Sherry Makeba Wawire - Project-1

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A Research Project Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

for the Degree of Master of Education in Curriculum Studies, University

of Nairobi


This research project is my original work and has not been presented for an

award in any university

Sherry Makeba Wawire


This research project has been submitted for examination with our approval as

university Supervisors

Dr. Mercy Mugambi
Senior Lecturer
Department of Educational Management, Policy and Curriculum Studies.

Dr. Rosemary Imonje
Senior Lecturer
Department of Educational Management, Policy and Curriculum Studies.


To God Almighty, this far has been your favor and grace. I dedicate this work

to my lovely children Salama, Jamal and Leo. I hope you can follow in my

footsteps as an inspiration and soar farther. To my beloved mother Mrs. Julia

Nafula Nyapera and dad Mr. Dishon Nyapera I thank you for moral, financial,

spiritual and parental support. And to all my siblings I thank you for your

support. God bless you.


I wish to thank the Lord God Almighty for his goodness and mercy upon me

during my course studies at the University of Nairobi. First, I wish to

acknowledge with great regards my blessed supervisors, Dr. Rosemary Imonje

and Dr. Mercy Mugambi for their scholarly and supportive suggestions,

guidance and gracious encouragement without which this work would not

have reached its completion, thank you and God bless you. I wish to thank all

those who in one way or another made my course at the University a success,

my friends who also gave me moral support. Special thanks to my classmates

for their invaluable support. My appreciation also would go to the County

Education office, Makueni County through the office of Sub County; Makindu

Sub County for their assistance during the time the research was conducted in

the area. Many thanks to principals, teachers and students where I collected

the data for their invaluable support, thank you for your assistance.


DECLARATION ........................................................................................... ii

DEDICATION .............................................................................................. iii

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................. iv

LIST OF TABLES ...................................................................................... viii

LIST OF FIGURES ....................................................................................... x

LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS ....................................... xi

ABSTRACT ................................................................................................ xii



1.1 Background to the Study .......................................................................... 1

1.2 Statement of the Problem. ........................................................................ 7

1.3 Purpose of the Study ................................................................................ 8

1.4 Research Objectives ................................................................................. 8

1.5 Research Questions .................................................................................. 8

1.6 Significance of Study ............................................................................... 9

1.7 Delimitations of the Study ........................................................................ 9

1.8 Limitations of Study ............................................................................... 10

1.9 Basic Assumptions of the Study ............................................................. 10

1.10 Definition of Significant Terms ............................................................ 11

1.11 Organization of the Study ..................................................................... 12



2.1 Introduction ............................................................................................ 13

2.2 Performance of English Language in Secondary Schools ........................ 13

2.3 Visual Factors and Student Performance in English Language ................ 15

2.4 Acoustic Factors and Students’ Performance in English Language ......... 17

2.5 Spatial Factors and Student Performance in English Language ............... 19

2.6 Thermal Factors and Students’ Performance of English Language .......... 21

2.7 Summary of the Literature Review and Research Gaps ........................... 23

2.8 Theoretical Framework .......................................................................... 24

2.9 Conceptual Framework .......................................................................... 25



3.1 Introduction ............................................................................................ 27

3.2 Research Design ..................................................................................... 27

3.3. Target Population .................................................................................. 28

3.4 Sampling Size and Sampling Procedure.................................................. 28

3.5 Research Instruments ............................................................................. 29

3.5.1 Validity of Instruments .................................................................... 30

3.5.2 Reliability of the Instruments ........................................................... 31

3.6 Data Collection Procedures .................................................................... 32

3.7 Data Analysis Techniques ...................................................................... 32

3.8 Ethical Considerations ............................................................................ 33



4.1 Introduction ............................................................................................ 34

4.2 Return Rate ............................................................................................ 34

4.3 Demographic Information ...................................................................... 35

4.4 Performance of English in Secondary Schools ........................................ 38

4.5 Regression Analysis ............................................................................... 56




5.1 Introduction ............................................................................................ 58

5.2 Summary of the Findings ....................................................................... 58

5.2.1 Visual Factors and Students’ Performance in English ....................... 60

5.2.2Acoustic Factors and Students’ Performance in English .................... 61

5.2.3 Spatial Factors and Students’ Performance in English ...................... 62

5.2.4 Thermal Factors and Students’ Performance in English .................... 62

5.3 Conclusion of the Study ......................................................................... 63

5.4 Recommendations .................................................................................. 65

5.5 Suggestions for Further Research ........................................................... 66

REFERENCES........................................................................................... 67

APPENDICES ............................................................................................ 73

Appendix I: Questionnaire for Teachers of English ...................................... 73

Appendix II: Questionnaire for Students ..................................................... 79

Appendix III: Letter of Recommendation from University of Nairobi .......... 85

Appendix IV: Research Permit ..................................................................... 86

Appendix V: Research Authorization Letter from County Commissioner. .... 87

Appendix VI: Research Authorization Letter from County Director of

Education ..................................................................................................... 88


Table 1. 1 Mean-scores of KCSE English Performance in Public Secondary

Schools in Makueni County (2016- 2020) ..................................... 6

Table 3. 1 Sample Size ................................................................................. 29

Table 4.1: Response Rate ............................................................................ 34

Table 4.2: Response Rate by Teachers and Students’ Gender ....................... 35

Table 4.3 Respondents by Professional Qualification of Teachers ................ 36

Table 4.4 Respondents by Students’ Class .................................................... 37

Table 4.5 Respondents by Student’s Length of Stay in the Same School ...... 37

Table 4.6: Respondents by Teaching Experience .......................................... 38

Table 4. 7: Agreement with Various Statements on Visual Factors

and Students’ Performance in English ......................................... 39

Table 4. 8: Visual Factors and Students’ Performance in English

Correlation Analysis ................................................................... 43

Table 4.9: Agreement with Statement on the Influence of Acoustic Factors on

Students’ Academic Performance in English ............................... 44

Table 4.10: Acoustic Factors and Students’ Performance in English

Correlation Analysis ................................................................... 47

Table 4.11: Teachers Perceptions on Influence of Spatial Factors and

students’ Performance in English ................................................ 48

Table 4. 12: Students Responses Regarding Influence of Spatial Factors

and Performance in English ........................................................ 50

Table 4. 13: Spatial Factors and Students’ Performance in English

Correlation Analysis ................................................................... 52

Table 4. 14: Agreement with Statements on the Influence of Thermal

Factors on Students’ Academic Performance in English .............. 53

Table 4. 15: Thermal Factors and Students’ Performance in English

Correlation Analysis ................................................................... 56

Table 4. 16: Regression Analysis ................................................................. 57


Figure 2.1 Conceptual framework on Classroom Physical Environment

and academic performance. .......................................................... 26


CEFR Common European Framework of Reference for Languages

KCSE Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education

KNEC Kenya National Examination Council

MOE Ministry of Education

NACOSTI National Commission for Science Technology and Innovation

PACE Physical Aspect of Classroom Environment

SCDE Sub County Director of Education

SFS Sound Field systems

SPSS Statistical Package for Social Science

STEM Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural


WHO World Health Organization


This study's goal was to find out how English performance in public
secondary schools in Kenya's Makindu Sub-County was impacted by the
physical environment of the classroom. The following goals served as the
study's guiding principles: to determine the degree to which visual and
acoustic factors affect students' performance in English language in public
secondary schools in Makindu sub-county; to ascertain the degree to which
spatial factors affect students' performance in English language in public
secondary schools in Makindu sub-county and to ascertain the ways in which
these factors interact. The research design used in the study was descriptive.
The study's explanation of the relationship between the independent and
dependent variables was based on environmentalist learning theory. 60
English professors and 2260 pupils made up the study's target group of 2320
respondents. A sample size of 286 was employed in the proportionate random
sampling procedure to choose the respondents. The primary data was gathered
using self-administered questionnaires that included both closed-ended and
open-ended questions. The study discovered that when learning takes place in
a well-lit classroom with pertinent charts, flashcards, and photos, pupils are
more engaged. Additionally, during English sessions, outside noise interferes
with the teachers' ability to communicate the lesson's topic. It was further
shown that hot weather makes students less attentive when learning English in
the afternoon. The study concluded that using learning aids in public
secondary schools in Makindu Sub County helps students' grammar and
vocabulary. It also came to the conclusion that classroom noise, both internal
and external, hinders students' performance in English reading,
comprehension, and writing assessments. Improving the classroom
environment, including the desks and chairs, will increase English
performance, and conversely. Furthermore, it concluded that hot classrooms
significantly hinder students' ability to perform well in English. The study
recommends that school boards of administration make sure that classrooms
are illuminated and that English teachers are incentivized to use a variety of
teaching tools, charts, and other displays to help pupils with their grammar and
vocabulary during lessons. Around the classroom spaces, internal and exterior
noise should be kept to a minimum. According to the study, classrooms might
as well have adequate area for teachers and students to walk around freely
during lessons, form groups, and engage in other educational activities. It was
suggested that all classrooms have big, glass-covered windows, good
ventilation, and fresh air circulation.



1.1 Background to the Study

English is one of the most spoken languages both locally and globally. Thus, it

is studied in most countries in the world. English is so important because it is

used to communicate and interact with others. It is a communication tool in

banking, commerce, technology, sports, transport and international relations,

Afriani (2017). Thus, it is known as lingua Franca as stated by Mauranen

(2009) that it is one key pillar for globalization, networking, economic

integrations and internet.

Considering the importance of English, many commonwealth countries have

ensured English is a compulsory subject in basic education, UNESCO, (2018).

In United States, English is among the compulsory subject up to senior

secondary school and the official language of instruction at university level

Mark, (2003). In Indonesia, English is taught from pre-primary level to

university, Afriani (2017). In Nigeria, English is the official language of

instruction and is taught at all levels of education, Oladebinu, (2018).

In Kenya, English is a compulsory subject in both primary and secondary

schools, KNEC, (2019). In Kenya today, English language has become a

Lingua Franca for communication, business and opportunity in general

because it is spoken by several communities and individuals, Mekonge (2017)

and Kenya law (2015). Most students in Kenya like studying English and it is

their favorite subject, Kotut (2016). Performance in English in secondary

schools is significant for students to prepare for future careers. There are many

factors that may influence the academic performance of a student in English;

however, this study will be restricted to investigating how classroom physical

environment influence students’ academic performance.

The physical elements of a classroom are referred to as the physical

environment. It covers a variety of items, such as the classroom's size,

lighting, temperature, ventilation system, floor, walls, desks, chairs, carpets,

whiteboards, as well as other amenities. Aslam, Hussain, and Suleman (2014).

The physical atmosphere of the classroom is crucial to students' academic

progress Ziegler (2014). The visual, auditory, temperature, spatial, and time

variables, among others, all contribute to the physical environment of a

classroom. Falsario (2014).

The quality of illumination in various areas of the classroom is referred to as

the visual factor. The amount of accessible natural and artificial light in the

classroom will determine it. In order to foster a positive environment, it also

refers to how the classroom setting is visually interestingly set up. Falsario


The acoustic element is crucial because verbal communication dominates in

the classroom. The arrangement of the classroom, the design of the school,

and the methods used to deliver a lesson all have an impact on the noise level.

Aslam, Hussain, and Suleman (2014). Numerous students' learning

environments can be negatively impacted by poor classroom acoustics, which

can also harm cognitive performance and functioning. Dewi (2019) found that

the lack of sound and noise control mechanisms in classrooms, loud noise in

the surrounding area, inadequate communication devices, and students' low

performance in listening tasks in English are all directly related to these


The term "thermal factor" describes how the classroom is heated and

ventilated. It can be overly humid or hot in the room. Hannah (2013).

According to Neubauer (2019), there is a link between temperature, airflow,

and academic success. The correlation between classroom ventilation and

English comprehension test scores was demonstrated by Twardosz in 2017.

