Dark Matter Annihilation

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March 19, 2014 0:27 WSPC/INSTRUCTION FILE wag˙2013˙salati

International Journal of Modern Physics: Conference Series

c World Scientific Publishing Company
arXiv:1403.4495v1 [astro-ph.HE] 18 Mar 2014


LAPTh, Université de Savoie & CNRS, 9 chemin de Bellevue, B.P.110
Annecy-le-Vieux, F-74941, France

Received 12 February 2014

The astronomical dark matter is an essential component of the Universe and yet its
nature is still unresolved. It could be made of neutral and massive elementary particles
which are their own antimatter partners. These dark matter species undergo mutual
annihilations whose effects are briefly reviewed in this article. Dark matter annihilation
plays a key role at early times as it sets the relic abundance of the particles once they
have decoupled from the primordial plasma. A weak annihilation cross section naturally
leads to a cosmological abundance in agreement with observations. Dark matter species
subsequently annihilate – or decay – during Big Bang nucleosynthesis and could play
havoc with the light element abundances unless they offer a possible solution to the
7 Li problem. They could also reionize the intergalactic medium after recombination and

leave visible imprints in the cosmic microwave background. But one of the most exciting
aspects of the question lies in the possibility to indirectly detect the dark matter species
through the rare antimatter particles – antiprotons, positrons and antideuterons – which
they produce as they currently annihilate inside the galactic halo. Finally, the effects of
dark matter annihilation on stars is discussed.

Keywords: dark matter, Big Bang nucleosynthesis, cosmic rays, stellar evolution

PACS numbers: 95.35.+d, 98.80.Cq, 95.30.Cq, 26.35.+c, 95.85.Ry, 96.50.S-, 98.70.Sa,


1. Dark Matter production through annihilation

Large amounts of invisible matter in the Universe have been discovered in 1933 when
the Swiss astronomer Fritz Zwicky measured 1 the velocity dispersion of individual
galaxies inside the Coma cluster. That self-gravitating system contains thousands of
objects and has quite certainly virialized given its age and spherical shape. Because
a steady state has been reached, the cluster mass and size can be related to the
velocity dispersion of the galaxies which it shelters. Zwicky determined for the first
time the dynamical mass of the Coma cluster and obtained a value more than a
hundred times larger than the visible counterpart inferred from the luminosity of

a Proceedings of 2nd International Workshop on Antimatter and Gravity WAG 2013 held in Bern.

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2 P. Salati

galaxies. The astronomical dark matter puzzle originates from this measurement.
Since then, it has been continuously confirmed by an impressive series of refined
observations performed with quite different methods. The analysis of the X-ray
emission from the hot gas filling clusters allows to reconstruct their gravitational
potential wells and to infer their dynamical mass. The weak and strong lensing of
distant sources can also be used to derive the amount of material bending the light
trajectories. The dynamical to visible mass ratio is always very large. Clusters can
be pictured as icebergs with a tiny emerged visible part and a by far dominant
hidden component made of dark matter (DM).
The problem also exists on galactic scales as demonstrated by Vera Rubin 2 and
Albert Bosma 3 in 1979. The rotation curves of spirals are determined with the
help of the Doppler effect through the 21 cm line emission from orbiting clouds of
neutral atomic hydrogen HI. The rotation speed of the disk does not exhibit the
Keplerian decrease which would be typical of a central and dominating mass. On
the contrary, it is found to remain flat far beyond the optical radius. The dynamical
mass of spirals does not lie therefore in their bulges but is spread over an extended
halo of unseen material.
More recently, the measurements of the cosmic microwave background (CMB)
anisotropies by the Planck satellite in 2013 provide clear evidence 4 for a flat universe
whose density Ωtot = 1 is equal to the closure value. A fluid with negative pressure,
dubbed dark energy or quintessence, coexists with non-relativistic matter. Dark
energy contributes a fraction ΩΛ = 0.6825 to the total mass budget whereas matter
amounts to ΩM = 0.3175. Nucleons and electrons which make up the so-called
baryonic matter contribute only a small fraction ΩB = 0.049 in agreement with
primordial nucleosynthesis. A dark component with density ΩDM = ΩM − ΩB =
0.2685 appears on cosmological scales with the surprising property of being made
of an unknown form of matter.
Theoreticians have been imagining for the last three decades a plethora of candi-
dates for this astronomical dark matter. In spite of the proliferation of more or less
exotic models, the interest of the community has focused on the supersymmetric
or Kaluza-Klein extensions of the standard model of particle physics. These theo-
ries are based on a new symmetry of Nature and naturally predict the existence
of a weakly interacting and massive particle – dubbed WIMP – whose mass lies in
the GeV to TeV range with typically weak interactions. This species is moreover
stable because of the conservation of the quantum number associated to the new
symmetry. It is electrically neutral and is its own anti-particle. A WIMP pair can
annihilate to produce standard particles like fermions or gauge bosons.
χ+χ f + f¯ , W + + W − , Z 0 + Z 0 , · · · (1)
Dark matter annihilation plays a crucial role in the early Universe as it provides
a natural mechanism through which WIMPs have been produced. Because reac-
tion (1) is in equilibrium during the Big Bang, DM species exist under the form of
an ultra-relativistic radiation as long as the temperature of the primordial plasma
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Dark Matter Annihilation in the Universe 3

