Reading materials
There is no required textbook for the course. The required readings are either available through e-
journals through the library or will be posted on Blackboard. The following two texts are
recommended, however:
Morgan, S. and Winship, C. (2007) Counterfactuals and Causal Inference: Methods and Principles
for Social Research, Cambridge University Press
Gelman, Andrew and Hill, Jennifer (2006) Data Analysis Using Regression and
Multilevel/Hierarchical Models, Cambridge University Press
Leamer, Edward (1983) "Let's take the con out of econometrics", American Economic Review,
73(1): 31-43 [Available at]
*Hill, J., Reiter, J., and Zanutto, E. (2004) “A comparison of experimental and observational data
analyses” Applied Bayesian Modeling and Causal Inference from an Incomplete-Data Perspective.
Edited by Andrew Gelman and Xiao-Li Meng. West Sussex, England: Wiley.
[Available on Blackboard under Lecture 1]
*Holland, Paul W. (1986), ``Statistics and causal inference (with discussion)'', Journal of the
American Statistical Association, 81: 945-970 [Available at]
2) Randomized experiments (including Randomized Block and Matched Pairs Designs) and
complications that make them look like observational studies
Rosenbaum, P. (2002) Observational Studies, 2nd ed., New York: Springer, Chapter 2
Katz, L.F., Kling, J.R., and Liebman, J.B. (2001) “Moving to Opportunity in Boston: Early Results
of a Randomized Mobility Experiment” The Quarterly Journal of Economics 116: 607-654.
available on Blackboard under Lecture 2
*Imbens, G., Rubin, D., and Sacerdote, B. (2001) “Estimating the Effect of Unearned Income on
Labor Earnings, Savings and Consumption: Evidence from a Survey of Lottery Players” American
Economic Review 91(4): 778 (available through e-journals)
*Rubin, D. (1990) “Formal modes of statistical inference for causal effects” Journal of Statistical
Planning and Inference 25: 279-292. (available through e-journals)
*Sobel, Michael E. (1996), “An introduction to causal inference”, Sociological Methods and
Research, Vol. 24, Iss. 3; p. 353-379 (LL) (available through e-journals)
Gelman, Andrew and Hill, Jennifer (2006) Chapters 9 and 10 of Data Analysis Using Regression
and Multilevel/Hierarchical Models in press at Cambridge University Press (will be handed out in
class) Chapter 9
Rosenbaum, P. (2002) Observational Studies, 2nd ed., New York: Springer, Chapter 1
[available on Blackboard under Chapter 3]
Donohue, J. J., and S.D. Levitt (2001) “The impact of legalized abortion on crime” The Quarterly
Journal of Economics, 116(2): 379-420
[Available through e-journals]
*Winship, Christopher and Michael Sobel (2004) “Causal Inference in Sociological Studies” in
Handbook of Data Analysis edited by Melissa Hardy and Alan Bryman, London: Sage
Publications, 36-38 (available on Blackboard)
Bingenheimer, J.B., Brennan, R.T., and Earls, F.J. (2005) "Firearm violence exposure and serious
violent behavior" Science 308: 1323-1326 [Available on Blackboard]
Rosenbaum, PR and D B. Rubin (1985) "Constructing a control group using multivariate matched
sampling methods that incorporate the propensity score", The American Statistician, 39: 33-38
[Available at]
*Rosenbaum, Paul R. and Rubin, Donald B. (1984) "Reducing Bias in Observational Studies Using
Subclassification on the Propensity Score" Journal of the American Statistical Association, 79:
516—524 [Available at]
D’Agostino, R (1998) "Propensity score methods for bias reduction in the comparison of a
treatment to a non-randomized control group" Statistics in Medicine, 17: 2265-2281.
*O'Keefe, Suzanne (2004) "Job creation in California's enterprise zones: a comparison using a
propensity score matching model" Journal of Urban Economics, 55: 131-150.
[available on Blackboard]
*Dehejia, Rajeev H. and Wahba, Sadek (1999) "Causal Effects in Nonexperimental Studies:
Reevaluating the Evaluation of Training Programs", Journal of the American Statistical
Association, 94: 1053—1062 [Available at]
Gelman, Andrew and Hill, Jennifer (2006) Chapters 9 and 10 of Data Analysis Using Regression
and Multilevel/Hierarchical Models in press at Cambridge University Press Chapter 10 from
beginning of IV section through to the end
Gennetian, L., Bos, J., Morris, P. (2002) "Using Instrumental Variables Analysis to Learn More
from Social Policy Experiments" Manpower Demonstration Research Corp. working paper
[available on Blackboard]
Angrist, J D., Imbens, G W. and D B. Rubin, (1996) " Identification of Causal Effects Using
Instrumental Variables," Journal of the American Statistical Association, 91: 444-472 [Available at]
*Angrist, J D. (1990) "Lifetime Earnings and the Vietnam Era Draft Lottery: Evidence from Social
Security Administrative Records," American Economic Review, 80: 313-336 [Available at]
Angrist JD, Evans WN (1998), "Children and their parents' labor supply: Evidence from
exogenous variation in family size", American Economic Review 88(3): 450-77
[available at]
*E. Michael Foster. (2000) “Is more better than less? An analysis of children’s mental health
services” Health Services Research. Chicago: Vol. 35, Iss. 5; p. 1135
*Levitt, Steven D. 1996. “The Effect of Prison Population Size on Crime Rates: Evidence from
Prison Overcrowding Litigation.” Quarterly Journal of Economics, 111(2): 319-51. [Available at]
Chapter 18 on Panel Data Model in Ashenfelter book Statistics and Econometrics (published by
Wiley, 2003), pp. 262-273
[available on e-reserves]
Angrist, J. D., and Krueger, A. (1999), “Empirical Strategies in Labor Economics,” in Orley
Ashenfelter and David Card (eds), Handbook of Labor Economics, Vol. 3A, Amsterdam: Horth-
A version is available online at
ONLY PP 19-23
*Bogart & Cromwell. “How much is a neighborhood school worth?” J. Urban Economics 47
*Card, D. and A. Krueger (1994) “Minimum Wages and Employment: A Case Study of the Fast-
food Industry in New Jersey and Pennsylvania,” American Economic Review, 84(4): 772-784.
[Available at]
*Aaronson, Daniel. (1998) "Using Sibling Data to Estimate the Impact of Neighborhoods on
Children's Educational Outcomes" The Journal of Human Resources, 33(4): 915-946
[Available through e-journals]
*Korenman and Neumark (1991) "Does Marriage Really Make Men More Productive?" Journal of
Human Resources, 26(2): 282-307
[available through e-journals]
9) Regression Discontinuity
Brian A. Jacob, Lars Lefgren (2004) “Remedial Education and Student Achievement: A
Regression-Discontinuity Analysis” Review of Economics and Statistics 86(1)
Shadish, Cook & Campbell (2002) “Regression Discontinuity Designs” Chapter 7 in Experimental
and Quasi-Experimental Designs Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co. (posted on Blackboard with