Kui Soner
Kui Soner
Kui Soner
Research Article
Investigating the Relationship between Knowledge and
Hepatotoxic Effects with Medication Adherence of TB Patients in
Banyumas Regency, Indonesia
Received 26 March 2022; Revised 10 August 2022; Accepted 16 August 2022; Published 30 August 2022
Copyright © 2022 Dyah A. Perwitasari et al. 'is is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution
License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is
properly cited.
Tuberculosis (TB) still remains the burden in Indonesia. One of the factors that may influence the treatment success of TB is
patient’s adherence. However, the hepatotoxicity of the TB medicine may decrease the patient’s adherence. Our study’s aim is to
investigate the relationship between the patient’s knowledge and the hepatotoxicity with medication adherence of TB patients in
Banyumas Regency. 'is study was conducted at one Community Lung Health Center and two hospitals in Banyumas Regency,
Purwokerto, Center of Java, Indonesia. 'e respondents were 91 TB patients with hepatotoxicity characterized by an increased
aspartate transaminase (AST) and alanine aminotransferase (ALT). 'e level of the patients’ knowledge about the hepatotoxicity
effect was determined using a questionnaire. 'e patients’ adherence was determined using the Medication Adherence Rating
Scale -5 (MARS) questionnaire and pill count methods. Most of the patients were male (53.8%), the age was in the range of
18–29 years old (3.5%), they have no smoking history (59.3%), and their last education majorly was senior high school (46.2%).
Most TB patients had poor knowledge (47.3%) and the hepatotoxic effect often appeared in grade 1 (61.5%). 'e TB patients with a
good and moderate level of knowledge were 17.6% and 35.2%, respectively. 'e TB patients with moderate and severe hepa-
totoxicity were 39.4% and 1.1%, respectively. 'e measurement of the level of respondents’ adherence using MARS-5 showed that
51.6% of patients had good adherence. We determined the rest of the drug-using pill count method, which resulted in 62.6% of
patients adhering to taking antituberculosis drugs. TB patients with a sufficient knowledge and those with mild hepatotoxicity
show the higher adherence (p < 0.001). 'ere is a significant relationship between a high level of the patient’s knowledge about
hepatotoxicity effect, less severity of the hepatotoxic effect, and increased patient adherence in taking the medication.
1. Introduction Indonesia, with West Java, East Java, and Central Java, as
the areas with the highest number of cases, having 99,398,
Tuberculosis (TB) is still a major problem worldwide, with 56,445, and 67,063 cases, respectively [2]. Indonesia was in
around 10 million people suffering from it globally in 2018. the third rank of the highest TB burden countries in the
About 44% of cases occur in Southeast Asia, with Indonesia world, with the incidence reached 8.4%, after India (26%)
(8%) ranking third behind India (27%) and China (9%) [1]. and China (8.5%) [3]. 'e TB death case in Indonesia was
In 2019, there were an estimated 543,874 cases of TB in 15.186 in 2021 and the estimation on TB cases was 824.000
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2 International Journal of Clinical Practice
[4]. Meaning while, the new cases of TB in center of Java in 'e study’s inclusion criteria were pulmonary TB adults’
2020 reach 118 per 100.000 population [5]. patients currently undergoing treatment, over 15 years,
'e presence of hepatotoxic side effects and the lack of willing to be a respondent, had high AST and ALT exami-
knowledge on TB and its treatment can cause worsening of nation results, and living in the city, rural and urban area of
the disease since it affects patient’s adherence. Patients with a Purwokerto.
high level of knowledge are more likely to adhere to Meanwhile, the exclusion criteria included new patients,
treatment than those without it [6]. Some factors may affect that died, did not answer the questionnaire, stopped
the adherence of TB patients, like structural factors, personal treatment, or were referred to other hospitals, and TB pa-
factors, social factors, and health services factors. Side effects, tients with complications such as gout, diabetes mellitus,
directly observed treatment short course (DOTs) availability, liver disorders, and HIV.