According to Maslow (1943), it is difficult to accomplish higher level

requirements, such learning and self-actualization, when the temperature in the

learning environment is too high or too low. Through physiological effects on

both students and teachers, hot classrooms lessen the value of instructional

time by making it more difficult for everyone to concentrate and complete a

particular set of learning tasks.

The management of space is a spatial aspect that greatly affects behavior,

particularly communication. According to research done at Capistrano United

School in California, kids who had access to large classrooms outperformed

those who had smaller ones by 19 to 26%. (2018). According to the

researchers, students also demonstrated higher levels of effort and

perseverance in classrooms, displayed superior fluency, flexibility, and

creativity in more spacious classrooms, and performed better on English

listening, speaking, writing, and dramatization tests as well as in those


Lewinski (2015), in his study on effects of classrooms architecture on

students’ performance in English established that societal seating arrangement

allows for a greater social interaction amongst students and teachers. He

further posits that comfortable learning environment is correlated with

stronger students’ academic performance. Harik, (2018) posits that use of role

play, dramatization and group discussion is anchored upon classroom

arrangement, space and class size greatly. Proper arrangement of classroom

environment plays a remarkable role in making instructional process more

effective and establishes an atmosphere favourable and encouraging to

learning, Clark, (2010).

According to Negiloni, Ramani, and Sudhir (2017), visual factors refers the

quality of lighting in different parts of the classroom. The key visual factors in

a classroom environment include the legibility, illumination, charts,

flashcards, pictures, contrast, and colour of the visual task. The poor quality of

these characteristics in a classroom can be an environmental stressor

increasing strain and subsequently can reduce the academic performance of

students (Barrett, Davies, Zhang, and Barrett, 2015). Poor lighting reduces

visibility and can cause visual discomfort leading to disinterest and lack of

concentration. In English, poor lighting has common exhibit on students

during reading activities. According to Johnson, (2011) high lighting quality

enhances visual clarity, reading clarity and understanding mood in role play in


Regionally and locally, several researchers have examined the relationship

between the school environment and student performance especially in

English language. These include language in public secondary

schools (Njuguna, 2012); influence of school physical environment on

teachers performance (Kiptum, 2018); effects of English language on students'

performance in English (Peter, 2016); the influence of school climate on

secondary schools academic performance (Nkuba, 2015); the effects of school

location on learner's academic performance (Mhiliwa, 510) ;ad factors

affectig studets 'achievemet i Eglish i secodary schools ,Omari ,

(5102) amog others. ll these studies assert the crucial role the learig

eviromet nlays i determiig studets’ nerformance. However, these

studies seem not to give insights on classroom physical environment as will be

specifically dealt with in the present study. It was this gap in knowledge that

the present study sought to fill. As shown in the Table 1.1, performance in

English in KCSE public secondary schools in Makindu sub-county for the past

five years had been dismal with a continuous decline from 2018 to 2020 as

compared to other sub -counties in Makueni which have shown consistent

trend of improvement

Table 1. 1 Mean-scores of KCSE English Performance in Public

Secondary Schools in Makueni County (2016- 2020)

Sub County 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

Makueni 3.62 3.74 3.96 4.22 4.61

Kaiti 3.64 3.89 3.82 4.32 4.42

Kilome 3.45 3.53 3.68 3.75 4.01

Makindu 3.14 3.65 3.21 3.12 3.03

Kibwezi West 3.44 3.71 3.94 3.82 4.28

Nzaui 3.16 3.56 3.81 3.92 3.96

Kathonzweni 3.47 3.82 3.95 4.18 4.33

Mbooni East 3.42 3.90 3.94 4.33 4.54

Mbooni West 3.50 3.78 3.95 4.27 4.46

Source: CDE Makueni County (2020).

For the last five years since 2016, public secondary schools in Makindu sub-

county had recorded a trend of dismal academic performance in English. On

the contrary, Makueni, Kaiti, Kilome, Kibwezi West, Nzaui, Kathonzweni,

Mbooni East and Mbooni West sub-counties had shown significant

improvement in academic performance in English at KCSE. Unlike other sub

counties that had shown consistent improvement in English mean score,

Makindu Sub County had recorded a continuous trend of declining mean score

for the last three years since 2018. Based on that observation, there was a need

to establish the influence of classroom physical environment on students’

performance in English in public secondary schools in Makindu Sub-County,

Makueni County.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

English is the language of instruction and examination in Kenya. Hence,

student aptitude, as measured in the KCSE examination results, becomes of

great concern to educators and guardians. A review of student performance in

English in Makindu Sub-County as shown in the Table 1.1 has shown a

desperate situation. The mean score had been declining from 3.65 in 2017 to

(3.03) in 2020 ranging. On the contrary, other neighbouring sub-counties had

consistently improved in English performance all scoring a mean score above

(4.00) in the year 2020. Performance of English in Makindu sub-county had

been dismal in comparison to mathematics, chemistry and Kiswahili which are

other compulsory subjects in secondary school (KNEC, 2018, 2019, & 2020).

This decline is performance fixed English subject and Makindu Sub County at

the center of this study. Moreover, a departmental report from ministry of

education quality assurance and standards for the academic years 2018 and

2019 showed that English mean score had been on decline as compared to

other subjects in Makindu sub county, MoEST, (2019).

According to Umar (2017), learning English is significantly hindered when the

classroom setting is unfavorable, just like learning other languages that require

hearing, speaking, writing, grammar, and understanding. Few research have

looked into how the physical environment of the classroom affected students'

English performance. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to determine

how much English language performance in secondary schools in Makueni

County is influenced by the physical environment of the classroom.

1.3 Purpose of the Study

This study's goal was to find out how English performance in public

secondary schools in Makindu Sub-County, Makueni County, was impacted

by classroom physical environment characteristics.

1.4 Research Objectives

The study was be guided by the following specific objectives;

i) To establish the extent to which visual factors influence students’

performance in English language in public secondary schools in

Makindu sub-county.

ii) To determine the extent to which acoustic factors influence

performance of English language in public secondary schools in

Makindu sub-county.

iii) To examine ways in which spatial factors influence student’s

performance in English language in public secondary schools in

Makindu sub-county.

iv) To examine how thermal factors, influence performance of English

language in public secondary school in Makindu sub-county.

1.5 Research Questions

The research questions of the study were:

i) In which ways do visual factors influence students’ performance in

English in Makindu sub-county?

ii) How do acoustic factors influence students’ performance in English in

public secondary schools in Makindu sub-county?

iii) In which ways do spatial factors influence the students’ performance in

English in Makindu sub-county?

iv) To what extent do thermal factors influence the performance of

students in English in Makindu sub-county?

1.6 Significance of Study

Research findings may be important to school board of managements,

Ministry of Education Directorate of Quality Assurance and teachers. School

managers may adopt the findings of this study during the construction of

classrooms to ensure that classrooms are spacious, well lit, have appropriate

sound control devices and are well ventilated to create a conducive learning

environment. The Ministry of Education through the Director of Quality

Assurance may find the findings of this study useful in determining the

suitability of school classrooms and other infrastructure. The findings of this

study may act as a term of reference by school principals in ensuring that noise

within and without classroom areas is minimized at all times. The research

findings could also help the teachers identify and use the most suitable

teaching methods taking into consideration the prevailing classroom physical

environment. Lastly, the academic researchers may utilize the findings of this

study in their literature review.

1.7 Delimitations of the Study

This study specifically considered the influence of the classroom physical

environment on students’ performance in English in public secondary schools

in Makindu Sub- County, Makueni County. The study focused on public

secondary schools because they function under the same operational standard

as opposed to private schools that would vary in this regard. The study

specifically targeted the English language as it had the highest number of

lessons. Both the teachers and students in the sample population participated

in the study. The researcher assessed teachers’ manipulation of the classroom

physical environment and its influence on students’ performance in English

achievement test.

1.8 Limitations of Study

There are other factors such as understaffing of teachers, inadequate

instructional materials and lack of academic facilities such as libraries which

influence students’ performance in English language, which the researcher

was not in control of. Only teachers of English were selected as respondents in

this study. The study was also limited by the selection of respondents to

include only teachers of English in their specific classes. This was done

notwithstanding the presence of other teachers whose classroom experiences

were informative to the study. Moreover, the study was limited to teachers of

English in Makindu Sub County and so its findings may not be applicable to

private schools and other established schools which do not share the same

infrastructural challenges as those in the study area.

1.9 Basic Assumptions of the Study

The study made the following assumptions:

i) It is assumed that classroom environment in the target schools

influence students’ performance in English

ii) That the school principals would allow the study to be conducted in

their schools.

iii) That the respondents would cooperate to give factual information on

the influence of physical classroom environment on students’

performance in English in Makindu sub-county.

1.10 Definition of Significant Terms

Acoustic factors: Refer to the sound effects, noise and the manner in which

the classroom enhances or reflects sound to the advantage or disadvantage of

learning. It may also refer to the use of voice and other sound effects to

enhance learning of English language.

Classroom Physical Environment: Refers to the lighting, noise, and

temperature, and ventilation system, size of the room, colours, walls, desks

arrangement and whiteboards, among others in the classroom.

Thermal factor: Refers to the heating, temperatures in classroom and

ventilation of the classroom.

Performance in English: Refers to the overall student academic performance

in written and spoken English as measured in planned activities or tests in the


Spatial Factors: Refer to the learning space in the classroom that can be

adapted to individual learning, group, discussion, collaboration activities and


Visual Factors: Refers to teaching materials, can refer to several teacher

resources; however, the term usually refers to concrete examples, such as

worksheets or manipulative learning tools or games help students develop new


1.11 Organization of the Study

This study is organized in five chapters. Chapter one is introduction

comprising of the background of the study, the statement of the problem and

the purpose of the study, research objectives, research questions, significance

of the study and the limitations of the study, delimitations of study, the basic

assumptions of the study, and the definitions of terms. Chapter two covers

review of literature which was related to this area of study. It also captured

summary of the literature review, theoretical and conceptual framework.

Chapter three features the research methodology; the research design, the

target population, sample size and sampling procedures, research instruments,

validity and reliability of research instruments. It also focused on the data

collection procedures; data analysis as well as ethical considerations. Chapter

four covers data presentation, interpretation and discussion of findings guided

by the research objectives. Chapter five gives a summary of the study,

conclusion and offer recommendations based on the findings. Suggestions for

further study was also are presented.



2.1 Introduction

This chapter reviews literature related to the study. The review examines

studies related to visual, acoustic, spatial factors and thermal factors in the

classroom physical environment influence student’s performance in English

language in public secondary schools in Makindu sub-county. The review has

also captured the summary of the knowledge gaps that the study intended to

fill. Finally, the theoretical framework and the conceptual framework have

been presented.

2.2 Performance of English Language in Secondary Schools

The importance of English language for enhancing educational attainment

through improved communicative skills and ability can never be over

emphasized. This was also reflected in the curriculum where English language

is used in the instructional textbooks and as language of instructions in schools

(Nkiba, 2018). Locally and globally, scholars have demonstrated that

performance of learners in English is determined by the method used in

instructing them, (Kotut, 2016). Erkan, (2015) evaluated primary school

students’ achievement in English lessons in Turkey. The study found that there

is no significant difference between boys and girls in terms of achievement

level of the specific objectives in English courses. Though relevant to the

context of the present study, the study does not examine classroom physical

environment factors and determine how they influence the performance of

students of English.
In the African context, Akowuah, Patnaik and Kyei, (2018) examined the

influence of mother tongue on Students’ performance in English language in

Senior High School Certificate Examination in Adu Gyamfi Senior High

School. The results revealed that even though mother tongue interference is

the core factor of the students’ poor performance in English language in the

Senior High School Certificate examination, there are other factors

contributing to students’ poor performance in English language. These factors

include poor teaching methods, lack of textbooks, language background and

lack of professional growth and development of teachers. Evidently missing

from these studies is the aspect of the classroom physical environment and its

effect on student performance in English.

