Road Pavement Crack
Road Pavement Crack
Road Pavement Crack
To cite this article: Cheng Chen, Hyungjoon Seo, Chang Hyun Jun & Y. Zhao (2022)
Pavement crack detection and classification based on fusion feature of LBP and
PCA with SVM, International Journal of Pavement Engineering, 23:9, 3274-3283, DOI:
Pavement crack detection and classification based on fusion feature of LBP and PCA
with SVM
Cheng Chena, Hyungjoon Seo b
, Chang Hyun Junc and Y. Zhaoa
Civil Engineering department, Xi’an Jiao tong-Liverpool University, Suzhou, People’s Republic of China; bDepartment of Civil Engineering and
Industrial Design, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, UK; cDepartment of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Chung-Ang University, Seoul,
South Korea
However, this method can lose detailed information of the analysis and the SVM for detection of microcracks using dis-
crack and the calculating time is long. tributed optical fibre sensors.
Since the pavement crack has clear edge characteristics, the Since the interference of complex noise in the actual
image segmentation method based on edge detection is environment of road pavement is always a major factor limit-
widely used for pavement crack detection. Yan et al. (2007) ing the accuracy of pavement crack detection, the studies of
convolved the pavement crack image by designing the pavement crack detection algorithms conducted so far,
multi-directional Sobel operator, taking the maximum whether based on pixel segmentation or sub-block recognition
response value as the edge point, and then segmenting and algorithms, are the development trend of multifunctional
extracting the crack target. The algorithm is simple to automatic detection technology. In this paper, an automatic
implement and has a low edge-miss detection rate, but it crack detection system for road pavement was proposed
has the disadvantages of generating an false edge due to the through the video and GPS (Global Position System) data
influence of noise, difficulty in determining the segmentation obtained from the driving test. The acquired video data is con-
threshold, and unstable detection effect. The traditional edge verted into each frame to be used as input data for the pro-
detection method only extracts local edges according to the posed LBP-PCA-SVM operator. The LBP operator is used to
variation of grayscale between pixels but it is also difficult calculate the histogram to extract the features of image, and
to detect the edges with weak contrast. Tanaka and Uematsu then PCA is used to reduce the dimension of histogram.
(1998) applied morphology methods to detect pavement SVM is applied to construct a crack recognition and classifi-
cracks and combined morphological corrosion, expansion, cation of crack types. In order to extract the specific infor-
opening and closing operations to extract linear targets mation of crack types, the sub-block method was used to
from pavement crack images. In order to increase the accu- obtain a clearer shape of the crack.
racy of pavement crack detection, this method has the effect
of transforming a road image into that with a strong margin-
2. Data collection
ality by constructing a multi-scale morphological operator,
but the excessive thresholding makes the method less useful. Driving tests were performed on selected route as shown in
Therefore, image analysis methods such as image multi-scale Figure 1(a) to collect video of the pavement. The image data
function and wavelet transform were used for pavement crack were collected from twenty times round trips with a speed of
detection to further enhance the crack target. Subirats et al. 40 km/hour on a Su Tong Li road in Suzhou, China and its
(2007) introduced an image decomposition method based total length was 3.8 km. A sports camera with 4k resolution
on wavelet transform in pavement crack detection. Wavelet was used for collecting the image of pavement surface. The
decomposition and correlation coefficient transformation compact size of the sports camera makes it easy to install,
was performed on the pavement image to strengthen the and it has enough resolution for acquisition. In order to com-
crack edge, and then the crack region was segmented accord- pare the images of pavement, it was necessary to fix the camera
ing to the threshold. Subsequently, the wavelet multi-scale on the vehicle before the experiment. The distance between the
transform and the continuous wavelet transform are used to camera and the pavement is 1 m and the angle of camera has
detect the cracks on the road surface, and a certain effect is 30 ° to the ground and details of apparatus is shown in Figure 1
obtained on the extraction of the fine cracks. (b). A tripod was installed at the back window of the car to
As the research and application of pattern recognition tech- minimise the vibration of camera as shown in Figure 1(c).