and duration of treatment are parts of the structural factors. We did not define the study sample size, due to the
Personal factors include poverty and gender, and stigma is pandemic situation. During the pandemic situation, the
part of the social factor. 'e other patients’ factors, such as number of TB patients who visited the healthcare centers
knowledge and attitude, also may influence patients’ in- was decrease; thus, we recruited the all patients visited the
teractions with health services [7,8]. Some interventions to healthcare centers. Figure 1 presents the flowchart of sub-
increase adherence to TB patients include education, jects’ recruitment.
counseling, psychological intervention, reminders, and
tracers [9]. Since 2018, the World Health Organization
2.2. Instruments. 'e patient’s knowledge and adherence
published a handbook to increase the TB patients’ adherence
were obtained through direct interviews with respondents
to the medication. 'e handbook explained about digital
using knowledge and adherence questionnaires. 'e
technologies which will be used to support the medication
knowledge questionnaire contains 21 questions consisting of
adherence [10]. In Indonesia, the TOSS Program (“Temukan
13 questions regarding TB treatment and 8 questions about
dan Obati Sampai Sembuh TBC”: Find and treat the TB
oral antituberculosis side effects. 'e questions in the
patients) has been launched since 2019 to increase the TB
questionnaire were favorable and we categorized the patient’
patients’ adherence in taking the medicine [11].
level of knowledge into poor, moderate, and high, based on
Meanwhile, hepatotoxic side effects in TB patients are
the right answer. 'e proportion of right answer more than
usually caused by using antituberculosis drugs, which can
lead to patients discontinuing treatment since a high severity 80%, 60%–79%, and below 50% were categorized into high,
of the adverse effects of oral antituberculosis will lead to moderate, and poor, respectively. Meanwhile, the adherence
questionnaire used the medication adherence rating scale
decreased adherence to taking the medication [12]. 'e
(MARS), which consisted of 5 questions with a frequency
newest study conducted in Ethiopia also showed that the
scale of 1 to 5 (always, often, sometimes, rarely, and never)
hepatotoxicity caused by antituberculosis reached 7.9%, with
and the calculation of the remaining medication (pill count).
a predictive diagnosis of extrapulmonary TB, having
comorbid and old age [13]. 'e incidence of hepatotoxicity
in Indonesia resulting from the use of antituberculosis drugs 2.3. Data Analysis. Statistical analysis was performed using
is about 50% with early markers, such as increased levels of SPSS 16.0 for Windows (SPSS Inc. Chicago, IL, United
aspartate amino transaminase/glutamate oxaloacetate States). 'e statistical analysis in this study was performed
transaminase (AST/GOT) and/or alanine amino transferase/ using univariate and bivariate analyses. 'e characteristic
glutamate pyruvate transaminase (ALT/GPT) [14]. data are presented in the table. 'e relationship between the
Factors that can lead to a rise in TB must be prevented so level of knowledge, hepatotoxicity, and patient adherence
that cases can be decreased. 'erefore, this study investigates was assessed using the chi-square statistical test. 'e p values
the relationship between the patient’s level of knowledge and less than 0.05 were considered to indicate a statistical
the hepatotoxic effect with medication adherence of TB significance.
patients in the Banyumas Regency, Purwokerto.
3. Results
2. Materials and Methods In general, our study finds significant relationships between
patients’ knowledge and hepatotoxic effect with adherence.
2.1. Study Design. 'is research used observational analysis TB patients with higher knowledge have better adherence
with a cross-sectional approach on patients with pulmonary and TB patients with mild hepatotoxic effects are related to
TB who met the inclusion and exclusion criteria at the higher adherence.