In Kenya, Ochieng, (2016) argues that Sheng cannot be the cause of poor

performance in English language. Otieno, (2014) asserts that the integration of

English language may have affected the subject’s performance. In a more

related study, Wambua, (2018) and Murungi, (2019) investigated the

influence of classroom learning environment on lower primary school pupils’

performance in social studies in lower primary schools in Kibwezi zone,

showed availability and use of physical facilities in social studies was below

average and pupils scrambled to use the little available resources. Though

pertinent to the present study, this study lacks in depth assessment of the nexus

between physical classroom environment and pupil academic outcomes.

2.3 Visual Factors and Student Performance in English Language

Visual factor, according to Negiloni, Ramani, and Sudhir (2017), is the

standard of illumination in various areas of the classroom. The amount of

accessible natural and artificial light in the classroom will determine it. It also

describes how the setting of the classroom is set up. The lighting, side

displays, color of the visual task, and wall color are the main visual elements

in a classroom setting. Inadequate lighting, according to Winter Bottom and

Wilkins (2009), hinders students' ability to concentrate in class and has a

negative impact on their academic performance. Poor lighting makes it harder

to see and can make you uncomfortable, which makes you lose interest and

focus. Better visibility requires that the chalkboard's contrast levels remain


Negiloni, Ramani, and Sudhir (2017), carried out a cross-sectional study in

Indian schools established that classroom visual environment factors such as

illuminance levels on the chalkboard and at student’s desk, chalkboard

contrast and influenced students achievements in English reading tests.

Ghulam, Khuram, Naqvi, Nadeem Iqbal, (2015) posits that using visuals

displays in English lessons stimulates thinking and improves academic

achievement of students in grammar, writing and vocabulary building.

Students who study in schools with favourable classroom lighting, well-

arranged desks, and with appropriate visual aids performed better on the

English test than the students in the Control group, according to a study by

Abdul-Majeed, (2017) to investigate the effect of classroom environment on

the achievement of first-year secondary school students in English. The study

was conducted in Gezira State in Sudan. The Experimental group scored 73%

on the reading skill, compared to 53% for the Control group. Students in the

Experimental group scored 76% in vocabulary, compared to 50% in the

Control group. Students in the Experimental group performed better than those

in the Control group in writing, scoring 60% as opposed to 49%. However, the

two groups typically received similar grammar scores.

Visual displays and classrooms with colourful walls and explanations on them

influence students' performance by bringing life to the learning environment

(Fentiman et al, 2013). On the same topic, Makewa et al. (2012) found that the

visual displays helped students recall information more readily in their study

of Adventist secondary schools in the Shinyanga, Mwanza, Mara, Arusha, and

Kilimanjaro regions. The study looked at the influence of classroom lighting

and visual displays in teaching English. Students' interest was reportedly

raised by teachers' creative use of visual aids in lessons since it gave them

something useful to see, do, and consider.

Locally, Njuguna (2012) looked on what factors affected how well English

language students performed in Kenya's Bomet district's public secondary

schools. According to the report, poor English performance is a result of the

teachers' increased workload, excessively large class sizes, a lack of suitable

teaching and learning tools, and the students' unsupportive home

environments. At a 2018 study, Kiptum looked at how the physical

environment affected teachers' happiness in public primary schools in Kenya's

Elgeyo Marakwet County. The study discovered that instructors' happiness

was significantly impacted by the school's physical amenities, workplace, and

classroom layout. The topic of English performance in connection to the visual

elements in the classroom physical environment is not addressed by this

research, despite the fact that they include the classroom physical environment

as a variable. This knowledge void is what the current study aims to close.

2.4 Acoustic Factors and Students’ Performance in English Language

The name "acoustics" refers to the study of how sound propagates in a space

(Canteroll, Mira, and López-Chao, 2015). Many pupils' ability to learn might

be negatively impacted by poor classroom acoustics. Continuous noise

exposure can impair cognitive function and performance (Higgins et al, 2004).

The learning process depends on hearing and understanding. These exercises

may be challenging in a noisy classroom. More than just students chatting

creates noise in the classroom. According to Flagg-Williams, Rubin, and

Aquino-Russell (2011), classrooms are noisy environments, and how well

students learn depends primarily on how well the pertinent messages can be

heard among the background noise. The message is received and absorbed in

the ideal classroom with little to no effort. When teachers have to shout to be

heard, the listener might not receive a clear signal throughout the entire

spectrum of speech sounds. An essential component of learning the phonology

of speech, which forms the basis of learning to read, write, use grammar, and

comprehend vocabulary in English, is the capacity to concentrate on pertinent

sounds. The acoustic environment in the classroom is influenced by

reverberation, noise, and the separation between the speaker and the audience.
In schools, speaking and listening is employed to establish a large portion of

teaching and learning. Learning and achievement are compromised by

students' inability to pay attention and comprehend pertinent components of

the acoustical signals in classrooms in poor listening conditions (McSporran,

1997; Picard & Bradley, 2001). English language tasks with greater cognitive

processing demands, such reading and vocabulary, writing, and tasks requiring

attention, problem-solving, and memory, seem to be especially susceptible to

noise exposure. Dockrell and Shield (2008).

In china, Yang, Jiang and Zhao, (2017) in their study on effect of noise on

English listening comprehension test among students with different learning

styles established that noise had different effects on participants with different

learning styles where the assimilators and diverges performed better while

converges and accommodators performed poorly in the English reading and

comprehension test taken in a noisy environment.

Julie,(2018) established that sound field systems (SFS) use in classrooms

increased students' listening and attention to vocal instructions during English

and arithmetic sessions in the United Kingdom. The number of accurate

answers on the nonverbal measures of processing speed and listening

comprehension improved dramatically after SFS use in the classes. Analysis

that took into account the acoustics of the classroom revealed that students'

listening comprehension scores considerably increased in amplified

classrooms and decreased in classrooms with worse acoustics.

A study by Nzilano, ( 2018) on effect of noise pollution on students learning

in Dar es salaam city secondary schools found out noise from external

environment near classrooms affected students learning inside classrooms. It

established that motor vehicles, construction and wielding machines and other

activities related to music sounds, promotional adverts and people’s movement

around classrooms affected students’ concentration in classrooms. Constant

noise exposure in classrooms obstruct learning and students exposed to

noisy learning environment both in classroom or from outside have lower

assessment scores on standardized tests (WHO, 2015). This study therefore

focuses on assessing the influence of acoustic factors on students’

performance in English in Makindu Sub County in Makueni County.

2.5 Spatial Factors and Student Performance in English Language

‘Just as different learning goals require different learning strategies, different

instructional strategies require different learning spaces’, Taylor and Enggass,

(2009). The Montessori teaching philosophy emphasises the spatial function as

a significant factor. Lillard, (2005) stated that in regard to Montessori ideas

about space “the underlying structure and order of the universe must be

reflected in the classroom if the child is to internalize it” (Lillard, 2005).

Therefore, the spatial function must help the children’s ideas of conceptual

order and foster engagement with learning materials.

Creative writing and literary skills in English are anchored on enhancing

learners’ creativity and stimulating their minds. In United States, Samantha,

(2017) in her study on the impact of Physical classroom space on students

creativity in English among senior secondary schools established that

flexibility is a key component in stimulating minds of students to think freely

and creatively. Thus, optimal space adaptable for their learning needs is

necessary for adaptability to sustain students’ interests and ideas. Classroom

space should be adequate to allow students want to present or demonstrate

something, participate in role-play and dramatization and participate in group

discussion comfortably.

In Kuwait, Mohammad, (2017) established that in learning of English

language and other collaborative subjects providing flexible seating

arrangements enables a diversity of learning activities to take place such as

group discussions, role play and demonstration among the students. Teachers

can organise the furniture in rows, cooperative groups or clusters, depending

on their teaching strategy and the particular function of the space that is

required. Matching seating options to the activity, providing varied seating

encourage students to engage in collaborative learning experiences during

English lessons, Marx and Hartig, (2017). Lindsey,(2018) found students

seated in semi-circle seating arrangements engaged in questioning strategies

more often than peers seated in rows during the English grammar lesson.

In Nigeria, Okwon, (2016) examined the impact of classroom congestion on

students’ performance in English composition writing among grade seven

pupils in Lagos city. He concluded that in spacious classrooms with less than

30 students achieved more (65%) in achievement test than their counterparts

(46%) in congested classrooms. The study attributed this to attaining more

social skills, room for peer interactions and feeling close to the teachers hence

more teacher-students contact. Kitwazi, (2017) in a study on influence of

classroom space on teacher-students interaction in Kampala municipality

primary schools reported optimal results students in English achievements in

grammar, writing, reading, vocabulary and comprehension were achieved

when classrooms are spacious for both students and teachers interaction.

Kotut (2016) found that, despite being a crucial recruitment criteria, teacher

training had no appreciable impact on English performance. It was discovered

that the availability of educational resources had an average significant link

with English performance. Magana (2015). It was determined that students'

attitudes about English instruction and learning did not significantly affect

their performance Njeru (2018). None of the aforementioned components,

which affect students' academic performance in English, focused on how the

physical classroom environment's spatial elements affect pupils. This study is

founded on this background.

2.6 Thermal Factors and Students’ Performance of English Language

The thermal quality has an impact on learning; the temperature in learning

spaces affects students’ behaviour and achievement, Harmon, (1953). High

temperatures as well as low ones in classrooms can decrease students’

achievement of class tasks, Teli et al., (2012). One of the significant

requirements for a student’s satisfactory performance is to maintain the

temperature in the learning environment at an appropriate level, Earthman,


Four factors that affect the human body concerning temperature adjustment

are radiant temperature, air temperature, humidity and air movement, Allen

and Hessick, (2011). The ability to maintain the ideal temperature in a learning

environment has a crucial impact on students’ performance and mental

efficiency, (Kopec, 2006). Ventilation systems that are important to refresh the

air in the classroom and expel excess humidity, and support air movement;

providing large openable windows allows students to manage temperature and

enhances the ventilation quality (Earthman, 2017).

Cooler temperatures have been associated with increased levels of children’s

comfort, activity, productivity, and concentration. Twardosz, (2017) identified

a relationship between air temperature and student performance in English

reading tasks. Pascucci, (2016), established that temperature has been

tremendous impact on student performance in English. Data collected from a

study done by the University of Scranton in grade 12 students in public

schools in Tulsa reveals that students perform best in reading, comprehension

and grammar achievement tests in controlled temperatures with test scores

averaging in the 90th percentile. In classes where temperatures were too hot

scores averaged in the low 70s, and at the mid-70s when they were too cold.

Orioni, (2018) established that there was a correlation between classroom

ventilation and academic performance in public secondary schools in Benue

states schools in Nigeria. Students learning in poorly ventilated classrooms

performed dismally in reading, creative writing and grammar areas of

achievement test compared to those in properly ventilated. The study revealed

that poorly ventilated classrooms exhibited students’ restlessness and

indiscipline. This confirmed a similar study by Eneche, (2017) in Osun states

primary schools where students in classes that were too hot or cold performed

poorly in mathematics and English language achievement test in a quasi-


In Uganda, Nyawenga and Makosi, (2018) established that poor ventilation

and poor physical environment is among the stressors among the students in

public secondary schools in Guru District. Overcrowded classrooms and

poorly developed ventilations was attributed to poor academic performance in

English reading 36%, writing 38%, grammar 26% and comprehension 28% in

achievement test. Students who are in a poorly aerated classroom may not

concentrate effectively during the lessons especially English whose skill such

as reading and writing require maximum concentration, Kotut, (2016).