nology has been developed, many researchers has attempted to GPS information is also collected by several mobile phones
identify crack targets by extracting local features of road sur- during the driving tests (see Figure 1(d)). In this paper, field
face crack images for learning and training. These methods tests were conducted by using a camera and a mobile phone
generally divide road images into several images for identifi- used in daily life. The purpose of this paper is not to find cracks
cation, which can improve the crack recognition accuracy by with one or two images obtained by highly accurate sensors.
extracting effective classification features and designing a Although the resolution of the camera is relatively lower
reasonable classification model. Cubero-Fernandez et al. than accurate sensors, the objective of the paper is to find a
(2017) improved BP algorithm to accelerate the convergence crack using the proposed analysis method in this paper.
speed of the algorithm. The texture features of pavement Based on this analytical solution, cracks on the pavement
crack sub-blocks are extracted by LBP algorithm, which can can be identified by numerous image data obtained in daily
be an input of the SVM classifier for the recognision. The life. Figure 1(e) shows an example of an image taken in the
revognition of cracks is more effective in the features with field test which is identical to the image taken with a typical
clear crack texture. The method based on sub-block recog- camera.
nition mainly used one or a certain type of features of the
road surface image, and achieves a good recognition effect
3. Proposed method
with less noise interference. However, the single feature recog-
nition method is not able to extract road cracks accurately in Even if the resolution of the image data is not high, this study
the actual working environment due to the influence of illumi- attempts to find cracks by analyzing a large number of image
nation equipment and road noise. Therefore, there have been data by machine learning. A new method for pavement
studies to extract multi-feature information of road crack crack detection based on LBP-PCA-SVM proposed in this
images to improve the robustness of the detection algorithm. paper to find out the crack in each frame of collected video.
Song et al. (2021) propsed the robust principal component Figure 2 shows a simplified flowchart that describes the main
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steps of LBP-PCA-SVM method. After the application runs the location of cracks in the frame. Finally, the output frame
and initialises video, the detection algorithm is first started with overlapping sub-rectangles displays the name and num-
on each acquired frame to detect whether there is a crack, ber of the detected crack category.
until the complete segment video is finally processed. The Figure 3 shows a schematic diagram of the method in this
algorithm processes each frame, converting it from RGB paper. Each frame converted by the collected video is captured
(Red Green Blue) to a grayscale gamut and discarding the features of the frame by the LBP-PCA operator. The fea-
unnecessary colour components. Then, grayscale frames are tured images are divided into different categories by the SVM
processed by classifiers based on LBP feature at the same classifier, if there is a crack in the image. Then, sliding window
time. When one of the three classifiers detects a crack, it pro- having a 64X64 pixel size will traverse the entire image, and
vides a rectangle that matches the region where the distressed another trained sub-block training set will determine whether
frame was detected. This information is combined with the there is a crack in the sliding window. Through this process,
original RGB frame of the drawn rectangle, which highlights the non-cracked block is deleted from the image. If the classifier
Figure 2. The simplified flow chart of the automatic classification of pavement crack.
is not able to detect crack in the processed frames, the algorithm recognition and crack detection. Therefore, the collected
continues the iteration of the recognition until stops the recog- images need to be normalised in size: the size of all images
nition process. If a crack is detected by the algorithm, the algor- were unified in this article as 512 × 512 pixel size. Traditional
ithm automatically provides the location of the crack by using Algorithm for image size conversion include nearest neigh-
the information from the GPS module. Then, final crack bour interpolation, bilinear interpolation, and cubic convolu-
image data can be saved as JPG format, and the recognition tion interpolation. The deepening of jagged edges can be
result can be obtained which are the name of the identified clearly obseverd in the red box marked on the image after
crack point, number and location of crack, and the date and the method of nearest neighbour interplolation (see Figure 4
time of collected data. (a)). Because the nearest neighbour interpolation is not able
to consider the change of the surrounding image colour, the
image aliasing can be deepened. The degree of aliasing using
3.1. Normalisation of image size bilinear interpolation is much lower than using nearest neigh-
Images of each road in the training set are inconsistent in bour interpolation, but the edges of the colour are still limited
terms of image size. When feature extraction is used for images by the algorithm, resulting in some aliasing (see Figure 4(b)).