Community Lung Health Center and two hospitals in 'e study subjects included 162 respondents. Of the total
Banyumas Regency, Purwokerto, between August population, 11 were unwilling to be respondents and 35 were
2020–January 2021. Banyumas is a rural area, with most of patients with complications. 'erefore, only 91 respondents
the population work as the farmers. Most of the area of this met the inclusion criteria.
regency are plantation and rice fields. 'e new cases of TB in A total of 91 TB patients met the inclusion criteria and
this area was 178 per 100.000 population, compared to the were in the final analysis. Most of them were male (53.8%),
new cases of Indonesia, which was 300 per 100.000 pop- aged around 18–29 years (38.5%), and bodyweight of
ulation [4,15]. 38–54 kg (57.1%). In this study, most TB patients had no
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International Journal of Clinical Practice 3
Exclusion criteria (n=71)
Died (2), developed advanced stage (2), no longer
taking medicine (6), drop out (13), disease 10
complication (35), missed (2), not willing to be
respondent (11) 0
Elementary school
Junior high school
Senior high school
Inclusion criteria (n=91)
4. Discussion
Our study finds the significant association between RH
knowledge-adherence and hepatotoxicity effect-adherence. RHZE
'e TB patients in our study did not have any comorbidities
Figure 4: Proportion of antituberculosis. RH: rifampicin and
which can cause the hepatotoxicity effect during the TB
isoniazid; RHZE: rifampicin, isoniazid, pyrazinamide, and
treatment. 'e previous studies found that some charac- ethambutol.
teristic factors were not related to the hepatotoxic effect. 'e
age, gender alcohol intake, and body mass index (BMI) did
not have any relationship with hepatotoxic effects [17,18]. society; therefore, men have better health than women.
Another study explained that women might be at risk for TB Based on the facts in developing countries, most low-income
because a patriarchal culture is common in Indonesian families are exposed to smoke from firewood or biogas,
ijclp, 2022, 1, Downloaded from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1155/2022/4044530 by Nat Prov Indonesia, Wiley Online Library on [21/06/2024]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
4 International Journal of Clinical Practice
Proportion of Knowledge Level malnutrition can impact immune system deterioration and
100 make the affected people’s immune systems more suscep-
80 tible to TB infection than healthy people’s immune systems
60 [18,23]. TB is often interconnected with poverty, malnu-
40 trition, hygiene, overcrowding, and lack of knowledge [20].
20 Nausea and vomiting are the symptoms of hepatotoxic ef-
0 fects. TB patients who experienced these symptoms may
High Moderate Poor
experience the loss of appetite, then may influence the
Figure 5: Proportion of the subjects’ knowledge level. number of nutrition needed [24,25]. 'e previous study
mentioned that nausea/vomiting was highly prevalent then
may cause the non-adherence of dietary counseling [24].
Proportion of Hepatotoxicity Grade A systematic review and meta-analysis about interven-
100 tions provided to the TB patients to increase their adherence
80 showed that patient education and counseling was one of the
60 interventions needed [9]. 'us, the level of education may
40 influence patients’ knowledge and attitude during TB
20 treatment. 'e previous study in Karachi also found that the
0 educated patients were more helpful in changing their
Mild Moderate Severe
lifestyle, including their awareness in preventing the spread
Figure 6: Proportion of the subjects’ hepatotoxicity grade. of the disease. 'e more literate patients, the more effort to
improve their health [26]. A survey conducted to the
Proportion of Adherence community in Pakistan showed that people with higher
education had more concern about the prevalence and
80 threats of the disease [19].
60 Cigarette smoke plays a role in the pathogenesis of TB.
For smokers, nicotine will activate the nicotinic receptor and
40 will reduce the production of TNF-α. 'is mechanism leads
20 to a decrease in protection and causes more susceptibility to
TB [27]. 'ere was a prediction that between 2010 and 2050,
Adherence Inadherence the new cases of TB were caused by smoking history. It is
also predicted that smoking will increase the number of TB-
MARS Score related death. Both active and passive smokers were asso-
Pill Count
ciated with the risk of TB. 'e history of parental smoking is
Figure 7: Proportion of subjects’ adherence based on MARS and also associated with respiratory infection in children. 'us,
pill count. the education for active smokers that they can cause harm to
their environment, especially related to TB, must be con-
which is burned as fuel, causing an increase in the incidence ducted [28].