Focusing on thermal factors in classroom, this study will examine the

relationship between thermal factors in classroom and their influence on

learning of English and the performance in English language.

2.7 Summary of the Literature Review and Research Gaps

The chapter had reviewed the classroom physical environment factors

influencing students’ performance in English language. The review covered

performance of English language in secondary schools, visual, acoustic,

spatial and thermal factors. Njuguna, (2012) established that very large class

size, conducive school learning environment led to dismal performance in

English. The review established that there are scanty empirical studies

conducted on the influence of physical classroom environment on students’

performance in English language. While there were studies on school physical

environment and teachers satisfaction, Kiptum, (2018), students attitude and

learning of English, Magana, (2015),teachers training and English

performance, Kotut,(2016), the review did not find any study focusing on

influence of visual, spatial, acoustic and thermal factors on students’

performance in English language in Kenya. Wambua, (2018) carried out a

study on influence of classroom learning environment on pupils’ performance

in social studies in lower primary schools in Kibwezi zone. Though pertinent

to the present study, there was no study carried out in Makindu Sub-county to

assess the influence of classroom physical environment factors on students’

performance in English Language in public secondary schools. The current

study therefore sought to fill the above aforementioned gaps.

2.8 Theoretical Framework

The environmentalist learning theory served as the study's main direction. The

principal proponents of the theory were B.F. Skinner (1948) and Albert

Bandura (1961). According to environmentalist theory of learning, a child's

environment influences both their learning and behavior. Additionally, it is

believed that behavior and education are responses to the environment. This

viewpoint encourages families, schools, and educators to recognize that a kid

develops and picks up new abilities in response to the things she encounters in

her environment. According to the hypothesis, the environment has a

significant impact on how the young mind learns and develops. The youngster

won't learn as well as she can if she is in a setting that is not conducive to

learning. Her educational prospects are increased when the setting is changed
to promote more learning. The development of the developing mind toward

more knowledge is aided by creating a favorable and conducive learning

environment, whether at home or in the school. According to the principle,

modest changes can be made to your surroundings to encourage learning.

Young learners find it difficult to read or study in dimly light places.It

promotes good learning habits and skills to keep spaces meant for play or

learning well lit. Lack of light not only has an impact on learning but can also

make kids depressed. A learning environment's design and arrangement has an

impact on everyone who uses it. The way the furniture is arranged in the

classroom not only reflects the teaching style of the teacher, but it also

encourages the child to explore and respond to her surroundings, which

promotes learning. It is advantageous to set up a space that encourages eye

contact with children and designates quiet nooks and work spaces. In the

classroom or at home, creating informal learning spaces is another educational

opportunity. A child cannot not feel motivated to learn if they are excessively

hot or chilly. The youngster can learn her internal temperature and how to

adjust it by keeping the learning environment at a base temperature. Loud

noises are not good for the developing mind. The youngster feels nurtured and

encouraged to learn uninterrupted by the removal of noisy objects. The power

to alter the environment for the possible advantage of the learner is provided

by environmentalist learning theory.

2.9 Conceptual Framework

The conceptual frame below shows the interrelationship between the

independent variables (School Environment) and the dependent variable

(Performance of English language). The independent variable of classroom

physical environment is characterized by visual factors, acoustic factors,

spatial factors and thermal factors. These factors will impact on the teaching

learning process and thus influence students’ performance in English. The

dependent variable was the performance of English in secondary schools

which was characterized by good performance in oral skills and good

performance in written skills.

Independent Variable

Visual Factors
Classroom Layout, Dependent Variable
Peripherals (displays)

Teaching and Performance

Acoustic Factors in English
Internal noise,
External noise,
Reverberation (echo),

Spatial Factors
Flexible Workspaces,
Seating arrangement,
Space function, Moderating variables
Room for Movement.
Teachers’ workload,
Availability of
Thermal Factors teaching and learning
Ventilations, materials.
Classroom ceiling,
Cooling fans

Figure 2.1 Conceptual Framework on Classroom Physical Environment

and academic performance.



3.1 Introduction

This chapter comprised of the research design appropriate for this study

followed by the target population from which possible findings from the study

were generalized, the sample size and sampling techniques, which gave a

representative inference of the population on all major variables. The chapter

then identified and described the research instruments that would be used in

the study, stating their validity, reliability tests and data analysis techniques.

The chapter concluded by identifying the ethical considerations involved in

the study.

3.2 Research Design

This study used a descriptive survey approach that includes personally

interviewing a sizable number of people and frequently asking questions in the

form of a questionnaire. Due to the high number of teachers and students

participating and the benefit of receiving a lot of data from a big sample of

people, this approach was best suited for this research.

According to Orodho (2009), descriptive research design is employed for

gathering data about people's views, opinions, and behaviors about a range of

educational or societal topics. One of most suitable method of study is a

descriptive survey because the study's goal was to describe the individuals'

behavior without actually influencing them.

3.3. Target Population

According to (Cooper and Schindler, 2008), a population is defined as the

aggregate pool of components about which an analyst aims to draw inferences

from. Therefore, the population that was targeted in this study shall include

2,260 form 2 and 3 students and 60 teachers of English from 20 public

secondary schools in Makindu Sub- County Kenya. This choice was guided by

the fact that students in both classes have at least undergone one year of

instruction and teachers are adequately trained to teach English in secondary


3.4 Sampling Size and Sampling Procedure

Orodho (2010) defines a sample as a small part of population which is thought

to be a representative of the larger population, Sampling is a research

technique used for selecting a given number of subjects from a target

population as representatives of that target population. Mugenda and Mugenda

(2003) propose that for descriptive surveys, a researcher took at least 10% of

the total population when the population sampled from is relatively large and

at least 30% for a relatively smaller population depending on time and

resources available to the researcher. They further posit that for a small

population all the subject may be sampled. Therefore, by census, all the 60

(100%) teachers were sampled for the study since it was a relatively smaller

population. Since the students population was relatively large, 226(10%) was


Table 3. 1 Sample Size

Category Target Sample Size Percentage

population %
Teachers of English 60 60 100

Form 2 & 3 Students 2260 226 10

Total 2320 286

Stratified sampling with proportionate allocation was selected for this study

because it involves selection of individual sampling unit of a sample that is

proportionate to the size of the unit which increased chances of sample

representativeness (Singh & Singh, 2012; Orodho, Khatete, & Mugiraneza,

2016).These strata include (7) girls boarding schools, (5) boys boarding

schools and (8) day schools. Simple random sampling was used within each

stratum to select the samples to avoid biasness and ensure equal representation

of the subgroups in the sample. In a simple random sampling, 90 students

were sampled from day schools where 11 students came from each of six

schools and 12 students from each of the two remaining. From the boarding

schools, 136 students were sampled with (81) students from the seven girls’

boarding schools and (55) students from the four boys boarding schools in a

ration 7:5. Simple random sampling was used to sample teachers where 3

teachers came from each of the targeted 20 schools.

3.5 Research Instruments

The study used structured questionnaire to collect data from teachers of

English and students. Mugenda and Mugenda (2003) define a questionnaire as

a written set of questions to which the subject responds in writing. Creswell

(2009) states that structured questionnaire is preferred since it increases the

degree of responses and are easily coded and analysed. It is convenient for

generating quantitative and qualitative data from a large population within a

short span of time because they address a specific objective. The

questionnaire had six sections which include: section (A) Bio data of

respondents, section B Performance in English, Section (C) visual factors,

section (D) acoustic factors, section (E) spatial factors, section (F) thermal

factors and section (G) classroom physical environment factors.

3.5.1 Validity of Instruments

As per Mugenda (2008), validity is used to describe the accuracy and

precision of conclusions drawn from research findings. If the content is chosen

and included in the data gathering tool and is pertinent to the need or gap

identified, it is considered legitimate. To confirm that the research tools

empirically demonstrated the study's variables, their validity was examined.

The researcher asked the research supervisor to examine and evaluate the

probability of errors and the projected degree of data correctness in order to

determine the content validity of the research instrument. The validity of the

instrument was determined by the researcher using expert judgment. The

content validity of the instrument was determined by the study through

discussion of the items in the instrument with the supervisors from the

department and colleagues. The process of validation enabled the researcher to

test the suitability of the questions; the adequacy of the instructions provided

the appropriateness of the format and sequence of questions.

3.5.2 Reliability of the Instruments

Reliability is a measure of the degree to which a research instrument yields

consistent results after repeated trials, Ngechu, (2004). To enhance reliability

of the instruments a pre-test was conducted in other schools in Makueni

County which were not included in the main study. The technique for

extracting an estimate of reliability was acquired from administration of test-

retest reliability method which concerned administering the identical

instrument two times to the equal groups of subjects with two weeks’ time

lapse, (Mugenda and Mugenda 2003). A reliability coefficient was computed

using Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient formula using SPSS in

order to indicate strength and direction of relationship between the

independent and dependent variables.

r=N∑XY- (∑X) (∑Y)

√[N∑X2-(∑X)2] [N∑Y2–(∑Y)2]


Y= retest scores

X= sum of the X scores

Y2=sum of the Y scores

X2=sum of the squared X scores

Y=sum of the squared Y scores

XY=sum of the products of paired X and Y scores

N= the number of pairs of x and y

Source: Freedman, D., Pisan, R., &Purves, R. (2007). Statistics

(international student edition)

Zero coefficient value indicated no correlation between the variables hence no

reliability. Fraenkel and Wallen, (2000) and (Mugenda and Mugenda, 2003),

posit that the instruments will be considered reliable if the results produce a

reliability coefficient > = 0.7.

3.6 Data Collection Procedures

In order to apply for research permission from the National Commission for

Science, Technology, and Innovation, the researcher received an introduction

letter from the University of Nairobi (NACOSTI). To get approval to conduct,

this authorization was given to the Makueni County Commissioner and

Director of Education.

Through the drop and pick procedure, the researcher personally delivered the

questionnaires to the selected population, helping to increase the response rate.

The importance of the study was explained to the questionnaire takers. The

answers to the questions provided did not have good explanations. As soon as

the surveys were completed, the researcher gathered them.

3.7 Data Analysis Techniques

Data analysis is the interpretation of collected raw data into useful

information (Kombo, 2006). After collection of data from the field, the

researcher use both qualitative and quantitative analysis. Data was organized

and classified according to the objectives. Thus, the questionnaires were

collected and cleaned up in readiness for data inputting and subsequent

analysis. Statistical package for Social Scientists (SPSS) was used to analyze

the questionnaires. Descriptive statistics such as frequencies, percentages,

mean score and deviation were tabulated for all the quantitative variables. This

information was presented inform of tables. Pearson product moment

correlation (r) was used to determine or test the strength and direction of

relationship between variables. Significance level of 0.05 or 5% was used to

determine the significance levels of association between variables. The

qualitative data from open-ended questions was analyzed using conceptual

content analysis and presented in prose form. A multiple linear regression

model was used to determine the relative influence of visual, acoustic, spatial

and thermal factors on students’ performance in English.

3.8 Ethical Considerations

The ethical concerns in this instance will not only apply to methods and

procedures employed but also on the subject matter itself. Respondents’

anonymity, confidentiality and privacy will be observed during data

collection. The researcher will obtain clearance from University of Nairobi

and get permit from NACOSTI for authorization to collect research data.

Permission will be sought from County commissioner and County Director of

Education to allow the collection of data from respondents. The questionnaire

will be accompanied by a cover letter which describes the objectives of the

study and assure the respondents of confidentiality of the information they

provide and request them to be honest in answering the questions. Participants

will be made aware of the purpose of information the researcher wants from

them and how the study will directly or indirectly affect them. Furthermore,

no respondent will be coerced into the exercise at any level.