exceeds their mass. For a 10 GeV particle, this happens before an age of a few ns.
As soon as this condition stops to be fulfilled, WIMPs annihilate without being
produced back from lighter particles. Their density drops significantly until they
are so diluted that they stop interacting with each other. This chemical quenching
leaves a steady population of particles whose density decreases as space expands.
Because they are stable, WIMPs contribute today to the mass budget of the Uni-
verse. Actually, their cosmological relic abundance is found 5 to depend only on the
annihilation cross section with
3 × 10−27 cm3 s−1
Ωχ h2 = , (2)
< σan v >
where h is the Hubble constant. With a cross section < σan v >∼ 3 × 10−26 cm3 s−1
typical of weak interactions, the cosmological abundance Ωχ falls naturally close to
the observed value of ΩDM ' 0.27. This coincidence is called the WIMP miracle
and is the reason why this type of particle is considered as the favoured candidate
to the astronomical dark matter.

2. Dark Matter Annihilation and Big Bang Nucleosynthesis

Big Bang nucleosynthesis (BBN) is in remarkable agreement with observations of
light element abundances although some tension exists for 7 Li. That species is essen-
tially produced through 4 He + 3 He → 7 Be + γ with subsequent electron capture of
Be into 7 Li. The BBN theory predicts an abundance of 7 Li/H = 5.24+0.71
−0.67 × 10

whereas a plateau – the so-called Spite plateau – is measured at a level of

Li/H = 1 − 2 × 10−10 regardless of the metallicity. Moreover, in standard BBN,
the 6 Li isotope is formed in the reaction 4 He + D → 6 Li + γ which is extremely
inefficient, hence a theoretical value of 6 Li/H ∼ 10−14 . Significant traces of that
element have nevertheless been found in the low-metallicity halo star HD84937 for
which 6 Li/7 Li = 0.052 ± 0.019.
Primordial nucleosynthesis can be significantly perturbed by the injection of
energetic and non-thermal particles produced by the residual annihilation or decay
of WIMPs. DM species could play havoc with the synthesis of light elements in
many ways 6 . To commence, electromagnetic products – electrons, positrons and
photons – generate showers and can lead to the photodissociation of nuclei. Photons
injected in the primordial plasma generate electromagnetic showers as long as their
energy Eγ exceeds the threshold energy EC ' m2e /22 T for pair production on the
CMB. That process is dominant because the baryon-to-photon ratio is so small.
Alternatively, shower photons with Eγ ≤ EC can pair produce on protons and 4 He
nuclei. They also Compton scatter off plasma electrons. They have finally a small
chance to photodisintegrate D below 3 keV and later on 4 He below 0.3 keV. Nuclei
can be destroyed as soon as the cut-off energy EC exceeds their photodissociation
threshold. The larger the latter, the smaller the temperature at which destruction
starts to take place. The dissociation of 4 He produces D and 3 He and leads to an
abnormally large 3 He/D ratio.
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4 P. Salati