of different sizes, it is not able to effectively train the features of The image obtained by the bilinear interpolation algorithm
images, resulting in specific difficulties in subsequent has better edge smoothness than the image obtained by the
nearest neighbour interpolation, and the degree of aliasing is pixel is compared with the adjacent 8 pixels. If the surrounding
also slightly improved. The cubic convolution interpolation pixel value is greater than the value of the centre point, the
has clearer image information (see Figure 4(c)). Overrall, the pixel position is marked as 1, otherwise 0. Thus, an 8-bit binary
neighbourhood interpolation can cause some losses in image number can be generated at 8 points in the 3 × 3 neighbour-
quality, such as producing more visible saw tooth or mosaic hood, and then an integer is obtained by assigning different
blocks in the image. Although the cubic convolution interp- weight values according to the position, and the integer is
olation method can produce a clearer image edge, meanwhile the LBP value of the window. The equation is as follows:
the calculation accuracy is higher, the amount of calculation is
too large. Therefore, this paper adopts the bilinear interp-
LBPgc = s(gi − gc ) · 2i (1)
olation algorithm: the algorithm is improved based on the i=0
nearest neighbour interpolation, and the final result is
obtained after interpolations; first the calculation carried on where, gc is the pixel value of the centre pixel of the window, gi
in the horizontal x-direction, then in the vertical y-direction. is the gray value of the eight connectivity pixels, and s(x) is a
The bilinear interpolation algorithm not only has a small banalisation function, which is defined as follows:
amount of computation but also does not deteriorate the qual-
ity of the normalised image, which is consistent with the 1, x . 0
s(x) = (2)
requirements for image size normalisation. 0, x ≤ 0
pixel is greater than or equal to the central pixel, mark it as LBP pixel value contains more detailed information in the
1, otherwise mark it as 0. As shown in a 3 × 3 sliding win- LBP-processed histogram because the directionality of the
dow, the gray of the center pixel is 77, and the value of bright pixel value among neighboured pixels is contained in
the surrounding is 23 less than 77, and it is recorded as the LBP value. The feature of the LBP-processed histogram
0. If the Bibary code (s(x)) is calculated as 00111000, the can facilitate the subsequent classification process. However,
LBP value is obtained as 28 by the following equation: it is possible that the histogram evaluated over the entire
0 · 20 + 0 · 20 + 0 · 21 + 1 · 22 + 1 · 23 + 1 · 24 + 0 · 25 + 0 · 26 + 0 · 27 . image is not contained information on the overall directional-
Therefore, the LBP value has a value between 0 and 255. If ity of the pixel representing the crack. Therefore, the histo-
this operation is applied to all pixels, LBP values converted gram was reevaluated by applying a sub-block in this paper.
to a decimal value can be obtained. The purpose of this paper is to classify cracks in pavement
Figure 7 shows the comparison between original image and into four categories: transverse crack; longitudinal crack; alli-
image obtained by using the basic LBP feature operator. Based gator crack; and none crack. Therefore, not only the features
on driving test, crack image can be obtained as shown in of the crack can be obtained by the LBP value, but also the
Figure 7(a). When the LBP calculation process is performed direction information of the crack has to be included. In this
as shown in Figure 6, an LBP-processed image is obtained as paper, the LBP-processed image was split into nine windows
shown in Figure 7(b). It can be seen that the contrast of the so that the directionality of the crack could be included in
image after the LBP process becomes more clearly than orig- the LBP histogram (see Figure 9(a)). The histograms of each
inal image. Because the banalisation function can make the block were connected to express the fatures of the crack
features of gray values simpler. Since the features of the image (see Figure 9(b)). Applying sub-blcok can provide a glo-
crack are more clearly expressed in the LBP image, it can bal description of distribution characteristics in the transverse
help to proceed with the subsequent categorisation process. or longitudinal cracks, which is helpful to improve the classifi-
Figure 8 shows the histogram change of the grayscale orig- cation of crack types.