4.1 Introduction

This chapter focuses on the questionnaire return rate, analysis, presentation of

data collected from the field and interpretation of the results thereof. In this

chapter, data analysis is presented in line with the study objectives thus:

Influence of visual factors, acoustic factors, spatial factors and thermal factors

on students’ performance in English language in public secondary schools in

Makindu sub-county.

4.2 Return Rate

The researcher administered sixty (60) questionnaires to teachers of English

and two hundred and twenty-six (226) to form 2 and 3 students. The

researcher personally administered the questionnaires to the sampled

respondents through the drop and pick method, which helped to achieve a

good response rate. All the teachers (60) returned the questionnaires.

Moreover, all the two hundred and twenty-six (226) to form 2 and 3 students

returned the questionnaires as show in Table 4.1.

Table 4.1: Response Rate

Respondents Administered Returned % Return rate

Teachers of English 60 60 100

Students 226 226 100

The return rates were 100% for teachers of English and for students

respectively. According to Babbie (2010) and Best and Khan (2011), a

response rate of 50% is considered adequate, 60% good and above 70% very

good. Therefore, the response rate from these respondents was considered to

be very good and as such the researcher proceeded to analyze the data as


4.3 Demographic Information

The study sought to find out the teachers and students’ bio-data by way of

gender, professional qualification, students’ class, teaching experience and

student’s length of stay in the same school. Although it was not part of the

purpose for this study, the researcher found it necessary to seek this data with

the main purpose of describing the demographic characteristics of the sample

and ascertaining any influence this had on the research findings. This

information was also important in ascertaining the accuracy of the data


4.3.1 Response Rate by Teachers and Students’ Gender

The study sought to find out the teachers and students bio-data by way of

gender as shown in Table 4.2

Table 4.2: Response Rate by Teachers and Students’ Gender

Teachers’ gender Frequency Percent

Male 24 40
Female 36 60
Total 60 100
Students’ Gender Frequency Percent
Male 108 48
Female 118 52
Total 226 100

The gender distribution clearly depicts that there were more female teachers

60% than male teachers 40%. The same trend is depicted by the gender spread

among the students. It should be noted that the 30% gender rule, Republic of

Kenya (2010) in the public service has been achieved in the study area, with

majority of the population being that of female and minority being male. The

results show that all the genders were well represented in the study.

4.3.2 Professional Qualification of Teachers

The study sought to find out the teachers’ way of Professional qualification as

shown in Table 4.3

Table 4.3 Respondents by Professional Qualification of Teachers

Qualification Frequency Percent

Diploma 13 21.7
Degree 35 58.3
Masters 9 15
PhD 3 5
Total 60 100

It can be observed that majority of the teachers have a degree in education

(58.3%), 21.7% have a diploma in education, 15% had master’s degree in

education and 5% have doctorate degree in education. This means that all the

teachers under study have met the minimum qualification for teaching in

secondary schools. Therefore, they can give an informed response.

4.3.3 Students’ Class

The study also sought to find out the students’ bio-data by their class as

depicted in Table 4.4

Table 4.4 Respondents by Students’ Class

Qualifications Frequency Percent

Form 2 108 47.8

Form 3 118 52.2

Total 226 100

All the students involved in this study were from form 2 (47.8%) and 3

(52.2%) thus they had stayed in the school long enough to give an objective

account about the influence of classroom physical environment on their

performance in English.

4.3.4 Student’s Length of Stay in the Same School

Moreover, the study sought to establish for how long the students involved in

the study had stayed in the same school. As shown in Table 4.5.

Table 4.5 Respondents by Student’s Length of Stay in the Same School

Years Frequency Percent

1 Year 6 2.7

2 years 106 46.9

3 and above years 114 50.4

Total 226 100

As shown in table 4.5 most students had studied in their school for 2 years

(46.9%) and 3 years and above (50.4%). This indicated that the students had

sufficient experience of two years and above to comment on the influence of

classroom physical environment on their performance in English language.

The minority (6%) had 1-year experience due to interschool transfers.

4.3.5 Teaching Experience

Moreover, the study sought to establish the teachers teaching experience as

shown in the Table 4.6.

Table 4. 6: Respondents by Teaching Experience

Years Frequency Percent

Below 2 years 4 6.7

3-5 years 47 78.3

6 and above years 9 15

Total 60 100

To ascertain the teachers teaching experience table 4.6 shows that majority of

teachers (78.3%) had taught in the same school between 3 to5 years and (15

%) had taught for six and above years. Only (6.7%) of the respondents had

less than 2 years teaching in the schools’ understudy. This therefore means

that majority of teachers (93.3%) had above three years teaching experience in

the same school and could therefore objectively comment on the influence of

classroom physical environment on students’ performance in English


4.4 Performance of English in Secondary Schools

The dependent variable was the performance of English in secondary schools,

which was characterized by good performance in oral skills and good

performance in written skills.

4.4.1 Visual Factors and Students’ Performance in English

The first objective was to establish the extent to which visual factors influence

students’ performance in English language in public secondary schools in

Makindu sub-county. To get the opinions of teachers and students in regard to

this variable, the respondents were asked to indicate the extent to which they

agree with various statements on visual classroom factors and students’

performance in English.

Table 4. 7: Agreement with Various Statements on Visual Factors and

Students’ Performance in English

Teachers Std
Mean dev.

Blackboard is visible and of appropriate size 3.21 .623

My classroom has good natural lighting 3.64 .608
Learning reading skills is more effective in well-lit classrooms 3.54 .673
There are enough and functioning light bulbs in classroom 2.96 .962
Learners more active when they learn in a well-lit classroom 3.73 .752
I use of relevant charts, flashcards and photos when teaching. 2.86 .832
Displayed learning aids improve students grammar and 2.78 .863
Classroom walls are painted with bright colours 1.65 .645
My students are more relaxed and active in classroom where 2.72 .621
interior and exterior decoration are good
Classroom colours influence students’ performance in 2.18 .721

Students Std
Mean dev.

Blackboard is visible and of appropriate size 3.41 .223

My classroom has good natural lighting 3.64 .208
Learning reading skills is more effective in well-lit classrooms 3.84 .243
There are enough and functioning light bulbs in classroom 2.98 .362
Learners more active when they learn in a well-lit classroom 4.21 .212
I use relevant charts, flashcards and photos when teaching. 3.76 .223
Displayed learning aids improves students grammar and 4.12 .216
Classroom walls are painted with bright colours 2.55 .745
My students are more relaxed and active in classroom where 3.54 .329
interior and exterior decoration are good
Classroom colours influence students’ performance in English 2.39 .911

It was established from the table, that a majority of teachers agreed or strongly

agreed that blackboards visible and of appropriate size as shown by mean of

(3.21), that classrooms had good natural lighting (3.64) and learning reading

skills is more effective in well-lit classrooms as shown by mean of (3.54).

Further, the respondents agreed that there are enough and functioning light

bulbs in classroom (2.96), students are more active when they learn in a well-

lit classroom (3.73) and they use relevant charts, flashcards and photos when

teaching English as shown by mean of (2.86). The majority of respondents

also agreed that displayed learning aids improves students grammar and

vocabulary (2.87) and students are more relaxed and active in classroom

where interior and exterior decoration are good as depicted by a mean of

(2.72). However, they disagreed that most classrooms walls (1.6) are painted

with bright colours and that Classroom colours influence students’

performance in English as shown by mean of (2.18).

On the same, the students agreed that that blackboards visible and of

appropriate size as shown by mean of (3.41), that classrooms had good natural

lighting (3.64) and learning reading skills is more effective in well-lit

classrooms as shown by mean of (3.84). Further, the respondents agreed that

there are enough and functioning light bulbs in classroom (2.98), students are

more active when they learn in a well-lit classroom (4.21) and teachers use

relevant charts, flashcards and photos when teaching English as shown by

mean of (3.76). The majority of respondents also agreed that displayed

learning aids improves students grammar and vocabulary (4.12) and students

are more relaxed and active in a classroom where interior and exterior

decoration are good as depicted by a mean of (3.54). The findings concur with

(Fentiman et al, 2013) and Makewa et al, (2012) who established that

presence of visual displays and well coloured classrooms with descriptions on

the school walls help to liven up classroom environment and affect students’

achievement and increased students’ interest because it gave them something

practical to see, do, and think about.

However, majority of students disagreed that most classrooms walls (2.55) are

painted with bright colours and that Classroom colours influence students’

performance in English as shown by mean of (2.39). These findings concur

with Negiloni, Ramani, and Sudhir (2017), who established that classroom

visual environment factors such as luminance levels on the chalkboard and at

student’s desk, chalkboard contrast and influenced students. The study agrees

with Ghulam, Khuram, Naqvi, Nadeem Iqbal, (2015) who posit that using

visuals displays in English lessons stimulates thinking and improves academic

achievement of students in grammar, writing and vocabulary building.

This confirms a study by Abdul-Majeed, (2017) to investigate the effect of

classroom environment on the achievement of first year secondary school

students in English conducted in Gezira State in Sudan established that

students who study in schools with favourable classroom lighting, well

arranged desks and with proper visual aids did better in the English test than

the Control group students. In the reading skill, the Experimental group score

73% compared to 53% for the Control group. In vocabulary, the Experimental

group students score 76 % compared to 50% by the Control group. The

Experimental group students also did better in writing as they scored 60%

compared to only 49% for the Control group. However, the two groups tended

to have similar grades in grammar. The above findings ascertain that visual

factors influence students’ performance in English language in public

secondary schools in Makindu sub-county.

The links between visual stimuli and pupils' English performance were

determined by inferential analysis. This was carried out in accordance with the

goals of the study, presented in tables, and discussed. Responses to the

questionnaires were collected on a 5-point Likert scale. This permits the

variables to be transformed into a composite score of their means. The

analysis of inferential statistics is therefore made possible by the means'

composite scores. The Pearson product moment correlation coefficient was

used in the study to show how the various variables related to one another.

Pearson In order to address the research objectives, a correlation analysis was

carried out to ascertain the type of link between the dependent variable

(students' performance in English) and independent variables (visual

aspects).Due to the possibility that these factors could have either a positive or

negative impact on students' English ability, the correlation analysis was

conducted with a 95% confidence level and was two-tailed.

Table 4. 8: Visual Factors and Students’ Performance in English

Correlation Analysis

Correlation titles VF
Visual factors Pearson correlation
Sig. (2-tailed)
N 286
Performance in English Pearson correlation .658**
Sig. (2-tailed) .000
N 286
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

Results in Table 4.8 shows that there was some correlation between the

dependent and independent variables. Visual factors in classroom had a good

positive linear correlation with students’ performance in English with an R-

value of 0.658 significant at 95% confidence level (p =0.000). Positive

correlation meant there was a need for a research on the influence of visual

factors on students’ performance in Makindu sub- county.

4.4.2 Acoustic Factors and Students’ Performance in English

The second objective was to examine the influence of acoustic factors on

students’ academic performance in English in public secondary schools in

Makindu Sub County. The respondents were requested to indicate the extent to

which they agree or disagree with various statements on the influence of

acoustic factors on students’ academic performance in English. Their replies

were as shown in Table 4.9.