WIMP annihilation or decay can also produce hadronic particles. Injection of

π induces charge exchange reactions π − + p → π 0 + n for temperatures between

1 MeV and 300 keV. Creation of extra neutrons after the neutron-to-proton ratio
n/p freeze-out implies an increase of the helium mass fraction Yp . The same effect
occurs if antinucleons are injected in the primordial plasma since they preferentially
annihilate on protons, thereby raising the effective n/p ratio. Any extra neutrons
injected at T ∼ 40 keV can lead to an important depletion of 7 Be. Depending on
its magnitude, this mechanism could solve the lithium problem. Finally, at lower
temperatures, energetic neutrons and protons can destroy 4 He through n + 4 He →
H (3 He) + p (n) + n + (π’s) or n + 4 He → D + p + 2n + (π’s). This can result
in the overproduction of D but may also lead to a much larger 6 Li abundance than
predicted by standard BBN.
Non-thermal BBN provides a framework to solve the 7 Li problem. If a small
admixture of neutrons is injected by WIMP annihilation or decay during or just
after the synthesis of 7 Be, i.e., for temperatures between 60 and 30 keV, this element
is converted into 7 Li via the neutron capture n + 7 Be → p + 7 Li and is efficiently
destroyed by protons through p + 7 Li → 4 He + 4 He. This sequence of reactions
leads to the depletion of 7 Be which is no longer transmuted into 7 Li at later times
by electron capture, hence a residual 7 Li abundance closer to the Spite plateau.
That scenario is nevertheless constrained by the requirement that extra neutrons
should not overproduce D.
Energetic 3 He and 3 H may be produced via the spallation (hadronic) or pho-
todissociation (electromagnetic) reactions mentioned above. These nuclei collide on
He to produce 6 Li through the endothermic reactions 3 H + 4 He → 6 Li + n - 4.78
MeV and 3 He + 4 He → 6 Li + p - 4.02 MeV. For projectiles with energy ∼ 10 MeV,
the cross sections for these reactions are 107 times larger than the cross section
of the 4 He + D → 6 Li + γ standard 6 Li production mechanism. This opens the
possibility for a much larger amount of 6 Li than previously anticipated and could
explain the observations of the star HD84937. Conversely, 6 Li is a sensitive probe
of DM annihilation. The cross section for WIMPs annihilating into q q̄ pairs is con-
strained 6 to be smaller than 8 × 10−25 cm3 s−1 (mχ /100 GeV)2 – where mχ is the
WIMP mass – under the penalty of yielding a 6 Li/7 Li ratio in excess of 0.1.

3. Cosmic Microwave Background Constraints

Recombination of the primordial plasma takes place at a redshift z ' 1090. The elec-
tron fraction drops at a level of 10−4 and the intergalactic medium (IGM) becomes
neutral. Residual WIMP annihilation taking place at that time can perturb the ion-
ization history of the IGM and leave visible imprints on the CMB. Measurements
of the CMB temperature and polarization angular power spectra set constraints
on the energy deposited in the IGM just after recombination, thereby probing DM
annihilation occuring during that epoch.
WIMPs annihilate to a wide range of particles. However, the heating and ioniza-
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Dark Matter Annihilation in the Universe 5

tion of the IGM result mainly from the injection of electrons, positrons and photons
which trigger electromagnetic showers and eventually thermalize with the ambient
medium. As shown in 7, the cooling of photons injected at a redshift z = 1000
proceeds through various reactions. As the photon energy increases, the dominant
mechanisms are photoionization of IGM atoms, Compton scattering off electrons,
pair production on the H/He gas, photon-photon scattering and pair production on
the CMB. All these processes have timescales much smaller than the Hubble time
so that thermalization effectively occurs.
The CMB constraints on possible modifications of the IGM ionization history
after recombination translate 8,7 into an upper limit of ∼ 4 × 10−25 cm3 s−1
(mχ /100 GeV) on the cross section of WIMPs annihilating into electromagnetic
species. This value compares to the BBN bound mentioned previously in the case
of a pure q q̄ channel. Notice that most of the WIMP models which account for the
cosmic ray positron excess discussed in the next section are about to be ruled out
by this CMB limit. The Planck satellite will soon be able to set a more stringent
bound and could exclude all these models.