of TB in poor women in developing countries [18]. Fur- Treatment of TB can be divided into two phases: the
thermore, because many poor women live in homes with intense phase, which lasts two months, and the continuation
poor lighting and ventilation, the risk of being infected with phase, which lasts four to seven months. Two studies pre-
TB bacteria is higher [18]. In a particular community, males sented that hepatotoxicity can be found during the initial
were more aware of TB than females [19]. phase [12,29]. However, a study reported that hepatotoxicity
TB is more at risk of being transmitted in the productive occurred after the 12 weeks of treatment initiation with the
age group (15–55 years) because at this age, humans are addition of pyrazinamide [30].
physically and biologically mature and are in dense activity Our study results are also in line with the previous
and do more activities outside the home such as working and studies, which presented that better knowledge about TB is
socializing [20]. Our study findings align with the previous related to the patients’ adherence [31,32]. 'e previous
studies, which also found that most TB patients were in qualitative study in Jepara, Indonesia, also stated that
productive age [21,22]. 'erefore, they often forget to visit knowledge about disease and treatment; also, the healthcare
for treatment and take medication regularly. According to facilities influenced the patients adherence [33]. 'e TB
another study, TB is also a disease that can attack all ages, patients who experienced mild hepatotoxicity had a sig-
both adults and productive ages. It can happen because the nificant association with the good adherence; however, TB
level of activity and work at that age can make it easy to get patients who experienced mild and severe hepatotoxicity
infected by other TB sufferers [21]. had significant association with low adherence. 'e side
TB patients usually have low body weight or are thin effects experienced by TB patients could influence their
(38–54 kg) and often malnutrition [20]. It will aggravate the adherence. 'e long duration of treatment may cause ad-
infectious disease, making nutritional status the major cause verse event that greatly influence the adherence. 'e un-
of treatment failure in TB patients. Furthermore, malnu- pleasant effect may cause fear for the patients; then, they will
trition and TB are two interconnected problems in which stop the treatment [32,34]. 'us, education about the side
ijclp, 2022, 1, Downloaded from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1155/2022/4044530 by Nat Prov Indonesia, Wiley Online Library on [21/06/2024]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
International Journal of Clinical Practice 5
Table 1: Relationship between knowledge level and hepatotoxic effect with patient adherence.
Total (91) p Value
Low (%) High (%)
Knowledge level
High (>75%) 2 (12.5%) 14 (87.5%) 16
Moderate (60-74%) 6 (18.8%) 26 (81.2%) 32 <0.001
Poor (<60%) 36 (83.7%) 7 (16.3%) 43
Hepatotoxic Effect
Grade 1 (Mild) (AST/ALT 51–125 U/L) 13 (23.3%) 43 (76.8%) 56
Grade 2 (Moderate) (AST/ALT 126–250 U/L) 30 (88.2%) 4 (11.8%) 34 <0.001
Grade 3 (Severe) (AST/ALT 251–500 U/L) 1 (100%) 0 (0%) 1
effects and treatment of the side effects will increase patients’ the data base for tuberculosis in Indonesia; thus, we need to
adherence. Even though the patients’ adherence is good in secure the data.
some studies, health education is still needed to eliminate
factors that may influence the adherence and treatment Conflicts of Interest
success rate. Other factors, like the cost of transportation,
lack of awareness, and distance, also have to be considered in 'e authors declare that there are no conflicts of interest
increasing the patients’ adherence [35,36]. 'is study finding regarding the publication of this paper.
will support the government to provide additional care for
TB patients, which include the education and side effect Acknowledgments
during the TB treatment.
We present the association between knowledge level, 'e authors thank KEMENRISTEK/BRIN for the research
hepatotoxicity effect, and the patient’s adherence as the grant with contract Number 011/SKP.TJ.PD/LPPM/IV/
strength of this study. 'e limited sample size became the 2021. 'is study was supported by the research grant from
limitation of our study because we conducted our study in a KEMENRISTEK/BRIN (Contract number: 011/SKP.TJ.PD/
pandemic situation. During the pandemic, TB patients also LPPM/IV/2021).
felt insecure about visiting the hospitals. We did not involve
the role of the social workers in this study, because we want
Supplementary Materials
to define the patients’ knowledge and adherence, which are
correlated with the hepatotoxicity effect. 'e supplementary data are questionnaire form and the data
sheet of this study. (Supplementary Materials)
5. Conclusions
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