Table 4. 9: Agreement with Statement on the Influence of Acoustic

Factors on Students’ Academic Performance in English

Teachers Mean Std


Students noise making in classroom is controlled 3.12 .452

External noise is minimized in classroom 2.89 .657

No Reverberation (echo) in classroom 3.74 .328

Sound amplifiers and speakers are fixed in large classrooms 1.84 .765

Students can easily hear what the teacher says without strain 3.47 .322

Students participate more in writing activities in a silent 3.96 .214


Noise from outside classroom disrupts my content delivery 3.68 .128

students are at ease to learn English in a silent classroom 3.52 .213

Students’ performance in English is hampered by internal 2.83 .347

and external noise in classroom

Students Mean Std
Students noise making in classroom is controlled 3.88 .562
External noise is minimized in classroom 2.76 .514
No Reverberation (echo) in classroom 3.86 .317
Sound amplifiers and speakers are fixed in large classrooms 2.23 1.212
Students can easily hear what the teacher says without strain 3.78 .232
Students participate more in writing activities in a silent 3.54 .321
Students are at ease to learn English in a silent classroom 2.84 .326
My performance in English is hampered by internal and 2.93 .286
external noise in classroom

The teachers agreed that students noise making in classroom is controlled as

shown by a mean of 3.12, that external noise is minimized in classrooms as

shown by a mean of 2.89 and that there is no echo in classrooms as shown by

a mean of 3.74 but they disagreed that sound amplifiers and speakers are fixed

in large classrooms as shown by a mean of 1.84. They further strongly agreed

that students can easily hear what the teacher says without strain as shown by

a mean of 3.47, that students participate more in writing activities in a silent

classroom as shown by a mean of 3.96 and that noise from outside classroom

disrupts teachers’ content delivery as shown by a mean of 3.68. Majority of

teachers were of the view that students are at ease to learn English in a silent

classroom as depicted by a mean of 3.52 and that students’ performance in

English is hampered by internal and external noise in classrooms as shown by

a mean of 2.83.

On the same, the students agreed that noise making in classroom is controlled

as shown by a mean of 3.88, that external noise is minimized in classrooms as

shown by a mean of 2.76 and that there is no echo in classrooms as shown by

a mean of 3.86 but they disagreed that sound amplifiers and speakers are fixed

in large classrooms as shown by a mean of 2.23. They further strongly agreed

that students can easily hear what the teacher says without strain as shown by

a mean of 3.78, that students participate more in writing activities in a silent

classrooms as shown by a mean of 3.54 and majority of students were of the

view that learners are at ease to learn English in a silent classroom as depicted

by a mean of 2.84 and that students’ performance in English is hampered by

internal and external noise in classrooms as shown by a mean of 2.93.

Therefore, the above findings show that that students’ performance in English

in public secondary schools in Makindu Sub County is hampered by internal

and external noise in classrooms. Moreover, listening, speaking, writing and

comprehension skills are best learnt in silent classrooms with no echoes.

The study concurs with Dockrell, (2008) who posits that tasks involving

English language, such as reading and vocabulary, writing and those that have

high cognitive processing demands involving attention, problem solving and

memory appear to be particularly vulnerable to are done effectively in noise

free classrooms. The finds also concur with Yang, Jiang and Zhao, (2017) in

their study on effect of noise on English listening comprehension test who

established that studying high noise classroom leads to dismal performance in

the English reading and comprehension tests.

Inferential analysis was done to establish the relationships between acoustic

factors and students’ Performance in English in public secondary schools in

Makindu sub-county. This was done in line with the study objectives and

presented in table and discussion thereof. The questionnaires elicited

responses that were on a 5-point Likert scale. This therefore enables the

transformation of the variables into a composite score of their means. The

composite scores of the means then enable the analysis of inferential statistics.

The study employed Pearson product moment correlation coefficient to

illustrate the relationships between variables. Pearson Correlation analysis was

conducted to determine the nature of the relationship between the dependent

variable (students’ performance in English) and independent variables

(acoustic factors) with the view of answering the research objectives. The

correlation analysis was conducted at 95% confidence level and was two-

tailed as these factors could influence students’ performance in English

negatively or positively.

Table 4. 10: Acoustic Factors and Students’ Performance in English

Correlation Analysis

Correlation titles AF
Acoustic factors Pearson correlation .812**
Sig. (2-tailed) .000
N 286
Performance in English Pearson correlation .776**
Sig. (2-tailed) .000
N 286
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

Results in Table 4.10. shows that there was correlation between the dependent

and independent variable. Acoustic factors had a correlation value of 0.776 (p

= 0.000). This shows that there is a good linear relationship between acoustic

factors in classroom and students’ performance in English in Makindu sub

county. The existence of the positive leaner relationship indicates that the

aforementioned variables were valid for the study to be conducted.

4.4.3 Spatial Factors and students’ performance in English

The third objective was to examine ways in which spatial factors influence

student’s performance in English language in public secondary schools in

Makindu sub-county. The items used to study this variable were assessed on a

5-point Likert scale ranging from 1-strongly agree to 5- strongly disagree. The

detailed descriptive results for the objective are as shown in Table 4.11.

Table 4. 11: Teachers Perceptions on Influence of Spatial Factors and

students’ Performance in English
Statement SA A N D SD Std
N=60 Mean Dev
% % % % %
The learning space facilitates 8.2 63.0 5.2 11.3 12.3 2.62 .924
student movements during
learning activities
Classroom space allows teacher 6.3 72.1 1.7 10.6 9.3 2.73 .829
movements during the lesson
Classroom space allows group 68.7 12.6 1.6 8.4 8.7 1.56 .624
learning activities
Furniture is comfortable to be 12.9 56.1 2.8 22.7 5.5 2.82 .982
used for long periods of time
Chairs can accommodate 8.7 69.3 3.9 17.2 0.9 2.94 .902
various body sizes
Desks can to hold equipment 12.8 54.4 0.0 25.6 7.2 1.89 .827
(books, stationery)
The classroom is spacious and 18.9 68.0 0.0 12.8 0.3 1.53 .624
comfortable for learning
Classroom space influence 15.2 23.4 1.8 52.0 7.6 2.92 .912
students’ performance in
It was established from the table, that a majority of teachers comprising of

63.0% and 8.2% agreed or strongly agreed that the learning spaces facilitates

student movements during learning activities. Moreover, the teachers were in

agreement (78.4%) that classroom space allows teacher movements during the

lesson while others agreed or strongly agreed (81.3%) that classroom space

allowed group learning activities during English lesson. Further, the

respondents agreed (69%) that furniture in classroom are comfortable to be

used for long periods of time while a good number of them were in agreement

(78%) that students chairs can accommodate various body sizes. In addition,

teachers alluded (67.2%) that students’ desks can to hold equipment (books,

stationery) and (86.9%) agreed that the classrooms were spacious and

comfortable for learning English. However, some of the teachers disagreed

(59.6%) that classroom space influenced students’ performance in English.

The study further established students’ perceptions in regard to Influence of

spatial factors and student’s performance in English. The results were as

presented in Table 4.12

Table 4. 12: Students Responses Regarding Influence of Spatial Factors
and Performance in English

Statement SA A N D SD Std
N=226 Mean Dev
% % % % %
The learning space facilitates 10.6 72.1 3.5 9.4 4.4 2.62 .963
students movements during
learning activities
Classroom space allows teacher 9.1 68.7 2.6 12.5 7.1 2.87 .734
movements during the lesson
Classroom space allows group 74.3 6.7 2.4 11.4 5.2 1.69 .688
learning activities
Furniture is comfortable to be 14.0 57.2 4.2 23.1 1.5 1.92 .773
used for long periods of time
Chairs can accommodate 7.2 73.5 1.4 12.9 5.0 2.79 .912
various body sizes
Desks are spacious to hold 13.7 52.1 1.9 15.1 17.2 1.78 .735
The classroom is spacious and 20.2 52.3 0.0 11.7 13.9 1.67 .652
comfortable for learning
Classroom space influence 10.1 18.1 0.0 61.4 10.4 2.83 .914
students’ performance in
It was established from the table, that a majority of students comprising of

72.1% and 10.6% agreed or strongly agreed that the learning spaces facilitates

learners movements during learning activities. Moreover, the students agreed

(77.4%) that classroom space allows teacher movements during the lesson

while others agreed or strongly agreed (81%) that classroom space allowed

group learning activities during English lesson. Further, the respondents

agreed (71.2%) that furniture in classroom are comfortable to be used for long

periods of time while a good number of them agreed (80.7%) that students

chairs can accommodate various body sizes. In addition, majority of students

alluded (65.8%) that their desks can to hold equipment (books, stationery) and

(72.5%) agreed that the classrooms were spacious and comfortable for

learning English. However, majority of students disagreed (71.8%) that

classroom space influenced students’ performance in English.

Therefore, the above findings show that Classroom space in terms of learning

space, comfortable chairs and desks has no direct significant influence on

students’ performance in English that students’ performance in English in

public secondary schools in Makindu sub county. However, classroom space

and comfortable furniture play a key role in ensuring students’ comfort during

the lesson and in enhancing learners’ attentiveness. Classroom space is also

key in attaining more social skills, room for peer interactions and feeling close

to the teachers hence more teacher –students contact.

The findings of this study concur with Samantha, (2017) who established that

flexibility is a key component in stimulating minds of students to think freely

and creatively and should be adequate enough to allow students want to

present or demonstrate something, participate in role play and dramatization

and participate in group discussion comfortably. However, the finding of this

study contrasted that of Okwon, (2016) who concluded that in spacious

classrooms with fewer students achieved more in achievement test than their

counterparts in congested classrooms. Since majority of respondents (59.6%)

and (71.8%) were of the view that classroom space does not directly influence

students’ performance in English.

The study employed Pearson product moment correlation coefficient to

illustrate the relationships between spatial factors and performance in English.

Pearson Correlation analysis was conducted to determine the nature of the

relationship between the dependent variable (students’ performance in

English) and independent variables (spatial factors) with the view of

answering the research objectives. The correlation analysis was conducted at

95% confidence level and was two-tailed as these factors could influence

students’ performance in English negatively or positively.

Table 4. 13: Spatial Factors and Students’ Performance in English

Correlation Analysis

Correlation titles SF
Acoustic factors Pearson correlation 1
Sig. (2-tailed)
N 286
Performance in English Pearson correlation .753**
Sig. (2-tailed) .000
N 286
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

Results in Table 4.13 shows that there was correlation between the dependent

and independent variable. Spatial factors had a correlation value of 0.753 with

students’ performance in English at 95% confidence level (p=0.000). This

depicts that spatial factors in classroom had a good linear relationship with

students’ performance in English in Makindu Sub County. The existence of

the positive leaner relationship indicates that the aforementioned variables

were valid for the study to be conducted.

4.4.4 Thermal Factors and Students’ Performance in English

The last objective was to examine how thermal factors influence performance

in English in public secondary schools in Makindu sub-county. The

respondents were to indicate their level of agreement with various statements

on the influencee thermal factors on students’ performance in English


Table 4. 14: Agreement with Statements on the Influence of Thermal

Factors on Students’ Academic Performance in English

Teachers Mean Std

The air circulation in classrooms is appropriate 3.24 .523
There are enough fans depending on classroom size 1.92 .786
Classes have leak free ceiling 2.48 .829
Size of windows in classroom are large enough to allow 3.46 .351
free air circulation
High temperatures lower attention of students during 3.57 .432
English afternoon lessons.
Students participate actively during lessons in properly 3.43 .522
ventilated rooms
Students’ performance in English is hampered by high 3.69 .554
temperatures in classrooms
Students Mean Std
The air circulation in classrooms is appropriate 3.32 .528
There are enough fans depending on classroom size 2.22 .685
Classes have leak free ceiling 2.46 .780
Size of windows in classroom are large enough to allow 3.64 .428
free air circulation
High temperatures lower my attention during English 3.52 .524
afternoon lessons.
I participate actively during lessons in properly ventilated 3.67 .512
Students’ performance in English is hampered by high 3.35 .521
temperatures in classrooms

It was established from the table, that a majority of teachers agreed or strongly

agreed that the air circulation in classrooms is appropriate as shown by a mean

of 3.24, that Size of windows in classroom is large enough to allow free air

circulation as shown by mean of 3.46, that high temperatures lower students

attention during English afternoon lessons as shown by mean of 3.57, that

students participate actively during lessons in properly ventilated rooms as

shown by mean of 3.43 and that students’ performance in English is

hampered by high temperatures in classrooms as shown by a mean of 3.69.