4. Indirect Signatures of Dark Matter Species

Should WIMPs pervade the halo of the Milky Way, their mutual annihilations would
yield several indirect signatures. Although DM annihilation proceeds now at a very
small pace, it may nevertheless lead to the production of high-energy photons and of
rare antimatter particles such as antiprotons p̄, positrons e+ or even antideuterons
D̄ through the reaction

χ + χ → q + q̄ , W + + W − , . . . → p̄, D̄, e+ γ & ν . (3)

Antimatter species are already manufactured by conventional astrophysical pro-

cesses. The dominant mechanism is the spallation of primary cosmic ray (CR) pro-
tons and helium nuclei on the gas of the galactic plane. Positrons could also be
accelerated by nearby highly-magnetized neutron stars called pulsars. The messen-
gers of DM annihilation would generate distortions in the signals detected at the
Earth or would appear in the γ-ray sky as hot spots with no optical counterpart –
see the review 9 for more details.
Background antiprotons are produced inside the Galactic disk by the collisions
undergone by primary CR nuclei on H/He . Because they are not directly injected
in the interstellar medium (ISM) but are sourced by primary CR species, these
astrophysical antiprotons are dubbed secondaries. In addition to this conventional
mechanism, a primary component can be directly produced by DM annihilation all
over the Galaxy. Irrespective of the production mechanism, antiprotons propagate
inside the magnetic fields of the Milky Way like any charged CR particle. Their
transport may be modeled as a diffusion process taking place inside a confinement
domain called the magnetic halo. The value of the diffusion coefficient, its depen-
dence on the CR rigidity and the strength of the convective wind that blows the
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6 P. Salati

Fig. 1. The yellow band features the expected antiproton background for the full range of
diffusion parameters allowed by the B/C ratio. A heavy WIMP is also considered. This DM
species is almost a pure Wino and its annihilation cross section is significantly enhanced today
by non-perturbative, binding energy effects. The corresponding primary (long dashed) and total
(solid) fluxes have been derived for a NFW halo profile and for the set of diffusion parameters that
best fits the B/C ratio. For illustration, a global boost factor of 2 has also been included in the
signal. The antiproton flux is compared to several measurements, whereas the expected statistical
error after 3 years of data sampling by AMS-02 is indicated.

particles away from the disk are unknown parameters which can be constrained from
the typical secondary-to-primary B/C ratio. Although these constraints are far from
being stringent, the flux of background antiprotons is fairly well determined 10 as
featured by the yellow band of Fig. 1. Boron nuclei and secondary antiprotons are
produced within the disk from primaries interacting with the ISM. The similarity
of the production mechanisms translates into a tight relation between the B/C and
p̄/p ratios, hence a good precision on the antiproton background. This is not the
case for antiprotons produced by DM annihilation. This process takes place all over
the Galaxy and is not confined in its disk. The corresponding flux depends sensi-
tively on the thickness of the CR magnetic halo and is subject to an uncertainty
which can reach two orders of magnitude. The DM halo profile is also unknown but
the resulting error amounts to a factor ∼ 2 once the DM density ρ in the solar
neighborhood is fixed.
The announcement of a positron excess by the PAMELA collaboration 11 in
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Dark Matter Annihilation in the Universe 7