inal image after the LBP process. The original image has a
grayscale ranging from 85 to 135 in the histogram. The grays-
cale representing the background image is intensively distrib- 3.4. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) combined
uted between 110 and 130, and the grayscale representing the with LBP
crack is distributed between 90 and 100 (see Figure 8(a)). Each frame was converted from the video obtained the field
However, intensively distributed grayscale values can be test, and it is required to reduce the analysis time in order to
shifted in the histogram due to the effect of the image contrast analyze a large number of images. Principal component analy-
and shadow effect. It means that the grayscale value is not a sis (PCA) method can reduce the dimensionality of high-
determined by the relationship between pixels. This value is dimensional data, which can save a lot of time for the analysis
an absolute value obtained according to the circumstance of within an acceptable information loss. The PCA method
the site, so that the histogram can be changed due to the makes the data set easier to use and effectively removes
image contrast. However, LBP pixel values are calculated by image noise as well. PCA is one of the multivariate analysis
considering the correlation with neighboured pixels in the techniques (Wold et al. 1987) and then Fukunaga and Koontz
LBP operation and hence features can be extracted regardless (1970) has revised the method several times. The main techni-
of the contrast of the image as shown in Figure 8(b). The cal core of PCA is to represent high-dimensional sample data
3280 C. CHEN ET AL.
Figure 8. Comparison of histograms between original image and LBP processed image.
into low-dimensional data by linear transformation on the the dimension of the feature space that determines the size
basis of original data so that their dispersion in low-dimen- of data. The training set has C kinds of images in total, and
sional data is maximised, which makes it easier to classify each class has M images ji1, j2, . . . ., jiM, where each
and to display images. The essence of PCA is to find the best image is a two-dimensional array with an intensity value can
projection direction, which represents the original data be converted into a vector of m by n pixels. The training set
under the condition of least mean square. PCA can reduce is defined by X sample = [ji1 , ji2 , . . . ., jCM ], then the
covariance matrix is defined as: find the maximum interval between classes and ensure accu-
racy. The feature of a crack is described by LBP operator so
1 N
that the crack recognition is a nonlinear classification model.
F= XX T (3)
N s=1 In this classifier, the input data is in a high dimensional feature
space, and the data cannot be separated. A nonlinear mapping
where, X = [ji1 − j, ji2 − j, . . . ., jCM − j], which represents function, is used for efficient computation of inner products to
1 C MC
map a single vector to a vector of higher dimensionality. Com-
the all the training data, and j = jij is the mean
N i=1 J=1 mon kernel functions include linear, polynomial, RBF and sig-
image of the training set. Then, the eigenvalues and eigenvec- moid. Changes in the form and parameters of kernel functions
tors are calculated from the covariance matrix. Let P = (p1, p2 implicitly change the mapping from the input space to the fea-
… , pr) (r < N) is r normalised eigenvectors corresponding to r ture space, then affect the characteristics of the feature space,
maximum eigenvalues. Each r eigenvector is called an Eigen and ultimately change the performance of various kernel func-
image. Now, each image of the training set is projected into tion methods (Zhang et al. 2020). RBF kernel function is
the feature space to obtain its corresponding feature Yk, applied in this paper.
which is defined as:
Yk = Pt jk, k = 1, 2, .., N (4) 4. System performance evaluation
where, jk is the average subtractive image k of X. PCA extracts In order to verify the effectiveness of the SVM classification
the global grayscale features of the whole image. The global algorithm based on the LBP operator with PCA as a classifi-
features are useful and important. But the global nature of cation of pavement crack, an accuracy analysis was performed.
the fractures is environmentally sensitive. We already selected The results of applying and not applying sub-block was also
some local functions to help global functions solve this pro- compared to verify the effect of sub-block on classification
blem. Therefore, this paper introduces the local binary mode by SVM. In this analysis, 100 images for each crack type
(LBP) for local feature extraction. As shown in Figure 10, were randomly selected from image collected by the driving
the LBP-processed image is converted by PCA-processed test for the training. 400 hundred images of different crack
image without significant information loss. Unlike the LBP- type were used for the testing. The computation of the algor-
processed image in which the pixel values show a large differ- ithm was performed by Matlab 2017b software. Table 1
ence from the neighboured pixels and the dots are ruthlessly shows the average accuracy of the SVM clacification using
stamped on the image, it can be seen that the values of the adja- sub-blocks in the LBP operator, 91.91%, which is about 6.6%
cent pixels are neutralised each other in the image converted higher than the method using only LBP. The SVM classifi-
by PCA. cation using sub-blocks in the LBP operator has higher recog-
nition accuracy in all cases of cracks. In the case of the alligator
crack, the shape of the alligator crack within the sub-block is
still similar to that of the image without the sub-block applied.