However, they disagreed that there are enough fans depending on classroom

size as shown by mean of 1.92 and that Classes have leak free ceiling as

shown by mean of 2.48.

On the same matter, majority of students agreed or strongly agreed that the air

circulation in classrooms is appropriate as shown by mean of 3.32, that size of

windows in classroom is large enough to allow free air circulation as shown

by mean of 3.64 that high temperatures lower students attention during

English afternoon lessons as shown by mean of 3.52, that students participate

actively during lessons in properly ventilated rooms as shown by mean of 3.67

and that students’ performance in English is hampered by high temperatures

in classrooms as shown by mean of 3.35. However, they disagreed that there

are enough fans depending on classroom size as shown by mean of 2.22 and

that Classes have leak free ceiling as shown by mean of 2.46.

From the above findings, it can be ascertained that students participates

actively during lessons in properly ventilated rooms and that high

temperatures lower students’ attention during English afternoon lessons.

Moreover, students’ performance in English is hampered by high temperatures

in classrooms as shown by mean of 3.69. However, in Makindu sub-county,

the thermal factors are greatly put under control since many classrooms are

well ventilated, the air circulation is appropriate; size of windows is large

enough to allow free air circulation even in absence of fans.

Findings confirmed that Pascucci, (2016), established that temperature has

tremendous impact on student performance in English. This similarly

confirmed a study by Eneche, (2017) that schools where students in classes

that were too hot or cold performed poorly in mathematics and English

language achievement test in a quasi-experiment.

The study employed Pearson product moment correlation coefficient to

illustrate the relationships between spatial factors and performance in English.

Pearson Correlation analysis was conducted to determine the nature of the

relationship between the dependent variable (students’ performance in

English) and independent variables (thermal factors) with the view of

answering the research objectives. The correlation analysis was conducted at

95% confidence level and was two-tailed as these factors could influence

students’ performance in English negatively or positively.

Table 4. 15: Thermal Factors and Students’ Performance in English
Correlation Analysis

Correlation titles SF
Acoustic factors Pearson correlation 1
Sig. (2-tailed)
N 286
Performance in English Pearson correlation .667**
Sig. (2-tailed) .000
N 286
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

Results in Table 4.15 shows that there was correlation between the dependent

and independent variable. Thermal factors had a correlation value of 0.

667**with students’ performance in English at 95% confidence level

(p=0.000). This depicts that thermal factors in classroom had a good linear

relationship with students’ performance in English in English in Makindu Sub

County. All the variables were found to be significant at 5% level of

significance as their p values were lower than 0.05. The existence of the

positive leaner relationship indicates that the aforementioned variables were

valid for the study to be conducted.

4.5 Regression Analysis

A multiple linear regression model was used to determine the relative

influence of visual, acoustic, spatial and thermal factors on students’

performance in English. The regression model was as follows: Y= 0 + 11

+ 22 + 33 + 44 +  Where 0 is the constant or intercept, 1 - 4 are

the regression coefficients (change in Y, given one unit change in ). Y is the

dependent variable (students’ performance in English), 1 is visual factors, 2

is acoustic factors, 3 is spatial and 4 is thermal factors while  is the error


Table 4. 16: Regression Analysis

Model R R square Adjusted R Std. Error of

square Estimate
1 .742 .551 .534 .45073

a. Predictors: (Constant), VF, AF, SF, TF.

The study used Table 4.16 to establish whether students’ performance in

English had a linear dependence on the independent variables. The study

established a correlation value of 0.742. This depicts a good linear

dependence between the variables. An R-square value of 0.551 was

established and adjusted to 0.534. The coefficient of determination depicts that

visual, acoustic, spatial and thermal factors influences students’ performance

in English by about 55.1 per cent while 44.9 per cent variations in

performance are brought about by factors not captured in the objectives.




5.1 Introduction

This chapter presents a summary of the analysis of the major findings of this

study, conclusion and recommendations arising from the discussion.

5.2 Summary of the Findings

This study aimed at determining the influence of classroom physical

environment factors on performance in English in public secondary schools in

Makindu sub-county, Makueni County. The study was guided by four key

objectives thus: to establish the extent to which visual factors influence

students’ performance in English language in public secondary schools in

Makindu sub-county, to determine the extent to which acoustic factors

influence performance of English language in public secondary schools in

Makindu sub-county, to examine ways in which spatial factors influence

student’s performance in English language in public secondary schools in

Makindu sub-county and to examine how thermal factors influence

performance of English language in public secondary school in Makindu sub-


The study used descriptive survey research design since it enabled correction

of information from respondents without compromising their privacy. The

target population of the study consisted of teachers of English employed by

Teachers Service Commission and public secondary school students in

Makindu sub-county. The total number of teacher’s total was 60 and students

were 2260. Simple random sampling was used to sample teachers where 3

teachers came from each of the targeted 20 schools.

Stratified sampling with proportionate allocation was selected for this study

because it involves the selection of individual sampling unit of a sample that is

proportionate to the size of the unit, which increases chances of sample

representativeness (Singh & Singh, 2012; Orodho, Khatete, & Mugiraneza,

2016). These strata included (7) girls boarding schools, (5) boys boarding

schools and day schools (8). Simple random sampling was used within each

stratum to select the samples to avoid biasness and ensure equal representation

of the subgroups in the sample. In a simple random sampling, 90 students

were sampled from day schools where 11 students came from each of six

schools and 12 students from each of the two remaining. From the boarding

schools, 136 students were sampled with (81) students from the seven girls’

boarding schools and (55) students from the four boys boarding schools in a

ration 7:5.

The research instrument was piloted using the test retest technique and a

Pearson correlation coefficient computed. The refined instruments were

administered, filled and responses analyzed. The study applied the use of

primary data collection technique. This was achieved through the use of

questionnaires. Data from questionnaires was analyzed quantitatively. Both

descriptive and inferential statistics was generated. Descriptive analysis

generated data which was presented in tables, percentages and figures.

Inferential statistics generated data which was used to test the relationship

between the dependent and independent variables. Pearson product moment

correlation (r) was used to test for the relationship between the variables and

regression analysis was to ascertain the level of influence. Statistical Package

for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 21.0 was used to aid in data analysis. After

a comprehensive data analysis, the findings of the study are as summarized


5.2.1 Visual Factors and Students’ Performance in English

The first objective of the study was to establish the extent to which visual

factors influence students’ performance in English language in public

secondary schools in Makindu sub-county. The quantitative descriptive results

from the questionnaires showed that many items in this variable were

significantly related to students’ performance in English in Makindu sub-

county. The results indicated that displayed learning aids improve student’s

grammar and vocabulary and students are more relaxed and active in

classroom with interior and exterior decoration. Further, the results indicated

that when there are enough and functioning light bulbs in classrooms students

are more active. However, Classroom colours do not have significant

influence on students’ performance in English.

The results therefore concurred with the literature reviewed that indeed

adequate classroom lighting, displayed learning aids in classrooms leads to

high attentiveness and activeness among students in secondary schools. The

inferential statistics in this study (Pearson Product Moment correlation results)

also show that visual factors and students’ performance in English have a

significant inverse correlation meaning that an improvement in the displaying

learning aids, visible blackboards and classroom lighting lead to improved

students’ performance in English in public secondary schools in Makindu sub-

county and the reverse is true.

5.2.2Acoustic Factors and Students’ Performance in English

The second objective was to examine the influence of acoustic factors on

students’ academic performance in English in public secondary schools in

Makindu Sub County. The quantitative descriptive results show that students

can easily hear what the teacher says without strain when in a noise free

classroom. The results established that students participate more in writing

activities in a silent classrooms and noise from outside classroom disrupts

teachers’ content delivery during English lessons. The results further show

that students are at ease and attentive to learn English in a silent classroom

the study concludes that students’ performance in English is hampered by

internal and external noise in classrooms.

The results of inferential statistics (Pearson’s Product-Moment Correlation)

show that acoustic factors in classroom and students’ performance in English

in public secondary school teachers in Makindu sub-county have a significant

negative (inverse) correlation. This implies that when acoustic factors in

classroom are improved it corresponds with an improvement in students’

performance in English in public secondary schools in Makindu Sub County

and vice versa. Most of the literature reviewed supports these results that

indeed acoustic features in classrooms influence students’ attentiveness and

performance in English language reading, comprehension and writing tests.

5.2.3 Spatial Factors and Students’ Performance in English

The third objective was to examine ways in which spatial factors influence

student’s performance in English language in public secondary schools in

Makindu sub-county. The results of quantitative descriptive results show that

the learning spaces in classes facilitate student and teachers’ movements

during learning activities, classroom space allowed group learning activities

during English lesson, furniture in classroom are comfortable to be used for

long periods of time and the students’ chairs can accommodate various body

sizes. In addition, students’ desks can to hold equipment (books, stationery)

and were spacious and comfortable for learning English.

Inferential statistical results (Pearson’s Product-Moment Correlation) also

show that classroom spatial factors and students’ performance in English in

public secondary schools in Makindu sub-county have a strong and significant

negative (inverse) correlation meaning that an improvement on classroom

space, desks and chairs lead to improved performance in English and vice

versa. Regression analysis shows that students’ performance in English had a

linear dependence on the spatial factors.

5.2.4 Thermal Factors and Students’ Performance in English

The last objective was to examine how thermal factors influence performance

in English in public secondary schools in Makindu sub-county. The

quantitative descriptive results from the questionnaires show that the air

circulation in classrooms is appropriate, that size of windows in classroom is

large enough to allow free air circulation, high temperatures lower students’

attention during English afternoon lessons and that students participate

actively during lessons in properly ventilated rooms. The study also

established that students’ performance in English is hampered by high

temperatures in classrooms. The study also found out that there are no enough

fans depending on classroom size and most of classes do not have leak free

ceiling. The inferential statistics results (Pearson’s Product-Moment

Correlation) also indicate that thermal factors and students’ performance in

English in public secondary schools in Makindu sub-county have a significant

negative correlation. This means that an improvement in classroom thermal

factors corresponds with an improvement in students’ performance in English.

5.3 Conclusion of the Study

The study concluded that Visual factors and students’ performance in English

have a significant inverse correlation thus an improvement in the visual

learning aids, visible blackboards and classroom lighting lead to improved

students’ performance in English in public secondary schools in Makindu sub-

county and the reverse is true. The study also concluded that acoustic features

in classrooms also influence students’ attentiveness and performance in

English language reading, comprehension and writing tests. Therefore, since

acoustic factors in classroom and students’ performance in English have a

significant inverse correlation, when acoustic factors in classroom are

improved it corresponds with an improvement in students’ performance in

English in public secondary schools in Makindu Sub County and vice versa.
Moreover, the study concluded that having appropriate size of classrooms

facilitates student and teachers’ movements during learning activities thus

close monitoring of students’ activities during the lesson. Furthermore, big and

appropriate size of students’ chairs and desks makes the students comfortable

and able to concentrate in English learning activities for a long time. Since

students’ performance in English has a linear dependence on the spatial

factors, improvement on classroom space, desks and chairs lead to improved

performance in English.

The study further concluded that high temperatures lower students’ attention

during afternoon English lessons and that students participate actively during

lessons in properly ventilated rooms. The study concluded that students’

performance in English is greatly hampered by high temperatures in

classrooms. Most schools in Makindu sub-county neither have enough fans

depending on classroom size nor have leak free ceiling. The study further

concluded that an improvement in classroom thermal factors corresponds with

an improvement in students’ performance in English when other factors are

kept constant.