2008 has triggered a lot of excitement. This excess was actually considered as the
first hint of the presence of WIMPs in the Milky Way halo. Five years later, the dust
has settled down and most of the initial hope has faded away. As is clear from the
AMS-02 measurements 12 , the anomaly extends up to 300 GeV and points towards a
massive species, in good agreement with theoretical expectations. Remember that if
WIMPs are thermally produced during the Big Bang, their relic abundance matches
the Planck value 4 of Ωχ ' 0.27 provided that their annihilation cross section, at
the time of decoupling, is equal to < σan v >∼ 3 × 10−26 cm3 s−1 . Moreover, high-
energy positrons cannot diffuse on long distances, and those detected at the Earth
must have been produced locally, hence a DM density of ρ = 0.3 GeV cm−3 .
Baring in mind these benchmark values, one finds that the signal at the Earth
is way too small to account for the observed excess. For a WIMP mass mχ of
1 TeV, the positron production rate needs to be enhanced by a factor of ∼ 103 to
match the measurements. Another difficulty lies in the absence of an antiproton
excess. DM particles cannot couple to quarks under the penalty of overproducing
antiprotons 13,14 . Therefore, besides an abnormally large annihilation rate today,
WIMPs should preferentially annihilate into charged leptons, a feature which is
unusual in supersymmetry. The positron excess is presumably produced by nearby

5. Dark Matter Annihilation and Stellar Evolution

DM particles could play a role in stellar evolution. They may be captured by the
stars which they happen to cross as they wander in the Galaxy. WIMPs have a non-
vanishing chance to collide on a nucleus inside stellar interiors and to lose enough
energy to become gravitationally bound. A population of DM species builds up as
time passes on and concentrates at the stellar cores. Because WIMPs interact weakly
with their surroundings, they can transport heat on large distances with a better
efficiency than radiative diffusion. The central temperature gradient is lowered. This
scenario has actually been proposed 15 in 1985 to solve the solar neutrino puzzle.
But DM annihilation is a counteracting process that limits the growth of the WIMP
density. Once taken into account, the WIMP explanation of the solar neutrino puzzle
is no longer tenable.
In 1989, the focus was on DM annihilation inside stars. If DM haloes form from
an initial spherical configuration, they collapse into a central spike where the WIMP
density can be extremely large. This could be the case at the Galactic center. A
star floating in this environment would capture WIMPs at such a pace that DM
annihilation inside the object would provide enough energy to perturb the stellar
evolution. As shown in 16, main sequence stars would become red giants and would
be shifted in the H-R diagram towards the Hayashi track. But these effects occur for
large WIMP capture rates and require a WIMP-nucleus scattering cross section of
order 1 picobarn. Direct detection experiments have set very stringent upper limits
on that cross section and the scenario faded away.
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8 P. Salati

The idea that WIMPs can significantly alter stellar evolution was revived in
2007. During the dark age, at a redshift z between 10 and 50, DM is much denser
than today, especially at the centers of DM proto-haloes. These substructures act
as potential wells inside which baryons collapse as soon as molecular hydrogen
becomes sufficiently abundant to allow efficient gas cooling. The first generation of
stars, i.e., the so-called population III, starts shining. The scenario proposed by 17
is based on the backreaction of the collapsing gas cloud on the surrounding DM
distribution. Adiabatic contraction drags WIMPs inwards as the gas concentrates
and heats up. Eventually, a dark star is born powered by the annihilation of the
DM species which it contains. The object is much cooler and more extended than
standard Pop III stars. The surface temperature does not exceed 2 × 104 K, hence
a very weak UV emission. The surrounding gas is not ionized and can cool down,
thereby falling on the dark star which it feeds with more gas and more WIMPs.
The stellar mass increases up to ∼ 800 M or even beyond 18 . Eventually, DM
annihilation is no longer able to power the star which contracts into a very massive
object powered by nuclear fusion. Its mass is so large that it may end its life as a
hypernova. Dark stars could be detected in the infrared with the James Webb space
telescope pointing through the central regions of foreground galaxy clusters acting
as gravitational lenses.

P.S. would like to thank the organizers of the WAG 2013 meeting for their warm
hospitality and the friendly and inspiring atmosphere of the conference. This work
has been supported by Institut universitaire de France.

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Dark Matter Annihilation in the Universe 9

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