3.5. Support vector machine
Therefore, in the case of alligator cracks, accuracies of both the
In order to categorise the crack types in this paper, a machine SVM methods with and without sub-block have higher than
learning algorithm as a statistical learning theory, Support 95%. However, in the case of transverse and longitudinal
Vector Machine (SVM), was applied. The main function of cracks, recognition accuracy is higher than 10% in the SVM
SVM is to find out a hyperplane to meet the requirement of method to which the sub-block is applied. Therefore, the
categorisation (Luo et al. 2013). The support vector tries to LBP image to which the sub-block is applied has higher
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calculated as follows:
Accuracy = (7)
TP + FP + TN + FN
Figure 11. Predition of performance of proposed method.
Precision and recall have a trade-off relationship. If the pre-
cision is increased, the recall is decreased. Depending on which
accuracy than the method of analyzing through the whole of these two numbers is priority, you should lower or increase
image because information about the direction of the crack one number.
is contained in each divided sub-block. Depending on which of these two values is assigned to the
In order to evaluate the performance of the proposed priority, one should be lowered or higher. In order to find the
method against the most advanced methods, the performance balance between the precision and the recall, F-measure was
analysis in terms of precision, recall, accuracy and F measure proposed, which is a classification evaluation value considered
for each classifier was performed. These indicators are based both precision and recall (Powers 2011). F-measure can be cal-
on the true positive (TP) which represents the correct decision culated by following equation:
of the classifier when a positive sample is detected, true nega-
tive (TN) which represents the correct decision of the classifier Precision × Recall
Fmeasure = 2 × (8)
in the presence of negative samples; false positive (FP) is the Precision + Recall
negative sample marked as positive; and false negative (FN) In order to evaluate the performance of the proposed
occurs when a positive sample is rejected by the classifier method, 1000 crack images in jpg format are manually col-
(Figure 11). lected to create a set of positive samples and a set of negative
Precision is the estimated probability that a sample ran- samples. Then, three test sets containing 1000 images can be
domly selected from the pool of retrieved samples is relevant defined as follows: 30% of the images are negative samples;
and recall is the estimated probability that a sample randomly 20% of the images are positive for training; and 50% of the
selected from the pool of relevant samples is retrieved (Cakir images are new positive samples. Samples of training and test-
et al. 2019). Precision can be seen as a measure of quality, ing used in this analysis were frame images from video. These
and recall as a measure of quantity. Higher precision means test sets are then used to evaluate the performance of each clas-
that an algorithm returns more relevant results than irrelevant sifier. Table 2 shows the performance of the three classifiers in
samples, and high recall means that an algorithm returns most terms of accuracy, recall, and F-Measure. In the precision, the
of the relevant results whether or not irrelevant ones are also transverse crack classifier has the highest performance as
returned. Precision is calculated as follows: 0.7581, and the alligator cracks classifier has the highest per-
formance as 0.7696 in the recall. The F-Measure, which con-
Precision = (5) sidered both the precision and the recall of alligator cracks
TP + FP classifier was the highest at 0.7601, and that of the longitudinal
cracks classifier was the lowest at 0.7413. Therefore, the alliga-
Recall index allows to measure the classifier’s ability to recover
tor cracks classifier maintains highest balance between the pre-
the maximum number of relevant samples:
cision and the recall and hence crack detection performance is
TP higher than others.
Recall = (6)
5. Conclusions and future work
The accuracy measure allows to evaluate the accuracy of the
classifier by calculating the ratio between the true (positive and The crack detection is critical to the rapid and intelligent main-
negative) results and the total number of checked samples. It is tenance of infrastructures. It is required to detect cracks in
Table 2. Performance of the three developed classifiers in terms of precision, recall and F-measure.
Transverse cracks classifier Longitudinal cracks classifier Alligator cracks classifier
Precision 0.7581 0.7473 0.7508
Accuracy 0.7056 0.711 0.7020
Recall 0.7564 0.7354 0.7696
F-measure 0.7572 0.7413 0.7601