Yoga and Fitness
Yoga and Fitness
Yoga and Fitness
Unit -I Introduction:
Meaning and Definition of Yoga. Astanga Yoga: Yama, Niyama, Aasna, Pranayama, Prathyahara ,
Dharana, Dhyana, Samadhi
Unit -II Asanas and Pranayama:
Loosening Exercise: Technique and benefits. Asanas: Types-technique and benefits. Pranayama:
Types-technique and benefits. Pranayama: Types-technique and benefits.
Unit -III Surya Namaskar:
Surya Namaskar: methods and benefits. Effect of Yoga on Physiological system: Circulatory,
Skeletal, Digestive, Nervous, Respiratory, Excretory system.
Unit -IV Physical Fitness:
Meaning and Definition of Physical fitness. Physical fitness concept and techniques. Principles of
Physical fitness. Physiological principles involved in human movement. Components of Physical
fitness, components total health, fitness and relationship between physical activity and lifelong
Reference Books:
1. Iyenger, B.K.S (2000), Light on Yoga, New Delhi: Harper Collins Publishers.
2. Karbelkar, N.V. (1993), Patanjal Yogasutra Bhashya (Marathi Edition) Amravati: Hanuman Vyayam Prasarak Mandal.
3. Kuvalyananada Swami & S. L. Vinekar, (1963), Yogic Therapy – Basic Principles and Methods, New Delhi: Govt. of India,
Central Health Education and Bureau.
4. Swami Satyanand Saraswati (1989), asana Pranayama Mudra Bandh, Munger: Bihar school of Yoga.
5. Swami Satyanand Saraswati (1984), Kundalini and Tantra, Bihar: Yoga Publication Trust.
6. Swami Sivananda (1971), The Science of Pranayama, Chennai: A divine life Society publication, Thirumalai.
7. Kumar S. & Indira S., (2011), Yoga in your Life, Chennai: The Parkar Publication.
8. Tiwari O.P. (1998), Asanas-Why and How, Lonavala: Kaivalyadham Ronghe Prafulla.
9. Mishra Rambhushan (2022), Yoga & Fitness.
1. This course can be opted as an elective by the students of All subjects: Open for all