Strings Excercise 2
Strings Excercise 2
Strings Excercise 2
Hamburg Summer School – Particles, Strings & Cosmology
Dr. Emanuel Malek
Exercise Sheet 2
where σ ± = τ ± σ.
(a) Show, using the mode expansion (1.1), that the center of mass position
Z 2π
xµ0 = dσ X µ , (1.2)
2π 0
is, at τ = 0, given by
xµ0 = xµ . (1.3)
(b) The conserved charge associated to spacetime translations on the worldsheet is given by
Pµα = −T − det gg αβ ∂β Xµ . (1.4)
Show, using the mode expansion (1.1), that in flat gauge the conserved charge associated to
spacetime translations, Z 2π
Pµ ≡ dσ Pµτ , (1.5)
is given by
Pµ = pµ . (1.6)
(c) The conserved charge associated to spacetime Lorentz transformations on the worldsheet is
given by
Jµν = Xµ Pνα − Xν Pµα . (1.7)
Show, using the mode expansion (1.1), that in flat gauge the conserved charge associated to
spacetime Lorentz transformations,
Z 2π
Jµν ≡ dσ Jµν , (1.8)
is given by
J µν = lµν + E µν + Ẽ µν , (1.9)
lµν = xµ pν − xν pµ ,
X1 µ (1.10)
E µν = −i α−n αnν − α−n
αnµ ,
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Strings Hamburg Summer School – Particles, Strings & Cosmology
Exercise Sheet 2 Dr. Emanuel Malek
2 In this question, you will consider closed string theory with the usual boundary conditions
for the first 25 coordinates
but modified boundary condition for the 26th coordinate. In each case, write down the mode
expansion for X 25 , the mass-shell and level-matching conditions.
(a) Consider a string winding w times around a circle of radius R in the 25th direction, i.e.
with w ∈ Z and R a constant. Interpret the terms depending on w in the mass formula.
Hint: What condition should you impose on the momentum p25 ?
Note: the orbifold corresponds to identifying the x25 spacetime direction as x25 ∼ −x25 .
3 Consider an open string, with σ ∈ [0, π] now. Since, locally, closed and open strings are the
same, we describe the open string dynamics by the same Polyakov action as the closed string.
1 p
S=− 0
d2 σ − det gg αβ ∂α X µ ∂η X ν ηµν
4πα Σ
Z σ=π Z ∞ p (3.1)
1 αβ µ ν
=− dσ dτ − det gg ∂ α X ∂ η X η µν ,
4πα0 σ=0 −∞
(a) Show that, in flat gauge, the variational principle requires the following boundary conditions
for the endpoints:
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Strings Hamburg Summer School – Particles, Strings & Cosmology
Exercise Sheet 2 Dr. Emanuel Malek
Show that the Neumann and Dirichlet boundary conditions imply that
Note that for both boundary conditions, we only have one set of oscillators!
M2 = − . (4.2)
(b) show that at level 1, the open string contains states with mass
M2 = 1 − . (4.3)
How do these states transform under Lorentz transformations on the brane, i.e. Lorentz trans-
formations in the directions X a , a = 0, . . . , p, and the rotation symmetry transverse to the
brane, i.e. rotations of the directions X I , a = p + 1, . . . , D − 1?
(c) Argue that for open strings, the states at level 1 are only compatible with Lorentz symmetry
in space-time, if D = 26. Interpret the states at level 0 and level 1.
X µ → Λµ ν X ν + C µ . (5.2)
(a) Show that the Noether current for the global translation, generated by C µ in (5.2), is given
by p
Pµα = −T − det g g αβ ∂β Xµ , (5.3)
and that this is conserved
∇α Pµα = 0 , (5.4)
where ∇ is the worldsheet connection compatible with the worldsheet metric gαβ .
(b) Show that the Noether current for the global Lorentz transformations, generated by Λµ ν in
(5.2), is given by
Jµν = Xµ Pνα − Xν Pµα , (5.5)
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Strings Hamburg Summer School – Particles, Strings & Cosmology
Exercise Sheet 2 Dr. Emanuel Malek
∇α Pµα = ∂α Pµα = 0 ,
α α
∇α Jµν = ∂α Jµν = 0,
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