Lastly, the study led to the overall conclusion that, visual, acoustic, spatial and

thermal factors significantly influence students’ performance in English in

public secondary schools in Makindu sub-county in Makueni county Kenya.

Thus, performance of English would greatly be enhanced through improving

on all these factors.

5.4 Recommendations

i) Schools’ Boards of Management should ensure that classrooms are well lit

by replacing the blown out bulbs regularly, brightly painted and have clear

visible blackboards. The Teachers Service Commission should encourage

teachers of English to use various learning aids, charts, projection of

images, pictures and other displays during the lesson to improve the

students’ grammar and vocabulary.

ii) The school principals and teachers should ensure internal and external

noise is minimized around classroom areas. Teachers should ensure

students noise making is minimized in classes. The board of management

should ensure that the large classrooms have sound amplifiers and echo

proof gadgets to enable students to listen to teachers without straining.

iii) The school board of management should ensure that classrooms are

spacious enough to enable teachers and student’s free movement during

lessons, formation of groups and other learning activities. The school

board of management should also ensure that students’ desks are spacious

enough to accommodate all the learners’ books; chairs are comfortable and

big enough for all student sizes.

iv) The Ministry of Education and the school board of management should

ensure that all classrooms are well ventilated, allow fresh air circulation,

have large and glass fitted windows. The school board of management

should ensure classrooms are fitted with cooling fans to minimize heat

during afternoon lessons and have leak free ceiling to minimize the

coldness at nights.

5.5 Suggestions for Further Research

i) This research did not consider the mediating, moderating and/or

intervening effect on students’ performance in English, teachers’

workload, availability of teaching and learning material, availability of

library and students’ attitude towards studying English. Further research

may reveal other factors that may influence students’ performance in


ii) The scope of the research was in public secondary schools in Makindu

sub-county. Further research may also be necessary for extent analysis

(whether the observed state, conclusions and recommendations apply to

the target sub-county, county, surrounding counties or the entirety of the

Republic of Kenya).

iii) This study mainly concentrated on the influence on classroom physical

environment factors on students’ performance in English in public

secondary schools in Makindu sub-county. Future studies may go a little

further and increase the scope by including teachers and students in private

secondary schools either exclusively or inclusively. That is either teachers

and students in public and private secondary schools principals or a

comparison of both. Similar studies may also be conducted on both

teachers and students in public primary and private primary schools.


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Appendix I: Questionnaire for Teachers of English

This questionnaire is designed to help the researcher assess the influence of

classroom physical environment on students’ performance in English in public

secondary schools in Makindu sub county, Makueni County. The information

you give will be used for the purpose of the study only. Please indicate the

correct option by inserting a tick in the appropriate box provided or by writing

the answer in the provided space

Section A: Demographic data

1. What is your gender?

Male [ ] Female [ ]

2. What is your age in year?

Below 25 [ ] 25-30 [ ] 31-35 [ ] 36-40 [ ] 46-50 [ ] 51 and

above [ ]

3. What is your highest professional qualification?

Diploma [ ] Bachelors [ ] Masters [ ] PhD [ ]

If any other specify……………………………………………………

4. Kindly indicate for how long you have taught English in public secondary


Below 2years [ ] 3-5 [ ] 6 and above [ ]

Section B: Academic Performance in English

5. Kindly indicated the students mean score in English subject in KCSE for

the 2018 to 2020 in your school

KCSE Year Mean score




6. In this section, tick where appropriate using the following scale 1-Strongly

Disagree (SD) 2-Disagree (D) 3-Neutral (N) 4-Agree (A) 5-Strongly

Agree (SA)

S/N Statement SD D N A SA
1 The school registers high performance in
2 Students perform better in English than in other
3 English speaking improves the performance
4 Performance of English in the school has
steadily been improving
5 Most of the students do well in English
6 Spacious classroom encourage students to study
7 Displayed learning documents improves
students grammar and vocabulary
8 Studying English in a noise free classroom
improves performance
9 Studying English in properly ventilated rooms
encourage better performance

Section C: Spatial Factors and students’ performance in English

7. Indicate the extent to which you agree with the following statements using

the following key: SA = Strongly Agree A=Agree D= Disagree SD =

Strongly Disagree.
Statement SA A D SD

classroom space is of appropriate size in

accordance with the number of students

The learning space facilitates student movements

during learning activities

Classroom space allows teacher movements

when monitoring students’ learning activities

Classroom space allows group learning activities

Furniture are comfortable to be used for long

periods of time

Chairs can accommodate various body sizes

Desks can to hold equipment (books, stationery)

The classroom is spacious and comfortable for


Classroom space influence students in English

8. Which other space related areas would you like improved to enhance

performance in English?



Section D: Visual Factors and students’ performance in English

9. Indicate the extent to which you agree with the following statements using

the following key: SA = Strongly Agree A=Agree D= Disagree SD =

Strongly Disagree.

Statement SA A D SD

Blackboard is visible and of appropriate size
I have good natural lighting in my classroom
Teaching reading skills is more effective in well-
lit classrooms
There are enough and functioning light bulbs in
The light meets the needs of learning and teaching
Students are more active when they learn in well-
lit classroom
I use of relevant charts, flashcards and photos
when teaching English.
Displayed learning documents improves students
grammar and vocabulary
Classroom walls are painted with bright colours
My students are more relaxed and active in
classroom where interior and exterior decoration
are good
Classroom colours influence students’
performance in English

10. In your view, which other visual related area requires improvement to

enhance performance in English……………………………….

Section E: Acoustic factors and students’ performance in English

11. Indicate the extent to which you agree with the following statements using

the following key: SA = Strongly Agree A=Agree D= Disagree SD =

Strongly Disagree.

Statement SA A D SD

Students noise making in classroom is

controlled by teachers

External noise is minimized in classroom

No Reverberation (echo) in classroom

Sound amplifiers and speakers are fixed in large


Students can easily hear what the teacher says

without strain

Students participate more in reading and writing

activities in a silent classroom

Noise from outside classroom disrupts my

content delivery

Teachers and students are at ease to learn

English in a silent classroom

Students’ performance in English is hampered

by internal and external noise in classroom

12. What acoustic related areas would you like improved to enhance

performance in English?.........................................

Section F: Thermal factors and students’ performance in English

13. Indicate the extent to which you agree with the following statements using

the following key: SA = Strongly Agree A=Agree D= Disagree SD =

Strongly Disagree.

Statement SA A D SD

The air circulation in classrooms is appropriate
There are enough fans depending on classroom
Classes have leak free ceiling
Size of windows in classroom is large enough to
allow free air circulation
High temperatures lower attention students
during English afternoon lessons.
Students participates actively during lessons in
properly ventilated rooms

Thank you for your time and participation

Appendix II: Questionnaire for Students

This questionnaire is designed to help the researcher assess the influence of

classroom physical environment on students’ performance in English in public

secondary schools in Makindu sub county, Makueni County. The information

you give will be used for the purpose of the study only. Please indicate the

correct option by inserting a tick in the appropriate box provided or by writing

the answer in the provided space

Section A: Demographic data

1. What is your gender?

Male [ ] Female [ ]

2. What is your age in year?

Below 15 [ ] 15 and above [ ]

3. Which class do you study is your highest professional qualification?

Form 2 [ ] form 3 [ ]

4. Kindly indicate for how long you been in this school?

1 year [ ] 2 years [ ] 3 years [ ] 4 years [ ]

Section B: Performance in English

5. In this section, tick where appropriate using the following scale

1-Strongly Disagree (SD) 2-Disagree (D) 3-Neutral (N) 4-Agree (A) 5-

Strongly Agree (SA)

S/N Statement SD D N A SA
1 The school registers high performance in
2 I perform better in English than in other

3 English speaking improves the performance
4 Performance of English in the school has
steadily been improving
5 Most of the students do well in English
6 Spacious classroom encourage students to
study English
7 Displayed learning documents improves my
grammar and vocabulary
8 Studying English in a noise free classroom
improves performance
9 Studying English in properly ventilated rooms
encourage better performance

Section C: Spatial Factors and students’ performance in English

6 Indicate the extent to which you agree with the following statements using

the following key: SA = Strongly Agree A=Agree D= Disagree SD =

Strongly Disagree.

Statement SA A D SD

My classroom space is of appropriate size in

accordance with the number of students

The learning space facilitates students

movements during learning lesson

Teachers of English move around the class

monitoring students’ learning activities during

the lesson

Our Classroom space allows group learning


Furniture are comfortable to be used for long

periods of time

Chairs can accommodate various body sizes

Desks can to hold equipment (books, stationery)

The classroom is spacious and comfortable for


Classroom space influence my performance in


7 Which other space related areas would you like improved to enhance

performance in English?....................................................

Section D: Visual Factors and students’ performance in English

8 Indicate the extent to which you agree with the following statements using

the following key: SA = Strongly Agree A=Agree D= Disagree SD =

Strongly Disagree.

Statement SA A D SD

Blackboard is visible and of appropriate size

My classroom has good natural lighting

Learning reading skills is more effective in well-

lit classrooms

There are enough and functioning light bulbs in


The light meets the needs of learning and

teaching activities

I am more active when I learn in a well-lit


Teachers of English use of relevant charts,

flashcards and photos when teaching.

My grammar is enhanced when teachers use

displayed learning materials

Classroom walls are painted with bright colours

I am more relaxed and active in classroom

where interior and exterior decoration are good

Classroom colours influence my performance

in English

9 In your view, which other visual related area requires improvement to

enhance performance in English……………………………….

Section E: Acoustic factors and students’ performance in English

10 Indicate the extent to which you agree with the following statements using

the following key: SA = Strongly Agree A=Agree D= Disagree SD =

Strongly Disagree.

Statement SA A D SD

Teachers and prefects control students noise

making in classroom

External noise is minimized in classroom

No Reverberation (echo) in my classroom

Sound amplifiers and speakers are fixed in large


I can easily hear what the teacher says without


I participate more in reading and writing

activities in a noise-free classroom

I am at ease to learn English in a silent


My performance in English is hampered by

internal and external noise in classroom

11 What acoustic related areas would you like improved to enhance

performance in English?.........................................

Section F: Thermal factors and students’ performance in English

12 Indicate the extent to which you agree with the following statements using

the following key: SA = Strongly Agree A=Agree D= Disagree SD =

Strongly Disagree.

Statement SA A D SD

The air circulation in classrooms is appropriate

There are enough fans depending on classroom


Classes have leak free ceiling

Size of windows in classroom is large enough to

allow free air circulation

My attention and concentration is lower during

hot afternoon English afternoon lessons.

I participate more actively during lessons in

properly ventilated rooms

Extremely lower temperatures influence my

concentration during reading and comprehension


Unregulated temperatures influence my

performance in English

Section G: Classroom physical environment factors and students’

performance in English

13 Kindly indicate the extent to which the following Classroom physical

environment factors influence students’ performance in English in your

school. Use a scale where: LE =low extent, ME= moderate extent,

GE=great extent and VG= Very great extent

Factors LE ME GE VG

Spatial factors

Visual factors

Acoustic factors

Thermal factors

Thank you for your time and participation

Appendix III: Letter of Recommendation from University of Nairobi

P.O. BOX 30197
OR P.O. BOX 92 -00902


OUR REF: E55/850952016 November 8th, 2021


Dear Sir/Madam,


This is to confirm that Sherry Makeba Wawire is a Master of Education

student in the department of Educational Management Policy and Curriculum
Studies of the University of Nairobi. She is currently working on her research
proposal entitled “Influence of Classroom Physical Environment on
Students Performance in Public Secondary Schools in Makindu Sub County
Makueni County”. Her area of specialization is Curriculum Studies

Any assistance accorded to her will be highly appreciated



Appendix IV: Research Permit

Appendix VI: Research Authorization Letter from County Director of


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